TCE - Specifications

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HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

PROJECT : Proposed Two (2)-Storey Single-Detached Residential Building

LOCATION : Taal Crystal Estate, Alfonso, Cavite
OWNER : Mr. Andrew C. Ongteco
SUBJECT : Technical Specifications


1.1 All works and materials shall conform to the Plans and Specifications furnished
by Architect Hilbert F. Go and with the laws and regulations of the Local and
National Authorities concerned in the place of construction.
1.2 The Specifications is intended to cooperate with the plans and each to form
part thereof. In case of doubt or discrepancy in the figures or drawings, they
shall be brought to the attention of the Architect for clarification and final
1.3 The Contractor shall be responsible in checking all items and units as
indicated on the Plans and Specifications and in the supply and installation of
all the requirements called for.
1.4 Substitution of Materials shall only be accepted if the Material specified will
not be available in time to complete the work and if the substituted materials
are proven to be equal or superior quality subject to the approval of the


2.1 The Contractor shall visit and accept site as is.
2.2 Site Clearing: Shall include protection of existing trees and vegetation or its
improvements below and above ground for the execution of work indicated
and the removal of all unwanted debris at the site.
2.3 Earthworks: 150mm thick G-1 gravel bed for the foundation bed of all
columns and wall footings; 100mm thick G-1 gravel bed for the foundation
bed of slab on fill.
2.4 It shall be the duty and responsibility of General Contractor to provide, erect
and maintain all necessary shoring, bracing, sheet piling, planking, cribbing
and cofferdams as required to protect existing buildings, structures, or utilities
for construction along properly lines or areas with existing structures.
2.5 Soil poisoning (Soil Treatment for Termite Control)
2.5.1 All pest control works to be done by Proactive Pest Control Corp. or
any approved equal.
2.5.2 All necessary preconstruction soil treatment works shall be made to
ensure the proper distribution of chemicals and treatment of the
soil for the entire footprint of the slab (on fill/ on grade) on
basement and ground floor area/s and within the roofline level. This
is by creating a mantle of chemical protection in between the top
compacted soil and the interior cement concrete slab as well as
chemical barrier along the exterior wall perimeter in order to
protect the structure against current & future termite attacks and
2.5.3 The Scope of Work is to create a comprehensive chemical barrier
treatment against termite attacks for the entire building structure. It
involves the use of chemical approved by the Fertilizer and
Pesticide Authority (FPA) and /or Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and must only be used by a licensed Pest Control Operator
specifically an Accredited Agenda Applicator (AAA) in the case of
Bayer-Agenda chemical. It also includes the installation of the
Central Chemical Application System (CCAS pipe reticulation
system) that will be used for future soil treatment /termite control
upon expiration of warranty.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

2.5.4 BASIC REQUIREMENTS PRIOR TO SOIL TREATMENT Coordinate with PIC or Project Site Engineer as to when will
the Slab on Fill/Grade Preparation be conducted. The Ground and/or basement floor areas will be “Ready for
the soil treatment” once the area is fully or completely
compacted up to its final elevation. Before adding ¾ crushed gravel bedding as well as
installation of polyethylene plastics and reinforcement bars. All scaffoldings and formworks are already removed, area
completely clean and free from debris with all the
underground pipe installation are done and completed. The area for Soil treatment already passed all necessary &
required soil testing and/or Field Density Test (FDT), if any.
2.5.5 CHEMICAL OPTIONS THAT CAN BE USED: Only chemicals that are
registered with FPA & FDA shall be used Ultrathor S.C. chemical Bayer-Agenda E.C. chemical
2.5.6 APPLICATION Before addition of gravel bedding & installations of PE
plastics & prior to cement pouring. Apply termiticide solution
to the entire floor area to flood the flooring with adequate
chemical at the normal rate of 3 Liters per square meter by
using either low pressure power sprayer and /or sprinkler. Application of chemicals along the interior perimeter walls
within the elevation of compacted soil shall also be done
prior to cement pouring. No more chemical treatment shall
be done on the column footing level. Application of chemicals along the interior perimeter walls
within the elevation of compacted soil shall also be done
prior to cement pouring. No more chemical treatment shall
be done on the column footing level. Conduct wood treatment in all wooden door jambs "prior to
its installation". Also apply termiticide powder in all electrical
outlets in the ground and basement (if any) floors only once
covers are already installed.
2.5.7 CENTRAL CHEMICAL APPLICATION SYSTEM (CCAS) INSTALLATION CCAS system is a termite chemical re-application tool which
shall be installed simultaneously during our soil treatment
activities. Draft CCAS Layout shall be provided including
recommended locations of Inlets or Filler Points for final
approval by the Architect and/ or Owner upon coordination
with the assigned general contractor. CCAS shall be installed along the three (3) critical line of
defenses against termite invasion which include the exterior
and interior wall perimeter/s of the building structures as well
as the cross-section of the building interior. Inlet or filler Points will be the chemical entry points when the
CCAS will be utilized. It will can be installed in inconspicuous
areas or locations like walls near service area (Wall Mounted
at least 1 foot from ground) or inside the catch basin
provided that its locations are higher than the installed
pipes. CCAS utilizes a gravitational capillary drip-type system
(others call it reticulation system or perforated pipe system)
that evenly discharge the termiticides along the area to be
treated thru its droppers installed every 1 foot. It shall be
used after the given warranty period lapses when the shelf
life of applied termite chemicals during pre-construction

