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Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built

Environment Unit code: SET 721 (Sustainable

Unit chair: Dr Julius Orwa
Submitted by: Kantipudi Varaprasad
Student id: 218024305

Current trends and solutions using

sustainable engineering
The demand of power generation and the consumption of power is in
peak demand we need to look at the future and make use of renewable
energy resources. I have taken up this topic as my report because now
every country is aiming on renewable energy sources like solar, wind,
hydro, geo-thermal, etc. The Australian Renewable Energy(ARENA)
agency has taken up many projects to promote the use renewable
energy (Agency, 2016). The latest project that is going on at present is
on solar energy. This project helps to increase the efficiency of industrial
solar cells using plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition
(PECVD)- based metal oxides (Agency, 2016).
As we know, out of all other continents Australia has the highest average
solar radiation per square meter, many large-scale projects on
expanding solar electricity are making its impact. Approximately two
million households in Australia are having solar roof tops on their
buildings. The solar projects that are funded by ARENA have broken 11
solar efficiency world records.
This project involves in improving the efficiency of solar cells using
plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD)- based metal
oxides. There are two types of solar technology one is solar photovoltaic
and solar thermal (Agency, Solar energy - Australian Renewable Energy
Agency, 2014). In this we develop the efficiency of solar photovoltaic
cells. Mostly 80% of the silicon solar cells have very less efficiency that
is approximately 20% efficiency. So, due to this most of the solar energy
panels are having very low performance. In-order to improve and make
use of the total amount of solar energy that is generated through this
photo-voltaic cells we need to work on the efficiency of the solar cells.
These renewable energy resources will improve sustainability in the
current trends.

The main objective of this report is to understand the current needs of
renewable energy resources and make use of it in efficient way by
determining its cost of investment, efficiency, availability, etc. The
technology is heavily rising and the area of innovation is also extremely
high we are experiencing solar energy to use green energy as unlimited
and best resource to use. But most of the solar cells are having only
20% efficiency which is very low. By accumulating PECVD to the solar
cells it increases the efficiency and improves the sustainability of the
current trends. By completion of this project the future of Australia and
the vision we are thinking will come true. It decreases peak demand of
power supply, power costs will decrease, economy will increase, fossil
fuels will be saved for future generations, use of solar in transportation
will increase and what not every activity that is associated with power will
gain its own benefits.

Project basics
University of New South Wales
Dec 2017

Project analysis
Silicon-rich-nitride (SRN) films were kept by plasma upgraded
concoction vapor affidavit (PECVD) by evolving the silane and smelling
salts stream rates. These movies were thermally tempered for
precipitation of silicon nanocrystals. Estimations of refractive records and
FTIR assimilation spectra of these movies demonstrated increment in
the silicon content. Thermally tempered SRN films showed
photoluminescence in noticeable area demonstrating their potential as
down-change layer for productivity change in sun oriented cells. A huge
relative change in transformation productivity utilizing SiOx/SRN layers
in sun oriented cells has been accounted for in our before work. In this
paper, we display point by point combination process, portrayal what's
more, investigation of SiN films. Portrayal comes about and sun powered
cell estimations demonstrate that the watched photoluminescence at
577nm in obvious range in chose
films along is in charge of change in transformation effectiveness
through down-transformation of high vitality sun based

Advantages of solar cells efficiency

Solar cells are durable of vitality which can be utilized anyplace. They
are especially helpful where there is no national network and furthermore
where there are no individuals, for example, remote site water pumping
or in space. Sun oriented cells give practical answers for vitality issues in
places where there is no mains power. Sun oriented cells are additionally
absolutely noiseless and non-contaminating. As they have no moving
parts they require little support and have a long lifetime. Contrasted with
other inexhaustible sources they likewise have numerous preferences;
wind and water control depend on turbines which are uproarious, costly
and at risk to separating.
Housetop control is a decent method for providing vitality to a developing
group. More cells can be added to homes and organizations as the
group develops so vitality age is in accordance with request. Numerous
extensive scale frameworks presently wind up finished creating to
guarantee that everybody has enough. Sunlight based cells can likewise
be introduced in a circulated form, i.e. they needn't bother with
expansive scale establishments. Sun powered cells can without much of
a stretch be introduced on rooftops, which mean no new space is
required and every client can unobtrusively create their own particular

