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6th Eng - 12-12

Print Time: 16/12/2021 04:35 Pl\l


Complete the correlation:

Ozone : stratosphere : : Airoplane flight : _______

(A) mesosphere

(B) troposphere

(C) thermosphere

(D) exosphere

Correct Optioo(s): B

Who am I?
I have fins instead of legs.
I have lungs instead of gillslits.
I have to come frequently in air.

(A) Turtle

(B) Whale

(C) Frog

(D) Crocodile.

Correct OJ>tioo(s): B

If P-snail, Q-slug. Select the appropriate option for them.

(A) P have shell, Q does not have shell.

(B) P does not have shell, Q have shell.

(C) P&Q both have shell.

(D) P&Q both do not have shell.

Correct Optioo(s): A

Select the proper alternative for cause of pollution shown in Venn diagram.

(A) P-vehicle, Q-oil spill, R-industry.

(B) P-industry, Q-oil spill, R-vehicle.

(C) P-oil spill, Q-vehicle, R-industry.
(D) P-vehicle, Q-industry, R-oil spill.

Correct Option(s): A

Match proper alternatives for symbol P,Q,R,S

� X a:r t
p Q R s

Alternatives- A) Harbour, B)Battle field C) Fo11 D) Railway

(A) P-A, Q-B, R-C, S-D.

(B) P-C, Q-B, R-D, S-A.
(C) P-B, Q-C, R-D, S-A
(D) P-D, Q-A, R-B, S-C

Correct Option(s): B

During the process of seed germination, the part that develops first is..........

(A) root

(B) shoot.
(C) both root and shoot.
(D) sometimes root and sometimes shoot.

Correct Option(s): A


Suppose we have new scale for temperature measurement. In this new scale the freezing point of water is 50 and boiling point
is 105 ° . Then according to this new temperature scale, what will be normal temperature of the human body?

(A) 470 C

(B) 42 o C

(C) 52 ° c

(D) 570 c

Correct Option(s): B

In sunstrokes, which of the following first aid should be given ?

(A) Raise the lower part of the body vertically above the level of the heart.
(B) Apply ointment on the body.
(C) Wipe the body with dry cloth.

(D) Wipe the body with wet cloth.

Conect Option(s): D

Three beakers P,Q &Rare taken . Equal volume of water at room temperature is poured in all of them. Equal amount of suger
is added to each beaker. Now all the beakers are kept at following conditions.
1) beaker P is heated. 2) beaker Q is refrigerated. 3) beakerRis kept at room temprature.

In which condition suger will dissolve faster?

(A) p

(B) Q


(D) In all above conditions

Correct Option(s): A


In the given circuit diagram, which substances should be used at X and Y?


... - ... ..
.... ---··
(A) X-plastic; Y-copper

(B) X-ebonite; Y-plastic

(C) X-aluminium; Y-rubber

(D) X-copper; Y-zinc

Correct Option(s): D


Sunil wants to study whether more effort is required in using pulley or ramp. The figure shows Sunil's experiment. Why is this
experiment not a fair test?.



211 kQ

(A) He must lift the load at different angles.

(B) He should oil the surface of the machine first.

(C) He must test them at the same time.

(D) He must take same load in both experiments.

Correct Option(s): D

Complete the following correlation.

Raincoat : plastic : : Irlis : -------

(A) cotton cloth

(B) sack cloth

(C) silk

(D) wool

Correct Option(s): B


Reducing, is a part of garbage management. It can be exemplified by --------

(A) carrying your own jute bag while shopping.

(B) packing objects using least possible packing material.

(C) using both side of papers for '-v-riting.

(D) all of above.

Correct Option(s): D


Read the given statements and select the correct option.

Statment 1 :-Greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap the heat of the sun and increase the temperature of the earth.
Statement 2:- Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane and water vapour are greenhouse gases.

(A) Both statements are true. 2 is the correct explanation of 1.