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

works expire). It spreads the chemical evenly and efficiently

in the covered areas thus completely ensuring its reliability. PRODUCT SPECS : Will utilize Moolsan Gravitational
Capillary Drip pipe. Type-HDPE continuous pipe. Color-Black.
Diameter -0.5 inch. Pre-holed dropper every 1 foot. WHERE TO INSTALL : Install in the interior and exterior (if with
exterior setback not Firewall) wall perimeters as well as the
cross-section of the proposed building structure. Located just
below 2” from the compacted soil. It will be covered with
approximately 4” polyethylene plastic to prevent cement
juice from covering the droppers. WHEN TO INSTALL : Shall be installed when the soil area
(slab on fill) is already fully compacted and ready for
concrete pouring. This is conducted almost simultaneous
with the soil treatment. CRITICAL PART : Installation of Injection Points or Inlets
which will be used during chemical re-treatment should be
agreed with the owner thru the Architect & General
Contractor. SERVICE WARRANTY PERIOD OF CHEMICALS ULTRATHOR S.C. : 3 – Year Service Warranty BAYER-AGENDA E.C. : 4 – Year Service Warranty Service Warranty starts when 50% of Soil Treatment
activity is conducted and accomplished.

3.1 All structural works shall be executed in accordance with the local structural
3.2 Concrete:
3.2.1 Unless otherwise indicated in plans or noted in specifications, the
minimum 28-day cylinder comprehensive strength of concrete are
as follows:
Foundation, Footing beams, wall footings - 3,000 psi
Columns, Suspended beams and Slabs - 3,000 psi
Slab-on-fill, Sidewalks, Curbs - 2,500 psi
Septic tank, R.C., Water Tank - 3,000 psi
Masonry mortar and fill - 3,000 psi
3.2.2 All concrete mixes for main structural members shall be ready-
mixed from pre-approved supplier. Test specimen must be
provided on all batches of ready-mixed concrete for laboratory
3.2.3 If job-mixed concrete shall be used, mixture must be 1:2:3
(Cement:Sand:Gravel) for 3,000 psi.
3.3 Reinforcing Bars:
3.3.1 Unless otherwise specified in the plans, the minimum yield strength
of reinforcement to be used corresponding to the structural
member are as follows:
All reinforcing bars - 40,000 psi (grade 40)
3.3.2 The following minimum clear concrete cover shall be provided:
Footing, Wall footing - 75 mm
Columns - 50 mm
Beams - 50 mm
Slabs - 20 mm
Concrete members cast against earth - 50 mm
3.3.3 Continuous bars shall be spliced as shown on Structural plans
Construction notes.
3.4 Footings:

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

3.4.1 Footings are designed for allowable soil pressure of 2,500 psf.
Contractor shall report to the structural engineer any indication of
soft soil.
3.4.2 No footings shall rest on fill.
3.4.3 Use of vibrator is strictly required during concrete pouring.
3.5 Beams:
3.5.1 For beam reinforcing that end in wall, the clear distance from the
bar to the farther face of the wall shall not be less than 5 bars
diameter. The reinforcing bars shall be terminated on a standard
90 hook. Minimum embedment shall be 40 bar diameters for
tension and 30 bar diameters for compression bars.
3.5.2 For two or more layers of reinforcing bars 25mm separators shall be
used spaced at 900mm O.C. in no case shall there be less than two
separators between layers of bars.
3.5.3 Generally, no splice shall be permitted on beams at points where
critical bending occurs. Splice where so permitted shall be spliced
as shown on Structural plans Construction notes.
3.5.4 Use of vibrator is strictly required during concrete pouring.
3.6 Columns Reinforcements:
3.6.1 Unless otherwise noted in plans, the spacing of lateral ties shown in
the schedule are maximum spacing which shall be used only
outside heights "Y" and away from joints where a reduced spacing
of not more than 100mm on center is required. The distance "Y"
which is measured upward from the top of footing or floor lines and
downward from the bottom of deepest beam of girder, shall be
the largest of the ff:
a. Maximum column dimension
b. One-sixth (1/6) of the clear height of column
c. 450mm
3.7 Concrete Pouring:
3.7.1 Concrete shall be deposited in its final position without segregation,
rehandling or flowing. Placing shall be done with buggies, buckets
or by pumping. No chute shall be allowed except to transfer
concrete from hoppers to buggies, wheelbarrows or buckets in
which case, they shall not exceed 6100mm in aggregate length.
3.7.2 Use of vibrators is strictly required during depositing or placing of
concrete, unless otherwise authorized in writing by the structural
engineer and for unusual conditions where vibration is extremely
difficult to accomplish.
3.7.3 The contractor must refrain from ordinary concrete mortar
patching of all honeycomb found out after stripping of formworks.
Epoxy patching or pressurized epoxy injection is the only method
allowed to rectify main R.C. structural members with honeycomb.
3.8 Formworks:
3.8.1 Forms shall be provided for all concrete indicated unless specified
otherwise. Forms shall be set true to line and grade and maintained
so as to ensure complete work within the allowable tolerance
specified and shall be mortar tight.
3.8.2 Forms and their supports shall be designed so as not to damage
previously placed structure.
3.8.3 No construction load shall be supported on, nor any shoring
removed from any part of structure under construction except
when that portion of the structure in combination with the
remaining forming and shoring system has strength to support
safety its weight and the additional imposed loads.
3.8.4 Forms shall be removed in such manner as not to impair safety and
service ability of the structure.
3.8.5 Schedule of stripping of forms and shores are as follows:

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

Foundation - 24 hrs
Suspended slab (except when - 14 days
additional loads are imposed)
Column / Walls - 12 days
Beams - 14 day
3.9 Materials
3.9.1 Cement: Island Cement, Republic Cement or any approved equal
3.9.2 Gravel: G-1 crushed for foundation works and footings, G-3/4
crushed for slabs, walls and columns
3.9.3 Sand: S-1, clean
3.9.4 Water: clean and potable
3.9.5 Reinforcing Bars: Capitol Steel Corp. or any approved equal. All
reinforcing bars, Mild Steel, Structural Grade Deformed bars and
Intermediate Grade Deformed Bars, must pass material test.
3.9.6 Steel Tie Wire: Gauge 16, GI wire
3.9.7 Forms: Phenolic board

4.1 Reinforcement for Concrete Hollow Blocks (CHB) shall be 10mm rebars @
600mm O.C. both ways.
4.2 CHB must develop a minimum comprehensive strength of 350 psi.
4.3 Provide 1-16mm at corners, intersections, end of walls and each side of
4.4 Reinforcement shall be spliced a minimum of 400mm.
4.5 Where CHB walls adjoin R.C. columns, beams or slabs, 10mm dowels shall
be provided at 600mm O.C. to match CHB reinforcement.
4.6 Provide 150mm x 250mm R.C. lintel beam on all window and large door
opening headers with 4-12mm longitudinal reinforcement and 10mm
stirrups spaced at 300mm O.C.
4.7 150mm thick for exterior walls & interior partitions with embedded pipes.
100mm thick for interior wall partitions unless otherwise noted. The Architect or
his representative reserves the right to reject CHB deliveries proven to be of
inferior quality.
4.8 Stiffener Columns: 100mm x 300mm for 10mm thick CHB, 150mm x 300mm for
150mm thick CHB with 4-12mm diameter vertical bars with 10mm dia. ties at
250mm on center for CHB wall with span of more than 4.00 meters.
4.9 Stiffener Beams: 150mm x 300mm with 4-12mm dia. horizontal bars with 10mm
dia. tie at 250mm on center for CHB wall with height span of more than 3.00

5.1 Unless otherwise indicated in the plans, structural steel and plates shall
conform to ASTM-A36. Certified mill test shall be submitted by the fabricator.
5.2 Welding shall conform to AWS Standard. E60 or E70 electrodes shall be used
unless otherwise specified by the structural engineer.
5.3 The fabricator shall have the welds tested by any independent company
engaged in non-destructive testing. The welds can be accepted and are
considered satisfactory if 9 out of 10 samples passed the requirements.
Otherwise, the welds shall not be considered.
5.4 Steel fabricator shall submit shop drawings showing complete detailed
5.5 All dimensions in the plans shall be verified by the steel fabricator in the fields
in coordination with the general contractor.
5.6 Unless otherwise specified in the plans, gusset plates and stiffeners shall be
4.5mm thick (minimum).
5.7 Use intermittent weld of 75mm long spaced at 150mm O.C.
5.8 All splices shall be staggered. No splice shall be permitted at points where
critical stresses occur. Splice plates shall have minimum length of 300mm.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

5.9 All bearing plates shall have a minimum thickness of 10mm.

5.10 All erection bolt holes shall be 3 mm plus nominal bolt diameter.
5.11 All cutting shall be neat cut.
5.12 Shop paint (epoxy primer or any equivalent brand: 2 coats) shall be
provided. Any work which is not in conformance with these specifications
will be rejected at any time during the progress of the work.


