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158 Chapter 4 Axiat Loao 4.3 PRINCIPLE OF SUPERPOSITION ‘The principle of superposition is often used to determine the stress or displacement at a point in a member when the member is subjected to a complicated loading. By subdividing the loading into components, this principle states that the resultant stress or displacement at the point can bbe determined by algebraically summing the stress or displacement caused by cach load component applied separately to the member. ‘The following two conditions must be satisfied if the principle of superposition is to be applicd. 1. The loading N must be linearly related to the stress © or displacement 8 that is to be determined. For example, the equations @ = N/Aand 8 = NL/AE involve a linear relationship between and N, and 6 and N. 2. The loading must not significantly change the original geometry or configuration of the member. If significant changes do occur, the direction and location of the applied forces and their moment arms will change. For example, consider the slender rod shown in Fig. 4-9a, which is subjected to the load P. In Fig. 4-9b, P is replaced by two of its components, P = P, + P, If P causes the rod to deflect a large amount, as shown, the moment of this load about its support, Pa, ‘will not equal the sum of the moments of its component loads, Pd ¥ Pid; + Pydy, because dy dp ¥ d Poo Je -—— + -—j 4 © Fig. 4-9 4.4 STATICALLY INDETERMINATE AXIALLY LOADED MEMBERS Consider the bar shown in Fig. 4-10a, which is fixed supported at both of its ends. From its free-body diagram, Fig. 4-10, there are two unknown support reactions. Equilibrium requires +TEF = 0; Fig + Fy ~ SOON — 0 Thistype of problem iscalled statically indeterminate, since the equilibrium ‘equation is not sufficient to determine both reactions on the bat. 4,4. STATICALLY INDETERNENATE AXIALLY LonDED MEMBERS In order to establish an additional equation needed for solution, i is necessary to consider how points on the bar are displaced. Specifically, an equation that specifies the conditions for displacement is referred to as @ compatibility or kinematic condition. In this case,a suitable compatibility condition would require the displacement of end A of the bar with respect to end B to equal zero, since the end supports are fixed, and so no relative movement can occur between them. Hence, the compatibility condition becomes Sain ‘This equation can be expressed in terms of the internal loads by using @ load-displacement relationship, which depends on the material behavior. For example, if linear elastic behavior occurs, then 8 = NL/AE can be used. Realizing that the internal force in segment ACis + F,,and in segment CB it is ~Fy,Fig.4-10c, then the compatibility equation can be written as EQm) _ Gm) AE” AB Since AE is constant, then Fy = 1.5Fy. Finally, using the equilibrium equation, the reactions are therefore F,=300N and Fy = 200N ‘Since both of these results are positive, the directions of the reactions are shown correctly on the free-body diagram. To solve for the reactions on any statically indeterminate problem, we must therefore satisfy both the equilibrium and compatibility equations, and relate the displacements to the loads using the load-displacement relations IMPORTANT POINTS ‘The principle of superposition is sometimes used to simplify stress and displacement problems having complicated loadings. ‘This is done by subdividing the loading into components, then algebracially adding the results, Superposition requires that the loading be linearly related to the stress or displacement, and the loading must not significantly change the original geometry of the member. ‘A problem is statically indeterminate if the equations of equilibrium are not sufficient to determine all the reactions on a member. Compatibility conditions specify the displacement constraints, that occur at the supports or other points on a member. 4 am om _ B © AB ov Fs © Fi. 410 Fy Fy fs © 159 160 Chapter 4 Axiat Loao Most concrete columas are reinforced with steel rods;and since these two materials work {ogether in supporting the applied load, the force in each material must be determined using a statically indeterminate analysis. [ED PROCEDURE FOR ANALYSIS: The support reactions for statically indeterminate problems are determined by satisfying equilibrium, compatibility, and Joad-displacement requirements for the member. Equilibrium. © Draw a free-body diagram of the member in order to identify all the forces that act on it '* ‘The problem can be classified as statically indeterminate if the number of unknown reactions on the free-body diagram is ‘greater than the number of available equations of equilibrium. © Write the equations of equilibrium for the member. Compatibility. * Consider drawing a displacement diagram in order to investigate the way the member will elongate or contract when subjected to the external loads, '* Express the compatibility conditions in terms ofthe displacements ‘caused by the loading. Load-Displacement. © Use a load-displacement relation, such as 8 = NL/AE, to relate the unknown displacements in the compatibility ‘equation to the reactions. '* Solve all the equations for the reactions. If any of the results hhas a negative numerical value, it indicates that this force acts in tho opposite sense of direction to that indicated on the free-body diagram. 