Trip Report Engl 4021-l03

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DATE: October 10th, 2022

TO: Professor Pier A. Le Compte

FROM: Patricia M. Velez Mejias
SUBJECT: Report on How to Prepare Your CV and Professional Portfolio workshop

On September 8th I attended a workshop on How to Prepare a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and
Professional Portfolio. In this workshop I learned the sections and features on a CV and what a
Professional Portfolio consists of. This report goes more in detail of what was covered in the

A Curriculum Vitae is a document that describes your career in detail. This document is mostly
used by college students and adults alike to present to grad schools and future employers. The
sections that can be included in a CV are: academic experience/education, honors and awards,
employment, publications and presentations, research work, extracurricular and volunteer
experience, certifications and licensure, professional affiliations, professional development,
references. The order and use of these sections depend on the persons’ general experience. Some
of the general features of a CV are: regular white paper with only one side written on, Times
New Roman font size 12, the pages are numbered and contain full name on each one, they do not
contain graphics, and the use of bold and all capital letters.

A Professional Portfolio contains the evidence of what is in your CV. Some types of this formal
evidence are certificates, certifications, and certified attendance. Portfolios can be classified as
Career Portfolios or Professional Portfolios. In a Career Portfolio you show work experience,
skills, accomplishments and more. Meanwhile in a Professional Portfolio you are not limited to
just work experience, here you also include evidence of academic experiences and educational

I learned about the important sections that need to be included in a CV and Professional
Portfolio. I was advised to look for more experience in my field so that I can include these in the
documents for when I want to attend graduate school. Now I feel more prepared on how to
compose a Curriculum Vitae and Professional Portfolio.
Yo, _______________________________________________, presidenta de American Medical
Women Asociation (AMWA), certifico que la estudiante Patricia M. Vélez Mejías asitió la
conferencia “How to Prepare Your CV and Professional Portfolio” ofrecido por la Dra. Pier A.
Le Compte, administrada el 8 de septiembre de 2022 en el Salón de Conferecias de la
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Ponce a las 12:00pm.

_______________________________ _____________________________
Firma Fecha

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