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The Lenten rite in 2022 is very different from prior years’ commemorations of how Jesus saved us from
our sins. Despite the fact that the ceremonials and procession were canceled due to the COVID 19 virus,
the Lenten rite continued to exist and was remembered in everyone’s heart and soul.

The tale of our Almighty Father and his son, Jesus, is the most incredible story ever written or ever
happened. The bible is the most magnificent work ever created. The Lenten season is a week dedicated
to commemorating God’s love for all of creation, which he demonstrated by sending his only son to
rescue us from our sins. Despite the fact that Jesus had suffered and been executed at the hands of the
Romans, He prayed to the Almighty Father to forgive all sinners.

I’ve encountered God turning a sinner into a believer and performing miracles for the poor, the hungry,
and everyone. I am His child, a sinner, but He loves me more than I love myself, and all humans do. This
Lenten tradition reinforced my belief that God is in charge of everything.

Regardless of the pandemic we are facing, God has promised all of His creations a better and brighter
future. This pandemic may be viewed as a danger to human lives, the economy, and The environment.
This pandemic is a bridge for us to stay at home and allow Mother Earth to heal from the harm we
people and our innovations have caused. God loves us, and I believe that He created things the way they
are now not so that we would suffer, but so that we would see things clearly and search for the positive
side of things.

I have faith in God to deliver me from the raging storm of obstacles. I want to keep my sight fixed on him
as I move through the world of hatred and falsehoods. I want my faith to become stronger so that even
when my body is tired, my mind is exhausted, my stomach is empty, and everything seems to be against
me, my faith will keep me standing against obstacles and be my light on dark roads.

Nothing, not even a pandemic or an economic downturn, can separate us from God. Nothing will ever
be able to shake our trust. The Lenten rite may be discontinued, and we may not be able to personally
say “Peace be with you,” but we must continue to glorify the Almighty Father and his son, Jesus. His love
is considerably larger than the pandemic we are facing, as well as any other illness that may exist. He has
a deep and divine love for us that is beyond words to express. Believe! He will pave the way for us to
survive this pandemic. I am confident that one day we will open our eyes and mesmerize at an even
more amazing world and on even more amazing people.

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