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A. Name of the Business

Unlabeled Snack Bar (USB)

B. Business Address

P-6 Brgy. Sto. Niño Magallanes National High School

C. Contact Number

TNT: 09501185853
Globe: 09275889557
D. Facebook Page

Unlabeled Sn'k Bar

E. Nature of Business
Merchandising and Servicing
F. Form of Business
G. Name of the Owners
Angel Cello, Christy Jane Buyan, Margie Pia, Ryan Awa, Marc Angelo Batobalonos, Sweetie Faith
Along, Robilen Burdeos, Lorie Jean Burias, Maria Lourdes Cabas, Audrie Delafuerta, Jones Flores, Lorie
Jane Burias and Carla Martinez
H. Brief Description of Business
This business will provide innovative goods and services which students do not usually buy or avail
in school. These delicious and eye catching products which include Pizza Roll, Polvoron, Special Gulaman,
Popcorn and Pancake that can be bought using their devices with free delivery.

I. Objectives

The purpose of this business is mainly to give the students their silent wants in terms of foods and
services and allowing them enjoy the very special month of hearts, February. Also, the main goal of this
business is to let the young entrepreneurs to engage and deal in the field of business with a micro enterprise.
To be specific, here are the following objectives:

1. Fulfill the wants of the customers and give the satisfaction that they deserved.

2. Showcase entrepreneurs' ability to improve and produce goods and services thus gain experience
that can be used in future business plans.

3. Enhance communication and social skills in dealing different kinds of customers.

4. Practice and utilize both entrepreneurial and accounting skills which align the central interest in
this subject.

A. Description of the Products

Cutted Pizza Roll

Unlike the common pizza roll, the cutted pizza roll of this business was innovate in different level,
especially in its unique circle forms struck in a stick match with it's ideal sauce.

Special Gulaman

This special gulaman will make sure to attract every customers and passerby since its colorful and
unique form will surely picked each interest. With its cube like shapes, adequate level of sweetness topped
with sprinkles in It's cold form, this will surely have blown away the customer's thirst and stress from the 2-
hour of subject.


With its affordable price and the unique taste compare to other existing product, it will surely
captivate the consumer's willingness to buy.


This popcorn will give a variety of choices in terms for its flavor. Cheese, salt and even caramelized
popcorn are present to fill their buds.


These fluffy and affordable pancakes intend to aid the hunger of the hunger of the students. With it's
alluring aroma and mouth watering chocolate glaze decorated on top, this will surely catch every costumer's
attention and urged their will to try and buy these.

B. Location

This business will be located inside the campus of Magallanes National High School. To be exact,
the visible stall which the products will be displayed and services can be availed will be placed inside the
covered court. There were two reasons that entrepreneurs consider in selecting the location:

(1) Accessible. Since the students need to pass by in the covered court before going to the canteen, food
stalls can get easily the attention of the students who are the target market of this business.
(2) Customers do not need to suffer in a tight places and avoid direct sunlight, thus giving them a
comfortable place to wait and stay.

C. Main Customers

Entrepreneurs selected the target market based on behavioral segmentation where occasions fall in
line. Since the month of February is known to be month of Hearts, entrepreneurs selected all the students
from grades 7 to 12; those unlabeled and labeled couples, celebrating friendships and even those who have
are single ones.

D. Selling Price

To arrive at the desired selling price, the entrepreneurs decided to use one of the pricing method, the
Cost-oriented pricing where all costs (direct, labor,and overheads) were added divided by the total pieces
or number of products made. A mark-up then will be added to the original price per product produced
which will result to the selling price.

