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Important Arithmetic Questions for CAT

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

Consider the set S = {2, 3, 4, ...., 2n+1}, where n is a positive integer larger than 2007. Define X as the average of the odd integers in S and Y
as the average of the even integers in S. What is the value of X - Y ?

A 0

B 1

C (1/2)*n

D (n+1)/2n

E 2008

Answer: B

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The odd numbers in the set are 3, 5, 7, ...2n+1

Sum of the odd numbers = 3+5+7+...+(2n+1) = n2 + 2n

Average of odd numbers = n2 + 2n/n = n+2

Sum of even numbers = 2 + 4 + 6 + ... + 2n = 2(1+2+3+...+n) = 2*n*(n+1)/2 = n(n+1)

Average of even numbers = n(n+1)/n = n+1

So, difference between the averages of even and odd numbers = 1

Question 2

Ten years ago, the ages of the members of a joint family of eight people added up to 231 years. Three years later, one member died at the
age of 60 years and a child was born during the same year. After another three years, one more member died, again at 60, and a child was
born during the same year. The current average age of this eight-member joint family is nearest to

[CAT 2007]

A 23 years

B 22 years

C 21 years

D 25 years

E 24 years

Answer: E

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Ten years ago, the total age of the family is 231 years.

Seven years ago, (Just before the death of the first person), the total age of the family would have been 231+8*3 = 231+24 = 255.
This is because, in 3 years, every person in the family would have aged by 3 years,
Total change in age = 231+24 = 255

After the death of one member, the total age is 255-60 = 195 years.

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Since a child takes birth in the same year, the number of members remain the same i.e. (7+1) = 8

Four years ago, (i.e. 6 years after start date) one of the member of age 60 dies,
therefore, total age of the family is 195+24-60 = 159 years.

Since a child takes birth in the same year, the number of members remain the same i.e. (7+1) = 8

After 4 more years, the current total age of the family is = 8x4 + 159 = 191 years

The average age is 191/8 = 23.875 years = 24 years (approx)

Since the number of members is always the same throughout
The 2 older members dropped their age by 60
So, after 10yrs, total age = 231 + 8*10 - 2*60 = 191
Average age = 191/8 = 23.875 ≃ 24

Question 3

Let A and B be two solid spheres such that the surface area of B is 300% higher than the surface area of A. The volume of A is found to be
k% lower than the volume of B. The value of k must be

[CAT 2003 leaked]

A 85.5

B 92.5

C 90.5

D 87.5

Answer: D

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Surface area of sphere A (of radius a) is 4π ∗ a 2
Surface area of sphere B (of radius b) is 4π ∗ b2
=> 4π ∗ a 2 /4π ∗ b2 = 1/4 => a:b = 1:2
Their volumes would be in the ratio 1:8
Therefore, k = 7/8 * 100% = 87.5%

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Question 4

At the end of year 1998, Shepard bought nine dozen goats. Henceforth, every year he added p% of the goats at the beginning of the year
and sold q% of the goats at the end of the year where p > 0 and q > 0. If Shepard had nine dozen goats at the end of year 2002, after
making the sales for that year, which of the following is true?

[CAT 2003 leaked]

A p=q

B p<q

C p>q

D p = q/2

Answer: C

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By the end of the year 2002, Shepard bought 4 times and sold 4 times. He is left with the initial number of goats that he had in 1998. If the
percentage of goats bought is equal to or lesser than the percentage of goats sold, then there would be a net decrease in the total number of
goats. For the number of goats to remain the same, p has to be greater than q, because p% is being calculated in a lesser number and q% is
being calculated on a greater number. Hence, p > q.

Question 5

A milkman mixes 20 litres of water with 80 litres of milk. After selling one-fourth of this mixture, he adds water to replenish the quantity
that he had sold. What is the current proportion of water to milk?

[CAT 2004]

A 2:3

B 1:2

C 1:3

D 3:4

Answer: A

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After selling 1/4th of the mixture, the remaining quantity of water is 15 liters and milk is 60 liters. So the milkman would add 25 liters of
water to the mixture. The total amount of water now is 40 liters and milk is 60 liters. Therefore, the required ratio is 2:3.

Question 6

A student took five papers in an examination, where the full marks were the same for each paper. His marks in these papers were in the
proportion of 6 : 7 : 8 : 9 : 10. In all papers together, the candidate obtained 60% of the total marks. Then the number of papers in which he
got more than 50% marks is

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

Answer: C

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Let the marks in the five papers be 6k, 7k, 8k, 9k and 10k respectively.
So, the total marks in all the 5 papers put together is 40k. This is equal to 60% of the total maximum marks. So, the total maximum marks is
5/3 * 40k
So, the maximum marks in each paper is 5/3 * 40k / 5 = 40k/3 = 13.33k
50% of the maximum marks is 6.67k
So, the number of papers in which the student scored more than 50% is 4

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Question 7

A college has raised 75% of the amount it needs for a new building by receiving an average donation of Rs. 600 from the people already
solicited. The people already solicited represent 60% of the people the college will ask for donations. If the college is to raise exactly the
amount needed for the new building, what should be the average donation from the remaining people to be solicited?

A Rs. 300

B Rs. 250

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Rs. 400

D 500

Answer: A

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Let there be total 100 people whom the college will ask for donation. Out of these 60 people have already given average donation of 600 Rs.
Thus total amount generated by 60 people is 36000. This is 75% of total amount required . so the amount remaining is 12000 which should
be generated from remaining 40 people. So average amount needed is 12000/40 = 300

Question 8

Three classes X, Y and Z take an algebra test.

