Broman 1961

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I. Introduction ~ where l* is the length of the wake, and u0 is
Modern jet engines require combustors capable the blowoff speed of the fresh mixture past the
of stabilizing a flame at flow speeds considerably wake as shown in Figure la. I t was found that
higher than the speed of flame propagation. this parameter is determined exclusively by
Two different types of combustors have been the factors affecting the combustion chemistry.
developed to meet this requirement. The first The corresponding stabilization mechanism is
type, the bluff body flameholder, makes use of based on the concept of a continuous ignition
the wake behind the body as a heat source process occurring in the mixing zone between
from which the flame can propagate through the the stream of fresh fuel-air mixture and the
flow, as illustrated by Figure la. The second hot gas in the wake. It is important to note
combustor design, the so-called can-type com- that the recirculation zone is considered as an
bustion chamber, also operates with a hot independent steady heat source in the flow field,
wake created by a deflection of the flow, as not only under normal stable operation but also
indicated in Figure lb. Both of these combnstors throughout the blowoff process. Blowoff of the
are presently in common use in the turbojet flame propagating through the mixture down-
and ramjet engines. stream from the wake occurs when the material
One of the performance qualities of primary involved in the continuous ignition process is
interest in these combustors is the relationship not given a long enough residence time in con-
between the speed of the flow and the range of tact with the hot wake. Thus, the characteristic
fuel-air ratios for which a stable operation can time rc is a measure of a chemical ignition-delay
be maintained. The limits of the range of stable time. The question of stability has been reduced
operation, as a rule, are determined by blowoff to a question of whether or not the time avail-
experiments. It is, however, desirable to find able in the flow field is longer than the minimum
the similarity laws for stability, so that the chemical time required for ignition. The in-
stability limits of combustors can be predicted fluence of the different parameters on the sta-
without necessitating actual tests in every case. bility limits follows immediately from this
Because of the complexity of the stabilization consideration. Experiments by Wright ~ further
process, the actual mechanism of flame stabili- illustrate the usefulness of the ignition delay
zation must be understood before these similarity time as a correlation parameter for bluff body
laws can be developed in a rational manner. fiameholders.
One approach to the problem of flame stabili- The can burner models which have been sug-
zation by bluff bodies has led to a considerable gested,~, 4.5 on the other hand, do not very
clarification of the process, and in particular, clearly relate the proposed stability parameters
to a simple separation of the effects on stability to the actual flow picture. Nor is the stabiliza-
of flow parameters on one side and of chemical tion mechanism explained by the structure of
parameters on the other. Zukoski and Marble I the flow field. The basic reason for this situation
have shown that the stability limits can be cor- is that, because of its complexity, the important
related by a characteristic time parameter, features of the flow in the can burner are not
well understood. Therefore, it was decided to
l* study some of the aspects of the flame stabiliza-
Tc --
ltO tion process in the can burner by use of a rela-
tively simple model which permitted a de-
This paper presents the results of one phase of
termination of the flow parameters, and at the
research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Lab-
oratory, California Institute of Technology, under same time preserved important features of the
Contract No. NASw-6, sponsored by the National processes which occurred in the can burner. A
Aeronautics and Space Administration. two-dimensional deflected jet of fuel-air mixture

on the height h. Consequently, h is a convenient

parameter which defines the combustion chamber
size. The only requirement on the length l is the
obvious one that it be long enough to cover the
complete length of the recirculation zone. The
combustion chamber size and geometrical
configuration are defined by the notation 5 x h x l.
]n order to provide facilities for visual ob-
servation of the two-dimensional flow pattern,
I GFLAMEA the test chamber is equipped with side walls of

