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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

English Department
Meeting Date: August 17, 2022
Call to Order:
A regular meeting of the Course ENGL 4021 L03 of the University of Puerto Rico at Ponce was
held in room MTC-1 on August 17, 2022. The meeting convened at 1:30pm, Professor
LeCompte presiding and Patricia Vélez, secretary. All students attended except: Solimar Rosado.
Approval of Minutes:
Minutes of the August 15, 2022 meeting were approved after corrections.
Matter Discussed:
1. Professor LeCompte welcomed students and started a three-minute timer. The free
writing prompt was: “If you could sit on this bench and chat for one hour with anyone
from the past or present who would it be?”
2. The professor discussed that in technical documents numbers over ten can be written in
digits. Numbers under ten should be spelled out.
3. Professor took attendance and those that had their website started showed it to her.
4. The professor highlighted the following corrections about bullets:
• Use parallel structure
• Use a period when completing a broken sentence
5. Professor LeCompte discussed the Portfolio:
• Short explanation of how to use Weebly was given
• Professor LeCompte’s website is an example of how it should look
• To be handed in at the end of the semester
6. The professor discussed the Progress Report:
• Eight hours of community service will be completed and can be divided
• Maximum of two hours can be done through donations
• Service hours can be done with Pro Agriculture Student Coalition (CEPA)
• To be completed in groups and included in Portfolio
Isabelle González presented a motion for the students to select their teammates; it carried.
Oscar Green presented a motion for the groups to consist of four students; it carried after an
opposition was denied.
The meeting adjourned at 2:40pm.
Submitted by:

Patricia M. Vélez Mejías, Secretary Date of Approval

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