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Question 1: Is it possible to know anything and to prove it?

Answer 1: Yes, it is possible to know anything but when proving anything becomes challenging
For example, a number of scientists believed to know some theories but they go through a hard
time proving it and they proved it based on multiples assumptions.
Question 2: Do humans have free will?
Answer 2: Free will is the ability to choose between different possible actions and scenarios.
Free will is closely linked to the concepts of moral responsibility, praise, guilt, sin, and other
judgements which apply only to actions that are freely chosen. According to me, a person is
free enough to do anything but he/she will not do any task associated with negative
One day I was going on a road and I saw a lady carrying heavy bags and I helped her to carry
those bags because of positive consequences attached to it. On the other side if I am driving a
car and a person appears in front of my car, my subconscious mind will command me to stop
the car because if that person get injured or dead, I will be punished.
Question 3: What makes an actions right or wrong?
Answer 3: An action can be right or wrong depending on a situation.
For example, killing a person is wrong but if I kill someone for my self-defense it would be right.
Question 4: How should we treat other people?
Answer 4: We should treat everyone with the right amount of love and respect because life is
like a mirror how we treat others is the reflection of how we will be treated in future.
Question 5: How should we live?
Answer 5: We should consider our life as an examination hall where we have to live our life
according to the standards provided by Almighty Allah. When this exam will be ended, we will
be handed over our results on the Day of Judgement. So, we should live according to the
standards set by Allah and the guidance of Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H). Besides the pleasures and
rewards of the world hereafter, the other major role that religion performs is of teaching moral
principles to a person. Moreover, these moral principles are not just to be read or understood,
rather they need to be put to practice in this world.
Question 6: Write down a situation in which your emotions and feeling become your attitude
and action?
Answer 6: I used to have anger issues and I used to overreact to small things then I joined the
gym and converted my negative energy into positive energy by exercising hard. Through
exercising I learned how to channelize my emotion and get rid of negative energy. Moreover,
exercising had a great impact on my physical as well as my mental health.

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