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College of Engineering and Vocational and
Industrial Technology

Learner’s Material
Course Code: APP SOF 1
Course Title: Application Software (AutoCAD 1)

Name of Student: __________________________________

Year & Section: ____________________________________


Title Page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i

ASIST Vision, Mission, Goals, Core Values, & Quality Policy ------------------ ii
Approval Sheet ------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
Table of Contents---------------------------------------------------------------------- iv

Duration: 14 weeks -----------------------------------------------------------------
Overview -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
General Objectives -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2
Lesson 1: AutoCAD User Interface ------------------------------------------------- 3

Lesson 2: OSNAP and Function Keys ---------------------------------------------- 12

Lesson 3: Drawing Tools ------------------------------------------------------------- 22

Summary--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 61
Post Assessment ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 64
Culminating Activities ---------------------------------------------------------------- 66

References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 68
2 Module 2 in AutoCAD
14 weeks

Dear Student,

Welcome to Module 2 of your subject Application Software (AutoCAD 1).

When you start AutoCAD, the AutoCAD window opens. The window is your
design work space. It contains elements that you use to create your designs and
to receive information about them.
Running object snap modes can be toggled on and off with the Osnap
button on the status bar or the function key F3. Object snap settings are stored
with the drawing.

In this module, you will have the following lessons:

 AutoCAD User Interface
 OSNAP and Function Keys
 Drawing Tools

This module comprises lessons on the general concepts of assessment,

test, measurement and evaluation. The same module utilizes outcome – based
education which applies the 3E model.

The first part of each lesson will start with the “Explore” part. In this part
introduces the topic with surfacing of your prior knowledge.

The second part, the “Explain”, processes your prior knowledge through
thorough discussion with concrete examples.

Third is the “Evaluate” part. It is where you are given various exercises
where you can apply the concepts with some exercises.

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At the end of the module, you are to accomplish the task which
culminates all concepts and skills acquired. A rubric will guide on how you are
going to do the task. This is called “Culminating Activity”.
The following general guidelines should be strictly considered in order to
for you to effectively learn the knowledge and skills in assessment which is one
of the primary tools for future teachers.
1. Activities. All answers under Explore shall be treated as your class
recitations. All outputs under Evaluate are entered as your written
works or performance task. Thus, never leave any activity
unanswered. And all outputs under “post-assessment” shall be
treated as your performance tasks.
2. Grading System. Your performance shall be evaluated using the
following grading system:
Performances = 30%
Culminating Activity = 30%
Term Examination = 40 %
TOTAL = 100%
3. Output Submission. Submission can be done on a given schedule.
You can always contact me through my Messenger for clarifications
and questions.
Good luck and enjoy learning!

 Demonstrate an understanding and awareness about
AutoCAD User Interface upper part.
 Establish an understanding and awareness about the drawing
area of AutoCAD.
 Demonstrate an understanding and awareness about
AutoCAD User Interface lower part.
 Demonstrate an understanding and awareness about object
snap and function keys in AutoCAD.
 Establish and understanding and awareness about drawing
tools in AutoCAD.

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(3 hours)
AutoCAD User Interface
Learning Outcomes

 Determine the different parts of the upper interface.

 Access different toolbars and tabs.
 Discuss on the uses of the different parts of the upper user
 Determine the different parts of the drawing area in AutoCAD.
 Access the different controls and bars in the drawing area.
 Locate and point mouse cursor in the drawing area.
 Determine the different parts of the lower part of the user interface
in AutoCAD.
 Discuss on the uses of the different parts of the lower interface.

Time Duration: 15 minutes

Direction: Answer the question in your own words. Place your answer in the
provided space below each question.

1. What do you mean by interface?


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Time Duration: 2 hours


1. Quick Access Toolbar:

In above window you are not able to See Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
and Workspace tabs is because above window is not in Maximize mode.
So, if you are unable to see Works space and QAT then press Maximize
window tab.
By default, this window has some tabs like: New, Open, Save, Save
All, Plot, Undo and Redo.  You can Customize this QAT by pressing down
key tab next to Workspace list.

Customize Quick Access Toolbar

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Also, alternatively you can Right Click on Ribbon (8) tabs and Add
any Tabs to QAT.
2. Ribbon Tabs:
Below QAT you will find all Ribbon Tabs available in this Work
Space. Default Works Space is ‘Drafting and Annotation’.
Different Ribbon tabs offers different Ribbon panels depending on
your work.

3. Search:
You can search any commands or information by entering any
Keywords or Phrase.

4. External Links:
Which is also called information center which links to AutoCAD

5. Help:
Help tabs link with help file you can search help content also other
information as below. You can change setting for display Welcome Screen

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6. Title Bar:
Here you will see your Drawing file name which is open currently.

7.  Application Menu Button (AutoCAD Logo).

This AutoCAD application menu offers different options along with
Default QAT options as below.

8. Ribbons: 
This is your main Toolbar area where you will find all Tabs in panel
format arranged as per their use. Ribbon is consisting of panel. Some
panel is associated with Dialog boxes which can be used by pressing
bottom right corner arrow tab of panel.

9. File Tabs:
You can add new Drawing Files by pressing [+] icon on File tabs or if
you want to switch between Model and Layout tabs then hover mouse
cursor over File tab name and a preview will be shown as below then
select correct Layout.
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10. Viewport Controls: 
This is on Screen View port controls form where you can change
AutoCAD views and Visual Styles to different options as below.

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 11. View Cube: 

Through view Cube you can see Drawing Elements from Different
view direction and you can rotate view.

12. WCS. 

Below View Cube you can select WCS or Create new Co-coordinating

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13. Navigation Bar: 

This Navigation bar you can locate on different side of AutoCAD

window. This contains some additional tools like Pan.

