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Bic quesTION @) How can we make Think about the Big Question. Wi Eo os ances Ci ekecnee aei tambourine) / instruments cymbals / xylophone instruments / triangle strike / shake xylophone / triangle shake / strike drum / cymbals oN auerwn = tambourine / drum 128 unit 15 Vocabulary: Percussion Instruments Student Book page 148 e Look and write the letters in the correct order to make words. we DW smrdu ___ drums Icabyms arltgien ee otbeamuinr snntuiesrmt e Circle the correct words. 1 You shake 1Gtrike)the drums. 2 You shake / play the cymbals. 3 You play / strike the triangle. 4 You shake / strike the xylophone. 5 You play / strike instruments. e Complete the sentences. 1 Atriangle, a xylophone, and a tambourine are all ins trumen tos. 2 You__h__ ______aninstrument by moving it quickly. 3 You__tr _ ___an instrument with a stick or your hands. Vocabulary: Percussion Instruments Unit15 129 @ Read the text quickly. What is the main idea? Complete the sentence. How people make 3 oe Read the text again. Were you right? Making Music You can play music on your own or with other people. When people play music together, they are called a band. There are different instruments in a band. Percussion instruments keep the beat. We shake or strike them to make a noise. Matthew is striking the big drums with his hands. It's fun to play the drums! The wooden xylophone makes a nice sound. Lauren is striking it with a stick. | L | — SS | This tambourine is small. Louise is shaking it. ____. Benis striking the cymbals together. They're loud! | | Harrison is playing the triangle. | He's striking it with a metal stick. The band sounds great! 130 = Unit 15 Reading: Main Idea and Details Student Book page 149 Comprehension @ Match the people to the instruments. Then complete the sentences. 1 Matthew 3 Louise “ee ey 5 Harrison Matthew is playing the __ drums _. Lauren is playing the 0@REe Louise is playing the Ben is playing the uF wn a Harrison is playing the e Read again. Complete the sentences with the words below. stick small loud wooden big 1. Matthew is striking big drums. 2 The xylophone makes a nice sound. 3 The tambourine is 4 The cymbals are ‘ 5 Harrison is striking the triangle with a metal Comprehension Unit15 131 Grammar in Use @ Study the grammar. Meer Present Continuous I'm Tm not You're You aren't He’s He isn’t She's playing the drums. She isn’t playing the drums. We're We aren't They’re They aren't @ Look and circle the correct words. 1 Ghe's)/ She isn’t striking the triangle. 2 He's / Heisn’t playing the drums. 3 They’re / They aren't shaking tambourines. 4 The boys are / aren't playing the cymbals. 5 She's / Sheisn’t playing the xylophone. 6 He's / Heisn’t striking the drums. 132 9 Unit 15 Grammar: Present Continuous ‘Student Book page 153 © Complete the sentences with am, is, or are, and the words below. shaking clapping striking playing 1 Lucia and Peter are playing instruments. 21 the xylophone with a stick. 3 Nathan the tambourine. 4 We our hands to the music. oO Write the opposite sentences. 1 He's making music. He isn’t making music, —_ 2. They aren't keeping the beat. 3. She isn’t clapping her hands. 4 I'm not shaking the tambourine. e Look and write the sentences. 1 xylophone/tambourine 2 drum /cymbals 3 triangle / drum 4 cymbals / xylophone Grammar: Present Continuous Unit 15 133 Words @ Match the words to the pictures. soft awful fast loud slow lovely @ Match the opposites. 1 (e] awful a slow 2 C) soft b lovely 3 Cj fast ¢ loud e Read the words below. Complete the puzzle with the opposite words. slow loud lovely Fla}|s|t 134 Unit 15 Vocabulary: Sound Adjectives Student Book page 154 Word Study _ (C) Write the first letter of the words. 4 __ ree house 5 __otel 6 __abbit (©) Add the words from Activity @ to the list in alphabetical order. 1 __apple 3 5 2 4 6 Writing @ Think about a percussion instrument. Complete the notes. Name of instrument: Do you shake it or strike it? Is it loud or quiet? @ Read about the tambourine. Then write about your instrument. Tlike the I like the tambourine. I it. Ishake it. It isn’t loud. Itisn’t It's quiet. I keep the It's beat: one, two, three, four. I, Alphabetical Order Unit15 = 135 Words © Match the words to the pictures. get anidea 2 © buytickets & 3 © givemoney © 4 ©) take pictures @ 5 () practice an instrument @ 6 () clap @ 7 O sing @ 8 () dance @ Gy oe Complete the phrases. Then put a check (/) or cross (X) in the box. 1 buy t ic ke ts 3 takep t Hor an instrument be) 136 © Unit 16 Vocabulary: Performance Verbs Student Book page 156 e Look and complete the crossword. Downs i 2 Across > 5 ¥ 7 a a y oO Read and write the words. 1. You think when you do this:__get an idea 2 You move when you do this: 3 You use a camera to do this: 4 You need money to do these: 5 You make a noise when you do these: Vocabulary: Performance Verbs Unit16 137 6 Read the text quickly. What is the band’s problem? Check (/) one answer. 1 © They don't have instruments. 