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S E L F - R E F L E C T I O N O N P R O J E C T W O R K

Think about what you did in this project, and how well the project went.
Write your comments in the right column.

Student Name: Patricia C. Rodríguez Rodríguez

Project Name: Community Service at the Atabey garden at the University of Puerto Rico-Ponce (UPR-P)

Driving Question: What was the experience in community service in collaboration with the “
Coalición Estudiantil Pro-Agricultura” (CEPA) association at the Atabey garden
at UPR-P?
List the major steps of the The main objective of this activity was to help the CEPA in the maintenance of the Atabey
project: garden. We helped in the green areas by removing invasive weeds, watering the plants,
maintaining the compost pile, and organizing the storage and tools. As part of the initiative
of the CEPA organization to promote care for the environment, they allowed us to carry out
hours of service in the International Coastal Cleanup of the "Sociedad Honoraria de Biología
Tribeta" association. In this activity, we carried out a cleaning of Tamarindo Beach in
Guánica, Puerto Rico. We collected garbage found on the coast; we made a report of the
waste founded on the beach and deposited the garbage in the corresponding containers to
ensure correct waste processing.

About Yourself:
Through this project I learned the importance of caring for the environment. Currently, the
What is the most important deterioration suffered by the environment is clear, so reversing this situation has become
thing you learned in this primordial. In addition, being able to encourage students to learn about and explore the
production of their own food has a very positive impact. This type of projects and activities put
project: us in contact with nature, providing experiences that open our eyes to how fundamental our
help and actions are.
What do you wish you had I think that something that I would have liked to be able to do is have more experience in
spent more time on or done direct contact with plants. Most of the tasks performed were cleaning such as removing
dead vegetation and organizing the storage room. I think it is important in projects dedicated
differently: to caring for the environment that students can have a direct experience with nature.

What part of the project did The part of the project that I worked best was the collaboration with the Tribeta association
for the International Coastal Cleanup. Annually I have participated in the coastal cleanups,
you do your best work on: and it is something that I enjoy. It is impressive to see the amount of garbage that reaches
the coasts of Puerto Rico. We are usually unaware of the damage our resources suffer from
consumerism and the high rate of waste generation.

About the Project:

What was the most One of the parts of the project that I liked the most was being able to help in the Atabey
Garden. I enjoyed being able to see how people come together for the same goal and
enjoyable part of this purpose. It was satisfying to see how many students enjoyed spending time on a community
project: project. In addition, the CEPA initiative is important, since the value of producing our own food
and the importance it has as a society is very little promoted.

What was the least The part that I liked the least about the project was that many of the tasks were aimed at
enjoyable part of this cleaning only. I think it was necessary to have the students help with the weekly
maintenance tasks, but I also think it's important to put an educational spin on the
project: experience and make it more interesting.

How could your teacher(s) I believe that to improve this project and the experiences, the tasks should be better
change this project to make organized together with the CEPA association. One option would be to implement
educational workshops on the importance of the Atabey garden and discuss the tasks
it better next time: that are carried out in it. In addition, implement more options regarding the tasks so that
students can select the tasks that best suit their interests.

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