The average score in class X is 83.

The average score in class Y is 76.

The average score in class Z is 85.

The average score of all students in classes X and Y together is 79.

The average score of all students in classes Y and Z together is 81.

What is the average for all the three classes?

A 81

B 81.5

C 82

D 84.5

Answer: B

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Let x , y and z be no. of students in class X, Y ,Z respectively.

From 1st condition we have

83*x+76*y = 79*x+79*y which give 4x = 3y.

Next we have 76*y + 85*z = 81(y+z) which give 4z = 5y .

Now overall average of all the classes can be given as x+y+z

Substitute the relations in above equation we get,

x+y+z = (83*3/4 + 76 + 85*5/4)/(3/4 + 1 + 5/4) = 978/12 = 81.5

Question 9

Fresh grapes contain 90% water by weight while dried grapes contain 20% water by weight and the remaining proportion being pulp. What
is the weight of dry grapes available from 20 kg of fresh grapes?

A 2 kg

B 2.4 kg

C 2.5 kg

D None of these

Answer: C

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Fresh grapes contain 90% water so water in 20kg of fresh pulp = (90/100)x20= 18kg.

In 20kg fresh grapes, the weight of water is 18kg and the weight of pulp is 2kg.

The concept that we apply in this question is that the weight of pulp will remain the same in both dry and fresh grapes. If this grape is dried,
the water content will change but pulp content will remain the same.

Suppose the weight of the dry grapes be D.

80% of the weight of dry grapes = weight of the pulp = 2 kg

(80/100) x D =2 kg.

D = 2.5 kg

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Question 10

Consider a sequence of seven consecutive integers. The average of the first five integers is n. The average of all the seven integers is:

[CAT 2000]

A n

B n+1

C kn, where k is a function of n

D n+(2/7)

Answer: B

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The first five numbers could be n-2, n-1, n, n+1, n+2. The next two number would then be, n+3 and n+4, in which case, the average of all the 7
numbers would be 7 = n+1

Question 11

A shipping clerk has five boxes of different but unknown weights each weighing less than 100 kgs. The clerk weighs the boxes in pairs.
The weights obtained are 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120 and 121 kgs. What is the weight, in kgs, of the heaviest box?

A 60
B 62

C 64

D cannot be determined

Answer: B

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Let the individual weights be a,b,c,d,e in increasing order such that e is max and a is min. Adding all the addition of weight together we get 4*
(a+b+c+d+e) = 1156 so a+b+c+d+e = 289 . Out of these a+b will be lowest sum and d+e will be the max . so a+b=110 and d+e=121 so we get
value of c as 58 . now c have the 3rd highest weight so addition of c and e must give the second largest total i.e 120 . hence e = 120-58 = 62

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Question 12

Flights A and B are scheduled from an airport within the next one hour. All the booked passengers of the two flights are waiting in the
boarding hall after check-in. The hall has a seating capacity of 200, out of which 10% remained vacant. 40% of the waiting passengers are
ladies. When boarding announcement came, passengers of flight A left the hall and boarded the flight. Seating capacity of each flight is
two-third of the passengers who waited in the waiting hall for both the flights put together. Half the passengers who boarded flight A are
women. After boarding for flight A, 60% of the waiting hall seats became empty. For every twenty of those who are still waiting in the hall
for flight B, there is one air hostess in flight A. What is the ratio of empty seats in flight B to the number of air hostesses in flight A?

A 10 : 1

B 5:1

C 20 : 1

D 1:1

Answer: A

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Out of 200 of the seating capacity, 180 seats are filled out of which 108 are males and 72 are females. Remaining 20 seats are vacant.
According to given condition seating capacity in both the planes is 120 . Considering flight A - we can find that 100 passenger in waiting hall
will be taking fight A . So 80 people remain in in the waiting hall who will be taking flight B . Now for every 20 people taking flight B we have a
air hostess in flight A . So in total there are 4 air hostess in flight A. Flight B having 120 as seating capacity, 40 remain vacant. So required
ratio 40:4 = 10:1 .

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Question 13

Amol was asked to calculate the arithmetic mean of 10 positive integers, each of which had 2 digits. By mistake, he interchanged the 2
digits, say a and b, in one of these 10 integers. As a result, his answer for the arithmetic mean was 1.8 more than what it should have been.
Then |b - a| equals

A 1

B 2

C 3

D None of these

Answer: B

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Let the actual average be n. So, the new average is n + 1.8
Actual total = 10n
New total = 10n + 18

Let the number which was miswritten = ab(a is the tenth's digit and b is the units digit) = 10a+b

and reversed number ba = 10b+a

So, 10b + a - (10a + b) = 18

=> 9(b-a) = 18
=> b-a = 2

Question 14

If equal numbers of people are born on each day, find the approximate percentage of the people whose birthday will fall on 29th February.
If we are to consider people born in 20th century (1901-2000) and assuming no deaths.

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A 0.374

B 0.5732

C 0.0664

D None of these

Answer: D

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Assume one person is born every day. In 100 years, there will be 25 leap years. So 25*1 additional people will be born on these days.

So, total people born will be = 365 × 100 × 1 + 25 × 1

And people born on 29th february = 25 × 1
Hence percentage will be = 365×100×1+25×1 × 100 = 0.0684

Question 15

The last time Rahul bought Diwali cards, he found that the four types of cards that he liked were priced Rs.2.00, Rs.3.50, Rs.4.50 and
Rs.5.00 each. As Rahul wanted 30 cards, he took five each of two kinds and ten each of the other two, putting down the exact number of
10 rupees notes on the counter payment. How many notes did Rahul give?