2 (.) The music sounds awful. oe Read the text again. Were you right? A Problem for the Band The children are practicing their instruments for the band. But there’s a problem. The music doesn’t sound good. Harrison wants to know why. “Lauren, are you striking the xylophone too loudly?” “No, I'm striking it softly.” “Matthew, are you playing the drums fast?” “No, I'm keeping the beat slow. Listen. One, two, three, four” “Louise, are you shaking the tambourine slowly?” “No, I'm shaking it fast. Listen. One, two, three, four!” “That’s the problem! says Harrison. “You're fast and Matthew is slow. Let’s keep the beat together.” So the children listen and count again. “Ready? One, two, three, four, Let’s play!” Now the music sounds lovely! 138 — Unit 16 Reading: Problems and Solutions ‘Student Book page 157 Understand Comprehension 0 o What do you like about the text? Draw © © or ©. 1. The music doesn't © 3 Louise is shaking © sound good. the tambourine fast. 2 Matthew is playing ©) 4 The children keep © the drums slowly. the beat together. oe Underline the word that is wrong. Then write the correct sentence. 1 Lauren is shaking the xylophone. 2. Matthew is playing the triangle. 3 Louise is striking the tambourine. 4 Louise is striking the tambourine slowly. 5 Matthew is playing the drums fast. © Complete the sentences with the words below. lovely problem bard music beat know 1. The children are playing in their__ band _. 2 There'sa 3 The doesn't sound good. 4 Harrison wants to why. 5 “Let's keep the together.” 6 Now the music sounds ! Comprehension Unit16 139 G ‘ammar in Use @ Study the grammar. 140 Mera Present Continuous Questions ee | - Yes, youare./ | 2 7 | Am I playing the drums too fast? x you arent. | —ay ves, he/sheis./ | Jo, hi | | Is he / she shaking the tambourine? | am! You’re playing the drums too fast. | | is he / she He's / She’s singing. | | What | are you doing? | I'm singing together. | | are we We're making instruments. | | are they They're practicing the xylophone. | ircle the correct words. 1(1s)/ Am she shaking the tambourine? Yes, 1 (No,)she isn’t. 2 Is / Are they dancing to the music? Yes, they are / aren't. 3 What isshe / sheis playing? She's play / playing the drums. 4 Are / Am you keeping the beat? Yes,I am / are! 5 What are / is they singing? They're / They’s singing a lovely song. 6 Are / Is heholding the instrument? Yes, / No, he isn’t. Unit 16 Grammar: Present Continuous Questions e Look and complete the answers. g } Sp wo 1 What's the boy with the hat doing? He’s __ playing __ the xylophone. 2 What's the girl with the plain T-shirt reading? A 3 What are the two girls doing? They're : 4 What's the boy with the backpack drinking? 5 What's the teacher eating? A oe Complete the conversation with the words below. am eating Is playing isn't doing Dan: — Hi, Maria! What are you —doing _? Maria: Hi, Dan! I’m —_— the drums. Dan: That sounds great. Are you in the school band? Maria: Yes,I_____. I'm practicing for the carnival. Dan: —,—— Jake practicing an instrument, too? Maria: No, he _______. He's ______ his sandwiches! Grammar: Present Continuous Questions Unit16 = 141 4 circus / play ballet / parade puppet show / concert eo Write the letters in the correct order to make words. Then match. 1 ypal —__ play —___ 4 dperaa 2 srcuic oe 5 tpepup owhs 3 Ibtela ee 6 ncrocte a 142 Unit 16 Vocabulary: Performances Student Book page 162 Writing Study @ Read and write the contractions. 1 You are You're 4 Weare 2 Heis not 5 Iam 3 Theyarenot) — 6 Itisnot oe Write the text using contractions for the bold words. This is Emily. She is eight. She is playing a tambourine. She is not striking it. She is shaking it. What is her friend doing? He is playing a triangle. It is not loud. Writing @ Think about your favorite kind of performance. Complete the word web. oe Read about ballet. Then write about your favorite performance. I like ballet. It’s lovely. A lot llike of people dance, and there's I's — beautiful music. A lot of people i and there's / there are Writing: Contractions Unit16 = 143, What did you learn? o Complete the chart with the words below in alphabetical order. batter cymbats clap concert triangle sing drums puppetshow dance Instruments cymbals. 3 Performances BIG QUESTION How can we make music? oe Find the words and add them to the correct group. KS . b; 2 y é x FS “iano wko® 1 clap, sing, strike, _ shake 2. soft, awful, fast, 3 circus, play, ballet, 4 take pictures, get an idea, buy tickets, oo Complete the text with the words below. loud are dancing is She's striking doing isn't The children are practicing their instruments. Maria - shaking the tambourine. It sounds lovely! Jacob is - the xylophone. It's What's Lily ? Look! 5 clapping her hands and singing. Is Tom singing, 100? No, he «He's 7 = oO Look and write the questions. Then write the answers. 1 what/she/eat/? 2 what/he/do/? What is she eating? _She’s eating grape: 3 what/they / buy /?

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