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‌“If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

”-Adolf Hitler

Have you ever noticed when people are trying to convince you of something untrue it gets

bigger and more elaborate? The more details you make up the bigger the lie gets but the more details

the more you are persuaded to believe it. News, and media are no different. The sad point of life is we

have to search for the truth. News and media will add or manipulate a story to stay ahead of the

competition that has the same story.

“Incredible skill for being able to intuit the mood of others and the ability to use those…

persuasive and inspirational abilities catapulted him… ability to vocally inspire millions and drew in his

followers with his promises…started with rational persuasion, using logic and known issues to influence

more people to follow his lead, and his inspirational appeals drew in more crowds”. These quotes and

clips came from a Penn State Blog about Adolf Hitler.

Even a monster like Adolf Hitler knew that he could win over the mass public with the power of

persuasion. Framing himself in a positive light and saying what people wanted to hear, how they wanted

to hear was the foundation of how Adolf Hitler, rose to power.

"Our streets will be safer, our police more efficient, and the world will follow our lead into the
future."-Adolf Hitler

“As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for
truth and justice.”-Adolf Hitler

“Camaraderie not ego”-Adolf Hitler

He told the people what they wanted to hear. He manipulated people into a group mentality. Street

fairs, and group rallies. He slowly convinced people that if you were part of the crowd, you were safe.

Then out of site he would pick off the loners, claiming they were rebels.
Hitler was such a master manipulator or a great persuader, he had young children trading Hitler photos,

like kids today would trade baseball cards. Hitler would pick kids out of a crowd simply to show the

world that he was kind and caring. He showed the world through photos that he was a genuine, kind

man and that he wasn’t killing off half of the European population. Hilter used children in photo ops as a

way to soften his imagine, a simple and brilliant advertising tool.

The simple fact is it worked. The monster that was Adolf Hitler was a master of persuasion. The

simple truth is people will believe anything that sounds good. Say loudly and with vigor that you want

peace and harmony through a powerful army, and they will follow. Shout that a good Christian wouldn’t

stand by and let outsiders tear the world apart and they will cheer. Only hindsight lets you see how they

keep the outsiders are kept in their place. I wish the art of persuasion came with honesty and good

intentions, but monsters speak louder and with more energy out of necessity to be heard.
Wilmoth, J. (2013, April 16). How Was Adolf Hitler So Persuasive? Owlcation; Owlcation.

‌Hunt, D. (2012, April 3). Adolf Hitler, in His Own Words. Owlcation; Owlcation.

‌smm7562. (2021, June 21). The Power and Influence of Hitler. ‌

I Love Docs. (2020). Children Who Met Hitler Speak Out - Hitler And The Children Of
Obersalzberg - History Documentary [YouTube Video]. In YouTube.

Harding, L. (2005, May 2). “His authority was extraordinary. He was charming” - Hitler’s nurse on
his final hours. The Guardian; The Guardian.

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