A 8

B 9

C 10

D 11

Answer: D

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According to question Rahul put exact number of 10 rs. notes, hence total price will be a multiple of 10.
And Rahul wants 30 cards, where he took 5 each of two kind and 10 each of other two kind.
So summation of (price of one type card multiplied by number of that type of card) should be a multiple of 10.
By looking at the prices of cards and to make the sum a multiple of 10, we can say that two 5 cards were of rs. 3.5 and 4.5
and two 10 cards were of prices 2 rs.and 5 rs each respectively.
Hence total sum will be 5 × (3.5+4.5) + 10 × (2+5) = 110
So rahul gave 11 notes of 10 rs.

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Question 16

Two liquids A and B are in the ratio 5 : 1 in container 1 and 1 : 3 in container 2. In what ratio should the contents of the two containers be
mixed so as to obtain a mixture of A and B in the ratio 1 : 1?

A 2:3

B 4:3

C 3:2

D 3:4

Answer: D

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Fraction of A in contained 1 = 6
Fraction of A in contained 2 = 4

Let the ratio of liquid required from containers 1 and 2 be x:1-x

5 1 1
x( 6 ) + (1-x)( 4 ) = 2
7x 1
12 = 4
=> x = 7

=> Ratio = 3:4


There are 60 students in a class. These students are divided into three groups A, B and C of 15, 20 and 25 students each. The groups A and
C are combined to form group D.

Question 17

What is the average weight of the students in group D?

A More than the average weight of A

B More than the average weight of C

C Less than the average weight of C

D Cannot be determined

Answer: D

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As data regarding weights of people is not given, hence we can't determine the avg. weight of people in group D

Question 18

If one student from group A is shifted to group B, which of the following will be true?

A The average weight of both groups increases

B The average weight of both the groups decreases

C The average weight of the class remains the same

D Cannot be determined

Answer: C

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As data regarding weights is not available, hence we can't say about the increment or decrement in group A an B
But avg. weight for overall class will remain same as no student went out or came inside to make any changes in total weight or total number
of students.

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Question 19

If all the students of the class have the same weight, then which of the following is false?

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A The average weight of all the four groups is the same

B The total weight of A and C is twice the total weight of B

C The average weight of D is greater than the average weight of A

The average weight of all the groups remains the same even if a number of students are shifted from one group to

Answer: C

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Except option C, all are correct because if everyone has same weight than avg. weight of all groups remain same.
So avg. weight of D will be equal to avg. weight of A.

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 20

A student gets an aggregate of 60% marks in five subjects in the ratio 10 : 9 : 8 : 7 : 6. If the passing marks are 50% of the maximum marks
and each subject has the same maximum marks, in how many subjects did he pass the examination?

A 2

B 3

C 4

D 5

Answer: C

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Let's say he scored marks as 10x, 9x, 8x, 7x, 6x or total of 40x which is 60% of total maximum marks(T).
T ×60
100 = 40x
So T (total maximum marks)= 6

T 80x
Or Individual max. marks = 5 = 6

Passing marks =50% of individual max. marks = 6 = 6.66x

Hence he scored more than passing marks in four subjects as 10x, 9x, 8x and 7x

and failed in one subject as scoring 6x marks which is less than passing marks of 6.66x


Directions for the following two questions: Cities A and B are in different time zones. A is located 3000 km east of B. The table below
describes the schedule of an airline operating non-stop flights between A and B. All the times indicated are local and on the same day.

Assume that planes cruise at the same speed in both directions. However, the effective speed is influenced by a steady wind blowing from
east to west. It reduces or increases the speed of plane by 50 km per hour depending on direction of flight.

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Question 21

What is the time difference between A and B?

A 1 hour and 30 minutes

B 2 hours

C 2 hours and 30 minutes

D 1 hour

E Cannot be determined

Answer: D

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Let the speed of the plane be p Kmph.
So the speed of plane from A to B will be 'p+50' and the speed from B to A will be 'p-50'.
We notice that the plane goes from B to A stays there for 1 hr and again come back to B with total time duration 12 hrs.
3000 3000
So we have p−50 + 1 + p+50 = 12.
We can clearly see that speed of the plane is 550 which satisfies the above equation.
So for the journey of B to A, the plane takes 550−50 = 6 hrs.
So time at B when plane reaches at A is 2 pm .
Hence the time difference between A and B is 1 hr.

Let speed of flight be s,
Since A is to the east of B, A is ahead of be in time
Let A be ahead of B in time by a hours
Departure from A = 4PM, Arrival at B = 8PM
Travel time = 8 - 4 +a = 4 + a
Since City B is behind city A by 'a' hours, the actual travel time is 'a' hours more than the difference of local times.
Similarly when one travels from B to A, since B is ahead of A by 'a' hrs, actual travel time is 'a' hours less than total
i.e. B->A Travel time = (3PM - 8AM) - a = 7 -a
Total distance travelled = Speed × Time taken ....(1)
From A to B, the wind is favourable / in same direction as flight
Hence from (1), we have
A->B >>> 3000 = (s + 50)(4 + a) => 3000(7 − a) = (s + 50)(4 + a)(7 − a) ...(2)
B->A >>> 3000 = (s − 50)(7 − a) => 3000(4 + a) = (s − 50)(7 − a)(4 + a) ...(3)
(2) - (3) => 3000(3 − 2a) = 100(7 − a)(4 + a) => a 2 − 63a + 62 = 0 => a = 1/62
Hence the time difference between A and B is 1 hr.

