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Organization and Management

Forms of Business Organization and Phases of Economic Development

September 26-30, 2022

Direction: Accomplish the indicated activities below.

Day 1 Refer to Day 4 last week

(Presentation of outputs. )

Quiz/Summative Test
Day 2
Day 3 Activity 1: Do You Know Me?

Business is an organization or economic system where goods

and services are exchanged for one another or for money.
Organization is a collection of people working together to
achieve a common purpose.
Business Organization is a collection of people working together
to achieve a common purpose in relation to their organization's
mission, vision, goals and objectives, sharing a common
organization culture.
Organization Culture is the set of beliefs and values shared by
organization members which guide them as they work together
to achieve their common purpose.

Forms of Business Organization

1) Traditional -
a. Simple – refer to business organization with few departments,
centralized authority with a wide span of control and with few
formal rules and regulations.
b. Functional – pertain to business organization that group
together those with similar or related specialized duties that
introduce the concept of delegation of authority.
c. Divisional – made up of separate business units that are semi-
autonomous or semi-independent.
d. Profit – designed for the purpose of achieving their
organization’s mission, vision, goals and objectives and
maintaining their organizational stability through income
generation and profit–making activities.
e. Nonprofit – designed for the purpose of achieving their
organization’s mission, vision, goals and objectives, providing
service to clients without expecting monetary gains or financial
benefits for their endeavors.

2) Open/Flexible – formed to meet today’s changing work

a. Team Structure – made up of work teams that work together
to achieve the organization’s purpose, popular in collectivist
b. Matrix – assign experts or specialists belonging to different
functional departments to work together on one or more
projects, exhibits dual reporting relationships.
c. Project – a business organizational form with flexible design,
where the employees continuously work on projects assigned to
them; projects may be short-term or long-term and members
disband where the project is completed.
d. Boundaryless – eliminates vertical, horizontal or external
boundaries and is described to be flexible and unstructured
there are no barriers to information flow and therefore
completion of work is fast.
e. Virtual – made up of small group of full-time workers and
outside experts who are hired on a temporary basis to work on
assigned projects; members usually communicate online.

3) Other Forms that are legal in the Philippines

a. Single Proprietorship (Sole Trader) – ownership and usually
operation of an organization by one person.
b. Partnership – business operated by two or more people as co-
c. Corporation – legal entity with authority to act and incur
liability separate from its owners.
d. Cooperative – an autonomous association of persons united
voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural

Activity 2:
Research and make a compilation of illustrations of the
different forms of business organization.
(Be creative)

Day 4 Economy is a system of organizations and institutions that

either facilitate or play a role in the production and distribution
of goods and services in a society.
The fundamental role of business has remained relatively
constant: providing the goods and services that people need or

The Roles of Business in Relation to the Economy:

1. Business is an engine of the economy.
2. Business provides jobs that allow people to make
money and good and services that people can buy with
the money they make.
Economic Development :
• is the process by which emerging economies become
advanced economies
• the process by which countries with low living
standards become nations with high living standards.
• also refers to the process by which the overall health,
well-being, and academic level the general population
Economic Development Phases are the distinct stages involved
in the total process of economic development in a particular
Economic Growth is the increase in the given amount of goods
and services produced by the country’s earning.
Improvement of the HDI (Human Development Index) is a
statistical tool used to measure a country's overall
achievement in its social and economic dimensions. These are
based on the health of people, their level of education
attainment and their standard of living.
Availability of benefits provided by the science & technology
Science has various benefits and importance to mankind. It has
uplifted and improved the standard of life and makes the
understanding of the world more vivid. Technology is therefore
referred as the application of science to provide solutions to
problems --in medicine, agriculture, industry and in digital
Societal improvement of the opportunities and general welfare
of its members is the aggregate progress of the quality of life of
the people.
Adam Smith was the first development economist.
Inclusive Growth means growth that is rapid enough to matter,
given the country’s large population, geographical differences
and social complexity. It is a sustained growth that creates
jobs, draws the majority into the economic and social
mainstream and continuously reduces mass poverty.

Activity: Philippines vs. ?

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