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Tel: 518830 Telsom 302009 Telcom.Email: salaama institute@yahoo.


Name: ______________________________________No: ______________
Teacher: _________________________________ Time: ______________

Part one: translate these words into English

1. Garab ______________________
2. Qoys balaadhan ______________________
3. Degdeg uga jawaabid ______________________
4. U nugul ______________________
5. K a masuul ah ______________________
6. Ciidanka sirdoonka ______________________
7. Dhawacyo culus ______________________
8. Socda ______________________
9. Ka badbaadid ______________________
10. Xadhiga ka jarid ______________________
11. Been abuur ______________________
12. Ku shubasho ______________________
13. Ansixin ______________________
14. mudaaharaadayaal ______________________
15. magacaabid ______________________

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16. Dhulka la sinmay ______________________
17. Joogitaan milatari ______________________
18. Ka soo kabasho ______________________
19. Ammaanka qaranka ______________________
20. Wada jir ah ______________________

Part two: state the meaning of these words in Somali as

they are used in the context.

1. Ultimate vision ______________________________

2. Pursue ______________________________
3. Infrastructure ______________________________
4. Mortar attack ______________________________
5. Estimated _______________________________
6. Polling station _______________________________
7. Incumbent _______________________________
8. Implicated _______________________________
9. Went on strike _______________________________
10. Disrupted _______________________________
11. Cabinet meetings _______________________________
12. Displaced _______________________________
13. Bullet _______________________________

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14. Deliberate _______________________________
15. Failed bombing _______________________________
16. Actively organizing _______________________________
17. Suffering _______________________________
18. Spokes man _______________________________
19. Conduct _______________________________
20. Humanitarian assistance _______________________________

Part three: arrange and re-write these sentences to be meaningful

1. The embassy Islamabad statement confirmed in US in a.

2. Serviceman shot has been American an dead.
3. Homes 40 nearly been have wildfires razed in .
4. Of Prime Minister Kenyan of said have will they the boycott allies.
5. Has yet the to government confirm arrest the.
6. Men two on clashed Sunday the.

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Tel: 518830 Telsom 302009 Telcom.Email: salaama
7. Attacked polling station suicide bombers two different in areas.
8. Damage the cost of has so far been the estimated.
9. Blew up himself suicide bomber of the one.
10. Mr. Obama host a nuclear in Washington will summit security.

Part one : fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the brackets

1. She (clean)………….her baby son.

2. Fran and James (listen)……….to music.
3. I am (have)…………… a lunch.
4. She will (leave) ……………next week.
5. He has been (wait)…………you since 5:00pm.
6. The show had (begin)…………….when he got in the cinema.
7. We will have (finish)……………… our course by June.

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Tel: 518830 Telsom 302009 Telcom.Email: salaama
8. If I had known the answer I would have (tell)………….you.
9. They (find)………………. many interesting things to do in the city last year.
10. She has just (receive) …………………a letter from her brother.
11. I was (read)………………….. Interesting books all yesterday.
12. I want to have my hair………………….. (cut).
13. He will be (swim) ………………in the pool all tomorrow.
14. They had been (work)………………in the office all yesterday.
15. I had (have)…………a lunch when he came in the restaurant.
Part two: Fill in the blanks with ‘which, ‘who', ‘whom' and ‘whose'
1. I saw the boy ………….broke the glass.
2. Where is the pen ……………I put here.
3. . ………………do you want to see?
4. The boy, _____ father is a doctor, is my best friend.
5. The thief, _____ they caught, was sent to the prison.
6. Our friends, _____ we invited to the party, arrived rather early.
7. The girl, _____ broke the mirror, was scolded by her mother.
8. That is my uncle, _____ car was stolen.
9. That woman, _____ you saw, was my auntie.
10. The policeman, ______ caught the thief, is a very brave man.
11. The boy, _____ father is a doctor, is my best friend.
12. That man, _____ left leg was amputated, suffers from diabetes.
13. The thief, _____ they caught, was sent to the prison.
14. Our friends, _____ we invited to the party, arrived rather early.
15. he married the girl_______ he loved.

Part three: Choose the correct possessives.

1. Is this (your/yours) …………….. book?
2. Is this dictionary (your, yours) ………………?
3. My rooms is bigger than (her, hers)……………..
4. They have got two children but I don't know (their, theirs) ……….. names.
5. That is not( my, mine) …………. umbrella. (My, mine) ……………. is yellow.
6. They know ( our, ours) ………… but we don't know theirs.

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7. It is (theirs, their) ………………. problem.
8. My pen is red. (You, yours) ……………. is black.
9. Friend of (mine, my) ………….told me the truth.

