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Eliezer Cruz Maldonado December 8th, 2022

INGL 4021 - L06


1. Adjourn
a. To suspend indefinitely or until a later stated time.

i. The meeting was adjourned until next week.

2. Motion
a. A proposal for action.

i. The teacher proposed a motion to postpone the test.

3. Cognate

a. related by descent from the same ancestral language

i. French and Spanish are cognate languages.

4. Lexicon

a. a book containing an alphabetical arrangement of the words in a language and

their definitions

i. Tom used the lexicon to find the definition of “cognate”.

5. Connotation

a. something suggested by a word or thing

i. I consider my house a connotation of comfort.

6. Denotation

a. a direct specific meaning as distinct from an implied or associated idea

i. The denotation of lexicon is a book containing an alphabetical
arrangement of the words in a language and their definitions
7. Phoneme
a. any of the abstract units of the phonetic system of a language that correspond to a

set of similar speech sounds.

i. The words cool and keel are phonemes because have similar speech


8. Morpheme
a. a meaningful morphological unit of a language that cannot be further divided.

i. The word dog is a morpheme that cannot be divided into parts.

9. Monoculture

a. the cultivation or growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural

or forest land.

i. That land is made up of a monoculture of corn.

10. Globalization

a. the development of an increasingly integrated global economy marked especially

by free trade, free flow of capital, and the tapping of cheaper foreign labor


i. Globalization has increased the interactions of nations around the world

to further boost the economy.

11. Chancellor

a. a university president

i. The chancellor suspended classes until further notice.

12. Convened
a. to come together in a body

i. We convened at the hotel’s lobby.

13. Externalize

a. to make external or externally manifest

i. A good actor can externalize different emotions during a movie set.

14. Synthetic

a. devised, arranged, or fabricated for special situations to imitate or replace usual


i. The plants that we bought at the store were synthetic. Therefore, we don’t
need to water them.

15. Obsolete

a. no longer in use or no longer useful

i. The controller was rendered obsolete after Bill threw it towards the floor.

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