Soal UTS B Ingg Semester Genap 2020

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Choose A, B, C, D or E for the correct answer!

1. Donny : Hmmm this cake tastes really nice! I’ve never known that you’re a good cook.
Tika : Thank you! I learned it from my mother.
What kind of expression did the man say?
a. Compliment expression.
b. Cogratulation expression.
c. Complement expression.
d. Gratitude expression.
e. Sympathy expression.

2. Ardian : That’s a nice sweater, Fina.

Fina : Thanks, Ardian.
Ardian : Where did you buy it anyway?
Fina: At Lima Square Plaza.
What is the dialogue about?
a. A cheap sweater.
b. An expensive sweater.
c. A lovely sweater.
d. An old sweater.
e. A funky sweater

3. Adam : Look! What do you think of this T-shirt?

Bety : Wow! It really suits you well, Adam.
Adam : Really? Thank you. I will wear it in my sister’s birthday party.
Bety : Your sister’s birthday?
Adam : yeah. She will celebrate her birthday the day after tomorrow.
Who is going to have a birthday party?
a. Adam.
b. Bety.
c. Adam’s sister.
d. Bety’s sister.
e. Adam and Bety’s sister.

4. Dean : This is for you, Matt.

Matt : For me? Oh thank you, Dean.
Dean : ……………………
a. Oh my God! I’m glad you like it.
b. I’m sorry. I am glad you like it.
c. You’re welcome. I’m glad you like it
d. Certainly, glad to help you.
e. I don’t know what to say.

5. Lita : Hi, Andi. May I borrow your motor cycle?

Andi : Yes, certinly. Here’s the key and the motorcycle.
Lita : Thank you, Andi. That’s very kind of you.
Andi : Not at all.
“Thank you, Andi” is the expression of…
a. Condolance.
b. Surprising.
c. Asking for help.
d. Offering a help.
e. Gratitude.
This text is for question 6 to 10
The Lion and The Mouse

Mr. lion was lying asleep when he was awakened by a mouse running over his face. The little mouse
was being chased by a wild cat. “How dare you!” he roared, and raised his paw to kill the mouse. “Please,
Sir,” begged Miss Mouse, “let me go, and one day I may do something for you in return.”
“You help me!” Ha…ha…,” laughed Mr.Lion, but he let her go.
One day, Mr. Lion was caught in a net spread by hunters. “I can’t get out!,” he roared angrily. “But I
can help you” said a tiny voice. Then, Miss Mouse nibbled and gnawed the ropes until the lion was free.
“There,” she said proudly, “If you had not let me go, I would not have found a way to help you”

6. Who was caught in a net?

a. A cat.
b. A mouse.
c. A lion.
d. A hunter.
e. A monkey.

7. According to the text, which of the following statement is TRUE?

a. Mr. Lion was not sleeping.
b. The mouse couldn’t help the lion.
c. Miss Mouse was awakened by Mr. Lion.
d. Miss was caught in a net spread by hunters.
e. Mr. Lion was awakened because a mouse ran over his face.

8. Why did the mouse run over the lion’s face? Because .
a. She was chased by a wild cat.
b. She was not afraid of the lion.
c. She wanted to wake up the lion.
d. She hoped the lion would help her.
e. She expected the lion would kill the cat.

9. The main idea of paragraph three is…..

a. A hunters helped Mr. Lion.
b. Mr. Lion caught Miss Mouse.
c. Miss Mouse helped released Mr. Lion.
d. Mr. Lion was trapped by the hunters .
e. The hunters were caught in a net .

10. “How dare you!” he roared…..(paragraph 1). The word ‘dare’ has an opposite meaning to…
a. brave b. bare
c. happy d. afraid
e. tiny

Choose the correct word to fill the sentences below.
11. I couldn’ cousin’s wedding
party because I was at the hospital.
a. Attends d. were attending
b. Attended e. was attending
c. Attend

12. , Marcell celebrated Christmas Eve with

his family in Berlin.
a. Every two years
b. Next year
c. For many years
d. Every year
e. Last year

13. that Ayu’s birthday party cost a

lot of money.
a. Said d. Told
b. Says e. Tells
c. Tell

14. I think there were about hundreds of people who …… to his funeral ceremony.
a. comes d. attend
b. came e. were attending
c. attended
15. Denias …… a nice suit in his parent’s wedding anniversary yesterday.
a. wear d. weared
b. wears e. wore
c. wearing
This text is for question 16 to 25
Complete the stories with the suitable words
Sleeping Beauty
A long time ago there (16) a beautiful princess. She lived in a very high tower. A wicked fairy
cast a spell and the princess (17) for a hundred years. A big forest (18)
around the tower. One day a handsome prince (19) to the tower. He
(20) his sword and (21) the trees. He (22) the
princess and (23) her with a kiss. The prince (24) the princess and
they(25) happily ever after.