14. Drawing Area/ Graphics Area:

This is main area of Model where you will create new Drawing
elements. This is infinite space area.


15. Command Line:

Another way to use AutoCAD features is to run command from
Command line. This command line setting options are as below:

 16. Model and Layout Tabs:

This tab used for Model and Layout tabs. You can create Rename
and Delete Layout tabs from here. Also, you change location of Model and
Layout tabs to status bar by Right click and select option to hide.

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 Status Bar: (17 +18 +19)
17.  Drawing Settings:
This is application Station bar which consist of different settings.
You can toggle to on and off these icons.
18. Additional Settings:
This contains Model’s Annotation and some additional settings. This
is available in Drawing window status bar.
19. Drawing Coordinates:
This shows current location of Mouse cursor in Drawing
20. Co-ordinates:
This is Coordinated of Drawing.
 21. Ribbon view:
You can change ribbons Minimized to tabs, Panel Titles, Panel
Buttons or |Cycle through all.

Tip: If you over any tab then it will give you short info about that
tab. If you hover it for couple of seconds then it will give you full info
about that tab with pictures. 

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Time Duration: 15 minutes

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not and underline
the word that makes the statement incorrect.

____________ 1. You can change ribbons Minimized to tabs, Panel Titles, Panel
Buttons or Cycle through all.

____________ 2. You can create Rename and Delete Layout tabs from command

____________ 3. You cannot change location of Model and Layout tabs to status
bar by Right click and select option to hide.

____________ 4. Navigation Bar is the main area of Model where you will create
new Drawing elements. This is infinite space area.

____________ 5. Through view Cube you can see Drawing Elements from Different
view direction and you can rotate view.

____________ 6. Title bar is your main Toolbar area where you will find all Tabs in
panel format arranged as per their use.

____________ 7. In the Navigation bar you can locate on different side of AutoCAD

____________ 8. This AutoCAD application menu offers different options along

with Default QAT options as below.

____________ 9. Different Ribbon tabs offers different Ribbon panels depending

on your work.

____________ 10. You can Customize this QAT by pressing down key tab next to
Workspace list.

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2 OSNAP and Function Keys
(3 hours)

Learning Outcomes

 Specify a point at an exact location on an object.

 Track along alignment paths that are based on object snap
 Determine the uses of the different function keys
 Discuss on the uses of the different special function keys.

Time Duration: 15 minutes
Direction: Enumerate at least five (5) function keys you often use in a computer or
laptop and identify its use.

1. _______________ - _______________________________________________________

2. _______________ - ________________________________________________________

3. _______________ - _________________________________________________________

4. _______________ - __________________________________________________________

5. _______________ - ___________________________________________________________

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Time Duration: 2 hours


Sets running object snap modes.

The Object Snap tab of the Drafting Settings dialog box is displayed.

If you enter -OSNAP at the Command prompt, the following prompts are

Enter a list of object snap modes

Enter names of object snap modes separated with commas, or
enter none or off.

Object Snap Modes

Specify one or more object snap modes by entering the uppercase
characters of the name in the following table. If you enter more than one
name, separate the names with commas.
Mode Description
ENDpoint Snaps to the closest endpoint or corner of a geometric
MIDpoint Snaps to the midpoint of a geometric object
CENter Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, or
elliptical arc
Geometric Snaps to the centroid of any closed polylines and
CEnter splines
NODe Snaps to a point object, dimension definition point, or
dimension text origin
QUAdrant Snaps to a quadrant point of an arc, circle, ellipse, or
elliptical arc
INTersection Snaps to the intersection of geometric objects
EXTension Causes a temporary extension line or arc to be
displayed when you pass the cursor over the endpoint
of objects, so you can specify points on the extension
INSertion Snaps to the insertion point of objects such as an

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Mode Description
attribute, a block, or text
PERpendicula Snaps to a point perpendicular to the selected
r geometric object
TANgent Snaps to the tangent of an arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical
arc, polyline arc, or spline
NEArest Snaps to the nearest point on an object such as an
arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, point, polyline,
ray, spline, or xline
APParent Snaps to the visual intersection of two objects that do
intersection not intersect in 3D space but may appear to intersect
in the current view
PARallel Constrains a new line segment, polyline segment, ray
or xline to be parallel to an existing linear object that
you identify by hovering your cursor
NONe Turns off object snap modes

Object snaps provide a way to specify precise locations on objects

whenever you are prompted for a point within a command.

For example, you can use object snaps to create a line from the center of a
circle to the midpoint of another line.

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You can specify an object snap whenever you are prompted for a point. By
default, a marker and a tooltip are displayed when you move the cursor over an
object snap location on an object. This feature, called Auto Snap  ™ , provides
visual confirmation that indicates which object snap is in effect.

Specify an Object Snap

To specify an object snap at a prompt for a point, you can do one of the

 Press Shift and right-click to display the Object Snap shortcut menu
 Right-click and choose an object snap from the Snap Overrides
 Click an object snap button on the Object Snap toolbar
 Enter the name of an object snap
When you specify an object snap at a prompt for a point, the object snap
stays in effect only for the next point that you specify. Object snaps work only
when you are prompted for a point.

Note: If you want object snaps to ignore hatch objects, use the OSOPTIONS
system variable.
Use Running Object Snaps
If you need to use one or more object snaps repeatedly, you can turn
on running object snaps, which persist through all subsequent commands. For
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example, you might set Endpoint, Midpoint, and Center as running object

 On the status bar, click the Object Snap button or press F3 to turn
running object snaps on and off.
 On the status bar, click the down-arrow next to the Object Snap
button, and then click the object snaps that you want to persist.