6.1 Finish Carpentry
6.1.1 Yacal: sun-dried, for all wood plates and other lumber in contact
with concrete.
6.1.2 Tanguile: Kiln dried for doors, jambs, stair treads, cabinet works and
other finishing woodworks unless otherwise specified.
6.1.3 Marine Plywood: 5.5 mm thick for plywood exposed to water and
6.1.4 Apitong: wolmanized for nailers
6.1.5 Provide dressed lumber, S4S unless otherwise indicated.
6.1.6 Seasoned Lumber: 19% moisture content.
6.1.7 Kiln Dried Lumber: 15% maximum moisture content
6.1.8 All wood works must be coated with Solignum Wood Preservative
or any approved equal.
6.1.9 All surface preparation and application of materials shall strictly
follow the manufacturer’s specifications.


7.1 Waterproofing
7.1.1 All waterproofing works to be done by Norwich Marketing Corp. or
any approved equal.
7.1.2 All surface preparation and application of materials shall strictly
follow the manufacturer’s specifications
7.1.3 Use Torch-on Membrane Waterproofing for all T&B's and Decks.
7.1.4 All areas to be waterproofed shall be wood-toweled smooth, firm,
dry and clean of rubbish, loose or foreign materials and
obstructions, bumps flattened and holes filled and leveled.
Installation of cants in the angle formed by the horizontal and
vertical surfaces, as well as the installation of metal fittings and
similar work shall be in place and/or completed.
7.1.5 Entire area to be waterproofed shall be coated with primer around
the perimeter extending 200mm on the vertical walls and the base
of all raised elements, then let primer dry well.
7.1.6 Waterproofed areas shall be subjected to flood test by Forty-Eight
(48) hours. Check any seepages.
7.1.7 All waterproofed areas shall be protected with concrete topping
before final floor finishing material is to be installed or applied.
7.2 Cement Plastering
7.2.1 Cement: Island Cement or any approved equal
7.2.2 Sand: Shall be natural and retained between No.50 to No.100
7.2.3 Waterproofing: Sahara cement waterproofing compound or any
approved equal.
7.3 Roofing
7.3.1 Use Steeltech V28 GA.# 26 Rib-type pre-painted long span G.I.
roofing by United Steel Technology International Corp. or any
approved equal.
7.3.2 Use Steeltech GA.# 24 G.I. gutter by United Steel Technology
International Corp. or any approved equal.
7.4 Roofing Insulation

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

7.4.1 Use R-Foil DBDF Aluminum Insulation by Excel Coil Coating Corp. or
any approved equal.


8.1 Doors
8.1.1 Solid Panel Door: Use Narra panel door.
8.1.2 Molded Door: Use HDF molded doors by World Champion
Marketing Corp. or any approved equal.
8.1.3 PVC Door w/ Louvers: Use PVC Doors by Upson Industries Corp. or
any approved equal. Complete with jambs, hinges, and correct
holes for specified locksets.
8.1.4 Powder-coated Aluminum Sliding Door with screen: Use Rolay
Aluminum Doors by E. Riverside Industries Inc. or any approved
8.2 Windows
8.2.1 Powder-coated Aluminum Window with screen: Use Rolay
Aluminum Windows by E. Riverside Industries Inc. or any approved
8.3 Hardwares
8.3.1 Butt Hinges: loose pin butt hinges per set of wooden doors. Use
Hafele brand or any approved equal. Submit samples for
Architect's approval.
8.3.2 Locksets: Use Hafele brand or any approved equal. Submit samples
for Architect's approval.
8.3.3 Sliding Door Railings, Mechanisms and Accessories: Use Hafele
brand or any approved equal. Submit samples for Architect's

9.1 Floor Finish
9.1.1 200mm x 120mm Ceramic Floor Tiles with 100 mm wooden
9.1.2 300mm x 300mm Outdoor Ceramic Floor Tiles.
9.1.3 300mm x 300mm Vitrified Ceramic Floor Tiles.
9.1.4 Laminate Flooring: Use Pergo Laminate Flooring or any approved
9.1.5 Smooth Concrete Finish.
9.2 Wall Finish
9.2.1 Exterior Walls Smooth plaster cement in semi-gloss paint finish: Use Boysen
Acrytex paint finish by Pacific Paint (Boysen) Phils Inc. Elastomeric paint finish for firewalls: Use Boysen Plexibond
and Boysen Elasti-kote Elastomeric Wall Covering Pacific
Paint (Boysen) Phils Inc. All surface preparation and application of materials shall
strictly follow the manufacturer’s specifications. Wall Cladding: By Kaufman Stone or any approved equal.
9.2.2 Interior Walls Smooth plaster cement in semi-gloss paint finish: Use Boysen
paint finish by Pacific Paint (Boysen) Phils Inc. 300mm x 300mm Vitrified Ceramic Wall Tiles.
9.3 Ceiling Finish
9.3.1 12mm Gypsum Board on Metal Furring: All interior ceilings except
for T&B’s. Submit samples for Architect's approval.
9.3.2 12mm Gypsum Board Moisture Resistant on Metal Furring: All T&B’s.
Submit samples for Architect's approval.
9.3.3 6mm Fiber Cement Board on Metal Furring: Service Area. Submit
samples for Architect's approval