(B) Both statements are true. But 2 is not correct explanation of 1.

(C) Statement 1 is true and statement 2 is false.

(D) Both statements are false.

Correct Option(s): B


In case of gas leakage select correct action.

(A) Close all doors and windows.

(B) Plug on all switches.

(C) Do not light matchstick.

(D) Both A and C.

Correct Option(s): C


Leaves of which of the following plant can be used to make insecticide at home?

(A) Mango.



Correct Option(s): D


Whispering, rustling ofleaves is a ........ sound.


(B) loud


(D)none ofthese.

Correct Option(s): A


P, Q, R & S represent velocity ofsound in air, wood, vaccum and water respectively. Select correct alternative for velocity of
sound in above medium.

(A) Q>S>P>R

(B)P>S >Q>R

(C) Q>R>P>S

(D)R>S >P>Q

Correct Option(s): A


The tough elastic substance between two bones in our joints is ...............


(B)bone marrow.



Correct Option(s): A


Junk food is harmful for human body because--------

(A)it contains lot ofsalt.

(B)it contains lot ofsugar.

(C) it contains lot offat.

(D)all ofabove.

Correct Option(s): D
Obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure are------------diseases.

(A) deficiency.
(B) communicable.
(C) lifestyle.
(D) contagious.

Correct Option(s): C

Butter, carrot, pumpkin and tomato are good source of---------

(A) vitamin C.
(B) vitamin B.
(C) vitamin D.
(D) Vitamin A.

Correct Option(s): D

Complete the following correlation.
Chilli powder: Brick powder : : Ice-cream: ---------.

(A) starch.
(B) paper pulp
(C) powder pumpkin.
(D) cotton.

Correct Option(s): B

In a satellite, which energy is used to produce electrical energy?

(A) chemical energy

(B) thermal energy
(C) solar energy
(D) atomic energy

Correct Option(s): C

Riya \.valks from her house 'A' to meet her friends at B, C, D respectively. After meeting them she returns to her house A. Find
the difference between the distance she covered and her displacement ?



(A) 4km.

(B) 3km.

(C) 8km.

(D) 6km.

Correct Option(s): D


Imagine you are going on trip from earth to moon and then to mars. Which of the following physical quantity will not remain
constant throughout your trip ?

(A) mass.

(B) weight.

(C) height.

(D) volume.

Correct Option(s): B

In an instance of football rolling on the ground which of the following is correct option about motions it possess?
P-random ; Q-linear; R-periodic; S-circular

(A)P and Q

(B) Q andR

(C)P andR

(D)P and S

Correct Option(s): D


While charging a mobile, 'X' energy is converted into 'Y' energy. Find correct option?

(A) X-electrical; Y-chemical

(B) X-chemical; Y-electrical

(C) X-electrical; Y-sound

(D) X-heat; Y-chemical

Correct Option(s): A

On the basis of the given diagram choose the correct habitat-animal pair from the following options.

(A) P-peacock; Q-ostrich; R-penguin; S-Kingfisher.

(B) P-Kingfisher; Q-ostrich; R-penguin; S-peacock.

(C) P-peacock; Q-ostrich; R-Kingfisher; S-penguin.

(D) P-peacock; Q-Kingfisher; R-penguin; S-ostrich.

Correct Option(s): A


Identify which planet has both rings and magnetism.

P-Mercury, Q- Jupiter, R-Earth S-Saturn

(A) p &Q

(B) Q &S

(C) R &S

(D) Q&R

Correct 011tion(s): B


Which social issue is higlighted by the given symbol ?

(A) Illiteracy.

(B) Child marriage.

(C) Superstition.

(D) Female foeticide.

Correct Option(s): A

In the adjoining figure, three states of substance are shown. Select correct alternative for P, Q, R.

(A) P- definite volume; Q-indefinite shape;. R- definite mass.

