Susan Nash Letter

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OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 33000 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE LIVONIA, MICHIGAN 481543097 (734) 466-2230 FAK: (734) 421-1147 SUSAN I, NASH. City Cink (On December 15, 2020, the Senate and House Oversight Committees held a joint meeting and issued a subpoena to me, Susan M Nash the Livonia City Clerk. The subpoena was signed by Senator Ed McBroom and Representative Matt Hall. The subpoena (attached) consisted of the 38 different requests. 1 spoke with Paul Bernier, Livonia City attorney and expressed my concerns about some of the requested items. We were willing to comply ‘with the subpoena, but we wanted to ensure that we followed the law. We had a conference call with Senate Attorney Cole Lucier and informed him we would fulfil ll items except the ones in question. Mr. Bernier and I told him we would not deny the state from looking into the items, but we would not be doing it. They (the Committee) would have to get legal access and the persons that are capable of looking into equipment. He agreed with us, and in the end the state never sent anyone to come look at the city election equipment. They did, however have someone come and look at about three laptops from precincts, none of which are being used, we have since purchased all new ones. Late in the evening of January 2, 2021, | was contacted by then City Council Vice President Scot Bahr, he had questions regarding the subpoena and giving access to the city’s election equipment to a third party. 1 answered his questions to the best of my ability and explained to him that I could not grant ‘access to the machines to anyone. | then told him he could give my personal cell number to the person that was asking him to get the answers, former Senator Patrick Colbeck. (On Sunday January 3, 2024, Mr. Colbeck called, and we spoke at length. During the conversation we discussed the subpoena and what was permitted. He asked to gain access to the election equipment, even telling me that there was a team of experts, waiting ona tarmac for approval and they could be here in a few hours. linformed Mr. Colbeck that 1. The election was still under seal, and | couldn't allow the seals to be broken 2. That | was one of 2 clerks in the state that where under subpoena, and | could not tamper or alter anything in the subpoena. We discussed if the committee could come look at the equipment and | informed him | have not denied the committee legal access through the subpoena cred Paar He asked if the committee granted access would it be allowed, and | said the committee would have to come down with certified technician to access anything, fits legal. (On Monday January 4, 2021, Mr, Colbeck contacted me again informing me that he had been granted permission by the Joint Committee to access the machines. He sent me an email with multiple attachments (attachment #2) 1. Aletter addressed to Mr. Mark Meadows asking for assistance and signed by me, | did not write it. 2. Aletter from Senator McBroom and Representative Hall granting Livonia permission to share information connected to the subpoena. 3, Adocument giving information on the DHS Cyber Hunt and incident Response Team that Mr. Colbeck wished to send to Livonia and for me to allow access to the voting equipment, I then spoke with Mr. Colbeck on the phone and explained that this “permission slip” granting Livonia permission to share information and allowing a third-party access to voting equipment was not the same thing and | would not be allowing access to the machines. Mr. Colbeck was very upset and agitated with me. Even going so far as to tell me | was overreacting by being upset with the letter that was addressed to Mr. Meadows, Mr. Colbeck then hung-up on me. During all this I was in constant contact with Paul Bernier, Livonia City Attorney and both of us agreed with how | was handling Mr. Colbeck’s request. City Council Vice President Scott Bahr contacted me a few times throughout the day asking why we could not give access since Mr. Colbeck had been given permission. Mr. Colbeck then sent me another email (attachment #3) stating “How can this be any clearer that you are allowed to share information with our agents?” | then spoke with Mr. Colbeck again explaining, “sharing information and breaking seals are not the same thing”. Mr. Colbeck was very upset, | said to him “I don’t know what games you are planning on playing Wednesday, but | will not be any part of them.” He responded by saying,” these are not games, and itis very serious.” My response was “Doesn't matter to me, | will not be any part “, then hung up. After speaking with me, Vice President Bahr contacted Mr. Bernier and asked about gaining access to the equipment and if | was correct in not allowing access. Mr. Bernier informed him that yes, | was correct and that the requesters would see him in court before any access was granted, In the evening of Monday January 4, 2021, | spoke again with Vice President Bahr, he told me how upset Mr. Colbeck was and that he could contact Fox News letting them know that | was not cooperating. commented “Could | be the next person President Trumps mentions?” He responded, “its is possible” ‘This was the first time | felt threatened in any way during all ofthis. We ended the conversation with Mr. Bahr adding “I would appreciate my name being left out ofall of this.” | told him, “Unfortunately for ‘you Mr. Colbeck included your name with the email, you are part of ths.” On Tuesday morning, January 5, 2021, | sent a text message out to my family (! have siblings, nieces and nephews from D.C. to Southern California and many locations in between) letting them know, that it was possible my name could be in the national news that day, and not to worry because ! was safe and that | would not break the law. Fortunately, my name was never mentioned and like so many other American | watched in horror as the events unfolded on Jan6, 2021. TS Mae © Susan M Nash Livonia City Clerk

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