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Question 22

What is the plane’s cruising speed in km per hour?

A 700

B 550

C 600

D 500

E Cannot be determined.

Answer: B

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Let the speed of the plane be p Kmph.

So the speed of plane from A to B will be 'p+50' and the speed from B to A will be 'p-50'.

We notice that the plane goes from B to A stays there for 1 hr and again come back to B with total time duration 12 hrs.
3000 3000
So we have p−50 + 1 + p+50 = 12.

On substituting the options, we can clearly see that speed of the plane is 550 which satisfies the above equation.

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 23

Rahim plans to drive from city A to station C, at the speed of 70 km per hour, to catch a train arriving there from B. He must reach C at
least 15 minutes before the arrival of the train. The train leaves B, located 500 km south of A, at 8:00 am and travels at a speed of 50 km
per hour. It is known that C is located between west and northwest of B, with BC at 60° to AB. Also, C is located between south and
southwest of A with AC at 30° to AB. The latest time by which Rahim must leave A and still catch the train is closest to

A 6 : 15 am

B 6 : 30 am

C 6 :45 am

D 7 : 00 am

E 7 : 15 am

Answer: B

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According to given conditions angle between AC and AB is 30 degrees and between AB and BC is 60 degrees. So the triangle formed is a 30-
60-90 triangle.

So, total time taken by train is 5 hrs, hence the train reaches at 1 pm. Accordingly, Rahim has to reach C fifteen minutes before i.e. at 12:45

Time taken by Rahim to travel by car is around 6.2 hrs. So, the latest time by which Rahim must leave A and still be able to catch the train is
6:30 am.


DIRECTIONS for the following three questions: Answer the questions on the basis of the information given below.

A city has two perfectly circular and concentric ring roads, the outer ring road (OR) being twice as long as the inner ring road (IR). There are
also four (straight line) chord roads from E1, the east end point of OR to N2, the north end point of IR; from N1, the north end point of OR to
W2, the west end point of IR; from W1, the west end point of OR, to S2, the south end point of IR; and from S1 the south end point of OR to E2,
the east end point of IR. Traffic moves at a constant speed of 30π km/hr on the OR road, 20 π km/hr on the IR road, and 15 5 km/hr on all
the chord roads.

Question 24

The ratio of the sum of the lengths of all chord roads to the length of the outer ring road is

A 5:2

B 5 : 2π

C 5:π

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None of the above.

Answer: C

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Let the radius of outer circle be 2R and the centre of both the circles be O.

Triangle ON2 E1 and all the other 3 similar triangles form a right angle at the centre.

Let the radius of the inner ring road be R

The radius of outer will be 2R as the circumference of the outer ring road is double that of the inner ring road.

So, in triangle ON2 E1 using Pythagoras theorem the value of chords come out to be 5 * R so the total length of the chords 4 * 5 * R and
circumference is equal to 2 *Pi*2R. The ratio gives option C.

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Question 25

Amit wants to reach N2 from S1. It would take him 90 minutes if he goes on minor arc S1 - E1 on OR, and then on the chord road E1 - N2.
What is the radius of the outer ring road in kms?

A 60

B 40

C 30

D 20

Answer: C

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We know that the total time taken is 1.5 hrs. Calculating the individual time taken and the adding and then equating to 1.5.

Let R be the radius of the outer-ring road.

π∗R 5 ∗R
2∗30∗π + 2∗15∗ 5 = 1.5 solving we get R=30.

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Question 26

Amit wants to reach E2 from N1 using first the chord N1 - W2 and then the inner ring road. What will be his travel time in minutes on the
basis of information given in the above question?

A 60

B 45.

C 90

D 105

Answer: D

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Let the radii of 2 circles be R and r respectively such that R=2*r. Triangle O $$N_2E_1
\sqrt5∗R/2.Hencethetotaldistancetraveledis\sqrt5$$ * R/2 + 0.5*R*pi. Total time required can be calculated by distance / speed
which comes out to be 3.5*R. Among options only 105 is integral multiple of 3.5.


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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 27

In a 4000 meter race around a circular stadium having a circumference of 1000 meters, the fastest runner and the slowest runner reach
the same point at the end of the 5th minute, for the first time after the start of the race. All the runners have the same starting point and
each runner maintains a uniform speed throughout the race. If the fastest runner runs at twice the speed of the slowest runner, what is the
time taken by the fastest runner to finish the race?

A 20 min

B 15 min

C 10 min

D 5 min

Answer: C

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Let A , B and f,s be the distance traveled and speed of the fastest and the slowest person respectively. Also f=2s so in the given time A=2B.
Since the ration of the speeds is 2:1, they will meet at 2-1 points = 1 pont.

Both meet each other for first time at starting point . let b travel distance equal to 1 circumference i.e. 1000m so A=2000m . Both meet after
5 min so speed of slowest is 1000/5=200m/min . So speed of the fastest is 400m/min. So time taken by A to complete race 4000/400 = 10

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Question 28

Two boats, traveling at 5 and 10 kms per hour, head directly towards each other. They begin at a distance of 20 kms from each other. How
far apart are they (in kms) one minute before they collide.

A 1/12

B 1/6

C 1/4

D 1/3

Answer: C

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The relative speed is 15 km/hr = 15 km/60 min = 0.25 km/min = 250 m/min.
Therefore, one minute before they collide, they are at a distance of 250m.