Tip: If several running object snaps are turned on, more than one object snap
may be eligible at a given location. You can press Tab to cycle through the
possibilities before you specify the point.

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Tracks the cursor along vertical and horizontal alignment paths from
object snap points.

Right-click the button to specify the object snap points from which to

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Object Snap Tracking is turned on (default).

Object Snap Tracking is turned off.


Shortcut Key F11

Previous Label OTRACK

You can create objects at specific angles or in specific relationship to other

objects along specified directions called alignment paths.

AutoTrack ™ helps you draw objects at specific angles or in specific

relationships to other objects. When you turn on AutoTrack,
temporary alignment paths help you create objects at precise locations and
angles. AutoTrack includes two tracking options: polar tracking and object snap

You can toggle AutoTrack on and off with the Polar and Object Snap
Tracking buttons on the status bar. Use temporary override keys to turn object
snap tracking on and off or to turn off all snapping and tracking.

Object Snap Tracking

Object snap tracking works in conjunction with object snaps. Use object
snap tracking to track along alignment paths that are based on object snap
points. Acquired points display a small plus sign (+). After you acquire a point,
horizontal, vertical, or polar alignment paths relative to the point are displayed
as you move the cursor over their drawing paths. For example, you can select a
point along a path based on an object endpoint or midpoint or an intersection
between objects.

Note: You can track Perpendicular or Tangent object snap from the last picked
point in a command even if the object snap tracking is off.
In the following illustration, the Endpoint object snap is on. You start a
line by clicking its start point (1), move the cursor over another line's endpoint
(2) to acquire it, and then move the cursor along the horizontal alignment path
to locate the endpoint you want for the line you are drawing (3).

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Change Object Snap Tracking Settings

By default, object snap tracking is set to orthogonal. Alignment paths are

displayed at 0, 90, 180, and 270 degrees from acquired object points. However,
you can use polar tracking angles instead. For object snap tracking, object
points are automatically acquired.

Change Alignment Path Display

You can change how AutoTrack displays alignment paths, and you can
change how object points are acquired for object snap tracking. By default,
alignment paths stretch to the end of the drawing window. You can change their
display to abbreviated lengths, or no length.

Tips for Using Object Snap Tracking

As you use AutoTrack (polar tracking and object snap tracking), you will
discover techniques that make specific design tasks easier.

 Use Perpendicular, End, and Mid object snaps with object snap
tracking to draw to points that are perpendicular to the end and
midpoints of objects.
 Use the Tangent and End object snaps with object snap tracking to
draw to points that are tangent to the endpoints of arcs.
 Use object snap tracking with temporary tracking points. At a point
prompt, enter tt, then specify a temporary tracking point. A
small + appears at the point. As you move your cursor, AutoTrack
alignment paths are displayed relative to the temporary point. To
remove the point, move the cursor back over the +.
 After you acquire an object snap point, use direct distance to specify
points at precise distances along alignment paths from the acquired
object snap point. To specify a point prompt, select an object snap,
move the cursor to display an alignment path, then enter a distance at
the prompt.

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 Use the Automatic and Shift to Acquire options set on the Drafting tab
of the Options dialog box to manage point acquisition. Point acquisition
is set to Automatic by default. When working in close quarters, press
Shift to temporarily avoid acquiring a point.
 To facilitate creating section lines, an AutoTrack extension capability is
available in paper space. For example, acquisition points between the
centers of two circles along a diagonal can be used to extend a section
line along the angle between those points. The acquisition points can
be extracted from objects created either in model space or in paper

Note: The direct distance entry method is not available while you are using the
temporary override key for object snap tracking.


The keyboard function keys F1 - F12 control settings that are commonly
turned on and off as you work in the product.

Ke Feature Description
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F1 Help Displays Help for the active tooltip, command,
palette or dialog box.
F2 Expanded history Displays an expanded command history in
the Command window.
F3 Object snap Turns object snap on and off.
F4 3D object snap Turns additional object snaps for 3D on and
F5 Isoplane Cycles through 2D isoplane settings.
F6 Dynamic UCS (AutoCAD Turns automatic UCS alignment with planar
only) surfaces on and off.
F7 Grid display Turns the grid display on and off.
F8 Ortho Locks cursor movement to horizontal or
F9 Grid snap Restricts cursor movement to specified grid
F10 Polar tracking Guides cursor movement to specified angles.
F11 Object snap tracking Restricts cursor movement to specified
horizontally and vertically from object snap
F12 Dynamic input Displays distances and angles near the cursor
and accepts input as you use Tab between
Note: F8 and F10 are mutually exclusive—turning one on will turn the other off.

Time Duration: 15 minutes

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Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not and underline
the word that makes the statement incorrect.

____________ 1. The acquisition points cannot be extracted from objects created

either in model space or in paper space.

____________ 2. To specify a point prompt, select an object snap, move the cursor
to display an alignment path, then point a distance at the prompt.

____________ 3. You can track Perpendicular or Tangent object snap from the
last picked point in a command even if the object snap tracking is on.

____________ 4. The direct distance entry method is not available while you are
using the temporary override key for object snap tracking.

____________ 5. You can create objects at specific angles or in specific

relationship to other objects along specified directions called alignment paths.

____________ 6. Object track provide a way to specify precise locations on objects

whenever you are prompted for a point within a command.