Labor Total
Direct Original Mark-up Selling
Product Cost Pieces/Service
Cost Price Cost Prices
(30%) Made
P404.5 P121.35 170 P3.09 P1.91 P5
Pizza Roll
Polvoron P39.5 P11.85 70 P0.73 P0.27 P1

Popcorn P83.3 P24.99 60 P1.80 P1.20 P3

P163 P48.9 45 P4.71 P0.29 P5
Pancake P327 P98.1 105 P4.05 P0.95 P5
Table 2.1 The Selling price of Each Product

Graph 1.2 Selling Price of the Products

E. Promotional Measures
To ensure that the business will earn a remarkable profit, entrepreneurs make sure that several
promotional measures were established. Weeks before the actual selling process happens, entrepreneurs
create a Facebook account since online marketing in today's generation have a huge effect in introducing a
products and molding up its popularity to the masses. Also, entrepreneurs promote the product by creating
and posting posters for hallways and by grade level buildings, face-to-face endorsement and direct

F. Marketing Strategy

Entrepreneurs make sure to generate a good amount of profit, thus planned to evaluate the four
components of Marketing Mix. Each strategy is believed to have a good result.

G. Product Strategy

The products that were going to be sold were the ones that students don't usually buy or cannot be
able to buy for these were not available on canteens. These were also the products that undergo innovation
from which entrepreneurs cooked with the use of internet today. Also, the brand name Unlabeled Sn'ck Bar
was used to catch the attention of the mass public.

H. Pricing Strategy

Since the target market of this business are the students, entrepreneurs make sure to lower the price
of each product that they easily can afford but can also cover up the total operating expenses.

I. Promotional Strategy

Entrepreneurs used promotional tools such as taking advantage of online selling for pre-orders, give
free delivery deals, printed posters on hallways and grade level rooms, face-to-face endorsement and direct
marketing through words of mouth.

J. Distributional Strategy

The entrepreneurs group themselves from which each group where given task to roam products
inside the school premises for the benefit of the customer's in line with time efficiency and as well give the
customers immediate service satisfaction they deserved on the physical storefront.
K. Marketing Budget

Promoting and distributing may cost especially to entrepreneurs who just entered in the field of
business. Since these two were crucial in making the business' brand name and the product and services
popular, entrepreneurs have to deal with additional cost. But since this business is for a school fair, the
promotional tools such as production of posters, building the physical stall, and as well as other materials
for these two were personally produced by the entrepreneurs with no cost since these can be seen in the
household also with the aid of free-printing service in the faculty room. In the other side, distributing
products costs nothing since the business were distributed in the premises of the campus thus implies that
there we’re no budget intended for marketing strategy.

Materials and Equipment Cover

Printer School

Bondpapers Household

Scissors Household

Scotch Tape Household

Table 2.2 Marketing Budget


A. Production Process
The manufacturing process of products are as follows:
Pizza Roll
1. Grab a piece of loaf bread and cut the end sides of it.
2. Flattened these using rolling pin.
3. Rub adequate amount of tomato sauce in it.
4. Put sliced cheese and add hotdogs.
5. Roll them, cut these into circles and put it in the barbeque sticks.
6. Dip it into the scrambled egg and coat it with bread crumbs.
7. Fry in hot oil until brown.

Special Gulaman
1. In boiling water, pour the gulaman powder in and wait until cooked.
2. Set it aside until cool cut gulaman into cubes.
3. Mix the condensed milk and refrigerate.

1. In a hot pan, put the margarine and stir well until you get the desired form.
2. Pour all the dry ingredients starting from flour, sugar and milk powder.

1. Put oil in a pan and pour brown sugar and honey, mixed well until became caramelized in texture.
2. Pour the popcorn kernels and cover it.
3. Let it for minutes until everything popped.

1. In a large bowl, mix separately the wet and dry ingredients.
2. Then mix these deliberately until the mixture looks fine.
3. Keep it untouched for 30 minutes to 1 hour.
4. In a hot pan, pour adequate amount of mixture in round shape.
5. Wait for 30 seconds then flip the other side for it to be cooked.
6.Before serving, put chocolate syrup on top.