Question 29

If a man cycles at 10 km/hr, then he arrives at a certain place at 1 p.m. If he cycles at 15 km/hr, he will arrive at the same place at 11 a.m.
At what sped must he cycle to get there at noon?

A 11 km/hr

B 12 km/hr

C 13 km/hr

D 14 km/hr

Answer: B

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Let the distance to be travelled be D.

In the first case, D/10 = t

In the second case, D/15 = t-2

=> D/15 = D/10 - 2

=> 2D = 3D - 60

=> D = 60 km and T = 6 hours

Therefore, to get there at noon, he has to travel at 60/5 = 12 km/hr

Question 30

A sprinter starts running on a circular path of radius r metres. Her average speed (in metres/minute) is π r during the first 30 seconds, π
r/2 during next one minute, π r/4 during next 2 minutes, π r/8 during next 4 minutes, and so on. What is the ratio of the time taken for the
nth round to that for the previous round?

A 4

B 8

C 16

D 32

Answer: C

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Let radius be 1 units and p = 3.14 or π . So circumference is 2 ∗ π.

According to given condition distance covered in first 1/2 mins = π/2 km, distance covered in next 1 min = π/2 km, distance covered in next
2 mins = π/2 km and finally distance covered in next 4 minutes = π/2 km.

Time taken to cover first round = 1/2 + 1 + 2 + 4 = 7.5 minutes.

Now time taken to cover π/2 is in GP.

For the second round the time taken is = 8+16+32+64 = 120

Ratio = 120/7.5 = 16

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Question 31

Karan and Arjun run a 100-meter race, where Karan beats Arjun 10 metres. To do a favour to Arjun, Karan starts 10 metres behind the
starting line in a second 100 metre race. They both run at their earlier speeds. Which of the following is true in connection with the second

A Karan and Arjun reach the finishing line simultaneously.

B Arjun beats Karan by 1 metre

C Arjun beats Karan by 11 metres.

D Karan beats Arjun by 1 metre.

Answer: D

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The speeds of Karan and Arjun are in the ratio 10:9. Let the speeds be 10s and 9s.
Time taken by Karan to cover 110 m = 110/10s = 11/s
Time taken by Arjun to cover 100 m = 100/9s = 11.11/s
Therefore, Karan reaches the finish line before Arjun. From the options, the only possible answer is d).

Question 32

Arun, Barun and Kiranmala start from the same place and travel in the same direction at speeds of 30, 40 and 60 km per hour respectively.
Barun starts two hours after Arun. If Barun and Kiranmala overtake Arun at the same instant, how many hours after Arun did Kiranmala

A 3

B 3.5

C 4

D 4.5

E 5
Answer: C

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Let the distance be D.
Time taken by Arun = D/30
Time taken by Barun = D/40
Now, D/40 = D/30 - 2
=> 3D = 4D - 240
=> D = 240
Therefore time taken by Arun to cover 240 km = 240/30 = 8 hr
Time Kiranmala takes to cover 240 km = 240/60 = 4 hr
So, Kiranmala has to start 4 hours after Arun.


Ram and Shyam run a race between points A and B, 5 km apart. Ram starts at 9 a.m. from A at a speed of 5 km/hr, reaches B, and returns to
A at the same speed. Shyam starts at 9:45 a.m. from A at a speed of 10 km/hr, reaches B and comes back to A at the same speed.

Question 33

At what time do Ram and Shyam first meet each other?

A 10 a.m.

B 10:10 a.m.

C 10:20 a.m.

D 10:30 a.m.

Answer: B

 Video Solution

Let the time at which they meet be t minutes past 10.

So, distance run by Ram + distance run by Shyam = 10 km

=> (60+t)5/60 [t+60 because he would have traveled for 9 am to 10 am and t minutes more before meeting Shyam]+ (15+t)*10/60 [15+t
because he would have traveled from 9:45 to 10:00 and t minutes more]= 10

=> 300+5t+150+10t = 600 => t = 10

So, they meet at 10.10 am

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CAT Percentile Predictor
Question 34

At what time does Shyam overtake Ram?

A 10:20 a.m.

B 10:30 a.m.

C 10:40 a.m.

D 10:50 a.m.

Answer: B

 Video Solution

Let the time at which Shyam overtakes Ram be t minutes past 10.
So, distance run by both of them is the same till that moment.
(60+t)5 = (15+t)10 => 300 + 5t = 150 + 10t => 5t = 150 => t = 30 min.
So, at 10.30 am, Shyam overtakes Ram

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 35

A chemical plant has four tanks (A, B, C, and D), each containing 1000 litres of a chemical. The chemical is being pumped from one tank to
another as follows:

From A to B @ 20 litres/minute

From C to A @ 90 litres/minute

From A to D @ 10 litres/minute

From C to D @ 50 litres/minute

From B to C @ 100 litres/minute

From D to B @ 110 litres/minute

Which tank gets emptied first, and how long does it take (in minutes) to get empty after pumping starts?

A A,16.66

B C,20

C D,20

D D,25

Answer: C

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After 1 min the cans will contain following amount of chemicals : A - 1060 B - 1030 C - 970 D - 950

So, we can see that the can D loses 50 ltrs in 1 min which is highest. So the can D will lose 1000 ltrs in 20*1 = 20 mins.

Question 36

A can complete a piece of work in 4 days. B takes double the time taken by A, C takes double that of B, and D takes double that of C to
complete the same task. They are paired in groups of two each. One pair takes two-thirds the time needed by the second pair to complete
the work. Which is the first pair?