____________ 7. In OTRACK you can press Tab to cycle through the possibilities
before you specify the point.

____________ 8. If you want object snaps to ignore hatch objects, use the
OSOPTIONS system variable.

____________ 9. You can specify an object snap whenever you are prompted for a

____________ 10. You can toggle AutoSNAP on and off with the Polar and Object
Snap Tracking buttons on the status bar.

(3 hours)
Drawing Tools
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Learning Outcomes
 Create straight line segment in the drawing area
 Draw line and arc segment that forms a single object.
 Create semi-infinite lines commonly used in construction lines.
 Create a circle in several ways.
 Draw filled circles and wide rings.
 Create a smooth curve that passes through set of points.
 Create or draw rectangular shapes in the drawing area
 Create or draw 2D polygons with 3 to 1042 sides
 Fill an enclosed area or selected objects with a hatch pattern

Time Duration: 2 hours


1. LINE (L)
  Creates straight line segments with close and undo features.
The line in AutoCAD is drawn by specifying the starting and ending
point through the cursor.
When we place the cursor on the Line icon, a window appears as
shown in the below image:

A polyline is a connected sequence of line segments created as a
single object. You can create straight line segments, arc segments, or a
combination of the two.

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Some reasons you may choose to use polylines include the following:

 Vertices remain joined even after grip editing

 Absolute line width (as an alternative to relative line weight) that can
be constant or tapered across a segment
 Move and copy a polyline as a unit
 Easily create rectangles and polygons as single objects
 Smart application of non-continuous line types across vertices
 Easy extrusion for 3D solids in AutoCAD

Modifying Polylines
Several methods are available to change the shape and appearance of a

When you select a polyline, you can use grips to move, add, or delete
individual vertices, and convert between arc and straight segments.

You can also convert a polyline to a spline-fit or curve-fit polyline.

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Note: You can convert a spline-fit polyline into a B-spline with the Spline
command, object option.   Find
Use the PEDIT command to change the width of an individual segment or
the entire polyline.

Note: Many of the options for modifying polylines are also on the Properties
Line types and Polyline Vertices
For polylines, you can specify whether a line type pattern is centered on
each segment or is continuous across vertices throughout the entire length of
the polyline.

Use the PLINEGEN system variable to specify this option for new objects.
You can update existing polylines on the Properties palette in the Linetype
Generation setting.
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3. RAY

The ray command in AutoCAD is used to create a line that starts

from a point and continues to extend to infinity in one direction, as shown

It is used as a reference to create other objects.

The steps to create a ray are listed below:

1. We need to click on the RayIcon to draw the ray.

Or Type Ray in the command line and press Enter.

2. Specify the starting point and the through point to draw the ray.
The ray is extended in the direction specified by the starting point to the

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directed or through point. It is shown in the below image:

3. Continue to click by specifying the points to draw more rays.

4. Press Enter or Esc to exit.

Similarly, we can specify the ray in any direction.

The ray is drawn by specifying the starting point and the through

point on the viewport.

We can create different patterns and objects with the help of Ray

Let's consider two examples to understand the concept of rays.

Example 1:

The steps are listed below:

1. Click on the Ray Icon, as shown in the below image:

Type Ray in the command line and press Enter.
2. Specify the starting point and the through point to draw the ray. Similarly,
draw the rays in different directions.

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3. Specify a point on a vertical ray and draw rays from that point, as shown
in the below image:

If you are unable to specify a point on the ray, press Ctrl key and right-
click. Select all the snap settings.

Example 2:

The steps are listed below:

1. Draw a circle on the drawing area in AutoCAD.

2. Click on the Ray Icon, as shown in the below image:

Type Ray on the command line and press Enter.
3. Specify center point of a circle as the starting point of a ray.

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4. Draw the rays in different directions, as shown in the below image:

Similarly, we can use a ray command in multiple ways.

1. Circle
The circles are widely used in design and drawings.
The circle command is used to draw a circle by specifying the center
point and radius.

Let's understand by two examples.

Example 1:
The steps to create a circle are given below:
1. Click on the Circle icon on the Ribbon Panel, as shown in the below

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Type Circle or C on the command line and press Enter.
2. Specify the center point of a circle on the workspace or viewport.
3. Specify the radius of the circle.
To specify diameter, type D - press Enter - specify the diameter of the
4. Press Enter.

Example 2:
We can also create the circle randomly. The steps are listed below:
1. Click on the Circle icon on the Ribbon Panel, as shown in the below

Type Circle or C on the command line and press Enter.
2. Specify the center point of a circle on the workspace or viewport.
3. Specify the endpoint of the radius through the cursor.

Types of Circles
There are three types of circles, which are listed below:
1. 2 point circle
2. 3 point circle
3. Tangent circle

2 Point circle
We can create a circle by specifying the two endpoints.
The distance between the two specified endpoints will be considered
as the diameter of that circle.

Let's understand with an example.

Example: A circle between two lines.
The steps to create a two-point circle are listed below:

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1. Select the 2-Point circle option from the drop-down list of the circle, as
shown in the below image:

Type C or Circle on the command line - Press Enter- type 2P -
press Enter.
2. Click on the first endpoint of a circle diameter. We can also type the value
to specify the endpoint.
3. Click on the second endpoint of a circle diameter through the cursor, as
shown in the below image:

We can specify the endpoints according to the requirements.

4. The circle will be created, as shown in the below image:

3 Point circle
We can create a circle by specifying the three endpoints.
Let's understand with an example.
Example: A circle between three edges.
The steps to create a three-point circle are listed below:
1. Create three edges.
2. Select the 3-Point circle option from the drop-down list of the circle, as
shown in the below image:
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Type C or Circle on the command line - Press Enter- type 3P -
press Enter.
3. Click on the first point.
4. Click on the second point.
5. Click on the third point.
The three points are shown in the below image:

6. The circle will be drawn, as shown in the below image:

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Tangent circle
The tangent circle command is used to draw circles on the tangent.
There are two types of the tangent circle, that appear on the drop-down
list of the circle icon on the ribbon panel, as shown in the below image:

Let's understand with three examples.

