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MARCH 18, 2021


(a) Identify FOUR factors which determined ranking within the pyramid 4mks

=Colour, Occupation, length of time since manumission and wealth were four factors that determined
ranking within the pyramid.

(b) Describe THREE qualities which might determine the social ranking of an enslaved woman or man
in the eyes of other enslaved persons

=One quality that might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of other
enslaved persons is the level of skill they have. Skilled enslaved Africans such as carpenters and masons
were looked upon by the enslaved Africans who worked in the field. These Africans were looked upon
by others because they would not be required to work in the sun in the field for long hours toiling and
caring for the cane. They would have buildings and workshops in which they worked on their assigned
tasks. Sometimes, they would even have an apprentice boy working allong with them and learning the
trade. The domestic workers would be looked upon by enslaved Africans in the field because they would
normally be located in the Great House closer to the planter’s family and not required to stay in the
scorching sun.

=Another quality that might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of other
enslaved persons was age. The older African women were highly regarded and looked upon by the
younger generation. They would be knowledgeable of their ancestors and roots and would pass on this
important information to the younger generation. These elders are looked upon as family nurses,
educators, midwives and faith champions for the younger individuals. They would also be
knowledgeable in the practice of Obeah. As such, these traits helped them to be respected by their
fellow Africans.

=Another quality that might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of other
enslaved persons was their quality of leadership and reputation of individual’s dealing with the planter.
Enslaved Africans who were chosen by their masters as head slaves and supervisors were respected by
their fellow Africans. How the individual is treated by the master was taken into conside ration. If the
enslaved was favoured by his master, then he would be highly regarded by other enslaved Africans. This
is because other enslaved Africans would believe this individual is more capable of doing the tasks
assigned and as such were favoured by the planter and in turn admired by their fellow Africans.
(c ) Describe THREE qualities which might determine the social ranking of an enslaved woman or man
in the eyes of the master.

=One quality which might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of the master
was the individual’s skill. Masters valued the skilled enslaved higher than unskilled enslaved. The skilled
enslaved was seen as valuable with regards to competence. These enslaved Africans were normally in
demand among different estates with the master sometimes hiring out his labour and less likely to
punish him considering that it was harder to compel an unwilling skilled enslaved into doing good work.

=Another quality which might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of the
master was their age. Planters preferred enslaved Africans who were between the ages of 16-40. This is
because they were normally able-bodied and fix and were seen as most suitable for doing the tasks
required in producing sugar. Planters did not favour older enslaved as they believed that they would
slow down the production process resulting in less profits.

=Another quality which might determine the social ranking of an enslaved person in the eyes of the
master was their sex. As the planation economy got dominant, the demand for enslaved Africans got
higher and males were in the majority among enslaved Africans. The planters favoured them as they
were seen as more able-bodied and fitter to withstand the pressure of the production process of sugar.
The planters believed that they helped the production process to go faster and were the ones that
normally did the “back-breaking” tasks. These tasks were very important in the making of sugar and as
such these males were favoured and viewed as most suitable.

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