The Perfume

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501 Team:1
Montserrat Bello Martinez
Diego Yael González Alvarez
Sebastián Barrera Saucedo
Azalia Getsemaní Hernández Jiménez
Yeudiel Jesús Esquivel Rosales
Chapter 1

Item Example
Dark humor/ irony She didn't say anything, but unexpectedly, the
baby that was under the table among the guts
and fish heads, began to scream and everyone
Then she was accused of infanticide and
beheaded in the place de Greve. A Grenouille
The smell of the cemetery incited the
population to protest and they managed to
close the cemetery
Magic realism/ super natural
Murder mistery
Sensory Imagery

Chapter 2

Item Example
Dark humor/ irony
Magic realism/ super natural
Murder mistery
Sensory Imagery
Suspense After several weeks, Jeanne Bussie took
Grenouille to the convent of Saint-Merri, and
Father Terrier opened it for him. They were
discussing little Grenouille. The nurse didn't
want to breastfeed anymore and Father
Terrier was trying to convince her of it,
although the attempts were in vain, since she
didn't want to because she ate a lot and
because she didn't smell like anything. After a
long discussion about who would stay with the
little boy, until they finally agreed that he
would go back to the Saint-Merri convent.

Chapter 3

Item Example
Dark humor/ irony As if hell smelled of sulfur and paradise of
incense and myrrh!
He had a rather high opinion of his own critical
faculties. To be sure, he would never go so far
as some-who questioned the
miracles, the oracles, the very truth of Holy
Scripture-even though the biblical texts could
not, strictly speaking, be explained by reason
alone, indeed often directly contradicted it.
Magic realism/ super natural
Murder mistery
Sensory Imagery It was establishing his scent! And all at once he
felt as if he stank, of sweat and vinegar, of
choucroute and unwashed clothes. He felt
naked and ugly, as if someone were gaping at
him while revealing nothing of himself. The
child seemed to be smelling right through his
skin, into his innards

Chapter 4 and 5
Item Example
Dark humor/ irony
Magic realism/ super natural After that single blow, the tenderness was as
alien to him as aversion, and joy so strange.
like hopelessness. or where The other children
did not dare to go with a flashlight, or to the
Shed to look for firewood on a dark night like a
wolf's mouth
It seemed totally immune to the childish fear
of darkness and night. He could send at any
time with an order to the basement,
Murder mistery
Sensory Imagery Its external appearance corresponded to his
true age, but at the same time he looked twice
as old, triple and the hundredfold of his years,
that is, looked like the mummy of a Young lady
He inhaled this smell, drowned in it,
impregnated himself with it until the last pore,
became wood, a wooden doll, in a Pinocchio,
sitting as if dead on the logs
Suspense He felt nothing when he later cohabited. with
a man and not when she gave birth to her
children. He did not mourn the who died
He never carried a light with him, yet he found
the that he sought and returned at once with
his load, without taking a step in false
gave the impression of that I saw through
paper, cloth or wood and, yes, even through
walls and closed doors
Repetition while I was sitting on the pile of logs,
Grenouille, sitting on the pile of logs

Chapter 6 and 7
Item Example
Dark humor/ irony
Magic realism/ super natural since he perceived it inside and therefore
more intensely: as the essence the spirit of
something past that does not suffer the
disturbance of attributes
Habitual of the present, such as the noise, the
hubbub, the disgusting overcrowding of men
Murder mistery
Satire He acquired—an inappreciable advantage—
immunity against evil, so that he could
henceforth deflesh with cracked and bloody
hands the skins most They are hard without
running the risk of getting infected.
Sensory Imagery He became an example of docility,
industriousness and modesty, obeyed on the
spot, was content with any meal.
Durante el día trabajaba de sol a sol, en
invierno ocho horas y en verano catorce,
quince y hasta dieciséis; limpiaba de carne las
hediondas pieles, las enjuagaba, pelaba,
blanqueaba, cauterizaba y abatanaba, las
impregnaba de tanino, partía leña, rinsed,
peeled, bleached, cauterized and crushed
them, impregnated them with tannin, split
firewood, debarked birch and yew,
Suspense rinsed, peeled, bleached, cauterized and
crushed them, impregnated them with tannin,
split firewood, debarked birch and yew,
Obsession On the other hand, Grenouille smelled
everything as if for the first time and not only
smelled the whole of this broth, rather, it
divided it analytically into its smaller, most
distant parts.
His very fine sense of smell untangled the ball
of aromas and tufos, obtaining loose threads
of smells indivisible fundamentals. Unlocking
and spinning them gave him indescribable

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