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IroA ^^aN t ul ' s a u l s n p u ls a r n t ) l d e r q u n l o l t o

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]aarlsLl10€sa M ts z
s)rPUapErt ar P u3rsop oSol pu p oSol sUllsnB_LsoH,
[l a]lns pa lasa)
'ful 'saruPDpu l lseM s t q S r ull v ) ul ' s a ! l s n p u l s a r n t f r dP r q u n l o l 9 8 6 L g
uSrsapoSol pu e oBol ' l r o a ! e SXIISngISOHD
pl l l s J A \ 986! O1 sluauod
-uor puP salnrSurpnlfur aup!

proJJPls PoN 'ouElos lassnu

'ql1u5 qeguaraf erantX,{uo1 11e9
An 3 'yaqlrg anal5 ury,6 13gg
'raqrJe6 Aarlloag's331rg ra;;af 3u 1sa1,(e13

3raqp1o9 lrl puP'ueulney Snog

'urlP) uPturaqs IuPr) arl reqf suorlnquluoSBrsa6

PalxrM ruew soew

uPqaaWAq lo ul l s u o r t P r l s n Ioj Iu a l u l
auer3 uaqdal5p ue
'sullll/vt ur^ax uosuqol preqrlu uBrsa6 rqderS
ueA111so3 arg pue ,(qdrnyrl 1ne6 luatrdo;ana6 pu e 3ur1rp3
pelxlM uluPw pue uolslouue) luatudolana6

#*,,,^, ^r ;t:::i::"^
,l'{ uBrsa6



The Big Table

of Contents

The Big Tableof Contents, Adventure deas lz

Which, if yo u haven't ound while yo u read his, ldea : Make a Wish 37
Cod help yo u 2 ldea 2: FloorThirteen 38
Introduction r ldea 3: And That Chosts or Me, Too 38
30th and Lexington + ldea 4: Fangsor the Memories 39
Plotting he Adventure 39
Th e Adventure 4
ldea 5: Were, Oh , Were Has My WereBernardCone? 40
Ghostmastering ips a ldea 6: Ke epers f the CopperMidnight 40
IntroductoryMorale Note For RookieCamemasters 8 ldea 7: The ShadowOver Hollywood 4l
TwelveUsefulThings o Remember bout ChostmasteringB ldea B: Fragments f Scotla nd 41
The Couch Potato g ldea 9: The Chostand the Lady 42
Th e Other Adventure 9 ldea 10: The Road o Ralyeh 42
Playing n Character 9 ldea 1l: The Psychic 43
ChostmasterResearchData 10 ldea 12:The Doppleganger43
UsingProps 10 ldea 1 3: S o S u eMe 44
BustingChosts or Big Bucks 10 ldea 14:The Mummy's oe 44
Th e Re d Hening 12 l d e a1 5 :T h e B l a c kK n i g h t 4 5
The Horror of BioMedChemTech'* 9 ldea 16:The Thine n the PhoneBooth 45
Th e Other Other Adventure 19 ldea 7: TheUninvited 46
ldea 18: King or a Da y 46
Returnof / Son of / Bride of Ghostmastering ips 23 ldea 19: RobotMonster 47
Keeping he PlayersHappy 23 l d e a2 0 : T h e A l c h e m i s t 4 7
Packaged dventures 23 ldea 21:The Chost Cubes 48
Th e Reference iles 23
Doing DramaticReadings f the All-KnowingDice 24 Random Adventure Generation 49
RewardingYour Playersor a Jo b Well Done 24 Routines50
Movement Scales, nd Came Turns 25 Car Chasey'Vehicularac eAgainstTime 50
UniversalMovement Rate,Scale,and Turn Chart 25 Obtaininga Paper r Permit rom the Covernment 5' l
A Note to VeteranCamemasters 25 Coing to Court 52
BasicGhostology zo A Castof Dozens s+
ChostlyCharacteristics 6 Cops 5 4
ChostlySpecialA bilities 22 Information ources nd Petty rritants 5 4
ReallyBad News:Demons,EldritchHorrors, StreetPeoole 55
and Accountants 29 Mafia Family 56
ScientificResearch go Lawyers 57
Research cientists57
Ghostbuster ranchises z Expedition reparingor Journey o Uncharted sland/
Ho w to Runa Ghostbusters ampaign + LostCity/Scene f Weird Happenings 58
Occultists 59
St. PitfalzHospital 59
ThingsMan Was Not Meant To Know 60
Chosts 61

Chostbustersperations anual

3oth and
I n' , is the first adventure for GHOST- Crrrauauff'sther Special bility is Terrorize. seventh,What Do TheyDo?"outlines om eways
BUSIERS. f yo u are a player, on't readan y fur- When Crrrauauff onfronts Chostbuster.ou roll th e players an try to de al with th e problem.
ther ThereAre ThingsMan WasNot MeantTo th e spook'sPower two diceragainsthe Chost- F i n a l l y ,T h e E n d "e x p l a i n s o w o w r a pu p h e
Know.Only Mr . Chostmaster hould read he buster's ool. f the spook ollshigher, he vic- adventu e.
adventure. ti m panicsand flees n horror;otherwise, he Note ha tcertain ections re orinted n bold-
lf yo u are he Chostmaster,e adon . (l f yo u ar e Chostbusterrits i s eeth ndstands isground. face.These an be readaloud o your players.We
a player, ou shouldbe ashamed f yourself Crrrauauff's ctopresences 3, which means do thisall the ime n our adventureso yo u ca n
yo u shouldhave topped eadingas tparagraph. that f he Chostbusterset him o stopAnimating l e a r n o w o talk ikea Famous a meDesigner-
No w cu t it outl)To run this adventure,i rst ea d th eca rand materialize, he yhave o hit him hree n o d o u b ta l i f e t i m e m b i t r o n .
to Play" (pp. 2&3, Reference ile A) and timeswith proton acks eforehe ycan ockh im You'rewelcome.
"TypicalTe nMinutesof Play" pp .1&2,Reftrence
into a ghost rap. Most spooksa nd spirits
FileB), and he adventuretself. l t would b e a Crrrauauffncluded cannotbe harmed v oro-
swell idea to read h e "Chostmastering Tips" to n beams nlesshe yhavemanifestedhemselves PartOne:
appearingon page B, but it isn't absolutely
in a material r semi-materialo rm. Crrrauaufi
only manifests s described n PartSix below,: What'sGoing On?
Let he players oleplay he Chostbustersro m o t h e r w i s e , e r e m a i n s n i n v i s i b l e ,m m a t e r i a l Some monthsago, a shadydealer n artifacts
the movie.T ake few minutes o read hrough hi s psychokinetic resence nimating he cab. stolea por,r,erful dol of theancientH ittitedo ggod,
scenariond amiliarizeourself i th h e plot.Yo u Crrrauauff,ro man archaeologicali g in Ur { Dur-
don't have o memorize verythingthere il l be How thisAdventures Organized fal,an ancient ity n Turkishrmenia. e brought
plenty of time to reread sectionswhile th e Lookat he box itled SupportingCast".Now. the dol o America, herehe sold t to a wealthy
Chostbustersickeroverwh gets o sit in th e You'll inddescriptionsf the different haracters Americanart collector. hecollector's lacksheep
front seatof ECTOI). u st can he adventureo th e playersmay encounter n the courseof the son-in-lawtole he idol an d oawned t.
g et he general de aand to l e a r nwhere o find adventure. orv come back to this paragraph. KemalB uyukbas, Turkish ccultist f interna-
specific etails. I NANK VOU. tional eputation,e arned f the heft,and came
Each escription ays hat he characterooks to New York o track he dol down. He eventu-
Preparing o Play Iike,how heacts, ndwhat hisTraits, alents nd ally located t in a pawn shopon the LowerEast
Make sure: Coal are. (l f yo u need more detaii on char- Side, ought t, an dwa s aking t back o hishotel
. Everyone'sead HornrTo Play" (Refrrence /e A) acteristics r appearance,ou can eithermake in a ca b when th e possession egan.
r Eachplayerh as chosena characterro m th e them up yourself r roll on the "EyeColor,Lung Th espiritof Crrrauauffaydormant n the dol
movieand has he appropriateD card n front Capacity,White BloodCell Count,a nd Favorite for millenia. t began o stirwhen removedro m
of him TV Show" ables n p a g e s 79-1808f our soon- the dig at Ur f Durfal;when t came nto contact
o Everyonessitting round t a b l e o rother on- to-be-released andomPicntc Ceneration nd with Buyukbas, hoseoccultexplorations a ve
venientplaying urface) Other Unneces ,t ,Bu A most Assured/y sei ss sensitized im to psychokineticnergy,t came
. You've ead hrough his adventure a t least) Facts upplement,vailable irect romWestEn d fully awake.
once C a m e s o m e t i m eh i s c e n t u r y r f r o m u n s c r u - Buyukbaswa s carrying he idol in a brown
o Everyone an reach he dice p u l o u s a m em e r c h a n t se a r o u . ) paperbag,which he shoved nder h e backseat
. Everyoneasplenty f cookies nd milkor suds Someof theTalents nd Coals or he supoort- of the cabduring he rip.When Crrrauauff woke,
a n d c h i p so r b a t wi n g sa n d L i q u i dW r e n c h in g cdstar edifferentro m he ortes isted n the it possessed h e cab. Needlesso say, ittitedo g
TrainingManual. Don't let his azeyou;we said godsaren't afticularly p on New YorkCity raf-
Grrrauauff the Dog God in the Manual hat yo u could inventne w ones. fic laws.)
Th edescription f Crrrauauff,h espook n this (After ll, here reother hings n Life esides ex, Th e cabbie,Ma x Durnham, ound he steerins
adventure, s a little different rom the other Money,Sou essScience nd Serving uman ty. w h e e l u r n i n g n h i sh a n d s n d h ev e h i c l e h i f t -
characters'.nstead f Traits nd Talents, e h a s There's aving unch,'rinstance.) in g gears pontaneously.h edoorsbegan pen-
two SpecialAbilities,a Power, n d an Ecro- The main partof the adventures divided n to in g and shutting y themselves,nd he vehicle
oresence. eight ections.he irst, What's CoingOn?"gives began o buck and roll from side o side.Durn-
O n e o f h i sS p e c i a l b i l i t i e ssA n i m a t e , h i c h yo u an overvielv f the situation. he second, ha m and Buyukbas er e hrown rom the cab.
means e can movearoundan inanimate b i e c t "Teaser," explains owyo u ntroduceh e players Durnhammadehi swa y o safety, ut he Hittite
- i n this adventure, yellow cab. In order o t o h es i t u a t i o n .h e h i r d , T h e S c e n e , "x p l a i n s d og cab chased Buyukbasdown the street,
animate omething, rrrauauff'statuemustbe ho w you get he gamemoving.T he ourth, Ques- hooting an d growling madly. Desperately,
in contactw ith it. (Thestatue s currently itting tioning he Characters,"n dicates hat eachof Buyukbas limbeda streetlamp, here h e n o w
under he backseat f the cab.) f the Chostbusters t h ep e o p l e n h es c e n e i l l s a y f q u e s t i o n e dy clings, ibberingncoherentlyn Turkish. he ca b
retrieve h e statue, he animation will stop; th eChostbusters.he itth, Equipmenti explains continueso circle hestreetlamp,bviously op-
Crrrauauff, avingan exceptionallyhortatten- whathappensf h e playersry o use heirequip- i ng to turn Buyukbasnt o Plymouth-chow.
t i o ns p a n , i l l o r g e t b o u t i l l i n gB u y u k b a s ,n d ment.Th esixth, Bi g ActionEvent," escribesn Lieutenant rompsky ame upon this weird
f a l la s l e e po ra m i l l e n i u m r s o .T h e nh e ' l lw a k e a t t a c k n h eC h o s t b u s t e r sh i c ha l l o w sh e m o tableau. hecab s blocking raffic, ot to men-
u p a n dm e n a c eM o o n b a s e l p h ao r s o m e t h i n g . shoot heirprotonpacks n ddestroy omeof the t i o n e r r i f y i n g e d e s t r i a n sn d s q u i s h i n g e i g h -
But that'sanother tory. most expensive eal estate n th e planet.Th e borhood ats, s t circleshe streetlamp.he ried
to give t a ticket,but heredoesn't ee m o b e
a n v d r i v e rT h i s s a i o b f o r . . C h o s t b u s t e r s !

Ghostbusters p e r a t i o n sManual

l e n u e f N u o r l e r a o os r a l s n q l s o q D

. { q } ; 1 1}u a o u e u e 3 u p n1 : u 1s a q l o l r { 3 up aql Aluappn5 3ur1,mor8 ' oM punossaleurqp r

'Mel aq ] afrolul :/eo9 ]€LI^\aLUOS l passarp |lu allP uAl)oo.r! ul aql sasrou ql azllparno A qreo:dde no Asy
sleads p arqqpr ro A ua5 qBnol stxey! '>1ro1pr.rBnleuladn5
;e l
sno^ra 'slrolq roJ dn palreq
uazr]r] a)el^ s lool a/qqP, )Jo^ ,414N sr f,rrre{ 'uor}JasJalut aq } ssol) ol lupl)nlal
asroHa)rlod aplu € :sanol/\j uequtng xeyl arp sarqqp)lr o ^taN ssallpa, {;1ensnq} uana
1pf, aql ur ra^rrp ou s! araql lroq se 3u1ae5
alooerD € :al)snf,^/ 'au13uaslr uro.U uluor alp sastou 8uerl5 uo11
MPI euruu] t su er s e q l n A n gll r ) r / P o ) -f,asralur q] Jo alpprur ql olu! saqsnlA;leuors
-pJJop up a a r l saq l ,o lautoJ lspoqlnos ql uo
.(1t:atto: aq 3u ,(e1da;ol lsoddue; p punorppup punote sa^up qef,aq l
a re no,( pnenerrr3 ueql a)euaur a83tq e :la,\\od ',{;e8uerlsraq}erSugneqaq! qlrq^{ qer mo11aA
sr {lsdruor; q} a ato} ur8aq la,{e1dqi l azuo!af 'aleurIuv : s a ! ] l l l q vl P ! r a d s a;3u;se ro1 darxa 'paddols ate slp) a ql l le
'MoN ralsPia^oLU
lnoqs rq 1 - uolSurxa'1 ue !l6t 1eSulnoru r Jrrrerl oN
' 3 u o ;oo1 ur1e] rpsralsnqlsotlDql lr dolsol ' p o o q slr ur seq>1nAngfler p ue .ualqord aql aas noA uoo5 .uollpullsap
q ol raLl]s,tr ue ^]rr a ql q]rM fejluof,p a pq dn dealot SurtdLuaue { 1;euorse:oo duellaarts
rnoA o1 f,UJeJlpalreus q8nolql a^ea^ no1
sralsnqlsor1D paddots}r sluem qg passassod a q t s a l r r r q e r a q l . { l t q 8 r 1 se a lp u es B u u d s
:pearuaql 't-o]fl
sr qer aql 'pa^ou l r slueM aqs palted slr uo qlnorl ol siEaooe aurlaLu os ef aq]
'os1y,(13uoeuau.r pu e o l u r a l r d p u p ( q f e a s u r a l ra a r q l : r a q u r a L u a r )
,{y1e8a11r r qpr aq1 :ar.uaql;eraua8 L.uesq l )rEq l,uor8 ] qer aql luaLUornDaaq l asooqf sral)ereql aL{l al
,lnollo,lle 1;r,u >1sdruol;l]r,tr uorlesraluol sasnpfJlnenpr.uD orllepaLuanssr-A1r: 3u11
' s i a l s n q t s o qJDq l ] P -rodspue ,lrollaX alured q e: qtnou,416 g ,
-ranuo) qt uo u! aSreq,4lsdLuor)^e q xPt\
l a A u Pu o r l P (
e o ApoqaLll tlqpqulA lluarnf JlnenerrD
q]lMa l e pqf,unl ]a sot u] o'uo Suto8 t1eq,lr
'ue;d Jo i
' d a a l so 1
l r e q t a 8 u a q t p u eq u r l L U o r JL U r l :aerql uPd
1 no arnBrl o lurr.ll ol dols stalsnq l a p U u r q t p u a ro 1A l u os a L l s r Mu e a q u n l s
-]soqD aql aurl ,{uy 'Surnouu alnlua^pe q} l e u r a l a l L iS u r q r n l s r po 1s e q l n A n g a L u e l q
d a a l o 1sr asodrnd &epuoras ,,{1sdtro.r) aH le-lrnCn _to l l ]sol aLlt r paunq uorl
't-orll tsul - P z r l r A r J]r u r H ] o l srapenbpea;1ralsnqlsoqD r 1r 1eq1 urBe
P u a q ]a J U sra,rod
r s r u a l l r L Uq ]u l
-r-ur lpuora\ :asnoLlrU p r.u04aJllsaql ssor)p
-yed ,(11e8a;1r r o] a)trrl uaq] sanrB qsuaql lueLUrop rp lseLlJnpn€rrD lsapoLU
's4af ssalale: pLuaql alplaq Lls {rnq ,{aqt are sanua^v qt8 puP qll uaaMlaq aarts q]0€
1o po8 paradurat-11 a rq l e r e , { 1 1 e u r B u 6
uaqM uaql furnqo1 uaLllslla]p ue spre38els u o (d)lllo (JLUP! ul tsJM aql) uotlJaslatutql
Surqlou-ro;-pogBAze1se uraql salelaq aq s poB ?op aysg nra,p aq l ieqt sra,{e1d ;1a1
'sralsnqisorlD 'ullq uo
tslrl aLllAouue i sl arntua pe llnenetil9
aql ur asodlnd.&eurud s,,{lsdtuot; tl dn Suequel aLls s uorlsanb rourauo Joq )s e
' af ualuase alalduot o1 3u t ot ralsnqtsor.lDLl ] oJ r PM ll M aqs srol)erluof
-)lpl sr aLls uo,{ue 1a;arrau {lsdruor) ra}se} ' ( l l r Mn o A u ] s r f r t s ^ !s! s a l l n o s ) s j a r u n Alrf uror] afualaourolur Jo ssau))elsale.ralol
auop 3urql,{-rana }uer* sAe,ulepu e 'preoq aq t ]o slartas lelrlsAy\ aq] uieal r/Po:) lo u llr,\\ qs eq l pu e ,{rrnq ralsnqlsorlDql Pq }
- d r ; rp e l q , { u r q s s a u r e r , { e m l e ' u t o l t u na suorlsanb ,tnal Suuantsuea 4y
uorlf rAUoJ
tsrsur lr,\\ qs
-ssa"rd{1}ra;rad sleam ,{e,tr1elsdtLtot; }1 ZN t
Ll]l,n ue!3 1 loof ,,'1sod les punorp A;lerrlerra ^orp n6)l
asuaJ!l uo!llppatu qlnoruAldtB , ' q p ) i n o l l a A
do ) S sassPd r1sAy1a1e1,1 7 sa^of'!
au 6 'lsoddue; e Surqur;r 'slepupspu p aqor
- lslsd uory 1atetJ eW) ue ual n a l c oLUellaarts L!!lf alfsnf,! 8u1.rea,tr'preaq ' p p n q pu p qSlaqunrpau
z lrplq
'alptu uersef,np)au o palou 1en1.ue ,{u uod61
arol lnlfo t surerB 1
'xal pu p tllgt tp
l[ apo) e o1 papuodsar ,,
'qf,unl a e H :/Po? 2eBeqetny :a;durexao 1 uo8refa:r1od o
21aLulodo1 lsaLlzeB(palzznd) seqlnAng uJnLUrxeulLllrm ue r{;uea1r, {1dsursramsueaq
sorl lfallof € Ioof 2qer q] uor,r,t,,":l:JrjnT,tj;U, 3u 1e1nuro1 suorlsanbramsue J rlt,ilsdLuor;
a^uc I ssAOl/\ (,,']uauuPoac f rlod)ro^ MaN,,s|cdxN puE
no.{o1 asea16room Joo,\\oB e3 tseqlning 'anuaAVuol8urxa1 r
,xal,, pMorfaqi ur sra)roA
saseJirns o|/\ € al)snw
2araqt n SuropeAepeq,u aH :ralsnqlsoqD MaN-uouaq l rol) 'sasuadxasn;d aurl ,(;rnoq
slaarlsA]rJ ,^^ou) [ su erB :' Ba 'sqBnelrol srqt {e16 snld l l p r ra d 0001.$o] ' C dX N aql qtr,M)ertuo)
'tualle qsr)rn1 e a eLlpaapurop ,{aql no,{ 1s e sra,4e;dno,{11
'sBut11t1p;oB Paurels-oleqol
s)le] ) r q l e q l r , ^ \ l e a d s p a l q r B r J B a ull e r r t r e r d //'salnurruag r noA radxa 1 ,; CAXN aql ql!i\
sr qsasPf,Moqsll u l s uelsuof, lt l p uP aq
s r q s r 1 3 u ;3o u o r s u a q a r d u o r , s e q 1 n . { n g xa-l pu p rll0g tual
uaqM ol e sq8notag ,, pessaldul;leau/, l pu e 'uurqsa8reqr el alll ' la a l lf,erluof, e 1o 3e;doed no 1 lp
]aarts t qullJ -qord e eneqaM 'pur)aid qlnos ue$pquey\r AI s
sMau q] ut uraqlu a a s , a H aPlnoLls q l u o ol sarrl aq ra^auaqM rreq AsearB,{133er1s -druory lueuolnarl s! s!{1,,:s>1eadseuioir V
uraq] unodpue,(;snoto8tnpuetllalll a)eqs pue preaq slppuespu p
xPt^/laaLusl u slalsnqlsoqD ql uaqM ))elq ]dura)un up Ll]r,l,r 'puru] aurert :saopauoauros aq M ' lr siaMsuP q^\ )s v
lliaq 'qfunl aAPq b ol slue,4\ aqor ))elq Al!p e ul pelr sraH lo 's8uu auoqd aql /uoouia4p auo ,(;re3
pJraprosrp pLl,tlJLUos ur pup pauJlqSu]
1sn[ (11soiunq qe ] sttl noqe palllo/!\ ,a H agrnb ur1oo1>llp,{\aprs 'rauulp ro1 sra8rnqasaaq r
',{nBarru e s,aq nq aq } a ^ o q p aa 1uaa} ro lf,rs urpp
lnt8 ,{nard Luaaseh / /seq ,(11ard ue 'alorq lplt ar,notr';e11de: ugyerado
1 U n o q pd u e l ] a a r t s o l S u r 8 u r ; r r a q
rauoqs ,{ue sla8 anau }l 13uo;saLlr -1n,{ng alunof,ua ralsnqlsoqDql uaqM rnoA 1o lsoru lool spremrage srayenbpeag
-u r o ml tnoqp st reBt: s,xe61 'areldatrln oA sralsnqlsorlg dn 3urxr1 relnrelrads sp ^ uoll
ur Surrap;or,uslros-LUABa m o alld e d a a ) (qspq-)Oo -ooB leLl-trv) parunouord; -rnrpap 3u111nsar q1 pr.r8luauu!eluoJ aql uorl
1p3r) ,xehi o llaurs q t alelnults 1 ) lstlln))o qst\rnl slsoqt eql pespalar ol)odsur Vd l aq l uaq6
sa)ours lluetsuo)pue'(dPf a8po6 u,{;1ootg seq\nAng e.aex :sra,{e;dno,{ o} pnole srqt peau

lsPJ uluoddn5 aq1

:o/vrl uPd

There.They haveall shut up and ar e paying

hood flies open, the cab BARKS, nd the hood
flies shut. You decide not to go any closer us t Part Five: attention. heyknow somethings g o i n g o hap-
pen. Now, whack e m. Readaloud:
ye t an d park ECTO-I.
Clinging to the lamppost, about fifteen feet
Suddenly he air is dark and cold all around
from th e ground, is a strange ooking man in a T he playersmay wish to use some of their yo u - like a shadowof a cloud passing ver,bu t
dirty black robeand sandals,w ith a largebushy equipment o assesshe situation.Here'swhat there'snot a cloud in the sky.Th ecab shimmers
beand.He closeshis evesand shudderswhen the happens f the y do: - an d standing efore yo u s he amber, lashing
cab barks. PK EMeter: The meter registers strongPK E outline of an enormouswolfhound, wenty feet
Standing nearby is a lady cop and a cigar- surge.T h e r e i s definitely paranormal ctivity tall, towering over the street, bending orward
chompingmanwearinga BrooklynDodgers ap. centeredon the cab. (A s if they didn't know.) as if to take yo u in its teeth. Yo u can feel it s
The cop stalk over to you. warm, foul breath.
'About time you got here/'she says. Ecto-Msor: hcnrrsothing. hese nl y work n the
oarK. Sq doesanybodywant to do anythingbefore
yo u en d up like a Laddie Bo y commercial?
Ghost Trap: You have o seea ghost before yo u
Part Four: can trap t. No ghost s visible. What yo u really, eallywant hem o do is whip
Proton Pack:Le t em tr y it. Remember: ou ca n
out their proton packs and shoot at the g i a n t
only reduce ghost's ctopresencey hitting he manifestationf Crrrauauff,he do g god. T h i s s
Characters ghost. rrrauauffs notvisible; e's u st animating very mportant ecause: ) h e playersike being
scared, nd 2) they ike blowing hingsup with
th ecab.Hitting heca bonly damagest - a b o u t
lf the Chostbusters uestion ny of the char- high-tech imcracks. o make hem eel ike t' s
$ 1 0 0 0worth of damageeach i me it is hit.
acters standing around, read the character's Ten itsan d he ca b sa smoking, ubbling to o late o do anything ensible.
descriptiono seehow he or she s ikely o react. of ragged teelchunks.This "brute force" ap Hint if necessary.ay , Cee, I wonder f there
When speakingas one of the chara cters,ry to proachwill stopCrrrauauff fter fashion the i s anything ou can do to avoid nstant estruc-
use he phrases,oice nflections,nd mannerisms ca bwill no o nger e possessed. t will alsomean tion." Hold up a protonpack ar dan dwink a lot.
you'd expect hat person o use. the Chostbustersre sued by the ca b company This s called, Cetting Th e Players o Do What
Krompsky:She'llgivea concise ecap f th e situa- fo r $15,000th e os tof a new cab.)Since he city You Want".
tion a s she knows t. (See Th e Teaser"above.) will not pa y more hanabout $3000 or exorcis- What happenss this.First,C rrrauauffries o
Krompskys pretty ur e he cab s possessed,ut i ng the cab, his s no t a greatplan. Ierrorize he Chostbusters.he nan yChostbusters
ha sno ideawh y or how. That'snot my ob . That's Beach Kit: Not a whole lot. Crrrauauffmight that don't og o ff down the street creaming an
your job. No w g et o it!" takea s h o tat the manifestation. hen, he first
c h a s e h e F r i s b e eo r a w h i l e , h o u g h . time a protonbeam hits h e d o g god, t dashes
Durnham: lt's like his, ee. was ruising long
back to the auto, yowling piteously, nd once
Canalwhen this crazy man, yo u know, n the
black obes, e wavesme down. He'scarrying PartSix: again ossesses h ecab. t will not eavehe com-
parative safety of the cab for the rest of the
brownpaper ag, ee. h isguy,he doesnot ook
Big Action Event
n ' l . . F
adventu e.
l i k e a big ipper.Still,down on Canal s not the
Let's ake it step by step.
bestp l a c e o grab a fare.So I pick hi m up . He On e remarkablevent ccurs iustwhenvo u First, he Terrorizeattack. Have each of the
don't speakEnglish o good,but he tell s me to want t to . After he Chostbusters avearrivedon Chostbusterso ll as manydiceas hi sCool ating.
takehim to th e PentaHotel,so headnorth.Then, the scene nd gotten he owdown rom Lt.Kromp (Make ure heChost ie s ncluded n each oll.)
around30th, he cab begins uckingand weav- skv. ut beforehe vhave nlimberedheirnuclear Aftereachplayer o l l sa nd addsup h is score, o u
i n g ! Sucha big tsimmes! can't evencontrol tl devices a nd begun blastingaway,Crrrauauff take he Chostdi e and one otherdi e (that's w o
By hemselves,h edoorsopenan d shut,open and manifeststself nd putson a first-classpecial f- dice for Crrrauauff's owerof 2) and roll for
shut,an d h e c a b rolls.We roll ou t i n the street,
fects show. Crrrauauff's errorize pecial bility. f the dog
the cab urnsand shoots owardus ! ru n on e way, Timing here s important. he players hould go d getsa higher otal, he chostbustergets er -
this chlemielun s h eother.t ollows im ,chases haveha da chance o asksomequestions nd play rified.Encouragehe player o behaven character
him up the lamppost, nd circles, i ke yo u se e aroundwith their information-gatheringquip- and ham t up. f a Chostcomesu p on any roll,
now" ment PK Emeters, ctovisors, ass pectrometers, the terror s so great ha t he Chostbusteraints
Buyukbas: Car go woof, woof! Pleaseo you help radio elescopes,-D glasses, hateverh ey h ap dead away. f the Chostbuster q u a l sor beats
me now?"To alk o Buyukbas,he Chostbusters p e n o h a v e i t h h e m ) . h i s s h es e n s r b l eh i n g Crrrauauff'soll, he standsoughan d gets o fire
have o shout over he cab's growling and bark- to do. hi s proton pack n the next step.
i n g . Since Buyukbas's ommand of English s Howeve;Chostbustersan stand o be sensi- Now, an y Chostbusters ot training or th e
slight,effective onversations mpo ssible. et'em ble for only so l o n g .Then hey needsome ac- OlympicTrot, hiver, nd Howl event r relaxing
try though. tion. Time for Crrrauauff'smanifestation nd comfortably n the pavement et s o fire his rusty
attack. protonpack.Each iring hero ollsas manydice
Grrrauauff: f a Chostbuster pproachesh e c a b
l f your players r e n ' tsensible, r if they are as his Moves core o r i f h e h a san appropriate
and ries o speak o i t ("Nice doggie... ic edog-
cheerful nd unsparing n their destructivem- Talent,ik eWinston's ir eWeaponTalent, smany
gie...")t turns rom Buyukbas,tudieshe Chost
pulses,he yma ywhip out th e protonpack before
buster o r a minute, nd hen charges i m. If the dice as his Talent core). he difficultynumber
d o i n ga n q u e s t i o n i n gr e q u i p m e n t - r e a d i nng . i s 1 0 - n ot quite point-blank a n g e , ut pretty
Chostbuster unsaway, he ca b will lose nterest
that case, h e moment hey ready heir proton close. Anyone who rolls 10 or higher hits
an d go back to Bu yukbas's ost. packs.Crrrauauffmanifests nd attacks.
Crrrauauff who immediately tarts owlingan d
To set the scene,yo u first have o focus th e disappearsnto the cab.
players' ttention.F or example ou might say:
We don't want the dog go d to be completely
Hey.Something nteresting. verythings quiet destroyed, hich would happen f threeor more
all of a sudden.The cab has stoppedmoving. protonbeamshots it him. Thatwould bring h e
Yo unoticea tingling n the hairsat the back of adventure o a n e nd right here boring.This
your neck, and an odd smell,.. omething i ke bringsup the conceptof Chostmasterheating
attic dust on a c o l d morning.There s a slight - er, udging.Yo u and I know that Crrrauauff's
electricity n the air, like a hint of a coming Power s 3. But your p/ayersdon't know that.


5o maybeyo u decide that Crrrauauff,s ower Trying o Cet Into th e Cab: Unless he y come
is on e point greaterha n he numberof points he 2. lf they destroy h e cab, will call
u pwith a really l e v e r loy, hi s equires Moves a dump truck pick
Chostbusters nock of f hi m th e first ime thev o up the remains. urnham
difficulty 20 roll to avoid being ru n over.Once will be enraged, calling th e Chostbusters
shootat him. Cheating?Well, sortof. lt's no t a inside, he ca b will startbuckinga nd rolling 'hssassins"
good habit o ge t into, but whenever he adven- an ddemanding ecompense. wodays
a Muscles ifficulty15 roll is neededevery en later: he Chostbusten resued$, panoptikos
turewould be spoiled rya strictadherenceo rhe secondso stay n the cab. f th e Chostbusterinds Co.,which Ca b
rules, se your udgement.Don,t et on to your h e ca b s worth $15,000.n d
th e paperbag under he seatand remo,rest, th e wants r i p l edamages.
players;hey enjoy rhe l l u s i o nof a completelv possessionn ds mmediately Crrrauauff u st
impartial ame.Wh y spoil t fo r them? 3. lf they figuredou t th e idol is causing h e
b e n physical ontactw ith th e ca b o animate t. possession, rompsky eizeshe dol asevidence
Or, if they don't h i n k of that approach th e an d a.rrests uyukbas
or disturbing he peace.
Part Seven: meterha sbeen unning ontinuously inceMa x
pickedBuyukbas p. f he yknock h e l a gon th e th. e
4. lf they solve he problemwithout destroying
cab, Max is pleased,an d offers o bu v th e
What Do They Do? meter down - th e ca b stopsdead.
"Nice Doggie":
Chostbustersunch at a nearbv e l i .
Blowing SomethingUp: The likeliest pproach Oftering Crrrauauff a bone. Regardless,urnhamwill refuse o take he bill.
preferably oused n gasoline, r some e a l l y i g maintaining
is o blast he car with protonpacks. hi sno t only hat his company isn,t liable. li
won't work, but f carried o o fa r will result n a steaks, r an ol d pair of slippersma ydistract im . handed he b i l l , Buyukbas i ll o n l y stare n con_
(TheChostbusters a y b e able o lead hi m ou t
pile of rubble,a nasty awsuit,an d a sarcastic r- sternation t the unfamiliar nglish, n d hand t
ticle in the next day's Post. of the ntenection hi sway.)While th e cab,s ood back.
is gnawing n the boneor chompingup the steak, Krompskywon't take he bill either. However.
looking for More Information: Theycould ry tg a character il l be able o ge t nt o he ca bwithout she'll give
learn more about he situation. th e Chostbusters n Ny.p.D. Reim-
difficulty. They'vego t about 30 secondsbefore bunementRequest
1. Ma x ca n el l them he picked up Buyukbas Crrrauauff s finisheda nd orm,whichsh ewill sign.Th e
starts uckingagain. form w i l l authorize ayment p to
i n front o f "Moishe'sKaballic orner,,onCanal. Hitting Grrrauauff n the nosewith a rolled-uo th e Chostbusters 93000 l et
Moishe, littleol d Orthodoxgu y with a yarmalke, newspaperw ill haveno effect igureou t ho w much they want
whatsoever. to charge,bu t Krompsky won,t authorizemore
will tell hem he sold a statue f Crrrauauffo an
'Arab." look l t Up: If Chostbustersoo k i n Tobin,s than his. il l tell h em o send h eb i l l
Tobin'sSpiritCuide istsCrrrauauff s ,a n
obscureHittite daemonbelieved o qovern Spirit Cuide or one of the other research ooks and orm to the Department f ContractManage-
kind's elationship it h domestic anines.,, fo r nformation bouthaunted axi cabs, hey may ment of the Boardof Estimate.
(Brains ifficulty 5 roll) ind he ollowing: lf th e Chostbusters o so they,ll never hear
. 2. Buyukbassstaying t he Hotel. f they
"Crowley anotherword.Th eb i l l will ge t os i n th e a$rrin-
learnBuyukbas's ame, he yca n go to th e Hotei. reports a most peculiar cir-
T he maidswill complain ha t his room sa mess cumstance ttending isvisit o thepoorer thine city bureaucracv.
a nd he burns ncense onstantly, u t th e Hotel section of Bombay during th e recent Di d they keepa copyof the Reimbursement e-
will no t et he Chostbustersnt o he roomwithout choleraepidemic.Th estorvwa s imparted questForm?f not, hey'llNEVER eea cent.T he
a searchwarrant. ieutenant rompskywill be no to him in awed whispers y th e Jain n - only wa y he ywill ge tpaid s b y physically oing
h e l p ;sh edoesn't ee he need oi al i thisdetec- habitants of the area. Thev claimed a downtown o C i t y Hallwith copies f he b i l l a n d
tive work, is coming to believe he Chostbusters rickshaw became ossessed y on eof the form, an d threateningo release veryghost he y
are ncompetent harlatans, nd wants o ee tback maharani pirits, efusing o le tanyoneon _ catch n th e offices f th e Departmeni JContract
to the mportantwork of rousting o ung overs ff to its seatan d chasing tsowner n circles. Management.
th e grass "Crowley lf the Chostbusters aiteduntil nightfall, h ey
n CentralPark. f they figure ou t ho w dismissed hi sas superstition.
to break, inagle r bribe heirway nio Buvukbas,s until th e Jainist oo k hi m t o t h e owner,s ge t no BrowniePoints. f they destroyed he cab,
room, hey'll in d all sorts f occult paraphernalia, hovel, where th e rickshaw stood outside, give he m backhalf he Browniepointsthevspeni
includingminiature tatues f Crrrauauff. g a i n , periodically bashing he door to the dwell- during he adventure.f theysolved h e pioblem
T o b i n ' s p i r l tC u l d e will tell them wh o hs is. ing. There seerned naught to be done. by hitting he metetgive he mbackal l he ooints
When nightfall that hey spent. f they ound the idol and remoraed
Trying o RescueBuyukbas: f theyge t onto on e came, th e rickshaw be -
came quiet. Th eowner egressed o f nd it it , give he m back he points he y spentplus wo
ofthe nearby uilding,sir e escapes,he ycan ry or three more.
to.lasso he lamppost a MovesTraitdifficulty .1 5 quiescent; nd lest t reanimate, urned
/t to the pavement." _ l{ .hey e a l l y mused ou with zanyantics n d
roll)..Buyukbaswill us e he rope o g et o the faithful characterizations, ward them a bonus
building. Unless h ey ca n find some-one h o That's rerynice,but f th e Chostbusten ai t un - point
or two fo r each nspired esture. ,wan. Be
speaks urkish, owever, e won,t be able o tell ti l nightfall, rafficacrossmidtown Manhattanwill
a sport. t' s ar eenough n this universeha t vo u
them much an dCrrrauauff il l no w start riv- come o an utter tandstill nd Krompskv il l harae ge t points or having
u n.
i ng back and forth n front of the buildine. a fit.
Crr.raug.uffil l always no w where BuyJkbas That's he en d of the first adventure.Crab al l
your stuff,countyour dice, an d sendyour players
is an dwill pursue im relentlessly.leverbhost_
bustersma y ry to take Buyukbas cross he East Part Eight: home.Tell he m to returnnext week, prepared o
River n a boat,hopingCrrrauauff il l followan d
drown (o r at east tall). nstead, is quarryvanish_
The End face he.unimaginableerror, h e spine-tingling
horror of--r'TheCouch potatol
ed , Crrrauauffwill roam th e streets f Manhat- Sooner r later,h eChostbusters il l solve he
tan, venting is rageby chasing ike riders, i s_ problem, itherby waiting ntil nightfall, lasting
gbeying raffic aws, nd menacing he garment th e cab nto smithereens,r getting nt o he ca 6
d strict. and removing h e i d o l or hittins he meter.
1. f theywait until nightfall, he ca b srops e-
tn gpossessed. cn,yevet $i that ime gridlock on _
ditionsar e n effect nd raffic sn,tmovins an nch
anywhere n midtown Manhattan. Kiomoskv
won't pay, Durnhamw o n ' t speak o them, th
mayor oes n televisiono call hem ,ierks,,,and
th e Ne w YorkTimes omesou t in favorof mak-
i ng ghostbustingllegalas a fraudulent ctivitv.

Chostbustersperations anual

lntroductoryMorale Note For Rookie
Don't Panic!
We amous am edesigners l l learned ow o gamemasteroleplay-
in g gameswithout ormal nstruction. he original oleplaying ames,
like Dungeons nd DragonsTv,av eus almostnothing n the way of
advice on how to be great gamemasters.
It didn'tslowu sdowna b i t .We also uspectt won'tslowyo u d o w n ,
either.W e ' v e ound hat anyone marte n o u g h o b e intrigued y the
n GHOSIEUSIER$ you asChostmasterpre notiono f roleplayingamessgenerally mart nough o figure u t h o w
sent adventures or th e players o enjoy. Th e to p l a y one without a lot of training .
players retend o be Ghostbusters;he yadd col- So d o n ' tworry.Loosen p .Wing t. Relyon commonsense nd m-
orful characterso the plot, sa ywitty things,have agination.D o n ' t g et oo hung up on the rulesand Chostmasterips.
clcver deas, olvemysterious uzzles,and blow Take t from he experts:W hen in Doubt, gnore he Rules nd HaveFun.
thingsup .Yo uge t o be Ererything lse the plot,
th e peoplewhom the Chostbusters eet,a ll th e
world,and all the dead hingsmenacing t. And
yo u also act as he referee or th e game,who for TwelveUsefulT hingso Remember boutGhostmastering
instanceu d g e swhether r not actions roposed
1. You can't earneverything t once. if necessary nd ge t on with the game. Don't
by he Chostbustersre possible r permissable.
2. Understandhe GHOSIBUSIERS ulesan d be a pushover,h ough.Sometimes omebody
Boy,do yo u everhavea lot of important hing s
mechanics, nd talk them over with the has o makean arbitraryudgement, nd hat
to do. person s you.)
The single most important hing that th e players. f players as k yo u to describe
Chostmaster oes,at least ro m he players' oint something, o. Let hemworryaboutwhether 8, Help ne w players esign heirChostbusters.
of view, s describe situationwhich leads o a or not what y,ou escribe s important. lf aftera few games he y would like to correct
roll of the dice, ell the players hat Traita nd 3. Be air.Earn our players'trust. layen heer- what h ey onsiderlaws n thedesign,et'em.
Talents appropriateo the roll,and hendecide fully ignore ulesmistakes nd hesitationso 9. When yo u ar e pretending to be the
what is the difficulty atingo f th e roll. Though long as hey believe hat he Chostmasters characters nd spooks n your adventures, e
Chostbuster raits nd Talents ary the rule of b e i n g a i r t h a th e i s n o t p i c k i n g n t h e m , a sclever nd resourcefulor a sbumbling nd
thumb s that difficulty5 is easy, ifficulty10 s n o t s h o w i n ga v o r i t i s m ,o r u s i n g i s a l m o s t incompetent)s heywould be if theyactual-
moderately ard, 15 s quiteh a r d ,a nd o interferewith the effects f ly existed. utwhen t comes o udgingcon-
difficulty20 or h igher s very hard o ro ll suc- chance ndstrategyn solving he adventure's flictsof your characters nd spooks gainsthe
cessfully ven or specialists. difficulty ating an challengingroblems. players' Chostbusters, s Chostmaster yo u
be any number - it does not have o be a mul- 4. Exoect to extend the GHOSfBUSffRS must be oartial o neitherside.
tiple of 5. rules. o >et f rules an be as ngeniouss 10 .Be entertaining. am up your characters,
Togiveyo u an ideaof what s nvolved, magine your commonsense play the comedy bits o the hi lt, and make
going hrougha routined ay and assigning iffi-
and keepplaying.Don't waste ime looking every onf ct an acti n-packed, uspensef ed
culty numbers o each challenge ou face.F or up minor rules.Reservehe right o change adventure.t' s a bad sign f your players al l
example, eftingO ut of Bed s a Moves ifficul- y o u r m i n d a b o u t u l e s u d g e m e n t s ". T h i s s a s l e e p u r i n g h e a d v e n t u r e ' sl i m a x .
ty 15 or me. Darnsure go t no related alent n my ruling onight, ut after 've hought bout
that area.)Setting a New World's Land Speed 11 . Chostmasters ill occasionally ave o
it, I may want to be even more fair an d interveneo save plot and keep he gamegG
RecordDriving o Work n HellishTraffics a dif- r e a s o n a b l e .e h . h e h . " )
ficulty25 .TellingMy Boss hat he Came Needs ing.T ry o avoidbeingarbitrary he n yo u n -
MoreWorkSo 'll MissMy Deadline sa difficul- 5. Be Prepared. t first,u se published dven- tervene, nd conceal he nterventionf possi-
ty 15 .And so forth. tures ike he ones hat comewith this game.. ble. f you'recaught, dmit he ruth,of course,
Should o u tell the players hat he difficulty Study h emcarefully.hinkabouth ow yo uar e but mostplayers refer he llusionof the game
rating s?Sure,f yo u want o.Sometimes, owever, g o i n g o present h e charactersnd dramatic - that's why they play.
th e players h o u l dbe kept guessing bout how actionscenes, nd anticipatehe reactions f 12 .When you get ime, ead he entireOpera-
difficulta task s - for instance,f they're rying yourplayersi.e., reyourplayersikely o talk tions Manual carefully,especially Basic
somethinB nusual,ik edoingan appendectomy to a spookor blast t the second heyse e t?). Chostology"beginning n page2 6. Helpful
with two ca n openersand a spoon. U se your 6. Beclear n yourdescriptionsf settings nd hints n Chostmasteringre ound hroughout
judgement any ime yo u hinka littlesuspense s i t u a t i o n s . n s w e r l l r e a s o n a b l eu e s t i o n s the book,an dstudying he rules ives o u h e
i s appropriate, ri n evilly and say, Cee, you're c h e e r f u l l yo r a t e a s t o n ' t h r o w h i n g s t a confidence nd savvy o b e a smooth, nter-
not sure u st how difficult hat'sg o i n g o be." playerwh o asksuseless uesrrons). taininsChostmaster.
7. Expecto be wrong sometimes. dmit t. Say
"Oops", do an instant eplay n
th e action,

Ghostbustersperations anual

lenuewsuorleraoo ralsnqlsotlD

lualel Jo 1re.r1 sute8e llol Jo uot]le aulossatll

lsoq8 aqt ranauaq/rsupau Z .ramo6
pasnrol osrol-llnl l ss€l)
lltun) ll'otz
e sPaq plno/\{uollef,ulsself,enlle sl H pu e
etrads lt t pu e Jo aluasald
-olf,l ue ql!/v\ soq8 z laMod e se Paulnlar aH
'l l slloos epeleqf,
Jo no s! eq/v\ sr leql) asuas Lue8 ,ta,teld q] uaa ^ 'pFo/v\slql ol
pu e ur Surddorp uorsnllr ell] uoddns sdlaq -]aq asruo.rdruore qrea.rol ldu.rage ue aAe;d lreq lsoq8
s,uolslod Uf pauouuns ,{;Surgtrvlun uo l Sulun}
JelferEll:) r Surr{e15rQr;ea.r ;o uorsnllrleuorlaq l q]l/\ railPu aq ] ssnlsrc 'uaddeq p;nor
-ll, aq l uo 4 notr qretlstp Sutqlou uall/v\ tl ul ) pu e l ! pex!, luatuasEqaql ul uolsl^ala) l al
Surqle qtns ]eq] ueuazeue ssaldxaalf,elELl:)
-la#a ]sour sraruauedxeaq l /stultjpue qooq
-osqo,{;qsr1,{ls q t punoj uospr^ECSurplrnqaq l
;o 1n o ,{lsnouas st uolpe pasodold e 11
'suosearpooS olur pa^our uerf,tuq)alsf,tuojlJala e
'saue8 r :laquauau
qI,, uoc'986[ ul'1unIaq]1oaujos
'g ailJ arua.Ja/Jaaq plnoqs araq] nq 'suol]f,erapeleqtr-,o-lno ,,roltrauuo]
Surprersrp o,,3ur]€raqtl,,plolPuPlantssaJ)ns
u1 ,,ie;6 o salnurw ua 1 lertd{1,, aq t }e )ool a1e1 (lurepar ue) sropeleq) 'fular-uoipads
'alduexo ro l 'arnln,aLl]ul re#o ol pue op ol q)ea qll^ 'sapPf,apro, luauaseq aql ul paraPloul
sseu Apnls ,{lsnouaso} ue8aq ueu)uan Jr
a eq suorssassod ue sSuttlstulnl s,uolslou
,{;e1r1raq s o aq eq/v\ ue qll^ 3u!leap r,no^ ro 'alrqourolf,laq] a lr p ot Aluo palue ^ pue 'ua$o8roJse m /sllr)slef aLl]
or.l^\v\ou)lllr/v\ ool'ueAeld,raqloql puE)no ^ af,uarf,s estdsep luappns uo831t aruelsuttol lnls s/uolsloupu e
ul uosar t1 se ut ,{ppol oq e uo q}eaP } pa)oLll
uaql 'o l paau noi(;r saloualew lalsnqlsoqD' latf,eieqf, ro lno aq plno/v\ l 'lou lo la]treleqJ
pJolpuelaql spre/lua4e oos ,{;aleunpolun ^urv
e auef,aq aqs ro aq /\t\oq o ,tqn {lletradse u! sl uortf,e ql lo u lo loqlaq^\ autgPult t fu l
uortp le s aq l o] ^uadold s,ru3 aleuop o1 3u1
pu e slua;e1pu e stre{ 'sapnltne punolEpeq €urqlaulosop rallereql laq lo stq seq a,teld -pualur luaurasPqaq ] olu! LuaqlPa ou l plolpuel
s,repPrPqf ql o al$ll e Surure;dxaapereqr e UaLIM sra^pldaq] ^q patearf,sar)eleqJ lo 'slraq ro
otl] 'Eulllas quoiv\ ou s8ur8uo;aq lH
eql elnporlul uilq a eq ol arnsaq /(ultJ aq l u! er^ou aql roJ palearl $alleJ€Llf,aql laqlaq/!\
'plnorvrslaDeleqJ raql sP fP o] fut p;noqs sa rlelar noqtr/!\ patp uolslou ,ul lolaqfeq V
lsrxa ou plp rplq,\ auo) dn apeu sP qaqs o 'aposrdapaldnlralut aqt jo pua
aq lelll ratrprpq: e sluasa;d ar(e1d uaq11 ,(aqt eqr,(;a.rau p{oq{y ue6 ro ^ainw llrB o
'l u suorssa.rdr"ul aq ] q4ef, ot Sutdoq uolsl^alalaq t o],laslr punoq
dr.ualle lnoqs ieqlueau ],usoop 'pa!p pue lasutq
1r p e d a p ou p lp rlds sr q ng
saas qsJo aq se ellelEq) slq unl tulq al pu e leql )a]f,eJeqf,ur ua,{e1d no{ daal o1 u1 palnf,orlf,ala,{;letuaptrre uolslou hI alosuof,
'pFo/\ aq] pa es puPlaq panf,sal lalsnqlsotlD
lqnop aq l o tllauaqaqr:aAe1dq] a 18 lqlssod
releueqM ']uaualr)xa ro JaEuep uallxa Jo aq ] ]eql 1n;a1e.r8ue
uetu)uan go fuaal alDll ,,tz qlluaz sl q ul uollf,auuof, uualue eulalulaq l
xr; o13ur1dr-uageue'lPJ aql raqpry A1tt1ut(ol
sau.rrltlgenadsa saul] le a8ue.rls{pardaq e ueql aroul ]nq) ^q pauleqf, sr Dar.leB uecl
'asrere slue/v\ ja13uad5uo suSlsap -u a lsnoaue};nr-urs ; tqlt Sutuana uo 'salpauiotr
ue r aldoad eq]'q8noq] laqulaulal s{elt1v llts pu E uorlen]rsSurqrlervr ] sJnoqSutlelt sttl Palonap
('uorssassod,ruouop JrlueuoJ se q 1e:rlre.rdfuenst zltu;a61 utuef
'q8noua uolslou ,lrl /al!l ul 'u^lloolB ur Sutpltnq uauj
yo ,{tr;rqrssod q} uo a}el n)ads pu e ',(detaq} 'uo.s8uro8;ernteuradhs,tq algeqnq -uede upulproue slunequollsanbut soq8 aq 1
-orp{sd }sa33ns 1tua9 'o 1 dn sg apeleqc a erq srorourappazuolsug 'sptaltot luepnld
'qooq Sutueeu-;;alt P s! zluels
aql ]eqi!\ jo a oldde Plno/v\ulotu s,Japeleqf, are aarq] ll v lold s,olelodq)nof eql
aq l 11 a,ield aLl] lsv) 'a^rle ala/l^ A;;enlre Ae gpue'atruarrs nqSurq/ue noqe alDllsae)
aq s o aL I l op plno/v\ al)eleqf,aq l leq/v\ ral3uad5uo33 ueu-uor e st ueu)uan lalad
'Pallol uaLl/\ alotrsou
ralf,erpqf, q],o asuas eq o stqpue (aue8 aq]
]o salnr aql Jo sural ur op ol Surql sa q aq l repPreq] ul tul^eld sp slunoJpu e lsoq9 e s l a l p soqD aq l uo xls
aq ] eq r Suuaqruaual al p ]sot{D aleulo}leue aq
ot auo ])alas ue r no,{ aJlp palolof, 1}
pazrs {llua.rag1 p eq no ^ }l 'pallol aq ol spaau
s^e,v\le rp sotlD aq] eql laquaulal lnq npu€tl ul
aurof, llr/!{asoql actp papts-xls l}xo o eq no^ Jl
' \o u ueLll d;aq p;noc flalsnqtsotlD spr!\Zro ra,uodsrg f;antstrap panou loods aq1 'o aut a}uarelau ul papnllul
's41 laql paqseus 'pa,{eryod/v\es q sallllPloue 'aAV
aq l iluo leql paarBe ll Pu e ar p qsnqlell ggg99 p Sutp;tnq aql lo,
slueprsaraq l Jo auos '1urod 1eq] V 'slaltros sarllxeldtuoc rapou aql lo 1 dulaluor 1;a1l.ttds sueld.roo;j uo alu/\ o] alqel e,o ue d paau ;|,no,{
aq l :uortnqularuJals ue aruatpaqo arue
lleivraql ol s8nld aq ] pasn] pue ul lleq uaql 1ua;ts puv'lla/v\se'1np;aqaq uer saSepueq)v PU P at
pa88nlduolslo1 tsn8stpur slas taql pa83n1dun -rou8rlaau ;o s.rea,{ra^{s0g6[ aql Allsow f,u] -q)unw {pueq aq qErur ilruadma ;e pu e aded
sluaprsal ql uaLl6 'alqlssodutruollesranuor ut psrJrJrorl auirl uspetrapasaql ur uauruleualua ,o pe d e 1n g
'aueB sllll paau no,{ ,{1;elnlep
-1eu €urplrnqaq ] noqBno.rql etelqqretl-q8ne; rol ssedqrlqirt srad er unBder pu Paf,ualoln el n
pauu€) snoaprq 'u'd [[ pu e g uaamlaq q8ru -f,rqa aq l tn g 'uorsrnalatpanelr utds s,uolslou
relsElxlsoqD ol peaN no^ lPl.l^
'sralsnqlsor{Dtsotu ueql ralse1 ;a1r1
fuan3 {;prnb pe/!.rollo}unlo^ }as Jo uotletallv 9
'xo8^ qf,teiv\ sanow e qlr/n auoaurosse se1se''paads lplrtJou 'sra^eldrnoi pue noA o1 dn st
snu auofuana saqf,]!/\ llo/No
aql ate;ndrueLuol paulpal uolslo; ]n q str saurl eerqt aler e le a oLu o] lsoLlSaq] s ^olle arfol.ff, aql - pnuew tuluptl aqt ur paqrrrsap
sles lsr.l]ue l sluaprsar ql 'uoBM ol )|:)eq ounl tltr!q^\ ^]lllqe lPlf,eds nblun 'rvraue st dt7 'ataq se lalJereq) rteu u8rsa p o sralsnqlsoqD rno ul
eq t padd;p pue Burpltnqaq l 1o 1otled salaseaJ Surpear rnlal uaql irtou Qr;rqelerf,edseq l u€f,s eq l asn uef,no 1 rapereq) e spaau ale;d qce3
plnotls noA lotseu]sorlD sy '97 a8ed 'pnueN 'alqnorlsnouas
s1t1 o pasned r.rrds ,uo1s;o; as;a Sutqilue u1
paun]auoaurosJl ,,'sunr-ar ql ro auoq 'uo8M suolBrado aqt u! pauleldxa ,!1;;qe ;eltads e u1dn pu a ;1,{aqt s slre}ap Llla8ueq) ^pearle}l
uo ureBe pue ure8e pue ule8e saluone; noi( sr 1sra8ral1o6der11soq8e olul pof,ro1 q uptr aq peara^Pqr lr^apaln!l ,{1eaus q} Dadsnsno^;1
oos,, n1-uo8M ueqlraqlo lauuPqf,(u eqrteirt aro;aq lced uolord e qlr/\ saurt a U uolslo1 trtl ('ool 'lq8u ua, aruas) un 1rlaql lrods llrM ]eql
lo u plnof, sluaprsar q] uoos
'eaun] f,luoJpala ot peeu salsnqlsorlD aq] lprll sueau S aruesard €u1uor s,teq/r^\^ou{ ^aq} }l '}l {e;d Aaqt arolaq
pu e lpnupuralelndrueu o1 q8noua ueq] aJoul -o]f,1 'af,rp o\ l lloJ no^ lapeJel]) Jatlloue ,o oueuatrsslql pearot ]ou sraield rnoit ura

olelod qcnoc eqtr'


The Spook's Dread Intentions

Rolston's spirit cannot rest until everyone
everywhere outinely revels n puerileprogram-
ming not o n l y n the building r the neighbor-
GhostmasterR esearchData lf a slow, methodical mystery-solving ac e
Chostbusters houl d learn as much about suitsyour players,et he research nd puzzle-
ing buildings, ut throughoutBrooklyn, he tri- solving phasedevelopat its own speed Iet
statearea, he United States, nd wherever in e the targetspookas hey can beforewhipping
out the proton packsand scorching he client's the Chostbustersonduct ibrary esearch, o
televisions resold.The spirit'sgrandiose reams leg vrork, seekout expert nformants,nterview
somewhat exceed his mo dest capabilities,bu t material possessions.G etting that damage
release igned s an important irst step, but witnesses, nd so orth. i on the other hand.
givena couple of eonsof undisturbed auntings, you and your playersprefer ots of action and
Rolstonmight grow into a male\rolentm eta-entity it is not going o ge t hem complete mmu nity
from civil suits or Wanton Devastation. character nteraction, ompress he researc h
on the scaleoI Zuul or Cozer. Prettyambitious "Uh, okay.Y ou'venvestigated
The details of the plot often dictate where b/ telling hem,
fo r a Brooklynboy.We'recountingon the Chost- all the plausible esearcheads;here's he in-
busters ipping his cosmicmegalomanian the the key widence, information,or artifactexists,
and of us t what it is composed.City records, formation yo u came up with." Then stick
bud, however. werything n their hands nd et hem study t.
local newspapers,w itnesses, ibrarians,ex -
perts,consultants, iaries,grafitti, an d other Initially you'll probably have to tell the
The Teaser commonplace records an d informants ca n players o do research the Chostbustersn
the movie sure aren't good examples.Once
prove useful in discwering the nature of
Read his aloud to start he adventu re: yo u suggest he possibiliry by sayingsome-
spooksand in devisingappropriate trategies
When you Ghostbusters come back from a to eliminate hem. Th e Ghostbusters re well thing ike "Gee whiz, I wonderwh y this nasty
party, decorated as usual with a thin crust of advised o cul tivate a stable of information old spook s n thisbuilding yo u don'tsup-
onion dip and confetti, you find this message n sourceswhich they can refer o throughout pose here's reason, o you?" (Wink, wink.)
your telephoneansweringmachine: their adventuring. Or , "Bot1,I wonder f the newspaper as any-
"Ghostbustersl Help us! Our televisionsets
ln "The Couch Potato" adventure, he focus thing n it about his crazy ghost?" he n hrcnar
turn on when we're not there! We can't see is on action and character; the mystery them offthe scent$l saying, Nahh, probably
Dallasot Miami Vicel The landlord won't help elements re airly simple,and he records re not."
us! We're the tenants,and we pooled our money, limited. (For nstance, he only witnesses re lf the playerswant to investigateplaces or
and you can have t all! fust get rid of our spook! the tenantsof th e building; once the Ghost- which you've no preparedmaterial,yo u ca n
Call me , Don Davidson,at 555-3092.Thanks." busters re hrough nterviewing hem, there say ha t there'sno evidence here,or require
ain't nobody else.) Hovrrever,n some adven- a roll against very high difficulty f yo u want
What do the Chostbusters o? tures, he mysterymay be pretty nvolved,and to be deceptive, r yo u ca n improvise.Don't
Encouragehe m to returnDon'scall. lf they're the only way to defeat the ghost may be carelessly iv e hem misleading ints. f the
reluctant, remind them that their hamburger through cla,er sleuthing, esearch, nd puzzle- players ind they cannot rust our information,
monev runsout at the end of th e week and that solving. they won't botherdoing any research.n fact,
theirdrycleaners hreateningo tum theirbill orer they wo4't be real nterestedn anythingyo u
to a collection agency. Do you haveany idea of tell them.
the time and expense nvolved n gettingdried
marshmallowof f of four polyester umpsuits?)
lf the playersare still reluctant, have them BustingGhostsFor Big Bucks UsingProps
roleplaywaiting pr anothercase o come in. Sit
Chostbustersnternationalhas established
back,closeyour books,and stareoff into space. Usinga real elephoneas a prop is a good
standardees or the followingbasicservices:
Practice ou r bird calls.Pickyour eethwith your idea. Using props s alwaysa good idea. For
thumbnail. l owbubblesn ou r milk ora w h i l e . On-Site nspection: $500 example, player ripping something haped
They'll crack. Removal f ParanormalE ntities like a PK Emeter s likely to wave t aroundat
When th e Chostbuster dentifi es himself or For FirstEntity: $4000 the firstsignof an ectoplasmicmanifestation.
herself, Don will say, "Thank goodness 'v e $1000
' This
s called really nt o it." Players
reachedyou! Mumble, mumble crazy around Storage one-time ee): $1500 have otsa un when they are "really getting
here."Do n is realhard o understand ecause is into it." Propsare one way to stimulate hi s
TV is oo loud. (C o ahead.Turnyour own TV up. CBlnt encouragesndividual franchi ses o
totally-involved style of play. Costumes s
Haven't you alwayswondered what a TV at top run specialswith reducedpricesor package
another; umpsuits oo k real good on suave
volume sounds ike?) dealswhen business s slow or when a fran-
dudes ikeu s.Buyinga otof surplus igh-tech
Phone conrersationswith Don tend to be chise s breaking nto a nevryerritory. .1963
electronicequipmenta nd a Cadillac
unenlightening t besr. lndividual Chostbuster ranchises ave he hearse or an ECTO-I is another way.
right to chargewhatever ees hey like. In prac-
Don: Mumble, mumble, horrible mumbling Obviously, ou can overdo t. You haveou r
tice, Ghostbustersend to have Robin Hood permission.u st on'tblameus when people
complexes steal ro m the rich, give to the look funnv at vou. . .
Ghostbuster:What di d yo say? poor. Frequently humanitarian impulses
Don: Of course mumble ca n pay! Mumble go t prompt Chostbusters o accept smaller ees
mumble-mumble ollarsan d 92 cents! from needy and deservingvictims of other-
Ghostbuster: can't hear you. Why don't you turn worldly menacet while NakedCreed usual-
that TV dcrrvn? ly surfaces hen Chostbusters eal with large
Don: What? corporationsor governmentbureaucracies.
Don: Creat! 'll expect ou n half an hour!Thank
mumble! By e no w *click*
RemindChostbusters hat thev havea base ate
fo r a house al l (see ccompanying ox),and hat
they should give a written estimate at the
premises.Also remind them agai n that they're
broke, and try to get them to FlatbushAvenueso
that the adventurecan begin.