B. Fixed Capital

Owned Contribution
Angel B. Cello ₱100

Christy Jane A. Buyan ₱100

Margie M. Pia ₱100

Swettie Faith S. Along ₱100

Novelyn L. Cataluña ₱100

Maria Lourdes Cabas ₱100

Audrie Dela Fuerta ₱100

Ryan Awa ₱100

Marc Angelo Batobalonos ₱100

Jones Harold Flores ₱100

Carla Martinez ₱100

Lorie Jean Burias ₱100

Robilen Burdeos ₱100

Total ₱1,300

Table 3.1 Contribution of the Entrepreneurs

C. Sources of Equipment
Equipments Owned/Purchase Source
Rolling Pin/Alternative Owned Household
Casserole Owned Household
Bowls Owned Household
Spoon & Fork Owned Household
Tong Owned Household
Knife & Cutting Board Owned Household
Strainer Owned Household
Ladle Owned Household
Tupperware Owned Household
Mixing Bowl Owned Household
Funnel Owned Household
Measuring Cup Owned Household
Refrigerator Owned Household
Tables Owned Household
Chairs Owned Household
Table 3.2 Sources of Equipment

All of the equipment needed in the production of the products will be canvassed and obtained from the
household of the entrepreneurs. No transport charges will be paid in the transport of these.
D. Raw Materials Needed

Products Raw Materials

Loaf Bread
Tomato sauce
Cutted Pizza Roll Hotdog
Bread crumbs
Barbecue Stick
Milk powder
Polvoron Flour
Cheese Powder
Condensed Milk
Special Gulaman White Sugar
Paper Cups
Evaporated Milk
Baking Powder
White sugar
Small Paper Bag (Bolsita)

Table 3.3 Raw Materials Needed

E. Raw Materials Availability

Products Raw Materials Available in Town Available outside of Town

Loaf Bread ✓
Tomato sauce ✓
Oil ✓
Hotdog ✓
Bread crumbs ✓
Pizza roll Cheese ✓
Eggs ✓
Barbecue Stick ✓
Milk powder ✓
Polvoron Flour ✓
White Sugar ✓
Kernels ✓
Cheese Powder ✓
Condensed Milk ✓
Gulaman ✓
Special White Sugar ✓
Gulaman Paper Cups ✓
Evaporated Milk ✓
Baking Powder ✓
Yeast ✓
Margarine ✓
Vanilla ✓
Pancake Eggs
White sugar
Small Paper Bag


Table 3.4 Availability of Raw Materials

F. Cost of Raw Materials

Quantity of One
Materials Price Cost

Loaf Bread 3 loaves ₱32 ₱96

Tomato sauce 1 pack ₱13 ₱13
Hotdog 4 ₱25 ₱100
Bread crumbs 2 ₱32 ₱64
Oil 3/4 ₱14.5 ₱43.5
Cheese 1 pack ₱54 ₱54
Egg 8 pcs. ₱7 ₱56
Barbeque Stick 1 pack ₱10 ₱10
Mr.Gulaman 4 sachets ₱13 ₱39
Evaporated Milk I can ₱21 ₱21
Condensed Milk 1 can ₱31 ₱31
White Sugar ¼ kilo ₱12 ₱12
Paper Cups 1 cellophane ₱48 ₱48
Ice 3 ₱1 ₱3
Flour 1/2 kilo ₱12.5 ₱12.5
Milk Powder 2 sachets ₱38 ₱38
White sugar 1/4 kilo ₱5 ₱5
Popcorn Kernel 1 pack ₱30 ₱35.30
Cheese powder 2 packs ₱40 ₱40
Smooth Cellophanes 1 pack ₱8 ₱8
Flour 3 kilo ₱25 ₱75
Baking Powder 1 pack ₱5 ₱5
Yeast 1 pack ₱5 ₱5
Eggs 6 pieces ₱7 ₱42
Margarine 1/4 kilo ₱13.5 ₱13.5
White Sugar 1 & 1/2 kilo ₱12 ₱70
Vanilla 2 packs ₱5 ₱10
Small Paper Bag
1 pack ₱12 ₱12
Total ₱961.8