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A A and B

B A and C

C B and C

D A and D

Answer: D

 Video Solution

A takes 4 days to complete the work.
So, B takes 8 days to complete the same work.
C takes 16 days to complete the work.
D takes 32 days to complete the same work.

In order to measure, let the total work be of 64 units. Hence, the speed of working of each of the four persons is given below.

A - 16 units/hr
B - 8 units/hr
C - 4 units/hr
D - 2 units/hr

From the given options, we need to find two pairs in such a way that their speeds are in the ratio 3:2. Note that A+D=18 while B+C=12 and the
ratio is 3:2

Hence, the first pair is A and D and the second pair is B and C

Important Verbal Ability Questions for CAT (Download PDF)

Question 37

If 09/12/2001(DD/MM/YYYY) happens to be Sunday, then 09/12/1971 would have been a

A Wednesday

B Tuesday

C Saturday

D Thursday

Answer: D

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30 years. The number of leap years is 8 (1972,1976,1980,1984,1988,1992,1996,2000).

So, the total number of days = 22*365 + 8*366 = 10958

10958 mod 7 = 3

Since 9/12/2001 is a Sunday, 9/12/1971 should be a Thursday.

Question 38

At his usual rowing rate, Rahul can travel 12 miles downstream in a certain river in 6 hr less than it takes him to travel the same distance
upstream. But if he could double his usual rowing rate for this 24 miles round trip, the downstream 12 miles would then take only 1 hr less
than the upstream 12 miles. What is the speed of the current in miles per hour?

A 3

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C 3

D 3

Answer: D

 Video Solution

12/(R − S) = T
12/(R + S) = T − 6
12/(2R − S) = t
12/(2R + S) = t − 1
=> 12/(R − S) − 12/(R + S) = 6 and 12/(2R − S) − 12/(2R + S) = 1
=> 12R + 12S − 12R + 12S = 6R2 − 6S 2 and 24R + 12S − 24R + 12S = 4R2 − S 2
=> 24S = 6R2 − 6S 2 and24S = 4R2 − S 2
=> 6R2 − 6S 2 = 4R2 − S 2
=> 2R2 = 5S 2
=> 24S = 10S 2 − S 2 = 9S 2
=> S = 24/9 = 8/3

Question 39

Shyama and Vyom walk up an escalator (moving stairway). The escalator moves at a constant speed. Shyama takes three steps for every
two of Vyom’s steps. Shyama gets to the top of the escalator after having taken 25 steps, while Vyom (because his slower pace lets the
escalator do a little more of the work) takes only 20 steps to reach the top. If the escalator were turned off, how many steps would they
have to take to walk up?

A 40

B 50

C 60

D 80

Answer: B

 Video Solution

Let the number of steps on the escalator be x.

So, by the time Shyama covered 25 steps, the escalator moved 'x-25' steps.

Hence, the ratio of speeds of Shyama and escalator = 25:(x-25)

Similarly, the ratio of speeds of Vyom and escalator = 20:(x-20)

But the ratio is 3:2

Ratio of speeds of Shyama and Vyom = 25(x-20)/20*(x-25) = 3/2

=> 10(x-20) = 12(x-25)

=> 2x = 100 => x = 50

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Question 40

There’s a lot of work in preparing a birthday dinner. Even after the turkey is in the oven, there’s still the potatoes and gravy, yams, salad,
and cranberries, not to mention setting the table.

Three friends — Asit, Arnold and Afzal — work together to get all of these chores done. The time it takes them to do the work together is 6
hr less than Asit would have taken working alone, 1 hr less than Arnold would have taken alone, and half the time Afzal would have taken
working alone. How long did it take them to do these chores working together?

A 20 min

B 30 min

C 40 min

D 50 min

Answer: C

 Video Solution

Let the time taken working together be t.
Time taken by Arnold = t+1
Time taken by Asit = t+6
Time taken by Afzal = 2t
1 1 1
Work done by each person in one day = (t+1) + (t+6) + 2t
Total portion of workdone in one day = t
1 1 1 1
(t+1) + (t+6) + 2t = t
1 1 2−1
(t+1) + (t+6) = 2t
2t + 7 = 2t
3t2 − 7t + 6 = 0 ⟶ t = 3 or t = −3
Therefore total time = 3 hours = 40mins

1 1 1 1
(t+1) + (t+6) + 2t = t
From the options, if time = 40 min, that is, t = 3
3 3 3 (12+3+15) 30 3
LHS = 5 + 20 + 4 = 20 = 20 = 2
1 3
RHS = t = 2
The equation is satisfied only in case of option C
Hence, C is correct


Directions for the following two questions: Shabnam is considering three alternatives to invest her surplus cash for a week. She wishes to
guarantee maximum returns on her investment. She has three options, each of which can be utilized fully or partially in conjunction with

Option A: Invest in a public sector bank. It promises a return of +0.10%.

Option B: Invest in mutual funds of ABC Ltd. A rise in the stock market will result in a return of +5%, while a fall will entail a return of – 3%.

Option C: Invest in mutual funds of CBA Ltd. A rise in the stock market will result in a return of – 2.5%, while a fall will entail a return of + 2%.

Question 41

The maximum guaranteed return to Shabnam is

A 0.25%

B 0.10%

C 0.20%

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E 0.30%

Answer: C

 Video Solution

Let a, b and c be the percentages of amount invested in options A, B and C respectively => a + b + c = 100

Return attained if there is a rise in the stock market => 0.001a + 0.05b - 0.025c

Return attained if there is a fall in the stock market => 0.001a - 0.03b + 0.02c

Maximum guaranteed return is attained when both are equal because it is indifferent to rise and fall in the market.

