Prelim Anaphy 1

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Ebrada,Princess Syra M.



Form – Anatomy PHYSIOLOGY – how the body and its parts work/fx
Function – Physioloy – ex. (airs sacs,thin walls,exchange gases)
Level of structural organization
Father of Anatomy • atoms
• Herophilus of Alexandria (old) • cells
• Andreas Versalius (modern) • tissues
• organs
ANATOMY – study of the structure and shape • organ system
of the body and its parts. • organism
– to see sizes and relationships of parts.
GROSS ANATOMY Hypoxia (low oxygen in the body)
• large structures Glomerulus (determines the low blood pressure)
• easily observable fx: it filters the blood to become clean *urine
Low Bp/Low Na/water
Propionibacterium acne – face High Bp (Hypertension)
Erysipeolothrix rhusiopathiae – fingers
Sporothrix schenckii – rose gardener’s disease RAAS (low bp triggers raas)

Microscopic Anatomy – structures are too small to be seen R – Renin (it converts angiotensinogen to angiotensin₂
with the naked eye.
– cells and tissues can be viewed only
with a microscope Triggers the adrenal gland active form
• Light microscope
• Phase contrast (treponema pallidum/syphilis) A – Aldosterone
• Dark field A – Angiotensin
• Electron microscope S – System

ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) *found in lungs

Chemiluminescent labels
(spirochetes) Glomerulosa


RT-PCR Pfizer bioteen Reticularis

(live attenuated virus)

• Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction

ZONA (Layers)
Bone Marrow – produces lymphoid progenitor cells
– b. cells – plasma cells – antibodies
Antibodies – produced by white blood cells or b-cells GLO – Outer – Mineralocorticoid • Aldosterone
FA – Middle – Glucocorticoids • Cortisol
RE – Inner – Androgen • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone)
Parietal cells – fx (intrinsic factor)
(blue) – that intrinsic factor absorbs vitamin B12 and Two hormones that increases Bp
– trigger the kidney that 1. Aldosterone
– form erythropoletin and that 2. ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
– trigger to form bone marrow to produce RBC’s AV (Argenine vasopressin) *Posterior pituitary gland
Disease : Pernicious anemia/Megaloblastic anemia (store and release the hormone)
– an inability to absorb vitamin B12 • Pharmacology – DDAVP (desmopressin arginine vasopressin)

Kidney(Epo) – juxtaglomerular cells (fx*produces renin) Aldosterone and ADH/AV have DACE
– peritubular fibroblasts (erythropoletin) ( D – dilation *afferent arterioles)
(C – constriction * efferent arterioles)
DNA – deoxyribonucleic acid *blue print
Meiosis – division of cells
• Thiamine – Vitamin B1 (used to treat beri-beri,
wernieckeskorsakoff’s syndrome)
• Riboflavin – B2 (Angular stomatitis)
Skeletal System
• Niacin – B3 (Pellagra)
- Bones,cartilages,ligaments,joints
• Pantothenic Acid – B5 (Burning feet syndrome)
- Muscle attachment and movement
• Pyridoxal – B6 (ASH-anemia,seizure,homocystinuria)
- Protect vital organs
• Biotin – B7(Dermatitis)
- Site of blood cell formation
• Folic acid – B9 (microcytic anemia)
- Stores minerals
• Cobalamin – B12(pernicious anemia)
Femur – longest bone in the body
Pepsinogen – produced by chief cells
Epiphysis – where found epiphyseal plate
HCI – Hydrochloric acid
Chief cells – produced by pepsinogen
Bone shaft epiphysis
Pepsinogen converted to pepsin

(residual pepsin)

Note: extra pepsin help the pepsinogen

Bone shaft – diaphysis the main or midsection of long bone
to produce another pepsin
Cortical bones (buo)
Osteons (laman)
Lamellae (thin layer and plate tissue) • organic – collagen
• inorganic – hydroxyapatite
Hydroxyapatite occurring mineral form of(calcium phosphate)
• osteons – haversian canal(it is where veins found)


• bone marrow – found in medullary canal

Hematopoiesis – production of blood

(it take place in bone marrow)
Hema – blood
Poiesis – creation/formation of something

Two Progenitor cells

• Myeloid progenitor cells – process where blood is
being produced.
• Lymphoid progenitor cells – it pertains to adoptive
immune system.
MYELOID PROGENITOR CELLS(develop into rc and wc)
- Neutrophils – disease
- Eosinophils – parasite
- Basophils – virus
- Monocytes – virus
• Monocytes clamp together to form osteoblasts
- RBCs and platelets (carrier oxygen to diff. bodies)
Osteoclasts – secrete collagenase
Hydrochloric acid – dissolved Hydroxapatite
Lymphocytes – helps your body’s immune system fight
cyrstals into calcium,phosphate
viruses and bacteria
Osteoprotegerin – it counter parts the bone resorption
B – cells (the center of the adaptive system)