SpecificResearch otherwiseassociated it h th e unusualso far as

th e authoritiesknow.
a welyvoice, nd osympathetic.. Females re
far less usceptibleo Amarillis,smesmerizing
Resultsn the Couch This information is found with a successful charm.
Brains r LibraryScience ol l against ifficulty5.
Potato Case lf th e researching hostbuster,slayermisseshe Brains 5 Law
roll, then eitherno information s found, or th e
Here's he research at aavailablen th e Couch Cool 5 Lav t On Thick
PotatoCase. he Chostbusters il l probablvvisit Ghostbustermust ackle he problemon another
dav. Moves 3 Curtseyan d Blush 6
th e apartmentbuilding first, al k to Don david-
lf th e informatlon s ound, a successful Muscle 2 PushMales round 5
son, an d do a little snoopingabout before hey
or See oll against ifficulty 5 notices penciled
do the research,ut unusuallvmethodicalC hosi
note on on e piece of paper: it says,simply, Coal: Claw Her Way to the Top
bustersma y ge t he addressro m Davidsonover ,"Rolston."
th e phonean d do a thorough nformation earch Distinctive Mannerism: us hSouthern rawl: so
before he y reach he apartment. Clue 2: Further Information About th e sorry sh e can't help you.
When they get around o doing the research or Building's Owners
after you prod them a bit in that direction).as k
them where they'd ik e to look for information. Al "Stonewall" Greenacres-r: Amarillis, th e district representativef Crasp
Le t he m makephone calls o possible ources Sullen Civil Servant Property,a cknowledgeso the Chostbustersn
of information.Play he partof busyclerks some Al can make a careerou t of finding on e file. person r by phone ha ta poltergeistma y or ma y
pleasant nd helpful, most nastyan d abrasive From he momentyou reachhi m by phone or in not be) presentat 66666 Flatbush.She hen reads
responding nd nviting he Chostbusterso come person,. e goes nt o a stall,askingyo u to hold from a statement he hasprepared, saidunits
down in person "Sorry we don,t giveou t that on while he takesanothercall, looks or were properly an d fully exorcisedon Nov. 15 .
kind of information ne r he phone.,, om eof their speaks o his supervisor,a kesa coffeebreak, as 1985,as aftested y lessorexhibitC herewithat -
ideaswon't pa n - calls o the Smithsonian Iunch, akesa nap,ad nauseam.O therwise. he tached,an d that any imputed or actual minor
Institute,he UN Secretaria!and the Theosophical isobnoxiouslypolitean d cooperative.f yo u harre annoyance of poltergeist activity cannot be
Societywon't be very productive bu t that,s all day,he'll ge t yo u th e informationyo u want. demonstrated or should be imputed to be th e
Chost-biz. resultof improper essoractivity no r as a result
When on e or more of them visit th e places B r a i n s 3 Stall Forever of lessor efault r non-compliance it h accepted
ou c a n e i t h e rs i m p l ysummarizeh e i n- standardsnd practices. upernatural
Cool 3 Speakpolitely
formation or reveal t to the players n character, events, xceptas definedherein,ar e specifically
playinga file clerk, receptionist, awyer,or reai Moves 4 AvoidWork the responsibility f lessee, s upheld n th e and-
estate manager. Muscles 2 Push Paper mark caseof Wentworth v. Duck.,,
On request, he'll readLessorE xhibitC below
Clue 1: Public Information About th e Coal: ServeHumanity at Hi s Ow n pace aloud to the Chostbusters.
Building Roll Brains r La wagainst ifficulty5 to under-
Distinctive Mannerism:',Excuseme , bu t could
y ou h o l d on iust a minute?" stand haq at present,CraspPropertyneeds o do
Ginger Gasheart
and will d o nothing.
Cum-Popping Moron
Crasp Propertyor its parentcorporations an
Cinger h o l e su p i n a c u b i c l e at the Hall o f Th e records bout Five-Boroughitleare n th e be useda sv i l l a i n s o m i s d i r e c th e Chostbusters.
Records. He r phone voice suggestsa misan- Bureauof Records,n Manhattan, n if_you ant; he players re ikely o be suspicious
a Citv Hall
thropic, hrillBugsBunny, unctuiiedbrthe snap- annex.Fir,e-Boroughitle urnsou t of the andlord, egardlessf th e plot. f theywant
o be a whollv-
ping an d slurpingaccompanying er gS.00a day owned subsidiary f Tri-State inancialSystem;. to investigatehe landlord, et them uncover lle-
chewing-gum abit.Sh edoesn,tik eyou,an dyo u galitiesan d shennanigans,nd stewabout what
a c l o s e l y - h e l dummy c o r p o r a t i o n e l o n g i n go
can. ell..Sh e keeps orgetting he last hing yo u Dilate & Couper A.C., a daughtercomplny of to do , bu t don't compromise he operationof
said,and constantly nterrupts o askyou to ,epeat Slavicsek nd Skutsch, piraticalconglomerate Rolston's hostunlessyou haveworked out a con-
yourself.Howwer, if yo u ar persisient nd pa - headquarteredn Lichtenstein. ut his s useless vincing alternateplot.
tient, you'll eventuallyge t the informationyo u information, nless t convinceshe Chostbusters Clue 4: Lessor Exhibit
want. C - A letter
no t to tr y to ge t ghostbustingmoney from such
blackguards. Nov. 15 , 1985
Brains 1 ForgetAnnoying
Ghostbusters et this informationwith a suc- Th e undersigned, o th e best of their
Details cessJul rains r LibraryScience ol l against if - knowledgeand for no consideration ther
Cool 5 RadiateCosmic ficulty 1O r,alternatively,f any Chostbuster as than th e welfareof humaniry have ested,
Indifference o a PlayStockMarket alent,he or sh emerelvcalls exorcised, leansed,umed,an d otherwise
Citizens hi so r h e rb r o k e r n d gets d a t a n 15 minutes found he buildingat66666 Flatbush rze.,
Moves with no roll at all. BrooklynNl to be freeof spooks, hosts,
3 Chew an d Po p
cold spots,creepiyhings,awful demons,
Muscles 3 Masticate
Clue 3: Statementby a Representative f an d other principalsor representativesf
Coa/s; Blow th e Ultimate Bubble Grasp Properties injuriousor malevolent upernaturalgen-
Amarillis cies, powers, r unfathomableentities.
DistinctiveMannerism: nergetigncessant,lo p O'Hara
py gum che.r,ving. Paralegal Beagle (signed)
FatherX. Flannagan
Amarillis s a sweet-talking outhern elle with
a mind like a steel rap.Sh e ulls yo u into com- Rev.E. Monroe
Brooklyn Hall of Records, 5231 FlatbushAve: p l a c e n c y RabbiA. Eliazar
with gracious p e e c hwhile she slyly
Accordingo public record, he buildingat 66666 outmaneu\€B Crasp properties BishopNephi K i m b a l l
FlatbushAve. s ovvnedby'Craspproplrty Man- )lrru. ig of course, Swami
no responsible." eriod.Bu t wh o cares such Mhaha Ra Zjee
agement,a division of Five-Borough itle. Th e S h a m a nR u n n i n gBear o n e s
b u i l d i n gwa sb u i l t b y Hiram Fink n 1 9 4 7 .t has
never ha d a fire, been raided, condemned,or This document gives he namesof the exorcists
which Crasp Properties outinely hires o ,de.

Chostbusters perations anual j1


spook" tsbuildingshn d grounds. he yare much of the original screenings f the old TV shows, Le t th e Chostbustersbribe, threaten, Con,
cheaper han the Chostbusters,equiringonly a theyareon the right nck; if thqy ocuson ,,violent whatever,he cute little ladsand lasseso their
small donation o their spiritualcausesor their deaths" or "fatal accidentsi'during that time, heart's ontent. Not much will be done to ECIO-I
services. they're real hot. You ca n give them Brains or in any case.
An y of theseworthiescan be contacted n the LibraryReference olls for hints or make them
spaceof an afternoon,an d all will agree hat no You're coming up on 66666 Flatbush.This
figure hi s stuffou t on their own - suit yourcelf
signof supernatural ctivityoccurredwhen they - an d your players. four-story building is much like the others in the
checked he premises.Of course,none of them neighborhood an ugly brick box with al l th e
Practically peakingsince inding he clipping
actuallyentered he building; he rituals such charm of a stateprison. Yo unotice three things
on Rolston'sdeath pretty much resolves he
as heywere were conducted rom the sidewalk as you he muchdefaced cornerstone
nrystery ou shouldkeep t underwrapsuntil the
outside.They know nothing hat will contribute says1947; oud, raucous aughter s coming from
last then ca n po p it ou t just as the
substantiallyo the solutionof this case. th e building;and all of the windowson th e to p
Chostbusters reabout o figure t out themselves
floor have been boarded up - from the inside.
(a ypicalsleazyChostmasteringrickguaranteed
When you reach the attractive, institution-
to annoy he players), r yo u ca n haveAlice find
Clue 5: Th e Brooklyn Commercial Bugle green front door, you see three doorbell-type
it if they are way off track and in needof a hint.
buttons on a panel to the left. The bottom ohe
Alice Tolliver In a pinch,sh ecouldgive he ma call on ECfOl,s
is labelled Davidson Super, he middle on e
H gh-Spi ited Elderly Fl rt m o d u l a rp h o n e and read h em t h e c l i p p i n g .
laCoque, the top one Pogoni.From th e marks
Th e article tself s very short,giving only th e
In a d d i t i o n o flirtingwith y o u n gme n (6 5 a nd basicdetailsdescribed n "The Couch Potato,s on the panel, there once was a fourth button
under)a nd stacking l d c l i p p i n g i l e s n precar- PIot" above, but it is illustratedwith a locally above he others; t looks as f it has been remov-
ious, eetering olumns, lice handlesnformation prize-wi n ng photoshowi g Rolston's oderate. ed - with a blunt instrument.
requests. lice is pretty sharp n trackingdown ly frazzledhandclutching he antennawire, and
obscure ewspaperefurences,ut t will takehe r theZenith's erialn umberand D information an
a while - 50 percentof the files are out of their be seen n the corner. he article's eadline eads. Hunter Panama: ournalist, Recluse,Gu n
cabinets, tacked n somedesk.She,llhave o go "Fatal Accidentat Enthusiast,Weirdq and Red Herring
66666 FlatbushAvenue."
througheachstack,at considerable isk o life and When th e Chostbustersealize ha t he Zenith Th e boarded-upwindow and the removed
Iimb.A littlegentlemanly ttention an a hand in the basements he agency f Rolston,semise, doorbell shouldmake he players ea lsuspicious
at moving the stacksaround - will greatlyex - they will know just where to hunt the spectral of Panama.Conversationswith other tenants
pedite th e process. f treatednicely (i.e., llrted presencehaunting66666 Flatbush. should do little to hem. "The fourth
with shamelessly), lice could become a great floor?HunterPanamaivesup there.He'sall right
information esource or th e Chostbusters. - | guess. us t littlestrange. writer, ou know?
Stays p there all day,only seems o come ou t
Brains 5 Find Obscure at night. Doesn'tbother anybody,but lotsof weird
Reference Part One: noisescome out of that apartmentat all hours,
Mo\r'es 2 Stack File Folder l'm on the Outside
Muscles 1 Pinch Cute Man's
Cheek Looking n
Cool 3 ScoldYoung
Whippersnappers 6
ShiftingTh e Scene Th e Re dHerring
Since this is your story yo u can simply sa y
Coal: ServeHumanity something ike, "You Chostbusters et n the Ecto. A "Red Herring" (also known as ,A False
DistinctiveMannerism:P okingan d pattingmen, mobile an d you're in front of 66666 Flatbush Traill' or , more commonly, A Hose Job,,) s
calling he m "sonnyi'and battinghe r eyelashes Avenue n twenty minutes."Or yo u can be more a nasty trick which a Chostmasteruses o
a t them. elaborate hd akemore ime - giving he players mislead,confuse, lo w down, an d generally
time to bickeran d argueaboutwho's in charge annoy hi s players.E ssentially, Re d Herring
i s u s u a l l ya g o o d i d e a at the b e g i n n i n g f the i s a s e r i e s f c l u e swhich p o i n t o a s o l u t i o n
of the mystery the Wrongsolution.The con-
Justdown th e block from the BrooklvnHall of adventure.
Records re he officesof the BrooklynCommer- sequencesof following a Red Herring ca n
cial Bugle, communitynewspaper f longstand- A Nice Place o Visit...
range ro m simply wasting ime to seriously
When they arrivg the Chostbusters ill find j e o p a r d i z i n ghe mission.
ing. Alice, who's in chargeof the morgue iles,
is cooperative, ut warns hat searchesake a long convenientparking or ECIOI: a spot next to a Yo u can set up a Red Herring when th e
time. fire hydrant ix blocks rom 66666 Flatbush. Fo r Chostbusters re approaching he solution o
Th e more specific he information he Chost- Ne w York, hat'sconvenient.) ea d he ollowing th e adventuremuch to o quickly,or when yo u
busters re ooking or , he better heir chanceof description l o u d as hey walk to t h e b u i l d i n g : want them to have ha t thev
finding t. lf theysimplystart rom he present ay would otherwisebypass, r when you feel that
It's B:15p.m.,on a warm summerevening. t,s
an d work backwards hrougheveryedition, th e still light out, though cloudsare moving n an d th e adventure s too simple.
franchise will go bankrupt before they find When plottinga RedHerring thereare a few
it will probably ge t dark in a half an hour or so
anythinguseful.T here s no specificentry ile for t h i n g s o u s h o u l d onsider: . Who,s e s p o n -
Th e neighborhood is predominantly lower
66666 FlatbushAvenue. s i b l e o r the Red Herring? s t h e v i l l a i n (o r
middle-class, filled with tired apartment
Th e Bugle keeps spook) ayinga false rail,hoping o delay he
files on occult or weird buildingsan d squishedJookingow houseswith
events they' e a respectab e journa . Howeve Chostbusters,r is t simply a series f bizarre
concrete front lawns and in need of paint.
if th e Chostbustersxamineh e i l e s o r h e im e Children of all races, colors, and states of coincidences?We suggest ou don,t overdo
th e bizarre oincidenceoutineor your players
cleanliness camperabout, riding bikes,playing
will grow o hate yo u and mistrust us t about
catch, whacking'each other with plastic ray-
everything ou tell them.)2. How much time
guns. They look real interested n ECTO-l...
will th e Chostbusters aste ollowing hi s up ?
3. Ho w ar e you gonnage t he m backon the
right trackonce he Re d Hening stopsbeing

12 Chostbusters perations anual


€t lenuewsuotlerado lalsnqlsoqD

leuosrd sof,e,oulsoril:::":1r?'?,::i li
Aq pollsr^aq llt^ sratsnqlsoqD q] ,Sutuana}eq1
,o ]n o uaql )lt) pue suelelreqJ
ssalpeaLle uat{t asrn) 1;,aqureSreq o} asn}alllrts
sralsnqlsoqD qlJl lojJo saq s/uospt^ec rsrql
'auo srLl]Llll/v\ ulleapalqnor] slol a pLl
;1rm eo9 A1rueun;1urrua5 ll} r.l}!/v\a}snq}soLlD
-lnpaqtrsI;re;n8er rnor{ l no,t utnla.r M MoN ,{uy ,,',r,ro;aqatrolsaalq} asturap lq ot Sulrlserf,
'llq a)ror1)Apelncrped 'sralsruueqpeualear*Alpeq plo aq] q8norqt
]eq] ^o[ua o1 1aBs,ra,{e1d no,{ a;ns aleu ol ,]f,a} pue drls ]/usaop uelpltqtr8uno,{ t;ano1 ,ruo3o6
-J apupasnef, s/vlel qt o] artlsnfut 'slw 'qsog ...lueuodlur
Jo lpnsef, p ol ]o auo adoq alns |
'qaq 'qaH ']qnop ou 'uolleruasqo ]seal e Jo Ll;.tplpue uo^eaHanoulo] arrpetd ptep aroursrstrl] san8 ng 'slalsruueq aql reda:ol asn
luerutuSrsul -uelssr 'alnluenpeue ped elnrrped o1pasoddns e ^ | leLll,, gE1graqtoueq]!^ latJo
uo poots tErl sil.lpue lt punoJpetne up aq r 1o auos a)tl
no^ I :aldDuud ueuodrxt eqloue urtuo1sSuuq aq] ualaaAsll r uospr^ec llol aql sulM apeleqJ
ol porlrrs araqtsurpular ql Iq palleM aq ueq^
srrjl'tou ro leap s/uospt^ec da)fe ^aql aqlaq/v\ ra,{e1d 11 papensradusaq a eq sra}snq}soqD
,{eple1setrluauaseq aql u1 a;rd aq} uo )req }l
sralsnqlsorlD ql rst^ plnoLls q aprcep,$ut no{ aq l /llor aq] sur^ uospt^ec Jl ('slueualaq ]
rvrarq] ueaSerJo u e ul qlruaTanblluepazud sr q pue uospr^ecSuruopueqeno 11eno1pualaldo1
ap€Jeqf,SururJprlt qf,nsst oyn :eloulsod
poqseursq 'papelsalqnor]aqt ra]rv'as1a urql tpLl] 'urnlar '(r.ulr.l
-aujossreqrueurer osprleg 'S l ^]lntl1llp sule8e llr/v\ ln a)ll ]/usaop Lls ue) {uun1 lualpI Jl n g sr qas nplno)'aldurexaro1'uptu)uan)
3u1q1ar,uosar.rl{poq,{ue11 q 'o14 yoa8pa;,r,rou1 'lualpl pa]€lal-ure8leg o
'1;e11se3 1oo3 loo3 lsaq ,s.ra,4e;d
11ot tsso3 o 1n;ssartns qllM Z .ulnlat sJalsnq
aql snsra (a)lp g) 1ua;e1 refueg ,uospt^pc o]
'eelsnqlsoqD aql ur pallEf, -lsoqD ll E urelf,srp11rrvrnbo3el sstw
aqt uaqrrrpasr.rdlns 1}ueseald q ll!^ lloJ a;Joaql ssnJsrp ] urSaq ana ra,{e;dqt;1
slueuataq] ]urod lpr.ltV 'tr,18!u ro ^ep ro aturt eq/v\ aq iurLl noqe 3urr1lou ^ou) uosptlp6 .anbo3e1
raDptxou slasaql Jl o ulnl o1a;qrssodulauef,aq ssrW /pual:] ale[!,, e ^q ]uas se/v\ lrn:aloN lsapoul o loJ o1 {qtedr-u,ts ""rr"OnrqtJ"3il
'sla)f,os Jo
]! pue lle/\\ aq] olul pasn, ara/vl slas sdnorE eq] - qll/r^ (eldol dnor8 uo 3ur{e;d ,{;prtarqs ureSleqpJeqe sa tlp uos
aqt oy s8nld leru]f,alaaql 'leql tege 8uo1 op .9 ^ a u e pu Uqo t aq l a)e] ol aull)ap -pr^ec ]n q lego poo8e ou s! s!q]',{;1err8o1pay
1 llrsbq l 1g -r a leq] o] ^ ou slalsnqlsotlD q] Lllr/v\ re8lego1
o] saunlo las aq] ll e dn panou loods aql .u.d pue ual t 0002$ uretuof, t ]eqlpur, ]dLualle lr/!{pup a8pnq leq} ulLlll^ arr.rd ulrop
alqetsnfpe ep aq] saur] laq]o 'ado;anuaaql auruexaslalsnqlsorlD iirlli qluoul alll Suruur8aq
[L-guaa/v\]aq Jo q] uaq6 lreu ol slue^ uospt^eq lo
.]txa pue ,{;tueseald ou aLl] e durs qe) quo/\
]e 'sp^\aLUnloA q] aJtqM Luntrltxeutol paulnl ro 00'Ot$ pup arour00.glg
'srsetldua 'gg'g8tg
se/\ auJnlo^aq1 'u'd g 1e {;ldruord sa^lasulaq} llli\ otln lol[er-uq8norq] Jo asrurord e q]!M raqlaSot padars
Iq uo urnl o1ue8aqslasaq] lagearaql,{1poq5 g peaq sr q 8urtuue15 ;,astor1 pp ro1 as n luala, aneq slueua] aqlo or.ll pup aH 'arrrd 11e1 1
'UO8^^ o] -J!P pu!J01 up/v\,uop no,{ uorsr:ap no,{ aprs slup^ uosptneq ur8aqualsnqlsoqD q] atoJaB
PasnJ,{1)l)tnbsl e -uorar s{n8 no,{ 1ep s1sa33ns 1r 'a1e311sa,ru1
sreun] ueuiatpldal aql 'asnoLl
]ueulupde aqt ol lsotu ,o q i(eql se ;eauarard
pue qsnqlelj 99999F sualqold ap noqp pauros Surplrnqaql le a al o] f,tlsrlealalor.u nq ,1tor*
PouJnlar Ja/v\ nl aql pue PallelsulaJa/\{ JaunJ -uof,,/sr
le o e ]eql sralsnqlsor.lD aql ueaut _ arour s,l! - Eurplrnqalll ololdxa sralsnqtsoqD
^ au,l 'doBM 's lauueq) ol pasn,uaaqpeq slas
ap lla] lool, aq] uo y dorp pue apod sr q1o 1no aLl] se lno ]l tlllals 'i(1qera;ard 1o 'la{e;d
a^rpalapaq] ur sraun]aq l tprJlpul, ol paqs!uolsp slatsnqlsoqDaql
adolenuaue 11ndaJrr-us lll^ olln
,,ssoq rno^ ol ueldloo;1aql /v\oLls
arai\ (uaq] Suoure uosprne6) uaLuJtpdal qt
'uo ra1e1 3urp;rnqaql LuoJ, anoual ep,/uaqM 'lle/\^lsaleauetll q8norql.ralsnqlsorlD ol anr8 uer uospt^ec qcrq,ua8pa;rtou1 sr ueld
Suraq.rage aql uo urvroqs urqlfuana ue'ssalppe eql le slnf,
aLl] v\orqlpup ",ssoqep,, aas o1 1se rns sr q ;o
auU pa4om redal o; ua)e] suotstlala]'tsJUV .t -f,o arntua pe slq] roJ rppasar aql
'suorlsanbSurr,uuelSo.rdue leualpur aql laal lleq srqalgnr dn ralsnqlsor.lD lle ou q8nogl)
1s e o1 aql ))rd 'saesaq uolad 1s.rr1q] o] dn qf,reut uorttreaq] ]o llv '(o aI! aruarolaa) ,,a^v qsnq
'aruesald ,{uuerun aq} '(no^
)ulr.ll sra^eldaql ]al ]nq ot dn - ;;ein e to toop ]uor1aql rl8norql) -l€lJ 99999,, pallll ueld fuo1s-t1;nu-r eards 8ed
palduord s,{enr1ee3 arll raqpry lyy 1eq1 a.r8e srapenbpeapl sralsnqtsoqD olua -o le_ ar lua^pe
slueuataql /pa)sp
'rla isllrrl) t;a; ,{aql puo uo
llr^\ o]tn
:iT ? fJ.i::11_::,"x?_
pools rprl aql - sautlaulossacuasa;d(uuelun s,]prl/v\-/!{oM-qsoS',drqs.rorvr-olaq,sseursou,fu aqral
l1a1 eqauofuana'3urq],tueesauo ou q8noql .g 'sal)rnu) s,aldoad aqto - - soJnlea, notxouqoalou snl o loldxa pue
sal)f,nu) Alln1alef, 1 a8ed ll e
Aluo slnoq asoql3ullnp peunlal slrerr ,{1}uelsuoJ :srusrJau uo uorldr.lrsapal)pJelltr ,uos
eAl aNl)utlsto -prne6 pn15 rlsnq}elJgggggte a.r,,{aq}a nauaqrt
aral\ suorsrlalal ,Surpltnq ql,o ll e ,{11eur8r.rg 7
')aa/r e asJaltufl alqul aql d61 eeg oL:!eo) aprnB raqt eps ll,aH llaq s,uospr^e6 o6 Bur.r
'ud ol 8urp;rnq
ilep uanas ll,^aql luar-uuede q] ratuaoI
t[ pue'u'd B uaamlaq,{;n8er 6 sued ApoB
a)rl-)trol) r,llli\ slnf,Jo ,{lrnrpe ,(;lsoL18 q1 .1
leac e aIPW s,lel
s,tueuoddg aloutau 9 alf,snw
'anl) /v\aue ut sso] pue
leadde 1ueua1 uos Eurneq q Eulnor.u laql a8
'lxau op ol
s,luauoddg punotV
:o/tu ued
teql 1no a.rnSly o
,uef, ltelap auros req^^ol3 der1l {14a6 7 sa oy{
uo dn Sunq ar,Aaql1; 1uorler.u.ro1uq 'o uorlJaltp
aql ur a our srtemle e,{e16 uot}etujolul aJotu asll auo^uv upql
uaLlt paal o1ur8aq sllelsuol1ce qt l! :drtsu o uredaroh/ arnpul t loof
'alzzno aql ('aulzp8eu salelptJ y loJ alui\,pazelt
Jo a[!PN U,,V\O -8nlp 'Suruurrvr-plei\
acatda;Dr; /v\oaq to sr qSuuagopue sa8ua;1eqc e ue lsnf s,aq alrduen e
srH raquauou sutelB
umo Jaq o strl Eurluasaldqrea 'slape I
],usr ureuql pJoJal qt oJ) ra1em,(Joq ql!i\/\ uil.l
-:req)ppo aqt o1 ,(aql .tueual 3ur;1ur.rds ram {aql {r1m ueue; o1 ure;dxao1
ll p taau a8 uaql
3utfu1 gy paleld-.ranlrs,eueued,o pua ssautsnq
q)ea q]!i\ s,Marrualut sanlJaq] aq] rasessauo rrap]sr ofr';tltJttffi?
dn pr d sJalsnqlsoqg ql lal ol sr em rrleLuelp - (l r sJaquot-ual q eql os q8noue1r eada.r{aq} aq] p Eulrpls a lesuaq] putj uoos 1;rm,{aq1pn;
'stnoj-&-orq pauadreqs ue
aql 'uotletuto1uranlE o1 ,{emEuuoq aq} s,}eq} ,! ) ur!Llllal sassoq tq e^aleq^ saopaH .a;Buer-u tltlM rr1.re3 ur,(nq
'qtparq auo 'uosprne6 ol sa^!l olrn 'sarped ,{n3 un1 e pup sarolsals!{pleq pue fuaror8 lero; eq} o} Buru
te fuols aql llal q8norql 1e lo N ^l!ue, -unr aq plnoqs sratsnqlsor.lDq] atur] srrll ^B
'p;nor no{ q8noql 'satlt^rpp auuc qroo8eqqeD qlrorra)earq-8a1 e s! o]!n
s,1soq3 qt ;o
aBpa;mou1slueualalll sazueululnsuotpas strll ,;rulq a)!l t/uop spr)'pooqroqqBreuq]..'#nls
poog 3u 4oo1-Eu eua yg leey pue sasselSunsdaatr asaq]s.teanri(enleaH .oo]
/rrou) sluBual aql lpqM --ourlso8uel //ef,eJeiltJoD, oll^
's;;atus a8uells allq,\ e pupaJuo uana pue


PartThree: ln one cornerof the living roomar ea few hick

shardsof broken glasswith an unusualcoating
Sirena LaCoque,age 26

The Building t 66666 on the interior side of the curved fragments. Brains 3 EstimateWealth
Ghostbusterswho search that room should
FlatbushAvenue attemptMoves or See olls againstdifficulty 10
Muscles2 Crapple
to notice he glitterof the glass ragments. suc- Moves 6 Attract Attention
This section alks about th e physicala rrange-
cessfulB rains r Electronicsol l against ifficulty Cool 5 Borrow
mentof the building, ts nhabitants,nd describes
5 revealshat the piecesare random eftcvers rom
someof their peculiarities. hereare our floors
the Zenith'spicture ube,destrqrcdwhen the mad- Coa/; Money
and a basement, nd four tenants.Each enantoc-
dened Davidson attacked the Zenith with a DistinctiveMannerisms: iltsher headprettily o
cupies one floor, in th e following order top to
hockeystick. one sidean d batshe reyes oquettishly t males.
Th e bedroom s unkemptand hasonly a mat- Cute as hell, but she can't see a thing.
too floor Dr. Hunter Panama tressand a few cardboardboxes.His lab/repair
third floor Mrs. Maria Pogoni shop is stackedhigh with ancient chassisan d
secondfloor Miss SirenaLaCoque boxesof knobs, handles,circuit boards,power
first floor Sirena'sapartment s lavishly and tastelessly
Mr . Don Davidson supplies, tc. Friedchicken ake.outcartons it - decorated. inepieces f antique urniture re ux -
basement furnace and storage ter the kitchen,which is otherwise nused. taposedwith cheap ootstools nd molded-plastic
Except or the basement, he room arrangement There is nothing else of importancehere. parson'sables.Shecollectscrochetedcaricatures
on each loor s he same, houghwallshavebeen Chostmasters!Study this phrase carefully. of poker-playing ogs. Her bedroom s as large
removedn Dr. Panama's nd in Miss LaCoque's is nothingelseof importancehere."This and as uxurious she r iving room,with lounges,
flats.The unitsare eached y stairs ocated t he phrase s quite valuablewhen the Chostbusters
armoires,heavydrapes,an d silk hangings.
front and back of the building. There ar e no d i s m a n t l i n gh e furniture nd r i p p i n gou t lf the Chostbusters nter her bedroom, have
elevators. th e p l a s t e r a l l sw h i l e s e a r c h i n go r m o r eclues. eachattempta Movesor Balance oll against if-
The impulse o be thorough s praiseworthy,ut ficulty 10 .The first to fail accidentally urns on
First Floor: Mr. Don Davidson being thoroughcan be very boring. the bed. The bed begins o revolve, disco ball-
Davidsons all and skinny, omely,a nd always
EarnestP layer: carefullyexamineal l th e record mirrorstartsotating bwe it, a strobe ight begins
wearsa shapeless isored cap,a T-shirt, nd eans.
a l b u m s o r m i s s i n g n n e rsleeves. to pulse hypnotically,hard-dr:ivingock music
His T-shirts ea 6 ointlessmages-an empty beer
Ghostmaster: here s nothingelseof importance blasts rom concealedspeakers, nd
stein,a sneering at, he formula for the area of
here. v i b r a t i o nunit r i p p l e s h e b e d l i k e a b r o n c o s
a circle, a caricatureof Merv Criffin, etc. He is
bucking beneath.Red-faced, irenaorders he
currently ai d off from his ob at BioMedChem- Earnest layer: sniffthe riedchicken ontainers.
Ghostmaster: Yeah y e a h sure. fHERE /5 Chostbusters ut. A successful ool or Fast al k
TechrM nd home all of the time.
NOTH'NC ELSEOF IMPORTANCEHERE. roll against ifficulty 15 s necessaryo ge t back
Davidson sn'tsubtle.T houghhe'sa whiz with
Keepmoving. Next? in the sameday, hough she orgiveshem by th e
electronics, e'll ollow theChostbustersround,
b a b b l i n g questions, rying to borrow and lf the Chostbustersneed an extra hand in Th e ghost's mischievousactivities have par-
disassemble protonpack,an d pantingafteran y buildingspecial lectronics ear, r operating n- ticularlypainedMissLaCoque,ince heha sbeen
femaleGhostbustern th e group though e won't hand gear, Davidson volunteers. Repeatedly.
unable to entertain visiting d i g n i t a r i e swith
be braveenough to ask anyoneout). Uninterruptedly. oy, s he everannoying.Have salacious ideo tapes. f the Chostmasterw ants
lf anv femaleGhostbuster ee sDavidsonas a fu n being annoying. t's a dirty job, but some-
to spiceup the actionhere,Sirenamightbe enter-
possible coreand sheaskshim out, the evening body's go t to do it.
taining a Mafia Familymember (see A Castof
is a disaster.S he oses lvo Brownie Pointsan d
returnshome at 4 a.m. with her blouse ripped SecondFloor:SirenaLaCoque
Dozensj' pg 54) when the Chostbusters rrive.
a n d h e r s h o e smuddy,g r i p p i n ga tire iron with SirenaLaCoque pronounced ah-COHE)wa s
Using an ornamentai omahawk customarily
a Davidson-shapedent in it. A day later,after born Eileen Suggs.Sh e is in her late twenties,
employed o counselwaywardguests, he cut the
Davidsoncomes back rom the emergency oom, gorgeous,an d looking for a man. Looking or
electricalc onnection o her bedroomTV to end
he'll call heragainand again, rying fo r another several,n fact. Everyhandsomemale Ghostbuster
is air game. f the Chostbusters nockon her door, th e din. If the Chostbusters xamine he severed
unforgettableeven ng.
sh e calls sweetly, Just a moment!" When she cord, a successfulMovesor See oll againstdif-
Do n "The Connector" Davidson, age24- ficulty 15 ets hem notice hatone of the cutsha s
calls or them to come in, they enter o find her
takinga bubble bath,possiblydistracting ome been completely epaired the copper strands
Brains 4 Electronics havebeen fused ogether; hough th e plastic s
Chostbustersnd nfuriating then, perhaps tart-
Muscles 2 Fix Toilet in g a quarrelabout who gets o stay behind to untouched. f the Chostbusters heck the other
guard Sirena n case he ghost comes bagk. cuts or several ays unning, heysee hat all the
1 S o l d e rCircuits cuts seem o be repairing hemselves.Rolston's
Those who take Sirenaou t (successful oves
Cool 3 Bargain or Attract Attention, or Cool or Seduce rolls, spirit does the work as hi s energypermits.)

Goal: Fumbling,C roping S ex against ifficulty 10) in d that she ikes simple
pleasures ke handd pped chocolates, te mme d
DistinctiveMannerism: ncrediblyclumsy trips roses, rmine coats,and Rolls-Royces.
Floor Three:Mrs. Maria Pogoni
over his own shadow. Nearing he hird-floor oor in this stoutly-built
Those wh o cross Sirena ge t to meet an
old building, he Chostbusters ear kids shriek-
employeeof a friend of hers,Vito Langostino.See
page 13.) in g an d wailing.The Chostbusters eed o knock
Don's lat is messy.C lothes,electronicsunk, long and loud to ge t a response.When th e lady
rudeposters, nd suggestivemagazinesitter he of the houseappears, he yells.above he din,
"Come in! Don't be slow!"
floor. He offers he Ghostbr.lsters eats n the liv-
ing room, but first he has o shorrel iles of old Her five children (Betty,5; Co unt-Down, 6;
newspapers nddirty sock from th e furniture Dodi, 7; Emmanuel,8; and Franco, ) look like
makinga largerainalgamated il e on the floor. each otheran d hateeach other.Maria s used o

14 Chostbusters perations anual


s[ lPnuewsuotlpredosJalsnq]sorlD

'}fiHil laarBol luaurpede aql ro lno )le/!{ r.utq eq
sr (Joopparouile ouarur aqroue ue) lalspurlsoqD Inyemodllv aLll no^ 'luaupede
srrl olur )eaJq ol (,,/dtllrrvr,, eat) Surprqe-lre;
]ueuupde aql Jo l)eq aq] uaql 'sasn1atauo
pue alqpuoseal o] are^aql Jt puof,as luar.uuede
€ruos Jl uaLl] ol le g arrlua tqsuadopue (1puau1
alrnb sauooaq eupupd 's.ragoaq leqlt sldarre sltl olu! )eelq ue) ^aql'lslll 'eueued laeu o] ]a 8 uolterauaD xaN aql af,npord /Poj
euofua a 11 re8ro orlueSrBe 8ur1q8r; stussq ueJ sialsnqlsoLlD ql sAe/v\rvq luo ale aratll
'(3utua4 uPusales rou81 5 loof
aq ,,;Iotu3,, satu^{oJqpup ea} - sluauiqsajJaJ
pad pue"'tstleurnol 'eweued raunH 'et:oqe
ruorllsJa#o H ('ur leaJq ol ldrurlr {aq} q Pl ) uapptH od 5 7 sa ow
suaddeq luo slq laquar.uaX; tnoqeLualll mor1s aas)lpnprnrpurer;ncadaqlel sn{l noqesuorurdo
rerlnrad aqleJ uiosa E qop slueuel Llf'eueued alePrurlul s salf,snw
^lqejJeEruEuql1o 'uotlplt^rltsil,l p lalua Aaql,l
'ulr.l utol, Llll/vl /v\alrualul uP ulelqo sjalsnqlsoqD aq] 3ur1oo3uerlell Z sureJB
1;e1e uorletadoor r{ue a8 o1 d;eq o13u;r1tou p uer pue (uorlrallof, srureal,
fuesserau r 97 (1;nrrgrpsurege nl B ro 't-uleql
';oo3 e 'A:en;td
S,euieuBdC pape^ula eq $alsnq
antssatdur raqlel srLl pue) {renud s,pru€uqj ete 'ruoto4 erre61
-tsoq3 aql eluo '0[ ,{l;nrrgrp tsureSeno ,tem lladsar s;ueual raLllo aql pue uospt^ec 'slutoo
lno-a)els Ala)ll - stuool
r!aq] )lel lsel ro,'Jlnl8 yoo3 uer {aqt sse;un ur ('ual aql o] #o Ireit pue ra o pnol) o ^ l asoql ut elqtst^sauoraq qsnqlPll ggggg
-Jalua ue Eurlea:q o, palsalleoJe lalsnqlsorlD I1mo1s al a srq se ,{;luesea;d a;rus uaq} 'alqe} (]no sa.rnBrl;du.rrsra,{e1d
1o soq8 aqt leql sr lr
aqt uo lsrJsil.lsuels 1a1e1s apede3af,l ue a)tl
aq] :af,llodaq] llel voqqSrauaql /slooqsaq rl p jr ro ) S i9;nrrgrp sureSe sang o af,npac ro
'lle/v\aql qBnolqt areld ur surds sareuu8 salnsderparolof, (pqBrrq surerB ^q alqeurelqo uotpnpap snot^qo ql
Jo azrsarll seloll^\olq Jo uewdtnba alsnqlsoqD Jo Inpst, e su^oC) .;araq Surop ru,; saruaued 'sare1{uun1 3ur1eu
-x a Apoq-Jo-lno lut rlf,leasar
llrl uBf, eueu€d 'sratsnqlsoqDaql sasstu aq ;errqdosoltld 3ur arnBry eulnq f,rlselueJ tuesaql lrorls sBurrnelp
-raauord pul) aql Suropar,no,{uaqm
q8noql 'lseJleal areld Eurprqpoo8 leat e pur, 'ltou1 nor{ Jo
fuan ,{;1ea.r Jn;asn peuoifuDaql 1o {ueu }eq1 puelslapun ue saf,t}ou
a;e slderuor qtrnsalns }ou suroor suarpltr.ltrql JoJaqlra alua uaq] oql^ pue
]/usaop ori/v\ alsnqlsorlg ad s1urod lu/!\oJgz 'aaD,,
eunoc - u, l ,{1r1eetue uaq} uaa/vUaqlsrn8urlslp uollezlleal slq] apeui seq oq/v\ alsnqlsoqD 's
1o ft;euad leututou e 1e Jo loVs uana ol raqloq ]/useop aq leql artl s,euleued ,o
sass-rt.Uq os 'palf,e#e astMlaqlo pue )unlp sl ,{l;nrrgrp sure8e11o.ras ro so^ory InJssaf,)ns
aq Alatpunuoj llt) sluauala aurlnolqf,nsaJp uorleutf,nllpHpunole rlt!/v\aroleqSurqtou ueauta eq plnoM l q3noq1
o]lualut r{t!M ue' lalprpaul
-ur sarrjoH 'aloq pazts-lazlt^ r. l un8 ueqda;a $loods8ur^eq noqp ensnunpelnrryed Surqltue ,{tllltsotl alqere;dLur pue uappns s,uarplnl)
1o a)uou liusaop {;qeqord eueued 'ne; u1 100ds
]uarf,ue eSulqsrpuelq#o ul q du lana lltl au o aq] ro, uospar e aq ]snLUoJaq] eq] saztleal
ou ]eql SulLueaJf,s snollnJ pue pa,{+.p;rmueue; aql lnoqe In1asn pelnf,ryed 8urr1y{ue *ou>1 gl ,tflncrgrp sure8e srs,{leueoqr{s3o sutelg
purl {aql 'uorssrulad s! q }noq}l/\ .ra1uataq};1 ],usaopetueue<,,leql 'asuasJaqloupul Surnlarai JalsnqlsollD (ue lng
'alqnort spur) lnJssatr)ns
Jo ll e otut sa^lasLuaqla8 uel 'spr) ulapou
;errd,{g 1r; sa^lasuaq}
,{aqlesnecaq {;lsoru rrleunl Eurureya}ua tql
uodtuor l, ;;eraua8pue'luaLud nba atsnqlsorlD
ol )let ^aql teql talseulsoqS 4t1'noA ol lueuod aSeloqes l ful 'aplq o11soq8 Ll].roj uealf,s sal]
uollesuas/eo3 -ut fuan s,ll 'lrl8U ar,,{aq} asuesauo ut '1;a14
' s,l.OIll arr;s 'uaql 1e a8eqre8molq] ,s.ralsnq
ureSrPB -tsoqD eqt prl
^aq] Atansr 11,,bq !soq8 rraql ,{entea1e1
)lpt eqt ueyodwt r )u!qt srale;daql pu e a.rnlderol auof, a pq $alsnqlsoqD oq] ]eLll
APIH € aleu {;qeqord llli\ slttl'r.uil,l ltt/v\ lef,runuuJof, uipal uarplrr.lf,q] Jl lolled uo Surnurluoc lolaq
s rossaf,old roM ul-l z salf,snyv ol sldurape sralsnqlsorlD ql ol puodsar ,usaop salnurur ^^a, e Jo, |.Uaql uleualua pue suooJ
aH 'polsrlunsr auoqd slH 'llaqioop aW palqp llaq] Jo auo ur sazrlprJaleutautlauos l! asnef,aq
I saf,uelsqns -srp seq aH loop srr]uo s)f,ou) ta/\\sue /usaop
a8uerl5aruauadx3 g su!erB lsoq8 aqt a)ll pue lnoqp Mou) uorplrqtr aH
aH 'asnlJal alnlosai e s e uorlelndai paruasap
-lfame spqeureuedO'salelpunj pue'sAentaatT ^rou) sPu eql leqM
r(99 $looD 0g ete'eureue4 relunH .r C
pt1a1,qs1"todgpurM se suorlecr;qndparlu8rp 'suup ur araq] pellof, satruetsqns
'Joor aq] o1 ta1 aqt seq uospr^so 'll
oluo uado qrns o1Surlurt oqlne pue 1sr;eulnof nouel y pue 'SurtltoJc sAol pu e 'ssaru e st lel, aq] Jo
pue toor aql o] anurluol ]el} srrlo] sltelsaql 'sozrqf,s ]sal aql 'fu]ua uapplqloj ale uelpltqf,aqt aluts
('l! op elqgne )f,ed sloqs
sn o1 {;rl rq8ru leadde ueuq4-se,(aln6;Eurlaar,u ,(prey r uroorpaquAo laH 'slagnsSuldaal
poo8 rnol ro aarq] q8noqf ')lo1 ^\aN lol uana -asnoq s,ruoEq; sll4 'qluoru qrea lauou sanqtrl
alqepruJoJ le sosuarap,eu€ued ^or1so, lsnI sl ueu)uan-se-Aellnw,o eapt aql 'lno lt )traqf,
pup oapr^ aql qetE eupued 't 6 Eurzuape.reqc -uol ^llnJtlnp (^oquv quad ul raqlout slq qlr/v\
roop tuor1aqt uo lprp uolleurquof, atll q8noql
'lelJsrr{ol saqJleLl Jo, lapoLu poo8 e tuervr no,{ il 'weod oleJ sa rl aq)pupqsnqaq qSnoql'pue rejtslerrueurJ
loor .r oslq8r;,{1s u al E araql -lnB aql ataq14'wltlBurrurpqf, q] ur (errn6r pue;errsAqdeal8e sr uarpltqJ ueul osSursreX
rlf,ea ornf,as s)f,ol lloq-ppap a u .patrlo, ;;rg .uao
-ular arp sauei] loop aql pue l€]s ,{1rpenb1;neno ,Q ,{;qeatrnb parfulyodsr a}releqf, lel!q}Iu-tuas
/lpruolsrq-ruasstql 'alnlela]tluecuauly 8urp1or.1ue puarp;e;lole;pe;8 luannf pue uoo.r
are rool, do] aql o] sroop )lpq pue luorJ aql 1o seoard
alqelreural raqlo pup '1tet1uBtedweS aql uo 8urnr1 ruool Sururp uaqrll) se saruasuaqf,lt)
%L :u t ujaql slal Sutqleol pue teal 'se&e1se1ur Eurqleo1pue reeJ aSle;eq1 'uoo.r ,s,toqaatq] aqt s,lprl] ruoo.r ur
euieupd lllun ^lssaluJte unole Burrapuell o ]sr;eurnolozuo8 'uosduloql JalunH -nt; aqt ,{;;eulou ulooJ aql Sutpnlf,ut uloolpaq
lo ror1lne
rc uo paseqAlasool t euleued alunH .l o :aloN sr r ,o lsour os 'aldoad xt s ol aulorl st el ; aql
"f,?5H:irfj . 'suorurdola q Eurlels ;aleuors
o1oy; urpar etuPuedelunH 'rc :rooll"dol -sed aq ql!^{ ararialu! r }al },usaop qs nq /}eql
ro rool, aql q8norql aloq e Bulnrolg a)!l stulod leutrlf,op o en8en {gelds,aq5 snor8rl
olozz le/'/. e q8norql aloq e Eu;rvrolg -errr ,{lqeqold pue }uaf,aput al p suotlputqJeut
o/ols :roop e q8notql a1or1 Eurrvrolg A)oods lpLl] qutqt aqs asnelaq stueua] aqto
:PrueuPd asroN a)ew .'/Po) aql q]l^\ pautof aqs 'a]ll req ul lo)trer qSnoua
sseru().Jol saJuPllu:l lalsnqFoqD prld,{1 sr araql - uorsr^alal qJleM ]/usaop pupw
uo) z loof 'pnol
.la{e1d ;nol L.uo.r; ]snf - pooSaq ot,{a1 uo aq
adxe urol^/ ro4aplH z ol a^eq /uop no^ 'atrueq) lno^ s/l oN 'elel\eL
o] leq/v\ !{ou) llt/\ no{ os latseulsoqg ..r6yno,{ e7 uorJ erre ue Sursol paluems,{er*;e1qeqo.rd
o] sllnsaraql ]uasardaM .srq] AoI /!\olr.ll I altrsnw
se qJnssuotlen1s a eLl no1 'sanlq qlrtus atssag Jo s{a;pau .r o
q]!M Paluorjuof,uaq^\ op ot ^la)ll ale s.rai(e1d 9 saruPDoaptn Aeld € surerS seredo pla4 Luoilsyed elnleJoloJ no s]laqarls
]eq^ lno pul} ot SUJISnSISOHD pa1sa1,{eJd /spr) aLll Sullnoqs
e ,usraLls aq6';n;-rar*odaie
Ala^rlsneqxa a pLl pul tsaM lp alaq aM otll s8un; ag 'souf, pue s)auqs aql anoqeSurlnoqs

The apartment s dimly lit and stuffed with Note: Picture a combat versus Rolston in AREA FIVE: Empty.
books,magazi es,and half-finishedmanuscri ts. Panama's partment.The spook manifests; he AREASIX:A plastic.wrapped inette set; n a card-
A few empty Beluga aviar ins can be Chostbusters hout wildly and fire their proton boardbox four wig hats, our pairsof white vinyl
a small ish ank n the hallcontains erenl dullish packs;Panama milesblandly and hasa cookie. high-heeledboots,and four micro-mini-ski rts, nd
fish. A successful rainsor Zoology roll against The ghost or Chostbusters)aps Panama'sarm; a change-maker; set of Coll ier's Encyclopedia;
difficulty 10 identifies hem as piranha- Panama links slovrly or a moment, hen dives in a cardboardbox 11clean,empty mayonnaise
Dr. Panama'siving room has only one chair. for his gun collection and grabsa Scrviet-made jars. All belong to Sirena LaCoque.
Much of the space s taken up I largeand povrer- portable urface-to.air issile.D epending n who AREASEVEN: ontains gas urnaceand orced-
ful stereoand video gear (there s a bank of si x hasmessedwith hisagriculture, e shootsat th e servingall the flats.
monitors, ll shcnving BOR, but Panama oesn't ghostor the Chostbusters. he missilewill pass
mind: "l never watch TVi' he swearc), nd by through the ghost, doing him little harm; the
bushelbasketsull of various apsules nd ablets missilewill alsopass hrough Chostbuster...the
("vitamin pillsi' Dr. Panama ays, is eyesglint- hard way. PartFour:
ing ruthfully). leaming andguns nd rifles ill
one wall. Anyonewho checks inds everyweapon
The Back Stairs Manifestations f the
The rearstairs onnect each loor at the back
loaded,and the safeties ff. A successful rains
or Psychologyoll against ifficulty10 establishes and lead o the basement.
There s a separate ar- Spook
ro m th e
that Panamas potentially angerous though ny bage chute. The steps are screened Any survey f the buildingshowsunmistakable
playerwho has any doubtsabout hat is used o outside. signsof supernatural ctivity.Using PK Emeters,
a rathermoreexcitinggroup of companions han The Roof the Chostbusters asily find that ectoplasmic
we are). valences round he elevision ets re high, con-
The stairs ead past Dr. Panama's oor to the
The bedroom s soundproofed;he thick pad- roof. The roof door is always ocked; Davidson firming the tenants'stories.
ded walls completelystop he din from WBOR. has he key.There s nothing on the roof but a SinceRolston'spi ritpatrols he buildingonly
Thereare hree beds:one of nails,one rumpled few vent pipes. From this roof, one can step to from 8 to 11 p.m., however,hat's he only time
futon, and one of wooden slats. herearechains the roofsof adjoiningbuildings. that the Ghostbusters an find it - unless hey
rom he ceiling. My examine he Zenith TV in the basement,where
on the wall; hoists angle
back often hurtsi' Dr. Panamabeams. The Basement the s pook continues ts hourly repairs nd lone-
placewhereRolston an
lf Panama pens he door to the inner apart- The basements a singleopen room,separated ly vigil.This s he only
ment, a ghastlv light glares beyond. lf any $r partitions. he Chostbusters ill probably enter be cornered in the Zenith n the basementro m
ChostbusterseceiveailingCool rollsagainst if- from the back. 11 p.m. o 8 p.m.
ficulty 5, they um p an d whip ou t the business To summon he spookduring prime ime, he
This swhere he garbage huteemp
ends of their proton pack. "Sayi saysDr. Panama AREAONE: nd
Chostbusters erelyneed o turn off or to retune
hereare loor itter, ats,
narrowly, Say. I thought we were friends." He ties nto containers. one of the building'sTV sets, r to bring n a riew
takes out an enormous magnum revolver cockroaches. setand une n a stationother han WBOR. Soon
somehowstuffed hrough his belt at the small of AREA TWO: Tenantstorage.For decades,Eric th e PK Emeter l ares, he set lickers nto life,and
his back, points t at the Chostbusters, nd slips Rolston's ossessionsavemouldered nd rotted the channelchanges. successful ovesor Sniff
Say,we here.Deep within the pile are lettersand other
into psychosis,Sayi' he says et again, roll against difficulty 5 shows strong ozone
ARE riends, ren'twe?" Let he Chostbustersalk documents stablishinghe possessionssbelong- presence ust then.
theirway out.A successful ool, Fast alk, r Bluff ing to Eric Rolstonof this address. he lastdate lf the lightsar e off, or if the Chostbusters se
roll against ifficulty10 ets hem slip out without is instanced ust before his personal equipment, hey see the characteristic
difficulty. Panamawill be back to normal by TV log shows hat the lastshow he watchedwas aura precedingectoplasmicactivity - fat, ooz-
tomorrow. My Mother The Car. ing filamentsspreadaround the targetTV for a
lnside the armored door is Dr. Panama's At the edgeof the pile of blackened arpets, orn few seconds.Rolston's pirit generallydoes not
biological researcharm,where he performs ngo. vinyl couches, nd rat-gnawedocks s he Zenith materialize xcept n one of the wo Pogonikids'
ing investigationsnto the propertiesof certain console V which Davidsonirst es cud and hen bedroomsor when a Chostbuster iresat the target
alkaloids - "common farm plantsi' Panama cast aside. TV and therebyhits he poltergeist pookwith a
gestures. ll the windows are boardedover; he Careful xamination f the Zenith's roken pic- proton beam.When the Ghostbusters ppearand
backdoor s armored, nd s dentical o the ront ture ube (Brains r Cuessagainst ifficulty10 o start pestering the spoek, it may manifest
door. ask about) shows hat the heavy glass s being anywhere n th e buildingduring he hoursof B
Crow lights hang everywhere.A successful healed almostas f it wereskin.The healing p.m. o 11 p.m.After being hit with a proton beam,
Brains r Physics gainst iffic ulty l0 roll guesses occurs n spurtsabout an hour apart. The unit Rolston nstantly dematerializes.W hen dema-
correctly hat Panamahas rewired he flat with registers evenon the PKE meter's ogarithmic terialized,Rolston an only be seen n complete
heavy'duty ircuits.As he alk, a successful rains, scale, ut during he healing imeswhen Rolston's darknesswith the ectovisors.
Deduce,or Cuess oll suggestshat Panama ither spirit is present, he meter needle umps off the Th e ghost manifestsas a small, slump-
has illegall y tapped Con-Edr ines or has thor- to p end of the scale.Healing measured n dif- shoulderedman in T-shirtand trousers, taring
oughly bribed sereral ayers f Con-Edemployees. ferentdaysshcnrrsrogressivemprovement:at the ahead ntentlv,seated n an invisible armchair.
The "common farm plants" grow n long, ush current ate, he picture ube shouldbe whole in Occasionally olston ill reach ntoan nvisible
rows nside hydroponic anks.Bags f chemicals less han three weeks. bowl and eat nvisiblepopcorn rom it. When he
and about. Except or the AREATHREE:C ontains he electricalmeters nd retunes 66666 Flatbush elevision,he extends
possibly llegal natureof the plants (successful circuitbreakersor the building. an arm which grows supernaturally ong and
Brains r Botany oll against ifficulty 10 o con- reaches into the set to make the electro-
AREAFOUR:Contains ot and cold watermaster mechanical djustment. f he fuses he tuner, he
firm that heyare)and he mprobability f stumbl- 'valves,
and a 3O0-gallon ot water heater or the Chostbusters erceive hat something ike a tiny
ing across uch a facility, here s nothing of in-
building. blowtorch extends rom a forefingerand seems
terest n the room exceDtan attachecaseon a
countet stuffedwith l00dollar bills. Dr. Panama to make a brief ectoplasmicspotweld.
shuts he case, miles blandly,and saysnothing When Rolstonmanifests or the chil dren, he
at all. amuseshem by changing nto various V heroes
of the period. The kids may not recognize

I FornonNe\,v orkers,on-Eds Consolidateddison,

NYC's ower lectric tility.