Sustainability factors
The measure of energy that emanates over the Earth every day as
daylight is equal to around 15,000 times the world's aggregate energy
utilization (International, 2004). On the off chance that lone a small
amount of this sun based energy could be changed over into power, an
extensive extent of the world's energy issues would be explained. Solar
power is irregular - power creation is subject to daylight. When it is
joined with energy storing and smart programming arrangements (White,
2015), solar energy turns into a reliable source and ever less expensive
Advantages of solar energy
Solar energy offers numerous advantages that make it a standout
amongst the most encouraging energy frames. Inexhaustible, non-
dirtying and accessible far reaching, it adds to practical improvement
and employment creation where it is introduced. In like manner, the
effortlessness of this innovation makes it perfect for utilizing as a part of
country or troublesomely got to zones secluded from the system. A case
is the provincial area of Cajamarca in Peru, where ACCIONA has built up
a few tasks to encourage electrical independence for occupants. Solar
energy is likewise helpful for producing power on a vast scale and
infusing it into the system, particularly in districts where the meteorology
accommodates heaps of hours of sun every year.
Sun powered catch modules are generally simple to look after, which,
alongside the proceeding with, sharp diminishment in cost of
photovoltaic cells, clarifies the present great viewpoint for solar based
innovation. Solar power plants additionally don't emanate dirtying gases
and are noiseless.
Another favourable position of vitality borne from the Sun is its capacity
to create neighbourhood riches, by diminishing energy reliance on
abroad. While it is sure that sunlight based energy – like wind – is
discontinuous and straightforwardly relies upon the climate and day-
night cycles, fast advances in power operations advances are
decreasing this reliance and will prompt the expanding offer of sun
based in the vitality framework.
Cost of equipment and installation
As of late the cost of sun based energy gear has diminished altogether.
This implies photovoltaic (PV) sunlight based cells have come to, or
sooner rather than later will achieve, "network equality" for clients in
numerous European nations, and that little establishments for private
clients are as of now financially practical in these nations (Xu, 2011).
Extensive scale PV establishments need to contend on the vitality
showcase with other power sources, and are regularly financed in
Europe. Be that as it may, in radiant areas of the world vast scale solar
energy has turned into the least expensive wellspring of vitality,
outperforming power made with non-renewable energy sources or wind
turbines (White, 2015).
As generation costs are relied upon to keep on dropping, solar energy is
anticipated to make up a vast – in a few sections of the world even the
biggest - part of our future worldwide energy supply.

. This venture will empower the fast scale up and financially possible
generation of the high productivity gadgets contributing specifically to
these ARENA's round needs of "decrease the future cost of solar based
PV arrangement through R&D on developing solar based cell
The improvement of cutting edge characterisation gear and strategies
will permit a one of a kind quantitative comprehension of the physical
procedures that represent the operation of passivated contacts and will
empower the proceeded with advance of this innovation.

To summarise, the use of solar energy with high efficiency is possible
and many sustainable factors are under improvement. On increasing the
efficiency of solar cells using PECVD based metal oxides the use of
solar power will be more than the use of fossil fuels. There are many
advantages on using solar energy like non-polluting, inexhaustible,
reduces global warming, increase the jobs in industries, decreases the
energy imports, save fossil fuels for future generations, decrease the
cost of electricity, etc. The future of every country is now on renewable
energy resources the country’s economy and global development will be

Works Cited
Agency, A. R. (2014). Solar energy - Australian Renewable Energy Agency. Retrieved from

Agency, A. R. (2016). Projects - Australian Renewable Energy Agency. Retrieved from

International, S. E. (2004). Photovoltaics: Design and Installation Manual. New Society Publishers.

White, S. (2015). Solar PV Engineering and Installation. Routledge.

Xu, D. (2011). Understanding and optimization of a-Si PECVD deposition. LAP LAMBERT Academic

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