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Speaker : Florica Ana Slavoaca

Speech subject : Local and remote control unit for type 1A + 1R pumping stations
Speech purpose : In this presentation we will talk about the local unit and the distnata for pumping
stations type 1A + 1R and we will see an example made for a pumping station.
Thesis ( statement) central idea = The central idea is to create a program to control a pumping station both
locally and remotely.
Main points(preview)
I. Presentation of pumping station components
II. Development of a project in soft comfort logo, command and monitoring of parameters
through the CMR2020 communication module
III. Conclusions
Presentation aids: For the presentation I used several photos and videos
Anticipation of questions
1. What is the most important component of a pumping station?
 The most important component of a pumping station is the automation panel with
PLC and Communication Module. It is important for the proper functioning of the
process because the process has a good impact on the environment.
2. Which helps us to control and monitor the parameters of a pumping station ?
 Controlling and monitoring the parameters of a pumping station helps us to maintain
the proper functioning of the entire water treatment process, in order to have a clean
and less polluted environment.

Speech organization
a) Introduction:
My presentation this afternoon is in three main parts. Feel free to ask me questions at the end.
Concerns about water purity, which have existed since ancient times, have led to the formation of a true
water industry. Its field of activity is the transport, treatment, collection of wastewater and its routing to
treatment plants with all facilities and equipment necessary for these operations.
The pumping station is a set of buildings, installations and machinery or equipment that have the role of
raising the water to the level required by users.
b) Body:
Slide 4:
In the first part of the presentation, in this image we can see the automation panel which is
designed and intended strictly, for power supply, control and monitoring of reception and sensors related
to pumping station type 1A + 1R. The control panel provides command and control of the pumping
station equipment.
For most equipment, there are two modes of operation: "automatic" and "manual". In
"automatic" mode, control of the equipment is provided by the PLC, depending on the program applied.
We register "manually", the equipment can only be ordered by the operator.
Slide 5:
In the next slide, we will see the DAB EVOSTA 40-70 / 130 pump is a pump with low energy circulation,
used for pumping water.
The pump has two operating modes: ▪ constant flow and pumping height; ▪ variable pumping flow and
Slide 6:
The control panel, pumps and water basins are attached to the experimental support.
Slide 7:
In the second seems to be the presentation this image shows the operating diagram of the pump
systems. The proposed solution involves the alternative operation of the pumps: 1 Active pump and 1
Reserve pump. Depending on the condition of the level detectors, the pumps alternate.
When the two floats, LD_min and LD_max are in the top position, the pumps start running, and
when both float contacts are down, the pumps go to rest.
Slide 8:
In the last part of the presentation we shows how the control blocks for the pumping station
equipment were created, along with the I / O settings. An FBD Function Block Diagram programming
language was used to develop the software.
Slide 9:
In the image above you can see the automation program of the pumping station. To make the automation
software efficient, a series of data blocks, called Flegs, have been created that contain different addresses.
These Flegs store various addresses that will indicate the status of the pumping station equipment.
Slide 10:
For example, the P1 pump was chosen, which operates after a stable cycle, a period of operation followed
by a period of rest. The Function_P1 bit indicates that it is a local variable, used only in that block, and is
set when the system receives a positive pulse.
The Operation_P1 bit is reset when: The installation has been switched off from the selector or a fault has
The pool water does not reach the level of the LD_2 float, a float that symbolizes the minimum critical
level. If the pool water level exceeds the level of float LD_1, a float that symbolizes the operating level,
the pump will run all the time, until the minimum critical level is reached. Once the pump is controlled, a
signal will be sent to a certain bit, which will signal its status (via SMS). Pump P2, operates after a stable
cycle, a period of operation, then a period of rest. The pump will run at all times until the minimum
critical level is reached.
The two pumps work in equilibrium: pump P1 active, pump P2 at rest and vice versa.
Slide 11:
This section provides monitoring of the condition of all equipment, installation and the situation with
alarms and system failures. Through this section you can directly order the elements of the process.
A complete element is the communication through text messages, for transmitting alarms and breakdowns
in the system but also for remote equipment control via mobile phone, using the CMR LOGO module.
c) Conclusion:
I'd like to end by emphasising the main points:
1. The need to improve and optimize technological processes has led to the implementation of
advanced control strategies.
2. In the automation of a pumping station, certain steps must be taken into account in the design
of the control system.
3. Programming a station via a PLC can be done using several programming languages (LAD,
STL, FBD, etc.). Using a different programming language can be an opening for another
4. The supervision of the pumping stations helps to monitor the specific parameters in order to
make a decision regarding the technological process.
That concludes my talk.
Thanks for listening.. Right, Now , any questions or comments ?

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