16 Chostbusters Operations Manual


lL lenuewsuorlerado ralsnqlsoqD

'aarLll oSels o] oD 'sralsnqlsorjD

aql o paref,sruolstou,;il::T,:i:l:::r,
alere]e urnlarq)rLln slurodaruasaldoD3;eur8uo 'sdnor8olur 'uotletrtunuluo)
111dsr,r{eql f,uo
sr qsure8ar q lUun_'spunont ruseldopa sr q3u r
-srnu Ie1s ']uaurospqaq] ol sJool 1 J o sueau alqeuospar uos SuttlstlqelsanoLlttm
llrA aq olaql raqlo q)ea ol )le] ol ua,{e1d q} lo} alqrssodtul 'alqe]rAaulaql sl!ei\
pue slle/v\ SnorqlJJ o aurnf,s up sazrleualeuap (srooljuaaMlaq
'ssol 1! alnr uaqt llet o] sauoqdalel pu e uauaseq aqt ur sr a^oJ :aw!I or{l ll v
eq ro Z ol sdo.rparuaserdop3 srq ueqrvr aql asn ol Aaql puP)satllel-arlle^^
pue loqs qf,Ee tr^ ^rnJ puE uaulol ut saqltJ,ry\ 3u1rq lultll l,uop
1oodsaqt -ro; utq:1e,ualtqnn
:l no l
,uptp {aqt 1; aq] salellsnrjqrrqm ,(o;d ra al) raqlo auos
uolslod ur q tie;q ot a)ueqr eatsnqlsoqD qt sl dnlrlds o] slelsnqlsoqDaql,to1 patedatd ag
ro 'oa8re] e se uolslou lp a ar sjostnopaos )
srqf sJolsnqlsor{Dqt tunel pue anBuot rq no 'r.uooJraqloue o1 ;leluozuoq Eurnou alo;aq
un] luauri.rede fe a ur ssau)Jep lalduoo Surrlsr;
lJrls ol sazrlerraletuolslo1 srql ;; eBuun6 slxp lefryon e ur sroolJaqr 1ge 8norql sanea -qe1saluauyede qrea ur sradrus n Sulpes
looll eqi ur Melq {aqtsa;oq uolslo1Llf,rLl/v\ r auo aq llerlrur arn8U /s N atll
's8urp;lnqyosaptslno llr^ \ no 1; e urnouar {qSurp;rnq q} }o lor}uof,
Ifed-uolord ssolf,e runIro
seceld o] sralsnqlsorlD ql roJuraped sopieqaql 'lxau palndsrpun srlqelsa atsnqtsorlD.rnqg 8e15
aql alef,s rvroleuolur lMerJsJalsnqlsorlD aq] ol Surogaro1aq ool1auo uo sutool aql 'sralsnqlsor.lD
aq] a)ew 'aas pue uodea11alrl 'a8po6 'acue;eg tlsrl ro u Surp;rnq q] ul Iels ol paau ll e yo reay ln1lrd s,te1ds161uau
'unu dunI qu!lJ apnltrur 8ualleq:,1;;errs,(qd ou soop l -aseq aq] ur saPrH au!l aql ,o lsau aql
l 'sluaurlsnfpefuessarau q] sa)eu aun;on
1r ;;n1 's
slualPl lalrl '5t Atlml#rp e slealLl] norJasv\ej le tou ro 'leuupqJ raqloup ot paun] !o 41 ,{ue I e/!\
,{Juo 1ey1 91 ,,[1nr41rpe sa8ualleqraler-ur1r8al spul} lSutplrnq ql sruoor ql q8nojqr
pue sroolj rlSnorq]SurddrzAq s:alsnqlsoqg
l Jl ,o ;; e spro p Illn1are) ]n q 'slueupede
lsot! pue S Alnrrgrp lp saJuelouue uos aleu sassed {pe;n8al 1sot13uooueJ al}}!l alnf, ^up
aql 1o
'suorlelsalrueuosaq] s8urlerflnrrgrp aql ol '3uru,lrol1peaq qr rno] ourlnoJ ]r sanurluo3 'rud 96:11-gg:g
'uo os pue laqlaSo] pal] alrl qf,ntU {Da:d8ur}re pue
]aB \ oqauos Surqrle.os s;oop purqaqruoly no Suuaad an8uo] :aruasaldop3 olaz ol
rlf,rrl/v\saf,elaoqs 's1ced uolord er1] ,o soqnl alqeropealrnb sl Surddoip1o a8uep ur pue sralsnqlsoLlD aq]
s1 r1no 3ur1crls
eql otur 1aB toqar-uos rlqlt aurze8ewAoqAel4 .(trruseldolla) tr slsa]ruptx
tl uaq6 'UOBM uo selq 1;ny uro8
,{q paddez {1sno;rasuraq agy :aetql eBe}S
tuorjsploflaluac 1o ;Surparuorsrpa ou qtrrq^^ aresnI aq] 'uaql sJalsao
ll e alns a)eu o] sluatruedeaq] lnol l
s8nr l,roJr,ll sralau aql slroqsqtrrqi\ 'eug leadde sralsnqlsor.lD 'r1]luazat.;l.rreda.rt 3ur
l) d tn o )ue] ,i;re;n8a: 1sot13 ,uols;o; a8e153uun6 ]l
qsry qt uoJ] ale^ 'srosrnoltra aql ssalasn ur1eu -Arlluauraseq q] ul :au!I aql
euo atels Io lsau aqJ.
pu eSurleor nol, 'sputrlaqltoql olul sutd qlll 'apou aarql a8e15 lur sao8
1t qSuraqal,,{eq} eqm uo palsodua,{e1d qt daay 'aoef,sa 1r ure8e paddez uaq6 'q)ul 3ur1sra8ta1lo6
,t;1;qe1e;rads sra3.ral1o3 ll r.ltl/!\ ru!lpooSe seq louuetr l lpr.l] /v\ou) 1n q sao3lt uaq/v\ ur1q3r; r-ll!^ uraql Suualsad pu e sra]snqlsor.lD
loods aqt'(sralsnqlsorlD ql ralsaduotslo1a)eu unropoB 1pm 1 rr1aqledue pazrlproruap,{1a1a;d sP u j ll ra^auaqi\ 3u lsalruetu 's1uau
o] paprrap aneq no,( af,uo Jo) rurtl Surtselq {q -uor sr loods aq] nol e8e15 1 ilalsnqlsoqDsq ] -!ede aq l lle punorp drT:'tud 00:tl-00:g
uolslou dn pa;r.r eq eatsnqlsoqDaLllaluo q]r^\ Jaluno)ua ue Surgru.rado jlaslt EurJeane.r :gnoq ad urod auo 1e) urod aruasa.rdop31r
o/r otPls prolp ol ^e/v\/aarql lrJo no sao8pue paualq8ul alrnb ;Jepau eBal u neq regeo'slu rodacuasa.rdol
st loods aql a8e15 1 luapryuotr-jao pup -tr:lomt ro auo luo po)npar aqlla nq ')led
'lre{ sa oW srtl 8ur>paqr uaqlt qsa {1anne;arr r pup ur s1 r aBuep Ll }ro are ^e uolord aqt,Q paddezSuraq a4y :orrn18el5
]soqD e slloJauoauos uaqm {;relnrrued ua d la^ ou sr ! lnq 'stoluaulol sl r sure8e 8uanalo1 'qlruaz aqt:rede: o] 8ur
-deq uPtr luaprtrtrella^^ sroleralaf,treealtnu ra8eapue ,{.r8ue r loods aq} 'onn1a8elEu; .pe1 -fugluaLuaseq q] ul :eu[ eq] lsau aql
pasuarrlunSuuea/v\ 1unI pue s,to1 1r,r,ra;;r; -uo) pro^P o jlasutr.l leatruof, l lnrale) AllelnJt] 'apour o/![ a3e15olurtosaoS ,ped
aslnor;g -red 1r
suroorur )Jep aql ur punoreSurnour lo u pue earqlJalsnqlsor1Dq],o alelv\eun t -dez uaq14 (1arer1uo uaql pue spr1ruo3o6
'sllorapensJado a^rpa#o aleJaooof, aqt'auo a8elsu1 xo q 3ur,(ueduo)f,e ql ur UO8M
looJ nolllrM loods or]] o] ^luo Surlsaylueu o] paunl
o] asnJar llr^ sraqlo l(ruoSod pue uospt^ec) pazrJeuurns sa8elsnoyq8noJql B sluau.rpede aJe sN sq] 'sluaupede aql
']uauiaseq ll e arns 8ur1eu
aleradoor llr^ slueual suos aql ul aql ur sralunorua uunpsuorpes,loodsaq 1 yo nol ,{;arnsrel 3ur1e111 ' urd 69:11-69:9,{aq} aqiv\ o ln o s1q8l1tl t daal o1 '^^olaq
//sjalunof, :uteaq
ralsnqlsoqg ql se8uo; se patsplq aq uef, ! -ul luauaseg aql 3urgels,, uot]f,as aql aas -ord e,{q 1rqsr
)urLlt loods aqt aro}aB aug etelg
os soq8 aq] Suraas o1 lnlasn uarr re slosrlolla 'uorlenlrs
leq] ,o uorssn)stp lo J lluatuaseq q]
aq1:srosr^olrl aql ro esn tululeruo) aloN ur srnoq aLllo p t! ratunof,ua sle uef,,bq1 'tu'd uaqAA
'rrtolaqpaquf,sap e ,{11tqe 00:L[ pue 00:g uaa/Waq luaupede aq] ]o srno]s]l pu Ps! aq l
lerrads Suunp
lr JalunoJua 1adoq uer,(aq] alaqn Ioods ereq^
lsta8ral;od aqt Suts n ur8aq pue eatsnqlsoqD
aql o] aplsorl uaq] snortrrdsns ,lrol3 uo1s1o; ur 1n o ern8rlsratsnqlsor.lDql dlarq;1rnt urp;rnq
-neq {q oanla8eg5 1s8urqt eqsnd eq} 8ur} tuauuede aql 1o sluednlo aq1 3urrtarrua1u1
.lsal 01
aq] alonord o1aneq {eu no,(os 3erp lltm uot}Je
aql 'aruasqo o] anurluof, re,{e1dql11 sla,{e1d aqt lrrrds paqrleilt s/Jnasstouuo) palqnol]aql ]a s
d;aq l1ttvte Lltuorleurrolur ue leanar ,uo/v\r nq uer {aq}'tuaprf,rele}e} ql /q pa}dnrratur pM eqt
'f,r]f,elalqrsuas sr srqf 'autlnol sl t re) aL!] aqlow 1411oaposrdaaq] q)le/v\ol alrsap
lnoqe ]oJ p
urea; {eur {aql 1oods aq} Ll}lMarafla}ur ou op s] !Eul^Jsltesq 'uaql 3urp;rnqoLltS urluneq r l
sPed q^\ puelsrapuno1 u1uer,{aqt bltl poqtayrl dert ';;e
pue aruasqo {aql l1 uolo.rd raqtarrl ,tlate 1eSurqlouolur uaq] A\ousolut uaqt
-rpauur ^eur {aql ro a Jasqo er-u .ralsnqls oqg 1soq8 ql oluq r erroj uaq]'qred uolotd raqlqlrm ]sal e olur sr J a
oiaT aruesaldolf,:l ol u/v\op ! dpz upf, {aql ,eu6 lossrp ue tpql alqtst^ut tqJo
aql'auo a8el5Suunpseedde loods eqt uaqpl 'anua ]n o dn dunf '>prenbsll,aq lselq ped uolo.rde
'Sutrrou poqlaw V qsnqlell 99999 wor! loods aqt tll!/v\ rrq rq sralsnqlsotiD qlJl allqi\/\pue )Jelq
s8urqt aal o1 snf sde;tlaqt ul )oods aql dorp ot a^ouraruef,salsnqlsoqDaLllsrtem rvrl .re .raq1 ur saur] raqlo 1olof, ur st uolslou saultlaulos
'ualplrqr aq ]
Ioods aql
aneq {eu no,( srr.l}
}o }u€rJp aulos,o )ulr]}
]/uop $alsnqlsorlg aql Jl nI p Ll]r/v\ ur.radurel ;o ,(1ruua ur]spl aqt 1ta81;uvt ue) aruasepaql
,{ q derl e }as ol sr ue;d poo8 e 'aurlnol s,lsoq8
aq] qu/v\ elllure] arP slalsnqlsoLlD q] a)uo
uolslou ur1eu1u111 uaq] 1oodsaql Llsnque,{;1emrq llrlspueuarplrrlf,
eql ;o 1q811ap q] anraclad stalsnqlsoq3 aql
pue u/raogul)|)e.r1 y1 seuosladasoq]ut su.uoyad olslo1 pql strtlue
tou op pue ,vou1 {aq} }€rl/vqo slaq}o eq} Surp Jaqlo o sallf,JeuJarJq q] alerralddeop ^aq] nq
-uttual daal pue ,{;lenprnrpur dnolS qf,eao} )le} :a^!J uBd /llpg alplnl
;nlqlno,( roLu .ro prsse3Suoledog

StageThree StageFour - or Rolston's ast Panama ffers hem a fistful of pharmaceuticals

thatwould ga gan elephant nd promiseso herald
Fromhereon it'sall downhill or hespook.Th e Stand n the Basement their exploits n print,and he Pogoni ids...Well,
Chostbustersi l l n o t b e a b l e o shoota t h i m i n When the Choitbustersinallv corner Rolston if the Chostbusters ave iguredout someway o
any of the apaftments, ecauseRolstonwill not in th e basement, la yon theirsympathies y hav- make riends with them, the adieusare earnest
materialize gain,no matterwhat happens, s he i n g h e g h o s tm anifest n dsilently l e a d or con- and heart-warming,nd Mrs.Pogoni nvites hem
makes is our.Only if he can enteran apartment, tinued freedom. lf the Chostbusters re dumb over or a big spaghetti inner. f the Pogon brats
makean adiustmento a T V , h e n s p l i twithout enough o let the ghostgo , have t go back o its ar estill sore,a waterba gdrops rom upstairs nd
encountering Chostbuster;ill Rolston ontinue ol d ways he nextnight.Chostsdon't havemuch breakson Stantz'sor Venkman'shead as thev
his appointed ounds. he huntwill have o reach freedom of action, afterall, and Rolstonshould leave.D avidsonhank them,giveshem heir ee,
i t s c l i m a x elsewhere i n t h e dark, l o n e l y be
have proved itself a little too sassy and the Chostbusters rive off into the sunset.
basement. trustworthy. lf the Chostbustersay waste o the apartments
BeforeRolston s run to earth n the garbage ile So .Rolston s a goner at this point. Zap, zap, in the process f eliminatingRolston,he awsuits
in the basement, owever, e ma y ry a last-ditch zap,containment eams n, into he rap that's defending he Chostbusters os t wice as much
assault n a s o l i t a r yChostbuster,n filtrating i m a l l s h ewrote. Unless... as they earned n bagging he ghost the fran-
ectoplasmicallyo b r e a k u b e san d l e a d s n h i s If a non-violentclimax appealsmore to your chise dips i n t o d e b t , a n d t h i n g s o o k a l i t t l e
proton packor otherequipmen! or perhaps etun- aesthetic sense. ry this on for size. Let the desperateor the young corporation.Cive each
i n g h i swalkie-talkieo WBOR.Thisma ya t l e a s t Chostbustersdiscover Rolston'sTV log, still player alf he BrowniePoints e spentduring he
keep the Chostbustersro m gettingcocky' readable,n the middleof the basement ile, sug- adventure.
(Obviously, f Chostbusters re actuallycarry- gesting ha t he died during My Mother The Car, lf the Chostbustersdo their research,an d
ing unshielded particle acceleratorson their an d detailing he first part of the actualepisode' methodicallyrackdcnvn ndcaptureRolston ith
backs,Rolston's abotage ould be quite dan- Suggesto tender-hearted hostbuster that if they a minimum of damage o privateprciperty,he
gerous.Don't ge t carriedaway.Th e ghost hinks
find a video tape and play back that episode, small ee hey collecton this casekeeps hem in
even f it dreamsbig. Let he Chostbusters Rolston's bsessiveraving o see he conclusion McNuggetsand fries or anothervreek.Cive each
survive at least reasonablyunscathed,unless might be satisfied, is spiritm i g h t et g o of this player he numberof Bror,vnieoints e spent ur-
s o m e o n e o e ss o m e t h i n grresistibly t u p i d . ) plang and hathe might hereafter eacefully nd in g th e adventure.
Staginghe Basement gratefullypasson to eternity. lf the Chostbustersre exceptionallyleveran d
And that, of course, s us t how that will work, consideraten their research nd their dealings
Encounters if yo u want t to. Rolston'spiritcavorts nd capers with the enants particularly anama),nd f they
What happensf th e spookgets ornered n the gleefully s he conclusion f the episode nfolds, dispatchRolstonwith efficiencyand dignity,or
basement efore ou want he adventureo end? blissevidenton every eature. et he Pogoni id s show him the rest of the My Mother th e Ca r
The idea that Rolstonca n be cornered n the downstairs hey,why not all the tenants to episode, he fee is still pretty modest but th e
basement ependson the spook'sunwillingness watch this tender and upbeat resolution of tenantsare so grateful hat they scrapeup a 20
to abandon his favoriteZenith, no matter ho w Rolston'son gvigil. Everybody riesa littlewhen Dercent onusand deliver t to them after hrow-
desperate is situation. f the Chostbustersom e the closing creditsroll past,and the tape goes ing a colossal lock party n theirhonor,at which
upon the Zenith n the basementoo early n the blank. Rolston's pirit urns,gazesaroundat his th e media s prominently epresentd,a nd several
adventure say, or example, beforeStageOne fellow tenants, he n pops upstairs. et everyone months later the Chostbusters ind themselves
has even really begun,before he Chostbusters follow at a hasty pace. featured in a glowing piece in Lurid Tales,
havehad a chance o se eRolston n action n the Upstairsh ey will find Rolston i p p i n ga b o u t authoredby Dr . Hunter Panama,w hich, though
apartments well, the adventure s going o be to eachapartment, epairing he damagehe ha s it doesn'tge t he m invited o dinnerat the White
spoiled if they immediately blast Rolston to done to th e TVs. With each repair, his form House,still earns hem a substantial eputation
ectobits. becomesa little more insubstantial; is Ecto- in a subculturehey maysomedaybe unfortunate
So , udge hings hi sway. n StageOn e through presence i s b e i n g consumed to f u e l h i s enough o haveprofessionalealingswith. Cive
Three.Rolstonwill stay n the basement uring psychokinetic lectronicswork. Finally,with all each player he numberof Brcrwnie ointshe spent
his off-hours,bu t he doesn't ee l compelledto th e TVs in the other apartments epaired,he during he a d v e n t u r e l us a substantial o n u s .
actuallystay n the set - he goesof f and hides returns t last o the old Zenith n the basement. tf any ndividualC hostbuster asoutstandingly
in the wall if anyoneunpleasant omesaround With the asterg of his ectoplasmic ubstance e entertaining,r particularly dept n achiwing hi s
an d tries to blast him. In StageFour,however, conjures rom the battered uins'a ust-like-new PersonalCoals (Miss LaCoque,hough possess-
Rolston'smorale s broken,and he clings o th e Zenith and after lickering or a secondor two, ed of extravagant nd untutored astes,s not disap
ol d TV with a pathetic, rrationald esperation, Rolston urns,grinsat everyone/he n adesaway. pointing n herareaof specialization),wardhi m
sittingduck for Chostbusters it h proton packs From hat day forward, he old Zenith will be a a couple of bonus BrowniePoints o encourage
an d ectovisors. esperatenstinctsDooming he sparkling onversation iece n Davidson's part- futu re overachevement.
Monster s a familiar heme n monsterilms,mak- ment, but he never urns it on - just leaves t Once he sessions over, ake ime o talk about
ing us sympathetic nd reflective s he monster mute, waiting, a testamento a Truly Dedicated your players. in dout what they iked and
perishes, qualling piteously.This makes or a TV fan. didn't like, and tell them the secrets their
good,satisfyinglimax we triumph,but areno t charactersidn't ind out if - but only if - you're
completelyunmovedby the tragiccondition of
ou r former enemv.Nice dramatic ouch, eh ? PartSix: no t going o try tb dse hat material ater.This s
an important part of learning to be a good
The Conclusion gamemaster listen to your critics, and heed
them well.
Once the Chostbustenget he spirit n the ghost
trag or encouraget to proceedvoluntarily o it s
Final Reward (do they have TV in heaven?),t's
time to wrap things up. Each enant hanks he
Chostbustersn his or her own way Sirena sk s
wh y don't they come up and see her. ometime,

l8 ChostbustersOperationsManual

6L lenuew suotlaedo ilelsnqlsoLlD

/;Aluo qua^e
lernleuradnsu! az!lp!Jeds o{ reqleqrt,ro'suo1l
-Enlrslplxroupred;o aBuerltn, eqt elpuprlol ped
dlnba s1 tuedruor noA;1noA1s e1sr!,Fnu t,
:peal 's r |.ual
-qord aql ]eq/v\ aqf,e^o) s)s€pue sdoqf,srtl8ul
:pea|uaLll '000[$ ro] l)aql e uaq] sPueq
-pr1 sdolsauoqd aql uo ratsnqlsoqD ll l uaqM
aq /(wrr.lf,aluaqfpawolBro'rul /sralsnqlsoLlD 'paarB
to aa^oldua ue ]o u auolup qll/v\ rualqord aql ,sralsnqtsotlg
Surssnlsrpuor,uaql Sulpplqror) .lro] rnsol)srp aq] allrul 'plloM aq] ur suorlezrueSrolqerr,
-uou e u31s aql ra4y 'aseJ aqt a)e] o] srolsnq -ord lsotu aq] Jo auo se wrqf,alr[aq3pawolB
-lsoqD aq] apensradol ra8ea ^pealf, sr aq tn q equJsap,{;3urrto1 'u r ledeupu es8nrp'suue}rl
'alrl-ssaulsnqpue 'aBtlsard alqe/v\arlf, srazrIuaJ 3urrnpo.rd',8urla}eu.r
)slJq s1 rauuer-utg
pue raraod lqeJapr uof,3u leedsaq'sno cedspue pue Llf,reasarlecrlnareureqd pue lef,ruaqf,
paqsrurnj-lla/v\r af,r#osr11 1ade;aql ol pauutd ur Suqzr;erradsorlerodror sallnos a8nq e sr
prer Cl fl'W'B palpurLuel qlrrt ttnsaratd-aarqt wrqralr.u Ll pawo IB ]eq] sralsnqlsoq aq] | al
paro; el-r(;ar-uospueq Suueenr',Surloo;-poo3ue ,,'f, 'yjrr.l)oluraq)pawo! g ro, a^llnJaxa
llet s! )aqre o)
'af,ulos/)aqtre^o) ] uraq]sparlp laqrenoy
suo,lerado oi",i:ii:,l laLl]ra leurou llef,
:H::"ffr;,, p,no,{ eq,u 1ou {;ureperar,l^aqt 8noqt lern}eu
lsruolldecar q] lalua srelsnqtsotlD q] uaqM -radns {1}cexa ou are oq,tr sluauoddo }sure8e
lsolu p a^eq oM 'ur er,no{ ssaupooS1ueq1
]f,aqre^o) proluPls isolsnqlsorlD,, 'sIPsallon aleu pa1;;ut1p peprdare sJalsnqlsorl aql araq;;wrr ltraluraq3
-PawolB jo roroH aql/, pal]llua sr arnl
'sse;3pu e unurunle '))or laaqs Surlsrs papnop
1o :anurtuof, an,{aq} arug -uanpPlxau ql'arnlua pe s!q]jo pua oq] s,]eql
-uor Surp;rnq uols-auo3ur;lrerds mau-puerqe
'aprsfulunor isra/ursue q14's8u1.r 'asranrun fueur8e
are saf,!#oaq1 anbsarnprdaql lo p
pue lale^^ auoqd aql uaqrt 'u31edupf, tulslya^pe ^rou -u r aql sarnleo, pue rerlrueJauoraq
]eqt lll1pupl Surpor ;o sa;rdaSnqaql 'lto1s ,o Inlasn
e S ulpels Sulteqap er,no,( pue ueaq seq
paro;or-,{;p.ram /qsr)rerq aLlt's}uo)s 8u }saral uoouroup auo punoiP 3u1111sr,notr ra lllol arrlv pl o ]aa,^ pu e sa:rgo a13ngaq l
-ur aq] 'satun; alous parolorrt;nu {;e,ro; ot1} ssau!sng 'saull AUet! pa]lslA 'lualuaAuOflaAauaq/v\ a
aqrrJsap araq] a Up sralsnqtsoqD ql sV (ui\ o] :ua,{e;d noA o} pnolP sr.l}pPaU -s n aq up) a13ng uAl4ootgaq] a)ll
auoq rno{ reausarlrlr)e, lreasar euado {puarat ;adedsr*au rO 'arnlua pe upqln Jaqloauos ul
a,r,,{aq} q{eu ro) ra rU )Jpsua)f,eH aq} Suole
'4emap ur are sa)UJos/wrqJaluaLl]paworB
reseal 1a1e; asnaq plnor uorldursap eqg siatsnqlsorlD
aqt,{q pato;dxa ou se/v\ el} s,eLueuPd6 aqr{eu)
:ouo uPd asnoq ueuuede aq t 1o ye d sdeq:ad A1relrLur5
wrq)elruaqf awo!g ialel ool s/lr arolaq
'sarnlua^pelsPo ruoJjsarlle
-rifjp Jo saruaua-qrrp lll rl,t n laaui o] )rurof sr l
:o/!rl uPd sproqLe8 ql ^orlsap qof ,sragsnq]soqDql (saLueg r) puv /v\ou) pearle noi aldoad 1aar.u 1
'aprMpljoM un, sr_1! sJllul saopauo,(ue e sn f pa.ralunoc
)JoM,o ln o ua u uoll
-elruestn d pu e soeqf, snerplnof, aql'3ulpl!nq -u a Apearle a
/Aaq] sra]f,ereq) aaur o] a)!l
i?"lf "' qf,.leasar Ll] uroJj adersa sproqre8aql 1t 'uer sra,{e16arnluanpeSurlrol;o;aurosur ,{e1dL131ur
luaud nbaeq^ p,ap$:J;rl:'fr a8eqre8 {ue,{1;enpr,ra1uruel arn}lnf, Ll} Juts {eq} sa;or eq/v\aas ol ea}f,ereql a,{e1d-uouq}
^lalerpauur autof, ol utaql slue/v\ q pue 'lualsrxouou sr a8eqre8uouurorJ a8eqre8 auruexa s,{e^|1yuarplrqr ruo3o6aql a1r; ,3urn3
lnq - qol In]ssaltnse ot s]sol pue saa]ur 1e1o1 qsrn8urlsrptr 41r1rqe allt aJurS durnp,,e o1 1r -ulur sla]f,erPqf,a qto punoj no,{sdeqradpuy
000'02$o1dn,(edo13ur1;r,r,r ,aq,{es;;,aq pessard 3ur1e1 ue - e|r,{ro}otu p ueqt ssalsq8rarvrue 'sar]rAr]tre
urell papuauurof,ar'(,,olelod rno]
1; aql// ul 'a ou ],usaop o 'sanou leql 3u!tl]Aue ,,a8eq u^ o raq roJ a oJ 1a B 1 rap.ror Surp;rnq qt o]
laur sralsnqlsorl9 q] uorl^^) uospt^ec pleuoc -re3,,Surlrallor o1uorssed Lllrm ue) uaS!llalul -ur pa ot ! pue Llf,]rM e sr aqs aq^ew 'SUlaq] roJ
]eq] sltupe aq 'snounf,ale slalsnqlsorlD q] Jl - r t u a s ' p a l e L u r u p r e , , s p t o q r e 8 , ,3 u t 1 ; n s a . t suorluaDe aq]
'Lua;qordaq] a 'suer a8eqieS af,Uro tlllM drtlsuorlelar sluasar rolrns rlehl Jaq1o auo sdeq:a6 pa1eor1d
los aql
Aaql 1r ,arou ,{;;er1ue1sqns,, asrurotd ue 'LUal f,rlorqur^s paqsrlqetsa ue palelnuiseqarn]ln) -r.uola1rl )eu ol sur8aq ue sralsnqlsorlD aqt Jo
qotd aq] Dadsurpue aurof,llr^ slalsnqlsorlD q] aql .^]rJrf,pJ qf,ieasal s/wrqf,alruoqfpaworg o au o Jo saralur ql surl*anbo3el euel15 deqra6
0,r;ncrgrpl,11e8a;{ 11er1uarodSurrvr olur pas€alar,tlleluaptrreaaqspLl rnlln) 'Lurql^e;dot slue^ sra,{e1dL1} auo pue
,! 000t$ ,ied 11,a;1 }o
pue 'Sursse.r.requla laqlel st ll,,) auoqd aq] la o paraaur8uaorq ]eqt ra o)srp ,{aq} ae1Sutta8 lalsnqlsor13e atuoJaq o] sluem-aq deq:ad g
]uala leurouered aql;o arnlpu Jf,exa ql ssn)stp -3e1s predaq ;;rm,{aqt lf,r.l/\ oJ'qotaql petdar 'oueuaf,s
'd;aq o1 alqe aq {eu.r sralsnqlsoq3 -r e an,,{aq} a4y 'tuelqold snoua}sAu.t are) ,;wrq)alLuallfpawo!B o roroH aql,,
l/uom aH 'wrrlf,alruaq3
}o lxau aq] ur dn sdorr at1 sdeqra;
aql qulLl] aq leql 1nq slsoqSa lo ur tou saop a ) p l o l ' ' ) u l ' w r q f , a l u a L l f p a w o l B ' u o r l e r o d . r o l - p o f { o l g I q p a , ( o 1 d u a , { 1 1 e u r u o u l 4 w
ua;qord sr q eqt sure;dxa)traqf,e^o) pa)sell snorralsr{r"u,{ q parrqare ealsnqlsoq" "u s)ruor])ala e sraH 'uospr^ecuo c ]aLuAaqI
r 'unB
lueqda;aue q]r/!\u^ op
tl, uraql 3ur)trErl arnluo^pe rale; e 3ur:np slead
de aq '8uua1uepue Surlearq rarll ro, a8uana.r
Surpo;d 'pue 'suadaap srsoqc,{sd rq sdeqlad
ro 'sralsnqlsoqDaq] palll all Jr 'saf,uelurenD
-Je alJno arouJ sr,l Suotue uror;
lplralar E
asrqoue.rlq ] SuUq q8rur opog poo8aqt sdeqraS
taur sralsnqtsorlDq]'a)uelsur oJ
'sauoi au olur a8unld {aql
se sarnluape rarltpauol] sluaualaSullaluno:
-ua ,{ofua sra,{e1d1s;reqapaJolu to1 yg a8ed

^Jrce.[||Ieqcpelfo!g ,,'uBredue3 8uruunu,, as


e) uSredtuef, Suluunrur palsaralur r,noA;1

-]sotjDalrtes q] Sursn orn]ua^pe a]elal sauas

3o roJroH erII saJnlue^pv eqlo olut //olslod

qf,nof agl,, lo sluewatl tulnlt


"lt started wo months ago At first, a fer,v alf- Roll Kovachek's argain8 against he Chost- Kovachekil l raisehepaymento hemaximum
empty boxesof office suppliesdisappearedl'He busters' spokesman'sCool or Bargain. l f he'sbudgeted $5000 or a survey, 14000 or
leans orward. "But now, gentlemen, he situa- Kovacheckwins, the Ghostbusters ccept what eliminationf th e garboids.
tion has deteriorated so far that nobody turnsout to be proprietoryor or the
into D-wing at allJ' new Iife orm. f the Chostbusters in, Kovachek Stanford
He settles back in his chair. "But yo u need admits hat he life forms seem o be intelligent, BMCT Executive
some background.BioMedChemTechrM,nc. is and that BMCTTMtands o be in a lot of trouble
the leader in recombinant DNA research.We're with a lot of governmentalagencies or the Brains 4 ExecuteExecutive
proud of our oil-eating bacteria and our an- mistake, ncluding he EPA, nd they get he ob Came Plans
tihistamine viruses.Our safety ecord hasbeen without having o sign he waiver. Muscles2 Jo g
excellent, but the carelessness f a single D'wing With a successful rains,D educe, r Cuess oll,
researcher has created an extraordinary the Chostbusters nderstandhat, f the ife orms 3 LookProsperous
problem. are ntelligent,o kill an yof them mightbe con- Cool 5 Bargain
"The biologically-active emnantsof a failed sideredmurder bv the courts.
experiment were accidentally discardedwithout If the Chostbusters realize that BioMed- Coal: ServeBioMedChem'IechrM
observing routine precautions. ChemTechrMs trying to put one wer on them,
"l n some nexplicablemanner, he biological
sample has nteractedwith its environment o
yield an animate life form."
Doubtlessa curiousChostbuster sks,
kind of life form?" Kovachek ighsand replies: AboutGarboids
"Where would any careless person throw Carboids ar e moderately ntelligent - if
things away?A garbage can!" you're one of thosewho believepetsare smart.
For he most part, heywanderaroundcollec-
When speaking s Kovachek,ry to sound ike ting everythingn sightan d bringing t to the
"w e did such and so"
an executive:never sav Creat Dump (see below) in the vague hope
when yo u can say We implementeda decision that this will somehow placate heir creator,
to take responsibility n the area of..." Put your whom theyhopewill rsreal tself nd ell hem
hands o your collar as f straightening ti e from why they were created.
time to time. They don't know much yet, but learn ast.
Kovachek oes on to tell them: Thev are not malevolent,but can be annoy-
1. He i s not at liberty to discuss he purpose ing and tricky.They haveno language, ut harrc
of the research. plenty of emotions,and announce heir feel-
2. D-wing, which has been sealedoff, is now ingsby gnashingheir ids,stampingheir
infested i th bizarre reatures th e garboids. e
and clanging heir bodies ogether. n many
shows hem a blurry photo of a man running ways garboidsare like big, friendly Labrador
toward he camera,hi s mouth gaping n terror. Retrievers responsive o tenderness, owed
Behind him several tumpyobjects shaped ik e

by and resentfulof anger;and capableof as
garbage ans arp in hot pursuit, heir lids open
much cheerful, nnocent,an d unrestrained
wide as if to bite. The picture s too dim to see destructionas a professionalm ercenary.
not they have angs.
'whether or Carboids resemble arge gray-mottled ar-
3, The creatureswere discovered omedaysafter
bage canswith two large googly eyespopp-
th e improper-disposal ncident, when unex-
ing up from their lids. The eyesbob up and
plainable isappearancesf largequantities f
down as he can opensand closes ts mouth
officesupplieswerediscovered y staffmembers. (the lid); the garboidshave earned o peep
Therefore, ither t took time for the virus o inter-
orer obstacles his way.Carboids haveno arms
act with the garbage ans/or the creatures er e
or hands; hey manipulateobjectswith their
intelligent nough o hide until therewere ot s
big scoop mouths,which can open wide
of them.
enough o engulf n entirehuman.Their eg s
4. Thereareapparently ozensof the creatures SampleGarboid
are very short, so they do not move fast, but
in D-wing.
the Carboidscan ip forward nearly90 degrees
5. BioMedChemTechrMent in a team of to grab hings ro m the loor.Their eet esem- B ra ins 1 Fi nd L it te r
guards o cl ean out the garboids,but the team was
bl e flappy latex gloves but are much more Muscles3 Ru n
routed. That's when they decided to call the durable.
Chostbusters. Carboidscan digest ot softhings.Theycan 2 Scoop Up Objects 5
The Deal surviveon paperand pulp products,giren ade Cool 1 Faithfully ursue
lf the Chostbusters il l enterD-wingand survey quatewater, hough heir thick tinny skins e- Coal
ot sof iron.Carboids eat humans,
it, he will pay hem $5000 above nd beyond he
but hey wouldn'tenjoy t unless omeoneold Coa/: KeeoAmerica Clean
initial $1000 payment). f they manage o exter-
minate the garboids as well, he promises an them it was a joke. Then they'd like it a lot.
additional $10,000.Howevel the Chostbusters
mustsignwairer ormsaccepting ll responsibility
fo r life form disposal.

20 Chostbustersperations anual

LZ lenuPW suorleJedo satsnqlsoqD

'ltoJ ulnutunle A^eaq

fuan pue rrlseld a;qrxaly le/v\ uaa AlaqssoJJ
a)rl arnlxa]p aneq ureual ssa;a1; q1 laded
ansslt,o apeu tlSnoqtse saldu-rntr ue /saqJ
-llMl'sraqll/v\ suear)s l! 'lgr-1
sr proq.reS aurl
quno] aql ,{ervreunl pue aSe.rnocll p sasol !
lq sla8proqre8 ,l taqto aqt uaq]
'sa^ase slleqla)seq o rred e panlS a^eq pue ]ooJ auo uo Surddotl sLueaqaq] a8pop 's;aued Luo4
o1ureSe a, { alll l 'lleq aq} u^ op s)uel) pue 1ea1s
paleasuaaq seq ooP pue rrropurrvrua,r31'ptoqreS
sproqre8 q] qJlLl/v\ l talsdulnpa8uetoa8nq e sl slloJ pue 'ure8elano pa)lou) sr proq.re8 q] e ro - q8no.rq]I^\prf,ol ueu e ro1 q8noua 3tq
)unt pue radpd ,o alrd qBrq-loot-Szql dole 8u!l 'llq p aJo)ssrolsnqlsorlD ql /punol
-tls '(dunp parf,es ql) radedalseM deaq a8nq e 1o {ueJt areslJnpasaq] Erll uorluaul ,uoP Pa)sessalun)
ro puof,as q] u; sar;dde,{;nrrgrpe8uer a a}eq^\ 'spnp rl e pu e s]rnpuo) sadtd azeu
dote pedunp ,{lsnoruoualarun ate ,taq1 laqr* o] I ppe - suteoq arnlnj ape^a ol salj] ]l lptrul)ala 1o
'asnoqarp\ aql o] ua)e] ale slolsnqlsgqD
ql 'l!q aruo 'sureaquolo.rdaql pt o e ol e are s8urlrarat;1 anlq )Jep q]/!\pala o)
lnoqe sJoou ql 'alrqrvr
are sll€/v\ ql aBeqleSv\a,P
lPeIac saruepA1;erruoc ue Surleanbsdn sla8 l
1o uorldarxa aq] qllM) pa outal uaaq seLlu/v\op
^}dua st 3ut11-6
'a1r1,{aql 'alllpl-al)lpl\ Iq
plog E sltH uEeg Palloq ou 3utqtfuan3{ldLua
Jaqloue uo o1leads lpls uef,sralsnqlsoqD qf
'pn; q8nol '(lla/v\se slutodatu/\ JBg 3ulso1)
uolord P uaqM suaddPH PqM turlt-g ut s/lerl6
ueaq uolojo aq] lo qse/lqf,eqaql Iq snotf,suof,un
'ailno) 'aJnsro j 'punol pu e
Pa))ou) sr ralsnqlsor.lD q] Jo 'lqbnelsuo Uoqs st pafqo Surnou aq]
a8uer 1ue;q-lurod g ,{1Jncrgr6ro; 1;or aur; }snf lpLl] aas atsnqlsorlD qt
]1nsarssa:ons 8rq uan
lear8 aql erolaq slced uolord r;aql asn ol ^\ori
qro/v\srr]j'sproqteS ql aprsu, ltq/v\ le d uoloJd e qlrM 'rsuroJ aLll punore o lleq allt u,trop8ul
urpalol q8nouapeu 1aB latsnqlsot1D lqearead -nou Surqlauos asdur;3e saqf,lef,atsnqlsot1D
Iaqt arlJuef,sralsnqtsorlg tdeq-ra83u1A1nr1
' 'af,ueqt tno,{ s,alaq }uaudrnbe ,{ue ^u e leLll os ''lla 'pulqaq uol, uaq] grrl uaql 1o
aLll /ssaf,f,nse qllM 's l ,tlnrrgrp lsureSes;;o.r
d!t] ol Surlduelle ^ulp s,fu|d 1 dn waq] doors
,o sJelsnqlsorlD ql o allar ol asnf,xa e lo1 3ur aas ro sa oW roj )s e Alleuorsef,trosLuooraalq]
-)ool uaoqan,no,{;; slrnsdunftraq} s}uau8etl pue u^ op uaq] ))ou) o] sar.r]l 'eole aq] uol,
1o - ealsnqlsoLlD ql - rall!l aql a ouar pue .roor4 pale8rlsolura eq stalsnqlsot;Daqt laUV
para$el pup leal!\lapun ltaql ut apu aLl] ,o ;eo8 'slr^apal]l!l aq]
'proqre8aq] qllm )rer]
pua raqlo aql ]e a8ratrta JalsnqlsorlD ql 'lla/\^ ;euouad slt a atqf,pol sarr] t ol sasuas uepunu uMoJraq] o puaoap l a eq.
alef,tunu.ltuo) srm.raqloo 'aletlo8au asJa uo) o]
,{;lelnrrped re;,{u n;ossrpetrnfanrlsa8rpql }eq} sralsnqlsor_lDql 'sralsuor.upalpln|.u ll]rl atnf,
ldua;1e pue raurol Moqauros {aql;; ro 'aJn}eat)
sr arnlparf, q],o r1Jpr.lrols-lslljtq aql ur Surpr.r
alDllaql ssalppe tllueseald ratsnqlsorjg q] rl lsnf - Surq{ueJo erneJr}aur)oqr,{sd 1o sa)er} u
a8eluenpesrpear8aq1 rool1aLlluo laa, ptoq, - 'ssalasn
"; o '(/!\olaqaas)deJl e r alua ,{at1l }t anslnd sJa}snq ;eulouered ;;ear 1,uare proqre8 qf
de;sdels-dels q) ldarxa aprstnouor, prear1 -lsoqD aq] plnoqs 'unr ol sarrt pu € saqf,aartrs are suorsnrlur ruse;dopa ]f,alap o] pau8rsap
aq uPl alBll ,{dunq pue ,{;1arusr opu aql
proq/ paraqurnulno aql uaql '())ed uolold saf,r^ap Jaqlo pue srosrA-ol)a sjalauj l) d
' 'su€lunq 'uer a8eq;e8 proqre8e
e 3ur.r11o Tpue urlurod e q)ns) sa.rn1sa8ualor,r sn[ ]o u s,]t la of,stp
lsureBe Surqilue ],ua pq ,{11ear{aqt asnef,aq ,(aql 'suaa.raqlrurs ol lr 1se1q aLlt aUV 'lleLl
a)eu 'ppaqeanoul ]n o lle) sralsnqlsor,lgLl l l
sralsnqlsor.lDql dn qseuS1,uop {aql }nq /}eql 'op a1doa;3rg aql aql o Jaluaf, ql ur ssaluorloru urpuels er a8eq
]eqrt aasot slreA ploq.re8 qt
le sauo Alseu aqler pue qlaal a eq op sproqte8 'snotlnel splen8,!unras Ilseu asoql le3 a13urs raluno)ua ralsnqlsoqDq]'uoos
aql /asolf,d1 raurea,rs,lt eq] ldalxa 'uer a8eq ln q snounJ .arolaq
-re8e ur Suraq 1r 1 o1 sr proqte8 ur Surag e1r1 uodeainBurfulecaq ol uJaas (aql nq 'a1d l!
-oad arru alll a1t1 ltnb3urt1],(ueallaus a a seqauo ou 1an13
lool {aq} :3ur}salatur le sralsnq
iproqrPDP eplsulo4!l ll s,leqM -lsoqD aql 'asudrnsur Suryvrenbs ue sa^a s]l aue;drre r palroqslnuq8nop 1r; opo ue s]f,atap
'rfu,vr sra1snqlsoq3 lloi JluS V rool1 aql uo s)f,erl uud ano13 aq
1eq1Surlsaral SurE;nq aql saas l uaq/v\ dols l
'llxa {1uo s,8urm-q uor}f,alp aq} uol, qn r 8r qslods11ora5y'pedunq Suraq er a8eq
-ur arour s,tl srl)euols proqleSut uaq] ]ue \ Jo -re8 e a)rl '3uep ,{emelel ,tdua ue reaq slalsnq
- uraLllpurqaq Luo.r, auo) ]l laulof, e punolp
ar t 1nq lqBrltuer;en dn ln d uaql la l 'pa/v\ollems -lsoqDaql';;o ua1sr1 uo '0t A;nrr;Ip
aq lle ua / 1a 1 'qeu"lq8noql puo)as uO salqqomproqre8 ar,{aql lo u 11 (stuolellnjssaf,f,ns
'lle pue auo par,ro;;emsuraq 'uer e8eqreS ur;1or a)rl 'alqrunr{uu11 .reaq lsure8e cea sa^owale asaLlt) llorJJ!uS
sralsnqlsor.lDq] /lnlssaf,rns S pue'ae5 'ua1sr1 e JoJlle) lopurof,e ur aurol e
r.ro4sralsnqlsoqg ql uanerd ll M alU palerlua)
llor ualsrl ro sa^ow Jl ltln)l11lp sure8e urn] ro urooj e Jalua$alsnqlsoqD aql a|.urlqf,pl
-uof,pupaurldrrsrpsattulsaq] ^luO 'sr.llno|.u ltaql auo srr-l] laqloue lo, llpl '3urp1rnq
'sproqre8aqt Suudso] aur] s ,lr suroo.r,fdrua aa.rql aq] aroldxa ralsnqtsoqDqt
olu! rulq puadn o13urfut turr.lpunole 3uua1sn1r se r o] slrelapppe pue raded 1o alard e uo ueld
sproqre8,o Jaqutnu aql s,lprl] - talsnqlsoqD r9 o^ l paqJJeas eq sJalsnqlsoqD ql a.ruo rool, )rseq aql lno q)la)s 'o a/.rJaJuarqrau ul
pa/v\olle/v\sun)pa lo, atp auo lloi 'punol Llf,pl sploqrPD ql tuualuno)ul Surrvr-6wrrllaftlaq3paryolg Jo deLuaq] pulg
rre aql ur Surner* ee1 aql qlr/v\ 1a;;nB roqte8 'Surualealqlsr-uaasu qlou
umopSuueaddesrplalsnqlsor.lD sploq, 'deaq aq]
,o qout e Jo oot aqt oluo uaLll pue '3ur,rou sr Sulr1loN sAervuoop ,{ q patdnr
tuoue 1ae1reqlol )req al8Snrts l 3utful slalsnq dunp pue araq ureql urer ;1,,{aql's,bg.rng rnl -ralur '{em;;eq1o esuedxaue aos s:a}snqlsor.lD
-lsoqD aruos /r{Uo} pue 'lalsdurnpa8uero3rq e
loeq 3ur11or proqreS -der sproqre8 q] uarlM aql'puo a8 'uaql pulqaq oo paql pq puposoltr
paddez soeqf,lelot aruof,aqplnoqsalgeq aql slrsdeaq aqt 1o dol fua aql uO roolj aq] a oqe spren8aq] €urrt-g Jalua sralsnqlsorlD ll] sV
'salsnqtsorlDaql lltollelvrs 1 u1sproqre8 q1
laal 9Z Euuai\01satlddnsa)rrlo pue ]uar,udrnba
'Jau:otraql punore EuueoraLuo) (^ e;1y roop auo snl] ueq] raqlo ^e/v\ {ue no }eB o}
^ue )rJrluar)s rlsrqqnrqlalq8lq 1o deaq lessolore
'11anr)sproqreB aproq e' iq paleuruop sr aqueqf, a8rel a]rLUeuApaou plno ^ sralsnqtsor.lDql 'palpas
Jo 0€ ol 0Z ,o srql 'asnoqate^ ,{ylq8;rare s/v\opur/v\ ue sloop ,a,jto "gt
- pueq raddn aqt SurgaE r,rbql sralsnq aql ul urssrr-ull ] sr araq/v\puv .lyop
lutr.ll 2JJnls ll e
-]soqc oql uaqrvrsnf - ]equrof, spunoj aalLll
o ('ul ta8 t,uplnotr aql qf,olun )aqtre^o) go paddrrgs r ure8e eno
ro o/v! reUV 'eso;c derl proqle8 aq] lo smefaql sproqreSoql) raluaf, Surssacord Jo/v\ q] ul pu e a o UIDNVC UIDNVC UIDNVC s,{es rrqrr
'sralsnqlsoqDaql a8e8ua proqle8 saq]allqM af,rr1o ,rosrruadns a11em-ssel8 q l sl uolldaf,xa edel Sururem au 'pa ouar aip sreqSurperrlleg
,{lsnorcolal 8reqr alosaqf 'stalro]aq] uor; raded 1a;lo1 t; 1 sarlgo '3u1rvr-6olur roop aql ol uaql uo:sa sp.ren8uos
lsar oLl] nq looH eLll ssorf,pllor pue a)ueleq aq] uror1 er;ddns )UJoall] 'sqel aqt r"uo.r;uo8 pue laqf,e^o) (peal are sralsnqlsotl D q] uaqM
rlaql sslru ajntParf, ql ro o^ l ro auo raDpltr ue sr aremsse;8 ql ll p - seq pa ourar aq ue) teql
3ue;r rrpral p q]l/v\Sullla) aql uolJ ur*op do.rp Surqlfuana xalduor alll Jo sar aqt ]noq8nolql
sptoqretuszopJleq 'puau,alnrl no 1o rnund u; 'sroop aqt uado
l,uplno: 'spueq ]noql! { 'sploq
JoPurof, aql u/!\op a^or! s ralsnqlsorl D aql sv -JeB ql acurs';;ny
llrlsaJe lasolf, uooJq ql :eerql uBd

ls it the chief of the garboids? et he Chost- Of course, BioMedChernTechrM an make a LookingAhead

busters it with this d ea o r a w h i l e - yo u ca n tidy profit selling garboids o jaded housewives As always, tudy he conclusionof the adven-
evenhave he dumpstershift once or twice atop ascombinationpet/disposals.ur heroeswill ge t ture for loose ends and interestingcharacters
the unstable arbage ile, f yo u like.The dump- doodly-squat unless the Chostbustershave which ma y prwide the basisor utureadventures.
stet by the way, s not alive, hough th e Chost- assumed roprietorystatus or this new life form
Th e Deal" BMCTTMs a likely source of further adven-
bustersmay havedark suspicions bout it . as a condition of their contract se e tures. t hasplants nd acilities ll over heworld,
T h e ' b o i d s u r r o u n dhe p i l ean db e g i n o u mp abore). n that case, he legalguardians f this new does ot sof researchnto obscurean d potential-
up anddown, makingbafflingmooingan d grunt- Iife form can wear sunglasses nd act like ly dangerousm atters, nd ha splentyof cashwith
i n g n o i s e s ike a whole barnyard f a n i m a l s . s Hollywoodagentsor child stars s heynegotiate which o underwrite hostbuster e n s i o n l a n s .
anyChostbuster ho makes difficulty15 Brains fa t contractsor the services f their wards tak- And the garboidsoffer possibilities,oo , in -
or Anthropologyroll will recognize, he y ing proper modestcut off the top, of course. c l u d i n g : further mutations, ompeting n t e l l i -
to be worshipping he dumpster. ik ean y proper Plan C: Or the Chostbuster s an try biological gences,game preserve ntrusions, he sudden
god, th e dumpsterremains mpassive efore ts research,rappingon e of the cansand studying disappearance f trash rom city after city (put-
patheticsupplicants. fter a whilg th e garboids it or scoopingup some of the virus rom the first ting garbage ollectors ut of work),an d garboid
wanderoff, leaving he Chostbuste rs lone atop c a n , populationexplosions,o mention a few.
th e trashpile. Encouragehe playerso sit quietly It turns out that a powerful dose of spray
there a while, conferringon a courseof action. c l e a n s e rtuns he cans pick he cleanser r a n d - The End...?
name hat soundsmostb a n a la nd r i d i c u l o u s o Okay.That's t. That'sall the professionallyn-
Now What? you).Sprayed ans all overbackwards,ick their spired and polishedadventureshat come with
There are severalw ays he Chostbusters an try legsa couple of times, an d go comatose.Dis- this basicgame.No w you'vego t o do your ow n
to deal with the problem at least, everalha t patching he m is then a breeze. geniuswork. Unless, f course, ou want o shell
we ca n hink of . As always, layers an be fiend- out some cold cash or some of our swell pub-
ishly nventive, nd heyma ycomeup with some lished CHOSIBUSffRS adventures,soon to be
other approaches.f so, you'll have o wing it . PartFour: a v a i l a b l e ( or a l r e a d y a b u n d a n t l y a v a i l a b l e ,
Rememberalways o rewardcleverness. d e p e n d i n g n when y ou b uy t h i s )a t fine game
PlanA:'Chostbusters ith a taste or loud noises
Wrapping hingsUp storeseverywhere.
and recklessestruction ouldstalk he'boidson e Once the Ghostbusters av edisposedof the We have given you bunchesof neat deas or
by one,blastinghe m with protohbeamsuntil all trash can threat,StanfordKovachekmeetswith adventures f your own. Just ook at th e
of them have eendestroyed.hi splan sprimitive them. He gratefullypays he m the amount they ture ldeas" section on page 37 . And now that
an d inelegant,but it may satisfyplayerswith a agreed pon.Congratulatehe players,nd et he you've seen how Big Time Came Designers
preferenceor flamboyantaction. Chostbusters rive away nto a glorioussunset. organizeand presenta dventures, ou kncvr all you
Of course, s a d i s c e r n i n g n d sophisticated (Figuratively, f course.As one of our Famous need o kncnvo whip up swelladventuresor your
Chostmaster,ou mustn't et hi s plan be too suc- Came Designers ointsout, hey'reheading ack compatflots.
cessful. he garboids ecome ncreasinglyhrewd to Manhattan ro m Ne w Jersey going east, n But don't let's ge t to o fa r aheadof ourselves
and cautious,hiding from their tormentorsan d fact.Maybe hey'redriving into a gloriouscloud here.There's ots of fascinatingstuff o read before
using he ducts o evadehem. f the Chostbusters of orange.redpollution.) you get to the 'Adventure ldeas" section.No w
p e r s i s tn their s i n g l e m i n d e d a m p a i g n f g a r - lf the destructionwroughtby the trigger-happy it's ime or moreChostmasteringips a n d B a s i c
boids might escape
boidicide,several r many paranormal xterminator s proportionallyn ex - Chostology.
from BioMedChemTechrM, deally hroughholes cess of their services o BioMedChemTechrM, Co on now. Readon. Simon Says.
the Chostbustersav eblastedn the roofor walls. Kovachek ills he m for the damages a su m pro-
In the outsideworld, heymatewith ordinarygar- portional o their enius), ubstantially
bage cansand spread heir race. reducing their profits for this venture. Cive
Soon the .lerseyandfill is crawling with gar- everyone omethingbetweenone-halfan d all of
boids.Somemake heirwa y nto suburban omes, th e BrowniePoints hey squandered uring th e
terrorizinghousewives nd stripping he shelves adventure.
goods. Th e problem is traced to If the garboidsar e exterminated r eliminated
BioChemMedTechrM,hich i s h i t b y a b i l l i o n in an efficientan d sensiblemanner, he Chost-
dollar classaction lawsuit. f the Ghostbusters busters at high on the hog for a few weeksan d
signed the waiver, they're named as can senda fat payment o LouisTully or the ex -
co-respondents. pensive qu pmentChostbustersn ternationalas
Plan B: Thevca n ame he little buggers. his, n foistedupon them.
fact,ca nwork; positive einforcementp raise nd If he Chostbustesmanageo turn he garboids
a goody o eat)an d negative a sound hwackon into a profitable ndustryor if they releasehe m
the side) a n r a i n h e m o e a to n l y h i n g swhich into he world at largeon the basis f moralcom-
ar e genuinelygarbage. he garboids an become mitments o the sanctityof intelligent ife, give
a oositivebenefit o mankind! them th e Brownie Points hey spent during th e
It won't take long, in fact. f the Chostbusters adventureand a healthybonus, besides.Note,
hit on this idea, he garboidsprove emarkably however, hat if they unleash hese intelligent
easy o train. A few hours ater, hey ca n lead a b e i n g so n a n unsuspecting o p u l a c e ,B i o M e d -
of well-behaved arboidsou t of D-wing ChenflechrMs not only going to refusepayment,
to meetan astonished ovachek, ho will gladly b u t w i l l b r i n ga h e a v y o u r tsuita g a i n s th em n
p ay he b i l l . the bargain.Better et ou r heroes ut on another
adventure uicklikeso they ca n pa y he lawyers'

22 Chostbustersperations anual

€z lPnuer\lsuorleJedosratsnqlsoqD

Uorlsuo ]n o oJnluape pa8el:ed e 1;nd 1
elqe aq o] aJru s/l! suaddeqsrql uaq/!{1a)ue pe
u! ornlue^ppu/v\o no ^ areda;dol aull q8noue
a^eq l,uop no ^ 1eq] put, uauo i(eu .no1 '6
pe q llnPJ]e ou aja/v\']uaf,ouur resralsnqlsotlD 'aJnlua pe ue ro, ruessaf,ou
aq ] eq l iv\ot{sllr/v\ lf,rtliv\/a)uapl^aanlsnl)uof,,, slerrateur ql Suuedeidpu eSurzlue8Jooj lapoul
o8pnf oql ol puell pue dn /\ orls l,aH 'fuolsaq] olu! poog p no,{ sanr8 arn}uo^pe pa8eped y '7 slpoD au aleaJ) sar^owpeg {ofu3 8n1-e-3nq3
1o 'aue8 'sra)Jaqf - slualel^ au atpar) 'eusrJeqf 'sund
,{;;n1srnol af,nportu!oluert lr{Elr,u oA 1no a8 aql unr ol /v\or.l o qedanqS - s]!p{ i\ au o}ear3 peaqe
du8 ragaq e la8 no^ sd;aqe.rnluanpe aSoped e 3ur1e61
1,uecAaql uarua;tuelua ete; e p ]spru aq] u!
sa lasuoql pug sJalsnqlsorjg q l; 'alduexa tq1 Suruunr eq ] pulJ,{eu no,{ SAilSng15OHg
oD l u n , L l l l lp a q sreuBrsa6 ulpD snouel
' uolluodJo) ue-r ,uas'; yd uas e suorssas v\aj at1]SuilalseulsoqDuaqM 'l aiv\plnoqs^q m ',ueaurI '3urssa1q rno qui\{ ]ueM
tuared 8u lou ;aq-t srr,
se {;1n1 slnol }o uovad aq} ur {;lerauaE leuoueu :suosPere^ll ro, noi( au g],tuese Inr SUJJSn gJSOHg.aql I, rrSotu
-ralu| sJalsnqlsor.{D af,uejeadde q}rvropetlsarol lntesn sarnluo pe paSoped pug a,vr'{1snopa5 -suerl {1;eraua8ue 'l,1rpourpuedxa uef, no ^
ro 'sJals€urlsorlD
pue qf,rpuof, lelluolod dn ]as o] papualur sem pa)ua
'seap! fu8unq JPara8 ol 8ul -uadxa
peJluof,aslq)uPrjaq l oueua)s lPuoruppe -o t ale a/v\ O'sarnlua pe rno,{nq oS ^la}predas uanaasnruoJuef, af,uo e suorlsanb ur
asrqruel, e qsrlqelsa -1sealdoad no 1ueql arou asnpf,aqra{e1d ntau
]sa88nsuef, sleualpurasaq] o r o u ra u o s p a q s r l q n d ne q p n1 {u e qtltr'11la,r q]!/v\aLupSe ur aldoad {uetu oo1 " "u
ol aPrf,aP no^ ,! ',saJnluape /\ aJ lsjrJ aql ro, aM uaql qsrur;no,{aLur} q} LB 'Jro no,tueis ol l6l,?f",0
tueuodrurun re taqlqEnoql (,;uSredLue)alsnq eue8 aq l qlr/v\ aJnlua^pe erql popnlfur aA,aM af,rpaq l
-lsoq9 e unu ol /v\oH,,pu e //saslqf,ueu lalsnq 'sarnlua^pe r-1}!/\^ a uof, aslaSurq},!en1 11o, 1^or.1
-lsol1D,,uo suorlJasaql pear ,{e1dlo a;,,irs 8;ed SAilSnSISOHg paltdsut u8tsap uaql /v\or.]sue ealsnqlsorig apeLu-e:d aq] a^!3
ol pauJ ,lauardns arojaraql pu e ']sotu uPql - salnraLllsoJr^ouBurqreag
-tuef,aql ]noqe uorleurorurarou ro.l) aure3uSred noqe fulor* 1,uo6
palsr/!\] rourar,a/v\eq ] 8ur)ulLl]ur sa lasrno a] '3ur{e;d
-ue) aql ol - /sarqqoq oi\u ro rnoq ue puadspu e ',,uofurxa1
llPlaP ue o^eFpp eol ^lueurudsl {el1 o/!\pu e snolo^rJJo ,terureauu} ol
/llr/v\otl] pue /Lurol asealara8euep pu e !10€,,se qlns 'arnluanpe a;durs e ue1; aure8
]!M ol Vdl aLl] atr.trl aJJ nordor seq auofuala ou la aMoH
aq] 'tf,Prtuof, aq] - 'salnluanpe ler)os luallaf,xa ue aq uef, suilsnsJsoH9
Jjnls aq],o ]sar aql Jo sol l u/v\o 'suorlelsalur
iquol s/tuerD lno{ SuruSrsap n; ro put) auresaqt eneq;1,no,{ -rouered,o lerrj
ur paunq s,oq/v\ v\oul no,{ op /^e5 ro1 ar,,{aql 'spuau,Jno ro, aprs eaqdn aq l sr SUJJS4SISOHD
Iulrll aM luauureualua palsr^1 'no,{ 'Qrl -
leq/v\ no a;n8rl uer no,{1a q 'Q aH aJuaraJau Surlearc o# a pu paurl Surpuads 1uer1} u.'Surlsn8srpnq aq,{eu
1o1n o>pr1e 1a B sa ^ praM Pu e atrualorA leuorl
u r a r e s a J n l u a ^ p e //wrqJaluaqJpawolB,, a7y1;1enpe laDel aq] ro; arrpnfarde lrupe aM
-esuasp u n ; l e q l a u o u - q l o j ' l f , esselJ st
pu e ,,olelod LlJnol,, aq] roy sue;d Jool, aLlf ralspurlsorlD q] Aq patua^urAlarlua sauo pu e Jo
laqtra 'asaqt^pnls ol no l unq ],uPlno/v\ ',4ueduror raqloup o puf 1se4tr,Q aqsrlqnd au o SUilSnSISOHt'gueg
pue'pea1 Suraqaq t1o
'anesseytl/ esuleL!)se(a1alrl qrrp :e11e;ds
'sural f,!,rluarf,sopnasd lq8ry
]l lnpo;oc asn o1sre,{e;d ,,pa8eped,, :saJnlua^pe,o yos o ^l aJ eajaqf
aBernorua ol ^erltaln) e sr ail! aJuaralay ur re;ndod os sJoJrorl alsnoua-a:o8 Surraqqr8
1 o ye d ,,sural {1tsoq9 uoturuol,, aql
sornlua^pvpeEq)Ed 'Suuaqqols aq l qll/v\Aervrear:rer 1aB ,uo6 fp a
-Luore '1;erale /s rSUJJSpSISOHD')Urxoq aq l
larFea ol n o p l o l 'unj
a/v\a)!l asaql pear{pealle a eq no ^ 'suor}f,arp Jo stol Surreq are ,{aql uraqt Ll]!^{ a x l u s n o l n f , r p u q l }o l u r r l e d a a l pu y
a)ur^uo) o] ,{ar ou sr uaAeld no,{ arropoqsqSnor '1n1a1er8
^ olloJ ol pual no,( jl 'aLue3suJlsnSlsoHg os
Sutuunr nq 'A1roqlneleuUaq] aJpno 1 lesodo.rd ra a aq llr^- sraAe;dno ^ ,,'snuan o araq/v\auos
eql ol slar{e;d v\au pue slauurSaqof,npoj}ul ')relq
aleuralleue sraJlo ql t auoi(ue l re a JeaPP utnl r.r,rooj laloLl leursP uo ur apel o] apel,, ro
ol papuaturar e (,,^eld,o satnurw ua 1 ;errd{1,,)
pue'suorsrJapue suorpe no,{ure;dx1s8ur /;"ol a lossrc,, )rl sr.uja],rlPuaurf, sn ' u o r l l e
g alrJ a)uaraJau 'o jleq pup (,,uorlp)rlddv ],uop
-;aa1.sra,{e1dno,( o} a^rlrsuas q rn B ,;alf,pqap eq l
asrll)uEll 1o arueldaly Jo Jaual Lurol,, isalnu 1o sped nno;sssarduotr ro azueuuns ol
aq1,, ,i{e16oI ^ oH,,) V al H drualetau ro llv
slql ellno nort a3 euuoSsruorluarualul ur^rc Jo ,{e1o ,11peaqedr)s 'urrrop3o q }l
'slurodaru^or 8 ')f,nl jo 'puauJ
'#nls lunoureou ln q Ar u pu e Surnour-1sey u e8 aql dae) ')ro,^ lo u 'unJ
l l a M s o spur) l lP ureluof, c 'pn; q8no1,,luaurerrpardureuaf,
-V pallaqpl)salJ aruarorau a8ed-rno, noJaql Jo no ralsnq o q p l n o q s3ur{e;d } a u r u e u e a q t , u o p n B
-lsoqD e la 8 ue) slulod a!u/!oJB raqunu ou 'ua/
Jo )treLlM
salryarualaJauaql leql 'atruelsurro,'aprf,apuef,no^'ssoq ar/no^ 's1urqa11ua8 laql a rB 'a q o1 Sutpualardal e
' 3 u r q 1p o o S e s r 'srattrpreqf,
{aqt oqlr 1e8ro1{aql}l rraql ,{e1da1o.r
'lualuof, s/ueaq no ol asr^oJourl srql'aure8 ragaq e a)eu o] salnJ !rpolu o1
ue m ua,{e1d no,{ dlag 'uorpe aLl} ll e 8oq aldoad
aJnlua aur] saur;aprn3
uaLll pe ue Jo arn]f,nrls rseqaql roJarn] llr/v\ alsPrutsor.l5 u ana auos 1y JrteusrJeq) o anrssa:83eal l,uo6 'eue8 fuana
-uanpepa8eped poo8e o1u.rn1 ,{ern;ee: ann xr; ,{;uoale,{aq} nq saurlaprnB poo8ar esoln1 salnJ leads o1 atrueqtre sla8 ,{poq,{-rena rns aIeW
aueS e ro;1oqpu eaurl uo uoqs aJ,eAuaqM 'g aql apuralo .ro puadsns arou8rol aar1 aa J
'slold 'sa;nra u e S {ddug sroAeld qt tu;daay
l e r l l o q p l pu m o n o o l u r u a q t a l e r o d . r o : u r
pu eseapr saqlleals,t;;n;raaqrM'sarnlua pe pa aq l jo 4o/!\auer, alqrxal]aq l pue uorleurSerur
-8eped ur spapr ururepaluasorJe uroJ {;;euors p a u r l d r r s r p u n o{ Sursn ;qrssodrS u r r l l t u y 3u ; 'sra,{e;daq} urPua}ua o, {alrqnr
-etrf,osn a)rl sralseuaure8pardsur ua l 't - ) r u q p l o D / ) o o Be 3u!qsrlqndaMod un, a^eqo1sr qo f rno,( atsplulsoqDaql s

sd1& relseurlsoqC
Io eplrg/Jo
uos/Io urnleu

EnormousNumerical DifferencesWith Opposed For us, hat's he important hing. As Hamlet

th e egalauthority o do what heydid, an d prob- Yo u want o Bluff he Chief Th e play's th e thing;'
ably deserve compensatorydamages or th Traitor TalentRolls: says,
damage o their good reputationcausedby this Inspector?kay.Y ourBluffagainst isCool'..awk. But we alsoknow enough o acknowledgehe
"unfounded slander." Yo ubeathi by 34 points.Di d you havean y bi g psychologicalrinciple ha t olk like o be reward-
A complete list of the GHOSTBUSTERS bridgesor Floridareal estateyo u were looking ed for a jo b well done. BrowniePointawardsat
Reference Files and their contents is found in to ge t ri d of?" the end of adrentures re he mainsource f such
ReferenceFile D. When the opposed oll is an unusually ecisive external ewards. ut creativeChostmasters av e
win, the victim s h o u l dbe discomfittedn s o m e anothersourceof goodies he yca n use o amuse
e x q u i s i t e l y ramatic a s h i o n . an d gratify heir players.
Right. Youdive Equipment ards.
Doing DramaticReadings f the RealCloseSuccessesr Failures:
Of course, ou don't need o go out and print
for corer asVenkmanstarts praying he roomwith
All-KnowingDice th e experimental pook repellent a difficulty
up new cards. We won't prornise ha t we won't
R o l l i n ghe dice s always dramaticm o m e n t . 10.'Eeeeyah. ell, yo u hink tr v to sell yo u such neat tems n the future.)No ,
10 andyo u rolla...
With suicessor failure in the balance, he ele- we want yo u to make uf r your ow n little hand-
you got out of the way n time. No, no, don't worry
ment of suspenses ever-present just watch you probably are perfectly safe.Maybe."
crafted ards o give o your players. fter all, it's
thosebright acesas hey squinch up their eyes, th e thought that counts.
When the dice ar e real close, t is a good idea
shake he dice like down-and-out rapshooters, An obviouskind of reward s new equipment
C'mon, babyneeds to : l) keep he victim ih suspense make hi m
and ntone he ritualwords, from Ghostbustersnternational wifty devices
wonder if he is really okay, and occasionally
a ne w pair of shoes." designed or specific menaces,or new more
b u r d e n i m with somem i n o rannoyance, n d 2 ) powerfulan d versatile ersions f currentequip
E x p l o i t nd d i s t i l l h e e s s e n c e f this exciting
take he nextconvenient pportunity o have he
moment by learningho w to readMr. Dice with ment. Thesedevicesca n ge t out of hand if yo u
victim makea n o t h e r i m i l a ror related o l l - to
a dramatic Here are th e basic echniques: C'mon, I to/d yo u everything oo generouswith them. t i s a good practice
"Oh. You rolled keephi m worried.
Real Big/RealSmall Numbers: to havea high actory ecall at eon suchdevices
is right. I mean, yo u weren'tall that fond of
a'3'on threedice.Quite remarkable. oy , re yo u so yo u ca n have un with them for a few adven-
that pair of shoesafterall... oh, and by the way,
ever ucky.Boy,did you everblow that maneuverj' tures,et hem breakdown - usually t he wrong
would vo u make a Brains oll to see f it occurs
Or . "Coodnessme . F o u r ' 6 ' sa nd o n e ' 5 ' o n five moment - then send hem back to cB l where
to yo u to c h e c k your...o h, n o t h i n g ,n o t h i n g
dice - an d a five on the Chostdie. Prettyspec- they anguishor several ternities waiting epair.
serious, us t roll those Brainsdice."
tacular. SevenOlympic judges stand up from An d when somecharacter esigns new widget,
Your Bozos... Ahem... Honored Friends an d make a card for it.
b e h i n da row of ashc a n san d h o l d up s i g n s
FellowPlayers us t Love o BounceThem Dice: Other ne w e q u i p m e n tm i g h t n c l u d ec l a s s i e r ,
eacha '10.0.'A beamof sunlightbreaks hrough
R e a l l y . hey'lld r i v eyo u wild p l a y i n gwith those more upscaleaccessories maybeyo u need o
the cloudsan d lluminates ou r eatures.n short, "Clatter, clatter,bdoink, oh, ex- add a fleet of Ferrariso ensure wift responseo
stupid hings
yo u succeedbeyondyour wildest dreams."
cuse me, could vo u hand me... rattle, rattle, house calls, or a Lear et for those annoying
Whenevera player olls close o the absolute
bounce" so yo u mightaswell let hem bounce mission-adventuresB I s always ending ou on .
m a x i m u mo r minimum p o s s i b l ewith a certain
them for an adventurerelated urpose.Evenwhen And in addition o the beach it, a franchise eeds
n u m b e ro f d i c e ,h i ssuccess r failure s particu-
there s not a lo t goingon in the difficultydepart- accessories or every vacationing location -
larly dazzling. mprovise o me little dramatic
A ment, ind someexcuse o exercisehose vories. Aspen,Monte Carlo,Rio, St .Maarten,Pittsburg,
detail o emphasizehi s special wist of fate. "Cood. Yo uwant o call your motheran d el l he r
'3 ' on threedice?Nope. No t successful. o yo u Vladivostok.
yo u won't be home onight.Veryadmirable.Roll Another good idea for equipment awards s
havea plasticba g o carry he ittle pieiesof your guess hosebirth- selecting reasureso match he PersonalCoals
Brains ice.Oops.Failed.Well,
device back to th e lab?"
da y pafi you forgot,an d wh o gives ou a major an d personalitiesof th e Chostbuster player
Missingor Exceedinghe Difficulty Number by earfula b o u t t...?" characters. or example, aninemight ge t those
"Well, to make ha tcornerat 75
a Wide Margin: darlingdiamondearringsromTiffany's, aymight
MPH. vo u n e e d o r o l l a 15 .Y o u o l l a . . . ' 2 ! Yery RewardingYour Playersor a ge t a stack of swell occult referencebooks,
good. Hmm. l'm not altogether ur eyo u ar estill Winstonmight ge ta fat stockportfolio,an d Dana
in New Yorkstate.Hmm. Okay.When yo u come fo b Well Done
might ge t a presentable ui t fo r Venkman.
to, someme n n u n f a m i l i a r n i f o r m s re abber- At the conclusionof adventures,therroleplay-
Now, note: the gamelord giveth, and the
i ng n a n u n f a m i l i a ra n g u a g e . . o . udo r e c o g n i z e in g gamesaward oodles of experiencepoints
'passPort."' qualify character gamelord takethaway.W henever a characterhas
th e word which can be urned n for or he
a bad day,or does something oolish, or rolls a
Exceptional uccess r failuremust alwaysbe fo r powerfulnew abilitieswith which to terrorize
"Hey, oh, boy, now my MasterAc- Chost, somethingawful could happen o one of
a c c o m p a n i e d y s o m e charmingd e t a i l s n the the universe
power!" The these prized rewards.M aybe a spooksnatches he
result hatdramatize he scaleof the remendous countanthas he Baffle RSAgent
earrings, r slimes he books, r splits he s e a m s
feaVdisaster.Okay. To kick open that door, yo u character an alsoaccumulate as tquantitiesof
Chostmaster olitelyas k that he
n e e d o rolla'5.'Oh?Y o u ' r e d d i n g i ve Brownie p l u n d e r an d nifty m a g i c a l items/artifacts/ on the suit.The
destructive rewardcards over o him, and leaves
Points o yourMuscles5 Trait.A hem'Th e roll is... technological evices o enhancehis
th e players in suspenseabout whether the
52 . Close.R eal lose.Butyoudo succeedn kick- caDacities.
treasuredDossessionsill ever be recovered.
i n g h e d o o r o p e n . . .a nd h r o u g h h e room, he Well, this could be lots of fu n - if it weren't
Th e neatest ar t of this Chostmasterdesigned
oppositewall, througha series f smaller ooms, fo r th e stupidbookkeeping t requires. nd after
unk gets e q u i p m e n t a rdbusinesss makingu p the cards.
throughon e exteriorwall, and another23 yards, a w h i l e , th e p l u n d e ra nd whiz-bang
"Yeah, Whatever ou r artisticabilities, t is always un to
where the door comes o restgentlyagainst he pretty ame - yeah,we gather he baskets
mobilizepencils, rayons/nd construction aper
window of a china shop.No , no one in the room of platinum an d th e six-pack magic wands...
in the serviceof grade-school rt. And your players
seems o havenoticed th e noise... isn't there anything ntercsting?"
will, of coursg praise nd cherish hese reations
And we are a little worried that folks ca n ge t
as emblemsof your generous reativity that s/
confused. mean, hev could start hinking that
if they know what's good for them'
th e idea of th e game is to accumulate points,
p l u n d e r , nd whiz-bang
C'mon. s n ' t he p l a y i n g f th e game tself up-
oosed o be fun?