0.001a + 0.05b - 0.025c = 0.001a - 0.03b + 0.02c

=> 0.08b = 0.045c => 16b = 9c

Let's put the values for a, b and c that satisfy the above equation.

b = 9, c = 16, a = 75 => return = 0.125

b = 18, c = 32, a = 50 => return = 0.15

b = 27, c = 48, a = 25 => return = 0.175

b = 36, c = 64, a = 0 => return = 0.2

Hence, the maximum guaranteed return is 0.2%

Question 42

What strategy will maximize the guaranteed return to Shabnam?

A 100% in option A

B 36% in option B and 64% in option C

C 64% in option B and 36% in option C

D 1/3 in each of the three options

E 30% in option A, 32% in option B and 38% in option C

Answer: B

 Video Solution

Let a, b and c be the percentages of amount invested in options A, B and C respectively => a + b + c = 100

Return attained if there is a rise in the stock market => 0.001a + 0.05b - 0.025c

Return attained if there is a fall in the stock market => 0.001a - 0.03b + 0.02c

Maximum guaranteed return is attained when both are equal because it is indifferent to rise and fall in the market.

0.001a + 0.05b - 0.025c = 0.001a - 0.03b + 0.02c

=> 0.08b = 0.045c => 16b = 9c

Let's put the values for a, b and c that satisfy the above equation.

b = 9, c = 16, a = 75 => return = 0.125

b = 18, c = 32, a = 50 => return = 0.15

b = 27, c = 48, a = 25 => return = 0.175

b = 36, c = 64, a = 0 => return = 0.2

Hence, the maximum guaranteed return is 0.2% and it is attained when 36% is invested in option B and 64% is invested in option C.

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Directions for the following two questions:

Mr. David manufactures and sells a single product at a fixed price in a niche market. The selling price of each unit is Rs. 30. On the other
hand, the cost, in rupees, of producing x units is 240 + bx + cx2 , where b and c are some constants. Mr. David noticed that doubling the
daily production from 20 to 40 units increases the daily production cost by 66.67%. However, an increase in daily production from 40 to 60
units results in an increase of only 50% in the daily production cost. Assume that demand is unlimited and that Mr. David can sell as much
as he can produce. His objective is to maximize the profit.

Question 43

How many units should Mr. David produce daily?

A 130

B 100

C 70

D 150

E Cannot be determined

Answer: B

 Video Solution

Cost of 20 units = 240+20b+400c

Cost of 40 units = 240+40b+1600c = 5/3 * (240+20b+400c) => 720+120b+4800c = 1200+100b+2000c

=> 480 = 20b + 2800c => 120 = 5b + 700c

Cost of 60 units = 240+60b+3600c = 3/2 (240+40b+1600c) => 480 + 120b + 7200c = 720 + 120b + 4800c

=> 240 = 2400c => c = 1/10 and b = 10

Let the number of items needed for max profit be k

CP = 240 + 10k + k2 /10

SP = 30k

Profit = SP - CP = 30k − 240 − 10k − k2 /10 = 20k − 240 − k2 /10

or Profit = 10 (−k2 + 200k − 2400)
or, Profit = 10 (−(k2 − 200k + 2400))
or, Profit = 10 (−(k2 − 200k + 2400 + 7600 − 7600))
or, Profit = 10 (−(k2 − 200k + 10000) + 7600)
or, Profit = 10 (−(k − 100)2 + 7600)

To maximise the value of Profit, −(k − 100)2 must be 0.

So, k must be equal to 100.

Hence, option B is the correct answer.

Question 44

What is the maximum daily profit, in rupees, that Mr. David can realize from his business?

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A 620

B 920

C 840

D 760

E Cannot be determined

Answer: D

 Video Solution

Cost of 20 units = 240+20b+400c
Cost of 40 units = 240+40b+1600c = 5/3 * (240+20b+400c) => 720+120b+4800c = 1200+100b+2000c
=> 480 = 20b + 2800c => 120 = 5b + 700c
Cost of 60 units = 240+60b+3600c = 3/2 (240+40b+1600c) => 480 + 120b + 7200c = 720 + 120b + 4800c
=> 240 = 2400c => c = 1/10 and b = 10
Let the number of items needed for max profit be k
CP = 240 + 10k + k2 /10
SP = 30k
Profit = SP - CP = 30k − 240 − 10k − k2 /10 = 20k − 240 − k2 /10
Maximum when 20 - k/5 = 0 or k = 100
Profit = 2000 - 240 - 1000 = 760

For the following questions answer them individually

Question 45

Five horses, Red, White, Grey, Black and Spotted participated in a race. As per the rules of the race, the persons betting on the winning
horse get four times the bet amount and those betting on the horse that came in second get thrice the bet amount. Moreover, the bet
amount is returned to those betting on the horse that came in third, and the rest lose the bet amount. Raju bets Rs. 3000, Rs. 2000 and Rs.
1000 on Red, White and Black horses respectively and ends up with no profit and no loss.

Which of the following cannot be true?

A At least two horses finished before Spotted

B Red finished last

C There were three horses between Black and Spotted

D There were three horses between White and Red

E Grey came in second

Answer: D

 Video Solution

In total Raju bets 6000Rs and ends up with no profit - no loss. So there are 3 possibilities.
1) White comes 2nd, Black comes 4th and Red comes 5th.
2) Black comes 1st, White comes 3rd and Red comes 4th or 5th.
3) Black comes 2nd, Red comes 3rd and White comes 4th or 5th.