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

9.3.4 Laminated PVC Ceiling Panels: By ZeoTimber Phils. Or any

approved equal.
9.4 Countertop Finish
9.4.1 3/4" Granite Slab with splashboard: Submit samples for Architect's
9.4.2 300mm x 300mm Vitrified Ceramic Tiles.



12.1 Kitchen
12.1.1 Stainless Steel Kitchen Sink with complete appurtenances: Use Teka
stainless steel kitchen sink with drain board and use Hansgrohe
kitchen sink faucet by Kuysen Industries Inc.
12.1.2 Base Cabinet Marine plywood carcass in laminate finish. Submit
samples for Architect' approval. Marine plywood cabinet doors in laminate finish. Submit
samples for Architect' approval.
12.1.3 Overhead Cabinet Marine plywood carcass in laminate finish. Submit
samples for Architect' approval.
12.1.4 300mm x 300mm ceramic tiles for Base cabinet interior wall &
12.2 Toilet and Bath
12.2.1 Water closet, lavatory, tissue paper holder, and soap holder.



15.1 Sanitary and Plumbing
15.1.1 All Sanitary and Plumbing works shall conform to the latest edition
of the National Plumbing Code of the Philippines, The Code on
Sanitation of the Philippines, National Pollution Control Commission,
the rules and regulations of Local and National Authorities and the
requirements of Local Utility Company concerned
15.1.2 Pipes and Fittings Schedule Water lines: Use Wexan Polypropylene (PP-R) pipes
and fittings or any approved equal. Drainage line & Sewer line: Use Neltex pipes and
fittings or any approved equal. Floor Drain: Use Jaman stainless steel with strainer by
Flowmetrics Industrial Sales Inc. Clean-out Cover: Use Jaman stainless steel (interior)
and brass (exterior) by Flowmetrics Industrial Sales Inc. Water Meter: Liberty manufacturing or any approved
equal by MWSS
15.1.3 Plumbing fixtures, fittings and accessories Water Closet: Use HCG Brand dual-flush type or any
approved equal. Lavatory: Use HCG Brand or any approved equal. Toilet and Bath Accessories: HCG Brand or any
approved equal.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications Faucets, Shower Heads, Shower Valves and all

appurtenances: Use Hansgrohe by Kuysen Industries
15.1.4 Pumps and Tanks Water pump: 1.0HP by Eurostar (Italy) or any
approved equal. Pressure Tanks: 120 gals. Bladder-type tank by Aquaflo
Diaphragm Pressure Tanks or any approved equal. Overhead Water Tank: 2,000 gals. Stainless Steel Tank
horizontal-type by Bestank or any approved equal.

16.1 All Electrical works shall conform to the latest edition of the Philippine
Electrical Code, to the rules and regulations of Local and National
Authorities and the requirements of Local Utility Company concerned
16.2 Materials shall be as specified. Submit samples for Architect's approval:
16.2.1 PVC Pipes for all feeders, Branch Circuit and Auxiliary System: Use
Crown Supreme PVC electrical conduits by Crown Asia Chemicals
Corp. or any approved equal.
16.2.2 Wires and Cables: Use Philflex or any approved equal.
16.2.3 Breakers: Use GE Westinghouse or any approved equal.
16.2.4 Panel Boards, Cabinets and Safety Switches: Use Switch Gear or
any approved equal.
16.2.5 Wiring devices: Use Panasonic or any approved equal.
16.2.6 Lighting devices: Use Philips or any approved equal.
16.2.7 Outlet boxes and covers: Use Crown Supreme PVC electrical fittings
by Crown Asia Chemicals Corp. or any approved equal.
16.3 Refer to the attached Electrical Specifications for other pertaining details.


