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Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. I can describe and classify materials based on their

ability to absorb water
2. I can apply knowledge on the use of materials that
absorb water, float, and sink, decaying materials on a
real-life situation.
3. I can appreciate the use of materials that absorb
water, float, and sink, as well as decaying materials in
our day-to-day activities.
Classifications of

Ability to Absorb Water

Materials can be classified based on their ability to
absorb water. Some materials can absorb water,
others do not.
Absorb means to take in something like a liquid in a
natural way.
Porous Materials (absorbent materials)
are materials that absorb water
have small holes that allow air or liquid to pass through

Pic 1 - plastic cup soak in soapy water Pic 2- plastic cup lifted from soapy water
Non-Porous Materials (non-absorbent materials)
are materials that do not absorb water
do not allow air to pass through

Ex: made of plastic and rubber

Classifications of Materials

Ability to Float

means that material stays

on top of the liquid.

Ex: Styrofoam, wood,

balloons, and empty bottles
Classifications of Materials

Ability to Sink
means to fall to the
bottom of the water.

Ex: coins and metals

Materials that are made from glass, stone, and metal sinks whatever size they are.
Some sink very quickly because they are heavy, while others sink very slowly.

Do you know that some materials float at first but then sink as
they absorb water?
Classifications of
Ability to Undergo Decay
means to be slowly destroyed into bits in the presence of water
and soil.

Biodegradable or bio-waste
materials that undergo decaying
they are decomposed by microorganisms into environment-
friendly waste products
cannot be recycled
The first bread shows that it is safe to eat while the second one is not because it
changes color. Mold is an indication that the material is starting to undergo decay.
Decay is the process of rotting materials or to be slowly destroyed into bits in the
presence of water, air, and soil. Decaying
Points to Remember:

Many factors contribute to the decaying process of materials like sunlight,

water, soil, and action of microorganisms.
Not all plants and animals decay at the same time
Some materials will take hundred of years before they decay or decompose
Fast decaying materials become organic fertilizers that enrich the soil
Fast decaying materials are objects that easily rot and decompose because of
the bacteria it has absorbed
Refrigerating leftover food avoids or delay spoilage
At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

1. I can describe and classify materials based on their

ability to absorb water
2. I can apply knowledge on the use of materials that
absorb water, float, and sink, decaying materials on a
real-life situation.
3. I can appreciate the use of materials that absorb
water, float, and sink, as well as decaying materials in
our day-to-day activities.
Thank you for

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