So there can never be 3 horses between white and red according to above to possibilities. Hence option D cannot be true.

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Question 46

Five horses, Red, White, Grey, Black and Spotted participated in a race. As per the rules of the race, the persons betting on the winning
horse get four times the bet amount and those betting on the horse that came in second get thrice the bet amount. Moreover, the bet
amount is returned to those betting on the horse that came in third, and the rest lose the bet amount. Raju bets Rs. 3000, Rs. 2000 and Rs.
1000 on Red, White and Black horses respectively and ends up with no profit and no loss.

Suppose, in addition, it is known that Grey came in fourth. Then which of the following cannot be true?

A Spotted came in first

B Red finished last

C White came in second

D Black came in second

E There was one horse between Black and White

Answer: C

 Video Solution

There are total 3 cases which satisfies the condition "no profit and no loss."

Case 1: White comes 2nd.(remaining two horses(red/black) come 4th/5th)

Profit from white horse = Final Amount - Initial Amount = 2000*3 - 2000 = 4000

Loss from Red and Black horse = 3000+1000 = 4000

Net profit = 4000-4000 = 0

Case 2: Black, Red come second, third respectively.(remaining one horse(white) comes 4th/5th)

Profit from Black = 1000*3-1000 = 2000

Profit from Red = 3000 - 3000 = 0

Loss from white = 2000

Net profit = 2000-2000 = 0

Case 3: black, white come first, third respectively.(remaining one horse(red) comes 4th/5th)

Profit from Black = 1000*4-1000 = 3000

Profit from White = 2000 - 2000 = 0

Loss from Red = 3000

Net Profit = 3000-3000=0

And it is mentioned that grey case 4th. ==> case 1 is wrong.(because, in that case red, black should come 4th,5th)

So option C cannot be true.

Question 47

Two men X and Y started working for a certain company at similar jobs on January 1, 1950. X asked for an initial monthly salary of Rs. 300
with an annual increment of Rs. 30. Y asked for an initial monthly salary of Rs. 200 with a rise of Rs. 15 every 6 months. Assume that the
arrangements remained unaltered till December 31, 1959. Salary is paid on the last day of the month. What is the total amount paid to them
as salary during the period?

A Rs. 93,300

B Rs. 93,200

C Rs. 93,100

D None of these
Answer: A

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January 1, 1950 to December 31, 1959 is a period of 10 years or 20 half years.
The person X after 1st year gets Rs. 300 in next year he gets Rs. 330 and so on.
So his earning is in AP with 10 300+330+360+...

Similarly earning of Y is in AP with 20 terms 200+215+230+245.... .

So, the total earnings of X equals 12*(300+330+....10 terms) = 52200

The total earnings of Y equals 6*(200+215+230+...20 terms) = 41100

So, the total earnings of the two equals 52200+41100 = 93300

Question 48

The owner of an art shop conducts his business in the following manner: every once in a while he raises his prices by X%, then a while later
he reduces all the new prices by X%. After one such updown cycle, the price of a painting decreased by Rs. 441. After a second up-down
cycle the painting was sold for Rs. 1,944.81. What was the original price of the painting?

A Rs. 2,756.25

B Rs. 2,256.25

C Rs. 2,500

D Rs. 2,000

Answer: A

 Video Solution

Let the price of the painting be P
One cycle of price increase and decrease reduces the price by x2 /100 ∗ P = 441
Let the new price be N => P − x2 /100 ∗ P = N
Price after the second cycle = N − x2 /100 ∗ N = 1944.81
=> (P − x2 /100 ∗ P )(1 − x2 /100) = 1944.81
=> (P − 441)(1 − 441/P ) = 1944.81
=> P − 441 − 441 + 4412 /P = 1944.81
=> P 2 − (882 + 1944.81)P + 4412 = 0
=> P 2 − 2826.81P + 4412 = 0
From the options, the value 2756.25 satisfies the equation.
So, the price of the article is Rs 2756.25

Know the CAT Percentile Required for IIM Calls

Question 49

In a stockpile of products produced by three machines M1, M2 and M3, 40% and 30% were manufactured by M1 and M2 respectively. 3%
of the products of M1 are defective, 1% of products of M2 defective, while 95% of the products of M3 are not defective. What is the
percentage of defective in the stockpile?

A 3%

B 5%

C 2.5%

D 4%
Answer: A

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Let's say total products maufactured by M1, M2 and M3 are 100.

So M1 produced 40, M2 produced 30 and M3 produced 30

Defective pieces for M1 = 100

Defective pieces for M2 = 100

Defective pieces for M3 = 100

150+30+120 300
So total defective pieces are 100 = 100 = 3% of total products.

Question 50

Gopal went to a fruit market with certain amount of money. With this money he can buy either 50 oranges or 40 mangoes. He retains 10%
of the money for taxi fare. If he buys 20 mangoes, then the number of oranges he can buy is

A 25

B 18

C 20

D None of these

Answer: C

 Video Solution

Let's say total money was x rs.
So cost price of 40 mango will be = x ;
Hence cost price of 20 mangoes will be = 2
Taxi fare = 100
x 10x 6x
Total expense = 2 + 100 = 10
Remaining money = 10
Cost price of 1 orange will be = 50
Hence in 10 rs. 20 oranges can be purchased.

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