Table 3.5 Quantity, Price and Cost of Raw Materials

G. Production Cost

Pizza Roll Quantity Cost Special Gulaman Quantity Cost

Loaf Bread 3 loaves P96 Condensed Milk 1 cans P31

Tomato sauce 1 pack P13 Evaporated Milk 1 cans P21
Oil 3/4 P43.5 Gulaman 4 sachets P48
Hotdog 4 packs P100 White Sugar 1/4 P12
Bread crumbs 2 pack P32 Paper Cups 1 P48
Eggs 8 pieces P56 Ice 3 P3
Cheese 1 pack P54
Barbeque Stick 1 pack P10 Total P163

Total P404.5

Polvoron Quantity Cost Popcorn Quantity Cost

Flour 1/2 kilo P12.50 Kernels 1 pack P35.30

Sugar 1/4 P12 Cheese Powder 2 pack P40
Milk powder 2 sachets P15 Smooth Cellophane 1 pack P8

Total P39.50 Total P83.3

Pancake Quantity Cost

Flour 3 packs P75

Baking Powder 1 sachet P5
Yeast 1 sachet P5
Margarine 1/4 P14
Vanilla 2 sachets P10
Eggs 6 pieces P42
White sugar 1 & 1/2 kilo P70
Woods 4 pieces P24
Paper Bag 1 pack P12

Total P327

Table 3.6 Production Cost

There are raw materials that entrepreneurs chose to buy outside the town though it can be bought inside the
town for the reason that it can be avail in cheaper price.

A. Form of Business

The form of this business is partnership. This business is owned and managed by thirteen
entrepreneurs namely; Angel Cello, Christy Jane Buyan, Margie Pia, Ryan Awa, Marc Angelo Batobalonos,
Sweetie Faith Along, Robilen Burdeos, Lorie Jean Burias, Maria Lourdes Cabas, Audrie Delafuerta, Jones
Flores, Lorie Jane Burias and Carla Martinez.
Each one of them invested an amount of P100 and will receive equal share of money. Each will then receive
a percentage of 7.69%.

Graph 4.1 Total Share per Owner

B. Organizational Structure

Angel B. Cello
Sales Director

Ma. Lourdes Cabas Sweetie Faith Along Margie Pia Christy Jane Buyan
Sales Supervisor Business Manager Logistics Superviser Bookkeeper

Audrie Dela Fuerta Novelyn Cataluna Marc Angelo Batobalonos

Sales Staff Business Representative Logistics Staff

Jones Harold Flores Ryan Awa

Sales Staff Business Representative

Lori Jean Burias Robilen Burdeos

Sales Staff Business Representative

Carla Martinez
Sales Staff
C. Pre-operating Activities

This section presents the pre-operating activities that the entrepreneurs have done after a thorough
marketing analysis in making this business plan.

1. Preparing the Business Plan (7 days)

Entrepreneurs share ideas through brain storming in regards with the products or services that will be
possibly sold that were written as options in the survey questionnaires. Before preparing the business plan,
the entrepreneurs first gathered data by using the survey questionnaire to the selected grade 9 students of
Magallanes National High School that will produce information needed in the process of identifying the
wants of the target market. Also, entrepreneurs think and plan well where the business will be located,
promotional measures that should be undertake, different marketing strategies implemented and other
matters were considered.

2. Canvassing of Materials and Products Needed (3 days)

After the plan has been presented, entrepreneurs assigned each member what materials and products
they owned to bring.

3. Purchasing and Preparing of Materials and Products Needed (4 days)

Entrepreneurs started to buy and prepare materials and products that are needed in the business. But
since some of these are not available in the locality, entrepreneurs need to travel from the nearest city which
is Cabadbaran City from which entrepreneurs chose the products and raw materials needed in lower prices
yet had a valuable quality. They then decided to put these in one of their member's residence who is likely to
be convenient to be placed.

