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Artifacts of Organizational Culture

 How are the artifacts of organizational culture evident in each of the three companies? How do
you think they can improve on these?
For Zappos Company in order to scale the firm and manage expansion, the corporation
implemented the holacracy. Departments were reorganized into circles, managers were
abolished, and titles were swapped for functions. According to its mission statement and guiding
principles, Zappos has a customer-centric culture. According to CEO Tony Hsieh, content
employees result in higher engagement, greater profitability, and lower attrition. For its quirky,
familial, and enjoyable workplace culture, Zappos is well-known. The mission of Zappos is to
spread joy and WOW moments through the four C's of community, commerce, customer
service, and company culture. Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, thinks it's critically to establish core
principles you can adhere to.
Tony Hsieh is the CEO of the Zappos firm. Performance evaluations include whether an
individual lives by and influences others' values. What are your cultural contributions? Do you
socialize with people outside of your department? With these accomplishments, one can
advance in their career.
 Slogan - to live and deliver WOW
 Symbols
 Ceremonies

In Best Western Hotel & Resorts mission is to be the industry leader in providing
exceptional customer service. They work hard to give a Best Western hotels’ visitor the best
possible service while maintaining honesty and integrity. The following core principles have
been embraced by Best Western in order to realize this vision: excellence in quality and service;
integrity; truthfulness; accountability; and factual accuracy. The culture shapes the working
environment within the company and has an impact on the type of long-term goals that help the
company achieve its vision.
In 1946, Best Western was founded as a commercial referral service for hotels. Best
Western has been around for more than 70 years. Best Western particularly looks after for its
employees and makes sure that there is something for them every month through employee
activity committees.
 Stories
 Slogans
 Symbols
 Ceremonies

According to the American Society of Corporate Behavior, an organizational culture

fosters employee well-being (ASO). The philosophy, beliefs, traditions, basic values, and
expected behavior among employees are defined by corporate culture, according to theory. It
contributes significantly to the company's long-term performance in the commercial aviation

On March 15, 1967, Herb Keller Southwest Co. founded the airline. Low fares are its
current catchphrase. Nothing to conceal. Transparency, that is! During the busiest travel season,
the airline employs close to 60,000 people and conducts roughly 4,000 departures daily.
 Stories
 Slogans
 Symbols
 Ceremonies

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