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1. Country
Describe briefly about the USA (geography, economy, people, political system,
education, sport, festival, etc..)
2. People
Why does American society look like a mosaic? Examples?
Comparing American people and Vietnamese people, describe some characteristics,
features, strengths and weaknesess of American and Vietnamese people?
Migration to the USA, why does this happen? For what reasons and purposes?
3. Language
Comparing differences between American English and British English. Examples?
4. Political system
Understanding and presenting about 3 branches of US Government: functions,
management, etc…
Functions of the US President? His relationship to the Congress?
5. Education
The US Education: good points (compare with Vietnamese system)
6. Family
Family patterns in the US.
The favorite pattern. Good and bad point of that pattern?
7. Media
Attitudes of American people to the US media?
Attitudes of foreigners to the US media?
8. Holiday
The US holidays? Popular ones? Important ones?
Describe one holiday/festival that you know well.
- Definitions ( 5 terms)
- 4 questions ( 100_120 words/ each) :
+ Advantages and disadvantages of melting pot/ mosaic.
+Government, 3 branches of the government, President's powers, system of checks and balances
+Civil War: causes and effects
+Education system
+Description of a federal holiday/ celebration day & its significance
+American English vs. British English

1. Describe the US *
- The United States of America is known as United State (US) or America. It consist
of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories and various
possessions. The capital is Washington D.C and the most populous city is New
York City. The Eagle is the symbol of the US. There are 50 stars and 13 stripes in
the flag of the US. It stand for 50 states and the first 13 states of the nation’s
fouding. The 2 main mountains are the Appalachian Mountains and the Rocky
Mountains. The longest river in the US is the Mississippi and the major rivers in
the western part of the US are Colorado and the Rio Grande. The Great Lakes on
the northern border of the country are Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron,
Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario.
2. The characteristics of modern Americans
- The US has the third-largest population in the world. The most distinctive
characteristic of the US is its people. They are really friendly. They smile a lot and
talk easily to strangers, sharing personal stories. They are hard-working, honest.
They follow the rule of law. American are extremely independent, individualistic
and like to be different from each other. They don’t have deep friendship. Once
they get what they want, they abandon you for the next big thing. They do it
unconciously without emotion attchment because they were raised that way.
Moreover, they are always punctual. Time is money so they never be late for
important things.
 Vietnamese people are very friendly and hospitable. They welcome to strangers or
guest. They will be willing to help if someone need.
3. Why do people immigrate to America? *
- Most of people migrate for economic reasons. People think about emigrating from
place that have few job opportunities, and they immigrate to places where jobs
seem to be available. Political conditions can also operate as pull factors. People
may be attracted to democratic countries that encourage individual choice in
education, career, and place of residence. People also migrate for environmental
reasons, pulled toward physically attractive regions and pushed from hazardous
ones. In an age of improved communications and transportation systems, people
can live in environmentally attractive areas that are relatively remote and still not
feel too isolated from employment, shopping, and entertainment opportunities.
High education is one of the top reasons people immigrate, especially the younger
ones are to pursue higher education in a field that can be not available in their
country, or better universities are available abroad. Once you move to study many
times, they enjoy better their new place and extend their stay indefinitely.
4. Some differences in Am. English and Brit. English
- There are some minor differences between Am. English and Brit. English:
+ Stress and pronunciation :
Brit. E and Am. E
Car ka: ka:r
Bear beah bear
Start sta:t sta:rt
Newyork nju: jo:k nu: jo:rk
Bare beơ ber

+ Vocabulary :
Brit. E and Am. E
Trousers and pants
Holiday and vacation
Football and soccer
University and college
Flat and apartment

+ Spell :
Brit. E and Am. E
Organise organize
Colour color
Enrol enroll
Defence defense
Metre meter