(B) P-definite volume. Q-. definite shape R-definite mass

(C) P-indefinite shape Q-. indefinite volume R-indefinite mass

(D) P-definite shape. Q-. definite volume R-indefinite mass.

Correct Option(s): A


Find odd one out.

Castor oil; Karanj oil; Olive oil; Neem oil.

(A) Castor oil

(B) Karanj oil

(C) Olive oil

(D) Neem oil.

Correct Option(s): C


Which mode of transport is the most cost effective?

(A) Public bus.

(B) Train.

(C) Rickshaw

(D) Car

Correct Option(s): B


Observe the given diagram which shows cross section of a lock , working on a principle of liver. Iidentify its parts and also
recognise it's type.

(A) P- fulcrum; Q- load; R- effort; and second type

(B) P- load; Q- fulcrum; R- effort; and second type

(C)P- effort; Q- load; R- fulcrum; and first type

(D) P- folcrum; Q- effort; R- load; and third type

Correct O1>tion(s): A


Formation of frost is an example of.................

(A) sublimation.

(B) deposition

(C) evaporation

(D) freezing.

Correct Option(s): B


---------- are liquid metal.

P-zinc. Q-bromine. R-mercury. S-gallium

(A) p &Q

(B) Q&R



Correct Ot>tion(s): C


An electrician always has to wear rubber gloves while working -------

(A) to keep his hands dry.

(B) to insulate him .

(C) to protect him from covid-19 virus

(D) to make things easier for him

Correct Ot>tion(s): B


In an inflated baloon air is blown out, if it is left free . Which of the following alternative is not responsible for this

(A) pressure difference betv:een inside and outside of the balloon.

(B) equal pressure inside and outside of the balloon

(C) property of air to flow.

(D) the tendency of balloon to get deflated.

Correct Optioo(s): B


Which ofthe following statement is correct about respiration in human beings?

(A) Air rushes in because ofhigh pressure created in lungs.

(B) Air rushes out because oflow pressure created in lungs.

(C) Air rushes in because oflow pressure created in lungs.

(D) There is no change in lung pressure during respiration.

Correct Optioo(s): C


VUay wants to do an experiment. He wants all the light to pass through o�ject 1 and fall on object 2 but not pass through it.
What might be object 1 and o�ject 2 ?

{A) o�ject 1 : paper and object 2: mirror

(B) object 1 : glass and object 2 : mirror.

(C) object 1 : glass and o�ject 2 : glass

(D) object 1: paper and object 2: glass.

Correct Ot>tioo(s): B


---- is an insect which is found in water in its larva stage and in air in its adult stage.

{A) Frog

(B) Cockroach

{C) Bee

(D) Mosquito

Correct 011tioo(s): D


We use alum in muddy water for purifi cation because---------

(A) it kills germs

(B) it makes water heavier

{C) it makes water clean

(D) all ofabove.

Correct 01>tioo(s): C

Read the following sentences and choose the con-ect one.

P-Milky way is only galaxy in the universe.

Q-A solar year consists of 363 days.
R-Mercury is the hottest planet.
S-Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet.

(A) P.

(B) Q.


(D) S

Correct Option(s): D


Who am I ?
I am used to produce ammonia.
I am needed for the formation of protein.
I am responsible for growth of the living organisms.

(A) Ozone

(B) Methane

(C) Nitrogen.

(D) Oxygen.

Correct Option(s): C


In which of the following diseases, lungs get affected most?

(A) Tuberculosis

(B) Cholera.

(C) Diabetis.

(D) High Blood pressure

Correct Option(s): A


In monsoon season, green slippery layer of ........... grows on the ground.

(A) bacteria.

(B) viruses.

(C) fungi.

(D) algae.

Correct Option(s): D

Carbon dioxide is liberated when we open fire extinguisher because it is ------------in fire extinguisher.

(A) stored under pressure.

(B) stored in liquid form

(C) stored in the form of dry ice

(D) formed due to chemical reaction.