Osteoclasts – cells that form bone tissue

Osteoblasts – produces RankL (Receptor activator of
Nuclear factor Kappa Beta Ligand)
Muscular System
- Produces movement of bones
- Skeletal muscles contract (or shorten)
- Allow manipulation of the environment,locomotion
and facial expression,maintains posture,produces heat
Strongest muscle
• tongue
• masseter Insulation

Nervous system
- Fast acting control system
- Consists of brain,spinal cord,nerves and sensory receptors
- Respond to internal and external stimuli
- Messages are sent to the central nervous system
- Central nervous system assesses information and
activates effectors (muscles and glands)

12 cranial nerves
Oculomotor (sensory) – constriction of the pupil focusing the eyes
Optic (sensory) – includes brain and spine
Olfactory (motor) – sensation of smell
Trochlear (motor) – movement in the eye’s superior oblique muscle
Trigeminal (both) – providing sensation to the face
Abducens (motor) – extraocular motor fx of the eye
Facial (both) – innervation to heand and neck
Acoustic/vestibulocochlear *motion sickness (sensory)
Glossopharyngeal (both) – sensory info. to mouth and throat
Vagus (both) – bringing info. to the inner organs
Accesory (motor) – controls the sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
Hypoglossal (motor) – travels down your neck and branches
out ending at the base and underside of tongue

Prion Disease/Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy

- It attacks nerves
- Prion (virus like)
- Transmissible (communicable)

1. Creutzfeldt Jakob disease

2. variant
3. fatal familial insomnia
4. kuru
5. Gerstmann straussler scheinker disease

Animal Spongiform Encephalopathy

1. Chronic wasting disease
2. Scrapie/madcow disease
3. Bovine
4. Transmissible mink
5. Feline
6. Ungulate
Endocrine System Pancreas – functions as both an exocrine and endocrine
Endocrine glands include: • Beta cells produce insulin, a hormone that controls the
• pituitary gland level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood.
• thyroid and parathyroids • Alpha cells, produce glucagon, a hormone that has blood
• adrenal glands glucose-increasing effects.
• pancreas • Delta cells produce somatostatin, a strong inhibitor of
• pineal gland somatotropin, insulin, and glucagon.
• ovaries (females) and testes (males)
- Secretes chemical molecules,called hormone into the blood Dopamine – happy hormone
- Body fx. Controlled by hormones include: Oxytocin – love hormone
• growth (pertains to hormone,glucagon,insulin)
• reproduction (FSH,follicular stimulating hormone Neubauer counting chamber
LH,luteinizing hormone) - to count the number of cells or particles.
• use of nutrients Two types of diabetes
1. insipidus – results from an inadequate secretion of
Clinical chem (3E’s) vasopressin or ADH from the back part of the pituitary
- Electrolytes • anti-islet of langerhans (auto-immune disease)
- Enzymes
2. mellitus –body does not control the amount of glucose
- Endocrine
(a type of sugar) in the blood and the kidneys make a
RH – realising hormone large amount of urine.
IH – inhibiting hormone
Stress responses
Hypothalamus – releasing hormones Seconds ( catecholamines)
1.GHRH – Growth hormone releasing hormone Minutes (cortisol) *primary stress hormone
(stimulate the pituitary gland)
2.GHIH – Growth inhibiting hormone CRISPR TECHNOLOGY – nobel prize in chemistry
3.CRH – Corticotropin releasing hormone ( a medication for diabetes)
(gene editing tool)
(triggers the release of adrenocorticotropic hormone
(ACTH) from the anterior pituitary,then ACTH acts on adrenal
Chromosomes – DNA – Gene – Genome
cortex • The genome is made of a chemical called DNA and is
4.PRH – Prolactin releasing hormone organised in chromosomes, which contain genes.
(stimulate breast milk production)
Angelina Jolie
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) BRCA 1 (susceptibility gene 1) – breast cancer
- secreted from the hypothalamus regulates the secretion of CA 15-3 – tumor marker
FSH and LH from the pituitary, then FSH and LH act on the
gonads to stimulate gonadal development. Double Prophylactic Mastectomy –surgery to remove one
or both breasts to lower the chances of getting breast
Prophylactic – prevent for future disease
Sertoli cells Leydig cells
Neutrophils – many cells
Basophils – little amount of cells
Eosinophil – major basic protein
Micturition reflex – the process of emptying urine from the
oogenesis sermatogenesis
storage organ, namely, the urinary bladder.
• Leydig cells and Sertoli cells respond to gonadotropins Fergusson reflex – The contractions thin and dilate the
(LH and FSH) secreted by the anterior pituitary. cervix — by pulling it upwards — and then move your baby
• Spermatogenesis and oogenesis are the processes of down the birth canal.
formation of male
and female gametes. Vitamin A,D,E,K – four fat-soluble vitamins
• LH stimulates leydig cell and FSH stimulates sertoli cells A – retinol (night blindness)
Flavin– Yellow coloration D – ergocalciferol
E – tocopherol
Fruitcose – type of sugar known as a monosaccharide
K – phytomenadione/phylloquinone

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