Critical Thinking Review

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| Chapter 4. The pee a rfl Hiking 1 sae ome 4, [Beliegs] and claims > 8th you believe > propositienel } same as dudgments and opintons When expressing betters 5 Reresult ie a Statement or oleim or asvertion Claims ; obj ject chim + whefer TIE is Adependt op whether pend al. it m THE \ +" There is an on Mars” Sie claim ink ‘et 4 oe ek we Pree we mich: Rie vinegar is suet . Fact and Opinion epee Fecha opin Ibefeg | claim 2 hinting opinion I beg | elim = pinion! belay Jolin sehose, fh is inal Te BNg + 15 a shen ad tath ic vhs to sndards of ttn eee Mord Subjectivism : iste idea tot moral opinions CT chouble’t Le fomy forents’) are subjedve 2. Issues iS simply a quesson —. "Te Linh taller on P 2?” 3. Arguments: presents a consideration gor accepting a olaim . ds A dog woul! oop me conan 5 so T should get one. ya SE eed - This a goct fol abook is onthe fable = Yes, a book 18. om the tele 2 reasonable doubt that tis so , and hae ho reason 4 fink you are mistofen >You con claim you Bnow it. : - J opposi reason : premise clusi supporting re go ; _ onten bias: phi w | Rank Biss 4 Cognitive biases : thank Ridh bin tude sth on angi way Bebes bias Congirmodion bios - Tne dnc Broly 1 Truth: A claim is true Ig it Is gree ¢rom error I Abook is on He table 1 - Tis true a book ison the table I Krowledge: 34 u believe s¥h, hare an argumant beyond 1 | nln ray ta fraightporward (adj) thang Man Chapter o) : the = Conefusion used as Premise : «Promise : The brafes aren't working --- the oarit hard to chart. Conclusion 4: The cor bas outlival ite gules Promive sConchsind; — We shoudl get araw car. Dis TWO KINDS OF ARGUMENTS Q set wth anda PH Ott lil? [Baring = Gee foie] + GEO TET) > Gealas] * tron acy must, ce Eee “Ss (Conk coeiset) rm pele ‘Conelaaion tree kai) caqdengh = ==, fre (pally) + cccephonce Question - premise : true or acaptatle ? Pee * premise, 1 ree fo ihe issues at hond ies compelling ae 1 : i ments: | Techniques. a i. Arguments shushure: + Pichwe | | | \ \ + "Zpe-then .” Sentences + Lit of socks ee eet LOGOS fATHOS ating ingormadioniard ~ ° motel ‘or Oryuments -» rae of logic Smeans of a Cbyazelleu - wade cenge Persua sion’ story v ETHos_ bullet 5 rate , incredse the credibibty C based on ‘ae personal attributes ) tea aa eat ‘rathworthinass Chagter 3 : eats ES 2 oe a et eee ib éndbeles onl exebdes aword or phrase is Vague ig we can not soy with certamnty what it i fs * owid giving a dear, precise ansver © Hee bab dehe mic rou ent ie Ne RE BE phe mua rou as load ndo Ambiguity a word., phrow or serteree has more than one meaning (Semantic ombiquily |: an ambiguous world or phrate i ide. a 7 ratte: 1 right side ? 9 correct si [re Eessica ts cold pecan ' qfoss es 2 eyegiastes my; anktoulyd ftuet den hethr a word it being used fo er a grup collchvely Sean Snes” fee vebaate Secretaries mae woge money Hn physi dy” > will fue ip it gers to cerebaries and physiccant llectvely Ce berg 7) ici | (ae Grup? }Syptactic Benbiquity | + adhim is open b 95, more. interpretations be of #8 shuchre. Cats syn Tang Sf, aid ate gy syntax Ambiguity “PrASin reperence} at char fo whet J whom a pameun is supped refer Creneratity . iS lack of epecigiesty Degining term R 1 7 lexi deginiton + pind in dictionaries upee v Frecising or shpulehve deginitron : Fersuasive or rhedotical eginitron Hy example Cohesive depiniten) Aralyhcal depiton Waiting * Argumentative essays, 4. Focus 2. Siok fo He dasues : 3. Arrange the componants of the essay in logical Sequence. 4 Be b tomate term more Presise Kind of deginiton, > lexical dept nibron Chapter 5 : Rhetorical! devices — — Slanler Euphemisms —: tech tp mute the disagraashle as peels sth or tr emphasize Hs ag resoble axpei > onsist Lienert «comport : madi 1th td newbol positive expression ba ‘ehs) é negative Age ociodons Dy sphemisms Sek t emphasize the disagreeable aspects oy cth Yusing negative ord > creating 0 bad felling gor lithner. 40 protect a claim b Weer selers : ar ve by weatening tt. 5 ‘Uplo" 3 “Some” 5 “Pehy Tt is amuabl that Tt may be well thet Downplayers: fo tome down the 5 importance ag cth > make Dorsth bolt bes Snporant. 