Correct Option(s): D


A boy of mass 20 kg sits at a distance of 80cm from the fulcrum of a seesaw. Calculate the mass of boy who sits at a distance
of 40 cm from the folcrum in order to balance the seesaw.

(A) 100kg.

(B) 80kg.

(C) 40kg.

(D) 50kg.

Correct Option(s): C


Read the following statements-

Vicky, "Work is always done by a force".
Rocky, "A moving body can be stopped by applying force".
Micky, "We do not need energy to write answers of the questions on paper".
Who is telling the wrong fact ?

(A) Micky

(B) Vicky.

(C) Rocky.

(D) All of them.

Correct Option(s): A


Which one of the following system is responsible for transporting nutrients throughout our body '?

(A) Nervous system.

(B) Circulatory system.

(C) Muscular system

(D) Respiratory system

Correct Option(s): B

In the given diagram which part of the flower should the bees touch to collect nectar ?

(A) p

(B) Q
(C) R
(D) S

Correct Option(s): B

Infrasonic sound is audible to which of following animals ?

Animals - sound hearing range

i)Beetle -- 20Hz to 80 KHz
ii) Moth- 10 Hz to 100 KHz
iii) Flies -- 38Hz to 44 KHz

(A) i & ii
(B) i & iii
(C) only ii
(D) only iii

Correct Option(s): C

Two mirrors are kept at an angle of 90° . An object is kept infront of these two mirrors. How many images can be seen?

c::::::::J Object


(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Correct Option(s): C

In rainbow which color is aqjacent to yellow?

(B) Green

Correct Option(s): B


----------- developed the technique of producing electricity with the help of a magnet?
A)Newton B)Faraday C) Raman D)Archimedes


Correct Option(s): B


Select group of magnetic metals.

A) Iron , Copper , Aluminium

B)Cobalt, Iron , Zinc
C)Iron , Steel, Nickel
D)Iron , Cobalt, Nickel


Correct Option(s): D


/ --
In the given diagram 'XY' is an iron rod. If we want to produce 'N' pole at the point' X' Then------
--- --- ....

Iron Rod Y

(A)rub N pole from X to Y

(B)rub S pole from X to Y
(C) rub N pole from X to Y and back Y to X.
(D) rub N pole from centre of the rod to X

Correct Option(s): A


Milky way is a galaxy of------- type .

(A) spiral

(B) elliptical

(C) barred spiral

(D) irregular
Correct Option(s): A


Who am I?

I am fastest moving planet.

I am visible only in the morning or evening.

I am visible only when I am away from the sun.

(A) Venus

(B) Mercury

(C) Uranus

(D) Mars

Correct Option(s): B


Yellow spot of turmeric turns red when we rub soap on it.This change is-----

(A) physical and temporary

(B) chemical and temporary

(C) physical and irreversible

(D) chemical and irreversible

Correct Option(s): D


We can easily jump l meter high on the moon because-----

(A) there is no gravitational force.

(B) there is no atmosphere.

(C) gravitational force of moon is lesser than that of the earth.

(D) Band C

Correct Option(s): C

New variant of corona i.e. 'Omicron' is first detected in----

(A) North America

(B) South America

(C) India

(D) South Africa

Correct Option(s): D


Measuring cylinder can be used to measure ----

(A) length of an object

(B) volume of a liquid

(C) volume of small solids

(D) B and C

Correct Option(s): D


Part of the alimentary canal which is in thoracic cavity is called------

(A) stomach

(B) food pipe

(C) liver

(D) trachea

Correct Option(s): B


Which among the following can have an area of about 2 sq.meter?

(A) Single bed

(B) Double bed

(C) Note book page

(D) Seat of a chair

Correct Option(s): A

If area ofany irregular shaped object is measured with the help of graph papers X,Y,Z. as sho"',-n in the figure .Which graph
paper will measure the area more accurately?