(3 l-in. thick Vycor glass plates. The mechanical
design of the chamber is such that a wide range
RECIRCULATION of slot ratios and burner sizes can be achieved.
The burners used in experiments described in
Section IIIA were water cooled, and those used
in the experiments discussed in Section IIIB
were insulated with quartz plates on top of the
reeirculation zone. The diflerent burner design
leads to slightly different blowoff limits because
of the different rates of heat transfer from re-
b circulation zone gases. Hence, the results for
these sections are not directly comparable.
FIG. 1. Schematic flow diagram for (a) bluff
The fuel used during all experiments was
body flameholder and (b) can type combustion
propane gas supplied under the commerical
name, "Rockgas". The exact fuel composition
was 97.8 per cent propane and 2.2 per cent
was chosen as a suitable model for this purpose. ethane. A homogeneous mixture of fuel and
By variation of geometry, a model of this type air was supplied to the duct at 70°F and a
can be made to exhibit some of the characteristics
pressure of about one atmosphere.
of the bluff body flameholder as well as the can
burner. The objective of the present investiga- III. Experimental Results
tion, then, was to study the flame stabilization
The flame stabilization process is governed by
in a deflected jet with particular reference to
a number of fluid mechanical and chemical
the concept of an ignition-delay time.
parameters. It was decided to study principally
II. Experimental Equipment and the influence of the flow parameters. Of these
The general features of the deflected jet model
are shown in Figure 2. By the right-angle de-
flection of the jet, a recirculation zone is created s~. ,,
between the initial undefleeted part of the jet
and the downstream part of the deflected flow.
Consequently, a flame can be stabilized in the L~xx\\\\\\ ,\x\-.x~xx\\~\\\\\\\\\\\,.\\\\\\)\\\\\-.\\-~
jet and the flow parameters can easily be de-
termined in the resulting two-dimensional flow '..9",
The geometric configuration of this model is
defined by the ratio between the slot width FLAME
and the combustion chamber height h. For the
sake of brevity, this ratio wilt be denoted by FIG. 2. Schematic diagram of geometry and
the expression "slot ratio." Given a certain flame configuration of two-dimensional slot-type
slot ratio, the length l* of the recireulation combustion chamber; burner geometry is specified
zone would be expected to depend primarily by standard notation (~ x h x 1).

variables, the two which appear to be most although this parameter varied between the
important in fixing the flow field are the burner three duct geometries, it was substantially the
size and geometry. I t is reasonable to assume same for various sized ducts of similar geometry.
that these may be characterized by the duct Further, sodium line-reversal temperature meas-
height and the slot ratio, respectively. urements showed that the recirculation zone
temperature was insensitive to changes in
either scale or geometry. These experimental
BERS OF VARYING SIZES results indicate that flow conditions within each
The influence of burner size was determined burner family are quite similar from a fluid
for three different values of the slot ratio and mechanical point of view, and that the chemical
for duct heights of ½, 1 and 2 inches. Thus, the parameters are basically the same, not only for
effect of changing both of these fluid dynamic burners within one family, but also between
parameters was illustrated separately. different families. Because of the similarity
Schlieren photographs showed that the flow within each family of burners, it seems reasonable
fields for a particular family scale exactly with to assume that simple scaling laws for the sta-
burner size. However, a comparison of the bility limits may be found.
schlieren photographs of the flow fields of the Correlation parameter for stability. An attempt
three families, shown schematically in Figure 3, was made to separately correlate the stability
confirmed that the slot width has a strong data for each of the three families by use of a
influence on the location of the mixing zone parameter,
boundary. Figure 3 shows schematically that
the mixing zone for the burners of family l*
TO ~ --
(½h x h x 5h) does not reach the lower wall be- Y0
fore the end of the recirculation zone, whereas
which is similar to the characteristic time in-
that for the family (lh x h x 5h) reaches the
troduced as a bluff-body scaling parameter.
bottom boundary a short distance downstream
The data show that within each family the
from the deflection of the jet.
stability limits for different sized burners are
Measurements of recirculation zone length,
surprisingly well correlated over the complete
normalized by the duct height, showed that
range of operation (Fig. 4). However, comparison
of the stability limit based on TOreveals that the
slot ratio parameter has a strong influence on
j./// the correlation. In general, as slot ratio is de-
creased, the stability curves are moved down-
ward toward lower values of r0. For example,
the minimum values of To are 0.33, 0.31, and
BURNER FAMILY (l12h x h x 5h)A 0.22 msec for the ½, ¼ and ~ slot ratio families,
If the stabilization mechanism for the present
system is similar to that of the bluff body flame-
holder, as is suggested by the excellent correla-
tion within each family, then the deviations in
correlation between families can be easily ex-
BURNER FAMILY(I/4h x h x 5h)A plained. The reference speed used in the defini-
tion of r0 only, is representative for the initial
jet speed and does not take into account the
flow situation along the rest of the characteristic
dimension. In burners with small slot ratios, the
relative speeds in the downstream part of the
mixing zone are lower than in burners with
BURNER FAMILY(I/8hx h x 5h)A
larger slot ratios. This follows from the fact that
FIO. 3. Schematic diagram of flow field for for small slots, all of the fresh mixture enters
three different burner families in combustor the mixing zone before the downstream end of
type A. the recireulation zone is reached. Because the