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Example 1: Tan, Tan, Radius
The steps to create a Ttr (Tangent tangent radius) circle are listed below:
1. Draw two lines in the viewport, as shown in the below image:

2. Select the Tan, Tan, Radius circle option from the drop-down list of the
circle on the ribbon panel.
Type C or Circle on the command line - Press Enter- type ttr -
press Enter.
3. Click on the first point on the first tangent.
4. Click on the second point on the other tangent.
5. Specify the radius of the circle. For example, 4.
6. The circle will be drawn on the two tangents, as shown in the below

The circle will be adjusted according to the specified radius.

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Example 2: Tan, Tan, Tan
The steps to create a (Tangent tangent tangent) circle are listed below:
1. Draw three lines on the viewport, as shown in the below image:

2. Select the Tan, Tan, Tan circle option from the drop-down list of the
3. Click on the first point on the first tangent.
4. Click on the second point on the second tangent.
5. Click on the third point on the third tangent.
6. The circle will be drawn on the three tangents, as shown in the below

We can modify the tangent and points according to the requirements.

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Example 3: Tan, Tan, Radius
To create a circle inside a triangle
The steps to create a circle inside a triangle are listed below:
1. Draw a triangle in the viewport, as shown in the below image:

2. Select the Tan, Tan, Radius circle option from the drop-down list of the
circle. Or
Type C or Circle on the command line - Press Enter- type ttr -
press Enter.
3. Click on the first point on one side of the triangle.
4. Click on the second and third points on the other side of the triangle.
5. The circle will be drawn inside the circle, as shown in the below image:

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2. Ellipse

The Ellipse is defined as a curve surrounding two focal points.

The shape of the ellipse is determined by two of its axis, which

defines the length and width.

The Ellipse is a general command to create ellipse on the AutoCAD

display. We can create the ellipse by specifying the two-point on an axis
and the endpoint on another axis.

The first axis and the second axis of the Ellipse can be determined
either as minor or major axis, depending on the specification.

The icon of Ellipse will look like the below image:

Move the pointer of your mouse on the Ellipse icon to view the dialogue
box for Ellipse in AutoCAD. It will look like the given image:

It consists of the drop-down list, which includes other options such

as Elliptical Arc, Center, and Axis. The list will look like the given image:

Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 38

Let's discuss each type of Ellipse in detail.


In this method, the first axis is determined by the center point and
endpoint, while the second axis is determined by the length. We can either
determine the point or distance value to create such ellipse.

Let's understand with an example.

The steps are listed below:

1. Click on the Ellipse icon on the ribbon panel and choose Center from the

drop-down list of the Ellipse, as shown in the below image:

Type el or ellipse on the command line or command prompt and press
Type C or copy on the command line.
Press Enter.
2. Specify the center of the Ellipse on the viewport.
3. Specify endpoint of the first axis, as shown in the below image:

We can either specify the point or the distance value. The distance will be
calculated from the center to the endpoint of the first axis, such as 3.

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We can also choose the vertical axis as the first axis, as shown in the
below image:

4. Press Enter.
5. Specify the endpoint or distance value of the second axis. For example, 4.
6. Press Enter.
7. The Ellipse will be created, as shown in the below image:

If the vertical axis was chosen as the first axis, the ellipse so formed is shown
in the below image:

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Axis, End

The Ellipse is formed by defining the three points similar to above.

It is shown below:

The location and length of the first axis is specified by the points 1 and 2,
while the distance between the center and the endpoint of the second axis is
specified by the point 3.

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Elliptical Arc

The Elliptical Arc command is used to create an elliptical arc.

For example:

Consider the below image:

The location and length of the first axis is specified by the points 1 and 2,
while the distance between the center and the endpoint of the second axis is
specified by the point 3.

The fourth and fifth specified points are the start and end angles.

Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 42

Let's understand with an example:

The steps are listed below:

1. Click on the Ellipse icon on the ribbon panel and choose Elliptical

Arc from the drop-down list of the Ellipse, as shown in the below image:

Type el or ellipse on the command line or command prompt and
press Enter.
Type A or arc on the command line or command prompt and press Enter.
2. Specify the endpoint or the center of the elliptical arc.
3. Specify endpoint of the axis, as shown below:

4. Specify endpoint of other axis, as shown below:

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5. Specify the start angle. For example, 30. It is shown in the below image:

6. Specify the end angle. For example, 120.

7. The created elliptical arc is shown in the below image:

We can also specify the Parameter angle instead of the normal angle.


It creates the arc using the following vector equation for the specified angle

p(angle) = c + a * cos(angle) + b* sin(angle)


a and b = negative lengths of the major and minor axis

c = center of the ellipse

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3. Arc
o The arc is defined as the smooth curve formed by joining two or more
o The arc of a circle is defined as the portion of the circumference of a circle.
o By default, the arc is drawn counter-clockwise. We are required to press
the Ctrl key to change the direction of the arc in the clockwise.
o The arc can be drawn by specifying the starting point, center, and the
o We can also draw an arc by determining the angle, radius, and direction.
The icon of Arc on the ribbon panel looks like the below image:

Types of Arc

The arrow below the arc consists of the drop-down list specifying
the types of arcs. The list will look like the below image:

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Let's discuss each type of arc with examples.

o 3 Point

Example: To create an arc on two intersecting lines.

Here, we need to specify three points to create an arc.

The steps to create a 3-point arc are listed below:

1. Create two intersecting lines, as shown in the below image:

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2. Select theArc icon from the ribbon panel.
Type A on the command line and press Enter.
3. Specify first, second, and thethird point over the top of two lines, as
shown in the below image:

We can change the position of points accordingly.

