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Table of Contents
2. Introduction.........................................................................................................................................1
3. Background of the sports organization................................................................................................1
4. Summary of the health and wellbeing issues......................................................................................2
5. Market research..................................................................................................................................2
6. Swot analysis.......................................................................................................................................2
7. Marketing goals...................................................................................................................................3
8. Audience..............................................................................................................................................4
9. The message........................................................................................................................................5
10. Communication method..................................................................................................................5
11. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................6
12. References.......................................................................................................................................6
2. Introduction
Marketing communication plan is significant for engaging, promoting and increasing the
business for adding value in the lives of customers. The report aims to develop the marketing
plan for fifa organization. The selected issue is Concussion and head injury in football sports.
The marketing plan with goals and objectives, swot analysis and marketing methods are included
in plan.

3. Background of the sports organization

The sports organization fifa (federation international football association) is the governing body
that started the football sports across different countries in 1904. According to Humphreys, B. R.
(2016), the governing body was responsible of managing the sports matters related to football at
international level. The aim of the fifa organization is to manage the association of football
game, develop friendly environment and friendly association among different countries playing
football. It also helps to promote the healthy competition, arrange matches, and allow the
football players to come forward and enjoy the healthy competition. The fifa world cup is one of
the biggest football competitions in the world allowing all the football team to compete and win
the football world cup (Morgan & Summers, 2006). The current status of fifa and football game
is that the organization is the main pillar in managing the football game, regulating and
maintaining the rules of the game, maintain the facets of the game, controls the transfer of the
players, arrange and manage the international tours (Advertising age.,2012).

The Australian team has been a part of fifa organization since 1950s and the country has
qualified in the fifa world cup in following years: 1974, 2006, 2010, 2014, 2018 and 2022. The
fifa world 2023 would be held in Australia and new Zeeland. In this way, the country would get
opportunity to host the biggest fifa event. The target market for the fifa organization in Australia
is young g boys and girls of age 8 to 25 who want to participate and play soccer matches and
succeed the football world. FIFA Women's World Cup co-hosts Australia have set a target of
equal gender player participation by 2027.

4. Summary of the health and wellbeing issues

Concussion and head injury in contact sports
According to Saayman, M., & Saayman, A. (2014), Concussions affect the sportsman in both
contact and non-contact sports. These are the brain injuries having the ability to induce alteration
of mental condition. It shakes the brain with the skull and in severe case; it can affect the nerves
and fibers. In football game, the linkage of football game with the head injuries has increased
rapidly. In football game, concussion is the most common form of injury which can lead toward
chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Scelles, N. (2021), stated that The disease leads toward
memory loss, depression, stress and sleep disturbance. As the injury has been seen more
prevalent in the football player due to nature of game rules, many youngsters have feared I n
mind related to head injuries. Some players lacks the proper training avoid such type of injuries
in football matches at local and international level. In Australia, many students and youngsters
avoid playing football because of this fear. To solve the problem, it is necessary to create the
marketing and communication plan.

5. Market research
The market research is conducted to develop the marketing communication plan for promoting
the football sport among the target market on Australia and resolve the associated health and
wellbeing issue for them. As a marketing manager, I have conducted the research. The main
stakeholder involved in the customers, youngsters desiring to play football, marketing experts
and marketing team, project sponsors and few members from Australia. The online survey is
conducted for analyzing and understanding the communication requirements and needs to meet
the organizational goals and objectives. For creating batter environment in supporting the target
market, the survey results would be used. The survey conducted on social media is most efficient
method as it includes the suggestion and view point of everyone through smart phone and online

6. Swot analysis
Conduct a SWOT analysis to assist the sport in addressing the Health and Wellbeing issue.
Identify strengths and opportunities that will assist the sport to address the issue, and identify the,
weaknesses and threats that need to be considered

Strength Weaknesses
 Club footballs are effecting and losing
 Effective brand reputation and financial credibility
structure  The bigger teams get more
 Regulation and management of the opportunities and resources to come
most famous sport ahead; on the other hand, smaller team
 The organization has one of the biggest doesn’t get enough chances to show
member group including more than 190 their talent and competencies.
countries (Scelles., 2021).  Some corruption and discrimination
 After Olympics, it is the second biggest allegations are also associated with it
supporting event having famous players  The collaborative system among bigger
like Ronaldo and messi attracting many and smaller team in fifa is weak
big brands and teams. Advertising age., 2012).
Opportunities Threats
 The organization has the opportunity to  There is threat of religious
explore new talent in Asian countries discrimination, racism and biased
where football game is not very famous behavior toward specific sect or group
and develop the integrated environment (Sofi, M. R., 2018).
 The new marketing techniques can be  There are some very promising football
adopted to reach out more people for organization are working to compete
engaging them and promoting football fifa and have the potential to give tough
support Muresherwa, G. 2015). competition
 The organization can start new  The governing bodies can be
academies and clubs in under weakening due to other language
developed countries to promote the matches.
 Fifa can collaborate with other supports
organization such as Australian cricket
board and the cricket players to develop
supports friendly environment

7. Marketing goals
Based on the outcomes of market research and your SWOT analysis, outline at least two
marketing goals and SMART objectives that capture what the organization must do to address
the Health and Wellbeing issue. These objectives should be very specific, measurable,
achievable, and relevant and time bound (SMART).