O HEIGHT h = 112 in. 0 I- •

O HEIGHT h = I in.
F'I HEIGHT h : 2 in.

Io0 L~



0 J

0.6 0.8 hO ~ 1.4 1.6


FIG. 4. Stability limits expressed in terms of r0 for burner family (~h x h x 5h)A.

cross-sectional area of the duct is constant, the a burner with a larger slot. Because To is based
speed in the mixing zone at the end of the re- on the initial speed, lower minimum values
circulation zone will be proportional to the mass would be expected for smaller slot ratios.
flow rate. As the slot area is reduced, the mass
flow rate for a given jet speed decreases, and B. COMBUSTIONCHAMBERSOF VARYINGGEOMETRY
hence, the flow speed in the mixing zone will also I n order to elucidate the role of the residence
decrease. Consequently, the residence time for time, more detailed information about the flow
the material in the mixing zone will increase as field must be obtained. For this purpose, it is
the slot ratio is reduced for a constant jet speed. desirable to test a burner of a given size over an
Under such circumstances it is clear that the even wider range of slot ratios than studied
burner with the smaller slot can operate at higher during the scaling experiment. Such experiments
initial jet speed for any given fuel-air ratio, than are described in this section.

The burner used has a height of 1 in., and bottom wall, schlieren pictures clearly demon-
slot widths of ~ , i-, ¼, ½, ~ and 1 in. were tested. strate that the mixing layer reaches down to the
Figure 5 presents direct flame and schlieren bottom wall. The point at which all of the fresh
pictures of the combustion chamber (~ x 1 x 6) mixture has entered the mixing zone occurs
for the six different slot ratios. These pictures, farther upstream as the slot ratio is reduced.
taken at maximum speed and stoichiometric Again, blowoff velocities and recirculation
fuel-air ratios, demonstrate the very pronounced zone lengths and temperatures were determined
change in flow configuration which occurs when for these configurations. The temperature meas-
the slot ratio varies over a wide range. urements show almost identical temperatures of
For the three largest slot ratios, ½, ~ and 1, the recirculation zone gases when comparison
both the flame and the schlieren pictures show is made at similar values of the relative speed,
that the wake is covered by a stream of fresh i.e., for similar values of the ratio of jet speed
mixture along the total length of the recircula- to the jet speed at blowoff. Hence, on this basis
tion zone. This length is about 4 in. on the scale of comparison, the chemical parameters govern-
shown in the flame pictures. The burners with ing the flame stabilization process are the same
smaller slot ratios, on the other hand, exhibit a for all of the burners.
direct contact between the mixing zone and the Stability limits in terms of "to. Although the
bottom boundary. Although the lower surface experiments established that the chemical
of the flame appears at a small height above the parameters in the different burners are almost

FIG. 5. Direct flame and schlieren photographs of combustion chamber (8 x 1 x 6)B for various slot
ratios and stoichiometric operation at maximum blowoff speed.

