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Waste landfill- EU legislation
Landfill operations
Main stages: Hydrolysis and aerobic degradation (gas: co2, h2o) -> hydrolysis and
fermentation (organic acid, h2, co2, h2o, nh3) -> acidogenesis (acetic acid, h2, co2) ->
methanogenesis (ch4, co2)
Treatment of biodegradable waste (composting, anaerobic digestion)
3 stages of composting:

 Mesophilic phase (initiation phase):

 Thermophilic phase: degradation of protein,
 Maturation phase: slow degradation of lignin and other resistant
The microorganisms break the material down through aerobic respiration
- 4 main stages in anaerobic digestion:
o Hydrolysis: Complex biopolymers to monomers
o Acidogenesis: formation of VFA (propionate, butyrate,..)
o Acetogenesis: H2 and Acetate production
o Methanogenesis: CH4 formation
The most important parameter: TS (total solids) concentration (%) ->
TS: the part of the waste that remain after drying at 1050C for 20 hours.
VS: the part of the waste that is combusted at 5500C after 2 hours

- using biological treatment only.
- Should be 2 pages only

Advanced oxidation process (AOE)
- Aim: Elimination of organic compounds that are highly resistant to biological
- Fenton process: Using H2O2 and Fe (catalyst) to make OH., which will
degrade organic pollutant.
- Photolysis: protons/electromagnetic radiation/ ultraviolet radiation absorbed by
a molecule -> a chemical reaction occur.
 Destroy multiple hazardous wastes such as dioxins, herbicides, TNT, PCB.
- Electrolysis: electrochemical reduction and oxidation of chemical species by
means of electrode from an external source.

 Application in: metal recovery (from wastewater and rinsewater from

electronic industries,…) like copper, gold, lead, silver,…

Czech landfilled gas in Czech Republic
In some cases, methane is undesirable as it can only used when concentration > 35 vol
% (utilization by combustion) -> lower concentration ( <35%) = biological oxidation
(biofilters) of methane.
 Removal of methane by 2 ways: flaring (expensive- barely used) and biological
oxidation (mostly used in Czechia)
- Biooxidation filter/ Biofilters: methanotrophs oxide methane to CO2 in aerobic
conditions based on equation: CH4 + 2O2 -> CO2 + 2H20
o Built at highest point of landfill
o 3 different types :
- Gas analyzer: to determine the gas concentration from the probe that sticks to
the lands

Plastic waste
- Mechanical recycling: processing of plastic waste into secondary raw material or products
without changing the chemical structure of the material.
- The sole form of recycling in Europe
 Restrictions: only four types of plastics are recycled at scales: PET bottles, HDPT bottles, PP
bottles and containter, PE rigids.

Waste analysis in real cases by portable devices
Analysis of plastics and other wastes
- Determination of heavy metals content in jewelry and plastic products
Analysis of alcohol: may contain some toxic substances (like methanol) => die, blind.x
Portable analysis of gaseous contaminants
- Methane
- CO2
- Oxygen
- H2S
- CO
Multiparametric probes for wastewater analysis: able to measure multiple parameters at once.
Infrared (IR): molecular vibrations =>
Microwave: molecular rotations
UV-VIS: how much light is absorbed by the sample => the concentration of the sample
Identifiable substances
- Solids, liquids, gels, pastes.
o Organic substances

Hard/ unknown substances to analyze:

 Using spectra to detect the metals/ compounds
FTIR: Fourier Transformation Infrared radiation => the bonds will absorb light => based on the
library => detect the bond
Phthalates: Phthalatic acid -> a very toxic compound found in cosmetic, paintings (make plastic more
durable) => cause allergy, asthma,…
NIR spectrometers: analyzed in landfills for detection of plastics.
 These analysis are mostly served for police, army, environmental agencies.
Pyrolysis: absent of oxygen (250-7000C)
Gasification: O2, H20 (500-16000C)
Incineration: Oxygen (800-14500C)
Fluidized bed incinerators: using inert materials like granular material (silica, sand, limestone, ,,,) to
increase the contact between bed material and combustion air (fluidization- air injection through a
number of nozzles in the bottom of the incinerator)
3 types of NOx: thermal NOx, fuel NOx, prompt NOx
- Thermal NOx: takes place at temperature above 1300 0C => constitute the majority of NOx
- Fuel NOx: takes place during combustion
- Prompt NOx:
Methods to treat NOx
- Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR) process

- Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) process

Circular Economy

Linear economy: Make -> consume -> dispose

Circular economy: a closed loop that raw materials, components, … lose their values as few as

Design a product that is sustainable from the start

- Design out waste and pollution

- Keep products and materials in use
- Regenerate natural systems

In circular economy, material cycles are closed like the ecosystem,

 In this system, components and raw materials remain of high quality

CE requires systems thinking

 Forms a network in which the actions of 1 player influence other players.

 Short and long term consequences must be taken in account as well as the impact of the
entire value chain

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