- -

X y z
(B) y
(C) Z
(D) All three

Correct Option(s): A


If an explosion takes place in space, who among the following can hear the sound of the explosion?

(A) Person in the space.

(B) Person on the earth
(C) Both persons in the space as well as on the earth.

(D) None can hear the sound

Correct Option(s): D

What happens while Ice-cream melts ?

(A) Number of Ice-cream molecules increases

(B) Number of Ice-cream molecules decreases
(C) Inter molecular spaces between the Ice-cream molecules increase.
(D) Inter molecular spaces between the Ice- cream molecules decrease.

Correct Option(s): D
Figure shows door ,vith hinges on the left side. To close the door we can apply force at P,Q,R,S. At which point you have to
apply maximum force ?

,. a ..

(A) p
(B) Q


(D) s

Correct Optioo(s): A


In photosynthesis plants produce their food using ------

(A) light energy only

(B)heat energy and raw material
(C) light energy and raw material
(D) chemical energy and raw material

Correct Optioo(s): C

According to the given flow chart find the correct option regarding X, Y, Z.

(A) X- Algae Y- Basil Z- Mushroom

(B) X- Basil Y- Algae Z-Mushroom

(C) X- Mashroom Y- Algae Z- Basil

(D) X- Mashroom Y-Basil Z-Algae

Correct Optioo(s): B

Water is kept in a vessel .The graph shows tempareture of water at different time. Which type of water is kept in the vessel?

ci ____....,

Tlmo --+

(A) cold water

(B) water at room temprature

(C) hot watet

(D) boiled water

Correct Option(s): B


Contaminated potable water causes----

i) Diarrhea ii) Cholera iii) T.B. iv) Typhoid

(A) i and ii

(B) ii and iii

(C) i , ii and iii

(D) i, ii and iv

Correct Option(s): D


We use roots of these plants as vegetables.Find proper option .

(A) Sweet potato and onion

(B) Sweet potato and raddish

(C) Onion and potato

(D) CatTot and ginger

Correct Option(s): B


Select odd man out .

i) blue algae ii) pistia iii) hydrilla iv) mangrove

(A) i

(B) ii

(C) iii

(D) iv

Correct Option(s): D

Which of the following groups contains threads that we get from animals?

(A) Cotton and jute

(B) Cotton and silk

(C) Jute and wool

(D) Silk and wool

Correct Optioo(s): D


Aryan saw that India won a cricket match on television.Then he clappped and jumped with joy.In this incidence which sensory
orgen and motor organs did he use respectively ?

(A) Hands ,Legs ,Eyes

(B) Eyes, Hands ,Legs

(C) Legs , Hands, Eyes

(D) Hands, Eyes, Legs

Correct Optioo(s): B

In a map distance between two cities 'A' and 'B' is 3.5cm.Scale \vritten below the map is lcm= 150 km. What will be the
actual distance between two cities ?

(A) 5.25 km

(B) 525 km

{C) 52.5 km

(D) 5250 km

Correct Optioo(s): B


A drum is beaten on the earth as well as on the moon .Which of the following sentences is true in this reference?

(A) Drum will vibrate at both places.

(B) Drum will vibrate only on the moon.

{C) Drum will vibrate only on the earth.

(D) Drum will not vibrate at both places.

Correct Optioo(s): A


Limes, sweet limes, oranges are useful to our body because -----
(A) they supply energy

(B) they are usefol in body building

(C) they improve the immunity ofthe body.

(D) they protect eyes.

Correct Option(s): C


Read the statements and choose the correct option.

i) Salivary glands are in our mouth.
ii) Salivary digests proteins.

(A) both are true

(B) both are false

(C) i is false and ii is true

(D) i is true and ii is false

Correct Option(s): D


Eigme sbaws cross section ofa leaf. The part 'X' in the figure controls which process from the following ?

(A) Exchange ofgases

(B) Exchange ofwater vapour

(C) Exchange offood

(D) Growth ofthe plant.

