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A. Background of the Problem

Among the four skills, writing is one of the skills to be learned by the

students. By writing, the students can express their thoughts, ideas, and feelings to

the readers, It is a recording process or to put a message into word. For these

purposes, the students need to know how to write well and effectively. In

addition, writing skills is one of main focus in teaching English at Senior High

School now. So, they have to master about writing well.

Teaching writing skills at Senior High School is taught by using Genre

Based Approach. Harmer (2008: 327) stated that the genre represents the norms

of different kind of writing. Genre is a type of text in which of text has

communicative purposes, generic structures, and language features. There are

several types of genres that are taught to students at Senior High School, it's

involved Recount, Narrative, Procedure, Descriptive, News Item, Report,

Analytical Exposition, Spoof, Hortatory Exposition, Explanation. Discussion and

Review. Among the twelve genres, some are being taught at the Class Ten Senior

High School. One of them is descriptive text.

Gerot and Wignel in Murshid (2006: 4) stated descriptive is a kind of text

with a purpose to give information. The context of this kind of text is the

description of particular things, animals, people, or others. The purpose of

descriptive text is to describe a particular person, place or thing. According to

Hammond in Mursyid (2006: 4) said that generic structures of descriptive text

consist of identification and description. First is identification, it's identifies

phenomenon to be described. Second is the description, it's deseribes parts,

qualities, characteristics, etc. The language features of the text focus on specific

participants, use of simple present tense, use of verbs of being and having, use of

descriptive adjectives, use of detailed noun phrases, use of action verbs, use of

adverbials and use of figurative language.

In writing descriptive text, students should be able to include the generic

structures and use of language features appropriately. However, many students

are not able to do it well. This condition also occurred at the Class Ten Senior

High School 2 Rambatan.

Based on researcher's preliminary research which had been conducted

November 25th - November 30th in the Class Ten of Senior High School 2

Rambatan. The researcher found that English teacher has taught three genres in

one semester. Especially at the class ten, the students have studied reports,

narrative and analytical exposition texts. Those are implemented in four skills.

The researcher also collected the students' English scores from the English

teacher of elass X. Below will be presented the mean scores of the students in

Mid Semester of English in class X of Senior High School 2 Rambatan which

consist of six classes in first semester on academic year 2019/2020 :

From the table above, it can be seen that the mean of the students' scores in

English Mid Semester test was not satisfied. For all the classes, we can see that
the mean is only 43.46. It means that the scores from the six classes are below the

Minimum Achievement Criteria for English lesson that is 78 points. Since the

score that the researcher got from English teachers is integrated, to get students'

scores in each skill of English, the researcher gave try out to the students of class

X. Where, the researcher chose 30 students as samples from all classes. Based on

the result analysis from selected 30 students of random samples that were

conducted in pre-research at the class ten of Senior High School 2 Rambatan in

the academic year 2019/2020, it was found that English skill's achievement of

students is still not satisfied. It can be seen from the mean of each skill. Those are

reading 74.33; speaking 62.5; and writing 47.13. Listening skill is not tested:

because the researcher includes the listening test to the reading test. Students'

achievements in three skills can be seen in table 1.2 below:

From the table above, it can be seen that students at the class of Senior

High School 2 Rambatan do not have satisfying results in writing skills, it is

47.13. It means that the score is below the Minimum Achievement Criteria for

English lesson that is 78 points.

In addition, the researcher was interested in collecting the data from

students in class X because the researcher wanted to know the students' skills in

writing descriptive text that they were taught about descriptive text in second

semesters. The researcher wanted to know more detailed information about

written sessions.
Based on the facts above, the researcher was interested in conducting the

research under the title of "An Analysis of Students' Writing Skills on Descriptive

Text at the Class Ten Senior High School 2 Rambatan.

B. Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of the problem, writing descriptive text is not an

easy task for the students They should not be able to write the text by considering

the social functions, generic structures, and language features and also fulfilling

the five components of writing. of the research are to figure out the students'

writing skills on descriptive text at the Class Ten Senior High School 2 Rambatan

and also to figure out the students generie structures in writing descriptive text.

C. Limitation of the Problem

Based on the identification of the problem, researchers would like to focus

on students' writing skills and generiz structures on descriptive text at the Class

Ten Senior High School 2 Rambatan

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulations of protlems are:

1. What components of writing skills that have not been mastered by students at

the Class Ten Senior High School 2 Rambatan?

2. What generic structure of descriptive text is not mostly mastered by the

student: s at the Class Ten of Senior High Schcol 2 Rambatan ?

E. Purpose of the Study

The purpose of the study is to find out and describe the students

components of writing skills that have not been mastered by students at the Ten

Ten Senior High School 2 Rambatan, those are content, organization, vocabulary,

language use, and mechanics. It is also used to find out and describe generic

structures of descriptive text that is not mostly mastered by students.

F. Significant of the Study

This study is expected to describe the students' writing skills and generic

structures on descriptive text. The teacher can pay attention to the students'

weakness in order to help them to be good writers. The teacher also can find some

solutions for students' problems in writing the text. Moreover, the teacher will

know which part that is difficult for students so that the teacher can evaluate their

teaching in order to improve the students' skills, especially in writing descriptive


G. Definition of Key Terms

Analysis : is an activity to seek about something of an event or a thing to

get the parts and their connection in the writing (Hornby,


Writing Skill : is a mental work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to

express them, and organizing them into statements and

paragraphs that will be clear to a reader (Nunan, 2003)

Descriptive text : is a text that describes a particular person, place, or thing

(Gerot and Wignel in Murshid: 2006).

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