identical when compared for similar values several very interesting effects of the burner ge-
of the relative speed, the flow parameters, ometry on the stability limits.
on the other hand, exhibit a great deal of Burners with slot ratios ½, ~, and 1 show a
variation between the burners, due to the good correlation. This is perhaps not surprising
differences in slot ratio. Hence, a comparison because the mixing zone in these burners does
betweeen the stability limits of the different not have any direct interaction with the bottom
burners will demonstrate the influence of slot boundary before the end of the reeircul~tion
ratio alone. zone.
Figure 6 shows the stability limits in terms of Reducing the slot ratio below ½ leads to a
T0 for the different burners, and demonstrates widening of the stability limits. Again, this


O ~:~ SLOT RATIO 8/h = 1/16

~7 SLOT RATIO 8/h = I/8 I

A SLOT RATIO ~/h I//4 r'l O

O SLOT RATIO '~/h I//2

l O S L O T RATIO 8/h 3/4

t /

! o ,/s--~
~ '/~ - -

~-: /--,/s SLOT RAT,O ~/,,= ,-3/'~.,/2~. /

,/,6 ---/ ~---- V~6

0,5 - ~

V__ so~,i ~T s ~ o ~-- so.,c ~T S.~O

0.5 0.6 0.7 0,8 0.9 1,0 I,I I~ 1.3 1.4 1,5 1.6

FIG. 6. Stability limits expressed in terms of To for combustion chamber (a x 1 x 6) B with various
slot ratios.

effect may be expected, because an increasingly with slot ratios equal to ½and smaller. With these,
strong interaction between the mixing zone and it will be possible to compare the flow in the
the bottom boundary was observed as the mixing zone for a case without any interaction
slot was reduced. with the bottom boundary with cases in which a
Clearly, the trend observed here is the same weak or strong interaction is present. Measure-
as that found when comparing the different ments of velocity and temperature were made in
families of burners in Section IIIA. As was ex- at least three locations in the mixing zones of
pected, the greater variation of geometry used ducts with slot ratios ½, ~, ½ and 1 . As would be
in this case has led to a considerable amplifi- expected, the distribution of velocity and temper-
cation of the discrepancies in the stability curves ature depends in a rather complicated manner
expressed in terms of r0. on location in the duct and also on the slot
Previously, the trend in the discrepancies ratio for the burner. However, certain similarities
was explained by a qualitative comparison of exist for the velocity and temperature profiles
the residence times in the mixing zone. In order which greatly simplify the discussion of the
to obtain a quantitative correlation, it will be results and analysis of the residence time at
necessary to actually measure these times. blowoff. The flow in the mixing zone of com-
This requires a more detailed study of the flow bustion chamber (½ x 1 x 6) will be treated
field in the mixing zone. first and in greater detail than for the smaller
IV. F l o w F i e l d i n t h e M i x i n g Z o n e
The mixing zone structure is not very likely A. S L O T :RATIO ~lh = ½

to be affected by the burner geometry for slot I t is of interest to consider the flow speeds of
ratios equal to and larger than ½. The present in- different temperature regions in the mixing zone,
vestigation will, therefore, be limited to burners because consideration of the local temperature

I I I /

IOOO ~ 0

~, "/.I/, / / / "///; "//x " ~ i l l / l , "~//.////, /

~oo "~>'/////,i, "///~r,'//, "//,,~/// / / / / / / / , "~,'///// "/ /


o o.z o.4 o.,s ~ o.8 I.o LZ
FIG. 7. Temperature versus velocity distributions at several locations in combustion chamber
(½ x 1 x 6)B operating close to the lean limit and at jet speed ratio vo/vo max = 0.5.