24 Chostbusters perations anual


SZ lenuer{ suor}eredo ra}snq}sorlD

( u o r l l r Wuo ) 'alsP]Jno^ slrnsaJnl
-)nrls uJnl o aur] 'af,uelsrp ]run a aqJrLl/v\sn
**** 000'000'I x*** 'SurBosaq] pue penJonur
aql /saf,uelsurnf,rf,
sar]rlua ue sra])ereqf,
JrletueJp Ll]uo Surpuadaq
rolseulsoqD w Jo rapro aLl]o] Aed 'ueqr Surrvro;;o1q] apr nold ar* 'sarnllnrls urnl
puP oletrsaleJleuortrpe4 ] palJrppe soLll ol
'8utqt Sunsanlur Jaqp awos op o] s:e9auoAtana
'p aLlsu s u nt qt uaq,14' w nlu t 3u qDu os
J rc 1s
op ol auohana loy sa4el r aLun aq) sr urnl V
:sural alours
ur 10 'purI auos jo s llo raf,rpSuurnbar uorlre
,t1;ensn suorlJeJo sauas olur dn uorlJeaq l
learq noi lelll uortef,rpur e se aurrl Jo arnseaul
'r000t 'Lua,3er1 arnlrld aql e qf,nu os lo u sr ,,urn],, e 'SAilSngISOHg
Jo no ra]f,eJeqf, Jo l 'salnuru.r ro spuoJaso sr.ural r ou 'uor])e up
/laalls Ll]o€ 'lul ',sarueD aas uoos se 1sn[p,no,{}l '(dlaq paau no,{1r
AN 2ro ^ aN M teqt
uroyad o] sa)el r 8uo1 r,roq,o sural ur lurq] 'aq
pu l lsaM :o 1sllrq pa)reurun llPursur 00'00t$ arnouJ uoB sauef lue aas olaz punotS1e1se1q
plnoqsurnl aLUeB3uo;moq 3uun3$uaq6
puas lsnf aluMoJBajour paau no^ il realf,nue Surnrrunslglsn{uer nor{alnsal,a/v\) a
'lu aas no^ AP^^ -qle)sun Alqeuospar ^r^rnsuil.l lal ialnlua pp or]] //'sraqf,ealq ;ag1q8u aq] olul ua up aq o]
{ue asn uer no,{q:rq,u 'ralseulsoqg r14noX.rol ul ialel Jo, punole allPjPq) leql paau nor{;1 r{ 1 ]noqeare'ueu)uan'no^ pue'xoq s,ra$eq q] u! s!
do6,{a1;y' I aM ;9t,'uou8eyl-o.r3 ,1,'upru) an
slurod rur*orB orllr.u s,araqssaurrel Jo salal
-rssa)au ueLuerp(q paprnS suasuor..r.tluotrsn
- r1v'sa oW 's Asa oW ixauon-aurl aql q8norql
-u r aq] ur 'o S 2l ! ,usaop reyun gard spunos srea,{ 1 ro } letldsoqaqt olur rurrq nd 1r aq,{eLu
']/uop sra]f,Plellf, ue slulod alu/v\olB AELI ro JJ o !\olq oql sgnrqs sn f urlrrn aq] aq^ehl sdals auoq LlSrLl ] opolseLu q] qll/!\ uou8eyl
'are s]f,aJlaaqt -or] aql arojaq laued lorluoJ all] ol ]aB no,{
sralsnqlsoqDeql datrxa aoJ,tund tq3uttlstnb leqm aprf,ap ol ta8 no,{ - no,(
uef, ueuluan 'Atl1,O,, leo8 e ol Suoer uaqr*
-up alqnort alDll a eq plnoqs puPSuorls {}}ard e^eq eqM 'alrssruJ re-o]-af,ej.rnsuerd leqrvrorr
sI or pasoddo o; 1se'asuadsns u runoq-arr ;o
sr urpllrn elnf,rupd rq ] mo N ra o s,aJntuanpe e qu/!\ asla 4poqaLuoslf,eqM tpoqauLos11 ()oods e ro; 'rarvro6
aq] 'u! r,u!L.lso] pue 1no s1t18r; ,jalsnqlsoqD 's n slPa8 luauala ue ppe o] ]ue/v\ o^ Jl
ro) slle{ sanoylareduof, }sn[ ralset sl oqM -
arlt lrund ,usaop q rr pu e uorsuaurCraqlouv ,,2jeq/!\orf, qlrrvr {poqauos Surprrl
uorlsanb rle[!erp f,rseq ll] ra/v\sue] sf,rueqJar.x
olul leuod V q8norqt ratsnqlsor.lg ^ orLll ol uaqnt1aBZt sal)sny\r ]!^ ^nB e saopsassnld o
aq] no,( uant8 e,req a/\ 'SUJJSnSISOH9 ul
slue/\^ rellrnlr^l aq l pq ] Aes ilal latsnqlsoqD pul) teq6 2salqet Seuepaql s,araLl6Zslurodrq 'salef,s
e sl earap alJ€reqf, a,{e;d-uou leq} oJnsulo} aq] s,araq4,, SurAes,{;qeqordre no,{,r,rou{g luaqM asn ol LlJr.1l^no eln8rl pue
uessarau r purl ,{;leuorseJ)o eu no^ luara#rp soq)ll e ureal l sluem qm "'1ng 1urod
asr,r,r1o1d sralsPruoruPDPrele^ol aloN v all] Surssr.u{;1ea.rr plar, lleq}oo, pue uroorrl}eq
P UrJuauranou o, arnlJnil s urnl pue ale|alef,s
atues aLll Sursn a;duexa ro l - sraqlo ueql ral
iaq )ro.4 sarnpnJlsunl puP salPrsaletrsluorajlp
]uara1J!p ue s8urpas uara1Jrp l
'luarar,lpsr uorlpntrs
f,rlluoJ-uorl)p ua^apuv
sseulsnq 'ls4 araqt sla8 oqm ro
eloq/\ eql u! saralut utsol l,no^ fu m uo ;P3uto8 J,no^,1;aa,r
'3uo; nroq ur sao8auoauos Je, !\or.{ro 1s.r 11eqrr
no^ l1nts oslolr{lrmpe:aqurnf a al,no^ slooplnoal,no^ Sulutets;l! C saop or.l/v\ 1o uorlsanb ue araql sr af,uelsunf,rf,
prlluo)-uorpe ue 3u;rnp^luO 'SyZSngtSOt+C
('Jla 'euafolsrald snoaf,elaJ]^^oul n o^) ela a1r1 ue8 3ur;aaqm-aar1paredlsel p ur pelap]o
lef, Soloa8ear{'q}uotu'lqSrul.roy noq'alnutu'puolas'puoresoueu 3 pur) leq] paau ,uop no^ aur] aq] o lsoru ,lsrtl
1uera1tt1sas;nd aseqd g 'Surloxa
ree^oueu urnl 'punor luau8as
fuanSurqlyo yos ]eq] puno, ra au ait\ ^Aoqauros
rea^ qgrl ( eltut otlltulE6 noqe llun lertuouollse) ,,]eql ql l
'pa.repenbro "'pa
leLl l
'an8eal 8uopn; loo1 qlut-aule8 lalautlltLu /]lun ulollsSuV-V' aler uaua our sr.{os - a1r1,1-eq1-ro1-SulqlaLUoS
pue 'ellaJqun ']eof,urer aseqauq - paraqun:)
-u l sr uelunoJry rno{ 'la8rol t,uop pue "'r.lf,unl
'a)uelstp 3uo1 e o11ua;enrnba r ulnl aue8 e uaq^\ luatu
,o ltun laqlo auos s! (y) -uor^ua roopur ue sr uelunof,)v aql uaq/!{ oaJxa
(uolllp - autl plloan
ueq/\^ uoJ Fuonda)xa ue O) uaq^\ daf,xa leal ut (lrun "'salnuru 01 uale^rnba rurnl eure8
eut\ plJo/A leal e - J) o] tuale rnba Sdraq B) ples (eJnlJnJlsulnl aureS o ".lea{ urnl aueS rad s8uopnl o/vqanourupf }ue}
lurql I
suun o uu n e - B) ur (afuelslp ]o \u n e - fl sanou uosled/ Surql aql -uno)Ov alsPw la al Llltl lno[// - /v\ou)no{ 'alnl
-)nlls urn] aue8 rrlrads e pue salef,spue salpl
uEqf urnl puP'a;er5 e1exluaua^ow lPsJa^lun ]uauanoru r;r:ads aneq a ue8 3ur{e1da;orsoyl
suJnl aluPD
puP /salP)s /saleu luatua^ow

Basic Ghostology
ft the heart of any adventure s a ghost, Chostmaster oesn't have o adhere o any par- begin to imagine all sorts of interesting vents
spook,demon or otherweird critter.S ometimes ticular ulesor anything just do whatever o u invo.lving licg her ghost,and he neighborhood
a n a d r e n t u r e s b u i l t a r o u n dsomething izarre want, and when the players abbleabout ncon-
which can't e a l l ybe classified sa g h o s t l i k e sistent r contradictory aranormal henomena, ca ns u S g e s tpecial dventures.e r h a p s
aliens rom Arcturut bioengineeringxperiments grin broadlyan d pronouncg My , how mysterious a particularghost s a philanthropistwh o strews
goneawry or the LochNessmonster.Mostof th e and enigmatic he manifestationsf theseother- e c t o p l a s m i cu n d r e d - d o l l a rillsacrossh e r e e -
time, hough,your players il l have o facea dead worldly creatures.") wa yduring rushhour.Perhaps notherghostwa s
guy. Al l ghosts av e hree hings n common:all have once a nurse, nd now tucksdoctors, urses, nd
Typicalg hosts in our terms,oneswith a Power a Coal, a Power, nd at leastone SpecialA bility. delivery people into vacant beds in the local
between and 6) are not real ough o dealwith. AIso, most ghostshavean Ectopresence. hospital.n general, nowinga ghost'sCoal helps
As he Ghostbusters ill learn,al l vo u have o do Ghostlv Goals y o u p l a n an adventureo g i c a l l y .
i s g o in, blast em a c o u p l eof timeswith a p r o - Chosts, ike humans,haveCoals. t' s perfectly Simple h o s t s a v e i m p l eCoals.C ood simple
to n pack, suck em up with a ghost ra p - an d possibleo r a g h o s t o h a v e n e o f th e " n o r m a l " Coals are the sevendeadly sins:anger,avarice,
then it's Miller time. Goals - fame, money,sex, science,and so on envy, gluttony, ust, pride, an d sloth. An angry
Let'sace t, usuallyChostbustingsa humdrum, - ghosts g h o s tg o e sa r o u n db r e a k i n g h i n g s .A n e n v i o u s
everydaybusiness.Essentially, cu're nothing earthly plane of existence or more profound ghosthaunts singleperson r typeof person say,
more than a glorified exterminator. reasons.When inventinga ghost,one of the first coilege rackstars),m aking heir livesmiserable.
Bu ty o u ' r e ls od e a l i n gw i t h h i g h l y o l a t i l e n d things o u shoulde s t a b l i s hs ts Coal. Knowing Chosts like this are often obsessive ut rarely
p o t e n t i a l l y a n g e r o u s aterial. o exterminator a ghost'sCoal helps ou determine sensible at - smart n e a r l ym i n d l e s s , ctually.
fearsencounteringa horde of giant radioactive tern of haunting,an d helpsyo u decide its reac- Chostswith higherPowers3 or more)ar emore
cockroaches but it can easily happen to a tions to eventsduring a sessionof play.Fo r ex - sophisticated,n d shouldhavemore ully defined
Chostbuster. ample, f yo u k n o w ha tCrandmaBiddled i e d o f Coals.Maybe here's Marxistghostwho haunts
Once your players av esomeexperiencewith a heart ttackwhile y e l l i n g t ittleAlice Niggle- th e FederalR eserveBank and tries o make he
mundaneghosts, ou'll want to go on to more baumu n d e r he mistaken resumptionha tA l i c e U.S. conomy ollapse. r p e r h a p she g h o s tof
elaborateones. The simple fact is that many, f had been torturing one of La Biddle'scats,an d a formercircusstuntdriverpossessesom e poor
not all, ghosts are too powerful, shrewd, or now she eturns very ayat 6 p.m. (feedingime) schmuckca bdriver,and starts areening round
enigmatic o be defeatedby the simple applica- to try to scareAlice Nigglebaum, ou'll probably Manhattanat breakneckspeed.
tion of a proton b e a m . t isn't h e typical,hum-
drum, zap-zap-inthetrapChostbuster ousecall
that'sgoing o makea goodadventure. ou'rego -
ing to be interestedn the bewildering, i g h -
i n v u l n e r a b l e e n a c e so Nature.M ankind,a n d
th e Almighty Dollar.

Chosts are normally immaterial.M u n d a n e
weapons uchas ists, lubs,and beerbottlespass
right through them, whether or not the ghost
seemso be material.f a g h o s t s h o l d i n go r h a s
swallowedsomething,a physicalattack might
knock he hingout of itshandor belly.Bu t t takes
a proton packor similardevice o defeat or even
disconcert)a ghost.
A proton beam ca n destroy an ectoplasmic
presence'sourceof psychokinetic nergy refer-
re d o asa spook's Ectopresence") by disrupting
and disordering he spook's contact with the
otherworldly plane from whence it draws it s
power. But... unlessyo u can see the spook to
target t, firing a proton pack is an all-but-futile
gesture, nd evenwhen yo u can seesomething,
yo u may be viewing an ectoplasmicmanifesta-
tion - an d no t he spook tself.Soa protonpack,
though useful, s not a universally ffective ool.
Despite he apparentmmaterial ature f ecto-
p l a s m i centitiet th ey evidently an touch and
manipulate objects with whateverappendages
they possess.For example, ghosts with the
PoltergeistpecialA bility ca n manipulate bjects
at a distance. he physical nd paranormal ature Goal: Gluttony
of theseevents s poorly understood. Read: he

26 Chostbustersperations anual

lz lenuewsuorlerado alsnqlsorlD

s:a,{e;dnor( ue,r,r o. {sauir}auos srrl} r uoseai

'a1r1no.{ ',{qmure;dxa t
learaq] nq t 1oo3,{pa;q
qo8 rrlluarrsopnasd uos rlll/v\ n auo) uef,no1
's1red uolo.rd {q palra;;e aq
JaqloSursn roden l lr A olq ol af,ueLlf, saolaH
rng Surnr8]odsureuare ur aztlpualelrl l lsoq8e
af,loj o] pasnaq ,(eu s1en1usarrnbar]old aql Jl
'3urq1 pooS e paurelf,)p {llesranrun
- sarlr^r]f,p ar(e;dSururepalua 1ane1rsarlol
J o ,{lrlrqe alSuts ueasnlalo1,uop';etaua81 { r -urar larrrlrsodlq l 's ljl aN))aJJarcu aql'pasod
-ueJ nol sltns a aleqM ,{err,rurureyalua ulosut -otd atnpatod aLfl rleweJp pue rcau aJow aLll
parusrur eq A€ur t lo 'lle le pa)lo^ a pq ]o u :s rqunLl] ,o alnr rno 'uorlarf,srp s,ralseulsor]D
,{eu ,{1t1rqylercad5aq} ro '(sdeqrad aql le 'af,uasaJdolr3s,tsoqS aJnpal {eu slen}r.r
-auos ssau e 3ur)eLu) a8relslr passltu sn { neq raqlo pup sluauqsrueq susrf,roxl 'ool 'sueau
,(eu l 'llol ,{t1tqy;errad5 s;re1}soq8uaqM raqto,Q palnpar aq ue) aluosardon3s,1soq8
'f,la aluo .AbEtUPD
le slf,alqo lela^asUt l ol al qe aq
]tlSrur o 'ar.ro1 t! op uel salsnqtsoq3 aqt arolaq adersa
lealS qtli\ Ul l o] Surlduaile sr r lear
']s4 aLll uo sauo ]trafqo q] ;rnq q8rLu Br q pe;ncri-red11orqm ;;r,,n soq3 qt ar esppoaql'ssalturodA]tard r
61 a:uasardolr3sso.r81n.r1 Ll}lA\
,{rlllqv tsra8rallo;aq1Sursn soq8 e 'a1dr-rexa.ro1 ,fus soq8e
aql ueq] InFa^od arour rq e arealqetpuof,as q] 'ssa))nslelnrrpede os1y aruo
11or 13r11 {;;ercadsae apts lsureSe ced uolorde Sursn lr q ar,,{aql
uo sartrlrqv ql illllqv lerf,ads ,lsoqS autu -uor o1qsr,r,t,{ewoA'y7 a8eduo palsa33ns y rage ^lrunr^ aql ,o lno la8 o1 yoga fua,raaleu
-ralapot aSed xau aql uo salqelaq] auo o] ratar ')la /aror! ro ,{lnrrgrp lsoq8 sotu pue - ueaq uotold e qtyr ]l ]11
Jo e
/a^rleurSeurun 0t llor tsntu 1r leur 11,tr
P ue arp e llor Surlaa, r,no^Jl -rou Jo l,uef, no^ '11pury ,uer no,{y; punore s8ueq ; 11
,{auou ;ear s,Jatsnq}soqD 1o areld aq} )sel e Surlduape t lpoaJtns ol alout lo
I e llor snLu ')set aldu!s e ro1 ,$r1rqy ^e ^ slll lsoqg e dert {luo uer no,{ eql atoN
a)el qlrq/!\ o /salsnqlsoLlDaq] punoJe f,ualsrxa sl r osn ol 3ur1dua11er soq8 e Jt snqI 'paaf,f,ns
(rnoq tad wrod auo Jo aler e te aruasald
Jo no pu'lsad
e ut dod z{1lenur1uor .l)rqlt,rllrq pllop 01 aqI.unu tJnorgrpe paalxa ro ;enba sn|.u lo r -o1t1 sure8at 4oods e 's4)ene uontd nqltnl Aq
se qrns aleurueuryo Uos auos suor.rltrlns -arplPlo] ,]soq3 ql slua;e1o s]!ello)!l lsnI pasn paqlntstp ou J/ ) anle leurSuo trot surnloruoos
'sazrleualeua6 pue slsad suor.u(xns paldnrralur,{prerodual {1uo r uorsuaurp
l! aq^eu are sarlrlrqv;errad5 1ar6]soLlD q] Surpn;rur) pu e
qloq ! ]l 'la8eqf,rFEBoo!-le )o - asdrotr ul]]or larvrod ,]soq3 ql se a)rp ,{ueu se llol 'sat}tltqv srql olur uorle.rlauad 1r analtoq
snoaprqe Jo uro] lp)rs^r{d q} sale} 1r sdeqrad ,{lluaueurad q1 'Surgas
';ra1pue azrl€ualew qloq uer ;enad5 s1r o auo sasn lsoq8 e atut] tltre:l ,usr soLl8 ,,luauure}
lsoq8 e (lalseLulsoq9
-uo3,, aLl] o qred uolord1o rede,Q derl soq8e
sar]rlrqe aurquo] 'a nrJearr q '^}r1rqylercad5
Jl )h J /asrAJaqlo r luert noI se uoosse asel aql aq olur paiannaueu aq ueJ puP ssalolaqsauof,aq
auo ueql arourseLl urlearr reno,t soq8aq111 ssassod 'g saqrear aluasardolr3 s,lsoq8 e uaq41
'aues aq] op slsoq8 ot sasea) ,{;1ens61,,; .{aq} annod1o urod 1r
'quo1os pue Rurodg sasol soq8aql /papaauspm
qrea o; ,{lr;rqylerredg uo aleq llensn slsoqg
Jno^ al o1 uessarauare sartrllqv ;errad5 eqa,t aruesardolrl
LalunoJua lrrau f,eaqlrn Burssan8 a,{e1d leqrt a1drr1 r llor aq] 1; ,o slurod
pue /o p slsoq8uor1r11 ue arlotu s8urql {daa.rr tno,{ daa>1 e) satltlrqv ;errad5 uau Surluanu; 7 saso; soqB aLp
]sorl8 aLlt rq ol papaau spm
aql ll e noqe 1urq1 anrleur8euraq 'sauopl o aulq 'asrousnoaprLl
-uroJ sauo,4au ppv'lle Jo ue as noi aelt tula sraLllolllls 'sls!a8rallodare leqm arou ro af,rl\l lenba lplol
't Iq paf,nparsr aruasaidop3 sgr
'sallllgV laal
,,r,o1ag sraLlto aurls rruse;do1ra r*ads slsoq8auo5 {sorlD aql Jl
;enad5 pa1se88ns^laM] srl arvr 'ueaq ped uolord e q]l/\ ll q sr soq8 p uaqM
'paroq 'sdeqrad salllllqv lP!)ads,(15oq3
la8 no,{ o 'uosurqou
'asrrunsplun - ra8uo;slse1 ;r1un pa )f,el
rlrqeaqt aq,(er-u 'a f rP ,(es er noAueLI] a)lrnb ra&nquleqolur aLlf,reas
-lloi sl soqD e l loMods,)oods Lll rr.url otnuru llor o] ]r ' -a.r
salrnbareq] aslaSurq],{ue (ralsnqlsor.lD punod {11ensn er sarlrlua trnsasnplaq
g ro ] lra11a r sureuar ^t!llqv ue arn8ry qrunq] ,{lqeurnsard'saruasardolrl B q qlrnrsar}rlua o
e Suruunrlno a)rl) )se] ,{ue 8ur}du.ra}}€ aq/\
,o elnr e sv t)aJJa r sureurar(1r1rqy ;errad5 '(Molaqaas) lrlrqV elep leluaturJadxaaqte8ol le8eauaalunlo ,ltaJ
e 3uo1 rroq !\ou) o] luepodr.ur ,] r saurlat.tlos lerrad5 1r ursn aqr* s;;o.r
Ir a)rp ,o raqunu aq l sr ra ^od s,]soq8 '(l)d) uaaqa^eqoraql'arour ro 00[ ]o a)uasaroopl ue
- aruasaldop3
,t;.relnre1cadspaa)f, s ]l')sor.lD
p sllor pup spaaffns lr uaqm puy '[e,rirauos A8raua rlaurloqr,{sd alelndrupul ol r{1r1rqe1r aneq {eu lnnz a)rl ar}:adse}au
Surluasaldaraqurnu e ta/Aodaneqslsoq8 1; y roj urnurxetrl le)rlaroaqlPaqsrlqelsa u sraraql
ur 1r d;aq ll!]s^eLU rnlre] tr lsoqD.eslloj tn q 'tuauoddoalqeprurro1 rou e sr
61-9 oaruasa:d
sta/nod ,(lroqg
slre,Pu eAlllqv lelradse osnol slduaile soq8e -o]tr:luV 'ped uolord at1t suouecr;dde aleadaL
uaq6'eatsnqlsorlD sunq l qgnoq ua,ra slsoq8 'uorssltlqnsolur Surqy{lana
Ll]!/!\panpqns,{;rsea ua}o are qrns 1eue1d
sd/ag arp tsoqD aql leql raquraurar illeurJ lselqAlaurtnor UaLI]al ueq] aqler ,past)oxaaq srL1t l uorl)auuof )eam ,{;tte1 salefrpurS -t
1'umop ;e l slued upl ]r orl pue 'punore Sur8ueq r 1r {q,,r,ruo.r; ;o acuasardopl uV 'anpqnsol sr r ]ln)UJrp rour
srq 3ur>1eural)rnq ]laq s,ralsnqtsorlD opun auec lsoq8 aql araq/v\no arn3r1 1 a,{e1daq} a8e aq ] aruaserdolrls,lsoq8 Laq8rq ql 'uorsuaturp
'ure8e )f,ru] -Jnof,ua 1Surureyalua lour,ua]rost t 'lana/v\oH rn o
1cn4 aqt ryq11fu11,uo6 lf,ew e Urlo] Jo uorlprlauad ;eurouered s1r;o arnseaur
s;re1sra8rellod 'alduexaro1) 3uuoq pu Palqe 'a;Deq
lced-uolord e ur paleululla aq
e sr srql 'a:uasa.rdol:3ue a pq slsorlS sow
lrrpard sla8 eqt -,{ea,r aues aql u! ll asn ,uop ur ue: aJuasardolclue q]!i\ lsoLlS uV')urrll o] a)uasaJdopf

GhostlySpecialA bilities
an observer.RememberD ana Barrett ossessed
by 7uul7)This is not invariablyso, however.
SpecialA bilitiesTable SpecialA bilitiesTable l A possessedharacter'sM ovesand Musclear e
roll ability roll ability used,but the ghost'sPower s used nstead f his
'l or he r Brains nd Cool. The ghosthas no access
1 Slime ReadMind
2 Terrorize 2 Make llusion to the knowledge,m emory or personality f the
3 Materialize 3 SummonPests personwhose body it o c c u p i e s .
4 Possess 4 Animate When a ghost attempts o Possessomeone,'
5 Poltergeist 5 ControlM i n d match he ghost'sPower gainst he Brainsof its
6 DematerializeObiect 6 Murphy target.f heghostwins, ttakesover.f theattack
fails, he ghost s drivenoff and can't ry again or
at l e a s ta n h o u r , u n l e s s t r o l l e da Chost, n
which case t can try again whenever t pleases.
S l i m e :SIime s a d i s g u s t i n g , o o e y / elatinous, Match the spook'sPoweragainst he Cool of
ectoplasmic r o d u c twhich ruinsc a r p e t s , p o i l s each Chostbusterpresentat the scene of the Poltergeist:
food, and embarrasses hostbusters. attack. f the target'sCool is overcome, e or she Poltergeists POLE-ter-guysts] pecialize in
A ghostSlimes ne person r object pe r attack. panics nd lees. f he Chostmastero l l sa Chost levitation nd elekinesis,o s s i n g h i n g sa r o u n d
Th eghostuses he Slimeasa weapon: inceSlime when overcoming a Chostbuster'scool, the without ouch ing hem.
can be usedonly at point-blank angg the ghost Chostbuster aints deadaway.T errorizecan affect V a n d a l h o s t s s p e c i a l l yi k e h i spower, i n c e
n e e donly beata d i f f i c u l t yof 5 to hit itsvictim. a whole of Chostbusters t once. they can crashall the dishesoff the shelvesat
When the spook hits, ts target s gummed up , Recoveringro m a Terrorize ttack akesabout oncg instead f having o go overan d pull them
grossly i n d e r e d , n d h i so r h e r ghostbusteru i t halfan hour. down on e by one.
is ruined. A Chostbuster esistinga Terrorizeattack is
immune o that attackby that ghost or the same
h a l f h o u r of time.
ThisAbility allowsa ghost o takephysicalor m
- a s a d a n c i n gskeleton, walking statue, r
a n y t h i n g l s e ou c a n h i n ko f. Normally, g h o s t
ha sonly one physical orm, although here are
Once a ghostha sphlsicallymaterialized,t uses
its Power n place of Muscle or Moves when
attemptingphysical eats. t is possible o arm-
wrestle or swordfight a dancing skeleton, or
instance;conceivably,a ghost can do actual
physicaldamage n this case.
Revertingo a ghostly state akesa few seconds.
I am a Materialized irl...
This means hat the Chostbusters re allowedat
least one attempt to do something before a
materializedghost adesarnay.Materializedghosts When a ghost uses his power,determine he
are alwayssusceptible o proton pack attacks. difficulty of its action. Fo rexample, f th e ghost
A materialized ghost cannot suffer physical
wants o lift only a small object, the task s not
damage.f a dancingskeleton's rm s cut off, or difficult.a n d i t o n l v n e e d s o r o l l a 5 o r m o r e .
Being limed s uncool. f a characters S l i m e d ,
example, t ca n us t reachdown and reattach t.
hi sCoolTrait s halved r o u n dup )until he Slime lf it wants o make th e BrooklynBridgevibrate
is removed. Possess: l i k e a p l u c k e d tring, he task s prettyd u r n dif-
lf a Chost s rolledon a Slimeattack, he target T h i sa b i l i t yallows g h o s t o takeo v e r h e will ficult, a n d i t m i g h t n e e d o roll a 5 0 o r m o r e .
is so gummed he can hardlymoveuntil some- of a p e r s o n n d c o n t r o lh is o r h e ractions. ince A ghostcan tossmore than one thing around
o n e h e l p swipe the Slimeoff. ghosts on't hink or act ik e people,w hen some- at once; us t a ke h e n u m b e rof things n to ac-
one is possessed,t is usually pretty obvious o count when d e t e r m i n i n gh e d i f f i c u l ty .
Terrorize:Th e g h o s t ca n e v o k eparalyzing r A ghostca n do lots of things with this power.
panicking ear.Someghosts lways ook frighten- It could move furniture, pick a Chostbuster's
ing.Others ook normaluntil they ransform,ik e pocket,or havea dozen plucked urkeysdo the
the ibrarianghost n the movie.Other ghosts re cha-cha-chan a bizarre nd horrific horus ine.
subtler, singa varietyof effects ver ime to chip It could evenattackChostbusters y hurling ur -
awayat the composure f Chostbusters. hile a niture at them. In this case,you'd match th e
terrorize ttack s recognizablyisual, t is actually Chostbuster'sM uscle against he ghost'sPower
a mentalattack,affecting usceptibleChostbusters to detemine whether the Chostbuster tops he
whether or not they close their eyes. furnitureor vice versa.
It is possible to move animate as well as
inanimate bjects, ut Ghostmastershould esist
the temptation to arbitrarilyhurl Chostbusters
around whenever he y want to soak up Brownie

Th e Terrorize attack can also be

employed o cure hiccups.

28 GhostbustersOoerationsManual

6Z lenuewsuorlBradosralsnqlsorjD

'uorsnllrue sr tral
-q o aq ] ou o laqlall/v\ uaLl]lla] sn u no ^ ,lnJssa:)
-f,ns re {aql11rartod ,1soq8ql snuarr utelg3u t
-qrleur ^q arnsa)eu ol ]duuaue,fuu {eql ltadsns
',1 'uorllnpap ,{q ,fuosn1;l
Lluo Aaql 'r a aMoq
'alef,sJapuerS lf,nu e uo sl Sueqaqs loq/v\ Lll
sr uorsnllr e eq l ln o aln3rlAeLlstaLeld q1
ln q - sarnlua Pe arauq o, sEatuesaLl] uleuJal '1sdet|ad 02 ) llnrultp aloru ar e (SulplrnB
aurltno ,told,, lsPq Ll I uolsnlluof,pueiS uol a1e15 rrdru3 aql 3u!lf,r!f, 1,frepotatd paSutrt
-f,elsrl€s ol dn Surpeal salnlua pe IeJaAasa^ o a8nqe) suorsnll! larf,uotra3rBl1(S,Q;nl;gtp;,isea
surellr^peg ^llead af,nporlurUP Jno l lsa8elue,r lP]lblp paulelul€r.u ar € eajel1eus Suuarro)slul e) suolsnlll snjjlp
-p e roleu raq] ]o auo 'lce1ut 's t stql 'sanuale -llai\^ a)ll) qSno] l llej alqerlar ua,r utqlaLros 'lleLusuorsnllraq] oj o]trejAllnrtgtpe aulruralap
,(ueur ro;dxapue q)reasallPtluelsqns P ol a e q 3ur>1eu 1(srea^uaau!ql u! uaaq 'uorsnllr ue a]€arf,ol sldr.uaBesoq8 e uaq11
'o s op o1 '{e1d suorssas .palledal 'sralsnqlsorlDaq] roJ
Il!,M ralsnqlsoqD q) }o l,useq f,rqM alspeor uPFao SAII|M s, palsnr
Auer-uol lsel e sr {1qua rrlaypeg e Sutlealag alrl) Lpurf, srarnlrejol (peat;e utqlauos /leoD
sapznd pn]trallalut utlsatalut )eul pu e
'salnJ u r u M o p ) e a r qe S u r s n e 3 ' ] d r u a D ea q ] l o j sll ol ^eM atuos ur palelal ate alealf,ol sasooLl:)
sa11lllqvetrad5aq l {q pa}tutrllaal /uopAlureuar raqtunu {llnrtgtp e sautuJa}ap a}seul}soqD q} ua)lrqr
'Surqlauos xrlloq ol satll soq8 aq] Ja auall7171 lsoq8e suorsnllt q]'^llelauaD 1a d
"';nrryedol suotlelso,tuerul 'aLl;1o
ln q lolluoa) a8eurr ql alealr o suotsnllt l eu lq8tu 11
1uem,{aq} eq^ oP 'Jla'slusltu
;o a.raqdsaq l ]lurll ,ter.u o1 uaq/r se,^ 1se eadde asnoq Pauasap lo ue
'e1r; uer s,{n8 satlt sal}lllqv
elradsroj svol sped uotord a>1eLustq8t; ]n o ulnq 'sautqreu aleu tq8:u ]r 'ald[u€xalo l 'suolsnlllIrols o u
'Suornt oB s8urql a)eu o] lsoq8 aql
learq ro auo se quago1soq8 'stueM soq8aq] seal d
'sped uolordSursn noqe 1a8ro, lnLu {Dard ei smo;|e {}r1rqerq t rtel s,,{qdrnyl uot3 ,(qdrnyl -ults e o xalduotr eaj esuolsnllluolsnlll lew
sralsnqlsoqD saldeqood aql )eLl] aluasaldolJl 'rurr.l 'Aeldjo spunor /v\aj
alqrParlur f,ns eq sarJrluaMa Npe € AllPau -uor ue r soq8aqt,t auttujalap l loo) s/lalsnq
')eznh/ o1 pasodxaslaqlo pue ua8 lxau aq ] rol suorlualul aq ro sltl alseuls oq9 aq l
-]soqD aq t lsure8e ar*o6 s,loods aq ] qrtew 'spaarf,ns]t saqsrMll
-uassed olena;a {qsy e ueadlalnaaq 1 'Pauale,l\e llal sn u ralsnqlsotlD ql Jl
luaPpns l ra^auaq/v\ pulyvpeau o] ldu:aDe uec sot13
1o uorsraruad salalsel ,^]tueunq uo a8ua,ral tq se paJaplr/v\aq lorluof, uteSar ;nort alsnqlsotlD 'l nlasn
sa)iel,rsnuAuuef,un ,Pl!^ uoulaPp ]!BlH ual:) aq l /uaql 'as;a
ro Surqlar-uosp ot saPr)aPsoq8aq r Surq],{ueSururea; r-uorl soq8 aq} Sutlua al d
-u e aq l 'noeu)rnuaJql aldul€xal ol 'saqslJnol, 'xe/h re a pue 'soaptn euuopel4l s,r,rotteq;aaqr*
'sassauleam setueu Illun a elss,lsoqB ql olut alsnqlsoLls Sulu:n1
rr1sr1,{1s r}JUtls!p pu e ,{;anrpaga urq Surssassodnoqlt/!\ a&e} e lol}uof, a1r1 8urqtuo olellua)uof,o] sa8eueLu{. 1ln}ssa)
'suorssasqosleo8 ur*o s] t q]!i\ -
lenplAlpul o1 soq8 e slltolJe ur w lorluof :putw lorluof -Jns Jl 'loof slq q]r/\^ a,uo6 s,lsoq8aq] aulof,
ue sr aatu sralJereLp q] uouac q)ea alns aB '^]rlrqeallt Sursn r ssauauosenr8 ue oLunq -rano ] 3urfu1 ,Qlreq lq8;yot fu] uer aq 'paqotd
'leLl] a)ll 'araq aq ol lqSu
ie3a1 u seq r leLl] 'uorlarrsrpa)ueleq plnoLls alseurlsoqDaql Suraq rpuru ra q o stLl eq t aleme t a8Jet ql l
ln q
l r af,ur^uoJq8tu autuef'uotsuaultp /v\o ]l ol 'apeu aq uet qf,rq^^ )leDe aleutuv 'Surqtouspadsns
Jo Jaqtunu
llPq ]! llP]-laaMs l alqeoq ]LlSltu etuluan alad aq] ] ,u,,tu , raql::.d?lH,rjlilffi"^, ]a8rel aq] ualll
']lllqe sl l pasn r uaq/v\ sotlD
't ; op
lt131Lu oS l LuoJ, )l^ap llrltual)s /v\au e pallorloods aqt ssalun lJpun sl pultu
{ervr nbrune ur pa}earap q }snul uouac qlel
'u/!\opsJailu)asalll,o auo !\olsua a ]/uoi\ q)eo -lllqPslr.l alenrlJeoods aq] uall.^ pallorsl ]soqD raq lo srq eq ] s^\ou) 1a8te1 q1 'alnlnJreau aq]
sralsnqlsoqD dn e ll 'ateurue ue ) )oods aqt s8uttlt o laqunu ro; sueld (u es,r,rou1uP puttu s,la&e1 ql speal
uolo.rd aqt :o y ,{1aleunyo;u1-1 'sur,r,r 'sutelg s,le8tetaql
-)f, ls pue'olleuelpolar.u'papueq-t18t ',asoqlan aq] sr srql )a,^ d s,)oodsaq] o] lenba
r,l'J:l* lsoq8 aql ]t ,l lsute8e
'slq8noqt s,rolsnq
Jamodsl r saqf,leu soq8 aq1
a.r,r{eql'su 1 e1 ruadns looq f, utoJ al tl'}sanbuol
/putluew uo aluea8ua un l raLllo ue uaql punorellotrpuPsalsnqlsoqD -]sotlD e peel o1 soq8 e s/vrolletq l :PulW PPaU
;eqo1t urldruaneo, ro ssa;deqaup aqtrls nssl] altol,o sleltdse;nre1 lalseulsoqD
leurala Surlaas ro J snotJolou ale suoulag -ua] sur;e smor8 reqr e /alqel aq ] ssol)e slloJls
'tuaq] eq l Jo asuaspooSaq t sl alqtssod feBe azlletJal
ra)eqs le s aq] - aJ!l o srrlsuapereqr q] Jo atuos -euac ]o raqunu aq] o] ]!ru!l ^luo aql (2lleH
ol sla8pe8 ruatrsradns lqtpaJJutAueLuo uotl 'lrulll
-eerldde ql pup'1lor* preq ,ttnua8ut snopuautall uo a)e] ol s]rafqo a]eutueul Sutsne3 ,{]!l aqt,o,ool aq ] uo l.Olll aas a l )
arnba.r 11rrvr 'uotleluol1uof,)tlf,EtutlJ ;eutl e o1 'q8no1 ralodqlnosaq ] e suo!luorlllr.rt3u l aurl s,lsoq8 ql Jo pua aql ]e ^llts alaqmatuos
l lear
peal eq ] sapostda nollPl.utpaluolluof,ale oqr* -uoulr.unsAsealParsr uauraua]apls ]sel laMol geaddear lralqo pazt;etlaleulaclP ' lletuloN
'slf,alqoaleurtueutAluo - pazllella]euap
suorunr 8ur,!u.roq o slol aleq ,(;luanbat; {aq1 e ur saqreor o apjotl e Eutuotuuns ,!;nrg1p
'LlBnolAlleorare s,{nB saql 's1soq8lo1salnr aqt
Jo aq ] )alJe {r;11qe;rene PU e
slsad,{1sed lou 's1sed ,i:ili,;ltJ"Jl,
aq ouue),.f,]a,qsrj
,{uemo;;o1 ;uessareu,usaop ^\aNpe6 {11eaX Jo sraqurnu a8rel teql arn8rl 'SutuotuLunsoll] :lJ:j],,
'1oods luopuer e uPql uotlua]]e noA o] raqunu ,t;nrrfrp e uSrssesn u JalseullsoqD ]snf aruo ]e pazrletlaleuap q uer ralqo au o
Jo alou
]! q e arnbar 1| m sSuraq saqf
'alrl aq l pue spo8 aq ] 'slsaduotuuns ol sldLuaDesoq8 e uaq1l ueq]arow '(sI aqleur o',O|.)a LlSnol q plnoqs
suoLuapar e sluauoddo - snolaSuep 'suorldarxeole araql poleraSulaL a)rl) sBulq] ra8rel i( S AllnlUJrp)
lnpa,vrod (,tes uausa;es aJueJnsut)sa d
lsou pu e - Sur8ua;;eqrsoul aq l J o aulos 1n q Jo ad^l auo Asea q plnoqs oau8eur olela8tllal P a)rl) s8ulq]
'palqo uP Eulzlleualeuap
i(;uo slorluoc soq8 e 'l'1;e.rauaggn1s3ur,{ouue o ,{l;nctgtp
slueluno)f,v pue 'sJoJ
lleurs ure8y
Jaqlopu e Il e Aapls ql uo td s pue,{auou ol no,( aql aururalapplnoqs alselulsoqS qt
uarplttlf, 'saleus 3u t
-roH rlJllJpF 'suorua6 )s e oq m a;doad {;.rns lelq ,{emeoB ol lr Jo
-1n1 ster Eururqrt sraptds,idaalr sat;11ospno;r ued e tsnf asneJ ,uef, ! - a)uo ]e ]f,alqo uant8e
's1eqS.urdoomssaproq qJeollf,otr
,o lle sazrleualeuapsoq8aq 1 readdestp 8utql
s/lraNpeg {|1eax uouruns ot tsoq8 € sl\ollp slql :slsoduoutuns
lolluo) Pue
aleu ol raivrod ql srslql :pafqg azl;ellalPurao

Or, How to take a blender and two
batteries and create a Di'Variable

The Difficult We Do At Once -

Drrins sparanor-
tnechostbusters'carees The lmpossible akes, Little Sample
ma l investigatorshe y will sometimes ind that
Longer Semiplausibleustifications:
their usualequipmentproves neffective, ormal Huge mutantgeraniums re avagingdaho,
avenues f research eveals othing, and they're Choosing.themethod s only the beginning.
stridingacrosshe rural stateon giant root-legs,
in deep rouble.T hen, t's ime for WeirdScience. A f t e r a l l , yo u c a n ' t u st w h i p u p a c o m p l e x
u p r o o t i n gand sucking the j u i c e s o u t o f
technological evice n a coupleof minutes,he n
potatoeswherever hey go . Th e Department
l'll fustWhipUp a blast he ittleb u g g e r snto oblivion. t ain't hat
of Agriculture ontractswith the Chostbusters
Monofomatic hromodynamic easy.You have o ge t th e right equipment.Yo u
to halt hisvegetative enace o the American
have o experiment.You have o build a prototype.
Spitzdingen.. An d yo u may have o deal with obstructionist
Inventing new devicecan be the b e g i n n i n g Ou r heroes ight with the plants several
of a whole adventure, r,at leasta major part of times,but can'tstop hem. Egon ecides o try
Or to pu t it anotherway, here'sno elementof
some weird science.You the Chostmaster) sk
one. drama f our heroeswin in fifteenminutesby say-
him to come up with a coupleof wacky deas,
Although... a caveat s in orderl. Sometimes i n g "l b u i l d a E i z m o l ' r o l l i n ga g a i n s t rains, nd
u n i m a g i n a t i v el a y e r s i l l w a n t o b u i l d a n ew and he produces:
blasting he little buggers.f they'regoing o win
widget o avoid hinkingabout a problem.Well, b y b u i l d i n ga device, u i l d i n ga d e v i c ehas o be 1. Since Egon once ha d a flowerbox of
don't et'em. You're heGhostmastet fterall; he a p r o b l e m n itself. geraniums hich died when his catskeptpee-
players an developa deviceonly with your ap - In the section "Plotting the Adventure,"we ing on them,he suggestsn a l y z i n g a t u r i n e
proval. Come to think of it, if superscientific outlinea typicaladventure lo t (see ag e39).This and constitutingh o u s a n d s f g a l l o n s f the
widgetry leaves ou cold, yo u can decide they structure an be applied o equipment develop- stuff to be sprayed n the plants.Since he
can't ever developa new device. t's up to you. ment, oo. Basically,he idea s that, in order o l o c a l a r m e r s i l l be less han hrilled f thev
Okay,bu t suppose ou've given he m th e go - build a devicean d make t work, he Chostbusters learn what it really s, he i n t e n d s o c a l l i t
ahead.T he irst hing yo u shoulddo is have hem have o overcomea lot of little obstacles irst.
brainstorma bunch of ways o do what theywant. When they inally each heirgoal, hey'll eel ik e 2. Since he plantshaveno apparent yes,Egon
They should come up with a s e m i p l a u s i b l e they've e a l l yaccomplished omething. c o n c l u d e st h e y s e n s e their environment
justification or why each way shouldwork. That.we think. s lot more dramatic. throughvibrations.H e suggestshat a broad-
Once they've done so, choose one of the Fo ran exampleof what we means/ ee he box cast rom the local radio stationon the pro-
methods, and tell them to go ahead with it . on the next page. pe r wavelength ill confuse heplants, ender-
Choose he one vo u think would be most nter- ing them defenselesso the Chostbusters.
esting and giveextrapoints or well-conceived I
pseudoscientific obbledygook! 3. Running short of ideas, Egon suggests
Fo ran idea what we're talking about, see he developingeyes or the plantsusinggenetic
manipulationechniques,he nsupplying hem
b o x i n t h e r i g h t - h a n d o l u mn .
with televisions. hey'llwatchTV and become
true vegetables.
Y o u i k e h e h i r d d e a ,but think P l a n2 i s
more p l a u s i b l e .
Egoncould go aheadwith one of the other
two ideas, f he reallywanted o - bu t it's not
nice to disobey he Chostmaster.f he does,
y o u ' l l probablywant o makehim fail a lot,
until he gets he i d e a .
1 "Caveat" meanswarning,by the way. t's Latin.We
like to use Latin o show how smartwe are. f you learn
someLatin, ou can mpress eoplewith how smart
you arc. bet you'll rememberwhat "caveat"means
now that we've made sucha fussover t.
See? oleplayingames re educational.f someone
askswh y you'respending o much ime rolling unny-
lookingdice and crouching vera table, ou ca n point
to this footnote o show how educationaland worth-
while theyare.Kindamakes ou proud,don't t?

30 Ghostbustersperations anual

l€ lenuew suorlejedo slalsnqlsoLlD

//suazoc Jo lspl v/ aql ut //Mou) oI ]upaw
lo N seM uew sSutrll, aas) 'or.url pue aJeds
puo^aBruotJ seleo) JapesnJ]s^e/!\le le alaql
'llar\ - uorlf,un;lpru a)eul ol ^eA snotua8ul
'lrnljr) aq] ue qlr,^ dn auof, l,uef, no^ pue 'uSreduectno,{
'la)reu aeJ,aql jo sanur^ ro ueo aJesotpej JPJ
aq] asne)aq slPJaql ur oq lsntrJ auanEqe: ) ,o srsequa^ aql sualealqt l 1eq1 nrpegaos
aqt pue 'ard raqlou /pooqaldde lannq qlli\ aq] asrno) -raMoora^ooo] sr aJt^ap au aql ]no sulnl ]t
rO rapualq e ol sauaupq er lq8ra rl
spnds oq ro, fuopr^ laqlouv '3ur1r13ry51ue;fl dn Surlooq ,{q alealr ,(Jsnolrdrpuatase) aq
aq] lnoqe palrolv\ raSuol ou ',ruaq1qrledsrp Lllrq^ ]n q - razrsaqlu^s SurrluelSoldalpue
tnoqe 2]uaudrnba urlsef,
{;prder saoleq rnO ipasn}uotr 1;rLu SururuelSoldslaam Surpuads q alnpotdal -p€olq lraLl]asn ol s lalsnqlsotlDoql Molle
surnrueroS 'pue
r .ll ui\orr.l]! u"'ijjTr" llr/v\
I;qeqord p;nor uo33 rlf,rq/\\ rueuosar uloj suorlelsorper^ueu Mor] puv 'lasnjuotroSan aql
-a e/\{|plrl}f,aloxa1dLtoc spaau:asnluora8an
raMod ol raqlaEol sJef, qSra a8 ol ^spa s^p Ale
l!e^ ot saarSe ar ll aql ,(1;eurlnq (uroqSal f,ruosaq] sueau srq] eq ] apDap no^']soqD l,usr l zalpueqo] snoJaSuppo ',anrsuadxaale.r
]W alqprouoLl ql) oleuas loruas s/oqepl,o e s1a3 ue surerg ,uo31 11ota,{e;d LlI'pa are qJrLl/v\ af,r^apa{} soofl o
uortuaruatur qt pue Eurra;1oq,o to l e sa)e] -u8tsapaq lsnu a)r^ap alll :oi\ alf,elsqo 'trns/!{el
)JnqeSaLuP puP fl
ll ^lluntu|.Uolaq l Jo ^laresaqt roJpauraluo:) lau/!\o aq] sloo]-tno lalad allq/!\
'luelunorre s,uoqetsql salppnJaqulue[ ]ued aql qlu!\ salsseq ladxa uef,^aql 'slalsnqlsor.lS
are pue alll preaqa^,^aql aql ol ))eq paf,el] la a sl slr.ll]l 'slle/vlolul
'ffl aq] ruorj lls!^ P slaS r ',Surlsetpeolq -uLer uruunlar esunruera8 q] alaqmoqepl 'tuauuadxaaq l aulttaq t
)l e ^ uaq] 3u!)eu Jo e
urSaqol lnoqe sr uorlelsorper aLllsv 'sorper ,o uor]f,as loq/v\ rll ]a)uelq o13uro3at,,{aqt uorlelsorperaq] o] paun] sluaprsar qppl auos
qtri\^ palernles sr oqepl rnol alrelsqo Jr uorlpls olper le)ol aLll ruolj uorleladoor palJa#e rasnJuotraSantuos aLll /sralsnqlsoqD
,,'Alast)ald,, paausl, alsnqlsoqD ut '"r9,i1r""#?n, aql ol u/\ ou)un - alduexa roJ 'un, arour rlJnur
)olad satr.tllaulos l sltll UalqPllalun f,llap all sl r
qse /,zoqppl o^o ll e sralselqo$aq8 dorplp ar esupour q] un r Burneq l,ieqt r l;;aqSu i 'alduexa ro, l a)Pads ,{qreaue uo.r;
ol a eq ol Suro8al,ea,r u Sutllal noi alv, -^!l e aj!l raq] 3ur)eLuel,noA ureldutoo (aql
punosaq] asuasUPJ a8relaql ssalunlro/v\ ,usaop
i;sorpel auros a8 ol aleq uaq/\ uorlualleou ,{e6 {a\^aq] 3uo;e sualqord 0q3! aql ol xoq aas) asnluolagan ,ruosarjf Zol
aM 'spunos]nq 'sane,^otpej asuas ,uop slueld auos auofrano uraLll lpru ol srqof tnol 'tasn;
uo8l ]r ]ueM sralsnq]soLl3 qt se Lllnu sp op lr saoc
aq1// iles ,iaunoo y6,, 'r,lalqordaql no -uora8a4rruo5 e Surdolarrap q ! a lo s o] ful
iaq o] 3uro3 af,r^ap v\auoLllsr aArltraJJaofi o
pa:nBr1,aq spaaif,ns ue lloJ sutelB saleu o] Suro8are sralsnqlsor.lg q1 'Lua;qord3r g 'r{padords)lo/v\ a8uol
uoSl 'uo8l le ^lSutsnf,tre alels ueu)uan Alleauaql ale sutnruela8 notlelol aq] ,lold ou arrnap aql ^q/\ roj aleuorler p dola ap ol
'popajjPun uaas s1ue1dqI :aarLlIalf,elsqo
arnluanpelerrd,t1o1ordno,o stuta] aql ul paau^eu no^ os Jl aurl aq] ll e pasnaq upf, r l
:sal)PlsqoalDll eslol alduEs sarnluo^pe q] dn ,ry\oJf,s r llrM 2saruESJnln]ul ll
asn ^aq] uef,,^^oqqrom {11en}r.eer[n:[:^:

roJ a)r^ap A au p alpJauaS 1go Sutuunl LUaLI]

]ue,M,uop no^ zlualqordaql ]noqe LlSnoua ul
-)urr-l]]ou ]snf ^aLllare o /papaauaJr^apaql sl o

:slf,eJla ql Japtsuol af,tAap

/!\au P oola ap o] sau] Jalsnqlsor]D uaqM
's8uI ,.ll'pa))orl ^lsnot^qo',(zetr,{1aua.r1
-x a oJ Lluo/v\ i
Ilor-a)rpoMl puP qslpuellno
JoJLlUo/\ illor-arP plei\p qurnq] Jo alnl p sv
no^ slurod atu/!\olBaJotu aql ',llnsal aq] Auez
arou aql 'f,r8ol aql raruez aql 'alualtrs ^If,e A
Alnrl ro1slulod atuMolg pleMpol ]aBJoJ,uoc


ou canprobably muse ourself nd your
playersor quite a while if yo u use no more ha n
within which they act asrepresentativesf Chost-
bustersnternational.he equipment ardswhich
SettingUp Your
the originalmorrie haractersnd he Chostbuster
Headquarters, nd if you focus on the more glam-
th e players hose t he beginning f the irstgame
representshat equipmentwhich wa s purchased
orous action-adventurelementsof eliminating from Ghostbustersnternationalas part of th e Here are he three stepsnecessaryo setyourself
paranormalp ests. expenseof settingup the franchise. an d yourplayers p or establishingChostbusters
However, moreambitiousan d satisfying roj- In return or those ights, he ownersof the new franchise. I
ec t s seftingup your own Chostbuste rsranchise franchise must pa y off an extensivedebt to ;1
and headquarterswith unique, home-made
Chostbuster haracters esignedby your players.
Ideallyyo u should setup your new Chostbuste r
Chostbustersnternational, ffer qual ty service
within its customer ervice rea,promptlyattend
to consumer complaints, properly contain or
StepOne: Getting local Maps
Th e advantage f usinga familiar ocale s that
operation n your hometown,or in some amiliar otherwise neutralizesupernaturala gents, us e yo u know it well, and yo u haveaccess o plenty
neighboring ommunity,bu t yo u can choosean y i n t e l l i g e n tl y n d m a i n t a i nproperlyall devices of maps, iagrams,loor plansof factories, chool
locationyou want - Manhattan,Toronto,L ondon, patentedan d sold exclusivelyby Ghostbusters buildings, hoppingmalls,etc. hatyo u ca neasily
Transylvania take your pick. lnc., hold both Chostbustersnc. and Chost- adapt o your adventuringpurposes. ou kncnrrhe
Note: Setting he adventuresn yrur home own bustersnternationalree rom all but reasonable terrain,where all the local businessesre ,where
means that sometimes you'll have to adapt and customary omplaints,a nd try to avoid be- the bad part of tcnvn s,and where any ocal ethnic
publishedadventuresik e "Couch Potato"an d ing saddledwith the outrageous nd nflatedser- groupshangout.Yo uknow he ocal awsan dor -
"BioMedChemTechrM" to your local setting,bu t vicec h a r g e s h i c h Ve n k m a n n dL o u i s u l l ya re dinances; ou know ow n politicsan d police ac -
the wealthof descriptive etailat your ingertips, fond of inventing. tics (which ma y influence your Chostbusters'
and the convenience f knowing the wa y your Show he playershe samplecontract, he let- operatingstyle some ocal officialsare not as
town works, of knowing the streetsand the real ter of greetingrom Louis Lou" Tully, he release cooperativeas the officials n the movie).
residentsan yof whom could appearas a minor form, th e EP A permit, the form will (see th e Co to your lgcal Chamberof Commerce or
character), ill amply reward he effortexpend- RefurenceFiles or these documents). f
you like, sendone of your players) nd ge t a map of your
ed. Sucha campaignca n be set n real ime, and photocopy hese orms ahead of time so thatthey own city or home town. This is the area your
all the realities f weather, he time of year, ocal al l havecopies.To help them
ge t into the spirit Chostbusters se as their home territory. f yo u
problems,etc., can be incorporatedwith little of things,encouragehem to sign he documents live n a ruralareaor a town too small o support
papers a Chostbusterranchise, se he map of a nearby
trouble.Also, when somethingunexpected omes in their characters' ames,and treat he
up , your amiliaritywith the settingmakes t a lo t as the legal documents he y purport to be. town a5 your base.
easier to improvisean appropriate
Overall,adventures et in your home town are
richer n texturean d your presentation f adven-
tures s made more easvan d flexible.
Establishinghe PRESIDENT:he ostensiblehead of the fran-
chise.He may or may not be th e 8u y that pu t
TREASURER: h i s s h e d e a l o b fo r th e g uy
with the Money goal. He must keep abs on
Franchise up the money n the irstplace.He mustmeet ho w profitable he franchise s.He shouldse t
annoyingpublic officials, etcompanypolicy, fees,bargainwith clients,an d guide he fran-
Presumeha t new Chostbustersm et he finan- chise n largeexpenditures,ike replacement
and take the blame for fiascos.
cial requirementsor the ranchise y having old
or mortgaged verything hey cnrrn houses, an,
he president as
In a Chostbusterfranchise, of smashedEctomobiles nd maltreated ro . I
land, stocks, tc.The players'characterstartwith
just enough money o take out adsand to buy a
week'ssupply of eats. f they want to know exact-
little ormal power, nd he certainly s no dic-
tator! He is routinelyoverruledby the bther
Chostbusters,b u t when n o b o d y s e e m s
to n packs.
SECRETARY: he secretarymostly us t sits n
the office. He mu st take phone calls, keep
especially ualified o makea particular eci- minutesof importantmeetings, nd makeap -
ly how much money they have, et each player sion, he shouldmake t. pointments.H is most mportant unction s o
roll the five regulardice. Th e total each rolls is
man the office when everyoneelse is gone.
th e full amountof money n dollars hat player's VICE-PRESIDENTS:v eryone an be a vice-
president swell asan yother ob , f theywish. You may wish to hire a non-player-character,
characterha s eft.
The new Chostbustersav e 1) he right o use Be sure o giveeachvice-president omesort or a secondary haracter, s he secretaryor
ge t a phone answeringmachine.
the Chostbuster am g (2 ) th e exclusive istrict of descriptive itle,such as Vice-Presidentn
right o purchase nd o operatepatentedChost- Charge f Shipping,V ice-Presidentn Charge TECHNICIAN: e has o designnew equip-
busters quipment,an d (3 )an exclusive erritory of SittingBehind he Door,VicePresidentMt h mentwhen needed,epair ld equipment, nd
Three Phoneson His Des k, or whate ver. run the team'scomplicated aboratorv.

