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A sneeze (also known as sternutation) is a semi-autonomous, convulsive expulsion of air from

the lungs through the nose and mouth, usually caused by foreign particles irritating the nasal
mucosa. A sneeze expels air forcibly from the mouth and nose in an explosive, spasmodic
involuntary action. This action allows for mucus to escape through the nasal cavity.[1] Sneezing
is possibly linked to sudden exposure to bright light, sudden change (fall) in temperature, breeze
of cold air, a particularly full stomach, exposure to allergens, or viral infection. Because sneezes
can spread disease through infectious aerosol droplets, it is recommended to cover one's mouth
and nose with the forearm, the inside of the elbow, a tissue or a handkerchief while sneezing. In
addition to covering the mouth, looking down is also recommended in order to change the
direction of the droplets spread and avoid high concentration in the human breathing heights.

The function of sneezing is to expel irritants from the nasal cavity. This 2009 photograph captured a
sneeze in progress, revealing the plume of salivary droplets as they are expelled in a large cone-shaped
array from this man’s open mouth, thereby dramatically illustrating the reason one needs to cover one's
mouth when coughing, or sneezing, in order to protect others from germ exposure.

Biological system Respiratory system

Health Beneficial

Action Involuntary

Stimuli Irritants of the nasal mucosa


Cold air




Method Expulsion of air through nose/mouth

Outcome Removal of irritant

The function of sneezing is to expel mucus containing foreign particles or irritants and cleanse
the nasal cavity. During a sneeze, the soft palate and palatine uvula depress while the back of
the tongue elevates to partially close the passage to the mouth, creating a venturi (similar to a
carburetor) due to Bernoulli's principle so that air ejected from the lungs is accelerated through
the mouth and thus creating a low pressure point at the back of the nose. This way air is forced
in through the front of the nose and the expelled mucus and contaminants are launched out the
mouth. Sneezing with the mouth closed does expel mucus through the nose but is not
recommended because it creates a very high pressure in the head and is potentially harmful.
Sneezing cannot occur during sleep due to REM atonia – a bodily state where motor neurons are
not stimulated and reflex signals are not relayed to the brain. Sufficient external stimulants,
however, may cause a person to wake from sleep to sneeze, but any sneezing occurring
afterwards would take place with a partially awake status at minimum.[2]



Shadowgraph visualization of the airflow during a sneeze, comparing an unmasked sneeze with several different
method of covering one's mouth and nose: sneezing into a fist, a cupped hand, a tissue, a "coughcatcher" device, a
surgical mask, and an N95 mask






In non-humans

See also


Further reading

External links

Retrieved from

Last edited 15 days ago by Manticore

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