versus the corresponding speed facilitates a The scatter observed for the section farthest
comparison of the flow conditions at various upstream is probably caused by inaccuracies in
sections which have different mixer-layer thick- the location of the probes. At this section, the
nesses. Such a cross-plot of the temperature and velocity and temperature gradients are very
velocity profiles is shown in Figure 7 for (~ x 1 x 6) high because of the small width of the mixing
burner. The resulting T(v/vo) profiles are sur- zone. Hence, a small dislocation of a probe wilt
prisingly similar at the different locations along give rise to large errors in the quantity measured.
the flow. The locations of isotherms in the flow field
can be determined from the temperature distri-
bution measurements. Figure 8 indicates the
~J /~ RECIRCULATION locations of the isotherms for 500, 1000 and
1300°K in the mixing zone. It will be noted that
the 500°K isotherm has about the same shape
as the lower boundary of the zone.
? ~ ~ ~ ~ 1300°K
Thus far, the situation in the mixing zone has
only been considered at a certain intermediate
" "/ /" . . . . MIXI~IGZONE "" jet speed. The influence of the jet speed on the
temperature distribution through the end of the
FIG. 8. Location of isotherms for 500, 1000 and recirculation zone is illustrated by Figure 9.
1300°K in combustion chamber (½x i x 6)B operat- All data have been taken with the combustion
ing close to the lean limit and at jet speed ratio chamber operating close to the lean stability
Vo/VoIn~.~ = 0.5. limit. In the first case, the measurements were

Z~ vo : 170 ft/sec; (~ = 0.75 /

vo : 3(30 ft/sec; <~ = O.81
vo = 560 fVsec; 9~ = I.OI

O 0.4

iI .....
ON ¥]h

[] o -

O 5OO IO00 1500 2000


FIG. 9. Temperature distributions at the end of the recireulation zone in combustion cham-
ber (½ x 1 x 6)B operating close to the lean limit and at several jet speeds.

made at maximum speed and stoichiometrie velocities and the temperature distribution in
fuel-air ratio; in the second the jet speed was the mixing zone close to blowoff are similar.
about half of maximum, with an equivalence The most striking similarity occurs in the
ratio of 0.8; and finally, the last case corre- T(v/vo) profiles which are relatively independent
sponded to a jet speed ratio of about 0.3 and an of jet speed and location along the flow. This
equivalence ratio of 0.75. Considering the implies that all elements at a given temperature
differences in adiabatic-flame temperature ob- level move with the same relative speed regard-
tained with such widely different equivalence less of absolute speed and location. I t should be
ratios, the similarity in the temperature profiles emphasized that this result is only valid for
(Fig. 9) is surprisingly good. flows near the blowoff limits.
An even more striking similarity is exhibited Under such circumstances, it is not surprising
in the T(v/vo) profiles at the end of the recireula- that the characteristic time r0 constitutes a
tion zone for the three jet speeds studied. Ma- useful stability parameter. Clearly, the actual
terial of a certain temperature travels with the residence time along a certain streamline in the
same relative speed close to blowoff (Fig. 10). mixing zone will again be proportional to To
The similarity in T(v/Vo) implies that the relative for the burner in question. This explains the
velocity profiles at the end of the recirculation excellent correlation of the stability limits by
zone also are similar, because it has been shown To obtained for the geometrically similar burners
that the temperature profiles are similar. discussed in Section IIIA.
Summarizing the results obtained from the The discussion has thus far been restricted to
investigation of the mixing zone in combustion a flow field in which the mixing zone is covered
chamber (½ x 1 x 6), it has been found that the by a flow of fresh mixture along the complete

' n'~', o


A vo = 170 ft/sec~ ~, = 0.75 n

0 ve = 300 ft/sec; ~ : 0.81 ~
r'l ve = 560 fl/sec; ~ = h01


I//////,///ll///,/,I,//,/l//l////~//,/I///l//l ~,j

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2


FIG. 10. Temperature versus velocity distributions at the end of the recirculation zone in combustion
chamber (½ x I x 6)B operating close to the lean limit and at several jet speeds.