4. The arc is shown in the below image:

o Start, Center, End

Example: Arc on a rectangle.

The steps to create an arc are listed below:

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5. Create a rectangle. Here, we have created a rectangle with length 3 and
width 5, as shown in the below image:

6. Select the Arc icon from the ribbon panel.

Type A on the command line and press Enter.
7. Specify the starting, center, and end point of the arc on the rectangle, as
shown in the below image:

8. The arc on the rectangle is shown in the below image:

o Start, Center, Angle

It creates an arc using the start point, center point, and an included angle.

Consider the below image:

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Here, 1 and 2 are the starting and center point, and 3 is the
specified included angle.

The radius of arc is defined as the distance between the center point and
the start point.

Let's understand by another example.

The process is shown below:

The arc will be created counter-clockwise from the start point. We need to
hold the Ctrl key to switch the direction of the arc.

Start, Center, Length

It creates an arc using the start point, center point, and the length of the

Consider the below image:

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Here, 1 and 2 are the starting and center point. The distance between
points 1 and 3 determines the length of the chord.

The distance between the center point and the start point determines the

Let's understand by another example.

The process is shown below:

The created arc will be:

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Start, End, Angle

It creates an arc using the start point, endpoint, and an included angle.

Consider the below image:

Here, 1 and 2 are the starting and endpoint, and 3 is the

specified included angle.

The included angle between the center point and arc determines the
radius and center of the arc.

Let's understand by another example.

The process is shown below:

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Here, we have specified the included angle of 120.

The created arc is shown below:

Start, End, Direction

It creates an arc using the start point, end point, and a tangent direction
at the start point.

Let's understand by example.

The process is shown below:

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We can specify the direction of the tangent either by a point on the desired
tangent line or by specifying the angle value.

We can also change the order of the endpoints.

Start, End, Radius

It creates an arc using the start point, end point, and a radius.

Let's understand by example.

The process is shown below:

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Here, we have specified the radius value 5.

The created arc is shown below:

The direction is determined by order of the endpoints.

We can specify the radius by entering the radius value. We can also
determine it by specifying the point at the desired distance.

Center, Start, End

It creates an arc using center point, start point, and the endpoint. The

endpoint can also be determined as the third point.

Let's understand with an example.

The process is shown below:

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Here, 1 and 2 are the center point and thestart point. 3 is the third point
or endpoint.

The radius of arc is defined as the distance between the center point and
the start point.

The arc is created in an anti-clockwise direction.

To switch the direction, we need to press the Ctrl button.

Center, Start, Angle

It creates an arc using center point, start point, and the included angle.

Let's understand with an example.

The process is shown below:

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Here, we have specified the included angle= 120.

The created arc is shown below:

The radius of arc is defined as the distance between the center point and the
start point.

The arc is created in an anti-clockwise direction.

To switch the direction, we need to press the Ctrl button.

Center, Start, Length

It creates an arc using center point, start point, and length of the chord.

Let's understand with an example.

The process is shown below:

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Here, we have specified the length of the chord= 7.

The created arc is shown below:

The radius of arc is defined as the distance between the center point and
the start point.

The arc is created in anti-clockwise direction.

To switch the direction, we need to press the Ctrl button.


It creates an arc from the last line or arc drawn. Consider the below

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After the drawn arc or line, we can immediately create an arc that is
tangent at an endpoint.

We need to only specify the endpoint of the arc.

1. Rectangle
The rectangle command is used to create rectangles in our drawing.
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There are two methods to draw a rectangle. In the first method, we
can create rectangles randomly by specifying the points. In the second
method, we can create rectangles by specifying the value (length and

Let's understand by two examples:

Example 1:
To draw rectangles randomly.
The steps are given below:
1. Select the rectangle command from the ribbon panel. The rectangle icon
will look like the below image:

Type Rec or Rectangle in the command line and press Enter.
2. Specify the first corner point on the viewport.
3. Specify the second corner point (diagonally opposite to the first point) on
the viewport.

Example 2:
To draw a rectangle by specifying the length and width.
The steps are given below:
1. Select the rectangle command from the ribbon panel. The rectangle icon
will look like the below image:

Type Rec or Rectangle in the command line and press Enter.
2. Specify the first corner point on the viewport.
3. Specify the length and breadth of the rectangle in the form of @length,
width. For example, @4,5.
Where, 4 is the length of the rectangle, while 5 is the width of the
4. Press Enter.
2. Polygon

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Rectangles and other closed polylines are types of polygons, or
closed figures with three or more sides. The AutoCAD POLygon command
provides a quick way of drawing regular polygons (all sides and angles are

The following steps show you how to use the POLygon command:

1. Click Polygon from the Rectangle drop-down list on the Draw panel of the
Home tab, or type POL and press Enter.
AutoCAD starts the POLygon command and prompts you to enter the
number of sides for the polygon.

Enter number of sides <4>:

2. Type the number of sides for the polygon that you want to draw and then
press Enter.
Your polygon can have from 3 to 1,024 sides.
AutoCAD prompts you to specify the center point of the polygon.

Specify center of polygon or [Edge]:

You can use the Edge option to draw a polygon by specifying the length of
one side instead of the center and then the radius of an imaginary
inscribed or circumscribed circle. The imaginary circle method is much
more common.
3. Specify the center point by clicking a point or typing coordinates.
AutoCAD prompts you to specify whether the polygon is inscribed in an
imaginary circle whose radius you specify in Step 5 (the corners touch the
circumference of the circle) or circumscribed about the circle (the sides are
tangent to the circle):

Enter an option [Inscribed in circle/

Circumscribed about circle] :

4. Type I (for inscribed) or C (for circumscribed), and press Enter.

The command line prompts you to specify the radius of an imaginary

Specify radius of circle:

5. Specify the radius by typing a distance or clicking a point.

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AutoCAD draws the polygon.
If you type a distance or you click a point with Ortho Mode turned on, the
polygon will align orthogonally.