32 Ghostbustersperations anual

€€ IenuewsuorleJacloralsnqlsoqD

aql af,eld cla'a8re1,{1npun aaqa eq arnluanpe

-uorssrtu qt uorj surep a8euep aq] eq] o ^1.tlp
aJaM urJolun aLll eql salou arnlua pe-uorssil.u
lsalel aql ur sa)elsrur ralsnqlsor]D saz^leue ,t;;eruroyJo ]o l e roy ur oB t,uop sratsnqlsor1D
aq qf,rq/!\u! Allnl srnol urorj ]dra)ar ,o sroual a)ll )lo, snorua8ur ue a rlpan leq] pue sarrgo
Surlrrr* {;re1n3ar{qsra,{e;dtaqlpu e sa^lasuaq} arou ro o/v\]plorl ,{eu ,{n3 ouo lPq} aquaLuou
asnue ol ]u p \ AetU sl€lseullsoqD auos 'lnlasn spuUdnol8 .rnoA .rarrgo{uedluol raLllo
(sqe;qreasar s,uo33 i(uepuerapeal Jerr]f,el a^u6 [-Or1] la8eueyr,t
[!orJ sla rpur 1err8o1ouqra1 au ,{4rm o 'erog a)r#O 'Jarnsea{ e })ala os;e ,{eu no,{ 'a1;1
eroB ur aur] uorle)e^ prlxo a)!l) s)JodsnoJaua8 no,{11 luaprsarde tseal e pala ol paau ll,no^
pue sasnuoq uospueqalnqrjlslpo] uMoul uaaq ('s8ur;aa1 req asne) uef,
seq gD 'alqelgord,t;ueurproerlxa uorssrruql pue 8urr1t1o uos srr.ll lnJpel aq pue ']srryuorspns
'euop-;;em {pelnrrpedsr qof aq } rr pu e uorssnu
'jlasll ul rad ^rf 'uorpala s,Jaf,r#o{ueolan uec no,{ -
arnlua pe lleLus to l)arqns oq] sr eql uaq]
e qrnsSurrnp a arqle slpo8leuosradoJslurod rapeal {qsnde aq o} spua}aq asne)aq o 'suors
'uorlef,olalourarE ur sralsnqlsoq9 leradsap aru/!\or8 a3 alsnqlsoqDaq] a^a \oH 'pa1lunr3 -sas ue8 ll e ol l! a)eLuo1 (snq ot sraq asnef,aq
-srp pue snoleafsoasrqf,uerj aq,{eu - luaprsardalqelrnse a)eu }o u plno/!\
r.uor1 re ro1 eald e o] puodsar traql 1r ro lelol aq] 8ur1eu
Jo soqaq ql Je uorseJJo o ^llnI
,{1;nladoqapeu:aq plnoqs ^q}leamuenasrqruerl auoauos )urr.llno{ 11oo1"{ese aneq ;euor1eura1u1 II
qui\ aparralur aql jl 't l ruorl aB {aqtspaqr lPnpl^rPUre a)Pu Plno/!\ f,rq/v\)r..unsnorlsuour sralsnqlsoqDo anueluasardar ue'ralsEr.ulsor.| I
Alnr] ol saf,uaJojar ue 'sluarltraql uror] ]uauj aql 'no^ 'asrqf,uerjaql roj s.raJr#oJo uorl)ala
s8ururea,{peyenbllt Llspf, } }darxa BD lll^ -,tedpa.rrp alqpraprsuotr to g gD ,{;qeLunsar6 ue llef 'sra]snqlsoqDse seuosradraql olur dols
op ot Eurqv(ue ,req {;arer al e {aql leq} s^n8 'lBD tl]!i\{
1!parr uaq] a eq pue raqleSolsre,{e1dq} ll e raq}eD
l,pn;-o8-,Udeq'sralsnqlsor1DleurBrro q1
sa^raJar slLlf,uerjle)ol aql Ll)rrl/v\o LlJledsrp
'DaJreSPUPC l roop
lxou pa rl oqM
'ar^oru sre)!#o lo uollrall :aorql dals
lnlssatrf,nsq] ro, lnq luaLu,ted u sa^raf,al stLlf,
SUlISng$OHD aq] Jo alseuila)nuplunof,re -uerJ lsanbaruorssr.!p sa)pLu 'slapenb lraql anordtur
xet oql'rt;;n1 srnol {q paprnB uorgnl lpJolaqt qf rqm oJ
'uorlerod.rol ,t;leuorselo leuorleuJalul.talsnqtsor.lD 1 uaui,{ed o] preq )r o ^ ol sralsnqtsoqDaqt salP rloru
-1lsut uuaalrlo.rd ue
;errlerrde -uorssr.raql;o lderuor aq] punoreuapum uaaq srr.l] ue'araqi[auos ue]s o] a eq no1 arue18ls.rrl
(l BD) leuortPuralusralsnqlsoqS,oaplor.l))ols
seq f,erluof, s qJuerjaql'3u r{e1da;or u ;aaq,n lp r1Juplq t alep e asnef,plnom eqt SulqlaLuos
^]uofeur aql pup o1 luared -aar] ,o lurds aq] o] fuerluor sr Surdaal-p;ora.r - srauenb @qeqs rpel ',{ur1ur sreqseuoloods
e sr ]l 'ueltequew ur ral8uad5pu e /zluels
'ueLuluan,(qdn /'Jul aleroqelapue 'sluelunof,f,e]sof, ou aje sralsnq 3url8pap aq ] )llt s or alpusaq /uop pu v
1as srqruerlleur8uo ql -1sol19yed lsou aLl] o] ln g 'un1aq 1q3!ureql .Uenuew tululet! agl
sralsnqlsorlD ! auo 'perluo) aslqtruer} ql u! '3ur11r1ar peau ,o ra of, )f,eq aas)no^ urPrlsuof,r lal ],uoP nq
o] paJrarar ar]llua alerod;or oml arp araql pue udua,illenper8p;nor 1ue1 e8 ,fot.rl ua a ^\ollo, ot lapou.r oo8 € sr asrq)uerj alsnqlsoqD
lEuo!lPurelu srelsnqNoq :slsof, eLlplnof ")]a 'sasuafrl ssaursnqarvrod )ro^ MaN aql
'spaeu rno{ ro1
}l ^Iporu
puP'Jul srolsnqlsorlD 'xe1 sa;es luar 'Surddrr.lsf,la 'lso) las e a^eq uaql 'auo q8nol e dn ^\erp o 'll Jo ueld roope aB
p;nor luaudrnba paluated1oarerd qrea alud e 'urealrno,t o; alqellns l ur*o1 rSurp;rnq
leare rl
a^pqplnotrs1t13r.lsrqruell ql'sauraqf,s eqLed '3urp;rnqasrqf,uer1 a lsnqlsorlD ql1oLuer8erp
pue aa11uar1cuorlezrlelrderaleloqe;adn la s ol dn sr*e:ppue u/v\op lls alseulsoLlD q] /lxaN
aar,aresralseu[sor.lDs8urq]qrns ,bfua ,{aql11 srauPnbpEaHolsnqFoqD
eslqruPu aql rol tul{e4 Io, eilS e IJld :oinl dals

'lf,ejluol ,(q o1parro; ou ,{aql ararvr lno/v\ uo ou

pue'sluauu8rsseJn s darce ol salrlaasrqf,ue4
oN 'l€D .ro; daexa a;qet;lordunpup snora8uep
'lln)rtrp Alurojrun are sarnluan
uror} a)ueu
roped a;qrssodtur urpueueppue sluorl) uor,
suret a;qlssodrur urldalle ',{nBpeq aq} se s}f,p
- illn1. ,nol,, srno-lJo uosjad aql ul Allelladsa I
- (l SD)
leuorleuralu sralsnqlsoqD',{1 lertd,{1
']!efo' sl ssrr{ru€r} q} Jo /pa}ald
-uof, aq lsnu ]l ']uaulastqf,uerrua lalsnq]soqD
yo sa8alr,rud ue slq8rreql ro, purl-ur-luau{ed st
arnlua pe-uorssru ql'r1e ']rpar) aql sale]
;g g :lueuu8rsse ql Jo uorla;duuocnjssaJJnsoJ
agqrsuodsarr asrqf,ueJ,ql'asrqf,uer1erol aq l
ol pauErsse aq] pue )ro1 /v\aNur srauenbpeaq
lPuolleuJalul alsnqlsor{D,tqo1paler}o3auuau
-uErsse urlsnqlsoqD arnlua pe-uorssru
'sragal aql uorl alonb 'dn auor slualuoul
aunuoddo uaqM 'pafasua uaaq an,,{aqt et;l
1a8rolalrnb ra,rausJalsnqlsoqD ql lprll os rlluoru
raqlo fua a auo Jo rlluour e auo ,{;qeqord
rnf,f,osajnlua^p€-uorssrurql sE al9 e ur sraDal

How to Run a
hereare wo different ways o run GHOSI- behind the threateningevents.Cradually they campaigns, ut it's also nice to sit back and let
EUSIfRS: session-by-session r campaign-style. become hip to th e fact hat the minor problems us Bi gTimeCame Designers o all the work (and
In session-by-sessionlay, each adventure s they are encountering n each session re parts be real cleverand.entertainlng, atch). J
planned o beginand end in a single itting. n of some errible plot which they alone can pre- ,
vent. In the end, th e noble and heroic Chost- SAMPTE AMPAIGN1:
eachsession, he Chostbusten ac ea different oe.
The enemy is neatly defeated or not) in the
climax, and the Chostbustersetireback o their
busters hallengeMr. UltimateEvil (preferablyn
frontof a largeand adoringaudience) nd Fix His
Gozer he Gozerian I
Session One: Dana Barrett finds that her
headquarters ntil t he next adventure. Wagon But Cood. refrigerator s haunted and calls in the Chost-
This s a common narrative tructureor action- Really ambitious Chostmasters an overlap busters.N othing untoward s discovered. cou-
adventureelevision eries eachweek he hero campaigns r introducinghe irststepof the next pl e of smallspooksmashing ob s keep he team
ha s a differentproblem,which is disposed f campaign before he playershave reached he busy, hough.
before he end of the show;whereupon next week climax of their current ampaign.
he startson a completely different problem. For nstance. s thev reach he home town of Session wo: The Chostbusters re worked to a
Session-by-session s the easiestway to play CountDracula nd begin heirsearchor he air frazzleby a suddenspateof ghosts. hi s session
Chostbusters.M ost Chostmasters ill startout of the evil Count, hey might be besetby farmers is a non-stop equence f annoying ittlemenaces.
running heir adventureshis way. asking hem o help exorciseheir homesof phan- lf the Chostbusters re smart, maybe hey'll get
tom rabbits.Of course, he Count s a TopPriority suspicious how come hereareso manyghosts
job, and the Chostbusterhave no ti me to fool al l of a sudden?
Running Campaign around with flop-earred pectres. The E.P.A. endsa hatchetman (WalterPeck) the time the Chostbusters ave to threaten he Chostbusters. eck s emporarily
Once you've gotten he hang of Chostmaster-
ing, or if you're an experienced roleplaying finally disposed f the Count, phantomhamsters drivenoff, but the session nd sominouslywith
gamemaster,ou'll probablywant o try running and gerbils have also appeared n the region, th e threat of further government nterference.
a campaign. voraciously onsumingcropsand threatening o Session hree:The NY.P.D. eliverLouisTully o
In a campaign, ast week'sproblemsmay still throw the entire agricultural aseof Europe nto th e Chostbusters'doorstep. He is apparently
remain o be sohed the follc nruing eek. The prob- confusion.Thus he Chostbusters re led into a possessed y an ancient Sumeriandemon that
lems are usually more challenging han in a campaign gainst he dreadfulmachinations f calls itself,among other things, he Keymaster.
session-by-sessioname,and it may take many Corobongo, n ancientSumerianDemon Lordof
play sessions o finally overc ome he ultimate SmallFuzzyThings.
Several lay-sessionsa ter, s heydiscover hat
To run a campaign, ou must plan ahead,and Corobongo s beingsummoned ecause Chuck
think of your sessions sa series f steps eading E. Cheese pizza parlor is being built over his
to a final conclusion.Each essionmustend with ancient estingplace coincidentally, huck E.
a dramaticcliffhanger with th e players n terri- happenso look ust ik eancientSumerian tatues
ble suspense bout he fateof their characters)r of Corobongo), he Chostbusters ay notice hat
with a dramatic revelation which leads the shadowypresencesn dark bathrobes re ollow- .-.-.>
charactersve rcloser o the main antagonist. he ing them around.
finalsession ustbe an action limaxwhere he By the time Corobongo is laid to rest, th e
Forcesof Cood (Our Side - huzzahl) confront, Ghostbusters ustdealwith th e MvsteriousMen
and ultimatelyovercome, he Forc es f Evil (The in Dark Sleepvrrear...
Bad Cuys - hiss,boo!). And so forth...
ln th e firstsession f a campaign, here s usu- And so on...
ally no more ha na hint of the menacing ature

:i,'ffi'H,X?il';'i' :i,:,i:,l?'iiJ wosamp e c ampagns

dealwith thananyone nticipated. s he sessions Hereare wo sample ampaign utlines. he
proceed, he Chostbustersbecome more and firstoutline may ook a bit familiar o you. Welre "Many Shubsand Zuuls knew what it was o be
moreaware f Mr. UltimateEvil, he guiding orce sure you'll get the idea. roasted n the depthsof the Sloar hat day I ca n
We ar ealsosure hat you'll be nterestedn buy- tell vou."
ing dozens f campaign dventureshat WestEn d
Cames s publishingReal Soon, ike GHOSI
IOASITES. t's nice to design your own clever

34 Chostbustersoerations anual

9t lenuew suorlejedo jalsnqlsoqD

'L u
a L l tpunore1 ;e L 1 3 r 1 urmoJ8u ed o1u o s a u o p
altlll r.ltlrltsaoqsul fuelaue;drelur qlouueur
rrssep rnor( sa lasuaql sJa)nesSurr{;1vrel
tll8rs llenlre satsnqlsorlD q1 fuo1ura1 4ro1,v€N
salaSuvsol uaq}
,sralsnqlsoqDql ur {;1eu11ue
'o8eJrqf uorj ur aurof, uodar arnes3ur,(;1 .rou
')aa^ 'ualoqoH Luo.r;8urlq8rsarnes
]xau aq l
SurL;; arqtsuodar ededsr"rauq1:eug uolssas
sndopo /urlJou
' p u l aq r
'smorsa8eqre8 ,,!13
4o1 nra511o,{11nladrad-uFlo
-padsulse pau8tssearq ,tlqeqotdllr/!\oq m /)rad
ralleM Jo uortelllunLl8 ullsella,ra ql pu e /etPaul
pue,{3rapaq t o sapelof,f,eql'a)elndod ;nlalet8
e ,o sraeqJaql ol pua)s3p slalsnqlsoqDaq l
'AEpaql sa^Ps ue ',lalsuoy,'l /!\olleuqsJew
aql s^orlsap ,asia^lunln o Jo ln o lazoc slnqs
'a1e8aq] sasop sueaq uolotd aql 8ulssolf, ltq
-rue8 {>1sunq snorua8urqf}tp-}sele lanan'rog
'l l Mou) aM sv
'uorleluorluof,P ro, sa
lasuaLlleredard 'saoLaq
ol sJauenbpeaq aq] ol ]earlaj ilalsnqlsoqD aql) uorlezrlrlrl uJalsa6 pu e a;ddy 81 gaq ]
' l u o d puod l! alelo uel salsnqlsoqD aql ,o auou rno roj )llep fu1ard oo 1s8urtll - uew /\\olleur
aq t jraLl]S u l z l l e a u S u r l r a s d a a p ]nq /]uatrtre,{uun1 seq a;1 'rarvrodu8tarol e sluas
- - -qsrewUnd-AplS ql - woop rtaq]Jo uatunrlsul
e Jo uroroq aq ] ]e iraf,nes3ur,{pe ualqo -ardaraq ]eql Surf,unouue'cu1 sralsnqlsotlDro
lrllelatu 1uer3e ;o af,uaprla leanar luaunllsul sarUJo rll s]rsr^ tooq{oqltor pue 'teLluos}a}S aq] suouurnsJazoD uaqM pu v 'anSeal,slalsnq
-lsoqD aq t 1o 1n o fu^| qSnoloo l lsnl sl lazoD
rraql pu e 'alrs aq ] Je a^uJe sralsnqlsorlD ql ' ] t n sssaursnq ur passarp,{nB:earq1 u o l s s e s
'u/!\ol aprs a)rl s)ool ]l ']sllj lv razoD ]uolJuorpue Sutpltnq
. ,o
,;snoolf,o aq l Jo do] aq] o] dn qurl) sralsnqlsoqD ql
1no 1ue1duaurl€ar]aSemes ql ]e sr uorlelsalul 'xetrlrlJf,ueurerp q] 'MoN
aq ] Jo aluatr ql eq ] a of,slp aql slaaulSuauo!] ,ur)lor aqllo u8rs,, qt;;er olSutuelsale sja)rolv\
s8n1s-qreor)ro)aq ] razoD raue oB ol aruetp P uaq]
-elrues nrleradoot lr/v\ /v\alrualurue suorle8rl ramas q] qrrqnt lle o sapts
-sanu'qleasar aq] olur paqrla a8eLur po aups aql alou ^eql sanr8 ooueprluocpue Sutuosealtaql ,{q pacutn
1p ll11,4'a a';e grlsar;e1er1x3
'paapuru8rarolsrJamodu8taro;e uol; toltst,rpaAa 'sJalsuotuaq ] jo atuos Suuntder ro 3ut,{ollsap -uor lo,{eu aql'ueur Vd l aq } oofino pue 1o^Pu
-aarq]aq ] lprll pu p s8n;s-qreorpor aq ] lq8norq ur paatrtrns ue'ale8rlsanur ralsnqlsoqD ql aq] ol )l€l ol Pauoululnsal e sralsnqlsotlD ql
'uorlellelsur 'alnuru,r aq ] e ,t1a1eunyol1nq ' :lnoJ uolsses
sralnes3ur{g aqt eq r ezllear ra}snq}soqg qf ]uaulearl a8elrasauoq aal1e uana ]sel
' ' 3 u r p 1 r nralsnqlsorlD
q pu p srelloplo spuesnoql upago .tal]ala ^rlap l gtet
ql p u l q a q 'd n ruaqt>prdol saursnoutl truel8ut 2"'op euuo8 ,{aq}al e 1eq7y1 ut
ruor1JJ o aas sr rernes 3ur,{;1 se aprs sprB pard are sralsnqlsoL.lD ql pu v 'asool aq l uo sl
sarrruas Irnls
-lno pjpor1 rp slnoqspue slauqs 1ale;sluauoyrl -puas ,srslsnqlsorlDql ro 13ulpp;quels ladaalaleg aqt'gar.regeue6 'padecseseq alseu
'salnurura ur uorlplrues o sluauyeda6 snoueA ql 'ua)oqoH -^a) aq ] 'L;;n1stnol 'uotsnluotraq ] ut 'lrop
ry r; o sJpamfarla Surz{1ered qg
'slalsnqlsoqD pu e 'sa;a€uy so 1 'o8errq3 uor, ul Sututoc 'elrnap Suruoutuns-lazoD uo s auos
aq t te ,{1,{1s ut>1uu* ]n o slaad e^e pttql e are suodar relrurs pup 's.laAa saq] ut payoda.r sr Surplrnq uauuede s/llallPgPueC puv
ares8nls-qreollf,of,a rilosqleolaJoW oinl uolsses ur ,{}rnr}re{lfoqE pasearJur q} Jo}uoseoJ q} sl
PU ePeaqaq l Jo req aq ] ]e suedrrPqeql loop
a q] ]n o sdr;s q se 1sn['1gxal q s e ) e l u e g u e l ] s lrellf, tsur)f,orP u! IrsrnSurluordnsrqtpuv'uoos leatAlll )JoA vtaN
'aprssl t uo lnoqe3ur11e1aa l q;o1 passassod
aq 1 'paz,{leredllesurr-1Pur, sra}snq}sollD q} sndolcoue 3u!]sa83ns 8eul prrame lrsrn ] SuroB r
Jo qf,€apu e
's.r.rgqltpu e saqsel,unB tlseld a;Dl1 urnq Jo ooilel,o u os p p e l r l o u u o 3 32 ;r s r g aq l ]eqt Sulaq aql lazog 'u o Euto8sl leq/v\ no
aql ^lleurl 'a183nr1s eleladsaptatrq e st araql arn8rlpue uMop ls ilatsnqtsorlD la ) Iaql ul
'unB u o r s s l W ' 1 r a s o d s l p p u e purl ,{;;enl '1refur dn pua sJalsnqlsoqD ql ')lo1 /\{aN
rrlselda 1 u r 1 1 n o 1 ; n d q /paurelv 1;asurq,{11 -u a a pu e 'a|q/v\e ro, punore elsuouraq l lf,prl Surlradsnsun e uo posoolale slt.tlds ue;ona;eru
-uapr aq ]eqt pueuap pue'asnJarAeq] sanrloru 'sra \a s aql olur u/!\op 1a Bsralsnqlsoqgaq 1 p ue sno arqrsr.u o s u o t l l t Z ' e r u r ] alqrssod
srrl1o snorrrdsns nq pa1dua1are,{aq1 os op ot ]sro/\ aq] e pp8 1ueuu1e1uof,sralsnqlsoqS q] #o
plo8 prlos;osdun; asuauu! uaql sro#o up s8nls aql ot pasn8urDa3ararvr alro/v\ Ja Aos ql se snf slnqspu e aplo Unof,e qll/v\ ulnlal))ad la]leM
-qJeor)ror aLl] u!]eSrlsa r dols ol sratsnqlsoqD pu e '8ur^ouueelrnb - Llf,eoJ)f,of, pu e 3n1se 'ra1seu,{a;aq} aq o} sullelf, eq }
aql apens.rad l sau] ra8uerlssnouals,{ru q1 uaamlaq sso.n 3uo1-]oo;-xrs ,o uos e - sra)rol!\ auo,{ue fnpas o} saul aq s 'tadaalategaq } lost!
,{1r1euor1eu rq n o q e suorlsanb ra/v\as q] Surualq8ul uaaq seq leql arnlearf, slletr pq l uouap e,(q passassodpuateddesl oo 1
{u e o1 puodsar ,usaopaq pu p /(sr.1} 'aqs ralsnqlsotlSe,(q
ro 1 uaf,Jp auos alegusolu!ol sralsnqlsor.lDql o] sleadde uauuede ta q lo sulnl aql
anbrun e dn Eurleur un 1a^eq upJ ralsetulsot1D uorletruesro tuaurueda6 )ro1 /raN oq] uaql ur pala oJsrpsr ualleg euPc 'atutlaues aql v

SessionFour: The technical wizards mprovise 3. pin-upgirl-oidsnsidewhat sclearlya locker Ghostbusters,anding smack in the center of
uniquedeviceso enable hem o enter he saucer roomdemonstratehat he aliensar e nto macho, Broadwayand Sixth Avenue where the Chost
and to defend against he strangeparalyzing bu t probably no t after our women - few earth busters merge ro m he sewerso meet he alien
w e a p o n sof the aliens.Diving s u i t sa n d o t h e r women have multiple arms, eyestalks, r other menace.
equipment are obtained to permit underwater charms hat theseguys apparently ust after. Waveafterurave f goo-botsare sent against he
operatrons. Chostbusters, ut the Drano-rifles re complete-
The Chostbustersake stockof their knowledge,
Th e Ghostbusters reak nto the saucer.For- ly effective. Unfortunately, he paralyzing ra y
and make plans or an ultimateconfrontation.
tunately, he owners aren't at home, and th e shieldsar e not so effective, nd things ook grim
Chostbusterscan wander around inside an d Session Five: Hip to the fact that the aliens
for the Chostbustersnd human civilization.
discover ll kindsof fascinatingh i n g swhile be - apparently atcockroach-slugs, hey surmise hat But, miraculously, t the astmoment,a Chost-
in gchased boutby guard goo-bots"which look these plan Earth pastures
busterha san inspiration. rabbinga protonpack
icky herds.Fortunately, rano may be an effec-
like a crossbetween he Ti n Man of Oz and th e from the Chostmobile,he activatest - and sure
Incredible Cooey Man. These guard goo-bots tive weapon,and the techs abor everishlyprepar-
enough, the containmentbeam is sufficient o
always reak n on the Chostbustersus t after he ing Drano-broadcastingevices. When the
n e u t r a l i z e h e paralyzationb e a m s , y i e l d i n g
Chostbusters av ediscovered ome tantal zing Chostbustersest heir Drano-rifles n a caotured awesomepyrotechnicdisplays, nd causing he
fact. cockroach-slughe slugglcnvs urple, he n green, al en weaponso shortout, smokingand sputter-
Finally th e guard goo-bots chase out the then +pops*out of existence. i ng then f i n a l l ye x p l o d i n g n to t i n y fragments.
Chostbusters, ho were going to leaveanyway, Now it'sp o s s i b l eo d i s p o s e f a l l t h e s l u g s n The saucermen,completelyoutclassed,etreat
since hey discoveredhat the ownerswere us t all the sewers j u s t p o u r a c o u p l eo f h u n d r e d grumbling to their saucer,bu t just before hey
about to return. However, hey have discovered cans of Drano down the storm sewers, nd +pop]
disappearnto he ship, hey urn and addresshe
away hey go! This plan is amazinglyeffective, nd
threev i t a l bits of in formation: stunned spectators.A glowing symbol - th e
f . in the saucer'smesshall, there are reezers the saucerm en,desperatelyrying o protect heir
octopus n th e r o c k i n gc h a i r forms n the air
full of bitsan d pieces fcockroach-slugn all con- herds,emerge from the pond to confront the
above he saucer.
ditions: illeted, a m b u r g e r u
, mp roast, i c k l e d , "Chostbusters,beware!We shall return an d
etc. Clearly he cockroach-slugs an alien food claim this p l a n e t !W atch...the kies...!"
staple. Th e End.
2. a can of Drano sits nsidea me tal box with
six-inch hicksides.O nly one heavily eadedwin-
do w peeks nsideat the can,and robotarms per-
mit remote andling.M ight Dranohave om eper-
niciouseffecton alien biology?

36 Chostbustersperations anual

It lenuewsuorlBJadosralsnqlsotlD

-sJr! P$aE oq/v\ sanS uv'uotsnl)uol s,llads q] -re)s pue aur1sSurmadss1ooqEutssol punole
/snfllf, aql o] pa3l, aq 3u dd z suorlel sarreuJ t tuseldoltra notle qlt/!\ puy'8ur,{e1da1o.r o, sauo}s ue s8utges reztq }o
le ra aleq/v\ o Paulnlal
uPf pue pauileq ou sl Llfltl/\
'uoll aq] lo, lda)aJuanbas ollJe aJlu e paauaM alaH 'alols)ooq eueroued ssalpuaue dn suado {3o;otulouele6
'ajnlPlalll qsell le;ndod
-x a dn pasnaJPqualPaJEul saq] lv 'uoll a ll e sr qo1 urnq o] uraql3ut33eq allaqooq aLl] uor] lo a)ual)s aloq/v\aql
pue /plo8 ,slooj o suo] q8ra lelSlnq e Jo preaq ;1ec uoqde anraf,ar alsnqtsotlD ql uoospuv ur puu plno/!\ no^ ueq] ]no-paltre/v\ roul Alqeq
""sproM aql sauolu! aq 'aJuel] e -o.rd ue "'
aql 's834 elun] uezop e - sluatpalSulxopotl] aJou aq ol
-roun raqler ar,uos argribal ;adsaq1 'saqsl/( aalLl]u1 aue1dsrLll ] sraaod ttgds uosame uotruns Suro8 reseapr no1 s8urqtyoapts q8ttq aq] uo
')ro/v\aroru alBll e s!
Ja)uup aql sluer8 autrt ut )unlp pue palaprvrod qrrqlt 11adsSurqursap 8e de o] - ldttlsnueu )ool ]nB suilsnsJsoHg
uaqrrr qrrr{vr auols rt8eu alnfuor o} suod aq l suado ^ ollaj aLll 'slartod snoualsltu r o t s e a P r , { r o } s r l } l / ! \ d n S u t t u o l os
-rnd qrlqirt ;1ads o1 ldtllsnueu aql uado o] {q Illm sr q }sure8e pa1;adLuo3 }rparzeqv leatsol spapr fuo1s 1o slo; uaue8 ;; 1
slapenb]rueun ,leuotst,ruetuotxlv PEtuaq ] ,{q pa11d anr8saop ! leql st ]t ]noqe Sutql poo8 auo aql
uols;nduocalqtlslsaxt e sla8auoaruos '1r ur suo8erppue 'sprezrnt sprortsq]!/\
-peaH sratsnqlsoqD e peq 'q8noua alns", -ruor s1;edslerr8eu puesatraqdold uoteutrn;1eq )-N-n
'uo:r1qndoary aq l - ldlrfsnuPu -[Jo lol e s,ajaLllM ou) no^ 'punole uaaq a ,no^
Jo uorlelsuprl arn1e.ra1t1
rlaql ro ued sP duf,snueul aq] daf,re sralsnqlsotlD ]uerf,ue aleap)ooq alel v ou)l no,(
Jl ]n q i\'41au/P9 ,{se1ue1ut1cou1 ou
aql le$ slslsu!aq la omotl asou aql tlSnotql s,{ed ar,aM Jaqio lPtll se uolJ seapl leals
i;;npter8 raleap)ooqaql pue sloods ]uargtler.u
HSIM V ])VW o] sla ou arnlua pe Aqse.rltueu se ,(1leau req
],usaop sailsnslsoHg lPqr anl] s,lr 'MoN
aql anpqns sralsnqlsot.lD ql Alleulj
,{peloqrs-rnq-,{;adeqs ue su.rorvr>1ooqut
:L Eapl 'qllM punole
loo, o] suols
-uaurp aloqM a^lai!\]orP araq] ll e lauv 'acleqs
poo8 ur ala,^ aM paztleal a/!\ leq] seapt tuols
,o lsrl P on a)eur o] Paill pue u/!\op es a/!\ llun

sBepl .frors aqJ,

'olriM e o] l|eq lno alo]
]/use/v\l PsDalJ
ll p q]l/!\ataduor o] oP alqel uaqf,]l) aq] punore
Surprs aoJ 8erany /\A el leqM ';;arvr uaalrs
aql uo slra#a lerradsaull-8tq aql ll e pue a eaM
'ue1dtsaq aLlls! 3u!)lel .r o3u ! pue ,te;.rn14 uraes e4e 'ueaLu | 'l ! tllr^\ alPd
-lurql pue uotpe uaaMlaq ollPulalle.re1n8al1no -uro) ol Sur qlaruos n )ulrll ogSuqeprr-ur1ur ga.rd
'aulof,la/!\ ,{poqfuana eam s,]r pqt sr ornotrt nlssaJf,nsua^ e qttm ulalqold
llt/r,r ot}treq)ntu oo} :a}ou nB
e r , n o A ' s l u a u r a l a l u e l r o d r . u r s a q l a z u e u l '1srrqodulatat11 urdaalut lef,ltuf, l uolltrV '3ul aq1 'lrnpord lla/!{s no lo} spnq 8tq a^o )Jo} noA
-rrns o/!\eapr uo1s rea ro puaaql ]p pqt atoN -f,ed pue 'auo] 'seaptltaql jo lsout o, alnlelalll a)Pur puP ar{a no,{ tltr}ef,o} Ie A alu-alns P uPq}
uo {lar - nqlnqD Jo Ue) pu e wfuoaet1 raqler Lua;qo.rd 1sa33tqno aq ol Suto8se/v\ llotx
'(ra aleq/v\ 8oC rapuoM aql pue suoaSuno a)r1 saueS 3ut,{e;dalotottoq slalsnqlsotlD ql Jo ssolJnsaq] ]eq] PalJro/v\ l]
fuetalll 'crleuaurc s! -l!l e ara ^ am,{11eut3uo,aasno1 seaplaln}uo pe
iryed5 'suazrlr3roruas Jr[rso3 aq] ',{rerrdsuo3 pue,(se1ue3) ]o u SUilSnS
lsrunururo] euorsuaurpralul qt ) s)^n8 equreur -ISOH2 ur odua] aql :salrluntroddg uo1yty ]eau ,o rl)unq aloq/\ e no^ a 13 aM /v\olag
'slnol ansst-plepuPlsq ol lsnf '/v\oljqse) anll lsoo e
aqt 1o sueld snorrelau q] qlli\ ur slryeopr uo1s
aq] u! uauralaauros !{or] noSuun8tlsueau eq] ln o urnl nq
';eurouued uraas eql s^n8
PeqouPp pue acrlsnf qlnJl Jo sa;dtruud eluaulPpunj q]
{11ens1 uBredurertuarrnJ noA o}ut fuotsotl} }l J -unu ,(|Da;-radt ssolol altq^\ e ul af,uo^P)o s,]! uassear ] af,rp alll af,unoqPU e alpoou laq] asn
uer no,{ v\oq noqp 1u;qt s{elt1e ,te1duBredr,uer lnq 'uaq] ot tslrv! ;eru.roueled urosa^erlo] ]q8no uef,sralJpJ€r]f,ua,{e1d ql teq} os sul;a}aueS o}ut
ur palsaralu! no{ 1o asoqt )oJ is1ooH u31edue2 'aposrda,{qaposrda fuolsaq} etelsuerlno,{uaq} r
si(n8peq aql'qtli\ al$eg snolrolDop ol saolaH 'P a
}eaq#o puea^rlparf, orl sasr.rdrnsuos aql JoJEurqlauosa eq o] o eq no1 saleuaw letl.t los sr
sA aq] age auo
eledorlue no{ uaqrt r{;re1r ryed'suor}esnorduu -rouered saolaH Jo arreB e sr srrll :uo \Jeqlyl ualqord 3rq eloqmaq] aroJaqaqto
rc 'sa1ta1s{141 'sBultll /bl4
rno{ ue;dpue peaqe)urrl}o} sunq a au r nq - ot slng peg UnnO lo s aq ol spaau eql ua;qord .tou1ue Sut,req
asrnordr,ur 1 1oBan,no,{ arunl e noi( ssol srar{epd qrea 'saposrda]o q)unq e olut dn |t )earQ no{
:sluauala ueYodut asaql 'a
aql uaq^ ';ensn sy 'uraq] roJpauue;da eq no^ raprsuof, arnlua pe suilsnslsor{9 e lo, s! }! lo s o] sralsnqlsor.lDpaau eLlt
papadxeun af,uplpqLUr rtusoJ Jofeu e 'eapl fuo1s e8 nor{
leqm Surop e 11eqb411 eqirz pue alqe]rns !\oqaas ol Papl uols e /!\al^alno^ sv
Surqlaruos p sla,teld ql Jr eq^ '1 :sauo8aler :laaMs ool sldaruor f,tsPq ql
sluauall ,^arlar ll,a/!{ sar)oo: no{ to1 nB aut} 3uo; e lo1
;e.raua8 /vuotur slle, slrll gnlg />1t1t1ell,ludtod
'uaq] ro, ]l 8.ulopuaaq {lqeqord ^eLl rsaurP, ;aqlg 3ut
ued e purl pueSurpas ql o lno uaql 1ue{ q}rlt
oJnlue^pv ueuodut; -,{e1d aaqa pq oq/v\noA1o asoql 'pleq fuan 1ou
s,ll uA o fuan no,{;o sarn}uape u8tsapo1aueS
1eAo1 alsnqls oqD aq] ro, sralf,ereqf, 8noua apr^ 'no^ slql asnol /v\oLlno 3uun3r1 r>1se1tq xau aqf
-ordt,usaopol d aql11 uotssasSuti(e;de;or
lnlssar rol q8noua,htarrs pue paddtqmate,teq] l!]un dn ('araLl ar)ooJ
-Jns p ued 8rq p aJpsJapereqf,Alf,eM pelera8
ro uaql anbro] puPseapt no aIP] 'sy15 paruattad aql ol 8u!)lel al,a14 arualaduroralqessed ueql
-Eexe s1uaualaSurpas 'sarnosa.t
;nyolor lsnI ro -x a no1 saxoqeLl]ur altnpp padxa aql ro; dteqs arou a^eq no,{ os ^raure2 n$o 1eq1 u|,te;d
ro salf,elsqoare {aq} raq} aLl6 :sJarJp.rprrJpaN ,SAr)OOJ nOA SeapltuOlsauos Jo' /v\o, uaaq ll e an,no{ moul aM 'sra}spuaue8 Uadxa
IOOI ?#o, paruauadxano{ 11edn }nqs) saopra}seu}sotl3
,tllnyapuomao1aql os o1suotlnlot ",ii,i; ,{pea.r r,no,{pue 'sldaruor }1n::o atrueru€por learD e ]eqm to eapr ue la 8 o] Sutuut8aq
asr^appup rapuod o1 sra,{e1dqt ro; suelqotd atlloso] a)uarJspraM auros (;dde o suotluanut ale no^'a)ll s l alnlua pe ue eLl/vl ue]gopunno^
lq8noqt Ap;r1 - saualsr{u o sa;zzndJouru aq a1,{1s-4rrvr5rof ,Ma} dn dtqrt }snf - uot}en}ts ('lno ornS!,ol lol e s/araLIte q] ]oN) 'sf,tueqf,aul
plnoqsse8ualleqr Lll o ^uery uoltf,put pa losaj rvrau f,eao1 depe ol Asea r a)eu salnr ualstxa aq l ln o pa:nBt1 a^,no1 'SUJIS1SISAHD
aq plnoqssa8uay;eqr q] ll e oN :sualqoq ,{1yyt1 -uou-,{|
1errpe.rd,fu-ol-}ou'a1dus,tllue8a;a ql ,{e1do1 Morl puelsrapun no^ ^\oN *rO

seepl ernlue^pv

sistible ompulsion o collectall the ngredients,

read he incantations; nd obtain the stone?
ldea2: 4. convince the hotel management hat the
hauntedFloor 13 s no great hreat the skeletons
fusembling he ngredientsan provide series
of minor episodes.M aybe His Honor the Mayor
FLOOR HIRTEEN nevercall for room service,an d only exist or a
time each night. Surely some sort of
can okay he loanof a lion from th e BronxZoo. Th e fussy,snobbish managerof a hotel (the equitable rrangementould be reached?t might
Maybeone has o be "borrowed" from Ringling manager f the SedgewickHotel in the film is a even become he hip, New Wavenight spot.
Brothers." he interests f scienceias Egon perfectm odel)phoneswith a problem.Normally,
would say.)Alternatively, he gatheringof th e the hotel has no l3th floor - the floors being
could be simplified or abstracted. superstitiously umbered 11,12, 14, 15,etc. But Icky Things, Occult Mysteries,or Bad Guys to
("Okay.Yo ugo t all the ingredients. o problem. betweenmidnight and 2 a.m.,Floor 13 appears. Whack On: skeletons, ther dimensions
No w what?") According o eye witnesses visiting oreigners,
Action Opportunities: skeletal room services,
When the ingredients re assembled nd the elderly matronswith Angoracats, ipsy Shriners,
scrapswith skeletalguests
mumbo-jumbo mumbled, **tweedle!+*a five- irasciblemaids), he elevator uttonsalterslight-
hundred-pound oulderof solid graniteappears. ly to reveal button numbered 13i'the building Nifty Problems: eliminating spectral menace
Anyone ardy n o u g h o g r i n d t a l l u p a n dd r i n k lookseverso slightly aller rom outside,and so when none of the widgets work
it (a process robably aking sereralmonths)does, forth. Neat Characters: hotel manager,eye witnesses,
indeed, ge t his wishes..However, nce it is all Anyonegoing to the thirteenth loor to check skeletonguests, hysicists, nd Meatbusters
drunk, the drinker gets the world's biggest it out discoversha t it is hauntedby a couple of Potential Tricky Stuff: Chostbusters ecide to go
stomach-achend unlesshe beatsa 30 with hi s dozenwalking, alkingskeletons,om eclad n to p wanderingn the universe fthe skeletons; layer
Cool hi s first wish is automatically l wish l'd hat, blacktuxedoes, nd patent-leather hoes, nd moralecollapseswhen widgetsdon't work an d
neverdrunk hat stuff!"Which, of course, auses others dressed n fancy jewelry and evening b r a i n sg o limp
th e boulder o reappear,ntact,on th e floor (and gowns.They're havinga great ime, feastingon
also removeshe Chostbuster's ain). donut holes,w aporatedmilk, and excessivelyry Campaign Hooks: bad guys might decide to use
If anyonedoes manage o drink the stuff and cocktai s. this portal to invade he universe;C hostbusters
withstand he achg he getshis wishes.Sadly, he In fact, the Chostbuste rs re in for a real sur- ma y needskeletal llies n interdimensionalwa r
boulder'spower s limited,and it can only grant prise. Theseskeletonsdon't know that they're
littlewishes nothingmore ha na smallsavings- d e a d .F l o o r13 tself xists nly on another lane
and-loanoperationcould grant.A few thousand in a dimensionwhereou r familiar awsof physics
d o l l a r so r a n o s e o b i s a b o u t th e limit. lf a don't work so well. Th e view out the windows ldea 3:
reveals ghostly it y where aintphosphorescent
Chostbusters|<so be president f th e U.S.A.,he
s t o n ewill g et as c l o s ea s p o s s i b l e - m a k i n g i m, imageswander he streets nd he skyglitterswith AND THATGHOSTS
say,presidentof the local ElksClub. luminescent astel ues.Protonpacks on'twork
at all, or perhaps he y performas ransistoradios
Icky Things, Occult Mysteries,or Bad Guys to
Whack On: Spirit Powers or vibrators. nd the skeletons re errifiedwhen Egondiscovershat extensive xposure o ecto-
they catch sight of the Chostbusters. Oooh! plasmicman festations resents n occupational
Action Opportunities:bookstore hoot-em-up,n- Undead!" they squeal n terror. hazard to Chostbusters they become con-
gredientquests After a quick reviewof the Chostbusters'e rri- taminatedwith PKE.A ftera fe w hairyadventures
Nifty Problems:O ld ThreeWishesgag, inding fying featureq he skeletons ecide hat the Chost- the occult operativesdiscover that they are
a lion to borrow busters re udebeyond ompareand order hem registeringn their own PKEmeters.E gonbegins
Potential hi cky Stuff, improvi ng consequen es ou t of its room. lf they won't leave, hev call fo r research n PKEScrubberSystems. hrough a
of offbeatplayerwish ideas room service, team of burly-looking tapped he EPA earnsof this hazardan d
skeletons ressedn bellboyuniformsarrivean d begins o harasshe franchise, eaking he story
CampaignHooks: some evi guys want the book throw the Chostbusters ut . Only if the Chost- to local papersand ruining the Chostbusters'
or steal he book busters reexceedingly ourteous nd persuasive spotlesspublic image.
will the skeletonsreat he Ghostbustersn a very And if that wasn'tenoughof a problem,a mad
f r i e n d l ym a n n e r , o n v e r s i n gn n o r m a l ,u r b a n e s c i e n t i s thas been following all the m e d i a
voices,marvelingat the odditiesof our universe. coverage, nd hasconceivedan evil scheme.He
There are severalways of dealing with this ha s heorized technologyha tcan urn realpeo-
ADVENTURE ESIGN ghostly problem: pl e into ghostsand back. But he can only per-
PRINCIPLE:et Them Blow 1. convince the skeletons hat they're dead, form these experimentson persons wh o ar e
SomethingUp EveryHalf whereupon hey decide hat his s hardly he oc- heavily hargedwith psychokinetic nergy.U p to
casion or celebration the party dies,errcrything now he has made do with kidnappedpalmists,
Hour goeshome,and the thirteenth loor is abandon- but now he wants he Chostbusters ho ar e us t
More us t fine.Cive them of ed forever. glowing with naturally-absorbedKE rom their
r u n n i n g round ndz a p p i n g h i n g s .G HOSI- 2. do someweirdscience discusshe situa- extensivencursionsn to the occult.
EUSIfRS is an action game basedon a fast- tion with a skeletalp hysics rofessor,r have he Le t he mad scientistb edevil he Chostbusters
paced comedy film. Keep he pace brisk by skeletons all their own Meatbusterso eliminate fo r weeks hrough he courseof other scenarios.
presentingot sof actionconflicS.Puzzles nd th e fleshlycounterparts. He triesall sortsof inane ricksand raps o catch
mysteries re ine in their place,but don't let 3. rememberanothersituationwherecrossing them ( l i k e a giganticmouse r a p b a i t e dwith a
them slow he paceof the action. f too much th e beams eversedhe particle lo w through he Rockette).heseraps houldn't e especially ard
action an d blooie is not to your taste,sharp gate? Believemg you're gonnage t awful sick of to see hrough th eguy'soff{he.rails, fterall), but
d alog with d stinctivenon-player haracters thatcrossthe-beams rap. Erzeryime they run into aftera while it shouldbe annoyingo have o keep
can often substituteor running around an d something heycan't blast nto ectoKibbles,he y rejectingUP S parcels marked "D o Not Drop:
smashing h i n g s . are going o want o cross he beams.Y ou can sup SleepCas" or removingpotatoes tuckup the ex-
press his endencyby destroying franchise nd haust pipe
a c o u p l eof city blockswhen they p u l l this rick More ominously, the Chostbusters start
one time too many.) encountering idnapped almistswho havebeen
transformed nto spectralentities. Maybe they
recognize an ectoplasmic manifestationas a

38 Chostbusters perations anual


6€ lenuew suorlerado slalsnqlsoLlD

,{8aler}slqer^e dola ap ol uol}€n}ls q} noqe aq l ,{q papt,rold {1;ensn sl uol}P^l}olx

'(ino^ jo aJealaLl]ueq] uaq]
Jo aloul q8noua ureal o] arreqAaqt ^lleuU
'uaql ro]f,ereq] r1a lelnleuladnsoql /q uolpnJlsap
arearaq] PuP) a alf,,{lqsrpuarl q uer s.raAeld 'areql lq8u sa1:elsqo ofeu LuoJj urlueul an€s'lsal ] lr.rtds uos API l s!
']! /sJarsngrso.lg ul
la)up pe ur Surq]fuanao )ulLl] ],ue) no^ oM] s,]eql'llo\ ],uop qred uolotd ;aql'os;y ;eo3 s,arnluanpe1ertd,{1
Surrvr] 3ut11tr*q sAe lP aquarual PUV'9 'r,ualqorde st uaqt ol 'aleul,
'lsel ro } pa €s )let ol auoaulosSutDaB
aurlsa)rl LUaq]e al]stuetrqequlql q]€[
]sn[ puere q] oJ l)elsqo ;g 1leaX:"OJJ';3^.
aq plnoqs saqEnol ue qt sapelsqo qt
]eq}purur ' 1;a1 ql ol la 8 ^lleurrea]snqlsoqD
'Pllo/!\aq l ut Sulq]
l€ranasrearaq] ! .:ilr;3^. aq uer ,{aqt \ oll eapl ue pue
Aemaql 3uo1e
lagoue oB {aq1;t lnutu e ut 't
]sarsea q] ou sr ouof,Ja^ool uaql lo] salf,elsqo uos
o1 saAeld aql ro , saltrelsqo ua ul 'f , ezpldaql ol oB plnompue sqof taql alPqoqm '(qcutde ut
's)urrllaq e1epcrlluarrs Sutped
spleur uer]rJle)alpue op sie/v\le lt/v\ ual aq] ^ed o] paau aq]) eog
rvroq ere sJa/!\od ttl leq/\\ 'punole sl aLlAq/v\ -ull ueq] panla)alalsill/v\-alsllllJetrsInrpealp aq] anslndo] slolJelPqf, ql oj uosealv
- a>lllsl tuauoddo aq] leq/v\ no aln8t3 7 aq] noqe 3ut11e1; polsolalu!aloru aJ€or.l/v\ 'arntua^peaq] ut uo I'pea sta,{e1dqt
'ua,{e1d eql ro1 uauoddopoo8e dn )ultll'l '1eo8attugap.y 1
sauura, pap;a i,ntnf peq^llaw,, pue ,qf,nut uror, aJf,asdal s,]l,l ua a
:oJnlua pe ,{;;ar,u rrpauryal!l L, o} papplsar st t1st13u3 :sr paau no^ ll v
'o 5
ue Suru8rsap uaqr* 'r{.reuuns ut asoq,u rauStalo,o ln o uolletuJoruln1asn 43 'qgno$ 'a8ueqr l,usaop
'seapl rraql o] tdepe ol Sullluv\ o13urfu1 araql uaaqan,oq/\aldoad uotlsanb autltno f,!seqaql 'sallols osol.u) rlolJsJalJlp
aq pue - sgulq]8u!op,o s^ e{ }uararJlp l}!,\^ o1 aneq {aq1 loolj t-l}€taql o}uo 1a3 o1 toq aJnluape ue'aalSap lt lloI'leo3 llaqlJo]lns
op alll -rnd ur atetadoof, IeMAuPfuoaql u!) o1pesod
dn auor ot sra,teldno{ padxa s,(ervrly o1 ln o 3.upn311t arel Aaql alf,elsqo sl U'os
alDll a e q 1;1rt lai(e1dnoA'auof,la o aq ue) op dns are oqrt 'sralraeqc.reAe;daql ,,'sao:4q,,;o
saltrelsqo q] v\oLl{ ;l:exapue aluno)uo lll^ o1uorle8rlqoue a €q pue qot aql op o] palrq q)unq aloq/v\ sa lo^ul alnlua^peue
aluenpe ut st ua;qold uaaq an,,{aq} oo} 1ealf, tlald st uolJe^l}otu
ua{e1datp teqnt A1}rexa 'srto.r8pue sulealolaq 'ssarold oql u! puv
ua;qold aql IaqI loolj tl]€[ aq] 1o prr ta 8 ol pasoddns
aq] leq/v\ {;}rexaeprrap no,{11 '(^eM^ue ol lueM {;;eat l,usaoP
a los q3rur sraleldaq] s^e/v\lqtssod no] paull are sralsnqlsotlD q] :snol^qo st leo8 aq1 'g
'1oo1no,{ araq} aln}f,nl}saq} aas ue) aq ,{qmsuleal o) leo8 st qsa^alq)eolaH
-lno aA,aM alduexa poo8 e sl o/v1 oqulnN Jr 'xeurl) aq t pall€l
11r1s 'aq tr131tu se
eapl ]o;d reautl alSutse o1 {lasop l;asrno,{ no,{ mg se aq }o u
sr srql 'ualqold 3; g ,(1;eaX q] sauolano ,{ ;
q] ],uop 'alnluanpeue dn Sutlutt-1] aqM ,{eu arn}rnrls o; d aqt 'atnluanpepadola ap -leurj oraq 3ur-o.r1 pue3ut-o]qrnu laUV't
'luaLuqstld -Allnje ueql raqler seaP|,o qlunq e aq ol 'ualqord
-ulof,Je Jo asuas e laa] Aaqt 'alnlua Pe papualurs,]raf,uls alaq/!\aulosaJaqpunole ',{|1eulJ.'€
31 g A11eaX salunof,uaotaq
aql pa lo s ,{11eut1n,,{aqluaq/v\ eq} ule}af, oq plnoqs 's.toltpalualaduor sn 1uel3 po3 ,,
aleu no,{ a;Dr1e lurq} sla,{e;dno.{ 3ut1eu ,ioaq.raqrunN apl,, e "rapue8 a>1e1 e ]e leranas alpueLl q aq,{eu lauo ,{q auo
SurJrlxa pue 'salf,elsqoauof,la o ol
,{ g 2sa{ leaX ,{ddet1 r laloLlaq} lllls
uaLl] r.lll/v\ leapaq aq^ehJ
ulaqt q]!/!\sleaP
sauoq palreqf,q]!/!\ pallu s r oolJ tlltl aql - pu earua8rl;alutlt ^ ltaql as n sn u ]sntupu e /uo,ra qlli\ 'pue 'sualqold
ual pue ua,{e1d qt 'EurA\srps atnlua Pe ue a)euJ01 lela as,o sallase
otsald zztLl/A uP alel noq ue JleH sraluno)uaolaq ';eo8 sl q o1AertaLl]uo
dn 'g1np,{natd }a B plno ^ SUilSnS.tSOHO
tq8u suolalalsSurtse;q r8aqpuego dals 'r-ualqordfuanaol uotlnlos
'1eo8e sPutlolaH 'l
^e Sllnp
apl ,itt,, ssard ;aloq aql o] ]a B^aq] lle-aln) aql se/v\
/salf,etsqo let1l113ur1ooqs ,{ q snfaurl}aqt le paaf,trns } :srqls r ol o
urnp Alatd aq plnoMalnlua pe aql
asaqt le ]noqllM ',(enr.raqloue l ]nd s,lal alqeaq ol sralPld q] ue/v\,uop noi(1n 1'eepl pad,{}oa.rals'anlhpue-pou}'leltd,tolotd
o pooSe ileir,rlea amoL1]o u sl slq],iuol3ulxal aldr.ursMaJP aquaual sr op o1a,reqno(
os puy ,te;dolur f,rlqs u81sap-ta8ptrtloqrt pue qlO€,,ul ln o Punojanetl {er-u.ra,{e1d noi lqBnoq-a.ro1suor] a)Ptre 3u11eq e
aql s8ulrq of,ualss prrart.Sutlduapy 21eqrt sU 'qled uolold qlrrvr,{enneur1selq{q {1dt'uts (;;ear s e noqe - aldr-urst Sutpold
8ur 'aldoad lsotu o] fuals'(ru
uaq] "'asrnof, 1o 1oordpueuaP 1;,,taq1 aLuof,ra^oq uP ) salJelsqo ulos'salnlua pe 1et1l ; ne1 aql tng
',opslaluM e1t1leqrt
-snue aq plnoqsstsotlS ql a)ur^uor o13utfu1 ,{uer-u ; ,(pu1 atou alutl e aJesalJ€}sqo auef,le e s,]l lqS! 1eau
'asooqr,bql ,{Ealer}sq} uo spuadap ltre}sqo 'al!l aq l sr Surgogd1s1.,{Df,lnou saul}auos
t; g ,(lpaX aql ,o alnleu aql
'1! Lll!/\ leap ol pue /auej',tauou - sleo8 euolad ,sJapeleLlf, srql '1o1de spaau arnlua pe poo8 ,{uy
atnlua^pv eql tulllold

'sarluoLllne 'ool 'utq Sutsn

-uanuo) uuory u1.reaqeryedu.r; e 1o sltedsap q {ofua 11,no{ ue'sotleuars uala#!p ul launPluerl
asne)aq alsnqlsoqDaq] ol sauo) laqloru EutSe rc l!^a o lro \tpueq aql Sulz!u8otral {olua 1;tm 'ralseopueJarsea atuof,aql /puaqaql punoJ aq]
sr qUoddns ] ualel !t l no 8ut;;asslyeara)uls sraAeldnol 'utPlltn)trols e olul ullLl3 ut1eu -rn1 ao B srluarf,s euJaq] se ng iool 'Azen arc
lauoda aql iusurdtuE jo slulq asaqt lP surr] as n 'slsllual)speul ;; e
q)ea ur roltroppeu,l Lues q] ealsnqlsoLlD ql )ultll suazl]|f,leulou lsot-u
-crn,(qpaUodar urea:p 8uetlspue poolq ]o ssol asn uofpas stql ut seap! e.raas :strx)H u8rcdue2 - Azerf,
ral,e ]sl, ]e prPtlaltnb aq Plnoqs srql
saloupue JoLlunl ale8qsanuroday Ateta1ry urry sn
1o;durelllrl o:aqladns tseq s,at1eql.raltod ul auoauos af,utluo) 91sr {nBslqt
prolqel leuorleu lqelndatslp qt oy auodar y rno{ - A1lear €urq}ou :gnt.5 /'4t1t1 IelYaPd al€urr.rrrla] op o] paau slalsnqlsotlDaq] ll v
'lea/v\ pue palualJoslp n salert
lolradsut Vdl'slsltulEd {Dnu se i(;;enba8u1q}auos to
pue Sseusnolcsuo) asol ua1eaq,{;}q8llst tutptn 'lsltuatrs 'EurplrnqralsnqlsotlD lllua aql a o la u rllue8t8
qrea lnq 'paqrnotun ge; aslnd pue slalleM pauuoJsuejl Peu PaN
e sdorp srluattrs eu aql - suoruodo;dctda o]
'[lrunuuor ,{q.reau ur s8ulSSnu snotlalsi{tu lsllua!f,sPeu ql!/\\ slstuled paulol 1utodstql {g
-suerl Sutllauuo) - lllnq a eq qold s,1srtua1:seLU ql
,o lparqlno ue;o spodal furer vaded 1eoo1 qf,Jeasai sue1qo4 ,{11t111 'uaqt uo de{ aleu!}ln st Suttds
Sutlsnq 01 noqe sl aq sp ]sn[ srsatuauraql ro ^]l]uop!
'sderl prdnls :sagluqtoddg uo11cy aq] ot uo Sutqrler aq plnoqs {aq} qrteasal e;ut;
'leal}s aql umop }uor1alo}saq} uolJ
suotuttll crr-use;dolrastruled e op {aql }l
lHI UOJ SDNVJ paddeupr>1rL l tsrlua!)s pptu aq] iu o lceqlyl rapear (sd{8 aql s| dert soq8 taql ur Sulq} aql
:t eapl o1 sAnS peg to 'saltdrslyl 4nctg c$u1t11 7t1 leql ianorsrp eql lo
'atuo pa]lnsuotr aql ]od))ertr

