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In a modern marketing, one of major concepts involved is marketing mix. It is a set

of tactical marketing tools in order to make some feedback from their target market when
selling a specific product. There are four types of variables that can be enhance or change
depends on the market situation which are Product, Price, Place and Promotion (the four P’s)
(Kotler, Armstrong, & Opresnik, 2017). I learned that this concept highly impacted my
decision when purchasing products in the market. According to (UKessays, 2018), there is a
psychological process involved where the consumer will analyse their needs, purchasing
decisions and planning which may affected by any of the four P’s used.

The marketing mix strategy highly changed my perspectives in my purchasing

decisions to satisfy my own consumer needs. According to (BBC, 2021) the consumer needs
is often change over time due to advancement in technological or people’s knowledge. For
example, during the Covid-19 pandemic, I personally prefer to purchase products or foods on
online platform such as Shopee or Foodpanda rather than the physical store. It is more
convenience as I do not have to go out and there is various of choice that I can choose from
as quality is more important over quantity. I also can compare these choices with an ease to
pick out the best products which fits my needs.

Second, pricing in marketing mix also impacted my decision making. Price is defined
as amount of money in exchange to obtain benefits by a company in their products. Often,
consumer will have the thought of high quality brand will have a high price and expect their
investment to be worth it according to what they had paid. For example, when I bought
skincare set at Watson, I will choose an expensive skincare set such as Loreal that has a good
brand image rather than local products such as Wardah as I believe the ingredient in Loreal
skincare set is more effective to treat my skin condition. According to (Albari & Indah,
2018), most of consumer uses price to measure quality of a products as they do not have time
to get knowledge about the products.

Lastly, promotion also affects my decision when purchasing. Promotion is used for
persuading and reminding the consumer on the products directly or indirectly which will then
influencing the consumer’s mind. For example, I prefer to buy products online through
Shopback platform as I can get instant cashback money when purchase products online rather

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than a physical store. Commonly, the consumer will observe the financial benefits either it
will save their money or is it worth to buy before purchasing (Usly & Khori, 2019).

As conclusion, it is proven that the marketing mix highly impacted my decision

making when purchasing products. The subject gives me an awareness and knowledge in
helping me to improve my purchasing decision accordingly. The four P’s significantly have
the power to influence consumer behavior and it is proven by a research done by (Usly &
Khori, 2019).


Albari, & Indah, S. (2018). The Influence of Product Price on Consumers’. Review of
Integrative Business and Economics Research.
BBC. (2021). The Marketing Mix. Retrieved from BBC:
Kotler, P., Armstrong, G., & Opresnik, M. O. (2017). Marketing Strategy and Marketing
Mix. In Principles of Marketing (pp. 74-84). Pearson Education (US).
UKessays. (November, 2018). Relationship between Marketing Mix and Consumer
Behaviour. Retrieved from
Usly, O., & Khori, N. (2019). Effect of Products, Promotion, Price and Location of Buying

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