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Thời gian làm bài: 8h15-8h45
Mã đề : 01 (Trắc nghiệm:45 phút, Tự luận: 30 phút tính cả thời gian tải bài lên hệ thống)
Lớp: 20ĐHKL01 Ngày thi: 30/06/2021
Họ và tên: Vàng Mỹ Lệ
MSSV: 2056060016 STT: …………..
Giám thị 1 Giám thị 2

✂ …………………………………………………………………………………………

Điểm (số) Điểm (chữ) CB chấm thi 1 CB chấm thi 2

Trắc nghiệm
(7 điểm)
Tự luận (3 điểm)

Điểm tổng
(10 điểm)
1. Fill in the answer sheet with your name, class, student’s code
2. Choose ONE of the two topics below to write a paragraph of about 120-150 words.
3. Save the file with your name and upload to the LMS-Part 2: Assignment
(Accepted file format : .docx, .doc, )

PART 2 : ASSIGNMENT (3.0 pts)

Write a paragraph of about 120-150 words. Choose ONE of the two topics below:
 TOPIC 1. Write an informal email of about 120 to 150 words to a pen pal (pen friend) to
introduce yourself.  You should write four paragraphs including the following information.
- Paragraph 1: Name, nationality, Age, Family, work/study
- Paragraph 2: Physical appearance
- Paragraph 3: personality
- Paragraph 4: hobbies and interests
From: ______
To: Charlie
Subject: Hi from Vietnam
Hi Charlie,
My name is …
 TOPIC 2: Write a short description (120–150 words) about the place where you live.
Include the following details:
- Where do you live? Where is it? (in the north/ south/ central Vietnam) How big is it?
(small/ medium-sized/ large city, population)
- What’s your hometown like? What is there to see?
- What’s the weather like?
- What’s it famous for?
- What’s the best thing about it? Do you like living there?
Your writing starts here:
I was born in Lai Chau that a small city in northwest of Vietnam, but now I live in Ho Chi Minh
city. We call that is Sai Gon. Althought it is not too big, it’s the busiest city in Vietnam.
Here the weather is hot all yeah around, temperature amplitude is not high so we don’t feel
uncomfortable. In Sai Gon, it is impossible not to mention Bitexco, Landmark 81 very modern.
Living in bustling city but i love the paceful moments here. Have breakfirst in street at district 1
and then go to Arts museum, last go to Ho Thi Ky market to eat a lot of street food. It’s make my
day so wonderful.
I love living here!

Scoring part for teacher

Assessment criteria Score

Responses and ideas (1pt)

Grammar ( tense, structures) (0.5 pt)

Lexical ( vocabulary, spelling) (0.5 pt)  

Organization (0.5pt)  

Task completion (0.5 pt)  

Total : 3 pts  

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