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Kayona Campbell

January 23, 2022

History Homework 1 Term 2

Imagine you are living in Trinidad in the 1960s and 1970s and have experienced changes in
the oil industry. Examine the impact of the development of the industry on:

(a) Occupations>more jobs and they good great pay/increase wages

(b) Women

(c) Standard of living

In the 1800s two geologists, Walls and Sawkins conducted a survey in Trinidad which

would eventually lead to the huge development of the oil industry there. Later in 1857 an

American company drilled one of the first successful oil wells in the world in Trinidad. This

paved the way for the impact that the development of the oil industry would have on

Trinidad. As an individual living in the 1970s I have experienced and witnessed the changes

in the oil industry.

One impact of the development of the oil industry on Trinidad was the increase in

occupation/job availability for both locals and foreigners and the better job environment.

The government of Trinidad practiced ‘Industrialization by Invitation’ which encouraged

more oil related companies to be built by foreign investors. This increase in companies

positively impacted the occupation/job availability in Trinidad as an increase in businesses

meant employees were needed. Well testers, drilling engineers, drivers, etc. were in high

demand. The citizens of Trinidad benefitted from this demand. They received jobs related to

the oil industry. Other industries benefited from the oil industry and jobs in these industries

were in high demand as well. Locals started selling products from oil such as detergents,

fertilizers and insect repellants. In fact, I have a friend who built a business selling

detergents. However, locals were not the only individuals who benefited from job
opportunities. There was a massive influx of foreigners coming to Trinidad in search of jobs.

There was an increase in immigrants coming for employment opportunities. Individuals from

other Caribbean countries and the USA migrated to Trinidad near oil wells in order to receive

work. Furthermore, there was also an increase in wages for jobs in the oil industry. As more

profits were made, the wages in the petroleum industry rose as business owners were now

able to pay their workers more and this would encourage workers to stay in their jobs.

Training was now being offered for these occupations which ensured that the employees

were knowledgeable of their responsibilities.

Another impact of the development of the oil industry on Trinidad was the positive impact

made on women. There was movement of women and their families to the oil producing

areas, e.g. Point Fortin, as there was the availability of jobs for females. These jobs included

maids, accountants, secretaries, etc. Modern towns grew from these oil producing areas.

Homes, educational facilities, hospitals, banks, etc. were built. Women were now getting

jobs as teachers, nurses and clerks in schools, hospitals and banks. They also enjoyed

improvement in standards of living as a result of these job opportunities. There were

training programs available to them to build certain skills. There were even scholarships

available for their children based on their occupation. Because of structured employment,

women became a part of trade unions and political activities and now had individuals who

represented them. Women became involved in many clubs, societies and sports. The oil

industry even financed sports and so women and girls were able to participate in CARIFTA


The development of the oil industry in Trinidad also improved the standard of living for

many. As more and more oil was being refined for export, Trinidad’s GDP(gross domestic

product) benefitted. Revenue from the petroleum sector increased and the country started

earning more money from the oil boom. Many nationals of Trinidad became wealthy. This

meant that individuals started buying items they could not previously afford and enjoyed
newfound luxury. However, government officials and company owners were not the only

ones benefiting from the improved standards of living. Regular citizens also experienced

improved standards of living as more jobs related to the oil industry became available. The

boom in the oil market meant that individuals were needed and so citizens benefited from

earnings. Greater job creation and major foreign exchange earnings meant that more money

was available for investment in social services. The government was able to use the

earnings from the oil production to improve social services such as healthcare, education,

etc. This meant the quality of these services increased leading to an improved standard of

living. Utilities such as water and electricity were improved. The increase in earnings also led

to more citizens donating to charity organizations which led to the less fortunate benefitting

from the improved standards of living as well.

These impacts and more resulted from the development of the oil industry in Trinidad.

From Walls and Sawkins to Randolph Rust to large multinational companies, the industry

has come a long way and has changed the lives of many locals and foreigners. From

undeveloped communities to well-developed communities with various amenities, from little

job availability to influx of foreigners looking for jobs, from poor standards of living to

improved standards of living, the industry has paved the way for the current Trinidad today.

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