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P art-I (Botany)

( ~ ~ ~ : ~ Mi.MM)

1. Exosmosis of a plant cell takes place in -

(i) hypotonic solution I •

(ii) hypertonic solution

(iii) isotonic solution
(iu) None of the above
(Choose the correct answer)

~ ~ -<1~◄t'1Ni ~ ~
(i) l!SICPif~ ~ ' '.
(ii) l!Sl\§Jl>tl-'1 ~
(iii) >t~f >ti~ ~
(iv) -e~ ~~ ~
I 2. What is •Herb arium •?
<o~ ~"·"~ ~ t<~>
• •
,,'1◄t◄Ma1ic· ~ t
' ~
3. Specia lised tissue presen t in the a e rial roots of e p ithytic orchid s a re know n
as____ (Fill in t he gap)

4. Name the cell organe lle which has no memb rane. 1

~~ ~ t;5f~"ift'l_ ~~ ~ ~ I

5. Write the chara cteris tics of Protis ta. 2

sent tn the aerial roots o f epithyttc o r c h ids arc K o · \
as _ _ __
(Fill in th.e gap)

4. Name the cell organelle which has no membrane. 1

'cilfH'1~ ~ ~ ~ i l f l l ~ I

Write the characteristics of Protista. 2

6. W ha t is Ce ll the ory ?
Cf fi ~"'.qf'f ~ ? , .
j ' '

ati c tis su e on the ba sis of Origin.

t typ es of me ris tem
7. Cl ass ify th e dif fer en 2

am ple s.
te be tw ee n mi cro nu tri en ts an d ma cro nu tri en ts wi th ex
8. Di ffe ren tia 2

9. Di sti ng uis h be tw ee n: (a ny

9f l~ ~~ ~ (M4SIZ'fl cJNR)

1~ ion a nd Os mo sis
(ii) Activ e trans port and passiv e transp ort.


sectio n o f a
10. Draw and label differ ent tissue s revea led unde r tra nsver se
dorsiv en tral leaf.

Expla in. 3
11. "Mito chond ria are regar ded as powe rhous e of cell" -

Or /~

Expla in with diagr am, the struc ture of a cell wall.

~ ~~~ ~ C451~t,q ◄◄ ~ mnI ~ ~ I

. 2
12. Write the differ ences betwe en Hear t Wood and Sap Wood
13. What do you mean by plant growth regulator? Mention four roles of A. u u1.
J ,; ..:=3

14 . What is Lichen? Write the Economic and Ecological importance of Lichen?



Who gave the idea of five kingdom system of classification? Write the different
types of five kingdom system of classification.

~~~ 91~~ ~ ~'fl ~ t5il'i1<1~~c;-j ? i<l~~ 91~~ 91~NS◄ ~ '51'>1 ~

~ ~I

s. What do you m ean by light reaction of photosynthesis? Mention at least four

is? Men tion at leas t four
15. Wha t do you mea n by light reac tion of phot osyn thes
nd Hatc h and Slac k
poin ts of diffe renc es betw een Calv in cycl e (C3 ) a
1 +4= 5
cycl e (C4 ). ...-w-,,-,,,, ....... __

l5lF$o ~-~ ~ ( C4)~

>ilC~l<f)>f~"R 1511C~l<f) ~Qrm ~ Ri ~ ? c~~-4 ~ (C3)
~ ffi ~ : firf.wr 911~ ~ ~ ,

Or/~ flf.r f

Kreb s cvcle- .
Wha t is Kreb s cycl e? Desc ribe the diffe rent stag es of
~ b~ P1'i ? c~ 0-!F<f f<n\5:1 11~n ;.i -L~1 qcf;n ~....11 I
_ _ _ sym me tric al .
I fa) Hig her mu ltic ellu lar ani ma ls a re _

~ ~ ~~C<fSl~ ~'tl >il[~◄ ~ __ __ ~ !IN>>iil I

fb) Alk alo ids are _ _ _ _ m eta bol ites

~~~l◄C<lFt ~ _ _ _ _ ~~'

_ __
(c) Pro tein par t of enz ym es is call ed _

(d) Nu cle ar div isio n is also cal led _ _

(e) Pro tein s are the pol ym ers of _ _ _

l x4= 4
o win g : (an y fou r}
2. Giv e ve ry sho rt ans we rs of the foll
.-i ~ 5S1 ~ ~ ~ ( fiJC4SIC"f1 ~ )
4 •

l~ Give very short answers of the following : (ang /ou,j

cl IG fihllt"4i◄◄ ~ ~ ~ mTI : (fiil4Sfl➔1 ~ )
(a) What is dendrite ?
~N,qf~ ~ ~?

(b) , What is cell cycle ?


(c) Name one protein-spliting enzyme.

~ '4ttl" l ; ~ t!JRtfif ~ ffl I
(d) Which node is called pacemaker of the heart?
~'f~3"4 C451-1c.~1 ~~ Qi~ H~tjqS ~ ~ ~ ?

[5] Conte
(/) What is Skeletal system ? j
qS~qSf"f ~ ~?
3. Write the differences between the following: (any two)
~ M~ft<U<il◄ ~ 9"~ 1iPn : (~Z♦IZ'f1 fflt) ' •r
(a) Voluntary muscle and involuntar y muscle
~ c~ ~ '51?~~ c~
(b) Mitosis and Meiosis cell division

~ C<fiTlf F1'51'9M ~ 31>t1'-tl<tS C<tSPf A~t6t..

(c) Essential and non-essen tial amino acids

I (d) Bloo d and lymp h.

4. Answ er the following in brief : (any thn• J

~~ finn : (fw.4JJ?ijf MM,r)
(a) Writ e four gene ral char acte risti cs of Arth ropo ds.
~~ fflcfR ~ "ft~" t ~ ~ I
(b) Men tion four biolo gical sign ifica nce of Prot eins.
~~ o7Rli1 Cl8tf44i ~'-9{1( ~ ~ I
(c) Writ e the cons titue nts of hum an bile. 1Io I

~n1_~◄ ~~~~I

(d) Writ e abou t the Coel om.


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