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Colegio de la Purisima Concepcion

The School of the Archdiocese of Capiz

Roxas City Capiz
Contemporary World

1st semester A.Y. 2022-2022 AMAZON: STILL A FIGHT

“Money can be printed; our land cannot be created once it’s gone” -Penan Malaysia. According to this remark,
both people and diverse animal species can be found in the forest. An indigenous clan struggling for survival is
cut off from the outer world in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The rain forest is essential to human survival.

The Amazon Rainforest creates oxygen from carbon dioxide, offering a vital environmental function. The
Amazon River region's forests produce more than 20% of the oxygen needed for human life, earning them the
nickname "Lungs of the Earth." Even though people are aware they can't live without trees, it's remarkable that
the rate at which trees fall is rising. Although when harvested responsibly, trees constitute a renewable resource,
the Amazon has not experienced this. In the Amazon rain forest, which serves as a climate sponge, more than
half of the world's precipitation falls and is stored. In a rainforest, trees reuse water that has been drained from
the forest floor. This is released back into the atmosphere together with the moisture evaporating from the leaves.
Rivers, lakes, and land masses would basically dry up and experience severe droughts without the enormous
amounts of precipitation that rainforests produce. There would be a significant decrease in irrigated agriculture.
Deforestation will inevitably lead to famine, disease, and other worldwide problems. As a result of deforestation,
this natural gem is disappearing at an alarming rate, along with the animals, plants, and eventually, humanity.
This holds true for all living things, including people and other creatures, not simply those found in this area of
South America. The end of humanity is likely if the Amazon rainforest vanishes as a result of the accompanying
climatic changes. This discussion will make use of a wealth of data regarding this alarming prospect that has
been provided over the previous three decades by environmental organizations, government studies,
independent agency assessments, and scientific journals. On the other side, deforestation is drastically lowering
the size of the rainforest, which has severe effects on both the area and the rest of the world. Deforestation is the
term used to describe the removal of trees and other types of vegetation. Since 1970, at least 20% of the Amazon
rainforest has been lost to deforestation. Due to the selective logging methods' exclusion, which cause significant
harm while being less obvious than clear-cutting, this number may be underestimated. The Amazon rainforest
currently produces 50% of its own precipitation, but if another 20% were taken away, this phenomenon would be
greatly reduced, causing most of the surviving forest to dry out and die. Global warming-related droughts will
make the problem worse by sparking several wildfires in the area. The fires will release a considerable amount of
carbon dioxide into the atmosphere in place of the life-giving oxygen that lush rainforests already offer. It is
inconceivable to comprehend how humanity and all other life on Earth could survive considering this very real
and close future. Due to the slash-and-burn techniques used to clear the rainforest, Brazil now ranks close to the
world's top polluter, the United States, in terms of greenhouse gas emissions. Simply said, the immense Amazon
rainforest will soon turn into a desert region akin to Africa's Sahara if quick action is not taken to halt the current
trend of deforestation. The outcomes are set in stone once this procedure starts. According to some scientists,
the change from forest to desert might happen as soon as this year.

We felt peaceful as we cruised along the Amazon River and rain forest. The river and forest's sights, sounds,
smells, and textures took us back in time. Despite having an unfamiliar and exotic appearance, the plants and
the night sky were closely intertwined. However, because of the ongoing climate calamity, it was miserable.
Indigenous communities are planning demonstrations, court cases, and other events. For our common forests,
rivers, and wildlife as well as for our fellow humans, this paper was written with tears in its eyes. We are worried
because all life on our planet is in danger. The tribe's elders insist on preserving both their communities and the
varied nature of their ancestral territories despite their difficult circumstances. “Without our land, we don't exist,
and without land, there is no biodiversity, rivers, or animals. We, indigenous people, cannot survive without land.
There is no harmony, no health, and there is no knowledge or movement of planet earth.” The world should take
a cue from indigenous values as it struggles with the repercussions of climate change. In order to safeguard its
rivers and forests and promote more sustainable development, they said. “We have a responsibility towards
nature and towards the environment to treat her like a mother, the mother who deserves all the care and
protection, the mother who provides life, the mother who gives us food, the mother who cares for all of us.” Based
on estrangement and ambivalence, we are currently engaged in a race against time. This battle has been made
worse by capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and white supremacy, among other things. In order to fight an
ideology that aims to keep us apart from one another and from the rest of the world, we must be aware of these
connections. Collaboration and sharing of knowledge, ideas, points of view, experiences, and hopes are
necessary if we are to have any impact on how the world develops.

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