"\ ,~ 0 .~

150C \ \

\ \
X ~ " ~. jK'- SLOT RATIO



F °

"1 I of
0 8/h = 1/16 ; vo = 9 5 0 ft sec ; ~ :0.7

V ~/h= ,Is ; Vo : 8 9 0 f l sec ~ @ = 0 8

A ~/h : I/4 ; Vo= 5 9 0 f t s e c ; ¢:0.8

0 8 / h = I/2 ; Vo = 3 0 0 f t s e c ; ~=0,8

0 I I
o 0.2 0,4 0.6 0.~, hO

FZG. 11. Temperature versus velocity distribution in the mixing zone at the end of the recirculation
zone for various slot ratios in combustion chamber (5 x 1 x 6)B operating close to the lean limit.

length of the recireulation zone. It is reasonable bottom boundary of the burner. The smaller
to assume that the burners with larger slot ratio the slot ratio, the less the relative speed in the
will behave in an identical manner, although mixing zone.
only the burner with slot ratio } has been in- The situation in the mixing layer at the middle
vestigated. For smaller slot ratios, however, the of the recirculation zone was found to be about
flow in the mixing zone will presumably be the same as that at the end of the zone. The
affected by the burner geometry. This case will smallest slot ratio shows higher relative speeds
be considered next. at low and intermediate temperatures, which
indicates a stronger influence of the initial
B. SLOT RATIOS ~/h = 1, 1, 16 speed of the jet.
The effect of the burner geometry on the flow In addition, these data demonstrate that the
in the mixing zone is best illustrated by the similarity in T(v/vo) found at slot ratio ½ for
T(v/vo) profiles. Figure 11 shows these profiles at different locations along the mixing zone is no
the end of the recirculation zone for all of the slot longer present at small slot ratios. Thus, for
ratios investigated. Each curve is based on small slot ratios, the similarity in T(v/vo) be-
traverses taken at an intermediate speed and tween different locations has been lost. Another
mixture ratio, and again, the data are obtained type of similarity, however, may still be present
at the blowoff limit. for the small slot ratios. It will be recalled that
The over-all trend exhibited (Fig. 11) gives, slot ratio ½ showed similarity in T(v/vo) at blow-
indeed, a confirmation of the repeatedly discussed off for different speeds at the same location. The
interaction between the mixing zone and the data available for the smaller slot ratios indicate

that T(v/Vo) at a given location is also fairly

independent of the jet speed close to blowoff.
A further indication in this direction is given by
the satisfactory correlation of the stability
limits obtained within the small slot ratio families
with the use of To.
Correlation of stability limits. An attempt at
correlation of the stability limits (Fig. 6) is
now made by considering the residence time in
the mixing zone. This presents a problem as to
what path to use for the determination of the
time. The streamlines through the zone have
not been determined, and if they were, it is not
clear which part of the flow is the most significant
for the stability of the flame.
On the other hand, the measurements that
have been made yield the locations of the iso-
therms in the flow field (Fig. 8). In order to
evaluate the effects of the residence time in
different regions of the flow, it was decided to
determine this time along three separate iso-
therms. The isotherms for 500, 1000 and 1300°K
0.6 0.8 LO 12
were chosen. The data above 1300°K are not 1.4

sufficiently accurate to justify a study of higher
temperature isotherms. FIG. 12. Stability limits expressed in terms of
The isothermal residence time T(T°K) was r(1300°K) for various slot ratios in combustion
determined by graphical integration of the ex- chamber (~ x 1 x 6)B.
T(T°K) is 5, 12 and 25 per cent longer than the
r ( T O K ) = fo r ds characteristic time r0 at 500, 1000 and 1300°K,
v(T°K) respectively. The ratio T(T°K)/T0 increases
steadily as the slot ratio is reduced. At slot
in which ds is a line element of the isotherm
ratio ~ , the isothermal times are 2 to 3 times
T°K, and v(T°K) is the corresponding local
longer than the characteristic time.
speed. The integration range extends from the
Up to the present point, the isothermal resi-
origin of the isotherm at the edge of the slot
dence times have been determined at only one
to the end of the recirculation zone.
state of operation close to the lean limit for each
The results of the computation of the iso-
burner. However, it has been shown that the
thermal residence times are summarized in
distributions T(v/vo) at blowoff are independent
Table 1. A t slot ratio ½, the isothermal time
of speed. Consequently, the ratio ~-(T°K)/To
will be constant all along the stability limits as
long as the recirculation zone length l* remains
unchanged. (Relatively small variations in l*
LEAN LIMIT. are encountered in the present burners.) Hence,
it is legitimate to transform the complete sta-
Isothermal Residence Time Ratio bility limits of a burner from To to T(T°K) by
Slot Characteris- r(T°K)/ro
Ratio tic Time r o multiplying the ordinate of Figure 6 by a constant
500°K 1000°K 1300°K factor, (T(T°K)/T0), although this factor has
been determined at only one point of operation
for each burner.
½ 1.01 1.05 1.12 1.25 The resulting stability limits in terms of
0.64 1.16 1.44 1.77
the isothermal residence times are presented in
0.505 1.52 1.94 2.62
0.54 2.22 2.26 3.13 Figure 12 for the 1300°K isotherm. The correla-
tion is excellent. Although values of the residence