Part four: Fill the blanks , use for and since

1. She has been in Hargeisa ………………. Monday.
2. She has been in Burao ………………… four days.
3. Ahmed has been ill ……………. a long time.
4. The bus is late. We have been waiting ………………… 20 minutes.
5. Somaliland has been an independent country …………………. 1991.
6. Why didn't you call me. I have been waiting you…………….. morning.
7. My uncle has lived in London …………15 years.
8. They have been married ………………25years.
9. Mohamed is in his office. He has been there ………………… 6:00 o'clock.
10. I have known her …………..1995.

Part five: Encircle the correct answer

1. Some verbs cannot be added (ING) and they are called:
a. Transitive verbs
b. Intransitive verbs
c. Gerund
d. Perception verbs.
2. In simple present If the verb ends in Y after another consonant
a. We add S
b. We add ES
c. We add IES
3. Proper nouns are started with
a. Capital letters

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b. Small letters
c. None of the above.
4. Main verb can be subdivided into;
a. Transitive , di transitive verbs
b. Regular and irregular verbs
c. Dynamic and state verbs
d. None
5. Relative adverbs connect the subordinate clause to the:
a. Relative clause.
b. If clause .
c. Main clause .
d. None of the above.
6. Present participle is:
a. Verb + ED
b. Verb + ING
c. Verb + object
d. None of the above.
7. Shall is used with
a. First person(I, we)
b. All the persons
c. He, she, it
d. None.
8. We use the reflexive pronoun when:
a. The subject and object are the same
b. The subject and adjective are the same
c. The subject and verb are the same.

9. When there is no object in the sentence we put the adverb of place:

a. After the verb
b. Before the verb
c. After the subject
d. None
10. Primary auxiliary verbs are:
a. Have and do only

Prepared by: Salaama examination board

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b. Have and be only
c. Have ,has and do only
d. None
11. Model auxiliary verbs
a. Can be used without main verb
b. Can not be used without main verb
c. Can be used with or without main verb

12. Adjectives from proper nouns are called:

a. Proper nouns
b. Proper adjectives
c. None
13. In passive voice all main verbs are in the ………………..form.
a. Past participle
b. Present participle
c. Past
d. Present
14. ………………….verbs are not used in passive voice
e. Transitive
f. Intransitive
g. Main
h. Irregular.
15. we use passive voice when the agent of the action is:
a. Unknown
b. Known
c. Not obvious
d. None
Part six: Choose the correct pronouns
1. They visited ……..(us, we)
2. Have you heard about …..(he, him)

3. I will call…………. (she, her)

4. Ali told (I, me)…………. along tale.

Prepared by: Salaama examination board

Tel: 518830 Telsom 302009 Telcom.Email: salaama
5. We helped (they, them)………….

6. The bus driver gave (he, him)………….a transfer.

7. Asia and (I, me)………..prepared the dinner.

8. The best dancers were Kim and (he, him)…………….. .

9. Both of them forgot about (we, us)……………..

10. Lily and (I, me)……………drew cartoons.
Part seven: Change these sentences into passive voice
1. He knew the answer.
2. Dirty water can spread cholera.
3. She has not stolen the gold
4. It had damaged the crops
5. She has broken the glass
6. I will talk to you.
7. He will not feel it?
8. She doesn’t like you.
9. Are you listening to me?
10. I am playing cards.

Prepared by: Salaama examination board

Tel: 518830 Telsom 302009 Telcom.Email: salaama
11. Did you find the job?
12. I had taken
it. ....................................................................................................................................................
13. I do this
job. ....................................................................................................................................................
14. We chose
you. ...................................................................................................................................................
15. They are watering the
plants. ...............................................................................................................................................

Part one: translate these words into English

21. Mawqif ______________________
22. Xabad joojin ______________________
23. Aan caqo adag ku taagnayn ______________________

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24. Jabhad kicib ______________________
25. Musharax ______________________
26. Abaabulid ______________________
27. Laysku maandhaafsanyahay ______________________
28. Duleedka/daafaha ______________________
29. Hadal qoraal ah ______________________
30. Is bahaysi ______________________
31. Goobjoogayaal ______________________
32. Hawl gal ______________________
33. Saldhig milatari ______________________
34. Buuralay ______________________
35. Madax furasho ______________________
36. Saxeexid ______________________
37. Xus ______________________
38. Xaflad ______________________
39. Baalal ______________________
40. Afduubayaal ______________________

Part two: state the meaning of these words in Somali as

they are used in the context.

21. Private residence ______________________________


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22. Rampage ______________________________
23. Un accounted for ______________________________
24. Tragedy ______________________________
25. Released _______________________________
26. Districts _______________________________
27. Heavy mortars _______________________________
28. Contingency _______________________________
29. Strongholds _______________________________
30. Warring sides _______________________________
31. Erupted _______________________________
32. Rebel allies _______________________________
33. Strategic port _______________________________
34. Seized control _______________________________
35. Police at the scene _______________________________
36. Deadly attack _______________________________
37. Military convoy _______________________________
38. Massive blast _______________________________
39. Military vehicles _______________________________
40. Found guilty _______________________________


Prepared by: Salaama examination board

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