What we havehere s an entire community of

blood-sucken ho have mmigratedrom he Old ldea 5: Neat C/raracters: Herbie the Nerd Mutt
Potential Tricky Stuff: getting the Chostbusters
Country boughtout a condominium,and bought
into the AmericanGood Life a cooperative f
WERE,O H, WEREHAS to studyHerbiewithout precautionshat preclud6
a good chasescene
aspiringto-Yuppiedom ampires with Slavic
accents nd quaintlyprimitivepeasantableman-
MY WEREBERNARD Campaign Hooks: Herbie bites ots of people and
ners.Thereare evenvampireAkitasand vampire
CONE? assorted ther things,creatinga were-syndicate
of rummies, street thugs, and school board
Tricking down this community will require
detective-stylenvestigationse.9., tudy patterns The Chostbusters et a call from l'lerbie, a
of attacks,study police reports,etc.), research world-class erd with an exotic problem. Seems
(immigration ecords how unusualnumberof ever since Herbie got bitten by a mysterious ldea 6:
Transylvanianmmigrants hi s month),or bait
stake-outs Ray s perfect or this sort of heroic
animal n the woods,he's ransformednto a hairy
animal every full moon.
"You gotta help me, KEEPERSF THE
hose-iob). he clincher the Chostbustersmay
notice hat he new apartment{ondo in the neigh-
Chostbusters! ou'semy only hope!"
Werewolf?Don't be ridiculous there are no
borhoodhasone distinctive eature. he curtains such things.This guy turns into a were-St.Ber- The Chostbusters re nvited by an inesistibly
on everywindow aredrawnduringdaylighthours nard. Herbie doesn't haveany blood-lustwhen foxy chick/slickdude to join a stylish new
everyday - without exception. he'sa St.Bernard, nd n fact,still retains is nor- occultists' ociety.t i s a high compliment o be
When the Chostbusters rriveand try to enter mal mind and feelings.However, e lives n an invited o join, and thereare ots of high society,
the condo, the vampiresare exceptionally on- apartment uilding that doesn'tallow pets - free booze,and fancy dressballs not to men-
genial in SteveMartin-Dan Aykroyd-Wild-and- especially argepets and he's enified that he tion all the valuable professional ontacts o be
Crazy-Cuys ode.Once he heroes re nsidg he superintendent ight ind out and expel him. madewith occultenthusiasts he n-
vampires ock the dooi behind them and chase To study this problem, the Chostbusters re ductionparty tself san opportunityo whip out
them all hrough he building trying o catch hem going o have o observeHerbie's ransformation a plethoraof weirdosand oddballs rom the Up-
and urn hem nto vampires,oo. These ampires at th e ull moon - a nice opportunity o set up per Crustand the AvantGarde each eager o
ar eyour basicuryrardly-mobile'immigrantt ereo- an action confrontation nd chasewhen Herbie sharesomebit of fascinating/boringnformation
types - not quite yet hi p to the mores and getsnasty,hen smasheshrougha door and runs about the World Beyond.
technologyof modernAmerica and shouldbe of f into a nearby park with the Chostbustersn After a few weeks,one of the Chostbusterss
played or comic effect. hot pursuit.A nd naturally nyone ccidenallybit- invited$ a WeirdEccentric rofessor ith Slightly
The main point of this adventure s the frantic ten by Herbie n dog-form gets he disease,oo, Manic Overtones o join the I nner Sanctum, o
chase hrough he condominiums,where the evendogs: f Herbiegets nto a dog-fight, he other which only the VerySecretM asters elong.Here
C h o s t b u s t e r scome upon s u c h s h o c k i n g
dog will turn nto a St.Bernard very ull moon, he discovershat he true purposeof the Keepers
"Type Oi '
discoveries s wine bottles abelled doubtlesso the chagrinof the animal's wner. of the CopperMidnight s to do honible hings
"'Type Ai' and "Night Traini etc.; platform cof-
Another action possibility is a search or the such as worshiping he SeniorCitizensof the
fins instead of beds; La Machine blood cen- creaturehat gaveHerbie his embarrassingocial Cosmos a race of dodderingAncient Evils
trifuges;video decks running Loveat Firs t Bite; disease. which smellbad,have rthritic entacleq nd want
vampire dentures fo r an elderly vampire);and, This s a toughie.The Chostbusters ight be to retire o Floridaand Arizona after hey have
of course, he vampire parakeet. end up suSgestinghat poor Herbie exterminated he annoyinglyyouthful and noisy
Thereare oo manyvampires o pull a Rambo simplycheck nto a kennel achnightof the ul l humanoids there. Naturally, he Chostbusters
here,and vampiret being he particularly ower- moon - it's only a few dayseach month, after must intervene o stop the Copper Midnight
ful occ ult entities hat they are,are ikely to take
all. Or Herbie might move nto a building ha t occultists rom Opening th e Portal or the Really
the Chostbustersn any direct powerconfronta- allowsanimals.On th e other hand, he y might Ol d Cuys.
tion. Howevel the vampirescan be handled n find out that he mysterious er bdogsbane ures The ReallyOld Cuysar e physical eingswith
severalways - portable su n lamps, a high- the condition.Or aftersomeweird science ome- ghost-likeparanormalpowers.EachGuy has a
tech/medical ure for vampirism, negotiated one discwers hat ycanthropyscaused r viruses Power of 6-12and a bunch of ghostly special
withdrawal o Transylvania after he Chostbusters - hauntedviruses and the Chostbusters et abilities.When a ProtonPack owers ReallyOl d
havezappeda few viampiresn bat-form), n agree' themselves reduced a la FantasticVoyage and Cuy's Ectopresenceo Q the being apparently
ment o limit blood drinking o that which can enterHerbie's ody o bustmicrospooks. r, how dissolvesnto nothingnessbu t eallyhe has us t
be bought at plasma banks, discoveryof the aboutan anti-PKEaccine evised l a mad scien- beenbanished o the HappyNebulaRestHome).
nutrient lement n freshblood andan acceptable tistconsultant? nd if Herbiebites he superinten-
substitute ource,and so on. dent,he'll probably hange is no-pets ul e ast. Th e Chostbusters'goals o breakup the Cop-
Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to Our favoriteoption is to have some anti-lycan- pe r Midnightorganization, ive he bum's ush
Whack On: vampiresa go go thropyweird sciencebackfireand put Herbie n- to any ReallyOl d Guys who havebeen gated n
Aciion O ppo rtunities: i nterm nable chasescen to the pooch-formpermanently,w hereupon he by the Very SecretMasters, nd thus prevent he
in condo becomesa permanentpart of the Chostbuster annexation f sovereign mericansoil as a BEM
squad a more-or-lessntelligent aranormal retirement ommuniW.
Nifty Problems: onningvampires nto evacuating Thismight akemore hana singlenight'swork.
Neaf Cf aracfers: repo ter, nterview ng muggi ng
victims, mmigrantYuppie ampires Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Cuys to Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to
Potential Tricky Stuff, obtaining a floor plan of WhackOn: Herbie n were-Bernardorm,original Whack On: ReallyOld Cuys,Copper Midnight
an apartment uilding sourceof Herbie'sdisease and Very SecretMasters
Campaign Hooks: a couple of th e vampires Action Opportunities: attack and chase with Action Opportunities: interrupting a ribbon-
escape nd start ndependent perations, r sell Herbie-oooch cutting ceremony or a Portal,bashingescaped
their serviceso the local UltimateEvil Nifty Problems: ure or cope with Her bie's ycan- VeryOId Cuys, escuing Chostbusterakencap
thropy tive by a VeryOld Cuy or the CopperMidnight

40 Chostbustersperations anual

LV lenuewsuorlerado JalsnqlsoqD

]soq8 aLl]
uo uoM a llralap pue qf,reasar suagou IIhIN ',(predoa[ur sl atloul aq] pue 'Pautnl
adld8pq e Surlseor-uoloJ dsa14u4toddg uotyty ,(11e1o1 re saqsntaLlI 'tluo, os pue nla lsslLuslp
loods qsrpor5 :u o \reqA S u r . r n l s a 8 u e as o u s t q S u t p g o t l ' s a s s a l l f , e
/s8u1r11 sro}r€ aql
o1 slng peg rc 'seua7sl141 4nct6 I7t1 ]sar1ard aqt Sulssll ,{;Sutuaes ,o
qt uo dn Surqrur;r,(;lenlreaultlaulos
pleuoclew to oureu /)lel pup
poo8 aql Sur.rolsarqaraq] (,,uptustoJse aseald 1;er* ,{aqt IeM aq} 1o un1 3ut1eu
'$o1f,eureruaq] punole af,uepo] ueadde
p,leql arud E le pue 'arppel raaq aql s,araH,, loods
Sursrrro.rdoo] lou :s4oog utpdueS rrlaSraua passatp-;;a,usltll 'uaas uo4o sl uos
:uou) spleuoctrew ro] sler)raururo) o sauas -tad erlxa ue 'uaarJs8tq aq] uo pa,b1d ltuanb
e op ro uprt.lrapalprne6 uo aruereadde sanB bolPrp,o slol -asqns
sr rulu aql uaqM nq /las aq] uo uaddeq
;errads ]a3,{eLuro€uquneq /puellolsInraueqs tl l }o no ldurordpue sturqdorp ol paau eu - uoqre a1pr1 o] suaas prel\olun Sutqlou ,1oqsal e sauaf,s q]
pe)le] aq ,{eur {oqplo aql lo o} uln}al q]fM alzznd ,(>prrt $lald :gryg A4t1t1pltudtod
uaqM'ar^ouJ saMau lq aslfloxao] galsnqlsotlD
Aeu oruuou )ouor] srrl eolf, uePuaJsap lt l ]eql f,rJuJ sassarl)epue sjolJe aql sarlq (ornle)ue) ol lo]f,allp a^l])ullslp e
arsap srrlslpa ar oqm '>loods s,uoXplo ssarppe 'malr u111operrp poorvr{11o9s.ratJp.rprrJ
uaq] uef,p1euol 3uno,{pue ealsnq}soqDaqt
paN 1o crd .rnor{;opalp a.rnpld uorlou lofeu y
'palea ar sr pleuou prol go ,{e1 1 urtqSurpensiad:
Jo alel InJarueqs
aql ' sluared sl q qllM )esds
lsoq8 a;q palapu r ue 3u 1ra1a :suta1qo4 I1g1 11
- Ired
aq teql lseSSns;druts .to
op ealsnqlsoLlD t1]11a8eluaqqsrpof,Srq noqe
atolll ottlos llPJpue
uolord qlrm loods lcege :sa111un1toddg o11ty U]AO MOCVHS ]HI
Surqlou s/v\ou)al l ]eq] s]rtupe aq uodnaraqnt
'urq 's8ut}uneqaql ol rrlrrr {;1soq3aqt :uO 1re.ilt Z PAPI
]uo.r1uol o] a eq ,{aq} o7 strng peg ro 'se1te1s,!41llnctg 'sturt11 A4c1
Ia) aq] aq ol plpuo6f,ew padsns sralsnqlsotlD
aq] a)uo 'u o os pue 1ool, srLl o {;uo leadde 2tf,adxa aql plp leqllt rnq
'uorsran aql ur spuo)as !\a]e ro] alqrsr^aq
sedrd 3; 6 Jo sla al q8;q atslSatu auyede st qut leur'aslnof,
af,ueql aql dpal plnoqs
l,1uo;;,,taq JO 'sasodrndsnorouJnq 1 yaruad pue qsel]
sf,rlarleJlsaf,ue'prorar adtd8eq seqplpuogf,ew 1r
'aueu aurel ur palsaralur ralsnqlsorlD,{elduaalrs ;eur1
teq] $aquauar ]ueual e s,pleuocf,pw ;elndod alqepadsara)el ]prl] 1pe21 8elurnpue
aql u! uaql eneal 1Suua;;o,{q a1 sratsnq}sorlD ' uoodwel
sapnlf,urlsrl llaqjooP ql sanlf, lar^lll/v\ snoLl aql ^ed o1Surneq /euorlpN)saurze8eupue' (uoLnLd
luauuede aqt le uorle8rlsalurpue l]f,reasau 1o 1no a;83unn l sau] ro]f,arp A1uo1,t1ue at11 lt;'31S1 eptn1e51 otsr^alal
eqt /Pausrles ro paleaJap t lsoq8 aql af,uo
,,"',{epo1 parB e a rasa6 no1,, ounl auo (;uo 'tq8u a8Pts ;;n;acer8 '(ulatsua\uul 3uno1; sarnou lo sa;duexa;o
,(e1d 1uaas {aql ro y Eur1t;s,p;euoX rol o} auou /pausrlesare sarsap srq af,uo ,{1uo1dneqno,{1nq ournq lnlaaqc r(lledord
ar,rbtll pue - sadrd uauace;dar pauotlrstnbaj 'erard:alseu slrxa soq8 aql
aq] ppe pue a;o8 pup orotl Surddu-puruaq]
-i(plsequo alpoo] ol rolsatrue ;erlrads aql polro, s,Jo]f,arpaq] uoJJ palrpa a8elool
arolsar o] ro]f,alrp aql slue/'^aq lo nlpeq pl p lno )ueA o] paau ;;,no1 SuunluanpeUJ/Sng
seq sadrd o]uoneJ /v\oslrl Jo ssol aql ^laleun] -tSOHg ol ldepe uer no,{ eqt s}uaualddns
-roJun aueu AlruPJaqt rPalf pue puellols o] Jol)aJlpeql leql alAoule a)eulal ol slue/v\ q lo
- - p arnlua^pe q] seqf,nu os puauuo)al a A eq]
urnlalo] uptusur) rrlol llel uorrelf, Sulnsst t leep 3rq e ]o u uMo slr.l]o arlorrt a)eu ol
uaarcsaq} uo f,!}lJJ sa las[!aq] satue8 ql ou s! ! ]nq /salnlaulp8
pleuo; prol yo 1sor13ql 'uapollnf jo alupg aql sluer* sn[ )ryrf, aq] eq,,{eyr1
's r 'a1qou .tot.r ,{;tsoq8 ql lo sasuodsel q} no arn8ryapeardr;e leuJo1aJotua eq pu e auol ur Jauult8 lo; e
]e url srrlpa,{e:1eq9 lrlun leql qloq are (aqtq8noqtuana pau8rsaplla \ are
-relv\ lqou pue rapeal uep pue;q8rg e ',pleuoc Surneq ue Lu1, til pe q 3ur{e1d aql'suortsanb
saue8 qloB 'railasared{q aue8 e ITIH) pue
-few pleuou Pro'lJo uepuaf,sap q] sr uraPow lse,taqt se sra]snqlsoqD rll 3u!rulU,{q sorq8 qt
Llllm lef,runuuol ol aq plnomue;d aqlouv nHlnHl) JO 71V) pauorluau-a oqe alll
/!\aN ,llsrlrqtu SurruepuuelslpeAe-p;r/!\a qler e - seopr rnluo^pe o, saJJnos p puauluof,al
pue uauruede ql ur ueua]e'p1euo6re61 ;euo {;relnrryed arvr aue8 3ur,{e1da1or oltorl o/v\l
q8not s,a1rl (ssarlre]trpxaaq] 1t,O p;ffi
3uno1 :rouoqpue arrlsnf Jo, spueuap qt ,{1st1es ]prlt are araql 'nHlnHI) lo.uoq
pue '1soq8 atll 1o ;eo8 pue ,{ltguapt q} ureal o} ralseulsoqD aq]) sal^oLuur uetuoM lnjrlneaq qrlupla Sururepaluasour slr o1unrsoeq3 ,{ q
a pq ll!/v\ ralsnqlsor1Dqt soq8srqta oruaroI lsou aql ssrl o1 sla8 ralsnqlsollD e erolaq sn f
paqsrlqnd rntuapp ue ,ilrlSlll,\I ra^lrS ql
'sasearf,ura|'Unlo^ ql se asearJap l sanur] 'aua)sa ol prrol e ]o alppru alll ur a^ure plnoLls
'sdal jo rapro JrlauiraHaql., uo paspq r g eapl
-uor 8ut,{e1daql Jo (1r;enb ql pue -,{eme auo lsoq8aq1 lsoq8 pue qred uolord q1rrt,{elre
ileJ sralsnqlsoqg qt ua4o ^ oq ra]teurou lq8ru Eurlselq ets uEf, aql uaql pue 'sanrrre}r uaqi\ sailsngrsoH9 rol
qrea leaddear 1;rmsedrd8eqasaqt - taleadal (preqool aq ],uplnoqs ! aasuec,bql ueql tu;1dupypuEsetuPD
lrseq JnoA sr elaq a pq a/t\ 1eq,14 lssa;eunl q:rq,lrqSnorqt f,r^ap uros uanurladxa Lurq
raqlo uorl suepl ulpals
daarls pue l,renbs l,;uo sadrd8eq alll /v\ou .lrorlla^eq ot paau 11,,iaq1 dols o1 aratll
llt)s auos rl llm pelpld 1sot18s.rrl q] lseal V
tq8u aq llrMsralsnqtsorlDq] pue'aLuorolarns sl :ltdlfNtud NDtstc
'asjo^\ qfnu s/ll aurl srrll ')f,eq ale spunos lsoq8 aq 1 'pr11Suruordn ue u! srope auo)aq
plnoqs alsnqlsoqD ql'paurlrlSuraq ral^ou e IUNINTACV
adrd8eq tp - Eulpllng uauruede ues eql uolJ
'1soq81or5 aq] Suunlde) uaqmveadde,{1uo oq8 aq}arurs soq8 eq 1 ul
llec e la 8 saoJeH nO
raryeq8ru aq] a a^ oH 'r-ualqordou - sadrd8eq ol sJelsnqlsor,lDLll o,'sarlour sr (em apaq e,tlqrssod
aqt dernsoq8puedez uetr ratsnqtsorlDql'tsrl1 poo8 lou ,l(quou
le premloptlSrells 11ardaq ol sureasqo{ aql poo8 eleu o] slue/!\ o]f,arp aq] aJuls 'pJpr1 uorlezlue8ro
'oaals uef, aq lq8;u srql 'arotrl ,{ue rograrp aqt tuneq o} raqlued ,{erg rrpeleEra}ur ue o} Suolaq ^etu
't r
lo u saprf,ap ue sa)rl tsoq8 aqt leql pooEos ',{rerdsuor
{poqou teq,i;pno; os pa{e;d)lpslapnp ;elpadse s,in9 p1g fuan aql ro leqo;8e 1oye d
- arnourpoo8 fua^ p parrp o1 oparrp aql 1aB aq ,{eu sra}sew 1alra5 fuan slooH utledue2
{;uo - uaas q uer arn8rl p '8urp1tnq luauruede
ue Sulluneq {lluaredde t soq8 Sur^e;d-adtd8eq ol sr Jrtuf, lerpads aq] aleulu!la o1 {enr ug
'uaar)saq] ur seloq Ilarcos tr{E!upr1,q a ddo3 aqt
e araq^ osef,e uo ur pallPtr iP sJalsnqlsor.lD roy ue;droo11 Suuedard :gn1g :1c1t1plpapd
surnq,{1alaue8eur penafo.rd q] ]e sr-ueaq otord

cNvtrofs Surrr; asrf,roxal p.req ,ro.rdlnor tsoq8 elncr]

-red srql 'uaasurri sa)eu prolnllar ;u o - a1 q ,{larros olcervr pue alersdn :sratJp.rprtt ,paN

-rsrnur(1;eurou raq ]pql sr ar*od

JO SIN]WDVUJ ;errads ,1sot13
srr1l'sarloru ,Joltrarp ;qlSuguneq r ,r]rJf,rloru Jo urnJolf,ues nlJues aql olu! Burleaus ;epo6
stalsew 1alra5 uan aql

:B Pepl rrdorqluesru e 1o soq8 aq] ']no surnl ]r sV aql leas ro llo} o] ,{8o1ouqre1 suta1qo4 I411t1

NeatCharacters:ssortedenants,oungRonnie volcano'smouth and comesafter hem. Thu-thu

ldga 10:
Potential Tricky Stuff: keepinga brisk pace in a lookssortof Iike he greenslimer rom the movie
mystery/puzzle THE ROADTO RALYEH CHOSIBUSIERS, but it is orange-coloredand a
hundred eet all. lt has a Powerof lQ an Ecto-
Campaign Hooks: Chostbustersmay accompany Th e StateDepartment iresCBI o handlea lit- presence f 2 Q an d zips around i k e i t h a d a
youngRo n o Scotlando clear he moorsof other tl e problem on a tiny island protectoraten the Moves f 3. On e of itsspecial bilities sTerrorize;
MacDonald clan spooks haunting the Mac- middleof the SouthPacific. BI cheerfully ssigns as t is zooming around after he Chostbusterst
Donald's estaurants n the site of the Culloden the Chostbusterr a n c h i s ehi s o b a s a m i s s i o n tries o tenify hem.When a Chost s rolled, ne
battle adventure,w ith the assertionhat his wonderful characterwill keel over n a faint. At this, Thu-
islandvacation s a reward or their recentexcel- th u pops he delectablemorsel nto his mouth.
lent f course,C BI doesn't an y Heaw
"Just a routine mattet
detailsabout the task - Well, this could work out in a couple of ways.
ldea 9: don't worry your pretty ittle heads." First, f the Chostbusters an reduce his Ecto-
Th e tiny Pacific sland nation of Ralyehhas a
THEGHOST problem. h e r i b a l e l i g i o nworships h u - t h u ,
Dresenceo zerobefore he ast ictim is consum-
ed , no problem.Second, f all the Chostbusters
AND THE ADY volcanic go d which has recently become quite
restlessnd ha sapparently evelopedhe hots or
get poppeddown Thu-thu'sgullet, hey discover
that Thu-thu'salimentary ract is a little pocket
Th e ghostof a fashionablenteriordecorator s a few sacrifice s. uesswho will anive us t n time universe hat containsall the sacrifices e hass,rer
haunting he Statue f Liberty, ightly painting to perform hi s importantstate unction? eaten.A t this point, t is hard o missThu-thuwith
largesections f the statueho t pink. The statue's The nation's eaders a scraggly unchof tribal a proton pack-beam, nd all Thu-thu can do is
caretakers crub off the loathsome olor as fast elders)have earnedall they know about good rhumbaaroundand moan a lot.When Thu:Ihu's
as they can, but each night another evenmore government by watching media coverage of Ectopresences reduced o zerc,all swallowed
electrifyi g ai -sea-rescueolor appears. i ht ing totalitarian ictators nd heir goons.T hey mpro- Chostbusters nd severalhundred bewildered
a losingbattle,he ycall he Chostbusterso r help. viseappropriate ostumesrom materials t hand formersacrificeseappearn... well, somewhere.
(l f your Chostbustersive ar away rom the Statue (coconuts, alm leaves, eashells,colorful flcnrcrs, I guess hey could all us t return o the island,bu t
of Liberty,us e a local monument/ such as 5t. etc.) and do their best to echo the soothing wouldn't it be entertaining o have hem return
Louis's rch, Mount Rushmore, r the Colden platitudes he y hear on radio reportsof thriving to find themselvesn Outer Mongolia?Tierrade l
Cate Bridge.) banana epublics. Fuego? n the bridgeof the StarshipEnterprise?
Mountain-climbing ear is needed as the- When the Chostbustersdisembark on the a restaurant t the End of the Universe?
Chostbusters lamberal l over he surface f the beach,a platoonof gorilla-sized alyehan olice, And it couldn't hurt if the Chostbusters et
n a t i o n a lm onument, rying o g et c l o s ee n o u g h fitted out in coconut-shell iot helmets, ea-tortoise creati\€ n pacifying huthu. Sincehe'sa volcano
to the flitting ghost o zap it with their proton riot shields,and Uzi-shaped lubs carved ro m g o d ,c o l d h i n g s h o u l dp r o b a b l y a rm h i m - a
packs.T he spectral ecoratorloats antalizingly driftwood,meet hem, bedeck hem in flcnrcrs nd carbondioxidefire extinguishermight be better
out of reach, pouting rtistic obbletygook"The escort hem towards he volcano.Th e police ar e than a proton pack.An d maybe he slandersus t
lady must LIVE!Her spirit must SCREAM er very riendly.They'll answerquestions, ffer part misunderstand hu{hu's needs.Maybe he only
outrageat the Philistine astelessnessf the sen- of their lunch to the Chostbusters, nd be very wantsa drink of somethingcool and refreshing,
timentalistpuke-godpig-dogs!"). hey will have nice, all things considered.T hey won't let the insteadof those nasry salty humanoids.T hings
to herd he ghost o a placewith a ledgeon which Chostbusterwanderaroundor anything hcmever. Co Better with Coke. we hear.
to setup the ghost rap.Hel copters nd et-packs Cheering ow sof childrenan d prettygirls ine he lf you're a nice gu y an d yo u don't strand he
i n th e h a n d s f Our Heroes ould b e e n d l e s s l y route o the volcano and make t impossible or Chostbustersn s o m ee x o t i c i m e n s i o n ,t might
entertaining. the Chostbusterso run for it. be nice to give them a real vacationon Ralyeh
The Chostbustersould also ry to convince he At first. he Chostbustershould hink that he y after hey take care ofThu-thu - plenty of oppor-
decoratorhat he Statue f Liberty s oo modest are receivinga royalwelcome.Only after hey start tunities for hot dates with th e grateful sland
a canvasor his alents, r contactstill-livingcol- asking a fe w questions should they become beauties...
leagueswho might help persuade he spook of suspicious.
"Say, are we going to meet your leadersor Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to
the errorof hiswa1c. hi splan mightbacKire, nly
Whack On: Thu-thu
strengtheninghe spook's resolve, nd perhaps something?
persuadinghe Chostbustershemselveshat day- "Why should we ? The volcano-god s our Action Opportunities: scramblingaround and
gl o orange s a reallynicecolor or he LittleLady. z a p p i n gThu-thu
Persuadinghe RestorationCommitteeof this new "But isn't herea ghostor somethingwe'resu p Nifty Problems:making a big comebackafter be-
color schememight be tough, though. posed o be busting?" ing sacrificed o a go d
"Chost?There s no ghost.Clorious Thu-thu,
Icky Things, Occult Mysteries,or Bad Guys to Neat Characters; he basically cheerful and
Whack On: ghostly decorator the voraciousvolcano god, permits no other f r i e n d l y r i b a l e l d e r sa n d m u s c l eme n trying o
ActionApprtunities: scrambling roundon the supernaturalntities n his island." imitate totalitarians nd thugs
statueand blastingaway Potential Tricky Stuff: keeping he Ghostbusters
Nifty Problems: onfrontinga more mobile foe The Chostbusters re conducted politely bu t going o the volcano op without a big fight (may
on impossibleerrain firmly to the top of the volcano. f throughsome want he m knockedunconscious n the eventof
clever stratagem, they manage to escape the a scrap)
Neat Characfers: the decorator police, et hem run around he sland or a while,
CampaignHooks: Thu-thu,when threatenedwith
Potential Tricky Stufl: visualizing the maneuver- and then eventuallyget caughtagain.So back hey
extinction,decides o turn state's videncean d
in g an d line-of-sights n the statue hike to the volcano lip.
r e v e a l s p l o t o f a n c i e n t l i e n s ik e h i m s e l fwh o
Campaign Hooks: well, I guessyou could have At the volcanq probably much to the Chost-
have come to Earth o pose as gods and eventu-
an epidemicof OId Masters ising rom the grave busters' elief, hey are not pushed nt o th e boil- ally Control the Universe
to redecorate he national monumentsof their in g ava. nstead,he yar esimply ied o a treean d
homelands, ut I t h i n k that'sp u s h i n g t a b i t left. With reasonableMoves, he Chostbusters
manage o escapewithin minutes.Bu t us t as he
lastGhostbuster reaksre eof hi s bonds,a gigan-
ti c grinning vaporousapparitionrises rom the

42 Chostbusters perationsManual

tv lenuew suorlejado lalsnqlsoqD

s rqslladsrp q se ayeus,{;qrsrnauoreq s33nlD

aEueq) {11;euos
-red uappnssrq q paqlnlslp uaq/v\snor^qo souo)aq srql ')lPq paller ro
spuau] ll p - saruelurenb palledsrp r 1sor.13Ll ]uaq/v\ gq o1sulntrai urod
-f,e lpnspf, uroru puaul;lrB s,la8ue8
]saq surerg ql'(B sur€rB eqaq) slsoq8 1€J rqJo auo
-alddop aql - paratuno)ua slalJereqc uepuo
-f,asaq] atearf ol surerg o lurod e sEBnlD lsotr l 'rusrf,
;1epue la8ue8a;ddop :s,regrelprtf, paN -roxasr q no sauref aq se LUrq ruasqo aql 1a#o
xopeled laler] ault] 1no 3ul;zznd sr quo dn s33n;3 a1e1 e) satsnqlsorlDaLll auo
la8ue8a;ddopaqt,i;$uapt o1 ,log sua1qo4,Qy y 'aleudorddeare relnrryed ur saqceordde ivrl
'slsoqBsnoreunu fuan 'pe;;adsrp
lalJas str.l ra1o.rd 1 slalsnq nq
-lsoqD raLllo aql 'paranorsrpsr -,t1rseasnouals,tu ,{q pan8e;daq ure8e y;,Aaql
)Jelte ,{eu aq 'ralpl sr.lluor.uv\eJ puv 'slurod aru^ org Jraql
^]ltuapl raSue8alddopy :seplunyoddg uo11ty
er] aur] la8ue8a;ddop :uO IJe.llVl ,leq osol l)eaplnoqs,iaqt'1rafrq t rr qol aprrap
saurn raqlo ro, suorlf,eJ]srpprnord o s8ur Aaql eqt nopedurrrvr s aresatsnqlsoqDaqt Jl
o7 sAng peg n /se1te1s{141 IFDO ts8ultll /(Iq -tuneq a)eJo1sAnB eq raqto,iq parrq sarnluenpe '/!{opur/!\aql q8noiql spalqo aq]
'uo sao8 aue8 aq] 'aspf,roq]la ul r alsnq .retre; t dn ,l\ot1s lno) sBEnlD s)tooHutredwel
aos ue) oq se Euol se r{lrnrpelsra8rel;od ug}e}q
-tsoriD ponf,sar ro raSue8a;ddop -Lul ,arqf,srluf,rlaur)alalalDll e op osl€ up) all
lnlssarrns e slurq anr8o1 paledardaq -
3ur,(e1d(ou sraq ]o u ro raqlaq/v\ prrap,{1}a.nas sanbruqrala rl)a,rau! prepuels3ursnpalerlsnrl lsloods aql yo sa8eur aql s lf,afordpue sreyenb
uer ra,{e;d apege-ra8ue8alddop qg Mou) ra au -peall aq],o s/v\opur/\ ql q8nolql s1oo1 q turod
1aB furu pup 'lear l,uare slsoq8 eq] ltrej uo dn
,{eursralsnqtrsoqDql 2}q3;raq se M 'lle raue o1mols plruapd a8elue,rsrql Luorl 'rayenbpeag ralsnqlsoqg
eq ,{eu ua,{e1d II4tl
auo lPar aq] se/v\ q leLl] slsalord ;;r1s le sprorvr lcrd $nrs
rrJorj aarls aq] ssorle aluJo ue ua)el seq aH
1se; rq alotus u1 dn sao8 aq sV 'ulrl azpoden s33n19 apodar s/v\ounI :srarJprp.n rpaN 'purru ui\ o sr,l uor, sarlrads3ur{ouue aqt sa}ear)
pue a)e, aql uo slced uolo.rd raql urerl {e u {aq} sBurlunetl epuPts 'crqr,{sdpoo8^uarde,,{;;enpe roqm s33n;g 3ur
';earsrauo qf,r.l/\^ prf,ap J;eurl aql uaq^\ 10 -uou ,o arrnos Sururrurclap sua1qo4 /17ry -tuneqaq] qtlM op o1Surqleuosseqs33n;g eqt
;eurBr-ro s88n;3 til;r,ruorleluorluof, lradsns plnoqs sratsnqlsoLl3 q] lurod srql y
aLll ^Jlllar o1 r-urqEurAueduorce o - arnlnj 'lsoqS,iuoqd dn Surlooqssa14unyodd6uorjcy "'LULUH
aq] o] Ileq ra8ue8a;ddop Lll Sulpuassdeqrod isralsnqlsollD aql q]lm tuasard uaaq peq ,{aql
'aurqf,eu a|.url aLl] pul, uef, sralsnqlsorlDaql suolluedde paurertsrr.l ue sBBn;g uO lJeqq
ou ) asloauo ou leql 8ul]
ya51 ra8ue8alddopaql p uortef,Urluapr nrlrsode o1 strng peg ro
tsa1ta1s(141yntt6 /s8u1q1,{4c1 -uneq noqe
aq] Jo sllelap,o aldnor e ol eaJar E8nlg
salqPua ,/ialnlnJ /!\o no,o alnleale - uAo lno ...taq|1
a{a s,ralsnqlsoqD qJ}el llr^ lrplapppo auo
ueq] aprxouotuuoqre) ur raq8rq e1alaqdsoule rol ]ua8e pasuaJrl ,lBDse uas aq uer aq sdeq ,;sJaueur
ue o1arnsodxa lea aJ ulsruaqf, leuralurs,ueul -rad ssaursnq JJxa uos dn unrp ol rulLlasn o qrns ur ;eap,(lanrpa#o eJ llnrro aql lo seualgtu
srr.llr{soD,,)aruarrsopnasdlla/v\so srsoud,(qnq 'slua;e1 s1q ol luau,{o;dua lnlure8 t.uos ur }upf, aql ul posra^pue sarralseuouu€]aqrI ur pauleJl
;ear r a8ue8alddop ql d!Js uo srql alv sralsnqlsotlD q] sdeqradrrqri(sdpalua;e1{pre; 'pporvruaasunaq]
'luelorurep Jlasitu se qJns auo ,(;ug Jo
ro.ralanerl url e nq auor{ueQ unnou>1 pue 'lod))prf, plo ssalturerl lsnf s,aq ll e raUV ua8uepaql qlr,uador 11as11 {q ouuer ,€o;ouqrat
aq ],uplnor eql uorleuro1ul,o tl q auos drlss1a1 ,{orau ro13aq pue lapuallns 's1soq3sr q ;;erer alau 'paranolsrparreq oi( se asnoJ -
ln o Llsrp e) s33n;3 JO,, ral
,t;lueuanpeura8ue8a;ddop q] uaq^ paddorpeq ll,aq eq l Surqiluealpueq -lal all] ro pua aq] reau uautuof, aPruse oslPsl
uef, urrl aq1 aql rol lunof,f,e lnof, uer ,{aq}u^ oqs a^eq sralsnq}sor.lDq} af,uo
'q)eue sr q araql 'slsoq8iraql,o uaq] pu llr/v\ ll 'aa1,iryat1
deqsru la er ]aut] e eLl] o!t!nlu! Lll q llrlvta) uanald ll^ Lulrlplolpullq ro purlq uuq Aedllr^ srelsnqtsorlDq],l ]eLB ue *teu 6
aql 2olv\} Llluaa/vuaqsrnSurlsrp,{aq}e f /v\oH {gueroduralllr^ }eq} Surq},{ue s1ea1 r qc,(sd rt; aq] uo srualqord sralsnqlsorlD ql lnoqp prearj
sr rl)il.]^ arnsaq uPf,Apoqou uroyad o] rsp;o ur Suropsr aq ]eLl/v\ as ol seq set{aq leq} sa}e}sv\oll3J rtj1 s33n;3 snluoraqd
zlEq/!\ v\oN
rlf,rq/v\Jo pua aLl] e 'sonsua ol#ntrsv 'o)P, aql s33n15eql nel aLl] loldxao1sr qoeordde.raqlouv '|.unlpatu
'stsoq8 ,{sr,ur;1 lPtrol u/v\ou)-lla/v\ [!ol] lletu aql ul
sr { nB aq}o aq} - auo lear aq} sr aq }pq} sulelJ yg snora8ueplaa as q}r^ leop o} rapal e ]aB iaq] uor{l 'uaq} dols o} ,{e,l.e }sa8
qrtetr Aaq]auo aqt ',aas no^ 2^aqtop ro 'paaf,3ns a eq sralsnqlsoqSqt aLurlueau aql u! asnol,O -3ns o s8url uneq 8ue:1s Lll,o af,rnos ql
leql {;;en1uan3la8ue8a;ddopaql qtr}e)pue u/v\op 'dn uearp ue) sralsnqlsorlD ql Surrl]^uesourle o]
'g lr€, sarnparord ragsnqlsoqDprepuels ll v
)rerl ol ful puBpuarrj |aqlpulqaq (;;eLtl1ern1eu Sutop olur pa)f,rJlaq uef, atl pue ;o 6 alau
sr ls qlsotr "ut "=.?;*:i: e ol dorp llrM surer€s,s33n;5 statsnqlsoqDaq] asnoH/v\oeal, o^r'r"i"'lt"lirl?.i,]1j1,
iHl,lH:""r3":r, uo dn Surleaq no are slsoq8aql alrq/v\ af,uo ,,FnI aujoH uo sralsnqlsoq9 urlsn8slsoqD,,
paurnsselalalduor seq r ptuna1rl /alsnq]sor{D lp uorlJe olur slsoq8Jo ssau aloqm e Sulpuas sauolsSurltoru sarJJecMaN
'sa)ueqrnlsrpaq] purm uapoSseq )loll,O xts aLl] ue
aql jo arour pue arour ;ano Bur1e1 el s o] s! olur urr.1l)ul ol sr s33n19 eaq o] ,(e,r,rug ]o auodar srvrau
1eo8 rr l1,{1r;euovad;a8ue8alddop q} pa8ue"rap raBrqaql ol 111311 nI
l€rol e 'asro/v\s/leqM slrMraql Jo pua oqt e
seqaurt ur Eurlarerllo ssarord qg raproturlom ot spualur q pu e ure11rn {ddrp (11ecrd,{} no Asl 's^ep ^\aj e
PUPPalJerls!pore $alsnqlsor{D aql
ul aurqf,el! aurl e ralof,ar o] pa8eueur ;1eury s33n;5 slalsnqtsoqDaqt lf,ene o] spuasaq qrlrl/v\ rolv 'rluoJ os puv 'a^r, uaqf ]no, uaql '))ellp
aq lrtunaurl 3uo1e roJarnln] aqt ur ralsnqtsorlg '(laprdnls ,tlqrsrns1oo1pue) lera^osaleart o] aarLlt1pq] a1e z{ep q1 '3urplrnq aqt )rp$e s}sorl8
aql Sulpuejls Iilv\e]uaiv\ eq] arnlua pe ourrlf,eur spaarorduaql aH 'purur uMo srLlJo ,uqe,aq] uroij pa;ladsrp{;rseasaq}Jo rou o/vq i(epuau aq1
atul] arnlnJe uror} PaujnlarJlasLuq alsnqlsor.lD slsoq8 qt salparf, q ]eql Sultseoq11st;upe,(;;n1 ralaur l)d
aqt sr ]r - lsoq8 e 1,usr a8ueBa;ddopaq1 -roaqf,aq 's8urluneqaq Sulle1 pasntf,Epue aqt uo sralst8arlareq 'uorluedde,{;1seq8 sgqr1o
'Suurnlco sr ro l
f,orra ernleuradns;o adft ,{1seu sarsnqrsortD ur,Q aruo.rJuoc padse 8ur,{y.r.ra1q} lle ro.l 'qr1er o1derl soq8 aql
,(pelnrrped (1snomq6 quo1os puy 'Suruana;; e ;i;::;L" J.ili", ro ySurq],tue urnea; ena ou 'l r sladsrp {;}ue}su!
surorl se ^ aq uaq/v\ lq8ru 1se; rlpaq]aql ]p r.urq -]uneq,, o ssaSord ql ur r,urLlruasqo ue a)rrJo ped uolo.rd uor, lot{sa;8urs nq '91
1o amo6
^ es aLl] ew ulLl lla] spuaul 'rauurPo] ln o ra q ,s33n1g r no aprq qSru uosrad {1eeus 'sno lualedde ue seq soq8 srqj q] 1o 1no s8ur;
ua)el pue oraq] uaaq APearle eLl q leql pur, o1 -r,,qo {pard r uorpauuo) aql 'sJauenbasaq}o}u! -dunp aLl]SuuersSurp;rnq H aq ] punore dr z
{1uoalepe ro; }uau}ede s,puau11l13rq e saluJe pa^ou aq ]€q] aur!]aues oql 1eue8aqs8urluneq loods aql - erqurozleualetuur ood-ar3oo qsa;1
ag 'asrorvr1a3s8urq1 pnrorcaq] olur pedecse eq aq] eql puB ]aoJlsaq] ssorf,E J uro srrl a^o)srp -paJaue]'snoranepel - aurarlxaaql ul 8ul^ju
aq Jlasurq qJlef,u€trar'|aro}a8 laej}saq} u/\ op ,{aqt uaql4 'punorSpeq s,s38n;golut punore -roH 'leql le 'auo ppo fua^ e puv ipuefloj sue^eaH
3u11;em;;asr.urq l aau ralsnqlsoqD 'Aep au6 3ur33rpauios op plno) slalsnqlsoqD qt /o/\I
'ualqord 2tayenbpeag ralsnqlsoqDaql u! asool loods y

U]DNVD]IddOC ]HI raq] 'o ssausnouas aq] q]!M sralsnqlsor]D

ftHf^sd lHt
z[ eapl aql ssardtrr rallunJ ol slsoq8 selearr aq uaq/!\
.raprdnls{1qrs1nauoraq all se Jo 's)oods ur'v\o :L! Papi

htential TriclryStuff.whipping up the futureand custodyof the spirit o Sharpnose. he best hing Amenhortensehe Vl. Thiscuned creature alked
time travel tory or the doppleganger an exer- for the Chostbusterso do is actuallygive him the the night, seeking revengeon those who had
cise for the apt pupil ghost. f theydo this,Sharpnose'llapidlybecome caused ts early demise. Ancient sorc erors er-
Campaign Hooks: are you kidding? ime travel a disenchanted ith the whole prospect f dealing formed mystic itualswhich temporarily isabled
wiih ghosq as his egalbooksar eslimed,his dog the mummy. n order o set t permanentlyo rest,
go go - with the ime machine he Ghostbusters
is terrified,and ectoplasmic ugarappears n the they swered its eft big toe, which was embalmed
could get into all kinds of trouble, and theft of
ga s an k of his Lincoln. and sealedorever n a tomb.As ongas he mum-
the machine could be even more distressing
lf the Chostbusters tandon principle and try my and toe are kept separate, menhortenseVl
to preventSharpnoserom obtaining he ghost, is no more han dried skin and cloth windings.
ldea 13: let them argue heir caseone more time before
the court. Be warned: egal shenanigans re not
But, if the toe were united with the rest of the
mummy,might Amenhortense l walk the earth
SO SUEME particularlygood adventurematerial shorton
action as heyare unless he spook s brought
The Chostbustersrecalled n to investigatehe
The Chostbusters us t evicteda Class ll Free- in to testify. f the spook gets oose n the court- mysteryand sureenough, he oe walkedout (s o
Roaming Non-Repeater rom a small haunted room, here s plenty of room or funnycharacter to speak) n itsown; a little rail n the dustshows
house n Hoboken or wherever s convenient or stereotypes judge, court clerk, guards, he how it scootedacross he floor; dcrvrrnhe hall, and
yourown franchise).ust s heyanivehome, hey twelve ddballs f the ur y - fountains f slime, out the window. There he trail stops,but the foot-
areserved ith a restrainingrder hem and corruscating ays rom the proton packs.A printsof a largedog can be seen.Yes, he toe has
from putting he ghost n the Containment rid, real ine inal ouch a ghost awyer ppears nd made ts will known to a puppy dog, who now
and they are hit with a lawsuiton behalf of the argues hat Sharpnoses completely ncompetent bears it in the dir ection of the rest of
ghost. t seemsa lawyerand psychic a real irst- to represent pooks,sincehe is n't one himself. Amenhortense.
class ddball HaroldSharpnose,laims o be The judge agreeswith the ghost lawyer, and To complicate matters, he toe has also sum-
in mental contactwith the ghost.The ghost,he remandshe case o a udge and ur y of his peers monedsomedistant elations f Amenhortense
states,has sufferedgrievousbodily and mental - spooks, f course.For urther deas, ee "The (immigrants rom Egypt, natch) o aid it in its
harm from th e abusiveand unnecessary cts of Devil and Daniel Webster." quest.These olk - a cab driver,a fancy clothes
the Chostbusters. ot only that, but the ghost s designer, nd a famoussoccerplayer are now
beingkept prisoner gainstts will (in he ghost Icky Things, Occult Mystefies, or Bad Guys to wandering he city in a daze, seekinga rendez-
trap),and s suing or $50,000,000. he American Whack On: a bad guy lawyer,plus any spook vouswith their mysteriouslyompellingmaster.
Civil LibertiesUnion shows nterest n the case, plaintiffs Professor orspooldoes some quick research
eagertobringup thewhole ssue f the civil rights Action Opportunities: spooks oose n court and discovers hat the rest of Amenhortense's
of ghosts. N fty Problems:ph osophcal/legalquestionof mummy is in the PennsylvaniaUniversity
This s a good puzzlethought problemadven- ghost rights Museum. The prospects f using roadblocks o
ture - not a lot of action, but with some ricky preventa mummy's oe from reachingPhiladel-
intellectual hallengesha t might be fun to fool Neaf Characters:sleazypsychic awyer, un court-
room menagerie phia are somewhat iscouraging, ut a nation-
with, particularly f you set up the problemat the wide toe-hunt s such a charming oncept hat
end of an adventure,ell he playerso think about PotentialTrickySfuff: too much thought and talk, you should do everythi ng ou can to encourage
it betweensessions,hen have he court caseat not enough action it. Tracking t and its servitors th edog should be
the beginningof the next adventure. Campaign Hooks: psychic awyercan become a prettyeasy o find if the toe usesmass ransit) n
What area ghost's egal ights? awhasalways stock nemesis hired by other bad guys or a th e way rom New YorkCity to Phil adelphia ro-
assumed hat dead s dead - but now the dead freelanceexploiter of the hazy legal statusof videsa lo t of opportunitieso r sillyencounters.
show up as sympathetic personalities now paranormal eings The sensiblehing or the Chostbusterso do
what?We don't want to into all the ramifica- is o go o the museum, amp n the vaultwhere
tionsof cnrerturningll historical oncepts f death th e mummy s stored, nd wait or the oe.When
- that's or you and your players. you want to ldea 14: the oe arrives,t is n the company f a big sheep
keep t simple, he Chostbusters an argue hat
ghosts re hardlypeople n any normalsense, nd THE MUMMY'STOE dog and three dazed servitors.Time for a big
actionclimax.Th e oe uses ts ControlMind abil-
that hey can't egallybring a suit against nyone. ity to send he dog and threeout-of-towners fter
An Egyptologist, red Horspool, calls up the
They might claim that the ghostwas respassing
Chostbusters.l fear may have eleased n an- the Chostbusters hile it struggleso reunite tself
inside th e haunted house,so they were within Mummy! Mummy!" the Chost-
cient curseupon an unsuspecting umanity." ast with its mummy.
their egal ights n committing ssault nd bat- busters an faintlyhear n an eerievoice.
month he broke nto a previouslyundiscovered
tery and unlawful mprisonment.We ike he dea And the oe will attack he Chostbusters hen
tomb in Egypt. he only object nside he tomb
that ghostsare unregistered liens rom another th e going gets ough. The toe c an scoot across
was a golden casketholding an embalmed oe.
dimension, nd hat heyshouldbe mmediately
Rather han sharehis discoveries ith the Egyp- the loor quitequickly fastenough o zip into
deported.) But whatever argument he players a mouseholg rack, r space ehinda mummy
tian government, rofessor orspoolsmuggled t
come up with, it's he righton e - th e udge s casebefore he Chostbusters an catch t. lt might
out of th e country.He hoped o study he oe and
convinced,and Sharpnose's uit is thrown out.
find out why it had beenmummified o rwerently. knock something ff a shelfonto a Ghostbuster's
But next week they are hit with another suit. head.Or it might errifysomeoneby wiggling up
But he night after he smuggled t into America,
It seemsMr. Sharpnose emands hat the ghost a trouser eg. But let's ace t, there'snot a heck
he forgetfully ef t th e box top open. When he
be released nto his custody mmediately.This
returnedhe nextmorning, he oe was missing. of a lot an animated oe can do.
time he can'tbe stopped. his ime Sharpnose as
At f irst, he thought thievesmight havestolen t,
gotten a judge sympathetic o hi s plea, and the
and, of course, ince he had obtained he object
judge demands hat the Ghostbustersurn over
illegally, e could hardlynotify he authorities.
However, n reflection,Horspool ecalled he
hieroglyphics nscribedon the toe's casket,de-
picting he entirehistoryof the oe. t seemst was
once part of the horrible animated mummy of

44 ChostbustersOperationsManual

9V lenuew suorlerado relsnqlsoqD

aql,o saf,ro^ q] Jpaq oql 'l l ot uolsrlol JentaJal

aq] dn qrrd auo,{ue1; 'fueurp.roalrnb s1ool
qlooqauoqdaq]/a pr esralsnqlsor1Dq] uaq4 o] aq plno \ A€/\\ aqlouv .alaqrvr{ueo3 1,uer
'paLlstueLl}og ll xt Jo} uautreda; ]l os'asef,sse;3 aloule alqp)earqunue ut auo
2d;aq o{ ue3
o^ l luas a^,Aaqf taplo Jo 1no sao8 1r aprs qtpa asef,ua l sr unosnul aq1dn Sursseuuo.r.1
-u r auotld aql ,{;;errporla; alqnotl Sursneruaaq Joule jo slrns q1 aal o1 telt aug .oa;Jtaq) ue^
seq sqlooq auoqd rraq] ro auo asne)oq sJalsnq ,{9$ 1l qStu xa u aql peq oB o1aneq;;,,{at1tng
-]sotlD aq] dn s11er(uedr.uor uoqd '3urp1rnqaql Suraal, q adelsa
;ero; aq1 uec sralsnqlsoqD
aql sunasnur
aq] ^Eat
"" rllHi,?1filxlr*
HIOOg INOHd alqeaq plnoqssralsnqlsor{Dsun;r {;rrel uala os
aLlt ol aptnJ ,la\tqWUH :s4oo1q utleduel lHI NI DNIHI ]HI '7 {1uosr paads
uauanou.l sJoureaqg .Eurp;rnq
aqt punore ralsnqlsollD sql Sutseqf, els pue
(DdUuorprj af,uarrs rdnls.ralllo utos xorj auo :g[ Papl 'a;qeur8eursareur
sarllds saS8rq ql tn o ;;nd
Ieals) lrls uarledn Surrvre.rp #qS hpru pguapd 'peu
]a B s]tns q] 1; e uorqse;let)os-tlup tr.l] l
ralqBnels a^eqaqsra]snqlsoqD t,|lJl (.]e ooLlso1Surqlou
auoqda;al e8elsoq o/v\] suo||e :srappJp./J rpaN {;tq8rul
1o s,{ep lo poo8 aql o} plro/\^ ql urntar sr araql {ep aql Suunppaltqequr,uarp ltns ql
suar;e urlrsrrraq,rn or{ lrm3ulrqo1 eqlt ldrqs ol tduape ue ur slurdsasaqlasn o] paprf,ap pq uaq/v\ up oulle oql alellauad iuom srupaquol
uaffe ol faler] ol aruarJs ptralu.:sua1qo4 ,{19161 uo|.uap )rlJe^\ lsunasnLu noue^ t ajll o] auotr -ord aql 'pallqellul e.r,,bqt eSuoJ eslrnsaq1 p
-ueuslp l/uef,statsnqtsoqD qD pa)f,ou)
lnotoor{sSurnsuap.rep PfJo/v\ ql ral\o lle Joure Jo syns s>1oo11ttedue2
-ue1s uedrqsualleJo nol :se4runyoddg uo1yty ,{eldun8 s}olo} pasnat,,{aqt;g lpf,tunLuurof,} sr rorrte at11 8noq !o lq8rr saf,unoq ueaq
lo aqt 'ped uolold srq q]!/v\ ]tnsaql Jo auo slootls
suatP iuo \req/vl lurq e poau i(eu s.ra,(e|d71n75 t1c14 lelwdtod lalsnqlsoqDe Jl uo os pue volena;eaq] qll/v\ ul
o1 s,{ng peg rc'sa1ta7sl141 nctg'stu1q1 ,{qc1 sjolf,ar p -,{eld sllq!qxaeql te 3ur)ool Eurp;rnqaq} punore
'slauosr.rd ,o pJeoq unasnu loute :sJatJpJpr/f, paN Surluep uels (t-uaq],oaalq] arp aJaLll)otulp ,o
aq] aaJjo] )rolv\ anbruqral a alf, p Jo s]rnsaql 'pee1sulsreaddelsoq8 ,J;a111oods
auoqdaqt uo 3uu e Lfll^^fall
1u;ql ;,noi,{ep r.uosdetpa; odSurlelruntutuo ,r."rrorr'1f,1f,, aql qf,lef, ue q8lu aLllpuadso]
-lsoqD aql o5 '3urr* a,!l
patlq aresalsnq
urrqanr8 r op ot areq {aq}ll e - sraq}o q} q}l^\ le^alpaw s,unasnur
uorsef,tro /llrls s]rns or.lljeAq
]f,eralur uo upJ alf,eJeqf, addell pansrndpunore Surddrz saryunyoddg aql ur toullp Jo sltns aql pa8ueltea.r eq aJJo,
oql 'sralsnqlsorlDpolue/v\un1o esodslp ol Ie \ e snouals{ruauos Suru.rotuua a pq} sruaas 1 ;aq
se oueuof,s rq] asn q8lur no^ lalseulsoqg sy rourre Jo strnspaleutue iuo \Jeq/vl /sjalsnqlsorlDaq] spaau unasnul
'auoqdalalsnl] o1 s,{ng peg to lsalrals/(N lnctg ,stuy11 lt1c1 lptrol aql
Jo no {ervr u sralaql aq^eu lO
-]lasur )f,eq auotue^o uas uatle ql
'asuaJap 'suorge;n1er8uo3 a lou,{ue
lq8lu }e )uplf, l,uop
aresunsaql 'auUs)ro^\ r 'uounlosaql
ltlun suoDnq pue ddeq'l!ns
Sutqsnd ues8urqlS urlooqs unole apue^ue l ra alpqM e qf,ns rnlfernuet!o1 autro doqs :g[ Papl
,{eql'd .1 sq} preoqeerug' 1e1.roda;a1 uoqdalat -aurqf,eur o rluruqf,elq e arrq sdeqlad O 's]tns
aql pr^ drqs aql ol sa lasuaq] Surpodsue:} s,f,Jv,o ueof ]o auo Anq unasnLuaqt leql ]sa8 t:',l3!%liT
'drqs uar;e alll uo
]lnpsse ue a8els ol sJalsnq -3nstq8tu sralsnqlsorlD ql '/ \ou) no,{ uatuort ro1 urloolarur.,n.,ur;qrue
-lsoqD aql aJro,ol srpafo.rd nortrquealout V ro] appu loule Jo s]tns^ueu ool l,uala/v\ laql
'3ueq 8ueq 3ueg 's{oq aq.}qU/\ a^ure sualle 'a)eu sralsnqlsoqDaql aq plnof,araql'slarirod rlsiru lueoue uodn s;1er
uorlsaSSnsa^aleqm pue asool sla8asuayoquawy y:ss1oo1qtredwe1
auos 'uorpe alp!l e ppe oI 'oruoLlpeq s,bq rno a)el llr/\ pue 'l !
]noqe op ol ]eq^ ajns ],usl sralsnqlsotlD
ta]-lrl o1 ueuoddo alqelqnopar
Suuqpueacrnep oda;a1 q1 sJaAaJl st uotlnlos preoqaq1'lsanbal atll alpl n)rue pue -
(fupruerpun aqlerpue)aldurrs 1crnb V 'alqnoll lddrp alltll e ll e sossa1ord aot patertllue ue turleu g1n1g {t14.t1 lyapd
puesaltler)os,o otpal
,o stol otur 1aB ue ! q]!/v\ unore ;oo1uer sad,{1 -;or Surr-u.rerir- pJeoqurnasnu aq] ol oB ueJ (ralqSnep xas 1nq ipn;d pue) rossalordp1o
aruarc5-3u1ae5-,(;ssa1;no5'arrnap o dsue.rla;e} sralsnqlsotlDqt o5 stqBnoqt arru Eurlurqt',(1pr JrJluaJJo'sloltruas assassodsJappJpa/JrpaN
f,ltsunln, e s r ]! ]eql sleaner uoqd aql lo ^pnls -lols puets nq 'alou'I{ue lq8ru }e punolp )uel) sauff alels ssorJeool e 3ur1te.r1 sutalqoq /171111
qel aql
Inraref e lno ]! Eurlceqr pueaseq olsnq l,uolt i(aql saqsrlr.rraql a8 ibqt 1; erp asruo.rd
-lsotlD 3rl] ol paroq uort)allo)
)leq (ralaur l)d aqt uo ,(;8uo.r1s ,{aq1 a.r,ibq1 aqt o} pappeaq ao]qll/!\ o leluorJu
f, , ur-o-"rrH#j ?llrji
sralsrBer lrq/v\,o Jaq]la) suteuat s1r o 'auoqd o] or.ui'o rns teura,
aq Suqelp )ulrp plnoqs utelgqlr/v\alsnqlsoqD :"lTl,.: ;:,:,rJl""i"rri_ sro]fruas pessassod ao1 s,AurtunLuuo peq/yl
auos ']urodsrqlaJoraqo le laqltf '.readdeal .sa!ra1s/141 ynctg ,s8urt11,(4t1
1,uop /v\4, e toj lunasnul aql punore sla]snqlsorlD o7 strng peg ro
ralsnqlsotlDpue ueulredel aqt tn g 'l ! slollsap oq] saspqf, ue paradual-poqs la81r ueua;1uafl 'aol 1twLunrylaqt
Jo urnpg,lanbas fuole8rlqo
sped uolord aql qlli !\ auoqda;a1 qt.3u;1se;$ ,{pq31u1 se saruasap l padsar }o pur) oq} }aB aLll dn slas osle stql 'ure8e 1r funq pue ,aser
'sa^a ruan pasn;uor
/salerf, l/usaop o sle8 oute aql uaqM roulp palpos ]r ur 1d{Eg } )f,eq 1rdrqso1sr anbluqral
-osse sr q alopq sleaddestp alsnqlsoLlD qt - oql sasnluo) ,{Juo { Eo;ourrulalulapou 3uls1'1 lesodsrpsa;es ql 'l l rltli\ )lnls aql s;en1r.r
aldues e a)el ol uaddeq
*alpaa/\^I* snf suar;e 'r.luo, os puy ,,;pue13u1 lo arlaru urorJnoLlt rrlsr{Lu uerldr{81 ol ssaJJe o^eq sta}snq}sorlD
aql'auoqd aq] 3u!ulurPxa le sJalsnqlsoqDql sV UV ZauleuAq ] aq teq6 'sralsnqlsorlDa^ lqSlll aql ssalun 'alqrlrnrlsapur st
'sropa;;or-8nq crpelefualur (q parpnlsaq ol araql aM,, a)ll (Soloaserqdqsr13u3 lo 'luroI Jlastt ao] aql
ad,(yleuro; ur lll; aq] o] Sutruult.ulleuao]
'lrqro ur drrls uarleaqt,o plor.{ q} ot pauodolal sratsnqtsoqD uptsrapun{1uouer ,{aq} - spoLllaurleuorlrperlo] )rtls o1 aneq
)lel ]eq] ;;,Iaq]
Alluplsur r ol s uJnlar rol aql aprsur 1oo1o dn pu e (3ur)uelrro slaurlaq ratllSurleqs o Surp 'der1lsoqt e olur pelod aq l,upf,
'ppo/v\ -pou 'uaql 'daz oods srq] nq
suedo1eq1 uo{uv Jaq}oue l ol} suar;e,(q ,q ]da)xa) peq 11e11,ueraql ol uatsll ol urvrop cuasaldop3 s,,{ur.unuaql allltq/\
passassodr r ]eqt sr euoqd oq] o ]ai)as aqf pue sauoS{q q sauoSq }al llrir^ }rns qt loure uef, Aaql auq u1 fuauacspaqspws o slol pup
ta8 ot o)rl plno^ ,o slrnsaqt ol )le] ot fut salsnqlsoqD ag jl qced uolo.rd ql lo, aultl 'ulnasnutaql ul aSed
iaq] leq] pue ere,(;;ear{aqt araq/!{ aprou aleq 'uorlnlos
lsel str|t,o -uer e uo saoEpue sn;d-11eqa$aq sl r qtli!\ dn
IoLl] eql auoqdaq] aprsur r,,{aq}prltSurureldxa )urtll o] aJueqf,e 1aB ;noqssutpJg lt/v\ uo,{uy surofU 'aol aql dots ol
'peq 'tueq o} qle} ialsnqlsorlD 'luP/\ Aaq] llp, Aaq]1 {poq s1r;o lsar
11e111;{aq leqi\ lno puu pup loule Jo sltns aql qtl^ dn SueBol slaB r arolaq aol aql auof,
aql ]l 'aJe ,{eqlalaqnrSuuapuo/v\ ue 3ur1of 3ur aql ol )lel ol aq tq8!u Ieirt lseq aq] ]ng 'af,eld -lano de4-ao1lene;re astnap
-u;e;duor laqlo qf,eao1 3ur>1;e1autredal 1so1 aleJedas ur uaql 8ur.rols s8a1s,1rns f,paa ouar 11,{aqlalel o lauoos
Aaq] Jr ro 'alanasrad slalsnqtsorlD aq t; ,tng

ldea 1Z This s called n plot bi z your basic eversal

instead f spookelimination he Chostbustersre
Nifty Problems:scaringan un-scare-able uy
Neat Characters: he Malificents
T H EU N I N V I T E D supposedo bring a fe w loadedghost raps nto
the houseand et he spirits oose.Th e ech-types PotentialTricky Sfuff using he Addams' Family-
Have yo u ever seen he old televisionshows ma y have o do a few modifications o existing stylegagswithout slowing he paceof th e puzzle-
"The Munsters" r "The AddamsFamily?" hi s heavy,action-lightplot
devices like wh o ever ried to take a spook out
scenario hould esemble ne of thoseshows. he o f a c o n t a i n m e n t rid?), h i c h m a yc a u s e om e Campaign Hooks: the Malificentscan be usedas
Chostbusten et a phonecall.A hollcnv ransylra- fu n when the modifieddevicesdon't work right. characters,nformants, nd consultantsn other
"Vee haffa prob-
nian voicecomesover he ine. Fo rexample,while extracting spook rom th e adventures, xperts hat heyare n the occulq they
lem.Ca n yo u h e l pu s s , l i s s ? " he Chostbusters containment rid,a coupleothersmightge t oose also probablyhavemany riendsof a lessbenign
arrive t a creepyEdwardian ansionwith a spike and raisehell with J a n i n e ' si l e s . nature "Oh, yes, he Von Choulohs a charm-
topped ence,dead rees, minous-looking ver- in g couple, but a bit eccentric n their gustatory
[JANINE:E CON!Cet this evolting h i n go u t o f
growth,a n d h e n o i s eof clanking h a i n s n th e preferences,ou know...")
my invoicesat oncell
background. Workingat he ence s a cadaverous
gardenerw ith a patchwer one eye, ank, cobrrcbr T h i s c e n a r i o h o u l d ea lot of un.Th eM a l i f i -
b y h a i r ,an d l o n g ,claw-like i n g e r n a i l s . centsoffer a few of their third-floorguest ooms ldea 18:
As the Chostbusters ra w nearet heysee hat to the Chostbustersor the duration of their ser-
th e gardener asa file. He'ssharpeninghe spear v i c e .The Maleficents ill be as helpfulas hey KING FORA DAY
pointson the iron fence.When he catches ight can.Keep hrowing n littled e t a i l s o a m a z e h e
.l n he mail the Chostbusterseceive package
of the Chostbusters e givesa visible start, he n Chostbusters. ne runningga gyo u can use s o
containing an odd ring coveredwith little in-
walks over o them and lets hem in. He never n e v e retthe Chostbusters eetJunior. e m i g h t
d e c i p h e r a b l ec r i b b l i n g sn dcabalistici g n s . he
speaks xc ept o emit gutturalm oans. he house's be staying ver at a friend's houseone night, be
note enclosedexplains, My dear wife is under
ill with the flu and forced o stay n be d another
doorbell has he sound of a woman shrieking.
the unfortunate elusion hat his hing s haunted
The door is opened by the lady of the house, night, and so forth. They might seeMrs. Malefi- - silly,of course,bu t to humor her, 'd like yo u
Mrs.Maleficent.Sh estands bout six feet al l in cent knittinga three-armed weateror Junior, r
to takecareofde-ghostifyingt. Please en da real
Mr. Maleficentmight boastof J u n i o r ' s c h o o l
her sli nky black dress, a s pastywhite ski n, a
official-lookingdocument certifying your pro-
B+ in Uglification,A - in CemetaryAd -
marked widow's peak, and black lipstick. She grades:
fessional ervices n eliminatinga n y s p e c t r a l
invites hem inside.Her hunchbackh u s b a n d , ministration, + in Helmintholog y. hat'smy presenceswithin th e ring."
Fritz, soon shows up. He looks ike an escapee boy!"
Uncle Fergshould prove o be a real pest - The ring s actuallysentby the resident-occult-
froma Frankenstein o v i e .B e h i n d i m o n a d o g
bad-guy f y o u r campaign. t r e a l l y s h a u n t e d .
leashwaddles n eight-foot lligatornamedFido. quitedifficult o remove.N othing seems o scare
Anyonewho sees t feelscompelled o pu t it on.
A clock suddenlvstrikes hirteen and a little him verymuch, no matterhow honific t is.Once
After putting it on, he finds out that every im e
mechanical uckood a n g l i n gro ma g i b b e tp o p s it seemsclear hat the soooks he Chostbusters
he omeoneo do something, eor sheobeys
out, croaking he hour. n a bird cage n the cor- ca n providedo little o erodeFerg'sheerful om-
without question. f he says Co fly a kitei that
ner squeak nd luttera pair of cutevampirebats. placency, he Malificents will beg the Chost- persongoes o the nearest oy store,buys a kite,
By no w the Chostbusters houldhavegotten he busterso i m p r o v i s eomethingo g et i d of him.
and does us t that. He'd better be carefulnot to
i d e a .Ham t up somem o r e , f y ou l i k e .M a k i n g Theycan experimentw ith weird science, ribery
sa y "Drop dead!" Soon after discovering his
up ghastly ventsn thishousehold eems atural. o r s i m p l e i n t i m i d a t io n ,b ut nothing azes h e
power have everal musing hingshappenwhile
TheMaleficents'problems hat UncleFerg as unwelcomeguest.
wearing he ring),he also discovershat the ring
The secret s that Ferg s reallya very low-key
come to stay.He's scaring he piranhas n th e
exactsa toll. Every ime he uses ts power,he
decorativepool, tells MaleficentJr . rightening demonsummoned oy ittleJunior sa high school
becomes xactlyone inch shorter n height.An d
bedtimestorieswhich keep him awakeat night, scienceproject.Sooner r later he Chostbusters
he can't take off the ring.
an d persists n trying to fix squeakingshutters will tumble o his paranormal ssence hen their
PK Emeters rigger n his presence, r when they S o h e ' l l h a v e o e i t h e rgo aroundn " u " r , h i n g
which bange l e g a n t l yn the wind.
se ehim through heirectovisors hile he s sneak-anyonewhat to do, or keep on shrinking away.
As you've probably guessed,U ncle Ferg s a
The best, hough most drastic,a nswermight be
normal-looking uy .Maybe oo normal.He wears in gdcnvnstairst night or somecookies nd warm
to amputatehi s finger.Jewelers xpress maze-
l o u d i e s ,pinstriped uits, asa b i g brassy mile, blood. Fergcan either be evitted with applica-
mentatthe u n n a t u r a l u r ab i l i t y f h e r i n g ' s u b-
and a loud cheeryvoice.He doesn't eeanything tionsof protonbeams, r he mayvoluntarily eave
'A little un- fo r greenerpastureswhen his cover s blown. stance all attempts o cut it off fail. And...
spooky houth i s c o u s i n ' s ouse
p e r h a p sh e personw i l l d e c i d eh e ' d u st a ssoon
down, maybe, ut l'll have t all fixedup in a iffy. And of course ittle u n i o r s g o n n ag et t when
keep the ring.
Justyo u watch. Ho, ho!" He tells bad okes in - hi s parents in d ou t what he's been up to. Poor lf th e player tarts businghi s power likegoing
cessantly nd is impossible o faze.The Malifi- littleguy.An d guesswho he'll come o visit when
he runs away from home? Aw gee, guys, he to political allies nd orcing mportantmembers
cents want to rent a few spooks from the
of his easffavorite olitical party o performamus-
Ghostbusterso put a properscare nto Uncle Ferg o n l i e s t h i n g i n th e whole world I want is to
ing antics n front of all the delegates),hen the
and they want the Chostbusterso hang around becomea real, iveChostbuster."nd maybe he
r i n gs h o u l d a l lo f f h i s i n g e ra n d ge t ost if the
and supervisehe project, us t n case he rented ki d ha sa certain gift - though his three-armed
p l a y e r e m a n d s n e x p l a n a ti o n ,e ll him tha t he
j u m p s u i t sw i l l h a v e o be custom-made.
spook ge t a little out of hand.
h asshrunk o much h at he rings i m p l ys l i p p e d
Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys to of f his finger.An d the Chostbusters tart o read
Whack On: Uncle Ferg,originally a mundane, reports n the newspaper f strange ccurrences
then later revealed s a paranormalp est - explainable nly by he hypothesishat he ring
Action Opportunities: settingghosts ooseat the h a s a l l e n n t o h e h a n d sof someunscrupulous
Malificents, he n rounding hem up afterwards; person. he Chostbusters' ob ?To ind the Incredi-
maybea little roughhousewhen Ferg s revealed b l e S h r i n k i n gBad Guy...
to be a demon And if the playermanageso keep he ring,hint
that somedevice might be designed o reversehe
effect of the shrinking.Of course, hat device