Rectangles and polygons aren’t special object types. They’re simply regular
polylines that have been constructed by special command macros.

Drawing lots of polygons in AutoCAD is a practice known as polygony.

3. Hatch

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When using AutoCAD to draft blueprints or designs, the CAD
designer must keep in mind the type of material that will be used when
the design is built.  For this, AutoCAD uses “hatches” that represent solid
masses and materials to be used and incorporated within the design when
it’s built.
When creating your CAD drawing, you can decide on the pattern to
be used to represent the material intended to be used during construction
with AutoCAD’s hatch command.   
The hatch command in AutoCAD is used to fill an area or selected
objects with a hatch pattern or a fill. Here’s how to use the command in a
few simple steps:

1.Go to the Draw panel on the Home tab. Find the hatch icon in the bottom
right corner.

2. You will see a “Hatch creation” tab. Go to its Properties panel and choose the
Hatch type that you would like to insert. Choose between Solid, Gradient,
Pattern or User Defined.

3. Further specify the pattern on the Pattern panel.

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4. Choose your desired method: “Pick Points” or “Select Boundary Objects”. The
“Pick Points” will determine a boundary around the specified point. The “Select
Boundary Objects” will allow you to manually select the boundaries of the area
that you would like to hatch.

5. After filling the area, hit “Enter” to apply the hatch.

As you can see, when using AutoCAD for any design, being as detailed as
possible is not only essential, but easy when it comes to specifying small details
such as construction material.

EVALUATE Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 63

Time Duration: 15 minutes

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not and underline
the word that makes the statement incorrect.

____________ 1. The catch command in AutoCAD is used to fill an area or

selected objects with a hatch pattern or a fill.

____________ 2. The AutoCAD Polygon command provides a quick way of

drawing irregular polygons.

____________ 3. The rectangle command is used to create rectangles in our


____________ 4. The arrow below the arc consists of the drop-down list specifying
the types of arcs.

____________ 5. Move the pointer of your mouse on the Ellipse icon to view the
dialogue box for rectangle in AutoCAD.

____________ 6. The line in AutoCAD is drawn by specifying the starting and

ending point through the cursor.

___________ 7. You can create straight line segments, arc segments, or a

combination of the two in rectangle command.

___________ 8. The ray command in AutoCAD is used to create a line that starts
from a point and continues to extend to infinity in one direction.

___________ 9. The circle command is used to draw a circle by specifying the

center point and radius.

__________ 10. The first axis and the second axis of the Ellipse can be
determined either as minor or major axis, depending on the specification.

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 Quick Access Toolbar
o In above window you are not able to See Quick Access Toolbar (QAT)
and Workspace tabs is because above window is not in Maximize
mode. So, if you are unable to see Works space and QAT then press
Maximize window tab.
 Ribbon Tabs
o Below QAT you will find all Ribbon Tabs available in this Work
Space. Default Works Space is ‘Drafting and Annotation’.
 Search
o You can search any commands or information by entering any
Keywords or Phrase.
 External Links
o Which is also called information center which links to AutoCAD
 Help
o Help tabs link with help file you can search help content also other
information as below. You can change setting for display Welcome
Screen here.
 Title Bar
o Here you will see your Drawing file name which is open currently.
 Application Menu Button (AutoCAD Logo)
o This AutoCAD application menu offers different options along with
Default QAT options as below.
 Ribbons:
o This is your main Toolbar area where you will find all Tabs in panel
format arranged as per their use. Ribbon is consisting of panel.
 File Tabs
o You can add new Drawing Files by pressing [+] icon on File tabs or if
you want to switch between Model and Layout tabs then hover
mouse cursor over File tab name and a preview will be shown as
below then select correct Layout.
 Viewport Controls:
o This is on Screen View port controls form where you can change
AutoCAD views and Visual Styles to different options as below.
 View Cube:

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o Through view Cube you can see Drawing Elements from Different
view direction and you can rotate view.
 WCS.
o Below View Cube you can select WCS or Create new Co-coordinating
 Navigation Bar:
o This Navigation bar you can locate on different side of AutoCAD
window. This contains some additional tools like Pan.
 Drawing Area/ Graphics Area:
o This is main area of Model where you will create new Drawing
elements. This is infinite space area.
 Command Line
o Another way to use AutoCAD features is o run command from
Command line. This command line setting options are as below:
 Model and Layout Tabs:
o This tab used for Model and Layout tabs. You can create Rename
and Delete Layout tabs from here.
 Drawing Settings
o This is application Station bar which consist of different settings.
You can toggle to on and off these icons.
 Additional Settings:
o This contains Model’s Annotation and some additional settings. This
is available in Drawing window status bar.
 Drawing Coordinates:
o This shows current location of Mouse cursor in Drawing
 Co-ordinates:
o This is Coordinated of Drawing.
 Ribbon view:
o You can change ribbons Minimized to tabs, Panel Titles, Panel
Buttons or |Cycle through all.
o Sets running object snap modes.
o The Object Snap tab of the Drafting Settings dialog box is displayed.
o If you enter -OSNAP at the Command prompt, the following prompts
are displayed.
o Tracks the cursor along vertical and horizontal alignment paths
from object snap points.