4,4. STATICALLY INDETERNENATE AXIALLY LonDED MEMBERS 161 EXAMPLE 4.5 ‘The stecl rod shown in Fig. 4-11a has a diameter of 10 mm. It is fixed to the wall at A, and before it is loaded, there is a gap of 0.2 mm between the wall at B’ and the rod, Determine the reactions on the rod if it is subjected to an axial force of P = 20kN, Neglect the size of the collar at C.Take Ey = 200 GPa. SOLUTION Equilibrium. As shown on the free-body diagram, Fig. 4-110, we will assume that force P is large enough to cause the rod’s end B to contact the wall at B. When this occurs, the problem becomes statically indeterminate since there are two unknowns and only one equation of equilibrium. Fy- Fh + 20010°)N 0) Compatibility. ‘The force P causes point B to move to B; with no further displacement. Therefore the compatibility condition for the rod is Sy: = 0.0002 m Load-Displacement. This displacement can be expressed in terms of the unknown reactions using the load-displacement relationship, Eq. 4-2, applied to segments AC and CB, Fig, 4-11c. Working in units ‘of newtons and meters, we have Baya = F,(0.4 m) +7 (0.005 m)? [200(10") N /m?] _ F, (08m) ‘(0.005 m)? [200(10°) N/mm’ Fy (04m) ~ Fy (0.8m) = 3141.59N +m 2 Solving Eqs. 1 and 2 yields Fy =160KN Fy = 4.05 KN Ans Since the answer for Fy is positive, indeed end B contacts the wall at B’ as originally assumed. NOTE: If Fy were a negative quantity, the problem would be statically determinate, so that Fy = 0 and F, = 20KN. | p=204x 02mm) B, cP a 20kN > CO) [See ———F, © Fig. 01 162 Chapter 4 Axiat Loao EXAMPLE 4.6 @ Fig 412 ‘The aluminum post shown in Fig. 4-12a is reinforced with a brass core. If this assembly supports an axial compressive load of P = 45kN, applied to the rigid cap, determine the average normal stress in the aluminum and the brass. Take Ey = 70GPa and Ey, = 105GPa, SOLUTION Equilibrium. ‘The free-body diagram of the post is shown in Fig. 4-126. ‘Here the resultant axial force at the base is represented by the unknown ‘components carried by the aluminum, Fy, and brass, Fie. The problem is, statically indeterminate, Why’? Vertical force equilibrium requires +125 = 0; ~45KN + Fy + Ry = 0 « Compatibility. The rigid cap at the top of the post causes both the aluminum and brass to displace the same amount. Therefore, a = Soe Using the load-displacement relationships, Fle AvcEee a) hnk, [ {(0.05m)? corns] [ 70GPa | “ (0.025 m) 105GPa Fu = Wie co) Solving Eqs. 1 and 2 simultaneously yields Fy=30KN Ry = 1SKN Since the results are positive, indeed the stress will be compressive. ‘The average normal stress in the aluminum and brass is therefore 30(10°)N a easy = Os 7 SMPAIOIN/ a? = 5.09MPa Ans peels i) NE jm? = a ns. on Sons = SSIUUYN i? = 7.64 A NOTE: Using these results, the stress distributions are shown in Fig 4-12c, 4,4. STATICALLY INDETERNENATE AXIALLY LonDED MEMBERS EXAMPLE 4.7 ‘The three A992 stecl bars shown in Fig. 4-13a are pin connected to @ rigid member. If the applied load on the member is 15 KN, determine the force developed in cach bar. Bars AB and EF cach have a cross-sectional arca of 50 mm’, and bar CD has a cross-sectional arca of 30mm?, SOLUTION Equilibrium. The free-body diagram of the rigid member is shown in Fig. 4-136. This problem is statically indeterminate since there are three unknowns and only two available equilibrium equations. +12F, = 0; Fy + Pot Fr 15kN ® (#2Me= 0; -F4(0.4m) + ISKN(O2m) + Fe(04m) = 0 (2) Compatibility. The applied load will cause the horizontal ine ACE shown in Fig, 4-13c to move to the inclined position A'C'E’, The red displacements 84, 6¢, 6 can be related by similar triangles. Thus the compatibility equation that relates these displacements is Ban br _ de ~ be sm 04m 1 be =F bat be Load-Displacement. Eq, 4-2, we have Tce eae soe eee el snes oa Using the load-displacement relationship, (60mm? VE Fo = 038, + 03Fp ® Solving Eqs. 1-3 simultaneously yields Fy = 952KN Ans. Fo= 346 kN Ans Fy = 200kN Ans 163 or babe © Fig. 413 164. Chapter 4 Axiat Loao EXAMPLE 4.8 Final xX o Fig 414 position Anita position ‘The bolt shown in Fig, 4-14a is made of 2014-T6 aluminum alloy and is tightened so it compresses a cylindrical tube made of Am 1004-T61 ‘magnesium alloy. The tube has an outer radius of 10 mm and itis assumed that both the inner radius of the tube and the radius of the bolt are 5 mm, ‘The washers at the top and bottom of the tube are considered to be rigid and have a negligible thickness. Initially the nut is hand tightened snugly; then, using a wrench, the nut is further tightened one-half turn, If the bolt has 1 thread per mm, determine the stress in the bolt SOLUTION Equilibrium. The free-body diagram of a section of the bolt and the tube, Fig. 4-146, is considered in order to relate the force inthe bolt Fy to that in the tube, F. Equilibrium requires, +125 = 0; Fy - F @) ‘Compatibility. When the nut is tightened on the bolt, the tube will shorten 8 and ths bol will clang, Fig 4-14 Sis the mt undergoes ‘one-half turn, it advances a distance of } (0.001m) = 0.5(1073) m along ‘the bolt. Thus, the compatibility of these displacements requires Gt) 8, = 0.5(10-3)m — 8, "Taking ths modal of elasticity from be tablo ven in te back of tho Pee an Terran Leer F,(0.06m) F@O.01 my — (0.005m)"] (44.710) N/m] F,(0.06m) (0.005m)? [73.1 (10°) N/m) 5.6968F, + 10.4507F, = 0.5(105) @) Solving Eqs.1 and 2 simultaneously, we get By = R= 30.96(10°)N reece eee eee eed _ Fy _ 30.96(10°)N Ay 77(0.005m)> a, =F = —_229600)N__ 151 a0) N/m? = 131 MPa A, a{(0.01m)* — (0.005m)"] Cireneitreeesteel ine et erected eee ogeetieantecal (cy)a = 414MPa and (cy)mg = 152MPa (see the back of the book), eee eee 0.5(10-)m — * = 394.25(108)N/m = 394MPa Ans

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