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The purpose of the study was to know the challenges and interventions
encountered by the Bontoc Child Development Workers. Based on the study,
the following are discovered the pandemic were treated as a challenge to the
Bontoc Child Development Workers: poor assessment of actual academic
understanding of the students. Academic Dishonesty, the modular activity has
been distributed for the student to answer but the parent’s aim is to help their
children that leads to academic dishonesty and poor comprehension to the

The respondents pointed out that the pandemic was the major challenge
that they encountered in their teaching profession as a Child Development
Worker. The shifting to new normal education has been striking to the
educator to seek better learning interventions for their students. Since there is
no data, financial support and proper disseminated intervention are to be
followed. The options were limited only to modular learning modality.

With the results, the researchers recommend: The government should

prioritize the provision of training for the CDWs in preparation for natural
calamities which affect the teaching and learning process where plans and
interventions are crafted. The child development workers and parents to be
equipped and prepared in facing sudden changes in the teaching and learning
process. Parents or guardians to closely work with the child development
workers to promote a good working relationship in assisting the learning of the

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