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m8 TexT slructuee Qa PeeTiNnence fom Tdeos Organization (OM Vocabulary Ricwness-Accoracy Repefi Non - neeps synonym 0 TRAMs] Monts - CONNECTORS 1 ALL TYPES OF HOUNS |) ALE TYPES OF PRONOUNS | AoKi Liany verps (MODAL VERB pol WRONG VERS / WRONG VERD TENSE ALL T¥PEs OF Adjectives | § Au TYPES OF ADVERBS (Qe Aericres © ERROR WITH PLURAL O2 SINGULAR | ALL TYPES OF CoNJUNeTIONS (GN au Types OF DETERMINERS (MD Peerosirions fog GERUNDS Ow TNELNETIVES (MM JOIN 0@ SEPapaTE WOKS Missing o& weomg WORD pul E2Roe IN AGREEMENT (WM SPELLING Mis TAKE [8 Caprravizarzon (ll PonctvaTtion (Word ORDER -SYN TAX | SENTENCE FRaqQmMenT (QM Unnecessary worp/woeps DW Con Fusing /CAN'T unpeesrand [™ Goop Bad Habits can consume you = Cantrtart with adv. ¢ ehraRy mere common MS lb non oc ed Ee ai followers of ‘Social media can be a useful tool or your poor enemy. tere 8 putiallabout their ives Wrong word because they dort haveide: Saou Seve tiennal) Posseanve Ra), aang a7 ey dont et ee ‘Q ge,, about whatking of public they are letting receive thei Information and thalSHangerous becaus® they dontt know ifthere is Wrong woal.vce type. 4, 4 person that can bea serial killer. tre wen Scare Sgeranerfaho dink most midweeks and: weekends so doctors eegmmendso 2d dint hatever alcoho drinkin sess time be us the time —wil produc 23 semana psa aos pas TERT Prins bang yu a treme craahes considered an illegal act. The problem arises when you not only place your financés in a game, but also your personal information on unknown platforms, thus violating fer player oo privacy. The ambition rs manage to get money regardless of whether they sel ems, HAM of degree tis clear that nothing guarantees winning a SS paisa eel 47 3 3 g : 3 8 z 7 3 g a 3 8 g g I : 7 g Wlodbook , iocthtsisictrlementt Currently, there are many ways to get food quick This Is ood for society, but there are people who begin to have an on without being hungry. This tn to personal problems, and people don't know how to handle sts 2) obs ising AAW. NommaLtyy hot only affects us physically, but in general, for example: Tene roa sous sting rastrempeleeeg Te pAT / = We get stressed easily. on euRBENGEAGY -We have negative thoughts about ourselves. Coviennayens toaddroranguediopeinganiatewenty ae ariateranteli (om has several meanings such as the desite to want to do something or have it, and that is why people act impulsively d cannot control themselves! After eating without being hungry, people who suffer from this have the feeling of guilt. rANe and this is because their problem with food has not been solved, they feel sad and disappointed after having a “binge eating. People who suffer from: ‘neared are ered with eating to avoid their problems, are psychologically unwelllshoul "open cap lay eeg e r lo that in the long run will generate more pr for their health and physical appearancefyil not ook good at al. Py spinors NATAL GaSeATBENRIOR NAAM SoH 11! Fronovd [Nova ewes Many people have an addiction to physical exercise and according to studies this isthe product of a mental di addiction has generated muscle injuries in many people due to overload or they have even gone to the hospital for a heart iow attack, their blood pressure drops fanting.etc. 0) NenTortecentewee: ‘Tinese whey proteins will never be the same as food itself, because that gives you more nutrients and more energy, It does not affect your bodyl} don't really know anyone who has an obsession with working out, but ive heard about it on different TV shows. THE OBSESSION WITH SOCIAL | vero AMEE! Weare In a time where we are all connected by technology, cell phones and computers. Social networks have a great influence on people's there are also cases where people have taken It too fq Af using social networks has become an. S Woald be connected seuteuce fragments obsession sino cea inaaMney ng pit eecbown eee eos Seng eect) 7 ane en reo Fens tave) (itu Ghatourey). We: shouldine Seioaaie Mbt forour a i ren mw tn aD hcagapromnto, Incondluso set limits when using TkTok, Facebook or other socal networks. fecause We can fal into an addict aaey eco penta” as to everything | ut not in our life. We must not too enced by viral W. AD). UF internet challenges that threaten our lives. — — eared terabion som 3g, Haz During the pandemic, my family and | spent most of our time at home, which