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7:15am Centre

(Please note that thisopens Children

routine is flexible, and willwill
the day washbe their
guidedhands when
by the as they
children arrive.
in the group and
Rhythm of the Day Banjo Paterson
their needs and interests on a day-to-day basis).
Progressive Breakfast Children will be invited to have breakfast if they are hungry.
They will wash their hands before having the breakfast.
7.45am Breakfast is available for an extended period, supporting
children to make decisions based on their needs.

Getting ready for the Educators will assist children to get their water bottle and
day. hat out of their bags and get ready for the day with
appropriate SunSmart clothing.

Indoor/Outdoor A range of experiences will be provided during this time and

Program can be indoors or outdoors.
9.00am Movement Experiences will be set up based on children’s current and
emergent interest.
Intentional teaching

Social-Child lead play

Indoor/Outdoor Children will be invited to join for the morning tea. Children
progressive morning tea interested in the morning tea will go wash their hands and
help the educators to set the table for morning tea.
Educators will ensure there are only 4 children (if possible) at
one table for meaningful one on one interactions.

Children will self-help during the morning time.

As they finish, educators will assist children to put away their

water bottle and scrap their own bowls.

Children will wash their hands and clean their face before
participating in an experience.
Coming together (group Children will be invited to come together inside on the mat.
Educators and children will begin with Acknowledgement to
the Country. (Refer to RAP).

Educators will sing a song/or read a story with children. Once

group time is finished.

Primary care givers will transition their children after coming

together to their intentional experience.

Play, Investigation and A range of experiences will be provided during this time and
discovery can be indoors or outdoors.
11.00am Intentional small group Experiences will be set up based on children’s current and
experiences emergent interest with opportunities to collaborate and
interact in wider community.

Resetting the space Children will be encouraged to reset the space before
coming together.

Coming together Children will be invited to come together inside on the mat.

A song (Bee-bee bumble bee) /photo use as a prompt to
transition children to wash their hands after the activity.

Indoor/Outdoor Lunch After washing their hands, children will assist educators to
time set the table and get ready for lunch.
11.45am Educators will ensure there are only 4-6 children (if possible)
at one table for meaningful one on one interactions.

Children will self-help during the lunch time.

As they finish, educators will assist children to put away their

water bottle and scrap their own bowls, rinse them in the
white bucket and put away their bowl.

Children will wash their hands and clean their face before
participating transitioning to rest time activities.

Rest and Relax After the lunch. Children will get nappy change and
11.30am- transition smoothly to rest period.
Children with an afternoon sleep, will help making beds and
get ready for sleep.

Children who chose not to sleep will be provided with

relaxation activities.

End of rest and As children gradually wake up from the sleep. They will pack
relaxation period away their bedsheet and blanket in the box. Help educators
to put their beds away and get ready for the afternoon.
Children and educator’s will ensure they put away their
belongings in their bag.

Once children have put their bed and belongings away. They
will be encouraged to get a nappy change and put sunscreen
on before going outside.

2.00pm- Nappy change

2.45pm As children wake up, educators will change their nappy and
get them ready for rest of the day.

2.45pm- Resetting the space Educators will invite children for afternoon tea (if they are
3.00pm hungry) and will support children to reset the space and
wash their hands.

Educators will ensure there are only 4-6 children (if possible)
Afternoon tea at one table for meaningful one on one interactions.
Children will self-help during the afternoon teatime.

As they finish, educators will assist children to put away their

water bottle and scrap their own bowls, rinse them in the
white bucket and put away their bowl.

Children will wash their hands and clean their face before
participating transitioning to next experience with their
primary care giver.

Indoor/Outdoor Children will have range of experiences/activities to

program participate indoor and outdoor.
5.00pm Movement Children will engage with experiences with support of their
primary care giver
Social-Child lead play

4.00pm- Nappy change Educator will start nappy change/check before children go
4.30pm home.
5.00pm- Children will be invited to have late snack and reset the
5.30pm room.
Late snack

6.15pm Centre closes

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