+ Grammar :
Brit. E and Am. E
To Jane with Jane
Monday to Sunday Monday through Sunday
At the weekend On the Weekend
Spill-spilt-spilt spill-spilled-spilled
Dive-dived-dived dive-dove-dived
 Although there are some differences between British English and
American English, they are rarely misunderstading. British English
and American English voice almost not much different. In other
words, whether the pronunciation is in an American or English accent,
the readers themselves understand what they say.
5. 3 branches of Government.
- There are 3 branches of Government : the legislative, the executive, and the
juducial. Each branch has different functions and power under principle of
separation of power.
+ The legislative branch is called Congress. It is the responsibility of Congress to
propose and pass law. Congress can refuse to approve Presidential appointments
and can override a Presidential veto.
+ The executive branch is the responsibitily of executive to enforce laws. The
President belongs to the executive branch.
+ The juducial branch explains anh interprets laws makes decisions in lawsuit. It
has power over the other 2 branches because it can declare their law and actions
 In the system of check and balances, each branch has some control over the other 2
6. The President of the US
- To qualify to serve, the President must be a born US citizen and at least thirty-five
years old. He/she must have live in the US for at least fourteen years. The
President travels a lot, but he or she lives and work at the White House in
Washington. The President’s term of office is four years, and no President may
serve for than 2 term in a row. If the President dies, these officials take over the
position in this order : The Vice President, the Speaker of the House of
Representatives, the President pro tempore of Senate, the Secretary of State, the
other twelve members of Cabinet. If the President sign the bll, it becomes law and
if the President vetoes the bill, Congress can overrides the veto, and it becomes the
law anyway.