Correct Option(s): A


In a chemical change----------

(A) only one substance takes part and it changes into new substance.

(B) two substances take part, but only first substance changes.

(C) two substances take part,but only second substance changes.

(D) two substances take part ,and both substances change to new substances .

Correct Option(s): D

Who am I?
I am soluble in fats.
I am one of the nutrients of food
Skin can produce me in sunlight.

(A)Vitamin A

(B) Vitamin B

(C)Vitamin C

(D)Vitamin D

Correct Option(s): D


If nitrogen from the air disappears, then--------

(A) there will be no effect on any one.

(B)combustion will take place slowly.

(C) combustion will take place very fast.

(D)for animals respiration will become easy.

Correct Option(s): C


sho iffer typ teeth.Which type of teeth helps in biting the food?

� 9 9 e9

a R s


(B) Q


(D) S

Correct Option(s): D


A,B,C and Dare four containers .Each of them have 200ml of water. Temperature of water in A and Bis 30 °C and that in C
and D is 80 °C .All containers are kept in a sunlight for two hours. Volume of water in which container will be the least after
two hours.

�.·�··: �'.
........... ..
..... bd- :
·:: ··-··-·
·· D
A B C ,


(B) B
(C) C

Correct 01>tion(s): D

Why a matchstick does not ignite quickly, if we rub it on a matchbox which is used several times?

(A)Efficiency of chemical on the matchbox surface is reduced .

(B)Efficiency of chemical on the matchstick surface is reduced .
(C) Surface of the matchbox becomes smoother.
(D) Surface of the matchbox becomes rough.

Correct Option(s): C

When water vapour gets converted into water--------

(A)heat is absorbed and temperature increases.

(B)heat is evolved and temperature decreases .
(C)heat is absorbed and temperature remains same
(D)heat is evolved and temperature remains same.

Correct 01>tion(s): D

When a fridge is opened , its door closes automatically from a certain distance , In this phenomenon ------ force is used.

(A) electrical
(B) magnetic
(C) mechanical
(D) gravitational

Correct Option(s): B

We can see stars of different colours in the sky . This happens due to -------

(A)difference in pressure on their surface

(B)difference in temparature on their surface.
(C)difference in distance from the earth.
(D)difference in their states( solid, liquid,gaseous)

Correct Option(s): B

When sound is produced using any object,the particles in the object have -------- motion .

(A) linear

(B) circular

(C) oscillatary

(D) random

Correct Option(s): C


Carbon dioxide in solid state is used to store---

(A) banana

(B) pulses

(C) Ice-cream

(D) leafy vegetables

Correct Option(s): C


Read the following statements carefolly and select the correct option.
i) Lotus flowers blossom in the morning.
ii) Sun rises in the morning.

(A) Both statements indicate incidences.

(B) Both statements indicate responses.

(C) Statement (i) is stimulus and statement (ii) is response to it .

(D) Statement (ii) is stimulus and statement (i) is response to it.

Correct Option(s): D


In---------- motion the object returns to its original position after completing its period. It remains at a constant distance from
a fixed point throughout its motion.

(A) linear

(B) oscilatery

(C) circular

(D) random

Correct Option(s): C


Percentage of the humus in the upper layer of the good fertile soil is about------

(A) 15% to 25%

(B) 30% to 50%
(C) 50% to 70%

(D) 40% to 80%

Correct Option(s): B


Which bones are not included in the axial skeleton ?

(A) Hand bones

(B) Skull bones

(C) The spine bones

(D) The rib cage bones

Correct Option(s): A


According to the use ofleaves find the odd plant from the following options.

(A) Basil (Tulsi)

(B) Spring onion
(C) Spinach

(D) Mustard

Correct Option(s): A

We do not have thin wires oflead. This is because ........... oflead is very poor

(A) malleability
(B) ductility
(C) sonority

(D) conductivity

Correct Option(s): B

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