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You were right. About alot of it actually ur context was wrong but what u said was right.

Like WAY too right at times

Everything that i said that day was real. Except i love you (romantically). I was supposed to say the opposite. Lets first have a time
line! Okay so winter break first week i pretty much was happy being friends with u like genuinely happy and like then for a few days i
like didnt romantically like u i just liked u but then the last few days i really was starting to get annoyed. Like all i was thinking half the
time was “could u just like not say these nice sweet things you dont mean cause its really messing with me and im having a relapse
stop”. And i get that thats who u r and like u told me to tell u if smth u said didnt sound right or gave “yellow light vibes” and i told u it
was okay and thats mb i shoulda told u as soon as this became a problem. Okay so why did i say i love you instead of i need a
break. Ok this is going to sound stupid but like i didnt want to tell u in the first place i was just sorta going to say i need a tiny break
but u found out smth was up with me and i couldnt just say lets take a break and just expect u to leave it so i thought YES ILL TELL
HER NOW AND THAT SHOULDNT GO BAD AT ALL. I made the checklist and all of that. The i love you notes thingy. Except
instead of I love you i was supposed to say that ive had enough of ur mixed signals and i just need some time to really sort things
out so i can actually enjoy juniper for what it is. But when i had to do it i couldnt do it cause i didnt want u to think i hated u or was
like MAD at u i just needed sometime away from u so that i can take a step back and look at everything going on rn. So i panicked
and said i love you and ran away. And i should have told u yesterday but i didnt i danced around it but i never said it and omg okay
yea i suck this is sm worse. Juniper just became way to complicated sometime recently and dont get me wrong i love it its one of my
most favorite dynamics ever but like. Its so fragile and delicate and i just dont think i can be careful rn i have way too much going on.
I just didnt think about how this affects you too and thats on me i like being ur friend i like where we were just give me some time
while we r taking a break. Idk which is worse telling u the truth or just leaving it but i feel like u should know so im telling you. Im
sorry i lied to u i feel like im genuinely just chipping away at juniper without realising it juniper omg oh god okay yes. Any questions! I
can keep talking about it for hours but idk if u want to hear EVERY SINGLE DETAIL and it doesnt matter this is the synopsis

Im going to share this doc and not text u so u dont feel like u need to respond. Also cause there might be a chance u wont see it
either way Juniper needs to take a pause no matter what happens. This is a horrible idea.

I feel like im missing smth did i miss smth ok im just leaving this be whatever happens happens

Right i think i didnt want to tell u cause i thought u would just think its all ur fault even though its not idk if i said that

Im going to tell u about the doc at exactly 12. Whatever u take from this great okay if smth sounds a bit off ill *explain* whenever u
want just ask

MADE NO SENSE HOW TF DOES “I NEED A BREAK” TURN INTO “I LOVE YOU”??? LIKE HUH also is this u like turning this
around or smth bc what the heck also I said that I needed a beak for different reasons i dont think we can be friends and if we ever
start becoming friends again it would probably take a really long time if im being completely honest like i’ll still make small talk and
stuff we just won't talk any other time WHICH I THOUGHT I MADE CLEAR BUT IDTS. I think we can be friends like i genuinely
believe that we can be normal friends which is a term thats coming back bc it wont be like winter break at all it will just be regular
and i would like that so much more. You’re probably like okay then why do it in the first place? Its bc honestly i was just its just my
personality in a way like thats just my way of talking LIKE NOT TO EVERYONE LIKE NOT IN THAT WAY LIKE i only said those
things bc i was comfortable and i thought you would know it was just a joke but im sorry and it was clearly a mistake i wont do it
again im just kind of confused rn bc i said i needed space that doesnt mean when ur ready ill be ready it’ll probably take a lot longer
for me to try to be on friend terms with u again

No I'm not turning this around still my fault and I'm not saying when I'm ready ur ready take ur time I just wanted u to be mad at me

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