46 Chostbustersperations anual

lv lenuew suorleredo elsnqlsoqD

'leuorle)npaaramseue8 3ur,{e;^ plot a ^
;Iprap 8ur1eu1xe; lql /v\oul ot O"'U *.jililX'"

ol pua] seare ulutolpe ur salnleJadulalt qataqm

ssarord eru:ou aql Eugsra'rajue rolalul aql Surloof
sauo ,ploJ,,Eurnou-r,to1sue tno sutole ,loq,, Sutnou
-lsejssolplnoJ ^ oput^\ uadoue u; uoslunu18ul4orrt
uaql Jo Mals e 'alduexa to1 'ldollua esla^elplnol
- srt.tote lpuequeuro1 qSnouelleutssauo suoulap
arnle!ulur eqt patsaE8nsq 'Idollua ,o aldr)ulld
aql turle4snllr rnirel E uy us;lauSeuorDala SululaoB
suollenbaetueurppunlql peraolstp otlM'(6l8Fltgt)
lJa/!\xewJalf sauel']srrrs^qd qsluof,S eu^\ouai aq] lnoqp petu Atard i(;1ear r loof, Pl o aq] -
eql lq Pauotst^uasJl, aJa/\Auouao s/llaaxPwr aruasardopl 1o slutod 0t seq l) 1 ,{ q acuasatd
-o]rl s,loqor/allnq aql la/\ ol ol {;snoauellnuts
(^poqauos ro ,lep qel sr q qserl oqor aql dlaq ;;,,{aqt 3urp1q 1; e sped uoto.rdaarql sa)et ll lng i(er
-ue3 ur p,e/v\ s6 ifueduror pooB ur er,no^ aq{eu lure8e'}sltuer f,s eu aql :s4oo14 trcdwe2 teaLl slred uolord - l! qllM lq8uarrJe olur la3
'srrs,{qd^llrs slLll Ll}li\ alqno{ ,{ueaneqno,{;1; o1 u1p;noe latsnq]soqDeql 'aptsulpunole 8ul
Jle paluneq {11ear r l }eql s}ultl Sutddotp -Iuplf 'fuluno)
//'suaajeqlrus l loqor aql oasuPf,sralsnqlsor]D ql
uall] loqor aq] ro uolldaf, orstu le u,ua,{e;d aql ur uolsueu ouols s/lsrluarf,s eul aq]
suouap aJD!l soql v\olq ] ^Solouqf,al af,uPpE aq] o ]no lsou aq] 3u!ua3 gn15 ,{7t1t1plruarod ]v
'ollqM e lo} punole la q
,{lqrpanur rno ql!^ no{ pr e lll/v\ai!\ alo1alaql lr q
'8u;q peq e sr srlll 'asra ]oqor ryasraqaq ot Sutpualald sauref,uaql P saqlol) raq eaDe] oqor/ollnq
lu n aqt,o rJleag eaH 1sr1ualrspeur :sraJrprpll)
peureproaJqJ ql lua eid ;1rairdo:lua lo 8uls,tanar ]soq8 s,rallnq NaN aq] tnoqp aletuel {;adetls e s,araqt r lelnf,l}
saurze8eudlnd uorlf,U ruatf,s 0€,uloj,
rnoi 's1epoy1r{sllooJ,, rfuspue auof, asranrun aJr/v\IEqou'paluneLl -red u1
aql ]o pul aq] uor, seleo) Surpesnr] '9 sl ]oqor a$ leql 1no 3uun3l1 sua1qot4 ,{1111t1 pauealS ;}sou are suol}ou sl q 1a)ll )le} PlnoM
'suoua6 s,llaMxew uodn asool as ol loqor pa8uerape ]eq/v\ o uotlou slq atelllu! o]
sre/v\oqor :salryunyoddg uopty
- suaDll s,ler s,raSulpoJqtrs seurleJJo ueu qduelte,tlqaai }soq8eq1 'urq pareldat eq] oqor
't loqor/altnq tuo ryeqil alll Eurssassodq .ralseru auJJo, tq uo a8uana.t
drqs ;ercads sratsnqtsorlD ql spuesuoEl
'qrqqer ra4e salEeaq ot s^ng peg rc 'sa1ta7sl1,t1 4ntcg
la E ol pa8uerre eq soq8 s,lallnq plo aql']ue
'l l pl p rallnq aql - laSro} ,uop puv -ras ;e,{o; rq 1o slurds pue q}leaqSururl)apaq}
a)rl suals^s Suruorlrpuor-;re o ln o suouap
qoods '€ 'aSuanars!r{ o, alf,rqa }uaf, a)rlou ol pallej aLl eql luauare;dar paleutolne
aq] larra, ol u!er] sralsnqlsoqS ll
'apnu^rasJraql uro4 -rlruEer-u{1nr1 a,req s,ral}nqaq} aut!l s,rallnq^papla aql uo Eul)ro/\ {snq os se/v\ Ll/v\
lllrlt soq8
qurrp pollrql ro})^e r lalseu srrl {q paurnouun pue papelSau polp ^l
paarj aq ,teu ,{aqtos }srluarf,s el.uaq} o} sra}snq srql'osuuarrspeu aql s,{es
-tsoqD aqt llr/\^ azearje pue Aer ea q e qloq seq pue -]ua)ar sPr] srluarf,s eu aql ]o Jallnq Pl o aLlI
Peol ol rajjo ^or{} uodnalaLl/v\ llel ]aa, zl '8uolrlt 1e,{o1
Jraql sureEe te; ;ecrs,{r.1d ilap ol pacrol Suraqare spuels eq] uorsran a orour! ue - Bl rallnB uo ]uarvr urqlauos 1ng ,{;3ut1te1un
'pa pue 'd1r;od lealf,srp - ]upruas f,arrod aql aq o]
^aq] tprll lsalord pup ilelsnqlsor.{Daql o} auol )loM ol sla8 i;a1elpautu1slluat)s peu aql tng
/pa^ol}sap popualur ;leur8rro e^\ I ral]ng ste8trlq8r; o1
suouac s,Ila/v\xew aqt Jo sa rlPlu"ta"rjl"irrr1* -;ro1 {luerodr.uat ; tsoq8 s,ral}nqaq t
sr oqor aq ] uaqM'saurl JaMod ulosolul lleM asn ot l[ ral]ng o] seM t leql {es 1l,aq uodeelr
Iur] aql )selq o] saJuel uotold-tutul lpttrads ol ro (lrslrnf,rlr-uoqs )rq/v\) teluno,leluauteulo paralrod-q8rq qrns lueudrnba 1oacatd patsalun
pue suoLuap,ldorsonru aql aasol salsnqlsoLlD aqt ape \ ol 8urfutolur oqor/allnq aq] )ltrt ua^a ue ane8aq ,{qm }sr}ua!)saLl})s e sla}snq}sotlD
aq] ]lLurad Pr1l slost^ol)a-olrtu do;anap 'J ,{eLu{aql '}q8!ams,toqoraq} plorl }/u€r rllrq/\ arll Jl looFotl aq] ralsnqlsoqDe ant8 o ']uauof,
:seapr uos s,ara6 raqlouedn lutq] o] aneq a8puqtool {1apt.r ssorcedn Luaqt \ ollo} o} ll qrors 'salr1ref,alpJautf,ut 1q8noua1oqsa,{a lt
uen1qf,le) tqBrLU ue un, fuers 1o1 Surta8 Q .ro rd e olut 8ut;;e1 lut 11 utpul ,{ q ruor]ueaq leaq e aru ue) pue lle] aa, ual ]noqe
;;,Aaq1 1o
aneq1;,Laql Snoq]'sraMas ql u! o]f,op lr^a aql 1! ealap up) flalsnqtsoqDaql'loqor uol-rllnu e spuels2t rallnB patueu loqor snll 'urq dlaq
'l !
qf,te)o] 1re1,i1qeqod lnoqssralsnqlsoqD ql ro, alqnorl 11eds;nor leqt arnlualppsru4osuos ol sralsnqlsor.lDq] slue^ aq MoN ,o lorluof,
'ppaqarojs rq alppruraq l ul a^a auo Iluo s;laqroop 'loqor
Jo aql ezruSof,ar,usaop ueql aleloqpla ]sol pue e Palear) seq stlualf,sPeul v
se qaq'oslv')rep aql ut oasuef, asrno),o'ue l arour sLusruPqf,au lr/v\ luesra^uo) Alpreq
'stq8rlqsegraq] (isrorroq) o sped uolo.rd req] '1sor18 s,ra;lnq ql'L surprB eq,{;uo rtqm J;aslt U]ISNOW IOgOU
leerq o13urfu1 ue slalsnq]soqD uol e araq/\\ou
1o 1n o Surdunf e1r1s8u;ql ,!seu 8ulop
toqor aq] uo )roM Aeur s.ralsnqls oqDaq] rO
qs aq ]
'araqt qjnl aH 'sreMesaql sa)rl uen; uen; tuel ur uorsuew ear8 aql ro, toqor aql sa^eal oods
-srssePaurorapP seq o]f,opaql eql no surnl l parrsrles qt uaq/v\ a1 3utpa11or ]!i\ ]arqf,srr! sralsnqlsorlD n8eld o1 sto;d
'saqf,eor)f,o:) ]snf-.radns l$ll e Sulu!quof, 'a8ualar sttl ul ,{ueu s,,{n8peq p ro auo }snf tpdue2
ts;lualrs peu aql urorj
1ue1nu.ruo;-1ooJ ue lale/v\aqt ut ,,sasudtns,, loods aqt pre ,fur.u(eql ^tlllqlxaU pue uollpsr^oldtut 1,.15o slo;
3ur1eo11lgll /sler qlr/\ uaql ast.tdrn5 srervras pa^taf,ar eq r,rolla, lo aq] ]uaulearl lsnfut aq1 sarlnba.r aurl o; d pa t ou'gn1gA4trll
,lsnpopa Fryuapd
3ur1urls)rpp aq ] ro surn]pu esdoolaq ] q8notqt rl]lM !]aLlledur,{s rou ate eql }l 1o ol tl
'araql ultop urLl aseqf, ol la8 slalsnqlsotlD ]splqpup oqor aq] tn o oods oql /v\erp t len]tr Eurlerado t
aql pue'en8e;d luouap slq Eurlf,attp's.rarvras lr afiezrq auos osn raqlra uer ,{aq1 a}er.rdo.rdde 3uu 1o4uoc uluraq] uaqi\\punojesl JelsnqlsotlD
aql u; SulPlg r olrop aq] eq] no sulnl l 'urrtl aresarnparordSunsnqlsoqg urlnor
palunpq st aLll a aoql - papua-uado sJarre.rPtJ PaN
)f,erl ue) Jalau l)d aW'stolcanatnssaldarepalut ]oqor aql lEr{} no ern3r1 ralsnqtsoqD ql af,uo sad,{1 eq aq} }o spueq aql olu!
'L,2qa jl 1rna.roooS ol ar*od1;nDo
leuorsuaurP PauolsrP eq lenlu s/lo]troPP"r.u sllej l 3uu Surpurl
'll!M s[ ]
aql af,u!s $alsnqlsor.lD aql u! sllel ro{eu aq1 Jo no atu a^eol ]u!lr-u!)s plo-olqluntu Sursn ]uer8E o ]f,asulue sea;tl :sua1qot4 ry1p
.,{1rralrluaaq t gullleu)telq -elqurnu-)uelr-)uelf,,)sueas lr se lou sr ll e
lualsrsradal e qll^\ punole 1oo1a,{e1daq} lolluo) pulu.r
s,aH 'Jauuns aq] Jo a P ^ ]eaq ]slo,^^ ql gu! teq d11s,(eu 1urr1uos la aMoq spull eq] uo spuedap saglunltoddg uollty
-rnp sr;odor1ay1rBaq ] ut suals,{s utuotllpuor sralsnqlsor]D ql Jl /,'ale-uluj-lal-xasnu I 'po]-llLu to
-r e eql ll e o$a^ar pue quoJ o8 o1 uaq] -rad eq uer atruo-Jsr-xa ilalsnqlsor,lD szls
oq-or Al-uO ro-t-Ja1-utl -8ur; ro -ruru.t s8u;.tlorluo)-putut :u O IJvII1V1
'rsuourac ale-ulr.u-Ja]-xa o] pauue;3-o.rd ue ;,,
spueuuo) aH s/lleMxehla o lojluof, ajrl upur-nH
'lsrleuortesranuol e aq ol sa^ ordr ral]n8 ol of sInD peg ro /solals,fia111nctg /stu1t11tr4c1
turq sanr8eq] enlu e sJo^of,srps rluot)s eul V llnp 2[
'aprqtreq SutLue;j 'uerxoM 7oo1-Ayt1 ql p
11e1 r ful sralsnqtsotlD ql ,l
ISIW]H)]V lHI sr qloo) ol urelunoJlpluaueulo palls-^lluarua o) ryellv aql-Ue f,lleulaulraqlro tldunu] ;eqcoda
:02 popl aqt ol #o Surddoqo8 o1 alsnqlsorjDaq] salroj
,{erqteeps,}oqor ql Iq }t q {ue puy'(3utqr aloqrt
aql q)lelvr slrelap raqunj lo J illPl 1aa1Aryt;ot
r.urq 8relua {;uerodual pue artr*,(eq B plnoqs

Thisnew device,which th e scientist-player an vanished.Now they'vegot a thost haunting heir

Icky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Guys.!9 "hyper- house and that wasn't n th e bargain!
Maxwell's call whatever he pleases we suggest he
Wiack On mad scieritist nd stooge, ln a matterof days, he bottom dropped out
Demons soastical rombifier") s attached o a ghost ra p
of the Chost Cubes market. Seems he hyper-
holding an entrapped pook.The hyperspastical
Action Oppottunities: city-wide war on air- crombi-fier ums, lashespretty ittle lights, and sDastical rombifier producesa field that decays
conditionerspossessed y Maxwell's Demons gives a little burp. After th e burp, it spitsout a over ime, releasinghe
ghostwhen th e field col-
goofy physics; microscopic lapses. illions of these ubeshavebeenpurchas-
Nifty Prohlems: imall (about2 incheson a side)brightly-colored
ed all over he nation. And they're al l starting o
demons plasticcube.Th e ghost rap s ound o be empty
lvan, th e - in fact, he hapless has been buried n- decay... before the warranty expires, worse yet'
Neaf Characters: mad scientistand
side he small plastic ube!The color of the cube And quesswho has o go clean up th e mess?
maYor i lly calls up an d reads he contract in e
varieswith th e particular ghost caught.Thus, a Louis
Potential Tricky Stuff: playersdon't get he Max- green ghost has a greencube, a banshee has a print concerning he "mission-adventure'" Of f go
well's Demons oke (make hem take a physics tartan cube, and so forth. ihe Chostbusters n one of the messiest aranor-
course or somethinS) The cubes can bounce and move around on mal mop-ups n history. magine a depa-rtment
f Chost
Campaign Hooks: mad scientist; microscopic their own, like Mexican umping beans,but are storeor shoppingmall where hundreds
demons-could evelopmegalomania,m ilitary completeiy harmless.A smart Chostbusterwill Cubesdissolved t once....
technology,and economic theory then vo w to soon realize hat he cubes become This s a blanket xcuse or turning oosean y
Rule he World hot noveltv tems. kind of ghost ou can devise n anysettingwhere
Cetting a multi-milliondollar te m ik e Chost noreltiesmight be sold,shipped, r stored
sales equires stores, ime stores, irport concourses,. allroao
Cubes o proper distribution and
ldea21: lots of wheeling and dealing by th e players' he cars,warehouses
hould have o run throughone or are ncn heir
or where th e proud owners
purchases. ven he President's
tw o Bureaucracyoutines,m eetup with a shyster wife ha sone...
"Youfr&%+ 1/4*$lUV $-&/&/lll l' m gonnasue lawyeror Evo,and lf the Ghostbusterso some irst<lass igh-tech
keep from getting cheated out of their sock' design and come up with a device o return he
v ou or'amillion dollars!!'m gonna ake ou or (Remember: awyersar e boring. Don't get to o spooks o cube form - permanently I hope
everything you Eotl!$/+[&you! Youcan't.getaway thev ar e smart enough his time to make a deal
involved n this stuff.)
witfr this!"!!' Sound f phoneslammed own') with CB I before hey reveal he design secret'
As soonas CBI getswind of this new develop
Uh oh . pro-
ment, hey step n and claim al l rights o th e lcky Things, Occult Mysteries, or Bad Gltvs to
Al l Chostbusterranchises hould nclude at an d giveseverybody Whack On You name it - any sPooK ever
players on't have cess.Louis Tuily showsup
leastone mad scientist. f your
a certificate f merit. GBI markets he Chost Cubes encountered, n yort own campaign,or by any
at eastone Egon-type mong hem,-hls scenarlo
more difficult o run' One and makes megabucks. The franchise gets of th e other Chostbuster ranchises
*ill ptou" significantly doodly-squat. klion Opprtunities: blasting spook everywhere
day, he residentmad scientist
possibilitywhile testinga new varlatlon The'ChostCubescatchon. They'rebeing sold
-*no]ti-."t.hing device o return
amazing hey'll be sold natio-n- Nifty Problems:well, maybe
on equipment' Doubtless he all overManhattan.Soon the spooks o cubes, bu t mostly hi s is supposed
hriek- wide. f there's fly in theointment, t is hat here
iomEs ushingmadly out of hi s aboratory EurekalAl l I aren't enough ghosts o go around. Any Chost- to be an unrestrained hootout
ing ln.otpr""ttensible ibberish'
busterwhose Coals ncludeMoney should be Neat Cllaracters: pick a stereotype/ any
ne"ededo do was cross-mogrify he abernastical
.. . Bingol ' th e psychozoic heart-broken. stereotype sort of an All-Starevent or your
ectoploid-eopplernd of incredible ommer- favorite characters
lasm!You Then,after a fe w months
cuUoiA ad'iantegaveoff a hyperthustic phonecall
cial success,he Chostbusters et Potential Tricky Stuff: not real subtle; main trick
seewhat that means?We can transconvertne llD- his scenario dea. Then they
of a paleowestolotic ab- which introduced is to build from simple spooks o a final large-
tlreommetty by means
set anotherphone call' Thenanotherone.When spook or a large but manageable quadron ot
batitron!" Or something ik e that'
ihe Chostbusters heck into these calls, hey'll
What he has discovered s a means o store them
use of th e protection discover hat al l th e callershad bought a Chost
ehostssafely without th e
he cube, Campaign Hooks: if the technology alls nto bad
t Cube.Several av safter hey bought
Eria. ni t saves reatly n th e electric il l an d guy l'"nlt, we have he potential or.time'delay
i"au."t th e daiger that th e grid will someday spookcapsules, r spookSrenacles; t a n occulr
overflow and blow uP. master oughta whole shipload f ghost ubes'
he no w ha i a ready-made pirit egion at hi s

48 Chostbusters perations anual


6V lenuew suouejado atsnqlsotlD

,tlsnoua1s,{ruluuqs Sutq}autos 99
,{psnoualsr{rumorS u qlauos 99
'f,la')f,oj'anlPls paleulrue
('f,]a'aall NIW 99
3u11;ervr)orlela8an aleurue €9 rolre 59
lsor131nplaq Z9 pu€q )f,or v9
. slsoq8Sutlq8ty t9 ryed euorleu 99 lsrue a PM A\aN t9
uotssassodluourop 9S sJ aAa saq l s9 lua8e fuela1r; Z9
ralo Pr] oull] Assequ-la v9 L9
rele^Ell leuorsuetxrFeJlxa vs asnoqtqBr; t9 qfrlf, s,uoualluaS 99
asla unuollppo osolrax s9
EurqlaLuoslur Eur8ueqr 8urql €E ]o N lo ]l a,rat;ag ,r{a;dt; z9 luer8en Vg
sleurueaSuerls ZE saf,ljro radeds/rau 19 luaBe g3; ra oJrapun €S
lsrafua1lod l9 fuelaurar 95 ralorq alelsa leal
saleulqSlu 9b leloq 99 radns o plolpuel [9
uosJad af , Pqrnlsrp uaqdsor"ule v9 Jo8eueurla)leuladns 9V
alutl laqlo Jo 'alu/v\olq tule]9v ]eoq €9 uorlels N lef,ol 9v
1sot13ze 1 VV AUILU z9 vl d le)ol vv
lsqq8 ueSorre * ^lrlr)e, qileasaJ t5 ,tlslantun tV
lsoqB sno;eaf zv uorlellelsulfuelrltut 9' ,{ueduor ale/!\Uos ZV
1soqB,{pasru.r LV e1e1sa aprenS-{; ,reaq sv ,tueduor auoqd W
1sor13u8ue 9€ uolsueuralo[ua] vv Joleururalxa 9E
lsoq8 snouo11nl8 g€ auoq uorlPlB^ tv raqun;d 9€
lsoq8 npsn; Vt allsPf, rapuaueq vt
asJn) €€ fualseuou tv ra!iln, €€
araq/v\ou uo.r;EuueaddesSurq] z€ . puelss/v\au 9€ ueussaursnq f,ulsrp uaurjet zE
Euueaddesrp ldoad t€ s,,{ppg {zet3 9€ lseud rrloqle3 t€
Burqsruen8urq] 9Z arols uauyedap VE raqrea:dlsrletuaLuPpunJ 9Z
aruauadxa al;;-tsed gZ anbrlnoq €€ ,{pe; lsqunuuo3 fueuotl
8u1qtadll-ralsuow ssaN qf,ol VZ luernelsaj ZE -nlo eu aql uJo{ auoauos 9z
s]f,e,rue Paluellv uarf,uP €z 11euSurddoqs t€ ntlnbul
luojJ JanrJ ,PUorleNuo.r1 sr;eu.rno[ vz
;1? "2
suotlel!]nualuef, gl
9Z Fr B uaf,salopeSutddod-un8

suraDed aqlea/v\aJJezlq 5t ^ l P ] laFll EZ ineaq o1u1 oq luarsa;ope ZZ

ramod u/v\oleuLlJ zz {asa[ uor; >paf LZ
aleoqtru! o sseJour url rol e VL lPrpaqlP) o q)rnqtr tz luardlral aJeJla/v\ 9 l
ual slr.lpuo,bq uamod ruraJ 9L luaudolana6 puP uolle^
qll/v\8ul^eld lPuout r{stloo} €t aSnOqAle/v\ sI -rasa.r6 ulsnog yo uauyedaq st
af,ualsrxa uollels Ae/v\qns VL luauyeda6 sye; vt
1o aueld srrl]olur {ervr pu|1o1 a8ueq:xa pols €L lo,{eu aq} g
3urfu1pne lnjJa/vrod{lesuautut zl role ala zl preoq do-oo ZL
pallUlnj Suraq tcaqdord ualrue tt Surp;rnq rrgo tt qnll lPrrlrlod elol tt
llnsar llor lnser llor llnsar llor

iDNINIddVH S,IVH/\A iwrlgoud tHr s,tulHM idlrH sclrN oHM

:eerql elqpl :o/!u elqPl :euo olqPl

puP olv[ alqel uo uaql'auo alqPl uo llor ]srll -uanpe dn aleu o] asn upf, no{ a;qel uopuer e
'lxau aq] uo 3ul
,;21,, aq plno/v\ lnsal aq t ,i 2, , p se/v\ s/\\oJlot raq llaM 'uorpas qooH orreuaf,s ql
-llor lnoqe fulorvr ,uop eapt aqt ql!/v\oB uol] puof,as q] pu e :L,, e se/!{llor }s 4 aq t }! oS aurl ul seaprpoo8 aq l ll e dn pasnan,no{;g 's.raded
-eu13eu-rr rnoI s1:edsalqel auo e le auo uaql Surpear arrp fueutproo/\u llou rnol 1o3.ro1 o,{ .16 ',{;prnb-oot-;1e opeuaf,s
'ure8e fu l 'aut] 'asrnor 'slrelap slol pp e snolnald no^ pa^losua{e;d aql aqrfuhl arn}ua pp
;r rg tet{} ^q eapt olreuef,s ]o Jo
e ue4oE ,u a eq no^ Jl 'aolql alqel uo uaql ol a eq ll,no^ 'luaurour aql Jo rnds eql uo solnl ue ro] papr ue jo j )rnls al,no{ saurlauo5


Some things seem to happen a lot in SectionB
CHOSIEUSIfRS adventures car chasesand SectionC
courtroom scenes, or example.We don't want to 1. Lightchanges nexpectedly.Make a Movesor l. Passengers nauseous rom th e ride: each
gire pu elaborate ules or hov to deal with prob Drive roll to avoid accident. Failure:Y ou'reout must make a Muscles oll to avoid hrowing up.
lems ike his,but we thoughtwe'd providea few of the race unlessyou get a taxi (SuccessfulMcrves Failure: A mess; go to D. Success; Cet io b
ideas. roll). Success;C o to C. promptly without soiling ECIO-1.
Belor,v, e have routines" for three such prob. 2, Quarry elusiveor traffic hick. Make a Moves 2. Sportscar enthusiast ro m th e Soviet U.N.
lems car chases, btaining permits, nd going or DriveVehicle oll to stay n sight.Failure:You're delegationpulls alongside nd wantsyo u to race
to court. The way heseare supposed o work is out of the race or arrive late; go to C. Success: againsthis capitalistCorvette;makea Cool roll
this: each routine is divided into four steps, go to C. to refrain rom racing. Failure: Co to D. Success:
Iabelled "A:' "B:' "Ci' and "D." There are six 3. Short-cut vailable. ak ea Brains r Guess ol l Co to D sedately.
possibilities n eachstep.When the playerswant
to remember t. Failure:go to C. Success: o to D. 3. Obnoxious ittle kids throw cans and bottles
to do something or which there s a routing you
roll a die, and ind th e possibility rintedwith the 4. Policecar behind:Movesor See oll to notice at he car and shoutbad words.Makea Cool roll.
samenumber n sectionA. When )ou've inished it beforeyo get a ticket. Failure: ose ime and Failure;Stupidlystopand chase hem on foot, los-
with that,you roll againand go to sectionB, and chooseagain rom this stagd. o next in g time; stay n this stage.S uccess..Coo D and
so on . stage. seethe.
Bu t you don't have to do things that way. 5. Enginebegins o overheat.Make a Movesor 4. Policecar signals o pull over.Make Movesor
Instead, ou ca n us t readover he routines, nd Balance ol l to crawl out, open hood, and tape See roll against difficulty 5 to notice. Failure:
think of th e "possibilities"as interestinghings up.water osewhile Ectomobile areenshrough Brainsor LibraryScience gainst ifficulty25 to
that can happen o your Ghostbusters. hen, pu'll traftic. Failure: Stop and make repair; repeat B; keep them from discoveringyour outstanding
be prepared o pull one of thesepossibilities n arrive at C late.Success;Go to C promptly. parking tickets. Failure:go to D very late anJ
your playerswheneveryou like. 6. Crid lock. Make a successfulMusclesor Run broke.Success; successful ool, Bluff or Con-
Incidentally, ome of the possibilities ave wo roll to catchup to quarryor get o destination n vince roll lets morrcment ontinue with no change
partl labelled Success"and "FaiIurei'Whenyou foot. Failure:Co to C latg exhausted, nd irritable. in situation;go to D promptly.
use one of these, he Ghostbustershave o make Success:G o to C promptly.
a Trait r Talent oll, generally f difficulty 0 (more
or lessat your discretion) o use he "Success" fu,
part. Otherwise, he "Failure" part comes into
effect. ,tl f
Car Chase/Vehicular $s'
RaceAgainst ime
1. Car starts perfectly. Co to B.
2. Car startsperfectly,but needsgas.Cet gas, hen
go to B.
3. Can't ind car keys.Make a BrainsTrait oll to
find them. Failure:Us e a taxi and go to B. Suc-
cessj Startcar and go to B promptly.
4. Engine tarts, ut backfires nd smokes.C o to
B, but increase ikelihood of failure.
5. Car starts, ut big truck blocks ntersectionor
a moment. Make a Cool roll (difficulty 15) to
maneuver through pedestrians on sidewalk.
Failure:Hit bi g truck and deal with police. Suc-
cess:Co to B.
5. Car won't start.Make a Brains oll to quickly
find troubleand repair t. Failure:Finda taxi and
go to B. Success:Co to B promptly.

50 Chostbusters perations anual


t9 lenuew suoqejado eelsnqlsoLlD

('V le .ranouels) 'patearep auoq og ']uau{ed

-u/\op se qspf, ul Itzl.g ldelle 1ou ;ltrvr aql
pue ')ooqlf,aqc rno{ fo8rol no,{ :eo;gg tt{8l1 '9
'ua;qord rnor(saop os pue-teaddeslp 'l o] ]!
ol lsoqS eprdsaql Sulsner ,pellaruer st qclt;8 ale|.uno^ issarrns '3 o1o3 ueql 'souJl]lq8le
luar.uaBrelua ql puE ratdoroloqd aqt 3n;du6 '>Fedaql u|tu'd
lpuequed aq € llll lleM :alnltel
;sserJn5 '3 u1 ureBeuels 'Iqqol aql ol Aelv\ q] loolt.r.lltt aql ot dn lleM ol salf,snw ;o 1 Lu'dg
llor 'aurqf,eul 9
f e unr no^ :alnlteJ loof e a)ew ;rtun redar apunar esro]eal a 8utp1tngqBlU
{doroloqd aq} uo peqf,nolr aptds Mopli\ l)elq 'a8els ]xau ol oB .g o] og :55af,rn5:'euu q] 01
000'0t$ ppe pue
luaJedsuerl epl^ -lo.or-Z Pue pue role^alepJeoqeeD .'ssaf,f,n5 /v\olaqZ o] oD :a/n/,PJ ]allal aql ]uas oqi\^ no
e ralue noA ,,'eJeql ur 8u;q lPql ,o pt t 148 ;]rxa {ruaBratuq
s{es se pasrntsrp srpls pulJ ol suteJg llou :aJnl,e1 arnSry l sllorefuat)S uelqt1 o suterBaqunu
tsnf 11,no{ r setreqr ll P a te m ;;,a11,, 1la;r
's.ra8uassed arolu Jo auo pa[a o] a]PPtult]ul uroor ro aureu f,eluof, ou santE nq 0009$ Jo aulJ
aq] ,ia.raqa.r,no{ pog lueql, :arlg6 tq311 ro t1nlg 'sanoyl;nlssarrns lo u 'llnJst osle (ralel e ro siep SI ulqt!/!{aruet;dutor spueulapatrl]ou
'asodlnd lnor{ anatqre no,{
salnurLu)ole ala pr!r.ll lln, st osle ole ala xaN aql 'asrq)ue4 aql lo j papaau sl llLulaclVdl lo
'sturol tno 3ut srnoqorvrlpuadso1aneqnotr 'lln, J
lnq lq s r ool,.rado.tdt rotPlale 3urp;tngq8lU 9 asuaf,rl saursnq ]eql af,!]oupauluaf,e a laf,au
jssarJns O lp upls)MoJJoluo] te8e u11snul ue
a)Ulo aql lo ln o duels no 'a;nlrPJ
lloj surerB
'3 o1 oB :ssarrns 'o oqe ol oD
prcn8 to fuelalras
€ v uolpos
'sulJoJ :atryte1 loole uoJJ uoneullolul
a)ew o
/v\au la s eAllsneqxa e ]n o ll u
a eq no1 lsol uaaq seqalq rno1 :artgg 1t18tXg qlr/v\ ar aof llo;
la8 o] sa,row
]ouuel pueEutplogecs luauuJa^oD
,sr xaPur utpltnq 3utp;tngLlSlu t
futunor leai8 slql ul s)roM '3
o1o8 pue Surplrnqaq] alu:l ;ssarfns ' AolJoutol
aql uotl llured
uals{s aq} teril 1;esrnoA ut;iel auoq peal| pue
'uorleuro;ut luaulyed
;; e e8
'aa} .rnoi( {ed no^ JA o I UelS sqluol.u ls loj pasolf uaaq se q to radPde tululelqo
'ur Z rlf,rq/r umol Jo aprs aq}o uo Surpllnqo1noAspuas
spuof,as € u! pue 11enr.o1 :af,lr;O qBlU ,{lEuorrrt{qrasse6aJnlteJ af,uel}uaapts pul} ol
'/v\olloLuo] ol ulnlau 's;rrBralrq dn
c surerg sredar o1pasolf, t a)upllua u!ef{'f,
')roi\ 'unnopst llor lelldsoLl o} oB
l,usaop alsr8er qse) llaq] pue '3 o1 oB ;sseJJnS l ol 1c1d o1 .{elt /vrauuJeol :ssaf,3ns
aull )O )f,aqr laqt 'altj tno,{ dn llef, ,uef, alnd 'aullnor slq] u! lauealaq alunoJua qf,ea o, pue aseqJpul:alnlteJ 'llor sa ow - r.llaa]laq]
-ruof, raq] pq 'dleq ol laSea are ,{aql atrl#o aq} oD rl]!Msuef,zgelgdoldod uado o] rvroq aql s/v\oqs
'lsol sr raivrod puPslltl no))elq e 'sltelsio llor oof leuorlrppeisaqto;r8uo:n,, aql 3u!rea\ pue sraaq uaq] sraJlo q ]n q ')se sralsnqlsoqD
lV ;; e )o J aJnlteJ'saau)Lll l saloqqltrvr ueafo ltns
role al a aq go la 8 no{ tarye sn [ atrt#O qtlu '1 aq] tulql^ue lnoqe Sulqlou {;aln;osqe sr*ou1
d urn relsnq]soLlD ou'll ns ssausnqe 3u leant;o
aH 'llaq aql sra/v\sueo)ld ouand ulol, le llle
o uolpos )urql ol llor sa oW
'uo!]etrolaleudoldde aqlo o
'arrgo ureur 'lleH ^tll ]ls!n'Z ]uaf,ar e
'oplepllD 'ssarppetq8u aql sl slql '9
'g ureSe 'olv! aql ;;eg Vd l
1e uels pup ^qqol aq] ol utnlau 'f ol oD :ssaf,f,ns a^o uels puP o]
slf,auuof oolJ srlJaqt (1uo ue'Eu1rt8uol,u eq] v loo,
o] oD :ssaJJns uo anulluoJ lo aseq) aq]
s,lr nq loog tq8p aql ol la 8 no,( too11 q8rl 9 oD :arnlteJ'uolleuroJurt 181r qt 1a B 1qSnoua
pul:alnlteJ'laatl/v\ e Sutso;ptoneo] lloj all!qan
'/v\oJJoulol ]e ilels 'sa^llle uos 8uo; tsrrad ol llor loof l] t ut Jaqunu LuooJ a uc ro sa^ow:pPaqealoqueu ad oue sl alaql
I put]ol auoqd l
-.rad urueape luun srnoLl ro j patrtlouun laql tq8u aq t pu eSutp;tnq.radotdqt pu pJaurof, punoresurear)s lrqouopl aql '9
qsrn8ue; oA1qrun1a4€auoq ]u a ^ ll e sa ltn)oxa g uollras 'pa/v\o]uaaq sP qallqoulolJl aql 'aSlaua-al
aql 'urooJqse/v\o^!]nf,axa oql ul no^ a eal 'eurlnor,o pu l 'rolfl no{ uaqrvr }ou 1t lrer aql ut JalsnqlsoqD
pue no,(8eB pue putq 'no,{ qor lool} do} aql o} auo aleal ol llor surerB 4ed o1are;d ou s,aiaq]
s,{orlsapJrqMaJU a e q pue 1o}radsutS utpltnq
no,{a1el {eq1 'aprsur)f,eq no,{ qsnd uau a8tel asne)aq ed-a;qno6 ssarppe
's A]rtraql aqrr8 :spaafJns /ool '8 ol oD :spaaf, tq8ttaql s!slql't
o/vu nq suado roop ol€ ala aq] :.roolj q8!u ' urnlar sJalsnqlsol,lS
ans sueJg'1oo3 noi( suleBP uIPJBnoA 11o.tuot1
-radsul po r Sutpltnq se d sn u seslualdaq 1 9
'^ep aql ro, auoq oE arrgo tq8g aql aql uaq^ ualots /l l lou,l 'sllqouopl aq ))ol o1
f le uels 3ut>1loltl,usl 6 o1 oB 1ala1du.tocurr ,{dor tno,{ azt;eaX raqurou.ror l llor surerg sserppetq8u aq] sl sltil_T
1ea;doadaql ll p altq^\ueay1 )olf, :ssaJf,nsmolaq9 ol oB ldor e a,req {eul splo)o; 'ure8efu l pue )t#erl
eualalef,aLl] eq] az!leal ol llPJPUP )l/v\pues oj
eualarptr q] e dols no{ 'paqstuel :too;1 q3;1 'P ,o fleH
:alnlteJ'sa1t1 ssau sralsnqlsotlD q] urvrolsso.D,{neaq Snolql (emno,{ a1ey1 }sq A ou
ul ll pulj ol llor af,ua!)S uelqtl ro 'sf,!]errnearn8 '1se3aq plnoqs l lnq laqrunu q8 y eql sl sltl1'Z
B le la o Uels - peq 8ut 'surerg lpalcaLll aq ol aneq slurrdan;q ptt8 ']salls aq] jo
-rxo) ],usl ral) eql az!lealno1 ssaJrn5:ule8e;1ot luauuteluo) aql eq t s,{esopedsur uostpl uo]'g ]no qf,eq aH
pue noq raqloup reM:arnl,leJ llol sulel8 e)eul '8 o] oD jssaf, :ssaf,f,nsartapelq e qll/v\)lolq aql punol€ 03
pup rnoq up lrEM no { dlaq ol petlt;enb,st s;a -rn5 'a8els no :arnlrcJ'lnoSurBaB or ; tenup,(;.rnq ql dael
srql u! I futua ot oD .'a/n/rPjr lnoqe o1 ure8reg o 'gnlg 'sanoyl aleplu!]ul 'sal)snw
auo ou puP ,luauoul e JoJno paooals snl,, lal) 3ur11e1,aq eq/v\s/!{ou)aLl eq} Pue}sjaPun } 8ut1uoq pulqaq lq8tr st uen
aql lnq /atrt#oltlt;r aql purl no,{ too13 q8ll 'g 'sasruardaq] ]lnb ro llturad ]o llor ln1ssaf,trn5
lno llol loof Vdl urelqo a8nq e 'aprr* rer ouo sl laalls aql '1ted ol
C ol oD issaf,Jns'€ ] oD :arn/rPJ no^ Molql o1no,(srapropue sasluardaql slls!^ opadsul 't
ece;d ou s,araq] nq 'ssarppelqE;t atll sl slr1l t
oqrvr'gels,!u ras Su p; nq 1o uopuapeSu pelpe 'aurlnor slr{l }sar aq} atouEl
'auaf,se asner ou ol
loo3 ;1o1 (;dat3ut1;nsut'Z aB :sse))n5 g ol oD :ernlrcJ'fuessacau! }o
ltuJedou c uolpes
pue a8uassauuorJ suorpartp sP Jooll ]tl8l; 'urnqueaq r{}l/v\ ol oB no1 :ssarcns aseqtr
teqt pue tnoqe 3ut1;e1 /oq eqm ^\ou) ]/usaop C ,o
'cl ot 09 :ssar pul 'palsarjeare no,{pue dn sMotls q o} ullelf,
aq ]eqt puelsrapun l llol strllPlrnealnBo surer8
-rn5'g o1o8 - Eutp;tnquoll no{ pafa oqm gels :laerlsaql u/v\op au/v\o euealJ fup o1
g no{ rap;oqacrgo LIf :arn/,PJ asrn8st6to sa ol4l
,funras Eulpltnq Jo uotluaue pe.l$e aslmlaqlo 'B 'auu 'unl pup ea pue uepl]|;od e eq o1puelald
o] oD :ssaffns aq] ol 000s$ pPPpue a oqP llou uorlerqalaf,
pue 'xas Suo.rivro uoollsat Jalua slasolf,Luoolq no1 ro J aarls a1 e paso;rse qAl f '9
ol oD :alnlreJ 'auo oneq lsnuj slalsnqlsotlD
uadg ;alnle3t raqunu lq8!J tlttm artgo ol {em I '6 o1 ,{1}ua8 B pue ur"ropA ols 'as!Alaq}O
zru8orar ol llol s)tlelf,neaJng o sutetB
purtol strrlerf,neorngo sutelg lo J too;3 q8t; '1 1eq1 ']oo, uo uaq] qf,lef,ol
lasua)rl .ro lturad € paau ,{;qlssod {eu astqr lloJ un lo sal)snw e a)Pulg
'uo sr aseql e
) uolpas -uel,aql eq] uotle)t1louEutlteu-sseu laf,a; Z 11 er* tapun 1.rorr teda:-1aal15

6. RightOffice: they say heir calculationswere 2. While racing o the scene of a severeecto- 4. Youdecide o represent ourself.You read hree
in error.The ranchise'ov,rres ine imesmore han plasmicdisturbance, ou avoida aywalkingpoo- or four bookson court procedures, nd one very
they thought, and they are placing a lien on all dle wearing $5000 jewelled collar, but helpful one titled StrangeProceedings: uriosa
corporationassets. ool, Bluff, Bargain, r Con- th e doggy is frightened by the inci dent and its From the New York State Appellate Courts. Roll
vince roll. Failure:T hey'reserious, nd you have millionaireownerand an armyof shysterawyers your Cool. Success: ouaccidentallv hooseset-
to pay.Success: he exorbitant um returns o it s sue you for everything you've got. Co to B. tlements which have been reinforced as
original amount. And congratulations. 3. You remove a ghost from a mansion at the precedents y later proceedings.Co to C. Failure:
behest of the son of the ghost. The ghost's Youselect udicrous ines of attackand defense,
daughter s distraught, nd sues o force you to lessening y two dice any rolls called for i n th e
GoingTo Court return he ghost. f you do so , he ghost's on sues later stages f this sequence.Co to C.
you fo r acceptinga fe e and failing o fulfill your
SectionA 5. You hink hardabout he matterand decide hat
obligations.Eitherway, go to B. a lawsuit s inappropriate. ou call up the other
1. Lackinganotherplace o park, iou leaveEC|OI
in one of those "Don't even think of parking 4. A stateprosecutorhas you arrestedas con men principal and suggest compromise.Roll your
here!" zones.When yo u come back, it's been preyingon the superstitions f the public. (Every- Cool, Blufi or Convince.Success:Cet a quick set-
towedand, when yo u ind it in the municipal ot , one knows ghosts on't exist,after all.) Co to B. tlement out of court . The routine s ower. ailure:
there s a $150parking icket on the window as You both becomeso angry hat nothing and no
5. YourGhostbustersranchises sued or damages
well. Youcan pay,or protest he to w and fine in one can keep yo u from court. Co to C.
in excess f what s properand reasonablen th e
court (i n which case go to B). pursuitof and he capture f ectoplasmic ntities. 5. You get LawyerTom, the socially-conscious
Go to B. public interestawyer, o help you out. He agrees
to defendyou at no fee but you get he sinking
6. The $18,000 heckwith which your as tclient

6r,? or hisde-ghosting as bounced.On the

phone, he cacklesand says, So what! Sue me!"
You do. Co to B.
feeling he'll call on yo u fo r a favorsometime n
the future. Probablya big {avor.Co to C.

SectionB 1. The morningof the rial, you graba cup of cof-

if 1. You need a lawyer.On the recommendation

of a friendyou makean appointment ith the i rm
of NasryDull, Brutish nd Short. hey isten tten-
fe e and a hot dog. In the crushof the commute,
you must makea Movesor Balanceof difficulty
10 o avoidstaining our clotheswith mustard nd
tively,and seem o ask he right questions.Attempt coffee.Success;G o to D. Failure:Roll Cool or
a Mo/es or a See oll. Failure:Y ouhire he shysters. Bluff o avoid dioticallyholdingyour handsover
Co to C. Success: ousee hat all that hey have the spots or he restof the day. f you ai l hi s ro l ,
written on their pads are dollar signs n various any Cool roll yo u make for the rest of the trial
sizes,and the word "Tahiti." Tr y B again. routine s reducedby one die. In eitherevent,go
2. You want a lawyer.On the recommendation to D.
of a friend yo u make an appointmentwith the 2. lf you havea lawyer,hi s or her Brains rait is
seniorpartnerat Bossy,M ossy,Martin, and Fuss, 4. Roll it to convince he opposition o avoid a
Aftorngn-at-Law. he istensattentirely,and seems jury trial. lf you haveno lawyer, oll your Cool or
to ask he right questions. ttempta Brainsor a Bargain against difficulty 15 to convince the
Psychoanalysisoll. Failure:You hire he shyster. opposition hat a jury trial is not necessary. uc-
C. Success: ou understand hat most of cess:Lor,verny inal udgment against ou $r half.
the personalbookson her shelveshave o do with Failure: oubleany inal udgmentagainst ou .
fabulouslydrawn-outand expensive ivil cases. 3. The bailiff excitedly onferswith th e udge or
Try B again. severalm inutes, hen the udge callsyo u or your
3. You know a lawyer.He or she ask you if you lawyer o a quick conference. omeone orgotor
really want to devotea lot of time and effort o neglected o fill out an important orm, and by
something ot at all connectedo catching hosts mistake a court form from another case was
and serving humanity. Attempt a Brains or a inserted.The udge throws up his hands pro-
Bureaucraticsoll. Success; ouwork out a com- cedurecannot be violated without creatingsure
missiondeal with the lawyer hat etsyou of f th e grounds or appeal.The casemust be started gain
hookwith a mere2Gminuteaffidavit. he routine from the beginning go to B.
is over.Failure:Youse tyour aw grimly. Nobody 4. A fight suddenlybreaks ut in the court room,
will get he bestof you. Take em to couft! Cb to C. as a weirdlydressed pectator eapsup and shouts
that all Chostbustersre n leaguewith the devil.
A guardquickly restrains im, but not beforehe
splashes ou with a foul-smelling ed dye, ruin-
in g your clothes.Roll your Cool or Orate against
difficulty 7. Success: ou make a brief, seemly,
pitying speech which ingratiates ou with th e
judge (and ury ifany). Co to Q and add one ex-
tr adie to any oll you make or he restof the rial.
Failure: You whine about being poor and
misunderstood hile judge and ury stareat yo u
contemptuouslynd decide hatyo u haveno right
whatsoevero win this rial.You oll one die fewer
than normal n any roll you make or the restof
the trial. Co to D.

52 Ghostbustersperations anual

ts lenuewsuorlejadosJalsnqlsoLlD

'saop aq
fl asol no,{ 1a3 ,usaop
a8pnf eql jr asel aq] ut^ no1 'Z Jo af,uasald
-oltr:lue seq soq8aq1 ia8pnf aqt sautls lt 'a.rr1no,{
aur] LlunoJ ql xolelf,aos saulls Puesaqf,aaJf,s
ua1e1 ll '] l le ped uolold lno{ a.rr1 o,t aul1fua,r3
,;sqof a1ull,,asaq] qlr/!\ dn 'ul
op 'rloorunof aql punore Sutryvrenbsat11t ']no ]!
aq o1 8ulot are sqluotu xt s lxau aql ]n q
'8uo1 la1 nor{ uaqtr^ ssoj}Pqleue se pauJn}al seLlol'l/!{
spueq tn s aq] u!/v\no^ 'slaar puru rnotr
oo] a)el t,uoM r leq] 'fulo \ l,uplnoqs no^ ]eq] laod funluar qluoalautupazelf,e,o ]ueuual aql s!
pue no,(ro1qo[a1n|;e seqaq ]eLl] uol]uoul .lrea (1no B1ou1nq'ut oB qsoq8 sla;pt.t8uaLuuteluor
puv 'oJeno,t prB o) ioq aclu e eqr* Sullleua.t aql) uollellsuoulap aql lo, atutl ut dell uer auo,{ue
pue pu€q rno,{ Surleqs '}eas lno,{ ,{q dols 11e qrrqrt tsoq8 ^luo aql tpqt suaddeq t nq ldarre
sessautl/\ ql'pepnlf,ul Jlsilno^',palzzepl auo ,{ltuapr;uor o,{ 1;ern1e51'8ut1snq1sot13 osuollep
-fuanJ araqdstuaH uralsaMaq] ut lqqel pauleal -uno, aql ]e a)tJlsot Eurldulage unot ut soq8 e
lsou aq] uaq] puv'leulplPl aql uot{}puv'saulof, arnpordo1no,{sa8ua;;eqo ;aletadsapoltqsoddo
suolleluasatd1ua;1arxanoA,{q paualq8tll 7
alllod Jo,alqf aql ueq] puv 'Ieqaq lno^ u! Arllsol aq]
ol sa ur p o,{eyr1q}'1ea;q1oo1 Sulq} e snl'9 'u^\op papueqsg uau8pnf aq] se sall laq] allq
'8uro8acr51luarrad slueuoddo.rno,t f,!]ouo] S ^llnl91lp tsule8e a5
09 dn st ssaulsnql ;; e le saEeuepou lo} palse
-rep.rno,( ue.'(ailnof,,o'uagr.rrvrlsoq8),{qdelSolq ro sa ol4l rnoi(
-otne ue roJaf,up pe 0000€$ e a pq 'ueluJa]tal no,{I uanano,{p.rerte aq} qonLu totl s,1eq}o 'lo;
uo uaaq an,nor{ sapnlruoJ lPll} aq} a|-ul} q} IB palse no{ leqr* ro ssa)xaut nor{ptervreaq se;1op
'1ua8eue a.rrq ue a{,l te; rno{ artl no1 Sutslyanpe ,{ueu rvroq ,teq} puesnoqtauo {q artp eql
/loo) rno,{ noi( 1e
aar1pue uorluape erparu Surua8olut setSlaua ,o letol erlt ,t;dg1nu.rue 11o;
'}tns sltl} Eulu {;8ur}op lrrus ue safu{P; uot}tsoddoPalapl!/v\aq
rno,( ;;e ln d o1 aprrap no,{ os
-u!/v\ Jo ra,{erde l,uaneq no{ leql azlleal no^ 's aql sslrl {ar1t lerrt aq} Jo pua aqt {g 'pn;d
'g pue rounq poo8 alqrssardalllno,{ Aq pauleqo
lP la^o
leadde ue utrvr aso1 noi arou pue arou auotraq fun( pue a8pnf 'tuto8
a)uanbasaq] Uels Pue
'asr^uaqlo '^pp aql ut^ ot ^pee aql ur ,{;peq palqunls en,no,{qtnoql '1
os A;nrgrp lsuteSe
'lelo] aq] ol sulel8 aLl o srq ppe 'la^/v\el
e aneqno{ 11 aqraSotsa^ow pue ',lool ',suler8
c uolpos
rno,t ppry ,,'1no 3u;d;aq ,{lqunq 1snf,, al,noi( 'C ol oD 'saqlu i(seaeuos
]prll pup '(are Aaql oLl/v\uo Sutpuadap) {poq ssru no^:/rpJ a o sr leul aqf reJ sr aal no^ eLl^{
-fuana o; ueld paurepro-,{laur^rpq} st }eql }eql a)rm] uorlpsuaduol ur Sur.ragollnpaaqt pue
puesaf,uelsunrJ!traDaqur uJoqar o uroq eJP.lo slsof, nof, 11e,{edl Supaalunlon asecaql dorp
laaq/v\ ,il.lre) aql Jlo 43 ro ua Poqol oE oq/v\alP ol pa/\olle aq o13aq pue aal no{ 1e 1anot3,(aql
oqlt v(n8 poo8aq] ll e moqe )ulLl] p;noqs unf aqt :suorlualuof, ,uorlrsoddo q] s,{or}sap3rqM urq
]eq1pue unof, aql ul snlPls noLl]!/\^ le af,uaq pue tuoJ]uorleuJoJur aB o1 :ssaf,Jnssur8aqunoc
\ asolll}o eroJoq atnutu gt aql ul uputlappN e1t1qE u
ll e eql luaurSuttuaaparnoqll/v\ uealqeJrsapun alef,olol 02,llncrgtp lsute8e cuatr5 uerqil ro
,{;;erros re aro}araq} qiv\puP alqlssodtutluau.l surergllou //'ueulapeN e1,1 n Suuq1,uo6,, uor1
-]ualuotrlpnlUldsa)eu salsap lanleuun asoLl/!{ -plou palmerf,s pear ^lluaf,ouur pue 'dn uaqt
luelnelsau e le alqel e la l o suaruad luse;dopa pue sale!^aplnos le slsoq8 lcrd raq d;eq {;snoraua3 o1 araqltfuanasraded
uolle lasau aul|lv ue a)sw . ]eqt ur ,{;darnotr laad ,tq 1ettl e q)ns s}q8ll 3ur11rdsasr;ena;,ts-;aqJles aq sdorp ,{au.rope
lslleunof P AB paMa!rualul € o leuorn]rlsuor raqlJo sueunq-lsod saqlpanudap uorlrsoddoaq ] Unotr aq] reau noi sy '9
uorlJadsulalrl Jo ll f anefi o aneqno{ }eq} pue 1a)ualsrxa purnq }o uolssa.l8 'c ol
-ord ;ernleu aq] /asliv\lnospaptls a eq no^ leql
]ue8v ef,uetnsuleql uolJ ltstn e ta D . oD :qpq u, paar)n5 'ssoleql al pueq o] q8noua
spjof,au pue spaec pl o dn lool . 1sa11glua l€lluelsqnsur ur1e;nsdeeua1 sno1;er,q 8gq ,usr uno))e )ueq Jno^ - ueol p ln o a)el
tq8lN ]e )|le(| lerluaf llorts. ]uoruuoJrnuaerrsftldelau aq pa1;odsap ,reqno( 'pans Suraqal,no{ 1so;an,no,{ irnou
/leul )uolsrt{ sltl} ul 't 11 rns aq}
arenbs sarlrl qSnorqf )lPM . leql sanS.reolllsoddoaq] do.rp 1;asrno,{o ;oo1a1a1duof, a)pu no1 .'s//oJ
esnoH pelunPH e alPSrlse l . 'rano{;ure;d sl }rns/v\eln o,{ 'arroulsnf a:?r l,uop qtoq lo auo 'auo^ue sse.rdul ol ^)f,nl
ltel ]aD
lP]ldsoHall ol o! o no,{q8noql 'Jciopaq} }no }aBol unu ro salf,snw ro loo] rno,{ pue g ,{rlncrgrp sureSe rnpa5 o
lxel P ul aplu pue la D . rno,{ .ro 'agpnf aq} ape a ot a8poq lo sanoyrl sa,royrlno,t ;1ox o8e sqtuou aar ql sar)oof, nors
alPC sJ U . rnoA ;1oX no{ plervrolsdeal ,b;}ua aq} s P smel pD Jo saxoq ontt no,{ plos or.l^ iipe; tuno,t eql
aJn8r,pera^ar aqloJo ueul,{&ap s,a;run no(
ltel o] oD . Eurde8 luguaq] aceu1.t8E olul suJnlaltutsst H pue
fuerqrl aql as61 ',no,{.ro3,,n o,t 'ueu a8eqre8 noi dn punor nol 'tsel 8ur1urr41
,/ialel ool aq ,{elu ; lalsnqlsoqg 'qselqeN 'po#eH
'slueuJalddnsarnln, ul l€ salrus aSpntaq1 luseldotoa qll/\ pqoql sl Jo oJ e)uernssry'alpue8leuv
pelll 'auofuana pa
/v\e, epnl)ur ll,e/\^ q^eyv no^ rr saurlnor uooJunof, aq1 1esdunf lelaul aq1 ,o slasse rnbrlaql qll/v\llzer8 ol pap seqqttlSra
olurdola ap plnof,no^ sarlr^lpe uos aJe raH -lletr a eq nort sassauly* ro 'spuat.ll lar{lte1 ,{ue aql leql puP pueletrlol pa)trefrquaeq seq rllua as
ro1 dacx3 uo lr urnt no{ 'spueqturlquall q}t1A aql lPql 'sluaprrce)r#Erl ur arPaaiql Pr]l ll r are
saullnou (la>llt rataur )d e ro;3eq luar-udlnba ldues oq] otu! oivq eql ',Qeq e Surneqsr auo ]eqt no{ s1;a] rrn
qrear noA'{1a,rnrn1u; sarppo}s uaql uauou e oJ -las Suqranuuenoi( €uru.rotu prll uO 'readdeol
raqlo oruos urlnbs pue Jaurulqsol suraas oolunoJ aqf 'g sossoulr/!{ atf,eJpqf,ry8la palnpaqls a eq no1 'g

A Cast of Dozens
ere we provideyo u with a whole bunch Coal: Money
of normal, eccentric characterswhom the Chost- Brains 3 Remember he
Cood Old Davs Always chomping on
busters an encounter n the courseof an adven-
ture. Feel ree to have any of these guys pop up Cool 2 SaveYoungster rom
whenever hey can advance he action or you a Life of Crime 5 Scooter MacBurnie
otherwise feel like it. lf you like a particular
2 Whack Hoodlum Cab Driver
character, ou can havehim show up a lot, as a
with Nightstick
help or hindrance o the Chostbusters. ecurring Scooter s from Jamaica,and speak in th e
characters end continuity to a Chostbusters Muscles 3 LoadDrunk Into distinctiveiltingaccent f that sland.He knows
campargn. Paddywagon nearly nothing about New York geography nd
Feel free, of coursg to introduce recurring can't get you anywhere,but he takesyo u there
characters f your own. Coal: ServingHumanity
so pleasantly hat yo u won't mind until you end
Distinctive Mannerism: Distrustsanvone in a up at the wrong address.f you manage o make
leather acket.
-cops- th e misunderstandingclear,e'll urn offthe meter
and drive around New York orever n a fruitless
George Smith and Mike fones attempt to get you where you want to go.
FBI agents
RealTough Detective Who Has TakenThe Law
B ra in s 2 Voodoo
lnto His Own Hands FBIagentsalways ravel n pairs.They are al l
thirty-fiveyearsold, dress n off-the-rack uits grey Cool 5 Misunderstand
A tight-l pped, steely-eyed,bloodth rsty ki er, P la inEnglish
Westtree s happiestwhen pushinga punk's ace or black), wear black leather shoes,drive late-
model Plymoutht and nsist n shcnvingou heir 2 Dance
through a plate-glasswindow or pumping si x
badgeswhen you first meet hem. They all love
bullets from a .44 Magnum into th e guts of a Muscles3 Swim
working for a huge,soulless overnment gency
reputed crime boss. lf he tangles with th e
which lets hem carrygunsand ap phone ines Coal: ServeHumanity
Chostbusterse will pound hem nto hamburger
and other neat stuff. Smith (o r Jones, forget
rather han deal with the paperwork nvolved n Distinctive Mannerism: Staresat you expres-
which) is white; Jones or Smith) s black.
arrestinghem. He hates obs involvingghosts sionlessly,ala Yes,mon,yesi'and bobshis head
he can't kill them. Brains 3 Claim Federal in tune to the reggaemusic he plays ncessantly
Jurisdiction on his radio.
Brains 2 Justify ct sof Un-
believable rutalitv 5 Cool 3 BlameTheir Conrad
Mistakeson Local Hot Dog Vendor
Cool 6 Narrow Eyes
Agencies Conrad s on th e street ay and night. His buns
Moves 4 Shoot .44 So That are always oggy,his onions are old and volatile
Moves 3 FireHandgun
Blood and Core - hi sstand an be racked or block $r the smell
Splatters Everywhere Muscles 3 Kick Door Ooen of onion on the breeze.H e sees verything: hat
Muscles 5 BustHeads happens,Conrad knows.Bu t he'll only tell yo u
Coal: Serve he FBI
if you buy a dried-outhot dog, eat t right here,
Coa/: TeachThose Punksa Lesson Distinctive Mannerisms:None and lie that it was very very good. Elaborate ews
Distinctive Mannerism: Face never changes requiresEvo or more hot dogs and a Muscle roll
exoression. InformationSources& againstdifficulty 10 o refrain rom gaggingand
spoiling he deal.
lohn MacClannahan rPetty lrritantsr Brains 1 Cook Hot Dog
Cop On The Street
Cool 6 Borrow
A kindly ol d duck in his ate ifties, oh n ha s Cab Driver
beenwalkinga beat or 34 years nd ik es o think Moves 2 Cossip
he knows everything hat is happening on th e Ernie s your ypical New Yorkhack. He knows
al l the short-cuts; rives recklessly, wiftly, and Muscles 3 Lift
street.He doesn't. n fact,John'sbrain urned off
true;always eepshis meteron; complains bout Coa/; ServeHumanity
somewherearound 1955,and he is blithely ig-
hi swife and hisdigestion; nd always mells ik e
norant of all that hasoccurred since.John tries D st inctive Manne sm Alwaysviolently clean-
mustard.He works all the time exceptwhen it
hard,but he has an uncanny knack or arresting ing out an ear with his finger.
rains then he can't be found. He likes o pick
the wrong personand letting he bad guy get away.
up passengerst MadisonSquareCarden,not far
from Chostbustersnc., so th e playersmay en-
counter him frequently.

