10thAPEuroHistCommitment Letter2010

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Letter of Commitment
Advanced Placement European History is an extremely challenging course. The History of Europe from the Renaissance until present day is a vast and complicated topic. To embark on such a venture takes a tremendous amount of devotion and commitment to putting in the time and effort required for success. The ultimate goal of the course is to take and pass the AP exam in May with a score of 3 or higher. The expectation is that students who choose to challenge themselves by taking this course will commit 100% to both individual success and to that of the team. This class entails a large quantity of reading, note taking (both from the reading and in class lectures), and essay writing. By working together we can give ourselves the maximum opportunity for success during the course of the year and ultimately on the test in May. Workload: The class meets every other day (A/B schedule), which will require a higher degree of self-discipline on the part of the student. There will be homework on most days (during the school year there will be approximately 16 pages of reading per week) and over all major breaks (during all major breaks there will at least 40 pages of reading which will require each student to work with and master the material). Before the start of the school year the students will also have a summer assignment that must be turned in on the first day of class. It is mandatory that all assignments be completed on time and with the full amount of effort given. Being participative in class by offering opinions and asking questions is a great technique to stay involved and also to increase understanding. The grading scale will be as follows: (90% = A; 80% = B; 70% = C). However, there will be no grade of D given out. This means that a grade below 70% will result in failing the course. Success: Success in the class will require hard work on everyones part (including your teachers). Each student will need to find their own path to success beyond simply reading the text and doing the basic assignments. Success might depend on a student rereading the text (two or three times), going to tutorial, after school reviews, the ASPIRE program, using outside resources, etc. Developing and improving study strategies will be a necessary part of the course. Some students will have to spend more time than others to achieve success in AP European History. This level of work requires collegiality and support. Your teachers will be available as much as possible to help the students in any way they can. Thank you for your commitment to this program. Lloyd Sabin lsabin@helixcharter.net 644-1940 x397 Ben Stone bstone@helixhcharter.net 644-1940 x391

I understand that by signing this letter I am making a total commitment to doing my best in AP European History. My goal is to take and pass the AP test. I will therefore strive to succeed at every step during the course of the year. Signed (and print)_____________________________ Date________________

For Parents: I have read the above letter and understand the commitment it takes to be in the AP program. I will offer my student any support that I can.



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