time based on this temperature give the best flame stabilization in a deflected jet, Report
correlation of the limits, all three isotherms give No. 30-5, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasa-
satisfactory results. dena, California, September 30, 1959.

V. S u m m a r y Nomenclature
The discrepancies in the stability limits based h combustion chamber height
l combustion chamber length
on the characteristic time r0, which were ob-
l* recirculation zone length
served when burner families of different ge-
u0 velocity past wake of bluff body flameholder
ometry were compared in Section III, have been v velocity
explained by use of the residence time concept. v0 reference velocity based on pot and Pres
Thus, the present experiments with burners of pot total pressure at combustion chamber inlet
varying geometry have clearly shown that the P~e/ static pressure in recirculation zone
residence time in the mixing zone is the proper slot width
correlation parameter for the stability limits. rc characteristic time (l*/uo) for bluff body
This parameter is not affected by the great vari- flameholder
ation the flow field encounters when the slot To characteristic time (l*/vo)
ratio is changed over a wide range. The experi- DISCUSSION BY C. W. SHIPMAN
ment also has shown that the most satisfactory
The results reported in this paper appear to be
correlation is obtained by use of a residence
in substantial agreement with those of Scurlock '.~
time for the material in the inner part of the presented at the Third Symposium in 1948. The
mixing zone. larger apparatus used by the present authors
The small slot-ratio burner shows several means that the results reinforce Scurlock's conclu-
interesting similarities with the can-type com- sions. The pressure profiles are as expected and
bustion chamber. 6 The primary similarity lies are similar to those obtained by Barbor et al. 3
in the structure of the mixing zone, because and published in the form of the relevant velocity
there is good reason to believe that the mixing profiles.
zone in the can burner also is covered by a Scurlock explained the substantial independ-
flow of fresh mixture for only a short distance. ence of rate of flame spreading and inlet condi~
tions by pointing out that the combustion of the
Hence, the successful correlation of stability
central part of the stream generates a steep
limits for small slot-ratio burners, shown here, velocity gradient (called by him the second region
strongly suggests that the mechanism of govern- of steep velocity gradient in order to distinguish
ing importance for flame stabilization in can it from the immediate wake of the flameholder),
burners is the same as that for bluff-body flame and that such gradients can produce turbulence,
stabilization. higher feed velocities producing stronger gradients
and presumably a higher level of turbulence.
REFERENCES Presumably the simple spreading law indicates
that the increased turbulence offsets the increased
1. ZUKOSKI, E. E., AND MARBLE, F. E.: Proceed- feed rate, and the rate of spread of the flame
ings of the Gas Dynamics S y m p o s i u m on
appears to be unaffected by variation of inlet
Aerothermochemistry (held at Evanston, Ill.,
conditions. As pointed out by Chairman Hottel
August 22-24, 1955), p. 205, Northwestern the simple spreading law obtained by photo-
University Press. graphic examination is, although useful, an in-
2. WRIGHT, F. H. : Bluff body flame stabilization:
complete statement of the propagation rate,
blockage effects, Progress Report No. 20-
because it is probable that considerable unburned
327, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, fuel finds its way through the "flame front." It
California, June 3, 1958. would seem, therefore, profitable to study the
3. WEISS, M. A., AND LONGWELL, J. P.: Jet Pro- propagation of confined flames in a more detailed
pulsion, 26, 749 (1956). manner as was done, for example by Petrein and
4. WAY, S.: A G A R D , Selected Combustion Prob- Longwell 4 or by Barbor et al. 3
lems, II, Butterworths Scientific Publications,
5. HERBERT, M. V.: A theoretical analysis of
reaction-rate controlled systems, Part II, 1. SCURLOC~,A. C.: M. I. T. Fuels Research Lab-
Report No. R 196, National Gas Turbine oratory, Meteor Rept. No. 19, (May, 1948).
Establishment, (England), 1957. 2. WILLIAMS, G. C., I'~OTTEL, H. S., AND SCURLOCK,
6. BROMAN, G. E.: Experimental investigation of A. C.: Third S y m p o s i u m on Combustion,

