Overtime Sheet Form: Human Resources Department

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Human Resources Department No : FRM - HRD - 2102

Rev : 5
OVERTIME SHEET FORM Date : Oct.21, 2009

MONTH : Feb-March

NAME : Fakhrul Wadudi DEPT. : PDD

NIK : 20182342 GROUP :A

Approved by Total Approved by

Date Time Planning Time Actual Purpose Eqv.
Assigned Staff Hours Assigned Staff

Normal Day
26-Feb 15:00 18:00 15:00 18:00 3.0 Bussiness Trip to Head office 5.5
27-Feb 15:00 20:30 15:00 20:30 5.5 Startup Unit#1 & Synchro 10.5
28-Feb 7:15 14:45 7:15 14:45 7.5 Meeting with Mr. Sulfianto 14.5
5-Mar 7:00 17:00 7:00 17:00 10.0 Bussiness Trip to Head office 19.5
8-Mar 15:00 19:00 15:00 19:00 4.0 Back Up Mr Septo 7.5
9-Mar 23:00 7:00 23:00 7:00 8.0 Back Up Mr Septo 15.5
10-Mar 18:30 22:45 18:30 22:45 4.3 Back Up Mr Septo 8
14-Mar 19:00 22:45 19:00 22:45 3.8 Back Up Mr Septo 7
18-Mar 15:00 19:00 15:00 19:00 4.0 Back Up Mr Septo 7.5
19-Mar 23:00 7:00 23:00 7:00 8.0 Back Up Mr Septo 15.5
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
21-Feb 7:15 16:30 7:15 19:30 12.3 Synchro Unit#1 34
7-Mar 6:45 15:00 6:45 15:00 8.3 NH 18
10-Mar 22:45 7:00 22:45 7:00 8.3 Auto OT 18
0:00 0:00 0.00 0
0:00 0:00 0.00 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
0:00 0:00 0.0 0
Total Hours 181.0

Setelah diisi dan ditandatangani oleh Dept. Manager, harap diserahkan ke Dept. Date :
HR paling lambat 1 hari setelah tutup buku pada bulan yang bersangkutan Approved by,

After completed and signed by concerned Dept. Manager, please submit to

HR Dept. at the latest one day after closing date of the month
Dept. Manager

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