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Introduction to the organisation

ABC organization is a construction company located in Queensland, Australia. It was established

in the year 2007. The company manufactures and sells Cubby-hole and Cubby-house for the
kids. It is involved in designing, manufacturing, selling, and installing of these cubby houses.
The products are designed as per the requirement of the customers. ABC's target markets are
residence, apartment societies, and schools. Once the cubby house has been installed in these
places, the organization also provides services whenever needed.

Organisation mission statement

To be world-class market leaders in cubby house construction and develop a strong brand in the

The vision of the organisation

The vision of the organization is to become a leading designer and manufacturer of cubby houses
in the global market. The organization aims to provide children a fun-filled childhood.

Goals and Objectives:

 To make the organization popular by bringing the business online and developing a user-
friendly website.
 To make the company a brand with an innovative brand logo so that customers recognize
the brand and popularise it.
 To conduct marketing through social media so that business reaches to a larger mass of
customers, and also spreads beyond the city.
 To list the organization in the top online directories and optimize it in top search engines.

Style of Leadership:

The mission of the organisation is to be an international leader in manufacturing and marketing

cubby houses. To achieve this, as a leader I follow the democratic leadership style. It is the style
of leadership where the leaders involve the team in making decisions. The final call is taken by
the leader based on the various inputs obtain from the team members. It is considered to be a
highly effective leadership style because it allows the members to use their authority and learn
the art of taking responsibilities.

Leadership through Compliance with Legislative Requirements:

Being a leader at ABC Company I compile my leadership with legislative requirements by

meeting the leaders of different divisions to ensure that they had been through all policies and
procedures and those are feasible. I ensure compliance with legislation by delivering the policies
and procedures to the employees in a vessel that suits them. Some of the acts which as a leader I
need to ensure are followed in the organisation are like:

a) Fair work act 2009: This acts help in building a proper and balanced framework for the
workplace so that it helps in the prosperity of the nation.

b) Work Health Safety Act 2011: This act ensures that the employees and their families get all
the health benefits and safe environment in their workplace.

c) Equal Opportunity Act: Another very important act that ensures that the organisation does not
discriminate its employees and the employees get paid as per their hard work.



Meeting Minutes


The meeting was conducted by the team leader Ms. CDE and was conducted in the office
meeting hall.

Members Present:

All the team members and the team leader

Approved Agenda:

a) Discussion on the goal of the organisation that needs to adopt.

b) Alignment of the goal with the vision and mission of the organisation.

c) The plan to achieve the goal

d) The strategy to execute the plan to achieve the goal.

e) Segregation of work among the team members.

f) Deadlines to fulfill the assignment.

g) Discussion on net dates for updates and results.


a) The meeting started by the team leader praising the efforts of the team members in achieving
the target of the company in sales. She appreciates their effort and presence of minds.

b) The goal of the organisation on which new planning and work has to be done is

“To conduct marketing through social media so that business reaches a larger mass of customers,
and also spreads beyond the city”.

c) The team needs to be divided into 3 groups, group 1 will design and create innovative pages
and promotional posters to be shared on social media abut Cubby houses. Group 2 will handle
the social media pages, share it, solve customers’ queries, reply to feedbacks, etc and group 3
will conduct various promotional activities through social media like conducting special
programs for children in clubs, malls, schools, etc.

d) Our organisational vision is to be the leading manufacturer of Cubby houses in the global
market. The goal of putting our company on social media will help us to fulfill the vision of the
company. More than 60% of people all over the world are on social media. It gives the
companies a platform to make their product reach maximum people.

e) The organisational objective is to work towards fulfilling the goals set by the organisation. As
we have decided to work on the goal of social media, so all the team members have to work
efficiently and deliver significant results.

f) Once the team is divided into different groups then each team will have a supervisor who will
directly report to the team leader. Based on the work assigned to the team, the team supervisor
needs to ensure that their team is performing all the tasks.

g) After a discussion with their respective groups, the group supervisors will have a meeting with
the team leader.

h) The team will again meet after 1 week with a proper plan to put the company on social media
to obtain a place in the global market.

i) The organisation expects that our plan will make the ABC Company popular in Australia as
well as globally. It is also expected that the profit will increase once the social media marketing
is carried out efficiently. The company will also get many new customers as well as investors.

Closing Line: The team should always be motivated and work efficiently to complete the goal.

Next Meeting: 25th November 2020

Signature of the Team Leader:

Signature of Attendees:

2. PLAN:

To conduct marketing through social media so that business reaches a larger mass of customers,
and also spreads beyond the city”.