4. Do the Marketing Activity (2 days)

Entrepreneurs started to post posters on hallways and to the places where customers can easily see
and endorse in direct marketing. The online sites were also launch for the mass public so they could have
ideas are available to sell on the whole month.

5. Making the Products for the Business (2 days)

After the raw materials have been filled up, entrepreneurs started cooking foods in trials until made
it perfect and ready to serve. Each exerted their efforts and hard work to give the customers the satisfaction
they want.
6. Booth Set-Up (5 days)

Entrepreneurs built and design the Booth appealing and trendy it may be so it could easily catch the
attention of the customers even from a distance.

Pre-operating Activities

Activities Month of January Month of
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 1 2 3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
1. Preparing the
Business Plan ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓

2.Canvassing of
Materials and Products
Needed ✓✓✓

3. Purchasing and
Preparing of Materials
and Products Needed
4. Do the Marketing
Activity ✓✓

5. Booth Set-Up
6. Making the Products
for the Business ✓✓

7. Operating Day ✓

Table 3.1. Pre-operating Activities Timetable

This table shows the timeline from day 1 of the operation starting from December to the month of
January. During the dates from January 11 to January 17, the entrepreneurs prepared the business plan while
the canvassing of equipments and materials happened during the dates from January 18 to 20. The following
dates from January 21 to 24 was the purchasing and preparing of materials and products needed. Posting
posters in hallways and marketing activities were done during the dates of January 25-26 and setting the
booth were dates to January 27 to 2. Making the products will be done starting from February 3 which is the
grand opening the business.
C. Pre-Operating Expenses

Here are the pre-operating expenses incurred by the entrepreneurs days before the operation of the

Fare Quantity Price

Fare from Butuan City to
2 persons ₱50
Fare from Butuan Market
2 persons ₱16
to PPA terminal
Total ₱66

Table 3.2 Pre-Operating Expenses

D. Booth Equipment

Item Quantity Price

Nail 1/4 ₱16
Lotus Paint 2 can ₱36
Thumbtacks - Owned
Chairs - Owned
Tables - Owned
Total ₱52

Table3.3 Booth Equipment

Graph 4.2 Total Pre-operating Expenses


A. Project Total Cost

Quantity of One
Materials Cost

Loaf Bread 3 loaves ₱96

Tomato sauce 1 pack ₱13
Hotdog 4 ₱100
Bread crumbs 2 ₱64
Oil 3/4 ₱43.5
Cheese 1 pack ₱54
Egg 8 pcs. ₱56
Barbeque Stick 1 pack ₱10
Mr.Gulaman 4 sachets ₱39
Evaporated Milk I can ₱21
Condensed Milk 1 can ₱31
White Sugar ¼ kilo ₱12
Paper Cups 1 cellophane ₱48
Ice 3 ₱3
Flour 1/2 kilo ₱12.5
Milk Powder 2 sachets ₱38
White sugar 1/4 kilo ₱5
Popcorn Kernel 1 pack ₱35.30
Cheese powder 2 packs ₱40
Smooth Cellophanes 1 pack ₱8
Flour 3 kilo ₱75
Baking Powder 1 pack ₱5
Yeast 1 pack ₱5
Eggs 6 pieces ₱42
Margarine 1/4 kilo ₱13.5
White Sugar 1 & 1/2 kilo ₱70
Vanilla 2 packs ₱10
Small Paper Bag
1 pack ₱12
Projected Total
Project Cost