17.1 Other materials necessary for the proper completion of the project but is
not indicated in the Plans or Specifications shall be provided by the
17.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Architect drawings for approval before
fabrication or erection will be done.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION – The work to be done under this Division of the
specifications consists of the fabrication, complete in all details, of the
electrical works, at the subject premises, and all work and materials
incidental to the proper completion of the installation, except those
portions of the work, which are expressly stated to be done by others. All
works shall be in accordance with the governing Codes and Regulations
and with the specifications, except where same shall conflict with such
Codes, etc. which, later shall then govern. The requirements in regards to
materials and workmanship specify the required standards for the
furnishing of all labor, materials and appliances necessary for the
complete installation of the work specified herein and indicated on the
2.1. The contract drawing and specifications are complementary to each
other and any labor or materials called for by either, whether or not
called for by both, if necessary for successful operation of any of the
particular type of equipment furnished and installed without additional
cost to the owner.
2.2. All dimensional locations of fixtures, equipment, boxes, outlets, risers
and pipes chase shall be verified on the architectural drawings and
manufacturer’s catalogue.
3. INTENT – It is not intended that the drawings shall show every pipe, fitting,
boxes and equipment. All such item whether specifically mentioned or
not, or indicated on the drawings, shall be furnished and installed if
necessary to complete the system in accordance with the best practice
of the electrical trade and to the satisfaction of the Architect, the
Engineer and the Owner.
4. SITE INVESTIGATION – The contractor is required to visit the site and to
ascertain himself as to the local conditions and facilities that may affect
his work. He will be deemed to have done this before preparing his
proposal and any subsequent claims on the ground of inadequate or
inaccurate information will not be entertained.
5. SHOP DRAWING – The contractor shall submit to the architect and the
engineer, for approval, four (4) copies of all shop drawings of details and
connections not shown on the drawings or deviations thereof but required
for the work. The contractor shall certify that the drawings have been
checked for dimensions, materials, erection and details and conform to
the intent of the drawings and specifications.
6.1. The contractor shall during the progress of work, keep a record of
the actual installation from that shown on the contract drawings.
6.2. Upon the completion of work, the Contractor shall submit four (4)
copies of the as-built drawings indicating the work as actually and finally
7. GUARANTEE – The Contractor shall guarantee that the electrical system is
free from all defective workmanship and materials and will remain so for a
period of one (1) year from date of acceptance of the work. The
Contractor at his own expense shall remedy any defects, appearing with
in the aforesaid period.
8. PERMITS – The Contractor shall be responsible for securing all the required
construction and operation permits and pays all the necessary fees
thereof. Copies of all the permits, together with certificate of inspection
shall be submitted to the Owner.
9. CODES and STANDARDS – The work under this contract is to be installed
with reference to the latest requirement of the following:

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

9.1 Philippine National Building Code

9.2 Philippine Electrical Code
9.3 Bureau of Labor Standard
9.4 Local Electric Company (MERALCO)
9.5 Local Telephone Company (PLDT)
9.6 American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)
9.7 American National Standard Institute (ANSI)
9.8 National Fire Protection Association (NFPA)
9.9 Underwriter’s Laboratories (UL)
9.10 National Electrical Code (NEC)
9.11 National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA)

1. QUALITY ASSURANCE – All materials to be used shall be new and shall
conform to the reference codes and standards. Use of materials shall
further be governed by other requirements, imposed on the other sections
of these specifications. Materials shall be subject to test necessary their
fitness if so requires:
2. ALTERNATE MATERIALS – Use of any material, not specified in these
specifications may be allowed provided such alternate has been
approved by the Architect and Engineer and provide further that a test, if
required shall be done by an approved agency in accordance with
generally accepted standards.
3. IDENTIFICATION OF MATERIALS – Each length of pipe, fitting, box, fixture
and device used in the marked on it the manufacturer’s trademark or
name, the weight, type and classes or product when so required by the
standards mentioned above.
4.1 Conduit shall be hot dip galvanized mild steel pipe in 3.0 m length.
UL listed. Fittings shall be threaded type. IMC pipe is approved equivalent.
5.1 Conduit shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC), schedule 40, 3.0 m
length. Fittings shall be slip-on type with threaded end adapter.
5.2 Application – Power, Lighting, Telephone, and Fire Alarm System
6.1 Flexible conduit shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or unless otherwise
7.1 Wires and cables shall be soft drawn and annealed copper.
7.2 Wires and cables shall be plastic insulated for 600 volts, TW or THW
as specified.
7.3 Wires 5.5 sq. mm and similar shall be solid 8.0 sq. mm and bigger
shall be stranded.
8.1 Outlet boxes and covers shall be polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
8.2 Thickness of the outlet boxes and covers shall be code gauge.
9.1 Switches shall be flush mounted and rated at 15 Amps. 250 volts,
one way, three way as required.
9.2 Switches shall be quiet type; spring-loaded and the cover plates
shall be subject to the approval of the Architect and the Engineer.
10.1 Receptacles shall be duplex, flush mounted and rated at 10 Amps.
250 volts, parallel or tandem slots with grounding slot as required.
10.2 Cover plates shall be subject to the approval of the Architect and
the Engineer.
10.3 Weatherproof receptacles shall have gasket cap over each
receptacle opening.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications


11.1 Panels and cabinets shall be dead front construction either flush or
surface mounted. Enclosure shall be NEMA standard as applicable.
11.2 Panels and cabinets shall be code gauge and no less than gauge
# 14. It shall have no dimension greater than 600 mm and no surface area
over 0.25 sm.
11.3 Doors shall be provided with approved catch and lock and two (2)
11.4 Panel boards buses shall be designed so that breaker can be
changed without machining, drilling or tapping. Bus bar shall be
independently supported. Isolated neutral bar shall be included.
12.1 Circuit breaker shall be thermal magnetic type with quick make,
quick break trip operating mechanism with contacts.
12.2 Circuit breaker shall be molded complying with NEMA and UL
12.3 The thermal magnetic trip unit shall provide time delayed for
overload protection and instantaneous for short circuit protection.
12.4 Multiple breakers shall operate a common trip bar, which will open
all poles in case of overload or short circuit in any one pole.
12.5 Breaker minimum interrupting capacity shall be as specified in
13.1 Safety and disconnect switches shall be normal duty or weather
tight as required.
13.2 Disconnect means shall either be fused or unfused type as

1. QUALITY ASSURANCE – All devices to be used shall be new and shall
conform to the reference codes and standards. The manufacturer shall
provide representatives for start – up supervision.
2. OPERATION and MAINTENANCE MANUAL – The manufacturer shall provide
four (4) copies of operation and manufacturer shall provide four (4)
copies of operation and maintenance manuals, including spare parts list
to the Owner.
3.1 Fluorescent fixture shall be equipped with HPF pre-heat start,
thermal protected ballast, spring-loaded lamp holder, and standard white
lamp. Fixture housing shall be baked enamel, white interior, gauge # 22
minimum galvanized steel unless otherwise noted.
3.2 The contractor shall submit samples of other type of lighting fixtures
for the approval of the Architect and the Engineer.

1.1 The work throughout shall be executed in the best and most
thorough manner to the satisfaction of the Architect and the Engineer,
who will jointly interpret the meaning of the drawings and specifications
and shall have power to reject any work and materials, which in their
judgment are not in full accordance there with.
1.2 This contractor shall assume unit responsibility and shall provide the
services of a qualified Engineer to supervise the complete installation of
equipment and systems and who shall be available for conducting the
final acceptance tests.
1.3 All equipment shall be installed in accordance with the
manufacturer’s standard. Certificate of compliance by the
manufacturer’s representative shall be submitted to the Owner.

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

2.1 Conduit shall have no more than four (4) 90 degrees bends in any
run. When it becomes necessary to have more than four 90 degrees
bends, an intermediate pull box shall be installed to facilitate pulling-in of
wires and cables.
2.2 All conduits runs shall be called for on the drawings. Conduits shall
be installed in such a manner as not to weaken or interfere with the
structure of the building. No parallel runs of embedded conduits shall be
permitted along solid walls and partitions. Conduits below grade shall be
encased in concrete envelope with a minimum thickness of 50 mm or
embedded in floor slab.
2.3 Expose conduits shall be run parallel o or perpendicular with lines of
the building and shall be securely fastened in place by means of
approved supports and fastening.
2.4 Conduits supports shall be fastened to wall by means of screw or
bolts with expansion shields. The use of wooden or lead plug is not
permitted. Conduits shall be cut by hacksaw. All ends being reamed after
threading and before installing. All ends shall be firmly attached to
cabinets or boxes by means of locknuts and bushings. Field bends shall
not be allowed for rigid steel conduit larger than 20 mm trade size except
by hydraulic bender.
2.5 Conduits not embedded in concrete shall be firmly supported and
fastened in place every 3.0 m and within 0.91 m of each outlet box or
2.6 Minimum conduit size shall be 15 mm diameter trade size, unless
otherwise noted.
3.1 Wires shall be drawn into raceway until works, which may cause
injury to the wires, is completed. Only powdered lubricants not injurious to
cable insulation and raceway shall be used and only when lubrications is
necessary. All wires and cables shall be continuous from junction to
junction as may be necessary.
3.2 Solder less pressure connectors of proper sizes be used for terminals,
tapes and splices for all wires and cables shall be securely fastened and
shall be such as not to loosen under vibration and normal strains.
3.3 Branch circuit splices shall be soldered or joined by the use of
insulated splicing device (wire nut). All soldered joints shall be made
mechanically strong before soldering joints shall be made mechanically
strong before soldering and shall be carefully soldered without the use of
friction tape. Plastic tape may be used in lieu of rubber and friction tapes.
Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings or specified number or
conductors constituting a single the use of lugs, such as occurs at lighting
switches and plug receptacles, the wires shall be formed into clockwise
loop to fit around the screws.
3.4 Minimum wire size for power distribution shall be 3.5 sq. mm and 2.0
sq. mm for control and other signal system unless otherwise noted.
4.1 Provisions shall be made for one incoming services from the power
company street primary distribution system up to the main distribution
panel of the building. At the start of the work, the contractor shall
immediately confirm in writing with the Power Company, the primary
services voltage and the location of the service pole.
4.2 The electrical contractor shall furnish and install the complete
conduit and accessories for the above primary services at location
shown on the plans and as confirmed by the Power Company.
5.1 Secondary services shall be as follows:

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

230 Volts, single phase for fluorescent lightings

230 volts, single phase, 2-wire for incandescent lighting and
general plug-in receptacles.
230 volts, single phase, 3-wire or 1 phase, 2-wire for motors
and miscellaneous power loads.
5.2 Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, all motors shall be
furnished, set up and secured in place by other trades.
5.3 Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, the electrical contractor
shall do all wiring for power up to equipment controller. Circuit breakers
for line protection shall be included.
5.4 The receptacles power wiring shall be completed in every respect;
all are indicated on the plans or as specified. Mounting height of
receptacles shall be as indicated or as per standards practice.
5.5 All connections to the equipment in damp and exposed weather
location shall be made “sealtite” flexible conduit or approved equal.
6.1 The lighting system shall be complete in every respect all as
indicated on the plans or specifications. Mounting height of switches and
special fixtures shall be as indicated or as per standard practice.
6.2 All wiring shall be installed, in general, concealed in the structure,
except as noted or as required.
6.3 Lighting circuits shall be balanced at the panels on the 3-phase, 3-
wire system.
7.1 The telephone system shall consist of services entrance, interior
system of wires and cables, conduits, outlet boxes, faceplates, junction
boxes, terminal strip cabinets, etc., as shown on the plans ready to
receive the telephone equipment to be furnished and installed by others.
The entire layout shall be installed as indicated and in accordance with
the Local Telephone Company.
7.2 All wiring shall be run through rigid PVC conduit. Cables for
telephone branch circuits shall be # 22 AWG twisted triple PVC jacketed
with number of runs as shown on the plans.
7.3 Outlet boxes for telephone instrument shall be of size and type to
suit individual location. Junction and pull boxes shall be size and shape
required for easy pulling of telephone cables.
8.1 At the point indicated on the plans, furnish and install 25 mm x 3.0
m copper weld ground rods driven to below ground and connect these
rods with loop of 100 sq. mm bare copper cable to the nearest water
main pipe or as shown.
8.2 The points shall be interconnected by means of 30 sq. mm bare
stranded copper cable so as from closed loops.
8.3 All metallic conduits, panel boards and equipment requiring
ground shall be properly grounded and bonded by means of copper
straps. Connecting to the nearest water pipe or as shown shall ground the
conduits of each system.
8.4 All ground connections shall have clean contact surfaces and shall
be tinned and sweated while bolting. Unless otherwise specified, exposed
ground cables shall be installed in conduit and connections made readily
accessible for inspections. Connection shall not be made underground or
concealed in floors or walls.
9.1 GROUND TEST – the entire installation shall free from improper
grounds and from short circuits. Each panel shall be tested with mains
connected to the feeder, branches connected and switches closed, all
fixtures in place and permanently connected, lamps removed or omitted
from the sockets and all switches closed. Each individual power

HFG architectural designs Technical Specifications

equipment connected for proper and intended operation. In no case

shall the resistance be less than that allowed by the Regulation for
electrical equipment of building. Failures shall be corrected in a manner
satisfactory to the Architect and the Engineer.
9.2 PERFORMANCE TEST – The electrical contractor shall test all system
of the entire electrical installation for proper operational conditions. These
conditions shall apply to the power and lighting installation as well as low
voltage and alarm, control, signal and communication systems. Where
sequence operation is required, the electrical contractor shall test for
proper sequence and leave the entire electrical installation in satisfactory
working condition.
9.3 PHASE SEQUENCE TEST – The electrical contractor shall determine
correct rotation of all motors and phase of the entire power installation
before final connections to the line. Final connections of main feeder
buses to the main circuit breakers of the switchgear shall only be made
after correct phase relation of Power Company’s primary line has been
9.4 INSULATION TEST – Perform insulation resistance test on all wirings 14
sq. mm and larger or as instructed using an instrument which applies a
voltage of approximate 500 volts to provide a direct reading of resistance.
Minimum resistance shall be 250,000 ohms.
9.5 GROUNDING SYSTEM TEST – Test the grounding system to assure
continuity and that the resistance to ground is not excessive. Test each
ground rod resistance to ground before making any connections to the
rod. Then the entire ground system together and test for resistance to


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