Minutes of Other Students

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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 L03 MINUTES I to Order: A regular meeting of the Course FNGL 4021 03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-1 on August 3), 2022, The meeting convened at 1:39 pm, Professor LeCompte presiding and Giancarlos Ramon Robles, secretary. All students attended except: Solimar Rosado Chanellys Torres, Approval of Minutes: The minutes eorrespos corrections Matters Discussed: 1. Professor Le Compte gave the students two minutes to work on the free writing exercise. The {question given by the professor was: “If you were to inhabit the world of any video or computer ame, which one would you select?” : oly hope 2. The professor confirmed that the date forthe frsLexam is going’ September 14, 2022. The topics that are coming on the exam are the following © Minutes Technical instructions with their characteristics © Documentary: The Euure of Food © First two chapters from the book: P« ing to the meeting of August 29, 2022 were discussed and approved after ocket Guide to Technical Communication 3, The professor continued the discussion of the dacumentary: The Future of Food with the following key words: © Food industry © Permaculture © Globalization © Comporations @ Terminator gene 4, Professor Le Compte gave the students the following assignment for the next class: ‘© Read the first chapter of the book: Packer Guide 10 Technical Communicati ¢ Correct their own minutes and add ito their portfolio, along with five corrected minutes from their classmates. them, Adjournment: The meeting adjoumed at 2:46 pm. ‘Submitted by: ea = Vee Le Me Deslerker F-29033 Giancarlos R. Ramon Robles. Date of Approval University of Puerto Rico English Departme: ENGL 4021 L03 Minutes Meeting Date: August 22, 2022 Call to Order; On August 22, 2022, regular meeting of course ENGL 4021 1.03 of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce, was held in room MTC-1. The meeting convened at 1:35 p.m., professor LeCompte presiding and Angel J. Santos Lewis as secretary. The professor took attendance, and only Fabiola Alvarado Rodriguez, was absent. Approval of Minutes: The minutes corresponding to the meeting of August 17, 2022, were discussed, and approved after corrections, Matters Discussed: 1>The professor LeCompte welcomed the students. 2. The professor discussed the a. She highlighted the fotfowing sections i. Mit i teristics of Technical Documents. od ey + sg of the- Characteristics of Technical Documents- Technical Instructions. iv. Assignment. Pa 3. Minutes ofthe provious meeting were read and discussed ‘Hie The professor and students highlighted the following corrections in the minutes i fan organization is to be mentioned, name should be written, and the abbreviation should be writen in parentheses. we poe Professor LeCompte explained that minutes should only occupy 1-page. She provided examples of cognate and false cognate words. 4, The professor exereise of application. 2K She made cabee es ee i. Pair with another person who haf the same number. ii, Assemble a mouse trap ‘Write the steps of mouse trap using the characteristic of technical documents, 5. Professor LeCompte assigned the students to complete the instructions of the mouse trap and write the wamings to be discussed inthe next clas. inbaductoy Seadrace ‘Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:56 p.m efk = ‘Angél J. Santos Lewis University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 LO3 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 17, 2022 Call 10 Orders A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-I on August 17, 2022. The meeting convened at 1.32pm. Professor LeCompte and Alana D. Leon Guzmin, secretary. All students attended. Sc!" 4 nde eetpt Approval of Minutes: Minutes of August 15, 2022 were approved after corrections. Matters Discusse 1. Free Waiting: Students from Course ENGL 4021 L03 did a free writing based on an image that said the following question: IF you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone fom the past oF present who would it be? Minutes: When reading the minutes presented that day wn class, students corrected some errors thatavere-found. For example, it was pointed out 5 from bullets should have a period, but not phrases, 3. Portfolio: Professor LeComple verified one by one ifthe students registered on the online platform to put the portfolio and gave points to those who dic. 4. Progress Report: Professor pointed out that the assignment of progress report needs to enter sa have at least eight service hours and tht has a value of 00pts..She mentioned thats elets: be beelen could be the'iffvisty organization (CEPA) orany activity sponsored by them, nee Someone fags validated the hours by signing a certificate. It can also include visuals in a technical way. Students chose in class their partners forthe Progress Report assignment. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:35pm, Submitted by: Aa a Ct Auger ot a0 Alana D. Leén Guzman, Secretary Date of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL 4021 L03 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 29, 2022 Gall to Order: AA regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was held in room MTC-1 on August 29, 2022 The meeting convened at 1-45 p.m., Professor LeCompte presiding and Fabicle A. Alvarado Rodriguez, secretary. All students attended except. Isabelle Gonzalez, rovi lou "The minutes corresponding to the meeting of August 24, 2022 were approved after corrections Matters Discussed: 1. The professor gave the students a two-question quiz about the documentary “The Future of Food™ Ldompte 2 Professor Le-Compete-staried the discussion of the key words of the documentary. ‘The key words discussed were the following. . ‘Sood banks- tanks where farmers, government and corporations storey seeds in case a catastrophe happens “Roundup’- herbicide produced by Monsanto “Roundup ready" seeds- seeds genetically modified to survive ‘roundup’ Patent- right granted for an invention, inthis case a gene. GMO - genetically modified organism E coli- bacteria used like a vector in the production of the G.M.O. ‘Monoculture- geow-a single type of crop. cay 3. The professor discussed briefly linguistic areas 6f study which are the following: Phonology- phoneme. Morphology- morpheme Syntax- subject, verb, and objeot.—pob- ord Semantics: denotations and connotations Lexicon- vocabulary words Adjournment: ‘The meeting adjoumed at 2:50 pm ‘Submitted by FabioldA, Alvarado Rodriguez, Secretary Date of Approval University of Puerto Rico at Ponce English Department ENGL4021 LO3 MINUTES Meeting Date: August 11, 2022 Gallto Order; ‘On August 10, 2022. an ordinary meeting of the ENGL 4021 L03 Course of the University of Puerto Rico in Ponce was held in room MTC-2. The meeting was convened at 1:30pm. Professor LeCompte was presiding and Patricia Correa, Isabelle Gonzalez, and Angelica Vega as secretaries. The Professor did not take the attendance. Approval of Minutes: were At this meeting, the minutesthat corresponds to the meeting of August 8, 2022, swas~ delivered, and approved. Isabelle Gonzalez presented a motion to approve the minute, it ‘was seconded and unopposed. [Wee ec howe 1 Daveioptie writing Soaoney: The professor indicated the dynamics that we'will use during the course, it will be free writing exercises, and explained the instructions. Then we do a practice exercise. era eer ead phe shuslenls 2. Introduction to Portfolio Project: The professor provided an overview of how we- should organize the Portfolio Project. She highlighted the following divisions: ghuderts The selection of three free writing exercises (which we can correct) Vocabulary learned in class (minimum 15 words, definitions, and sentences) 3. First Technical documents: Professor LeCompte defined what technical documents are and what their role would be throughout the course, e ia 4. Homework: She let know hat we had two tasks. ~ Complete the introductory forum on Moodle. - Examine the Portfolio, Progress report and Trip report sections on Moodle. Adjournment: Patricia Correa presented a motion to adjourn the meeting, it was seconded and unopposed. The meeting adjourned at 2:40pm. Submitted by: 15,2032. Angelica Y. Vega Cruz, Secretary Date of Approval

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