Table 5.1 Projected Total Project Cost

B. Profit and Loss Statement

100% Total 75% Total 50% Total 25% Total

Goods and Services
Sales Sales Sales Sales
Pizza Roll P850 P637.5 425 212.5
Polvoron 70 52.5 35 17.5
Popcorn 180 135 90 45
Special Gulaman 225 168.75 112.5 56.25
Pancake 525 393.75 262.5 131.25
Gross Profit P1850 P1387.5 P925 P462.5
Less: Total Operating
P1,079.8 P1,079.8 P1,079.8 P1,079.8
Net Profit P770.2 P307.7 -154.8 -617.3

Table 5.2 Projected Total Sales by Percentage per Product in One Day

100% Total 75% Total 50% Total 25% Total

Goods and Services
Sales Sales Sales Sales
Pizza Roll P3,400 P2550 1700 850
Polvoron 280 210 140 70
Popcorn 720 540 360 180
Special Gulaman 900 675 450 225
Pancake 2100 1575 1,050 525
Gross Profit P7,400 P5,550 P3,700 P2,177.5
Less: Total Operating
P4,319.2 P4,319.2 P4,319.2 P4,319.2
Net Profit P3,080.8 P1,230.8 -619.2 -2,141.7

Table 5.2 Projected Total Sales by Percentage per Product in Four Days

Graph 5.1 Projected Total Sales by Percentage per Product in Four Days
1. 100% Total Sales (for 4 days)

Net Profit: P3,080.8

Capital: P1,300
Movement: PROFIT
Amount Earned: 1,780.8

Graph 5.2 100% of Total Sales

2. 75% Total Sales (for 4 days)

Net Profit: 1,230.8
Capital: P1,300
Movement: LOSS
Amount Loss: -69.2

Graph 5.3 75% of Total Sales

3. 50% Total Sales (for 4 days)
Net Profit: -619.2
Capital: P1,300
Movement: LOSS
Amount Loss: -680.8

Graph 5.4 50% of Total Sales

4. 25% Total Sales (for 4 days)

Net Profit: -2141.7
Capital: P1,300
Movement: LOSS
Amount LOSS: -841.7

Graph 5.5 25% of Total Sales

C. Pre-Operating Expenses

Item Quantity Price

Fare from Butuan City to 2 person ₱50

Fare from Butuan Market 2 person ₱16

to PPA terminal

Total ₱66

Table 4.2 Pre-Operating Expenses

D. Booth Equipment

Item Quantity Price

Nail 1/4 ₱16
Lotus Paint 2 can ₱36
Thumbtacks - Owned
Chairs - Owned
Tables - Owned
Total ₱52

Table3.3 Booth Equipment

E. Projected Total Expenses

Pre-operating Expenses ₱66

Booth Equipment ₱52

Cost of Raw Materials ₱961.8

Projected Total Project Cost ₱1,079.8

Table 4.2 Projected Total Expenses

Graph 5.6 Projected Total Expenses

F. Booth Equipment

Item Quantity Price

Nail 1/4 ₱16
Lotus Paint 2 can ₱36
Thumbtacks - Owned
Chairs - Owned
Tables - Owned
Total ₱52

Table 4.3 Booth Equipment

E. Return on Investment
Investment per Individual

1. 100% Total Sales

Investment: P100
Total Share: 7.69%
Net Profit: P3,080.8
Movement: PROFIT
Net Profit per Share: P236.91
Whole Operation Earned:P 947.65

2. 75% Total Sales

Investment: P100
Total Share: 7.69%
Net Profit: P1230.8
Movement: PROFIT
Net Profit per Share: P94.65
Whole Operation Earned: P378.59

3. 50% Total Sales

Investment: P100
Total Share: 7.69%
Net Profit: P619.2
Movement: LOSS
Net Profit per Share: -47.62
Whole Operation Earned: -190.47

4. 25% Total Sales

Investment: P100
Total Share: 7.69%
Net Profit: -2141.7
Movement: LOSS
Net Profit per Share: -164.70
Whole Operation Earned: -658.79

Graph 5.3 Return on Investment per Owner

Graph 5.4 Return on Investment by Total Capital

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