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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Basketball Lesson Tutorial

Students will be able to correctly learn how to pass, shoot, defend and dribble a basketball. Students will
also need to learn the rules of the game and how to properly play.

State Standards:
MS.N.5.3: Recognize an enjoyable activity that promotes social interaction or self-expression. Example:
Acknowledge the benefits of playing a pick-up basketball game with friends.

Students should be able to properly learn how to play the game of basketball. Which include the
students knowing how to properly shoot, defend, dribble and pass. Basketball is a worldwide known sport
and is commonly played throughout the world. Before going into a pick-up game with friends, students
must master how to dribble, pass, defend and shoot a basketball. Before they learn the rules and learn how
to play the sport I will be giving them a quiz on Khoot to know their knowledge of basketball. They also
need to learn the rules of the game. Once students properly know how to play basketball, they will be in a
large unit and will be assessed in a basketball game with students. All students should know the game of
basketball because it's a common sport and is known worldwide I'll be giving students a Kahoot to
prepare for the next lesson and this will measure there knowledge on the next basketball lesson.

Students will be grouped by their knowledge on the quiz and how much they already know about
the sport and how they perform. They will be put into 3 different groups, experienced, mediocre, and
inexperienced. Before each lesson plan, students will be quizzed and be assessed on the sport before
being placed in a group.

Materials: List all materials used (i.e. websites, apps, pencils, iPads, computers, worksheets, diagrams,
textbooks, etc.)
- Internet
- App store (Kahoot)
- Basketball
- Gym
- Basketball hoop
- Ipads
- Worksheets
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (15 minutes)
For the introductions, I’ll have 15 minutes for students to do this. Students will enter the locker
room and after they get changed they will enter the gym. Students will take their Ipads out and join my
Kahoot quiz that the teacher made. After students are done with the quiz they will wait for further
instructions. After they will be placed in 3 different groups based on their knowledge and experience in
basketball. I will then describe the information needed for shooting, dribbling, and the basic rules of the
basketball game.

Teacher Directed (10 minutes):

In this group, I will have 10 minutes to demonstrate to the students how to properly shoot a
basketball and dribble a basketball. The teacher will demonstrate how to shoot the basketball correctly
and the teacher will also demonstrate how to dribble a basketball to show the kids a visual on how to
complete this task, this will benefit them because they will see how to do it properly. The teacher will also
talk about the rules and how to play the game.

Collaborative (15 minutes)

Students have 15 minutes for this next grouping. The teacher put students in 3 different groups
that are placed on each student based on their knowledge and skill level of basketball. These groups are
(experienced, mediocrity, and inexperience). This is determined by seeing how they performed in
previous classes and their quiz grade from the Kahoot they took before class. The teacher's focus is to
work with the inexperienced group the most to help them succeed in the sport. Then, the teacher will work
with the mediocre group to see what they need to work on and improve on.

Independent Digital (15 minutes):

Students will have 15 minutes to complete this Kahoot quiz that the teacher will provide them.
This quiz will focus on how well the kids know how to shoot, dribble, and know the rules of the game. The
teacher wants to see what the students learned so far throughout the class.

Closure (15 minutes):

The closure will take about 5 minutes and the teacher will proceed to ask the students how their
day went with their lesson on basketball. Then students will take a poll online to determine how the class
went for them and how confident they feel in their basketball skills. This poll will be on Kahoot as well to
see how the students feel about their lesson today and what they learned.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)

Kahoot is an excellent source of technology that can be used through an app store or website.
This can benefit student learning by seeing their knowledge of the sport and how experienced they are. It
shows you side-by-side comparing their knowledge before and after the lesson. This is very helpful for
the teacher because it shows the teacher a good view of where the students are knowledge-wise and how
experienced they are with the sport. Kahoot is a known wide website/ app used around the world today.
This multimedia choice is helpful to all types of learners. This technology is so impactful to all learners
and is very beneficial to teachers as well. This kahoot quiz and polls will meet all lori criteria and all 8
standards that lori evaluation provides.
Showing the students a basketball video tutorial can be helpful towards the students because it
gives them virtual learning cues. This can benefit students by seeing virtual videos from a different
perspective other than the teacher. The video will show standards and objectives during it. The video will
be from youtube and before showing the class the teacher will preview the video to make sure it is high-
quality video. Some students are better at learning when they can visually see the instructions and some
students really benefit off it because they can pause the video when they need to understand what they're
watching. This video will meet all lori criteria and all 8 standards that lori evaluation provides.

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