Flame, and Explosion Phenomena, p. 21. The present paper, they did not at that time warrant
Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore, the drawing of any firm conclusions. Certainly
1949. the authors of the third symposium paper drew
3. BARBOR~R. P.~ LARKIN, J. D., VON ROSENBERG, none. In addition, the effects of approach-stream
H. E., AND SHIPIV[AN,C. W.: Am. Inst. Chem. temperature and fuel type, and flameholder scale
Eng., 5, 37 (1959). and blockage ratio were not even discussed.
4. PETREIN, R. J., LONOWELL, J. P., AND WEISS, The present authors agree that chemical samp-
M. A.: Jet Propulsion, 26, 81 (1956). ling measurements are necessary to complete the
picture presented here. Work of this type has
been carried out. 1 Results show composition
The M I T work referred to by Mr. Shipman, was profiles which indicate that wake-width measure-
one of the pioneer works on flame stabilization ments may be used to imply combustion
and flame spreading. However, since that time efficiencies.
certain important features of the phenomena, No mysterious areas of unburned gas, such as
such as the transition to turbulent flow in the those suggested by Nir. Shipman, are found to
flame, have been clarified, and the necessity of exist within the mixing zones. The slow oxidation
using large scale equipment has become more rates of carbon dioxide appear to be the only
obvious. factor preventing complete combustion in the
Unfortunately the greater part of the MIT area inside the mixing zones.
results were obtained when the fame was either The authors also wish to emphasize the fact
laminar or in the transition region. The data that work reported here is for steady flow. The
which were reported for turbulent conditions work of Petrein and Longwell was, with little
concern the effect of approach stream speed and doubt, carried out in a highly fluctuating flow
they are so scanty that although they may be and hence is not comparable with the results
said to foreshadow the results presented in the presented here.


Introduction This, in turn, usually means a less efficient utiliza-

Flame stabilization in high-velocity, turbulent tion of combustor volume. At a given mixture
premixed-gas streams has been the object of ratio the maximum velocity at which a flame
many theoretical and experimental studies since can be stabilized is proportional to the flame-
the now classic experiments by Scurlock. I Recent holder equivalent diameter. Therefore, in order
summaries of the extensive literature on this sub- to have stable combustion with high inlet
ject were given by Zukoski, 2 Penner and Williams ~ velocities to the combustor it is necessary to use
and by one of the authors. 4 Therefore, reference large diameter flameholders, i.e., large "blockage
will be made only to particular aspects of the ratios," with corresponding large pressure losses
problem pertinent to the present work. and inefficient utilization of combustor volume.
Special attention has been given to bluff-body The experiments summarized in this paper
flameholders and their behavior can be predicted were carried out during the period from Novem-
with reasonable accuracy at the present time. The ber, 1957 to December, 1959, at the Istituto di
biggest drawbacks of this type of flameholder are: Macchine e Motori per Aeromobili of the Politec-
the highest velocities at which a flame can be nico di Torino in a small scale combustor with a
stabilized in a premixed air-fuel gas stream single bluff-body flameholder in order to investi-
correspond to mixture ratios near the stoichio- gate the feasibility of controlling the stability
metric value. Owing to temperature limitations limits of a given flameholder within a broad
this fact precludes the possibility of using fully range of air-fuel mixture ratios. Under certain
premixed gases in many practical combustors. operating conditions with practical combustors,

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