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Units 13 and 14 Grammar

Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

my your his her our their its

1. This is my brother´s swing. This is _____________ swing.

2. My sisters and I share a room. This is ___________ room.

3. That´s my grandma´s house. That´s ____________ house.

4. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis live next to me. They are ___________ neighbors.

5. The dog has a ball. This is ______________ball.

6. You have a nice garden. ____________garden is nice.

7. Those boys like music. Listen, ___________ music is loud.

Look and complete the sentences with the correct words.

Is ________ yard noisy? Is ________ yard noisy?

her his our my her their

Is ________ yard boring?

Is ________ yard big?
her his our
their her your

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