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TASK: Make a reaction paper about the Consumer Rights Protection hosted by DTI davsur.

Consumers are those who buy products for their own needs and use or consume them.
Although a customer cannot resell the good, product, or service, he or she may use it to support
himself or herself and engage in self-employment. Describe a consumer. The person who uses
any goods or services on a daily basis is the consumer. Consumers are anyone who purchases
goods or services and consumes them with the buyer's consent. This includes anyone else.
Consumers include any individual or group of individuals who purchase goods or services from
the buyer but do so without the buyer's knowledge or consent. The consumer can also be referred
to as the "final user" of the goods or services. In the "Bill of Rights for Consumers," which
safeguards consumers, according to the bill, consumers have the following rights: the right to
information, the right to make informed decisions, the right to safety, the right to be heard, the
right to have issues resolved, the right to consumer education, and the right to services.
So first and foremost, I am a student in BS Accountancy's 1st year, and there was a
seminar on October 27, 2022. It was about "Consumer Welfare Month," and the theme was
"Sustainable Consumerism in the Digital Age." As a listener at the event, I was curious about the
topic. Who are the consumers? What are the consumer's rights? What can a customer do if they
have a problem after purchasing something? So, while attending the seminar, I learned that we,
as consumers, must be mindful of what we are purchasing and remain vigilant for every good
and service we wish to purchase. "As consumers, we must not waste the goods and services we
have purchased," said the MC, "and it really affects my perception." Even if we purchased it, for
example, for water, I frequently forget to turn off the faucet, not realizing how much water I am
wasting. Resources are just limited, and I as a consumer must be aware of that.
In addition, when I was in the seminar, I also learned about the rights that we as consumers
must know about. As a consumer, I never thought that there were laws that could help us support
our complaints when there is a problem with the goods and services we purchased, even the
scams and fakes that we accidentally buy. So, as a listener, I had no idea that DTI would be able
to assist me. which I can be aware of my rights as a consumer and that there are words that
should be learned such as repair, replace, and refund. In addition, I learned about the safety
markings that can be found on any certified product and that, as a consumer, I must be vigilant in
choosing safe goods that won’t result in damages or accidents. For example, when buying
Christmas lights, I must first check the certified marks that can really assure our safety. Actually,
there are two marks: the PS mark and the ICC sticker. These stickers will be a sign for me to buy
those certain Christmas lights that I need. Finally, I was taught that we must prioritize the
essentials over the non-essentials. Always choose the goods that are needed in our daily lives,
because sometimes we buy things that are not needed. We might feel regret instead of buying it
with food. As a result, I am grateful to be informed about these issues.
As the seminar ended. I was thankful to the people who really go to the school to really
inform us about consumer rights and consumer actions. Somehow there are some added
knowledge to me which I can share it to my parents. That what we have learned are very helpful
to every people. To really know about our rights as a consumer. That there is way more to know
other than just being a consumer. Perhaps, the seminar by the way was amazing. The questions
were answered greatly and the MC’s were really into the event. I’m hoping they will come back
soon and share other topics again that can help us.

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