Pono Anika - Assignment Care For Nature

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BS Accountancy-2 Instructor: Ms. Dannah Facto


1. After watching the video, what will happen if we fail to

meet the 2030 climate change deadline?

Climate change awareness has made the rounds on social media recently following
the international arrest of scientists holding an environmental protest. Despite
calls for minimizing carbon emissions, policymakers globally have been making
shortcomings in implementing solutions for the 2030 Climate Change Deadline.

Humans have caused major climate changes to happen already, and we have set
in motion more changes still. We've already missed so many deadlines that we will
inevitably face some devastating consequences of our greenhouse gas pollution.
Climate Change isn't something we can entirely avert but we still have time to
avoid truly catastrophic climate disasters. In fact we'll never get a better return
for our mitigation efforts than right now. Doing nothing until 2030 would be
insanely reckless.

Experts warned us that by 2030, we have to prevent the increasing of the global temperature.
Big countries such as China, United States, India, and Russia should take the lead to eliminate
the carbon emissions for the plan to be more effective. The President of United States, Joe
Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement- the agreement that team up 195 countries to decrease their
carbon emissions by 50%to lower the global temperature.
On the other hand, in the Philippines Dr. Lagmay shared that this country will still be affected
when the ice in the poles melt, then they would increase the sea level and would warm the
oceans too. The climate will change when we have warmer oceans and could affect the
biodiversity. He also added that there will be an acidification of the oceans. And when the
ecosystem is affected, it also affects us, people, because we are part of the ecosystem. By 2028,
the goal of the Philippines is to keep up with the impact of climate change in various

If we do not take further action to stop climate impacts we’re already experiencing,
the planet is likely to see global temperatures rise by 2-4 °C (3-7 °F) by the end of
the century. This type of warming could lead to catastrophic melting of the ice
sheets in Greenland and Antarctica, causing sea level rise that would flood most
major global coastal cities.

The wildlife we love and their habitat will be destroyed, leading to mass species
extinction. Superstorms, drought, and heat waves would become increasingly
common and more extreme, leading to major health crises and illness.
If weExperts
will warned us that by 2030, we have to prevent the increasing of the global temperature.
If Experts
wil warned us that by 2030, we have to prevent the increasing of the global temperature.
What are the ways we can do to protect our nature?

When we speak about conserving nature, we are really talking about taking care
of our future, because nature provides essential resources for our survival and
enjoyment. We often forget how much humans depend on nature The term that
encompasses living organisms and the forces responsible for the physical world,
such as the weather, mountains, oceans, and landscapes.. Even city-dwellers
living in modern skyscrapers need air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat,
all of which are provided by nature.

Plant a tree. Trees provide food and oxygen. They help save energy, clean the
air, and help combat climate change.

Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Cut down on what you throw away. Follow the
three "R's" to conserve natural resources and landfill space.

Educate. When you further your own education, you can help others understand
the importance and value of our natural resources.

Conserve water. The less water you use, the less runoff and wastewater that
eventually end up in the ocean.

Shop wisely. Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag.

Use long-lasting light bulbs. Energy efficient light bulbs reduce greenhouse gas
emissions. Also flip the light switch off when you leave the room!

Don't send chemicals into our waterways. Choose non-toxic chemicals in the
home and office.

Bike more. Drive less.

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