3 Find Addresses
Cool 2 Street alk
6 Drive Vehicle
Muscles 1 Brawl

54 Chostbustersperations anual

9S lenuewsuorleradosralsnqlsorlS
'sar] s,[-ot1):l
Jo ]n o llP aql
Surga; r yods aluonelsl H 'rulr.lualealqlpu e ulLl
qtr]ef,uer ,{aq1t1 ulqlauos uaql 11al{1uo1;rrt
pu e sralsnqlsoqD ql sateqaq tn g ']uauurenoS
's8ue8aLll ur /slaarlsaql uo - a.raqmfuana '(lr43us,aqs1rn8rl raq urn.r{e p 3ur1
&te ut
suaddeq ]eqt Burtlllra a s^ oul solreJ ;; e
-lls !\oq noqesure;duro3txstleuuehl NlJutlslo
Dl ]palls rtauoyq Snotql plroM eq] qtl/vr a l taD :/poJ
zaulyew solrP)
un u z alf,snw
l)elq )|:)rls rrl
roldoad laarlsr srredaXalpl a)ew 9 sa^ohl
lrEq 8ulrJloo[us ^E/\lV :usueuuery e^!pu!ts!e 0t )lel tsPl I Ioof
regueg tnoqll6 JJ O eldoad drX leog raurolsn] leaqf sulerS
un u t al)snw 'sleads aq s 'ruru uor]f,nrlsuo)
uaqiv\ ueq aq;o aSpaeq l ql!/v\te aq l sdotic pa a8re1 ;o ueuaroJe /pupqsnqra q lnoqe ^lluels
asrn8srq sa ohl -ruoorS peyad slanrJy ursrrau e alviou ls
W O -uor sure;duof,aq s sulnslue1qJoxa oJ
)lnrc t, loof ltrpq al J
pooqloqq8ray aq l 'o auol aqt asle1 :/po:) -rqa^ pa#nls)aql lo3 pup ^ 01 s,epueMol o3 ]snLu
uof on lulql s surerB salsnqlsorlDaq t pa/v\ol
sr alrqouo]f,f aq ] l .ue)
g ,(emqn5lu o a oqs Z alf,snw aqs a auoq/\^ eaq3 l/aqs uorsseduol lnoqlrm
Vd l rulu:l Plec sanow Apatln ueuro/v\pa8e-a;pprr-n8nol e sl epueM
ue selasurq asrn BsrpeLu H 'uaqlro l no a l o u l 'ueuroo6 aq] uollref ot qtrpellr) senr8
pu a pueTyl
letsot 8urfut uo qeeM ro, lf,eq at.Uol ll,aq {ouuy g Iool
'{auoLr ur q Surrr8olur palooJal p sJelsnqlsorlg
I ]aIrPW po15 Ae16 9 sureJB rcAtlo \)nL-Mol
orll Jl 'auPu tuaJarJrP ut qtrBa sprPf,cl uazoP PpUPM
'ajleulproeilxaupur uo] 'sureals leaB
lEJaas sEli qog ao f le a^llnJaxa lunof,f,e
ue s,aqs a;qerasrur$atsnqlsoLlDaq] 8ul)eLu 'sdor aq l
uel^,luo) 'flasaq a)upsrnu
'fla'urelslel pe u ]/usraqs uaqM Jo leel e sa)eul ll/aq ro 1so1 a8ot no,{ s;1a1 q uaqi\ \lenadsa
leraua8 ur pue isJalsnqlsoLlDq] lsure8esuorl -,terrt;ev(ervr;y:tusuauueryatltoultst7
e1e {dd;13 qo g aof e1e'uosre3rHaqou atuoral -erlsuoulapsazrue8rosuorlplorAaur8eurlo
1ea: snlels .'/Po9
'8ur1eadsalrqrt,{11err1erra Sulyoder Vd l aq l pue'luaudolana6 pue uorte
ea q -rasal; Sursnopl o luaupeda6 'luaulpeda6 al13 aleprulllul I allsnw
qlaf /leq f orurl sleaM :r]rstrauuebl ^rtJultslg aq l o] s uodar snou{uoue seler.u13ur1snq}soqg
roog uadg 1 sanow
pPW ua 116Suragprony 1eo3 llqlqord o] prrlsrp aq ] auozar ot Atlf, aql suol]
-!]ad aq 5 1?no all slue/l^ ue'pooqroqq8rau qt aleunjul € loof
]sarrv slsau z altrsnhl
,o auol aloqi\^aq] uivropSuuq slatsnqtsoqD ql aruerouS; 1 sur€rB
AP!H € sa ohl s)urql aq s '(fuessaf,ause aurpuaqt a8ueqf,) ou
-plf,ossv 'u!q Iq
srauent)a8pe3 1 )f,olg ]aarts r{}0€aqr speaq pue pauro, )Paus ol
loof aq s f,ul salsnqlsoqD ea uopuoJ e oturpa^our l agqe q q8ru sratsnqlsoqDalnb 'lqqol lotoqaq ]
suarlvq]!/r^ -luafal oq/v\arddnA an8ea1 n1 ue sr 1ate3:ey1 aprsul sn f uorlelsplen8aq t p daalsepunoJ arul]
,{qteda1a1 surBrB -ourossr uolllp3 'slsoq8se Surq]qrns ou s,araq]
tuaptsald uotpt)ossv \)olB leql s^\ou)eg 'pooqroqqSrau aqt ul lled-alqnop
'a,!l roj puarrJe a eq
ll/Aaqlop lare8re6; sratsnqlsorlD tll Ja^auaqm emepamo] t-Otll
Aaql1; nq /lno slrl]arnBrl ana llr^\ sralsnqlsorlD sp q pu e '3ulp;rnq sr q ,o luor, aq] uorJ sralsnq
aq] Ila)rlun s,ll ' p e u ur q a^up ot 3urful 'qtraads raLlul sustrlstp -lsoqD alrl a;doadSurlsaralut aseqr ;}uelsuor
aJeoq/v\snrJrs jorJsuarleqlriv\ f,eluof, rqtedalal -P!i sasn i,,ileaqlaa\{s,, ro
,,alol,, s.tatuo}snf, uollJel 'uro,run s,larpeua:tanlq e ut passalc
ur sl eq 'llEJ ul :eloN 'auo )llerra up J! 'af,rnos r a q s11er slerrly :uJsuauuehl a^n)utlstO
uorlerurolurpoo8 p s,aH pe u tlrq anr.rp 1 Eur ^auow i/PoJ uewlooo
-fu1pu {;1ecrq1edagalrq ql!/vl3ur}ecrunuuor uolFeJ
ere snurs uro4 suorle !{o q noqe8ur)le}uels pu E luPrnPlsau o no
',(11euotle.r ,tlnapad sleads '(8uoji\ ,{;;ensn r pue)
Jlo )parq llr^\ uaql lnq s)unrg Sutmorql Z allsnw saf,ua}uas
uaryo H 'tolseur pooqroqq8rau 1o 8ulqlauos -oad eqlo qstuU ] sat{.'.lrsr.rauu pW tn:.unstO
pool Jo
aurof,aqseLlpu e 'poorpoqq8rausrr-1r uo sao8
'sleeJls iler13ur;;rd5 op 1 sanow {lrueulng aruas ./po3
lPtli\\ noq€ a;qeaSpa;ivrouluan st ag eqt
uo sdaals ue sa^!l ,{lgunuuor aq} o} pa8reqf,srp urefueg9 loof oleprurlul t sallsnw
r r u a l q d o z r q r s p a s o u 8 e l pp ' u J n u e l n r . t e H nuaw peaj-srw € surerB reaH € sa ow
)tleunl ssalwleH 'sJnoqrauP af,raurllJot slleq aLl]ut uo af,ur^uo] I
role/vruoow unuelnf,roH ,o loof
seo3,{1;eare q/v\ \ oul oqrur spuaul rtpef-Sutueal) punoiSrapul
'ssarls sluauour ur sdr;sqrrq,vr re q uo4 slounr lsoq8 aq l Jo IJe sreaq aurplf JAAnaUPW sureJg
'luarre rluedsrH e spal;e aq ',(poayedqst13u1 rnos urearf, q] pup'ape1saulsed ql'qspq pue
{;to aegor aql'auoprapun.ropa>loorano (el,r;e r 'sautlnoJ
>1eadser aq q8noql;y :ustJeuuery aNl:utlslg s8uuqaure;3 lrqi!{ poo1 ql 'dr1poo8e raq a^eal af,ueualureu A1 c pu e 'punoJ8molaq saSessed
slelsnqtsoqD ;1eo3 noi se8uo; se'sualqord .lno{ o1ualsr;o} tu!lp^{ ganas '{1rc aq l ,o uolalals Suuaaur8ua aq }
sifuirir;enq ,,ra !l paddoqr arru ar-uos oAp3 ;;,1 ]noqE ol p sMou) ueuuoa,runo{ 1no1s rql .qof o1
aldderS € alf,snw ,{epo1poo8 ou s,}r rueJJsedaql luern },uop no^ qo f uo,t; eq al#nqsuautaro, pq ] qf,nLu s san8re
'peaqgaartsoN,, - anrleluaurn8te ue {1unds aq s 'qf,nl] oluo a8eqte8Eurpeo;Suru.rou aq l
af,uep)earg t
s,aqs aqloupua8 qsrlrafpe.rreq,,br8 sraurelf Jo enoq aa/\ aql ut punoJ aq ualo ue) ^sou
g qtaal qSnorql ar1 g loof
aqr t su!erB ssallteM nauBul uoneltues
SraquasoX aurelg AsoX

Father ferry di Lucca Sexv Lucia

Ihe Street Priest She/ter Operator Papa oe's daughter
Father uigi s at least20 0 yearsold and looks Young, idealistic, religious. Incredibly hard- She'sa sul try Sicilian beauty,but anyone all-
it. His favorite aying s "l f I ain't crazy, should working he prcrvidesood for hundreds of peo- ing in love with her is asking o r plenty of trou-
be." He is. pl e too weak,phpically or emotionally, o do fo r ble. Daddy knows she can do no wron g.
themselves.D oesn't ake care of hi mself;needs
Brains 3 Theology a woman's ouch, but too busy saving ivesan d Brains 4 Plotting
Cool 3 Orate souls to find her. Everyonesays he's a saint: Cool 3 Bluff Daddy
probablyhe is.
M ov es 2 A tt ra ct A ft en ti on Moves 5 Seduce
'l Bra in s 5 RaiseFunds
Muscle Jump Muscle 2 Dance
Cool 3 Convince
Coa/: ServeHumanity Coal: Sex
4 Aftract Converts
Distinctive Mannerism:Peers t things as if he Distinctive Mannerism: Runs a pearl necklace
vwre going blind (he'snot). Muscles 4 Lift Canned Coods 7 acrossher front teeth, betweenher lips, etc.
Coa/: ServeThe Poor Mean
SleazyLady Distinctive Mannerism: Speaks with clasped Papa oe's on
hands in a "Mr. Rogers" voice: soot hing and
Sh edoesn'tmeananyonean y harm,an d hat's boring. fu sexy sLuciassultryhe s hemost srious
hor,v he'sgotten he "heart of gold" appellation, Italiann thecity.Somedayapa oewill want o
bu t she's azy and without much principle: h e dumphim n he iver, utMeanVic sPapa'son.
lets her into doing what she rMafia Familyr Brains 4 Convince
knows she shouldn't do. A good information
sourceabout disreputablegoons. Papa
Cool 2 Bluff
B ra i ns 4 Waste Time Moves 5 Seduce
Elaborately Papa oe s strictand watchesover "his people"
Muscle 3 Intimidate
well. He's always olly, an d only orders errible
Cool 4 Bargain things like arson,assault,and murder out of a Coal: Power
Moves 3 Attract Attention senseof duty to his family. He has scruplesof a
sortan won't touch one type of criminalactivi- DistinctiveMannerism:Alwap standswith hands
Muscles 2 Crapple ty (u p to yo u whether h is is prostitution, rugs, on hips, hips thrust forward.

Coal: Money extortion. or whatever).

Freaky Nick
Distinctive Mannerism: Constantly wringing B ra in s 6 Plo tti ng Enforcer
hands n available lothing hers r anyone lse's).
Cool B Bargain wh o Papa oe keeps Nick on a chain in the base-
could refuse?) ment. He only letshim loosewhen there's ome-
Wino Moves 2 Dodge one Papa s really, eally angry at.

Eddy s incrediblymalleable ecause e only Muscle 1 Fisticuffs Brains 1 Attempt Coherent

cares bout securing oozg shelter, ndpersonal Speech
Coa/: Money
safetyn thatorder.B ribablgbut unlikely o come Cool 8 Frig hten i ctim 11
through becausepersonalsafetycomes n first. DistinctiveMannerism:Speak with an ltalian ac-
cent; sits in a relaxedposition. but with hands Moves 1 Attempt Clear Vision 4
Smellsbad; self-righteou s; as enlargedAdam's
appre. clenched. Muscle B Break humbs 11

Brains 2 Calculate iquid Mama Stella Coal: Meanness

Ounces Papa Joe'swife Distinctive Mannerism: Babbles, creams, nd
Cool 3 l gno re n sul ts She s a good Catholican d goes o Massevery drools.
2 Open PopTop Cans day of the year,praying or her husbandan d son.
Liftle Paulie he Brain
with Teeth 5
Brains 3 lgnore Family's Bag Man
Muscles 2 Drag Self o Shelter 5 CriminalActivities 6
This guy is he friend of one of the Chostbusters,
Coal: Find Pipeline rom Brewery Cool 2 Orate and he'll let hem know what'sg o i n g on in the
DistinctiveMannerism: ellspeoplenotto shout, Moves 2 Pratl city.But he won't crossPapa oe .No way.Paulie's
even f they whisper. a smart ittle weasel,who takes handouts rom
Muscle 5 Dragging runk both sides.He lives n an abandonedwarehouse.
Spouseo Bed He also likes it that way.
Coal: ServeHumanity Brains 3 Accounting
DistinctiveMannerism:Wails about her familv
Cool 5 Bluff
and fondles a rosary.
3 Listen
Muscle 1 Bite

Coal; Money
Distinctive Mannerism:Always has a cold.

56 Chostbustersoerations anual

19 lenuPhJ u o r l e r a o o s j a l s n q l s o r j D

' p a u 3] q 8 1 4 p u E pe s n l u o l
.raLl utuealJ
slool lo l P s r a d L u rL l M L r J s t J a u u e w A t D u t l s t Q
ro iuMop dn Surqsnd ustJauueryaNl)unst]
) s u o | , ! A q p e ll r ) t e D t o N j / p o f
(slrPJ A D ^ ^ I Eal
xa s j/eo3
sl)eu luaurrlrnbl
Ja^o )i3ou) z elfsnl,! LUI/1^S alrsnw 'sr1lpdorlJ^sd paUruar ,o as€alaraql sarnlasal l
slefruaq] Ma.r8 € sa^oy\i 'unl ro j 'suorsplto alei uO 's/!\opt,^^
pu e sueqdlo
arrloN ol lreJ z a)urAUoJ z troldxa qrlLl^^ q) pue anrlelaunualAllpar8 e)
lool a re p ql sasef, a)elAluoa H 'Jaspqf,-aluelnqule
ralod Aeld Z loof ,43o1oua1reg su erB uP sr ipueq Jaqlo aql uo'LUo1 ra^,r\Pl
ASolorg 6 su P.r
,,'pasnJuof s ratsAtls
'll^ap .rood tu,;,, 3ur,{es pu e sasselSa q g o 3ur1e1 q a8ur; r /v\Pfl P Aaurollv 'raq)eruralsual 'b seuoql
a l u r lJa qpunore srluarf,Slpy!AxaS qt delM o]
sButql ntg q)le/Mol & ; 1 1 q ea q s r a r n l e a j u r t l s r n B u r l s rt p u l a H 'adrd
qe l ut auolv aa l sta) oLlM uelstssv tlrluat)s e sa)ours Addeqs,{e,r,r1y
's'8 ulllew uqol ts,luarJs:lewal AxaS
'6'q6',Qsdrp1 lare8rery firuetung aruas /poJ

auo r sls!lue!Js q)Jeosau alPprLurlul alf,snw
aJuec €
'JnlB t loo)
Jalsuow 'uerJrlrlode altl spunos pearle g sureJB
,,'no,4 aso1 /!\P] E
rll!^{aldderD € alrsnw pplD,, ]]!Mno^ slaarD wsr)auuery \rDurtstO 'llP auolur ou
aas I ]e
ro,4ey,1urorag :1eo3 ,i1atn;osqe{lr,,l,r
ri g ;e8a1 rt iuretureu } sagpuetu
a^PU Z aq ,l,toq fuals,{n-r ear8 e s,}1 ssalruuad au o
ssau]rM leprr.rJrtul altsnw -aurosJo leqaq uo (q)pu p ue alarAller)os e)ar p
fl ,{3o1org 1 surPrg
uorluauv tJPr]lv -c sa^ow teLl] asprot,lasLulq auUuotru e o11aq8q] ur
raif,prprlf srLll,o asnplaq suaddpq8urqt,(.tan3 ,{;uo sryo,ar qm ,{n8a)ru lear e s,qoBJaiMel
atero t lool
1o;d aql ur uoslad Surlsalalur soul aq l
sllrllod s su eJB JaA/Ae'l
ls/tua/Js: adv-apptw le)etuel\ raA,trP-l
slsllua!)sPoluauac o 'saserAqse11 8 rq salr; oslpaH
uollp!)ossv luelo^aphJ leunrualuerl ua&nI rC '],uef aq
l e L i lsaspfsdorppue'utM ue) aq l e q l AuunJurqiou,araqr ""^^r, "r.r}"
saseJ a)rlaH altl;o trlqnd sanetcureg ta,(mr1
€ saure:)
s,ter*1e ue parl s)ool :wstJauuey\,1NDullslo AauoUV jrlrjs!e
- ulPUoWA l l e g Aaurollv JtJlsrc
AruPtUnH ruas /eo) .sualPalql
'sla8pryaq asrMraqtollrts u a L l t
aqnl lsal ]Jll z alfsnh/ pu p s)Jlrxs s,4e,u;y :rusr:auuehl aNDutisrO
oaal ol spueqsr quo slrs Lr./s,Jauuew(rDurlsto
ualsrl € Aauohl i/pot
uorlerooro] alll aruas /PoJ
af,urAuol loo) alePrurlul t alf,snw
tu)srLuaql I su erB
0t a8ng ure3 € altrsnw rPJauc 5 sa^ol /
to sallo1 aq l ^q arnluanpe ualsrl t ilnl€ € loo)
eLll,o alppil.llaql ur JJ opa))ouI staD ]stluar)s re) xtJ z su eJB
a;eurej {xa5aq l Jo alf,un o laqlej aq} llpnsn uorlerooroJ
aql aruas t lool 'auo aql s,olsaut3d;aq
ls,iua/r5: lo AtpulX ,\^el 9 su erB speau f,soB aLlM re Js,aof d% sa up olsaull
- I1sdr61ossarord
'] t Aq rnaJJneq)
'uado.{;lqBrls olseurl
pu e o1 darxa Eurqiou ao ppu p uorterod:o3 qg
qlnoLusrrl sPrl uauo :wstJauuew a^rlJutlsto ot (raqloLupuer8rq pue) lnos srLl ;oso8e 3uo;
'f,la 'llr,^^aa #
xa s i/Po, eH 'uolterodJol aql Jol,r1116 ra,{,r're1
}o )JeJ elo l :utstJauuery trl:utlsr7
stnf rlsrl I allsnh/ JaA/Ae1aIeJOOJO)
'bs1 Arraq;n61d prPq)lu srapro ,^^ollol /Po3
arnpas s
'Surqlo;pr a;dunr sJrntrrtsrl alf,snw
arur^uo] s lool
sieam q lunrp A1lt1Er15
wstJauuel/\lN DurlsrO unD arl '
srts,{q6 1 surerS
,4auoy11eo9 ra)od Aeld t loof
loor]fs arol un9 [ surerB
-apet8 uo4 saulo) aleprLUrlul al)snw
'saJup^pe ll e afuatJs 1o a8pa;mou1
sr H s,lstluat)S ;eue1 Axa5aq t to ; ')|lo,4 AUrp
a ) u a P r ^ la p ! H I
3ur;;e11o l q e q slq srarnlealS urqsrn8urlsrprg s,ao[ ede6 ]o s]ol saop or1,u Snqt ,{;3n qun6
l]ntq q loof
ls/tuar)S a1ey,1 xa5 /t\P'I su PjB taJJoluf
'O'tld'relsel drl!r,ld 6

lgor fessica Newman Mbwana Mobuto, O.B.E.

Unqualified Handicapped5clence Assistant Snootyl M sta en Woman Reporter BearerWho Used o LiveWhere They'reCoing
Need more be said? Though he goes long o g et swell tories, he An intelligentbloke, he passed own from
rarelywritesanything, e i n g o o busymisunder- Oxford but has sweetlyagreed o tote 120 pounds
Brai ns 2 FindWrong Brain standingFrankArmstrong se e bove), unbathing on his head across200 miles of indifferent
Cool 1 Bluff alone, wimming n crocodilepoolswithout ,vear- hospitaliry fterdinnereachnight,h e annotates
in g a bathingsuit, breaking he RiverRat's a w several ifferenteditionsof Tennysonn prepara-
Moves 1 Torture elpless
for his UntowardManner,aftracting he attention tion for his definitivevariorumedition to be
Victim 15
of the wrong sortof nativeor native reature, nd published years rom now
Muscle 7 Climb being kidnapped.
B ra i ns 4 An th ro po lo gy
Coal: ServeMa d Doctor Bra ins 4 Journalism Co ol 6 ContemplateClass
DistinctiveMannerism:Walla with a shuffle,al k Cool 2 FlareNostrils Standing
like PeterLorre. Contemptuously 3 Hurl Spear
Moves 5 Scream
Muscles 4 Lug Stuff
Muscles 2 Stretch odhpurs
Expedition reparingor Coal: Succee d o Family Throne
Coa/: Fall n Love
fourney o Uncharted DistinctiveMannerism:H olds head aloof in
Distinctive Mannerism: PerfectE nglishspeech.

tsland/Lost ity/Scene f snooty way.

Cook With Tricky Monkey
r Weird Happenings Cap'n Wjszkclzsk
A cranky ellourwith a heartof gold, he is ussy
Experienced,R eliable SeaCaptain
about ood, indifferent o cleanliness, nd hates
River Rat Who Drinks Callons of Whiske y An ancientYankee alt rom Poland r Rumania things ike placesettings,lc,vters,andles, r food
with moustache ho eitherownsa well-insured which knives an cut. His helper,he monkey,s
Though hi s resume ooks great,not only does tramp freighteror leases t
on very good terms, both more intelligenta nd more social, a nd
this weak-chinned,ll-shaven uy do something because e doesn'tb l i n k when sh e goesdown understands omplex eyebrowcommands like
to almost ge t the expeditiondestroyed, ut hi s "untie me quicka nd go or helpdownrivero
at the end of the irst eelor is nearlyswamped th e
breath s awful n the mornins. during he climactic olcaniceruption. Legionnairest Fort Massif."
B ains 2 FussOver Brains 4 IncidentalH istory B ra i ns 2 H al ve Re ci pe
Documents of StrangePlaces Cool, 1 Accept Praise
Cool 1 Bluff Cool 6 SteerCorrectCourse Moves 2 ThrowCutlery
4 Hide Whiskey With EyesClosed 9
Muscles 4 Drop FlourSack
Muscles 3 Crab Heroine n Moves 4 W ie ld M ar li ne sp i ke On Monkey
UntowardManner 6
Muscles 3 Fisticuffs
Coal: Self-Bastinghili
Coal: Failure Coal; En.ioy dventure DistinctiveMannerism:C onstantlv ic k his nose.
Distinctive Mannerism: Uses sweepingar m DistinctiveMannerism:Combs his moustache
gestureswhen speaking. with his ingers. Zolatu
Evil Witch DoctorlSorcerer/Asent f Unfriend-
Frank Mortimer ly Power
Handsome Hunterlsoldie r FortuneWhose Aged or Sickly Ma n with TreasureMa p
FirstMarriage Ended Badly This sly fellow deceives people wh o have
Sometimeshe atherof the heroine, ometimes knownh im al l his ife n exchangeor half-baked
A stern, happy-go-lu cky uy wh o has hidden s i m p l y r u e l l y i s p a t c h e dy h ev i l l a i n s promises rom foreign provocateurs r whispers
arly n
himself n th e ungley'desert/Antarctic
nd hereby th e game, hi s ellowha sa quickeye or
trustwor- of impendingpower rom idle gods wh o don't
met many ycoonswho considerhim remarkably th y people likeArmstrong, e eabove) hom he have o meet payrolls.H e usually tages murder
steady, ur hero s ruggedly exyan d has ittle o instinctively nowswill settle ll his affairs, ct in reelone or a coup in reel wo. Persistentlysk s
do with women except he snooty reporter se e
asexecutor f his (often ast) state, ct honorably to hold vour rifle while vo u take a shower.
below). by hi sdaughter,n d ge t hose irtydogswh o di d
him n. B a i n s 1 Not Believe
B r a i n s 5 Cuess
Anybody or
Cool 3 Ba rgai n r a i n s 3 Accounting Anything
4 Dodge Cool 4 Look Death In Eye 7 Co ol 5 Bluff
Muscles 5 Crapple 3 TellStories y 4 Throw Dagger
Campfire Muscles 4 Grapplewith Hero
Coal: UnexpectedlySettlingDown
Muscles 2 Lift dol or Hero Surrosate 7
Distinctive Mannerism:Never showsemotion
facially, ut canverbalize t (" 1 ee la certain ense Coal: Accept mminentDeath Coal: BecomeChief,King,E.P.A. dministrator,
of trepidation, ohnson," e saidwithout betray- Distinctive etc.
Mannerism: alksn a feeble, uiver-
ing emotion.) ing voice. DistinctiveMannerism: hillinglypolite.

58 Chostbusters perations anual


6S lenuewsuorlejadoslalsnqlsoLlD

'talalerq e uotl SurSueq /i'salqnoll

sr qLUrrl asnef,,, qr* a;doadaLll noqesureldr"uor
p!^ec Jo rpls salpuoj :wstrauuew aNlrutlsro pno;
s,{e,u1e oo 1s1ead5 Lustrauuely NDutlsrO
'uofleurjolutsllpB :u_rs/Jauuew
{n)unsro Aauoy,l 1eo9
oo u o ]r a)tl ^aqlraqtaq,r,r){lluerunH ruas /eo, aleprLurlul salfsnw
pl s ]a D I soltsnw
I pa 8 ul 1uat1e3ea ; t salrsnt^J p u e H, o l q 8 r a l 5 g
a)npas I sa^ohi
sjopo no #!us t )lel ]sPJ t loof MoiloB z loof
alPro t loof Surlunorry g su Pr€
tuo1srg su eJ€
lo]f,oc alenle^l € surPrB 'sesselSuns sa)pl a^aN
'auo fo .{q}edLu,{ssatqBrls
')ooq suortplnBaL ,s.ra,,r,rod
lelrdsoq ql laal Suunp sarp qataql pu e antl aql a^eLl1;r,r,rtrnf oN 'uotuap ,{ue {q alqeu8rs
:r.rtrpaq iapun )ooq e satJJeJsaalndule lnoqp
spq qf,rq,l,t ralr a;3ursaqt Iq pasudrnsaq ,{e6.r
1uof, leroqplaue ur 4nB1;eltapad aqt s,aq ,ize1
'lla,^ 'poo8sr ssautsnqeSuog e {1uo'cla Uelf
sauotsAture llat ol salll se op p,no,{1eq1 qf}t,tr pup'a^rsuaJap'snoa1qB
'rr8eu ur sanarlagJla 'asnoq 11e5'1ua8e lerllleaqlua,ro
plol laplo ltel! lJerus
a^arlaq/usaop qs p ue se m qs eq,tr urop 'doqs 'alols)ooq srL{ es}f,v ultrl saltLl uo ou lpLl}asuas a)eu ll
Aqsre^\ alql ut ]eqLuof, utl-iuolj pa trunsaq s 4r B lnlfo llnlto ue suMO rr8eu 4or* ],uef auo stqlaJUts n q qo f e anerl
tnauatda4ul 4ntt61 s,{e,tr1e;no,truelllSeu e eq } )utLlt plno,r\no 1
asrnN pPaH
1a.re8re14r uertt8elrtl aAoldwau2

r ls - urelsua8lol4ta lqtpallul aq l
lPtrdsoH lPllld r
'o s op ta au ue] afualuase
sprom saqfieas ustrauueyla^n)unste "aas
// l/ / qltM
lEuroN aB i/Po, sarualuasur8aq,4;;ens1
wst)auuel4 NDutlstO
'sqtJ ^auow :/Po3
tuanbar, rq ale]ardot salqLUnl A 11 J t q B n o q l
13ur.ra]lnlsue sasned wstnuuery attDutlstO u r q l a ) o r l s z salJsnt\ un u € salfsnht
auPl :/Po, ualsrl I sa^ow a s r n 8 s r 6g
xo8 tulaMaf u r e 8 r e g7
loof alurAUoJ s
q8no.rr.l18etur-unXZ sal)snt! loof
ArolsrH lrueJ suet8or; uotstnalal
leaus € a8ue.rlsllelau g su er plo raquaurau € surPrg
]lnl? z loof 'asotpuelbpu P to
'luatodruruo leletuet!
slrlerfneolnB z su PrB pue {;pu1141qeqoLd gy3152g rno,{ r sra,nlnJno1,,ueao1s ,"", ",ji1l:;
-ISOH, e u 1 aruea8uan eat8 o ro uorssed
' a a aql ur uosrao 'Luoop paddrnbaue l p sa uC 'aneqnor( ]Jnu Mo q ]n o
sauoq u e )ool ],uef -uor lear8 a;qede3 aJtlstr.{ aLr.rlaLl,\\ra^o €r.{ pur; ot stal:od rno,i qBnotq]SuroB Jrq,,r,t
1o {auor"u
SutpuaduradeJsaol to uef aletoqela,o tn o Lltr!q,lr,lualet,/ anrf,a l l ] 1o satnsssatdqt uoll ;no,{ssa;q 1Sulpuala:d ,4o[u3raqlra,(sd,t8e 1o u
turq ag o] sralsnqlsor.l g1r ;a;doadsarrq {ltuanb d e q r a d ' 3 u r 1 e q - 1 1 a s , { ; a u o 1 , p a 1 es,aqs
1 o s 1aqt sLUlpd
-arl 'alqnoJ]raqlo a eq o1 to sareulqStuaneLl l nq ppalAllpnlfp ,usaop q s
'a;qnor1 ur aB ot 'arpoi saruasapa:r1sn[ sJa/Aodleluar\ anJI Ll)rMuosradsnoiJaN
1 oapot tapeay w1e4AsdA2
rrt.ulU ql Aq pu e aJrlstq patse,,rnt 11etl1eua1s,{s uerllr9 lrehi EsouauepPw
seq aq Lpaar8pu e '3ur1aas-uortesuas qrtU

l s , l / n f fo
asouAuunle splls^e,{\lv wsrJauuew Nl)utls!o
a ) u e il a l t o
ssaurddeg 1eo3
lohl ralsef
s u e a I nl B
yo peq ,{;tq8r15tustrauuel/\,1
^tDuttstO olul azaanbs z salrsnhi -rrourorurueorD
us,rarrr^ ^l!l;,lliJ
JaMod auul pue]sjapun /Pol orssoD poolsrapuna B oI:/Po3
s)ll{ atero € loof raoPr)s^)s a l l e B l I salf,snw
aluPas aleJaoo z salf,snw s)ooB
PPaHolul dlaHJlaSpeau E surPrB u l a u r o J a Hn d t sa oh /
d1 saA3;1oy g 'sluauro{.rlAltrnb se q Alanrl a:ltoN t loof
'a)rnos uorlpturolut lqetlat
atero € loof ln q ,i;;ens1 1eo8 fuaqrea.r1 rr1o1rl L su eJB
llnf,f,Q 7 surerB leuosrade sp xas seL{ Ll,^^alsnq}soqD^u p le
ssedp sa)pur 4lpatqnopu11 a]tlxas aq ro 1 {o;d 'sarpralsuouraq l 'auoaulos
':o1paure8teq qs ueLl]aloLuslfeluo) a^esuef,aq leql
Surzrue8to e ,{lluanbarlBellqf,}tM .lstuetps os laar se l aq l ut apoldxa ou saopouef,lo^aq ]
A e.,vr;yeq;o pauJeLlspt pu e sllnsat loN) 'fla islpnluspnpuof .Apoquo alaLlMatlos
;; lurr1 la8uesrql ,{poq stLl o1 ultLl1ue,r,l{ 1uo
a)e] ol sequauossaursnq u n l o l lnq'lt sMou) paoopel utof,runseq Ja)Jtls :adunq ,,ue8e6 aldoad nq uollfarjp a er) a q 'a13unfpapeqrun
pu e aue;d r.rrds ql l)eluol uef, saultlauos ure8yurog,,Suueaq outW slltol.Ailo sanuc ur punoJ atutlaulosaLllaSoluMas aultlauos
w n pa /l paBy-a1 p r1,^,1 q)lt/^A aqtor^l LllJel plo) lo ueaH qtlM )alsuow
eJ9W Allol / .relsuoow UPPOJD

Melissa H e i n r i c hR e i c h , l l , M . D . contempt for doctors, nurses,orderlies,a nd

Young, deal stic,CompassionateNurse Psvchiatrist patients.H appiestwhen he can chargea n i n -
s u r a n c e o m p a n y 2 0 p e r a d m i n i s t e r e ds p i r i n
T he perfect urse tireless,nthusiastic,ntel- Dr. Reich s the Head of Psychiatryt St. Pit- or makedogs cringe.
ligent, edicated, eautiful. ixmaledoctors nd falz.Lots f Chostbusterlrentsmightprofit ro m
nurses an t o marry her,and one will in three his services.He puts great stock in Orgone Brains 4 Accounting
monthsor less, eaving he Head Nurse o rule Therapy. plit personality: y night he assumes
Cool 3 Sneer
the floor. hi s alternate ersona f Mad Scientist.
MOVCS 5 Steal
Brains 4 Medicine Brains 7 Ask lntimate
Muscles lntimidate
Cool 3 Cive Emotional Questions bout
Support Personal ife 10 C o a l :B e c o m eO n l y H u m a n n U n i v e r s e
Moves 5 Dispense Cool 6 C a l m l yC o n f r o n t D st i ctive Manne sm A wavs vh st l ng, espe-
Medication LOOney c i a l l yw h e n o t h e r s r e s p e a k i n g .
Muscles 4 Massage Moves 2 Stee pleFingers
M u s c l e 2 S t i ff ar m o o ne y
Coa/: ServeHumanity
DistinctiveMannerism:Ha s a "gosh" attitude Coals:RicherSex Life or All ThingsMan Was Not
about ife. Distinctive Mannerisms: ften cackles or n o
apparent eason.H as shiftyeyes.
r Meant To Know
Dr . W e ' r eof two mindsabout his,actually. irstly,
Young, dealistic, Compassionate octor JohnGluteus, .D. Chostbusters re scientists,'h ere s nothlng man
Libidinous octor wa s not meant o kn ow. No k nowledge s forbid-
T he perfect octor tireless,nthusiatic,n tel- den; ndeed, edicating neself o the relentless
ligent, edicated, andsome. ix emale octors A mediocre doctor who wo rks in a large pursuit f Knowledges he highesta skone can
a n d n u r s e s a n t o m a r r yh i m , a n d o n e w i l l i n hospitalpartly o cover up his own mistakes. undertake n this life. t makespedectsense ha t
threemonthsor less. he YoungNurse se e bove) M e d i c i n e h a s l o n g s i n c e s t o p p e db e i n g i n - humanitynteracts ith h espiritworldby he use
will. of course. e theone who catches im. teresting. his cad thinks more about student of complex echnological evices, ather han
n u r s e sh a na b o u th i s p a t i e n t s . primitive uperstitiousitual; fter ll, echnology
Brains 4 Medicine
is what permits umanity o master theraspects
Cool 2 Cive Emotional Brains 3 Use nfluence of nature, nd if paranormal henomena xist,
Support LOOI 4 lgnore nnuendo it is technologyhat will permit us to master t
Moves 5 Dispense as weil.
Moves 5 Seduce
Medication So we don't hink hereought o be any imits
M u s c l e s 3 L i f tM a r t i n i on thenaturalnquisitiveness f he human pir it...
Muscles 5 Massage On the otherhand,some hings andestroryr ou r
Coal; Lurid Fornication
campaign.Those of vo u rvho'vegamemastered
Coal: ServingHumanity Distinctive Mannerism:Always alking about Other Came-\lknolv what we're alkingabout;
DistinctiveMannerlsrn:H as a "gosh" attitude nurses' hysical nributes. remembervhen ne of yourcharactersot a ring
about ife. of unlimited ,r'ishes?r the ime he mutant ar-
Dr . oseph rustworthy nivorousribbles ot oose nddestroyediviliza-
RonnyNapolitano FatherlyDoctor tion? f the characters evelopsomething oo
Smart-AlecOrderly powerful,1,ou os e control of the game.
Ha sbeenmarried o samewoman or 40 years, Ho w can hishappen n GHOSIEUSIfRS?
ok - W ell,
Apparently ithoutcare, lwaysaughing, perfectlyhapp1,,ontented, entle,belovedby ail
suppose gon evelops device hat permits ravel
i n g , an d playing practical okes, he secretly who knowhim, butstrangelyersistsn hiring he
a l o n gan1,oi heeleven or maybe welve) imen-
dreamsof being a great doctor/pianist/military craziest,m ostbizarrely ncompetent taff n any
sional xes. h isdevicepermits ravel n time,as
h stori nl lumberjack/martial rti t/theol gian, but h o s p i t a lh i ss i d eo f a H a m m e r i l m . well as o an nfinite umber f other universes"
hasn'tquite got started.Bu t any day now. - th eChostbusteBan go o Oz, or a worldwhere
Brains 5 Cuess
B r ai n s 5 U ns ys te ma ti c the Nazis von, or even he world of your Other
Cool 7 Talk Camet|campaign.
S y m p a t h e t i c a l l y 10 T h a tsounds e al nteresting,ut et's ace t -
Co ol 2 N u r s eC r u d g e you're no t playing GHOSIEUSIERS ny more.
MOVES 2 \Valk With Cane
Moves 4 Se e You're lal,ing om ekind of transtemporal ultiver-
Muscles 1 Shake ist sa l game.
Muscles Lift
Coa/:Cive People nothei'Chancean danother, So how' d o vo u stop this? Here are some
Coal; Know Why He' s Here and another...) s u g g e s t ni :
DistinctiveMannerism:Laughsat things that Disttnctrve annerism: landly ssumeshe best
aren't unny. of everyone. ften eclines ith hishands ehind CrusaderK oalasFrom Bevond
his head. Space nd Time
When he Chostbustersave nvented device
Dirk or stumbledonto somethingwhich poten-
Evil Administrator tiallywreckyour campaign, Crusader oala
PK Emetersma ydetectghostly ccountbooks showsup. The stubby ittle marsupial ays,n a
a n dc a l c u l a t o r sh a i n e do h i s e l l o w . e s s l i m
and well-dressed, nd somehow always has
enough money even though St. Pitfalz Boes
through egular inancial rises. ascomplete

60 C h o s t b u s t e r s p e r a t i o n sM a n u a l

L9 lenuewsuotleiadosralsnqlsoLlD

AllPrrlseq uoq
s ) l e l p u e a o r o u o s ) J n s : u r s / J a u u e Na A t l ) u t l s t o
a r u a r f ss s a l l n o s/ e o ?
u^^oc alllas
Jr N e purl o ] pr^ec aD :/eo9
p ue lr D r.lsr,^^af t snlErEoov
lr.lrluarfs ol,! L alrsnw
sat Aac
(,,i|zu) xaloLUoJ alPraoo z sa^oh/
a u 3ur)PLu r,noi srPloLlrs
raLllo ^q ]oalxl ' 3urleads
1a8re1 leur ol loof p a s s a r o L U r uB n z
s a r t r l r q vP r ) a d s loof a1rq,tn,{llerroraqasod wsrJauuel aNDurlstO
lsure8e ;oX1 e 51
6 ^ r l o o s o l r q lde r n l e N 9 su e rg '1a,ne4
JaMOd lerodural pazuoqlneun ]ua^ard /pot
' a d r ds r q
'(')]a epuoll tuneq ol aldnor aqt ta 8 noq]r,ll uno] altsarM 9 alfsnhl
aq o] ra^ausr pue'raLuuns q] ul l eq ^\ejlspu e
p u e 8 a B a u r q 5W ) l p q ; ; e : o 1 , { r a r t o s s n J l .ralurM aql ur ial,\\oquP paaiw D-UAZ
aslaajaqMauios 3 o1 aq afurnuol ol a^eq l lM sJPaMlasurq alls!qMlul saoraqrno anfsa.r ] ur rannauet\ 9 sa^ow
^aq] 1(llera4eaqtou.r rqsr aqs) 8e8auq5 sry1 url ,{ue r d n do d ue r 1 1sa;3ueplram p uJroJrn
1:ed uoiordsralsnqlsoq3 ql ta l t,uoM pr^e6 S u r t : a f o r d r o q l a d o r du e ' s l l p qS u r l e l o ; B u e r l s
'puas,lrM rq e sl p!^ec ur pooD )ool 9 lool
'sadrdanots 1r,n uullg apoom a1r1 urqlauos
' l o o f s , l ru a q M e ) s e p u e s u l P l l 6 saxopP.rPdlP.rodLual 9 su erB
f $1oolp up paramod-1eorr l af,r^ap orleyodsuer]
uaqMsraqqnr reaM q ]eql aJnsua ] ' sa eal aLl 'ueuradns{:n1ua3 q}BZ ra}iad a ql
l e u o r s u a u r p s u e r'lo f n p a p l l r , M . r a l s n q t s o q J
uaqM alqe]rns /aqsaqiaqMu o )f,aqf, ] 'autot.l p a u r l f u r { 1 1 e r r 1 } u a n sro u r a l l t s e ' s r r a r l u B !s nqor'pame-r-u.r' pa,i+,{ at 5 uer-uor1e3 dA l
lpl,, ot u-ttq 8t n 1 ; 1e r
;rrBe sBuuqal l uaqM 1,,]ea ,4;ssalrrrau
l p a r a L l t a s u p {u r z e r u y q 1 ' e r u e n 1 . ( s 'xopereoalqrssoo
ot aur]leau e Surreadde u-ttt18 eu 1 -uuad o Allsta.tlun Lll P ^qdosolrqd
']uauuedes,prnec r sajruptrr 1ueSaq 8a8aruq5 elraurv lernleN ,{ueSurluanerdnq l uroq aiamAaq} rolaq luared
'sr1,q 'lpunq lo .rossalord sr p uP 6881 ol an l eu sl raqt
1o soq8 aq l aq] ra4e sqluoulauros altsrqmlul alqnorl daap1 o n o s.ralsnqlsoqJq ] 'ureBe l l l ) o l l nq afror]f ou a^Pq l||,^^orled aq ]
, , 2 ; r r Bs r m a f f r u e p u t J u pe s ) t q s e L ] t n a ^ 1 3 aurl ur la^erl l ,& l ra,ra,{aqt;1e ra atuoq
l a3 ol asn uet noAeutq)ew xa snJp aqlouv
ol Suro8 o Aar euaqM,, a.laMpt^ec u os a q o ] u o raLll ol peurntJr q 11r,nn aq lpu p paleJsrruoJ
ualods splor*lsel ra H 'umop aluaspue ,futeuu
- .1s111;$outsue{ tpatoq}asup4 Suraq r aurq)eLr Lur]laql Jartlfsrurerodural
'srolrop auof,aq p! p ,,'Ptlltxot\ turzeuy slH pueeltsSl/\alul ;o ,{t1rnBuno;pue paul uaaq 4pear1ep Lipu e
]o u p!p pue
'ollaH,, Ae s ol tsnl uana lo u ' p a l l e r ia^au
uosralla[ Prl] ossarord aql lortedaLUrf L1] 1o s.rauosudre AaqlsralsnqlsoqD
ot1m uarplrr.llSuuelun pue snollel aq ,{q paq Surllal prpaLl rarron (;>1re.rr'uaqf 'sturo]
-qleap aq o] ua up sem 8a8auq5 zltw 'slr\ luaqun)ar .ilaql a^o {e1d qBr1 a1sedo srueaq
palolor Ala8uerls ue preaq are sasroupraM
laLlpt/\,1 ur33eS1 araqM aqLUeLlrur pa oqs pueaurqfeur url e
- tBa8auq5 sr w ,o lsoqD aq l ',t1q rs aqard"uoru preoqeuo)el ar,,{aq1paz,4;eredre sratsnq}soqD
sorlqf pue sallsrqM :wstJauueL^,i{ tDurlsto aq] pue ratsPlqe L u o r j o qs a uo '(asaurLll
'A11en1re'uorle)e^ uo ar,,{aql unl a^eH /po, urrepupt!>1eads 1 1e {aqtaq,{eu ro) suefuaurv
sAPMqnsq] dn ueall :/Po, ,{ep-urapor-ut a;qrsuaqardLuo:,{1areq s r;3u3
a13rn13 deuz,{;9 funtuarqlBZaqt uror]
lo tuerrp^ leads ;1e ue
ueu]nHsnora aruor ,{aq1 sra}splq noqlnq furerp ue 'sBur,u
sJalnu]tlloJ -darlsqg urPrlsau .raplnoqs {trM rlrlo}run 1r;-sra8o;1rng,4uun1
a lsnf,\
snorxouqo l*oqll :sarlrlrqylertad5 reamlle,{aq1 dn sMoqslo.r}pd uJrt Ll}'xopered
dtLlsret5^u C S sa^of{ aurrt dn ]a so] a8eueu o ' a u r l qlr,tr unore u r
sueun;-1 q -ssauaur] q l n u i oo ] puads ralsnqlsoqDql,l
'srau/!\o]-,o-]no aq] aref,slllM ,^^or.lslllll rPurau lool lorled arull
s,arFPriJeq l prerrP r preo8 sunol aq] pue on
Burr"uol r uospassunot aql lana,uo;-1taqlaSolle
rellalsratul su erB
arlipq3 arou8r sralnuulol )ro1 ,ttaN ]sot^l 'r.IlopsrM
' u a q l ol u/\^oulspueulap lq a)PLU l afueL.l) 'aJaqMauros
alilrl seq arlreq3o s "{e,tnqnsq l a p l l ,{1alel;t l - puelAausr6 r urelunoy\ r8 eyl aql dot aLl] 1o 3ur1aa1e slJalord :wstlauueW aN])uttstO
-uno3 ,(1r3 Ll] o sraquaur aq l pu e vlh/ aLll o lo
u o ' e r u e q l V ra r a q M a u r o s ' 3 u r p ; r n1ge 1 5r r d r - u 3 afuPJPBrursol aql urelureyv/Po,
srol)arp,o prpoqaq l lo^Pu aql ^lateunuoJun aLl]Jo )lap uorleruasqol ll - aslaaraqMauros
'asruap 'arnsod aa {
lnlpearp rqSutlearrar ue,4;snoattdut ,l o uraLltdorp suarlea ql ;IUUnldS*
-lre^^'uorlelsl uorlels .rorl rapuPM'ase)jal.lq -uroJ a q] ure8ar ] SuruurBaqre sralsnqlsoLlD snlo^lElnl qLU!ll z slrsnw
Surfurer u e rn s arard-aalql Suuear* atlteql allt q p t s n I r a q t o u p u o o t d r r L l :p u p a l l s r L ] . M uooalal z sa^ow
uaql 'suplunqaql uo s)lelsaAaaql urer] uJnl
r lluelsqns aleu
l r l u n ' s l u a u r a ^ o r o L ue
(^luoqtnv rsup{ ssEW) Iy \ aq } lrlun tsa.rou uorlearJ
Aaqt teas uor; aql ur Sururs .re 8uraq elnrel
l l l M ]soq8s,arlreq]
uo ^ ,^^aN Ll]
-uat paqln Lu-uaaeq ' pa,{a-A13oo8,u1 a}sppoj Jo atel aql u!
]o uorlrpuoJ p p o q saq l e snounl 'uter]aq] oJ
rellalsratur e Jo ]pas)f,eqaqt u! sa lasulaLll
agqeddellul reuau € loof
salnuru Ey Surlrer*arye f,er] aq l ol palqunt pup pu UAaql dn Luall] lrrd pue {qSurddrz aluo: €Z sraMod
daa;se e;;e1 eqaq suaas ! - urer]AeAqns ,Ud,, dtqsareds arlpuV 1ZZZ1HM eq,u ssan8 11a,11 letuah/ rrlseluel 0z su erB
ssajdxa e,o slaaqMaLll apun palp aluPqf '''rea,Mrapun raLll ur eJrl)JpluvJo alual alll ul
auo;ear,Aaq]o 'alnqrerede ]noqlr,^ autllalaq l ,,'a:e;dpu e autl tadotd "rno.t ]
roqg Aenqn5 tuorl3ur;;e1 no,{ u:nlar pup purur nor{ ruo.ryr 1o a8pa;,r,rou1
r,Aaqto '))olre aq ] no u,,r,rorql
arueq) l le asrfxa snLu lla/!\ r as n o] ast,lt {1}uat:tgns
sanlasuraLlla po8 aneqsralsnqlsoq3 no,{ o5
u sr a)pr rno1 asrJnu n a q l Jo )uqe; AJaA ql
-Cl\r\lfn- - suerlvolqrsuaqaldurorul;n4 lo sualea.rqlJrAap rqL, a:ronlueuosal uP laap

T he Ghost of Colonel Parkins- CIyde Th e Ghost of the Baldwin Theater-

DeceasedDoberman Pinscher
ColonelCenld Parkins, \€teranof the Spanish When Timor Development,nc.,demolished
AmericanWar, pentmostof hisdeclining ears In ifeClydeguardedMarty's ll-American er - th e BaldwinTheater n Broadwav nd 41stStreet.
dozing in an armchairbefore he fire at the vice Station, rotecting he ga s tation rom bums, the eliteof New York'sheatrical ommunity am e
M i e n i m Club,Manhattan's o stdisti guished criminals nd riffraff f all sorts.C lyde gave h e to protest he desecration.h e Baldwinwa so ne
gentleman's ociety.There,he would drink port best en years f his if e o Marty ruiningh is of the city'soldest n d grandest layhouses,n d
and alk o hiscronies boutarmy ife and com- h e a l t h t a y i n g p a l l n i g h ta n d s l e e p i n gn g a s i n its day had been a major contributor o th e
plain this generationim ost whom, fumesal l day.Then Marty boughta new dog - legend f the CreatWhite Way.Here, oe s& Janes,
in hisopinion,"deserveda good hrashing." ince an dwithout o muchas a "thankvou" ha dClvde North Pacific, umpin' Jehosephatsnd the im-
hi sdeath n 1936, olonelP arkins'ghosta s cca- pu t o sleep.Needlesso say,C lyde's host oesn't mortalStarzapoppln ad heir Broadway remier.
sionallymanifested sa form sleepingn hi so ld like Marty very much. The New York Timescalled ts demolition " a
armchair. he members f the club,charmed y Norru lydehauntsMarty'sAll,{merican Service tragedy"; oe Papp aid, Ne w Yorkhas ostan
this in k with the past, eft he old gentleman's Station. e ikes o SneakUp behindMartvwhen old friend."
ghostalone. Marty s operating eavymachinery r working A megalth c of f ce-and-l xury-apartment om -
Recently, new city ordinance has orced he under car, ar k o u d l yan dChompMartyon the plex, Viola Tower, oseon its site. Th e architec-
Millenium to open its membershipo women. seat f th e pants.M arty sn't tanding p so good ture wasuniformlydamnedby criticseverywhere,
ColonelParkins, ho spent o manyhours n the to th e pressure. but the $500,000apartments completewith
companyof crustymalecompanions,s outraged. sauna nd patio n everyunit)sold ike wildfire.
Several imes, he h as manifested o Argue with Power: But now the ghostof the Baldwinappears very
women members; nce,he Thrashed ith a ghost- S p e c i a l b i l i t i e s : C h o m p ;S n e a kU p da ya t 1 p.m. no matinees n Sunday) nd every
ly riding rop not he womanwhosepresence nightat B within Viola Tow,er'savernousobby/
annq,edhi m - bu t her malecompanion he's oo Ectopresence:
s h o p p i n gm a l l .C h o s t l y h o r u s i n e s , i v a s n d
much of a gentleman o beata woman).Several Coal: DriveMarty l e a d i n gm e n r o t h e b o a r d s i t h i n h e g h o s t l y
femalemembers ave omplained f harassment, Baldwin, elting ut ghostl.v usical umbers
a n d h e T h r a s h e dn d i v i d u a ls s u i n s h e c l u b . amid ghostly aughter iolaTower'sesidentsin d
Tammanung the din appalling.
lndian W ar Chiei Co-op alesn the Torver re plummetting, nd
S p ec i al b i li t ie s A rg ue ;Thrash he Sol Timor,owner of the complex, s furious.
YoungBlighters T h r e ecenturies go ,Tammanung'sribe (pick
a n I n d i a n r i b ew h i c h u s e d o i n h a b i t o u ra r e a ) Power: f
wa sambushed nd brutallvmassacredv a ri val S p e c i a l b i l i t i e s : S i n g& D a n c e
Coal: Restorehe Millenium to an Exclusively tribe who coveted heir rich, ertile and. Every
hundred ears n theanniversaryf he massacre Ectopresence
Male Membershio
T a m m a n u n ge t u r n so t h e s i t e f h i sv i l l a g e . e Coal:Pu tO n T he BestDarnShowThisBurgHa s
hauntshe area ora week, riving he nhabitants EverSeen
Nick away or, f theydon't leave, estroyinghem.
LateD ug-CrazedMotorcycle Man ac Tammanung anifests s a 25{oot all Indian
dressedn leather reeches, occasins, n d u ll
N i c k , t o n e d u to f h i sm i n d ,w i p e do u t w h i l e headdress. e carriesa tomahawk,bow and
Art Director
doing 95 MPH on the New York Thruway n a arrows,an d spear.He speaksonly his tribal
thunderstorm. ince henhe ravels u r Nation's language. L u i g im e t h i s e n d a t t e m p t i n go m e e ta t i g h t
Highways nd Byways y night,poppingwheelies, Tammanung'sc 'r'ersreawesome he ests nd deadline.He was ound buried undera oil e of
making obscenegestures t police cars, and gathers i sstrengtho r a hundred ears etween rubber-cementedalleys drowned n a cup of
frighteninghe witsout of nuns n station agons. manifestations); h e Chostbusters ould be well coffee.
Th e Chostbustersare hired by the Highway a d v i s e do s e e k h e h e l p o f a n I n d i a ns h a m a n L u i g i ' s p i r i tn o w h a u n t s h e a r t d e p a r t m e n t
Authority o eliminate his supernatural enace b e f o r ea c k l i n g i m ( i f h e y a n i n do n e w i l l i n g where he met his final deadline.He wanders
to safemotoring. to helo). a b o u t h a i n m o k i n g ,i l l i n g h e o o mw i t h e c t o -
Eliminating ick is no bowl of Nachos, ow- smokea nd ghostlycigarette utts.At nig ht he
ever.Nick nevergets of f hi s bike, and once hit Power: completely eorganizeshe artdepartment, iding
by a proton beam will zoom awaycursing, eav- Special bilities: WeaponUse;T e r - important ork n drawers,nd gathering upplies
in ga trailof ectoplasmickid-marksehindhim. rorize;RainDance and books and stacking hem in boxes n th e
T he Chostbusters ill have o chaseNick down middle of the floor.By the time the employees
the highway t speeds reaterha nwould normal- Ectopresence:
sorteverything ut, he da y s shotand no work
ly be considered safe - or sane. (Picture a Coal: Reclaim getsdone.
AncestralH omeland
Chostbuster linging o ECIOI's roof-rack nd at- Luigi eaves trailof rubber ement wherever
tempting o proton-packNick as they scream he goes. e constantlyibbers,Slapit
a l o n gat 95 MPH... Pretty arn exciting, o?) ge t t outi as he works hi s destruction.
Nick sstilla lousy river, nd must oll against
his Powero keep rom wiping out when aftempt- Power:
in gdangerous,tupid tunts n hisb i k e .But ook Special bilities: Slime Rubber
at it this wav: he'salreadv ead.What's he worst Cement, ctually);
that could happen o him? Poltergeist
Power: Ectopresence:
Special bilities Z i p o n B i k e Moves Coal: Revenge
at speedof 9)

Coal: Die BeforeHe CetsOl d (already chieved)

62 Ghostbustersperations anual

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