7. Compare and contrast schools in the US and VN

United State Vietnam
- Most students go to school at 5 - Students go to school at 7 years old.
years old, some go to school at 7 - 2 types of schools : public schools
years old. and private schools.
- 2 type of schools : public schools - The academic year will start in late
and private schools. August or early September to the
- The academic year will start in end of May next year.
September to June next year. - Primary school : Students study 2
- Elementary : Students study 3 main main subjects : Vietnamese and
subjects: read, write and arithmetic. arithmetic.
- School level: 3 levels : - School level: 3 levels:
+ Elementary : Grade: 1-6, age: 5- + Primary school: grade: 1-5, age:
12 6-11
+ Junior high school: Grade: 7-8, + Secondary school: grade: 6-9,
age: 13-14 age: 11-15
+ High school: grade: 9-12, age: 14- + High school: grade: 10-12,
18 age :15-18
 American high school students who want to study at a college or university have
to take a standardized test, eg the SAT, the ACT. Overseas students must also take
the TOEFL.
8. Types of family in the US
There are 7 types of family in the US :
- Nuclear family : a family consisting of 2 parents and their children, but not
including aunts, uncles, grandparents, ect.
+ Advantages : Financially stable, both parents usually work now,Children raised
in a stable parenting situation, Consistency, Emphasis on health and education,
Focus on communication.
+ Disadvantages : Exclusion of extended family can lead to isolation and stress,
Can struggle with conflict resolution,Nuclear families can become too child-
focused, resulting in self-centered children and families neglecting other important
- Extended family : are families with two or more adults who are related through
blood or marriage, usually along with children.
+ Advantages : Things like respect and care for the elderly are important, More
family around to help with chores, child care, in case of emergencies, etc, Social
+ Disadvantages : Financial issues can occur if parents are supporting several other
adults and children without any extra income, Lack of privacy depending on the
living environment.
- Children family : are families with two parents who cannot have or don't want
+ Advantages : Typically have more disposable income, No dependents to take
care of, Have more freedom to travel, go on adventures, pursue different careers or
education, Couples get to spend more time together.
+ Disadvantages : Couples can feel isolated or left out when all their friends/family
start having kids, If you like kids, you can feel like something is missing, Infertility
can force a family to be childless, which can be hard for couples
- Grandparent family : A grandparent family is when one or more grandparent is
raising their grandchild or grandchildren.
+ Advantages : Grandparents and grandchildren form a close bond, Keeps children
from ending up in foster homes or other situations.
+ Disadvantages : Grandparents may not work or have full-time jobs, may struggle
with income, Depending on their health, it may be difficult for them to keep up
with young children or discipline them as they get older.
- Single-parent family : Single parent families consist of one parent with one or
more kids.
+ Advantages : Family members can become very close, Learn to share household
duties, Children and parents can become very resilient.
+ Disadvantages : Families struggle to get by on one income; some are on social
assistance, It can be difficult for parents to work full-time and still afford quality
childcare, Parenting can be inconsistent, especially if kids go back and forth
between parents.
- Step family : A stepfamily is when two separate families merge into one. This can
go several different ways, like two divorced parents with one or more children
blending families, or one divorced parent with kids marrying someone who has
never been married and has no kids.
+ Advantages : Children get the benefit of having two parents around, Children
and their new siblings or step-parents can form strong bonds, Benefit of having
two incomes compared to single parent families.
+ Disadvangtes : Adjustment can be difficult for parents and children, Parents can
run into problems trying to discipline each other's kids, May lack discipline or be
- Same-sex family : is a homosexual family. they can live with their children or not.
+ Advantages : understand the children most easily, Easily share everything with
each other.
+ Disadvantages : difficult to avoid social prejudices, difficulty in faithfulness.
9. What do you know about media of the US?
- The US has the most highly-developed mass media in the world. There are 4 main
mediums : Televison, radio, newspaper, internet. Televison is America’s most
popular. The 4 major commercial Tv network are ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox.
American radio broadcasts in two bands: FM and AM. National Public Radio is the
nation's primary public radio network, but most radio stations are commercial and
profit-oriented. The US has only one national newspaper, USA Today. There are 2
kind of newspaper : printed newspaper and electric newspaper. Print newspapers
are getting less and less, while electronic newspapers are developing strongly. The
internet is growing stronger. It is popular with everyone, especially young people
and social activists. People use the Internet for a variety of purposes such as
learning, information and entertainment.
 American attitude toward media : depend heavily on US media  State has
income. Producer, artists,etc rely on media to promote their products, bringing
them closer to the public.
 Overseas people : Media in the US is also popular among foreigners, especially
foreign language students. They use to read news, learn vocabulary, refer to
foreign news.
10. Holiday in the US ( Tự chọn 1 ngày để viết )
New Year's Day falls on January 1 and marks the start of a new year according to
the Gregorian calendar. It marks the end of New Year's Eve celebrations in the
United States and gives many Americans a chance to remember the previous
year..New Year's Day is a public holiday. It is a day off for the general population,
and schools and most businesses are closed. The start of New Year's Day, at
midnight, is heralded by fireworks, parties and special events, which are often
televised. Very few people have to work on the day itself. Many people make New
Year's resolutions. These are usually promises to themselves that they will improve
something in their own lives. Common New Year's resolutions are to stop smoking
or drinking alcohol, to lose weight, exercise more or to live a healthier
lifestyle.Government offices, organizations, schools and many businesses are
closed in the USA on New Year's Day. Public transit systems do not run on their
regular schedules. Where large public celebrations have been held, traffic may be
disrupted by the clean-up operation. In general, public life is completely closed
 Tết- Vietnamese New Year is the most important celebration in Vietnamese
culture. Tết celebrates the arrival of spring based on the Vietnamese calendar,
which usually has the date falling in January or February in the Gregorian
calendar.Many customs are practiced during Tết, such as visiting a person's house
on the first day of the new year, ancestor worship, wishing New Year's greetings,
giving lucky money to children and elderly people, and opening a shop. Tết is also
an occasion for pilgrims and family reunions. They start forgetting about the
troubles of the past year and hope for a better upcoming year. They consider Tết to
be the first day of spring, and the festival is often called Hội xuân (spring festival).
11. Event : *
The American Civil War was fought between the northern and southern states from
1861 to 1865. There are 2 main causes of the war. The first was the issue of
slavery: should Africans who had been brought by force to the US be used as
slaves. The second was the issue of state’ right: should the US federal government
be more power than the government of individual states. During the war, the
differences between North and South had become even greater. The North had
become richer. In the South, cities had been destroyed and the economy ruined.
Finally, there were some effects of the Civil War. Differences between North and
South are still strong. The Civil War helped to end slavery, but long afterward
Blacks were still being treated badly, and race relations continue to be a problem.
The war showed strong differences between parts of the US.

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