The objective of this goal is to expand the target market and increase sales by promoting on
social media.


It has been estimated that more than 60% of people all over the world use social media. The age
group ranges from 12 years to 90 years old. ABC company deals with cubby houses for children
of age group 1 to 15. The organisation target market is parents, schools, community parks,
societies, and malls. Promotion or marketing of the product is now being done by the use of print
media, telemarketing, and personal visit. Though ABC has gained popularity in the market of
Queensland, Australia but still it has not yet reached the other cities of Australia. Based on the
research done by the marketing team, the organisation has decided to extend marketing on social
media platforms. Through this media, they can reach more potential customers. The marketing
will also reduce the cost of promotion as it will be mostly on social media which will be cheaper
than promoting personal. The customers can contact our executives on social media to solve their
queries and share their feedbacks. Positive feedbacks on social media will make others on social
media to read and then make up their mind to purchase cubby houses for their kids. The
organisation will be visible to people not only in Australia but in other countries. It will help the
company to plan its international extension.

Team Division:

GROUP Group A Group B Group C

GROUP MEMBERS a) Ms. Candy a) Mr. Steve a) Ms. Tina
b) Ms. Rebecca b) Mr. Anand b) Ms. Gracia
c) Mr. John c) Mr. Leonardo c) Ms. Veronica
d) Mr. Ben d) Ms. Andrea d) Mr. Paul
e) Mr. Carol e) Ms. Pearly e) Mr. Glassman
GROUP ROLE Handling of social The group will The group will
media pages on conduct various involve in maintaining
Facebook, Twitter, activities on social communication with
Instagram, and media to promote the the customers on
Whatsapp by product. They will social media.
designing promotional also analyse the likes, Replying to their
posters. They will also dislikes, traffic, feedback and queries.
develop innovative potential customers on They will also be
marketing strategies social media. involved in collecting
on social media. information on
potential customers
and then calling them
TIME FRAME 1 month 15th of Every month Continuous process
Resources to be purchased:

Resources Quantity
1. Laptops 30 N
2. Cellular Phones 30 N
3. Furnitures (Tables and Chairs) 15 N
4. Miscellaneous

Objectives of the group and outcome:

Group Objective Outcome

Group A The objective of this group is The page will attract
to handle the social media customers and it will contain
page. This means the group all the information regarding
will design the official page cubby house. It will become
on Facebook, Twitter & convenient for customers to
Instagram. Next, they will get all the information
send promotional posts and regarding products &
videos on these pages. companies.
Group B The objective of this group is The activities will attract a lot
to conduct various activities of customers. The children
on social media. It includes will win gift coupons &
fun activities for kids & discount coupons on
parents. There will be also participating in the activities.
surveying forms. The group Many customers will learn
will also conduct some online about the products through
programs for schools & these activities. The schools
communities to understand and communities can learn
the importance of cubby about the quality &
houses in the growing stage. importance of products
through the sessions and thus
take an interest in purchasing
Group C The objective of this group is Communication is the major
to conduct effective tool to retain customers and
communication with get new customers. When
potential customers to make customers will be
them purchase the products. communicated through social
Another objective is to media it will build their trust
communicate through social in the company. They will be
media by solving their able to discuss their problems
queries and answering to about the product and share
their positive and negative their feedback.

Environment & Sustainability

Social media is one of the best platforms for marketing as with less investment one can reach
higher segments of the market. The environment of social media is apt for the marketing of
the products. Products like cubby houses gain a lot of popularity on social media as they have
a large number of users who are children. On social media, the marketing of the product can
sustain for a longer period.

3. Personal Reflection as Team Leader:

My journey as a team leader to the marketing department of the ABC Company has been
quite interesting. During this journey I have learned many lessons and have improved myself
in different areas. As a leader, I have my flaws and I need to reflect on these flaws to
improve myself. I need to understand my role as a leader and not a boss. I follow a
democratic style of leadership where I allow my team members to take decisions and solve
problems. My style gives them a sense of ownership in the team. I also create leaders within
the team because I believe that these leaders will tomorrow be able to handle difficult
situations even in my absence. As a leader, I believe that effective communication is the only
tool to connect. So I communicate a lot with my team members and try to resolve their
issues. I also acknowledge their efforts and reward them for their work. It encourages them to
work for the goal of the company. My flaw is that I am not very strict and for this at times
my team members take for granted. Sometimes they don’t complete the work on time or
complete the work the way it should be. I am now working on my flaw. My team members I
together we have developed a very strong team in the company.

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