16. a. lived d. is
b. lives e. was
c. live

17. a. Sleeps d. sleeped

b.Was sleeping e. sleep
c. slept

18. a. Grew d. grow

b. Growed e. growing
c. grows

19. a. comes d. comed

b. coming e. came
c. come

20. a. takes d. took

b. taken e. take
c. taking

21. a. cut d.
b. cuts e. was cutting
c. cutted

22. a.see d.
b.sees e. seeing
23. a. wake
b. wakes e. woke
c. waking

24. a. marry
b. married e. marrying
c. was marrying

25. a. life
d. lifed
b. live
e. lived
c. lives

This text is for questions number 26 to 30

My house is only five minutes walk from school.

It is not very big, but very cozy and quiet. It has a nice and warm living room. There is painting of
scenery hanging on the wall. My father puts some pots of indoor plants near the door. In low cabinet, you
will see the thropies, pictures of my family, small toys and some books.
However, only few will give my home a second glance. Still we are very proud of it. My home may
not be the perfect one, but it is the home sweet home.

26. What kind of the text is the text above?

a. narrative d. report
b. recount e. procedure
c. descriptive

27. What kind of tenses that is used in the text above?

a. Simple past tense
b. Simple Present tense
c. Past continuous
d. Present continuous
e. Past perfect tense

28. The writer’s house is….

a. It’s big and large.
b. It’s in the city.
c. It’s not big.
d. It’s a little house.
e. It’s not big but very cozy and quiet.

29. How far is the house from school by walking?

b. only five minutes
c. a quarter hours
d. an hour
e. a moment

30. In the low cabinet, there are some interesting things like these, except….
a. some thropies
b. family’s pictures
c. small toys
d. chinese ceramic
e. some books

Choose the correct word to fill the sentences below.

31. Andi ……. going swimming

a. enjoy d. enjoyes
b. enjoys e. enjoying
c. enjoyed

32. My brothers ….. hard in the school.

a.studys d. studying
b. studies e. studied
c. study

33. The baby........every night.

a. cry d. cries
b. crys e. crying
c. cried

34. My mother bakes cake……..

a. Last night d. yesterday
b. Tomorrow e. every Sunday
c. Last Sunday

35. Mary and Mira always.......their clothes every

two days.
a. Washes d wash
b. Washess e. washed
c. Washing

This text is for questions 36 to 40. Fill the blank with the suitable word.

My Favorite Actor

My favorite 36) is Ringgo Agus Rahman. I like him because he is a good actor. He is also
very 37) . Moreover, he is 38)
. He has bright 39) and slanting
40) . His facial expression makes him look funny. If I had a chance to meet him, I would ask him
to sign my photograph.
36. a. actress d. artist
b. actor e. singer
c. hero

37. a. funny d. evil

b. wicked e. lazy
c. unwell-known
38. a. short d. cute
b. silly e. clumsy
c. shy

39. a. arm d. nose

b. voice e. eyes
c. skin

40. a. arm d. nose

b. voice e. eyes
c. skin

This dialogue is for questions number 41 to 45

Anita : Hi, Retno. 41)
Retno : 42) . You look so sweet in that red vest.
Anita : Thanks. Look, Denias is coming!
Arnys : 43)
Retno : Yes, you’re right.
Denias : Hi, Retno. 44)
Retno : Thanks. By the way, congratulations on winning the first prize on Photography Competition.
Denias : 45)

41. a. Good morning .

b. He looks so cute in his new hair cut.
c. You look charming in that white gown.
d. Don’t mention it.
e. Thank you.

42. a. Thank you for saying so.

b. Don’t bother.
c. I’m sorry to hear that.
d. You look charming in that white gown.
e. What a nice bag!

43. a. Thank you for saying so.

b. Don’t mention it.
c. I’m sorry to hear that.
d. He looks so cute with his new hair cut.
e. You look charming in that white gown.

44. a. Good morning .

b. How are you?
c. I’m sorry I have to go now.
d. Don’t mention it.
e. Congratulations on your birthday.

45. a. Thank you.

b. How are you?
c. Really?
d. Don’t mention it.
e. Congratulations on your birthday.

46. The man ……. I meet in the market is Mr.jack’s neighbour.

a. Which d. whom
b. Whose e. who
c. That
47. The man ……. helped you yesterday is my uncle.
a. Which d. whom
b. Whose e. who
c. That

48. Susi ……… is twenty four years old teaches Biology in Senior High School.
a. Which d. whom
b. Whose e. who
c. That

49. I don’t know the man …… you met last night.

a. Whom d. whose
b. Who e. that
c. which

50. 1. John is the man

2. We are going to recommend John for the job.
If the two sentences above is merged using relative pronoun, which is the correct sentence?

a. John is the man whom we are going to recommend for the job.
b. John is the man who we are going to recommend for the job.
c. John is the man whom he is going to recommend for the job.
d. John is the man whose we are going to recommend for the job.
e. John is the man which we are going to recommend for the job.

*** GOOD LUCK ***

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