caused me to spend alot of time on my cell phone watching videos, especially many Turkish novelgunti ea J only slept for 2 hours because[Sfjust 3 Boing though it sounds abit out ofthe ordinary. many eae addicted or have an obsession with pychologial dsordersthishas been proven by several medical tudes. glonchesb Pits ptactnee nev oenedad such as loneliness, that leads to take refuge in different things nore Senge ant rene [sing Cf this can be young girls who sometimes have the obsession to buy a lofcloth: Jand many times they only sossanes Tze oton occur oe ives and take refuge in shopping4this has been verified with studies that many doctors have done | tient Benito D ay ‘they have concluded that many patients have these addictions because of the things that happen around them, "i Rel mode, [ReWASe there are many more cases of this type of people who have been more dangerous. This is how what starts as a hobby ‘can become an obsession if we don't know how to handle'it, so if you have a hobby and you don't know how to handle Its preferable that you consult an expert and don’ let yourself be carried away by emotions or impulses tm MoseonchisionsleGiver. Coo acthesconcsiong (nBTAgecdlHesle quation) How can an activity become dangerous| He: children. In general, adolescents are exposed to falling into a number of obsessions which are usually very dangerous if we do ot control them in time, in SA infor very frequent question that parents often ask about their ns s Wve been Increasing/since around 5.5% are people who have been obsessed with an W. Ady. vie ‘cto the point of commiting dangerous ats. For example: person obsessed with vdeo games often gets futated the point of injuring, Lonoet not being able to win in any type of game, and in many other ca: injure themselves ing thek Neat ve. @ronoon 7 causing their own death, Another ‘example of Obsessi that we can see reflected in adolescents the, wi . ——— er reretines = —— rand drastically losing weight. This Is usually due to many factors, but rah Hon CEHAN sce become obsessive and dangerous when least expected, and one as a person must know how to help people Not jon erat) who are going through a time like this in order to avoid situations of injury or much more serious things. a scigsios (Fincomplets. concsiiony Quingaluiza We Heed — There are cates tht beope have an‘obsession vith het favorite sport and could jangerous. This obsessions one of W. Compaction - where — “pebeonst” Repeb Han need Sy.) the problems that people don't know tha has muscle injuries orfhistiad ep breaking a we Grea crameet Feet purenaphee Sees eiretolng o oat Usenaticne fo Tete Se. midegetete eles? My friend Pedro: session is| al th One day, Pedro played soccer i termoon, nae weeny Possers! Ws Adverts Pevery z ry fast and when he stopped, his muscle was! cactoe hi to fake a break and give up soccer for3 months. He worked 5 match he played very well but in the a level 3 muscle tear, He was hospitalized and the doctor t months for his recovery and little by little he could Play soccel are informal, Mchuchieel troptaph! = AN neces.” qaicsmelueliagseutines) erengone, In conclusion, Si 12 fave a favorite 5 st be clear that everything ha: we must not break that!) we cn injure ourselves or get tothe case ofa surgery We must take care of ourselves andwause the necessary Pseurenes iy Ortiz Y: Cononchon’ becete, you ge a reason) . (emigrants When teadin« books it makes us more confident. During a conversation, we demonstrate high erudition and in-depth i) : knowledge of a particular topic, [tiprg Rrorcon — ystaligeed Boole | ' } Then eerie "especially young people, who love reading. tf 03, Due toandeni ary many young Ty became interested in reading. Since there wa opportitod do ae ct mah as Seeacisnig? ew Lede ABs: ‘walking or going for a walk with friends.» ELEN Sa water Oe uN : REPET TIONS ce GaP RGREED canbeon eaten wit Arai Reading has increased for these reasons. It can befierzasod net itrreaches a point where it becomes obsessive to have to (Choer Maher prea Aare a es ret omen a Currentiyiat t companies seek to launch merchandise based on the stant the boo books, Merchandise refers to printed sh @story, bags or wallets printed with phrases from the book. Thisd > fe rw eee hind just because of this costae book aw y lostat res potat.

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