For promoting the game, raising awareness among youngsters regarding protection and
management of injury, allowing more people to join the football community, and minimizing
their fear of getting skull injury, the following marketing objectives and smart objectives are
developed. The two market objectives are:
 The major goal is to sustain the football game among young generation and promote the
game for positive impacts in community
 Raising awareness among youngsters specifically in Asian countries about the safety
measures associated with injury issues and promoting the game by providing training and

The smart goals are:

 Specific

Increasing the football franchises in different parts of the world providing training and safety
measures to build confidence and avoid fear of injury

 Measurable

Generate 40 % of the profit through ending business operations and training programs

 Attainable

The desires goals would be achieved within next five year till 2027

 Relevant

Develop awareness, increase promotional strategies and raise awareness trough friendly
matches specifically in Asian countries

 Time trial

The company wants to achieve the revenue by 25 % in next five years of 2027.

8. Audience
The young audience and youngsters, coaches and parents are the target audience. Coaches will
be trained so that they can prevent injuries of players through measurable means. Parents would
be engaged to increase the likelihood in game specifically in Asian countries. Doctors would also
be involved who provide their medical advices of dealing with injuries to local football
 The local football players and management team of local football academies are the main
focus where we can increase awareness and promote the game. The age group of target
audience would be 8 to 25 years old.
 Another important factor to consider in achieving desires outcomes are including the
women football and promoting the game in young girls. This market segment can bring
huge potential for company and bring opportunities to get the measures financial

9. The message
The organization is striving to bring improvement in the football game and bring opportunities
for the young generation to play their favorite sport fearlessly and with confident.

The governing body wants to take protective measures for footballers from head injury and
stress. The training programs, expanding the business operations across the world through more
franchises specifically in Australia would help them to achieve the vision. To protect the players
from injuries, training would be given. To engage and access more talent in developing
countries, the friendly matches would be conducted. The friendly matches and new franchise
would increase the opportunities for new talent and potential players getting wasted.

10.Communication method
Social media

According to Crabb, B. (2017),Social media is an important method for engaging with

youngsters because the usage of social media has increased rapidly. Almost everyone has smart
phone and use social media platforms such as Facebook, twitter, Instagram and other
applications. Social media is the most important platform for engaging with target customers in
this era. The fifa would develop the social media platforms, accounts, pages through which they
share the news, latest development, and information. They will engage with through comment
section, direct messages and ratings.

Another method to promote the activities would be advertisement. Canning, B. (2015)
emphasized that The TV commercial advertisement, advertisement on live streaming platforms,
YouTube and Facebook advertisement are some methods to promote to services, new
information and details of the fifa world cup. It would reach out to maximum number of people
and attain the desired goals.

The report presents the m marketing communication plan of fifa organization related to health
and wellbeing issues. The selected problem is in injuries and stress during playing the games for
footballers. To raise awareness among youngsters regarding football sports, minimize injuries,
build confident and engage more people in Asian countries, smart goals and clear objectives are
provided. Social media and advertisement are the two main communication methods selected.

Advertising age.(2012). Choice Reviews Online, 50(04), 50–2161.

Crabb, B. (2017). Social media marketing. Illawarra Mercury, 14, 14–14.

Canning, B. (2015). Social media marketing. Motor Age, 134(9), 10–12.

Humphreys, B. R. (2016). Circus maximus: the economic gamble behind hosting the olympics
and the world cup. The Independent Review, 20(4), 599–602.

Saayman, M., & Saayman, A. (2014). Appraisal of measuring economic impact of sport
events. South African Journal for Research in Sport, Physical Education and Recreation, 36(3),

Scelles, N. (2021). Policy, political and economic determinants of the evolution of competitive
balance in the fifa women’s football world cups. International Journal of Sport Policy and
Politics, 13(2), 281–297.
Scelles. (2021). Policy, political and economic determinants of the evolution of competitive
balance in the fifa women’s football world cups. International Journal of Sport Policy and
Politics, 13(2), 281–297.

Muresherwa, G. (2015). The media impact of the 2014 fifa world cup™ in selected tourism
markets. African Journal for Physical Health Education, Recreation and Dance, 21(Sup-2),

Sofi, M. R. (2018). Social media marketing - a review. Asbm Journal of Management, 11(1), 21–


Morgan, M. J., & Summers, J. (2006). Sports Marketing. International Journal of Sports
Marketing and Sponsorship, 7(4), 52.

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