7 Indicate ee?” ; mare Imerdy , @ ‘i Stereotypes : @ alee belies 5 + appropimate . about a guia? group's attributes usually simmplipied or exag gfrated . Tinuedo using a power @ suggestion tp disp bors hei 8 thy 8k sh ot 2 oR poet Loaded question: question that depend on unwarranted assumphions Riliowle ancl sarcasm: widely ty put sth ma bad lht. entavagant (adj): qual mit, Hyperpole overdone exag geration ic] Prag phe Se pany Oe Rhebrical depinittons yb exglamofione ued f> express or inpfene attihols or appest bbhosions by invoking images uith emotronal associabons . Rhetorical andbaies + ed ty egos or inure bth or ag pect behavior by inl images with emotional asgoctabtons. Proof - Surrag ates : suggest thie is evidence or authority foro chim without actually, saying what the evidence or authority is. Repetition hearing or reocking a chim over and over can tenohines mista Randy encourage the beliey thot ib ts true - Chapter Recl -herring allacies apter 6 9 fs rihan bby» ng bc bod eyamplts of" bad feasoning . premise, are not rehvant 4p conclusion Relevane fallacies ® a. Ts Peo A mates obaim QO ERO ees. ue, 2 7 Trent Fallacy * [= 8 atterts tat a's “ackons or past fais ara jneensishoid nF end. with the | laimnx (29 TS py folie. Arquirentumn @ Gireumchorkel | ad _homineny [+ Ferien 4 15 claiming y—N dismiss @ sowa’s posibongy | Person 4 has a veahed inleett in Y being i.7) done he ae " tharejore 4s Yip gale TH TY Peng tx 7 Msoasng rhe mare ttn Han Re paikon +Poigening the well wd * Guilt by association + Geneke Fall > bash encke Fallgoy basing the ‘rth claim of an arqunet on he origin ¢ its obaems or premise ‘legieal fom: | The original othe clam ic Pretend ) { Terjore, th chim nti @ Straw man. sans & mura’s pacton by misreprsenting . a. distorkd it mien cue ad Person A has posiffon x Penim & prewads postin Y C whith is a dished vesion ex) feson athacks posittonY Therepore X is fohe | treorred | phawed . © False cibmma * Eater or” Biter loam Kis rut oF ofacim YAS true (when K anc Y coull both be gale) + Chim ¥ is gale = Thsrepore chim Kis hue . . +fegedionist Fallacy: 24 policy K deer notmact all the objecties < we want if to Cre perpectly), Ran Poy X shoul be mej *line hauing Fallocy: Kis ore exheme, ond Y is andor exheme. i Tare tno depinalle porrt whee X becomes Y Thereor?, hore iS wo dpperente. bhe Kancl ¥ / | a ® Nisplocing the Burden op Proof + alfemp 19 pase the burden psy 9° fie wrong sidle of an issues: “Claim X is prewnted by cide A and the burden of proop achally ects on side B “Side 6 dhims that x is gale becouse thee is no prog for X. © begging the quesion . te prises nelle the tin thal Re condutton 5 Tor C dicectly | tndiresty) assuma that Re copolusion i's drut . + Promise $ in which the fruth the conshlesion is claimed or te truth the corelusion is assume al C cifer dledly. or indirectly) +Clim @ Cthe coneusion) is hue . poe ee ee Ee © Appeal to emotion caaphing tt be you weuit it tobe hue (or gahe) "LT wot P pp be hue <6 wahgd thinking 7 @ Irrelevant condlision | tanger Poi ue © _Donial gightentng scenario Indlead of gue fo get aoe your way = Yi8 preented Caclim fact 1 inten ded to product F exw any 1) chim Kis tow (a olarm Rat 16 qorraly, bub ned not be, related ¥ oma monn) fear pressure. Fallacy als @ Apple polshing . : - Reon A is oer by person 8 I gattern» nin Appeal to fallacy ~ Person & mates chum ! ii = There pore K iS fran Il + induce acceptance by arousing goings of envy Scare tochic @Enyy : © Fore + Using threat fo support some conclusion © Group think : “Here doctors smote Camel eigarttes " ( Pehl 2's qdeerbemerd) © Cuil Tips make $0 gol gquidy for rat accaphing carr. “Everyone che ts cont buding #20 gor ew's birfdoy proton” ws | “You are healing fom pooy chitin, then you: repur fo rite gor Het ay! © Peor pressure ] @ Smoke Screen /Recl Hern © Pity r Ae wre teh baby 3 Creryona Smokes pot” | linet — a Tag ba | Tt he ht” Bede pry) [Okada Bang SE nang he (rare doc C35 he | [Ml heg 9 q —— ——— "so Subjeciv @ of Wrongs male o raht ~ Drebvart coder a - | ae cael person & would obo X te person ft ets cagabh gr Pm B fo de png Chapter} : Tinduetion Fallacy + Gensrafizadion + Han, ape ly igh arabes + Histahen to popularity Y ge al + Fallaces relahd 0 cause and eprect * Genera beahon $0" an excaphonal case + fot Hoe» Ergo Propter Hoc (= Apter this theryere be of i#) + Accident + Gum Hoe » Ergo Proper Hoe C= withihu, ~~...) + Weak analogy + Slippery slope , + Oerlasking the penbil + Unéettoble explaraton St ity ane 4. Hoshy genoralhaction + Haking assumphons abod a whle qeup or ronge of caus based on a sample thatis inadequate, Ex: ‘My romale sail her phibechy ofass was hard » ard te ont Inn in ‘shoal. too. All phitosophy, ckawes must be hard ! > > od people's experiences isnot enought on uhich fo base a conc + A biesed sample... net repreuntalie of He. forget population. § Lead 10 gate stereohypes a group of pespls/tings thet te eran ~ Gentlasion from Leaghinal” cae] ME hoc BH bai theah diy Lif HY o'nih & hee dh, TH as Tip: tre mate leely 1 become oF ceo oH ert fo | in many coves | at higher ris of ae a. Weak anal: many amuments rely on an analogy btw 2 or more objedt ¢, ideas / sihabions TE Hang * art realy alle 5 the avaleyy is a weal one Eye “Guns ar ie hair - they're bath tbls With mankl parts thal eoull be urd % Lu sd. find yot it soul be viditleut to eshte purchate op hammers . so reckon! on purchasing guns are equally ridiculous” han cht Dp: Tdenkty what properties are impartent to He chim youre making fatten: «A has characterishes wr xy yy 2 Boma, y- + Theegore , & probably has chameterishe 2, to. * but chamctarisines wy x,y are rot rebvant to 2 of VMere 8 hes detent rant fo 2 heh ave mpored by Me aquar eching @ source that is not 3+ Aepoet fo audhority - —atempling to support acim by reall y an authon'ty * we should ablth the death penalty. Hany respected people such as Getor Mehl... have publicly stated! Reir qppositom fm jt” = 4, Mestahen f appeal to popularity, tea aan issue thal cannot be settled by public opinion -adesive most peop have tobe (red Casig i could, and fot in ath eters > sel he audience t» acap! Mi arpumen? . 4 5. Fallacies rebted f cause ancl eget. fost hoc (Apter this , thoregore be of it) - 0 tergoal succession Overlcking the Pousibifity of Chincidence . -——— Possible Common Cause. ey Posibifty ae Variation. “Ova the Pouibily of Regression Cum Hoe wa (hs Huge be i) a + Over. of Reversed Cou sadron 6. Slippery Slope dbo tort of chain reaction enlg im sms cite. cncequance nt we gt ha etn, oh en "IgA, ten B, and igb, thon”... ger He +. Umbstable — ey planadvon kotha! bin de as : i cannot be tested, even in principle s He has heart iswss be of sins done mm a previous lize. “The came, robe has gone up be op gureral mora de Food, Chopter 44: Inductive reasoning 4. An vent ¢rom Analogy The mrs Files be premiie-analgut and corclaion- analogue , the Shonger ths argument Less — weaker Eqs “Roller bledag is vey Uele thing . am qed ad wlerHladkng . tharyore T will be geod ob skaing * Thepremie ~ onakge S the emchuion - analogue The attribute of inferest és being good atthe achvity im question) (he similentes seth anvave cheding on an opparnht thet > going gatt) > 42 hat 4 $6 analogy used & exphin hoy Rings work andl what Py ove Le bp” apamant- Ceo rebson ) ze: 2. Generate tng from a sample Eqs" Host pit bulle Tive met are sweat . Therefore, The population ig . pit bulls Mest members. o Ris population are amped to hove the attnbucte interest being Sweet. b mat member op ase ag ten Che pitbulls These mat) have thea attribude. Th ity pi +The more Cer aS the ante he weaker the general zoho Y ‘biased sampl + The ess divensitigd efte sample, the —__ * Base on samples ‘be small tp ceumdely mrirtor Re overall Prpulaton we robb weak, © a ramping frome “Hh true propor hon 7 +o biased (stewed ) sarple + the emr margin * Amndom — sample 3. Statistical Sy llogism VForm + Sch look gor sth die unusual Lp the couse. : Tr ; y * common variable prineiple 5 ctlent of Protos A bid chung cho eds Wy relofel fo it causally Stine BD! ater * covariadron Princ: ple . + Tremere =. >

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