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o The keyboard function keys F1 - F12 control settings that are
commonly turned on and off as you work in the product.
 LINE (L)
o Creates straight line segments with close and undo features.
o The line in AutoCAD is drawn by specifying the starting and ending
point through the cursor.
o A polyline is a connected sequence of line segments created as a
single object. You can create straight line segments, arc segments,
or a combination of the two.
o The ray command in AutoCAD is used to create a line that starts
from a point and continues to extend to infinity in one direction, as
shown below:
 Circle
o The circles are widely used in design and drawings.
o The circle command is used to draw a circle by specifying the center
point and radius.
 Ellipse
o The Ellipse is defined as a curve surrounding two focal points.
o The shape of the ellipse is determined by two of its axis, which
defines the length and width.
 Arc
o The arc is defined as the smooth curve formed by joining two or
more points.
o The arc of a circle is defined as the portion of the circumference of a
 Rectangle
o The rectangle command is used to create rectangles in our drawing.
o There are two methods to draw a rectangle. In the first method, we
can create rectangles randomly by specifying the points.
 Polygon
o Rectangles and other closed polylines are types of polygons, or
closed figures with three or more sides.
 Hatch
o When using AutoCAD to draft blueprints or designs, the CAD
designer must keep in mind the type of material that will be used
when the design is built.  
Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 67
Post- Assessment
Time Duration: 1 hour

I. Identification:
Direction: Identify the correct answer by encircling the correct letter of your choice.
______________________ 1. Displays distances and angles near the cursor and
accepts input as you use Tab between fields.

______________________ 2. Tracks the cursor horizontally and vertically from

object snap locations.

______________________ 3. Restricts cursor movement to specified grid intervals.

______________________ 4. Locks cursor movement to horizontal or vertical.

______________________ 5. Constrains a new line segment, polyline segment, ray

or xline to be parallel to an existing linear object that you identify by hovering
your cursor

______________________ 6. Turns automatic UCS alignment with planar surfaces

on and off.

______________________ 7. Displays an expanded command history in the

Command window.

______________________ 8. Displays Help for the active tooltip, command, palette

or dialog box.

______________________ 9. Snaps to the closest endpoint or corner of a geometric


Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 68

______________________ 10. Snaps to the center of an arc, circle, ellipse, or
elliptical arc

______________________ 11. Snaps to a point object, dimension definition point,

or dimension text origin

______________________ 12. Snaps to the centroid of any closed polylines and


______________________ 13. Snaps to a quadrant point of an arc, circle, ellipse, or

elliptical arc

______________________ 14. Snaps to a point object, dimension definition point,

or dimension text origin

______________________ 15. Causes a temporary extension line or arc to be

displayed when you pass the cursor over the endpoint of objects, so you can
specify points on the extension

______________________ 16. Snaps to a point perpendicular to the selected

geometric object

______________________ 17. Snaps to the insertion point of objects such as an

attribute, a block, or text

______________________ 18. Snaps to the nearest point on an object such as an

arc, circle, ellipse, elliptical arc, line, point, polyline, ray, spline, or xline

______________________ 19. Snaps to the tangent of an arc, circle, ellipse,

elliptical arc, polyline arc, or spline

______________________ 20. Snaps to the visual intersection of two objects that do

not intersect in 3D space but may appear to intersect in the current view

Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 69

Culminating Activity
Time Duration: 1 hour

Direction: Direction: Identify the correct answer by encircling the correct letter of
your choice.
____________________ 1. It is also called information center which links to
AutoCAD 360.

____________________ 2. Here you will see your Drawing file name which is open
____________________ 3. This is your main Toolbar area where you will find all
Tabs in panel format arranged as per their use.

____________________ 4. Through this you can see Drawing Elements from

Different view direction and you can rotate view.

____________________ 5. This is main area of Model where you will create new
Drawing elements. This is infinite space area.

____________________ 6. You can create Rename and Delete Layout tabs from

____________________ 7. This is application Station bar which consist of different

settings. You can toggle to on and off these icons.

____________________ 8. This is available in Drawing window status bar.

____________________ 9. When entering this command, the Object Snap tab of the
Drafting Settings dialog box is displayed.

____________________ 10. It provides a way to specify precise locations on objects

whenever you are prompted for a point within a command.

____________________ 11. A command that tracks the cursor along vertical and
horizontal alignment paths from object snap points.

____________________ 12. Creates straight line segments with close and undo
Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 70
____________________ 13. It is a connected sequence of line segments created as a
single object.

____________________ 14. A command to change the width of an individual

segment or the entire polyline.

____________________ 15. It is a command in AutoCAD is used to create a line

that starts from a point and continues to extend to infinity in one direction.

____________________ 16. A command that is used to draw a circle by specifying

the center point and radius.

____________________ 17. It is a command that is used to draw circles on the


____________________ 18. It is defined as a curve surrounding two focal points.

____________________ 19. It is a general command to create ellipse on the

AutoCAD display.

____________________ 20. It is defined as the smooth curve formed by joining two

or more points.

____________________ 21. A command is used to create rectangles in our drawing.

____________________ 22. It is a command that provides a quick way of drawing

regular polygons.

____________________ 23. Represent solid masses and materials to be used and

incorporated within the design when it’s built.

____________________ 24. It represents the material intended to be used during

construction with AutoCAD’s hatch command.

____________________ 25. It is used to fill an area or selected objects with a hatch

pattern or a fill.

Application Software 1 – ENGR. JAY RUTHER A. ARTIENDA | 71


 Frederick E. Giesecke/Alva Mitchell/Henry Cecil Spencer/Ivan Leroy

Hill/John Thomas Dygdon/James E. Novak with Shawna Lockhart.


 COMPREHENSIVE AUTOCAD 2020 Student Laboratory Manual,

Philippine Copyright 2020 by MICROCADD INSTITUTE INC.







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